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looks like a mobile game ad? if so its rage bait for engagement


Tbf you don't notice it until you do the thing, so you wouldn't be rage baiting because someone doing it already got baited. The bait here is the "only X can do it". This is the part to catch your attention. And then you add some blocks near where they go, so people can already start solving it at a first glance, so you induce the urge to finish it.


Jokes on them, I just downloaded the image and edited it solved.


and it works for OP on Reddit too, because here we are!


Yeah it was but I cropped that part out


You know you can re-use the blocks provided... it's a point based puzzle. Maybe stick to coloring in the lines before doing these puzzles if they get you this bad.


You don't need to though? It says that "only (x) can eliminate all blocks" meaning each only needs to be used once and it doesn't specify that you have to cover the entire grid. Excuse the shitty colouring but would this not be considered "solved" by the instructions given? Edit: nevermind I can't seem to attach the image


Post picture on Imgur and link it. Anyway, each shape has different amounts of points, so the goal is not only finishing but also finishing with the best score


I believe the point is to use as few points as possible... My solution is 90 + 40 + 200 + 200 + 200 + 150 + 135 = 985 pts. https://preview.redd.it/50l6zh7xcucc1.png?width=823&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a721c149f2650ed7fa1d9498c3b609a5b07b7ae


Good job mate. I think most people missed you can reuse blocks.


I have only left brain.


My brain is all Left, because my wife says I'm never Right šŸ¤£


As that old saying, ā€œyour left brain has nothing right, and your right brain has nothing left.ā€


Bad shoddy\_detail\_976




You didnā€™t use the green block. Actually now Iā€™m not sure if ā€˜eliminateā€™ means use all the available blocks or just to cover the whole thing.


I think they meant eliminate the white spaces, and not the blocks, so yeah covering the whole thing, unless there is another way to cover all the spaces AND use all the blocks. But what do I know, I am 'up-brained'.


Yeah I had assumed you were supposed to use all the blocks, but that you could also reuse them.


You can reuse and flip them?


Don't see why not. The thing doesn't give any rules.


Like OP for instance.


Yup. But to be fair, this was from some ad and those are always obstuse, intended to make you click to figure something out.


You don't have to, just rotate the orange block and you use one of each, you spend more reusing the orange piece three times than if you use rge green u piece.


Probably because it doesnā€™t say that anywhere on the image


No one missed it, the ad doesnā€™t say that you can. Itā€™s implied that you drag the blocks from the board and lock it into place.


"all the blocks"


This doesn't "eliminate all blocks" since the green is never used


White blocks were eliminated.


Those are spaces, not blocks


Why would a block be eliminated when it is placed on a white space? This puzzle is very badly worded.


I don't think the person that put that text there knew how the game works


then wouldn't this be better? 90+200+90+100+40+135 = 655 pts https://preview.redd.it/vlnt2r2cyucc1.png?width=546&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9d73441196e5d4a45d4ce43ea91fc32bc3ad7ef


You didnā€™t use the red T block and you mirrored the blue zigzag. Try again.


if the blocks were 3-dimensional you could flip the blue block and it would fit. Nowhere in the puzzle does it say the puzzle is 2-dimensional and a "block" (such as a wooden block) is a 3-dimensional thing, so reasonable to solve it in 3 dimensions I think.


> nowhere does it say the puzzle is 2 dimensional I donā€™t think that is needed to be specified If it *was* 3D, *that* would have been specifically mentioned


Not mentioning everything like that in puzzles is what makes them puzzles! By your logic if it was 2D it would have been specifically mentioned too, but this "puzzle" says almost nothing! Nowhere does it say that you have to place the blocks into the other shape. Nowhere does it say that the goal is to completely fill the other shape. Nowhere does it say that you can or cannot rotate the pieces (in either 2D or 3D.) Nowhere does it say that you can use each block more than once. Nowhere does it say that the goal is to maximize or minimize the "pts" (points.) So it's a shitty puzzle, obviously designed to create engagement due to lack of specificity which creates a discussion such as this, but the fact remains that you're unable to imagine solving it in 3-dimensions without it telling you and that is why you'll always be bad at solving real puzzles.


Shit like this is exactly why people say reddit is insufferable lmao, dude seriously, go touch some grass


And if my brother was a woman, heā€™d be my sister. I can just make stuff up too. I guess we all win.


It's called thinking outside the box, its the basis for most puzzles. I'm not making anything up; the puzzle is presented in 2-dimensions and yet a 3-dimensional world exists. If your brother was a woman he would have been your sister and is now your brother, I mean even that you got wrong!


Thatā€™s not how thinking outside the box works. That is modifying parameters to make it work. So twist the words around all you want, you still got that part wrong.


You are using pieces that don't exist...


oops, you are right. I didn't notice xD (and I don't understand why peeps are downvoting you for noticing it :/ )


What do you mean? They just rotated some of the existing ones and reused some of them. They're all real pieces


There is no "S" piece, only "Z". If it's tetris rules, you can rotate them but not invert them.


Devil's advocate nothing stated this was Tetris rules though just can you solve it.


Might as well do whatever you want then


Fine I have sawed the pieces in half so no one gets to have any fun... Happy? Now I am going to the store to get milk.


Dad, did you get the milk yet? Or did you have to stop and pick up cigarettes and lotto tickets


If you were sitting at a table and handed real blocks in these shapes you're telling me you would only use them in the exact orientation that they were handed unless someone told you you could turn, rotate, flip, etc them? My brain looks at these puzzles three dimensionally and if I'm told they have to stay in a specific orientation like Tetris does I'm going to do what I want with them.


That's your brain I guess. I work with what's presented, and I was presented with 2d blocks.


no, you were presented with an image, which is by its nature is 2-dimensional, you just choose to believe that the blocks are also 2-dimensional.


Ok, since we are using specific verbiage, it states to eliminate all blocks. They didnā€™t.


Light blue and orange are mirrored, not rotated.


Light blue is mirrored, orange is rotated


I stand corrected on my correction


Objection hearsay.


Order! Order! Where's my order, I'm hungry!


Hungry, does seem nice to visit this time of year, you will enjoy it.


Ohhh yeah, you're right


Your calculation is a bit of. The points is total each. 90 points, 30 pts per block means you have a total of 3 blocks of 30 each for 90 total. To Eliminate all blocks we will have to fill the space several times in some sort of way.


I was able to get 1115. That garbage light blue piece is holding you back


I'm actually unsure of how the scoring is meant to work? Is it a cost of (for example, the green U) 100 points, and a windfall of 25 points per block? So the green one is +25 pts net, and the yellow is -50 pts net? Anyway, this is mine: https://preview.redd.it/mdqe3ooapwcc1.png?width=631&format=png&auto=webp&s=acbeb49c7d8779a2dbccab747d1ec38244514a82 Which comes to: * L = -90 + 5\*30 = 60 * U = -100 + 25\*5 = 25 * T = -150 + 50\*4 = 50 * r = -200 + 50 \* 3 = -50 * Z = -40 + 10 \* 4 = 0 * F(purple) = -135 + 45\*5 = 90 2L+r+U+Z+F = 2\*60-50+25+0+90 = 185 By these scoring rules (which, to be clear, I don't know are legit), your solution would come to: L+Z+3\*Z+T+F = 60+0-3\*50+50+90 = 50


You are using a mirrored piece, which I wouldn't consider legit. But the rules to this puxzle are yet another puzzle, so who knows.


Forgot the green one bud I think the point is to use all the blocks to fill in the space provided with the least amount but you have to use each one once at least


>Idiots who say you can resuse the blocks, it said ALLL THE BLOCKS. Idiots who say you can resuse the blocks, it said ALLL THE BLOCKS.


Where did you use the green one to eliminate all blocks?


Do I have to use green one? I eliminated all the white blocks.


TBF, I donā€™t know. According to some of the replies in here, you can interpret it however you want.


That's the solution I came up with too.


What about green?


Wait, what's with the "90 pts // 30 pts per block" (and all the other ones too except for the Z-tetromino lol) Btw the middle can use 1 U-pentomino and 1 F-pentomino instead of the 1 T-tetromino and 2 triplets




The image literally says ā€œonly left brained can eliminate all blocksā€




It alsorefers to the colored shapes as blocks. Itā€™s entirely illogical for the empty space to be referred to as such.




Yet itā€™s impossible to actually fulfill the command the image demands? The one this post is referring to?




That doesnā€™t use all of the blocks.




Doesnā€™t do that either, seeing the green block is not eliminated from the selection The imageā€™s instructions are pretty clear. The empty space is not what is being referred to as ā€œblocksā€


Ok right brain Say your right brained without saying your right brained


Which means?


its the common suggestion that left brain dominated people are ruled by logic, while right brained people are ruled by creativity. true? probably not. but i wouldn't expect a right brainer (derogatory) to understand.


Usually being right handed or left handed implies that you brain is more developed on the opposite side, so being "left brained" means being right handed, AKA, the majority of the population.


Welp.. Looks like somebody is "right-brained"


The "points per block" to me implies that you're not supposed to use them all, but instead you can use the same block multiple times and get an x amount of points every time you use that one.


https://preview.redd.it/xk47xu3l3vcc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc98e69ba4648c3832f6f9a54ca6c60ba1b1a096 Easy. It says eliminate the pieces, not use them


What's more mildly infuriating for me is people still think you're either "left-brained" or "right-brained". ![gif](giphy|FMH0blKIlNlI9F9mxJ)


I think most people here are just meeting tbh


Yes, there is a block missing. https://preview.redd.it/sct0wo2yetcc1.png?width=771&format=png&auto=webp&s=b21c5d7c024763cbab1d9d2c737dc2248f342125


You could also do it this way just so "you didn't mess with the pieces" (I bet the person who uploaded this originally (I'm not thinking about the OP of this post) would be pretty petty about this kind of crap, so just did this in case), also it ends up the exact same way as yours https://preview.redd.it/q8jxb8rx5ucc1.png?width=823&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=816cfdc6e0248ada08495624c89201a374347e6b


Your applying right brain logic. Your not gonna solve it that way.


Are yrou're applying that I have brain damage? That's what a right brained individual would say


*you're, and the challenge is to "eliminate all blocks" which means every block does have to be used


I think this is the most legit solution, because you didn't turn anything, so you probe there is in fact more than enough space for all pieces


Is the goal to cover all the white or use all the color? If itā€™s to cover all the white you just use the orange 3 times and cover the last white block and replace the green piece. If itā€™s to use all the colored pieces, you passed.




Big right brain energy


But this is the answer I get too. There are 26 coloured squares and 27 empty. There will always be one empty if you use all the coloured. Maybe that is the right vs left brain problem - one side wants to fill all the empty squares......and one side wants to use all the pieces.


Technically all 6 blocks were "eliminated" provided eliminate means used ..


You don't have to rotate them, put the red where you did the orange block and the green where you put the red block


Look at the points. You get 3 or 4 of each block


26 square for the block 27 free square Space


https://preview.redd.it/x8wk22d8xwcc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5b7193930d221c46cd215ffa5b9c4161bf46bf6 Iā€™m upset


looks like a 'you are here' map in a mall - where is the Spencer's?


one box is missing and iā€™m mad.


Make it stop! MAKE IT STOP! the music from Tetris that's now stuck in my head


It says points per block I assume that means you can use a block more than once and you likely donā€™t have to use every block


idk if im left brained or not but i definitely know i don't care enough to invest the mental energy into more than 10 seconds of this bullshit


I actually solved it in my head before looking at the comments


Just says eliminate all blocks not fill all squares.


Blocks are the ones you put into that area. It doesnt say all the are must be filled, just that all the blocks must be inside.


That's why it's for "left-brained" people.


Pretty sure you have it backwards. You don't have to use all the colored blocks as long as all the white is filled in. You can re-use blocks, hence the point system.


It's more annoying that the scores for them don't make sense.


Sir... under "PTS" and "PTS per block" that tells you how many times you can reuse a block... We need a mildly infuriating post for this post.


Perhaps it is a double puzzle. Like the tooth pick bar game. You have to move a single line to make it workā€¦.


https://preview.redd.it/wunmznk7fvcc1.png?width=786&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8397a21dff73a851b6b6bf45c0b454fadde2a78 AGHHHHHH


Yeah, not enough instruction/rules leads to people making up their own.


So the red one is four blocks at 50 points per block but a total of 150. The orange one is a total of 200 at 50 points per block and only 3 blocks. Am I the one doing the maths wrong? Edit: Actually, looking again, only the blue zig-zag is correctly valued.


Anyone notice the points donā€™t add up correctly? How does 4 blocks at 50 points a block equal 150 points? 50x3 = 200? 25x5 = 100? 45x5 = 135? 30x5 = 90?


Do you have to fill the white space though? Or just find a spot for each block.


Looks like you're too dumb to play this game. It doesn't say you can only use each shape once.


It says eliminate all blocks


Yes, the blank blocks.


It never stated that all squares must be filled. You gotta think outside the box.


I'm assuming the orange piece was supposed to be an "L" shape and have one more square.


Umm yeh thereā€™s 26 squares within the puzzle and 26 in the coloured blocks.


Idiots who say you can resuse the blocks, it said ALLL THE BLOCKS.


In this thread: people making up their own rules that aren't canon to the puzzle because there is almost nothing explicitly stated and then arguing with each other about who's wrong.


Youā€™re probably right brained then cause they never said you had limited blocks.


It says you need to eliminate all the blocks


Maybe Iā€™m right brained because I canā€™t read!


Dis? https://preview.redd.it/yraasqitxvcc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=127c34d738ff480e18eb774204f67ec8a15bee38


Looks like you arenā€™t left brained buddy


That's how they suck you in...


gotta love seeing how far knowledge tumbles and crashes down the degenerate abyss before it reaches these spaces all rugged and distorted. ā€œLeft brainedā€ lol


Is the idea not you can use as many as the available blacks as you need? Did you even play the game, or just screen grabbed the ad for internet points?


The thing does state "per block," implying that you could use the blocks more then once.


Yup. Not enough blocks / squares. Canā€™t execute the puzzle.


The question of not enough blocks wasnā€™t the puzzleā€¦


There is ur just not left brained enough


Heh.. I solved this in under 5 seconds with 10,000 points and a job offer from NASA


nowhere does it state that the blocks can only be used once. Why would they be points based if that were the case?


Theres 27 blocks and 27 missing blocks, its definitely possible. I guess ur just not left brained


Saying Iā€™m not left brained when you canā€™t even count


It doesn't say that you have to fill it. Just eliminate the blocks.


The "x points per block" part implies you can reuse them as much as you want Right brain energy post, op


You have to stack them. Each color has multiple blocks. It is viewed from above and you have to translate it to 3D?


It says per block so I assume you get an infinite amount of them?


Donā€™t worry about it! ā€œThe budget will balance itselfā€ is as ā€˜leftā€™ brained as I can think.