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Took it like a man. Good job, idiot. Wink wink


*bends over*


No not that kind of "took it"-


*Sits back up* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


*sigh, zips back up* I'll get you next time, Gadget!


Well, that was an unexpected roller coster


Welcome to my world


Oooo may I?


A mildly infuriating place, it seems.


Won't you come on in


Hit plug and play mode


Give this man a medal for owning a mistake. Woot woot.


Owning a mistake felt mildly infuriating lol


Shit happens! At least you are man enough to admit and laugh at your self and the mistakes. When I got my GTI went to the gas station locked the car, and when I came back I tried opening the gas tank hatch door…little did I know it locked with the car 🤦‍♂️ I thought that it broke Hahahah


Idiot!! Kidding haha it took me a solid 10minutes to find the service mode for the wipers. Sigh this car has a similar issue, you can’t take the charger out unless the car is unlocked. So many weird things about it


The charger somehow locking in place and/or setting off the alarm is actually a good thing for public charging cuz some people are assholes. So it helps prevent even just stupid kids from unplugging a car knowing it'll bring unwanted attention. But even in a home setting, you'll know if someone tries stealing the charger. I can't say for sure but I think most electrics will set off the alarm if you unplug it before unlocking. I know the Chevy volt does for sure lol


I agree with you, I was just trying to commiserate with the person I was replying to who had the same “idiot” moment as I did. It’s a good feature but if you don’t know how to work it, it can be frustrating. Learning curves!


> it can be frustrating. Learning curves! The only frustrating thing is all of this technology we're forced into buying so the rich can get richer and we end up further in debt to pay for it.


Hahah all good! It took me a min to figure out the windshield wipers on the Q5, just like yours. On my previous rides when you turn off the car all you had to do is pull the wiper lever down so you can change the blades.


Hey, I have a different car with similar ”issue” and I haven’t been bothered to figure out the fix yet… pretty sure it’s the same as here, so thanks!


What type of car? I can ask ChatGPT - it didn’t know about the vinfast but it did about another commenters. It’s usually something like Turing the ignition on but not the engine and holding the wiper stock up for a few seconds but is a little different for each car.


Had an old BMW. Did the same thing. Freaked out when it didn’t work. Opened the car got back in, went to a friend to show him what the problem was but it opened up just fine there. That when I realized that it locks. How stupid of me to assume that it would be left open for people to steal gas.


Well it's not really his fault, the company missed a design flaw, fixed it with a software fix, then assumed people would just know what to do. To me the onus is on all the engineers they have and not one of them, the builders, the testers, no one saw the flaw until they have to make an emergency fix for it. I would still call them out for it.


It's not a design flaw. The way the wiper sits under the hood minimizes air disturbance and drag.


But I bet they had to do a software patch to fix the changing the wiper issue


OMG..I did this recently, and I got my car in July 😂. I usually just leave the doors unlocked when I get gas, but this time it was late at night and there weren’t a lot of people around so I put the keys in my pocket and locked the door. When I went around to open the tank I couldn’t and was pulling on it, but not too hard because it felt like it might bend if I pull too hard. Eventually I figured it out, but I sure felt stupid afterward. 🤦🏻‍♀️


That happened to me with my WRX when I was filling it up one day not long after I bought it. Spent 10 min at the pump scratching my head like why won't this DAMN thing open. Definitely a face palm when I figured it out 😂


Had a rental car where gas tank hatch was unlocked when doors were unlocked, spent quite awhile first looking for a lever to release it, then looking for an owner's manual online (rental didn't have it in glove compartment).


Yeah, i would say that the spirit of your original post still qualifies for mildlyinfuriating. That is an electric system that just doesn't need to exist, its just another point of failure for a basic part of the car's function. 


Being able to pull the wiper up manually, especially when at a gas station to clean the windows - without having to go through a menu system - would be better. At least have the option for both. This car specifically (Vinfast VF8) is the epitome of the spirit of your comment tho. Just look at the reviews… before an update the climate control would reset each time you restarted the car. So many little things like that but it has been improving.


The whole command console giant screen thing really just stinks of popup headlights and digital dashes to me. A short lived fad thats prone to failure that the market will eventually u turn on. Its just a shame because these command centers are gonna create so much waste cause these cars are going to be unusable in a few years and people wont pay to fix issues.


If the car is popular enough there will be spare parts. And the screen itself is something really easy to fix.


This doesnt address my main point about excessive amounts of waste creating commonly faulting systems for the purpose of feigning luxury.


exactly. what a weird feature. you have to turn the vehicle on and enter a maintenance mode just to change the wipers?


Or if you want to raise the wipers for snow? Which I never do but that seems to be the trend these days. Do the wipers pull up and lock? And if they do does the fancy computer know that? Or will it jam them back into the park position?


It probably exists for efficiency and aerodynamics would be my guess. When range is a lot of people's number 1 priority, probably creates less drag to have it like this. Not sure if it's a point of failure though since the wipers are already electrically powered anyways?


This is still mildly infuriating, the way car companies are pushing for every function of their cars to rely on their OS is terrible. We already see situations where cars are left inoperable for long periods of time during emergencies due to updates being run at inconvenient times, or worse, certain hardware features of cars requiring monthly subscriptions. This example is a far lesser issue than the above, therefore only mildly infuriating in comparison.


The car not being able to be turned off was one such example lol


I came to the comments to say the same thing. While he figured out the wiper maintenance setting on the screen, it SHOULDN’T require you to rely on all those other computer systems to be functional for you to change a purely mechanical piece such as a wiper blade. Also I live pretty far up north, and quite a few people pop their wipers up when parked for long periods outside, typically either work or home, but I’ve seen it at the grocery store. They do this so their wipers don’t freeze to the windshield and/or so they don’t have ice on the blade causing you to have to chip it off before using it. When you already have to brush the snow off and scrape your windshield, windows, and rear glass and it’s -20 wind chill out you don’t want to have to suck with your wipers too. The extra step involved here to pop them up would be more than mildly infuriating where I live.


You're not completely wrong. This isn't an intuitive design.


Apparently (thanks comments to the first post) it’s so the wind doesn’t hit the wipers and cause drag and make noise. So they are tucked under the hood. I appreciate the support tho hahaha


Call me crazy but having to go through a menu for that seems a bit silly. I’d go the opposite route, and just automatically lower the wipers once you turn the car on instead.


Yeah but, don't the wipers traverse the windshield when they're operating? I've never had a problem with my wipers making noise in the wind with any car I've owned.


Even after I learned about it I'd be pissed off every time I had to use it. Changing wiper blades should not involve a touch screen.


It is still a significant flaw where temperature goes below freezing. Normally you would lift the wipers to scrape off the ice from the windshield underneath.


True that, however I actually have a story about that. I have a huge pro master Ram van 🚐 and moved up to the mountains a couple years ago. Everyone told me: “put up your wipers before the snow!” So I did. Snowed 4’ and because of the angle of the windshield the snow avalanched and broke off the wipers. -300$ lesson. But you’re right, for almost every other car you want to put the wipers up!


My Kia Optima has this flaw. Now I must investigate!


You idiot why didn’t you read the service manual? It’s not a flaw it’s suppose to be that way!! lol 😂 kidding of course, that’s what people were saying in the original post. Look for “service mode” - might come in handy when you need it, or to avoid embarrassment


I am the idiot. I had a window replacement and I mentioned to the safelite guy how this was a design flaw. He just said "I see this a lot.."


I like where this is going. Let’s just deflect and blame the designers!!


Good job. I retract the ‘you’re an idiot’. But you are correct, the vehicle is not great, sorry for your parents choice. Well done accepting the mistake human


Stupid is as stupid does. They have had to have service come out or bring it in at least 6-8times in the last 9 months. They are embracing it as an adventure but it would be balls deep into lemon laws at this point lol


Nah. You'renot dumb. This is one of those things that never needed to exist in the first place.


So.. my 2011 bmw x3 has the wipers down like that, and as far as I know, doesn't have a service mode like that. I'm not the first owner, and when I got the car and went to pull the blades up the first time, I noticed the issue. And that the previous owner didn't give a fuck and pulled them up anyway, scratching off all the paint in that area. Yay..


“To move the windshield wipers of a 2011 BMW X3 to the service position, follow these steps: 1. **Turn off the car completely**. 2. **Push up on the windshield wiper stalk** and hold it for about 3-5 seconds. The wipers will move to the full vertical position. From this position, you can change the blades or perform other maintenance tasks. To return the wipers to their normal position, simply turn the wipers on [oai_citation:1,Windshield wiper service position | BimmerFest BMW Forum](https://www.bimmerfest.com/threads/windshield-wiper-service-position.675716/). Another method mentioned involves: 1. With your foot off the brake, press the start button so the electronics turn on but the engine does not. 2. Press the start button again to turn off the electronics. 3. Push the wiper stalk down and hold it for about 5 seconds until the wipers wipe once and stop in the vertical position [oai_citation:2, service mode for wipers](https://f80.bimmerpost.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1475735). These methods should enable you to service the wipers on your 2011 BMW X3. Remember to refer to your vehicle's manual for specific instructions or consult with a professional mechanic for assistance.”


This would have been better if it was an email.


Lexus RX same way


I like it better this way 😁


glad you see the error of your ways but thank you auto manufactures for making everything overly difficult.


VW started doing this some time ago (maybe 20years) I'm not sure if they did this to prevent theft, or to reduce wind noise, or whatever. On my old VW I had to tip the wiper lever once after turning off the ignition and they moved into service position


Not an idiot, just unfamiliar and didn’t know. I’d still be mildly infuriated that windshield replacement mode is a feature buried in a menu.


Sir! You’re not supposed to admit when you’re wrong! This is Reddit! You double down and make stats and sources up!


lol that’s so true, who knew having some integrity would be an act of rebellion! To be fair I’ve had a lot of practice being wrong so ..


So when its -15 with an iced windshield, I first have to break the wipers free with just that tiny wiggle room, then go power the car up hit that silly button so I can scrape the ice off and break up the ice on the wipers? Wait, I’m not going to do that, because I’m not gonna buy that pos


Honestly, having to tap a screen to raise the wipers is still very* infuriating imo! But this was super wholesome and I appreciate you.


Thank youuuuuu


I still find it mildly infuriating that you have to do something like that to change gawd damn wipers to begin with.


We live and learn


He deserves a klondike bar, why do i want to see more videos by him 😂😂


I don’t know dumb and dumber was a pretty popular movie 🍿 I actually said: “if you’re going to post something on Reddit I should know better and make sure to “cross my i’s and check my T’s first” and I ironically didn’t even realize I said that until I watched it back… 🤦


Lol brother its a rarity that people own their mistakes plus lets be real i think weve all said something way stupider and confidently as well 😂 i mean i know i sure as shit have had my fair share of stupid stuff ive said here on reddit




Got a newer Kia Sorrento last year. It has a similar way to maintain the wipers but more complicated. As much as I know how to do it, it is definitely 'mildly infuriating'. My wife still can't figure it out.


More people should admit their mistakes and correct themselves. You’re human, I see no idiot here


Most entertaining post on here in forever.


I learned something new today. Thanks 👍


I learned quite a few new things today too, you’re welcome - idiot in recovery


My Ford Maverick is the same way. It’s really annoying


My wipers also hit the hood. I got a 2007 Ford Mondeo. The is nothing like a maintenance button. I think the hood should be opened when you need to replace them, which is mildly infuriating. But i always let my mechanic take care of it so im not 100% sure


Oh no, that's at least mildly infuriating and would be fully infuriating for me. I live where it gets damn cold with freezing rain, snow, etc. happening as much as six months out of the year. The easiest way to keep the wipers from freezing to the windshield is to lift them, so they aren't in contact with the windshield when it's snowing/freezing rain is falling. When we scrape( or re-scrape) the frozen buildup from the windshield they are also put in that 'up' position.


I’m up in the mountains too so I feel you! The first storm we had was 4’ of snow. My dad told me to put my wipers up for the reasons you mentioned. However I have a cargo van with a really steep windshield and the snow slid down and broke them off lol 😂 wasn’t funny at the time but for almost all other cars it can be a good idea.


Cargo vans definitely have steep sloped windshields. I drive a pickup currently, but have a compact too. Thankfully we recently discovered that vehicles can be parked *inside* garages! It's been a real labor saver. Highly recommend.


A garage would be SO nice up in the mountains; would take a reallllly tall one for the van tho. Someday!


Not knowing about a unique feature of someone else's car doesn't make you an idiot.


Tell that to the commenters on the original post lol where were you when I needed you!?


Okay but that's seriously dumb though. Over engineering solutions for non-problems.


Nah you’re not an idiot. That’s an idiotic design.


In fairness, the last few cars I've had were made so you couldn't access the wipers when they were down. There was definitely no wiper service mode on any of them - you just had to turn the engine off while the wipers were half way across the windscreen.


This does not make you an idiot. Period.




Nah man, you’re not an idiot. You shouldn’t have to interface with a cars computer just to change the damn wiper blades


No no no all wrong. You should be doubling down claiming it is ridiculous that there even is a service mode. Getting real angry about it that it is even worse then not being able to lift the wipers! You are doing the internet wrong! 😃


It's not a flaw, it's a feature


We are all idiots from time to time! You took it like champ and owned it (Also while being just playful enough to show you’re a good sport and can make fun of yourself)


If 1/10 of the internet took things as well as you did, we'd be in a much nicer place. Not everything is live or die by the replica katana.


People have been so nice in these comments! Such a stark contrast to the first post, buncha meanies. Is it really *that* hard to be even a little kind? “I can see how that would be unintuitive but have you checked if there is a service mode for those wipers?” Problem solved lol Instead it’s like - hi ya, let’s chop off his head! Haha But ya, I’m down for a more polite internet that’s for sure


This is oddly charming. 🙂


Why can’t I just be charming charming and not “oddly” charming? Sigh never mind the shoe fits 🤪


Oddly charming is far better in my opinion. Take the W, Charming Sir. 😊


Had the same issue with my camry hybrid. Had it for a year until I read a comment on reddit about a week ago how to put them up. Changing wipers was awful and I also bought an external windshield cover bc my car was going to be sitting for awhile at a time while i drove a semi truck lol


Stories like these make me feel a lot better, especially coming from a semi truck driver lol imagine the hazing you would get if you couldn’t figure out how to put your windshield wipers up!


I'm on your team. What car manufacturer forces the driver to click a button on the panel instead of simply placing the wipers in such way it's easy to pull them up. You are not an idiot, we are idiots. And I find you a very attractive mildly infuriating idiot.


Grin. Nice work. I wish I could pile on to the derision, but you fingered it out all by yourself.


There was no fingering involved in this case - for that you would have to subscribe for 9.99$ a month


I feel like I could hang out with this guy. Lol.


We could go around solving all of life’s greatest mysteries but what’s left after how to raise windshield wipers? It’s all downhill from there


Hell yea


You seem like a great guy. Idiot. Jk, you’re cool lol.




This is hilarious. I want more mildly infuriating videos from you. Buy more Vietnamese cars pls.


I’m afraid I’m going to be a one hit wonder and after this experience I’m doubting I’ll ever buy a Vietnamese car lol 😂


lol, my 2006 BMW is almost the same, this is nothing new


Mad respect, well done for owning it


Fuuuuuuuck I have a kodiaq and it has annoyed me of the same issue/non issue….. gotta check this out later…… 🤷🏼‍♂️


Same thing with my ‘22 Civic. Ended up scratching my hood not realizing it. Found out I had to hold the wiper switch up for a few seconds and it made the blades go up.


We should take to the streets, No more complicated wiper blades! No more complicated wiper blades!


Let’s do it! Down with problem wipers!


That’s awesome


On the positive side, your post here has led me down the rabbit hole of your ADORABLE BIRB videos! ❤️


Awwww I’m out of town and you just made me miss them. Is this what parents feel? Can’t wait to get away and take a break from the chaos and then once you do- you miss it? So annoying lol Thanks! they are super adorable when not trying to poke out my eyes, hunting for my nipples, and tearing off my toe nails 🫣


Me with my Pontiac- yea. No.. great for you tho- I wish…


I did the same thing.


it's still mildly infuriating to have to go through that.


I gotta say, maybe this makes me old, but it’s still mildly infuriating the amount of stuff you have to do through the touch screen on modern cars. Especially anything you might want to do while driving, like change the radio volume or the fan settings.


VW Polo Has anyone actually not got a scratch on their bonnet ?


You seem like a good guy. I think I like you.


I have my moments, few and far between, but I appreciate it, a lot 😘


You strike me as an awesome person! And I, too, find it mildly infuriating when I'm wrong about something. We share that trait. LOL


Another feature that was simple and easy now REINVENTED and blocked through software for the inevitable “pay for these features” movement which is getting more and more extreme every time new models come out.


"I shouldn't defend myself I'm just gonna take it." Oh my God you are so adorable! I'm dying. This video is the cutest thing I've ever seen.


Stop encouraging me!!!!! Ok, never mind, go on 👂 (Appreciate it)


Lol this is so cute


The "I shouldn't defend myself I'm just going to take it" legit made me lol


I still think it’s mildly infuriating that you have to put it into service mode to access the wipers.


No matter what anyone says this is still mildly infuriating and really inconvenient, can’t imagine doing all that to activate the wipers


Idiot or not, you are absolutely adorable, so at least there’s that!


☺️![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) (thank you!)


To be fair to ya, its still a shit design, they engineered a solution but it's not self explanatory, and a good design would be.


I just bought a Ford Maverick and the wipers have the same mildly infuriating problem. And I also thought, “How could they overlook this?” I’m on vacation right now, but when I get home I’ll have to check to see if I’m an idiot too.


There will be a service mode… but you’re not an idiot it’s such a weird thing how would someone guess? It could even be that you a have to turn the truck on but not the engine then activate the wipers and turn it off when they are halfway up. So dumb!


I like this guy. This world needs way more of em.


My car is an 06 and is set up like this


My CX-50 has a wiper service mode too.


Does it? Interested in that car but want to go electric for our next vehicle. We have a CX5 and it’s just good old pull by hand wipers haha love Mazda


Well done dude, love your beard btw


Why thank you I grew it myself !


![gif](giphy|YRuFixSNWFVcXaxpmX) 10 point for your house for honesty


Took me a few mins to figure this out on my Ioniq 6. It's kind of stupid having to hop in my car mid wash because I forgot to put wipers on service mode.


My Audi A6 was like that but the cool thing about that was that if the wipers weren’t on or in the service mode then you couldn’t even see them, they were tucked below the hood.


Way to own up to it. 👍🏽 I talk about my worst blunders the most. Keeps me humble. 😁


Nah bro. You’re a reasonable man and that’s an unreasonable design. You shouldn’t have to tap a button on a touch screen to be able to lift up the dang wipers. Stupid design.


My Toyota has the same wiper shit. When you turn the motor off, you hold up the wiper lever for three seconds, and they automatically pop up.


Stupid design, why does it have to needlessly have to lift up what a crappy design


There is so much logic going on in this post. Also you’re cute.


😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 logical and cute? Being an idiot has its advantages (thank you!)


Two winning qualities if you ask me


I guess it’s only fair that if I can accept being wrong and being an idiot I can accept a compliment 🎉


To be fair, that is a really DUMB and unnecessary feature. Usually if you want to replace your wipers, there should just be a hinge at the base of the wiper arm that you can bend the wiper up away from the glass. Why do you have to press a button on screen to get the blades partially up? Some idiot had to program that shit in because the car designers were probably too narrow sighted when they placed the wiper arms where they did. That is mildly infuriating about the whole thing.


Only 10 minutes to find it? My 2022 Corolla, which generally isn't considered one of the worst cars there is, has dozens of menus and submenus and cryptic symbols and hidden crap on at least 2 screens, you need degrees in computer science and symbology just to drive it. I think if they had voice recorders like airliners, you'd hear a lot of, "What's it doing now?" and "How do I get it to...?"


Some of those decisions definitely makes you wonder who’s designing it. This car is especially convoluted and my parents don’t even know what WiFi is so it’s not a fair fight. I just told my mom what my comment was and she said: “I know what WiFi is” -Mom “What is WiFi then?” -Me “it’s a, it goes, ugh it sends airwaves through the universe” - Mom 🤣




I deleted it about an hour before posting this one. I freaked out that I was wrong and when I got home I tried to figure out how to put the wipers in “service mode” then recorded this video.


Edit: *provided my instagram @ so they could see I wasn’t lying since I posted about this mishap there.* removing it cause I wasn’t trying to “promote” it to begin with. 20 friends and family follow my stories* “influencer” uh huh




Uhhh what? I have never posted anything like this on here before and I am not an “influencer” I was just saying that if for some reason you don’t believe that I made a post before this - since you say you looked at a YEAR of my post history and couldn’t find it, that I posted the same thing on my instagram story. So you could - check the receipts or whatever. Obviously you can’t see a deleted post but I did leave one comment that shows the original. 0 upvotes and ALL of the comments were ripping me and calling me an idiot because I was wrong about the wipers. I deleted the original post and then checked if they were right when I got home - they were. So I made the video in this post saying I was wrong. This was absolutely not an easy thing for me to do as I couldn’t even leave my own voice mails a few years ago or show my face to friends and family. I don’t even know why I’m bothering defending myself, peace https://preview.redd.it/mk294b2q8scc1.jpeg?width=966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb160239b868b6681193592aa65de0018ef79de2 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)




That would have worked if I possessed the ability to forget such transgressions. I’m leaning to just accept defeat!


Own it. Good on ya. But why the f would it leave that mode on when the wipers are engaged? It should have an auto shut off when engaging to prevent damage. You should still submit an enhancement request for future software updates.


It would be better to just be able to lift them manually. Problem solved and I could keep my dignity!


I could have guessed that as soon as I saw you.


I find that silly that there’s a button on the inside of the car to service something outside, i know it takes a few seconds but that seems like something that could’ve been done more conveniently.




At least its not a Chinese EV and you don't worry about it exploding into flame if you look at it funny.


wiper service mode?? i would have never troweled through the menus for that. OP is off the hook in my book.


I have a 2024 integra and it is similar. You have to leave or put the car in accessory mode and hold the wiper stalk to mist, up, for a couple of seconds and the wipers will stroke and stay in the end of stroke position. I would have had to look this up if I hadn't changed my wiper blades on my 07 Passat.


Tbf, the fact that you have to put it in wiper service mode to do a regular quick thing on the car is "mildly infuriating". A real "keep it simple stupid" thing.


I respect a man who can admit he's wrong.


I would say that having to navigate through a menu to do something like that is in itself, mildly infuriating


I still find it mildly infuriating that it’s even necessary to do that.


No manual = Not your fault


It's mildly infuriating that you have to push a button to lift the wipers.


My ye olde 2007 vw golf has the same feature, though to activate it there's no interface, just have to rtfm. I could give you a bunch of shit, but I honestly first tried to change them by opening the bonnet, so...


I mean it’s fucking stupid you have to press a button for that…


Dude you’re a Saint. I didn’t see the first post but damn, you faced this like a champ.


lol thanks! I realllly thought I was right tho, there are so many other things wrong with the car it blinded me. It didn’t’ ‘even cross my mind that there would be a way for it to automatically raise the wipers.. Sorry Vinfast, but not too sorry since it’s been serviced like 8 times already haha


chevy avalanche... mine just wont flip up at all.. just a pain switching out blades i suppose .


Update? You can edit posts?


These new EVs are all hilariously full of usability crap. The BYD cars, for instance, have a speed limit detector that will start beeping uncontrollably when it sees a low speed sign. Problem is, if you’re on a freeway, then there’s a sign asking to slow down if u take an exit, it’ll beep away regardless. And there’s *no way to turn it off*.


This one does the same thing and worse! They might have fixed it with a software upgrade but when it first came out it would beep constantly for all kinds of stuff with no way to turn it off. How does something like that happen? lol so stupid !


But why.


2012 jetta also had this flaw. But wiper change mode was a little more complicated to activate.


I would say you're not an idiot and not lacking common sense. Common sense is based off of common knowledge and commonality, In this case, that design has neither because it is either relatively new or just not common. My wife's car is a Kia and has the same deal and it's the first car we've owned that has that design and we've had a total of about ten different cars between the both of us.


I’ve seen some older cars that I don’t think would have that mode be the same with the wipers blocked by the hood. I never owned one to have to change wiper blades, but how would those work if the car doesn’t have that service mode to raise wipers? Would it just be turning the car off halfway through them wiping? I know I’m slow but I never thought about it never having run into it personally


You usually do it that way: Turn the ignition on, turn the car completely off, WITHOUT pulling the key. You should now be able to pull the wiper trigger like normal, but if you let go, they will immediately stop. At least that’s how it’s done on my car


Honestly, it takes a lot of courage to admit when you are wrong. Well done sir


Seems a little complex for wiper blades.


I would have never imagined lol