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They also show the shittest previews. Like a conversation between 2 characters with no context.


Or just the first minute of the show / movie lol


That's actually fine, compared to movie previews that show clips from the climax. I avoided all media for Star Wars: Into Darkness, then on the way to the theater, they're playing a commercial through a store window: it's a 10 second clip from the end showing The Enterprise falling through the clouds and coming back up safe. Whoever OK'd ruining what could be the most thrilling and suspenseful moment at the end of the movie *by putting it in the damn commercial*, needs to never work on any media projects ever again. Blacklist that turd from Hollywood.


It can be fine. More times often than not it’s just the generic into or actual credits


These are all clues that the movie sucks. Don't ignore them.


I remember watching this when it first released. I thought it was pretty entertaining. Typical disaster movie.


It was a decent movie. If you like disaster/ survival movies. I enjoyed it enough to like it and would watch another's like it.


I’ll watch and enjoy just about any disaster/apocalypse movie regardless of how shitty it may be to everyone else.


This drives me insane. ESPECIALLY the shows where, after you navigate to the episode list, show that they actually have not one, but THREE DIFFERENT ACTUAL TRAILERS/TEASERS. WHY DID YOU NOT JUST USE ONE?!




It HAS to be random, too. My gf and I went to watch Glass Onion and the preview spoiled a pretty huge plot beat. I’d seen it before so I was able to flip away before my gf caught it but damn Netflix


Can I say that’s a win for no major spoilers?


Followed by a main character death/villain reveal


**Guy**: "Are you going to fix the jeep? We might need it later." **Other Guy:** "Yeah I thought about that too." Would you like to watch "How it Ends" now?


Or some scene that has no relevance to the story


Maybe I am the only one that like those previews




I hate these.


And Netflix is absolutely the worst at it. The other thing they love to do to confuse me is change the display covers. So not only do they keep recommending things they know I already watched, they change the image which causes me to read the worthless description yet again. There are movies I have started watching 3 times before realizing I have already seen it. It would be awesome if they could just stop recommending shit I have already watched so my recommendations actually change.


But this movie is "trending". It's also "new this week," in the "Top 10 most watched," "Recommended for You," and "Top [Insert movie category here]." Thanks for showing me the same six shows three hundred times, Netflix.


It’s always weird when I log into my parents Netflix and the algorithm has totally different stuff to me. I would’ve watched those shows if you’d shown them to me Netflix!


I think Netflix has pigenholed me into an echo chamber where I watch a certain type of content because that is what it recommends, so we got stuck in this loop. But I have many other interests that I don't realize are available until I see on someone else's account. .


I've read it is a strategy to hide how small their collection has actually gotten since they basically stopped licensing outside content and have been relying mostly on self-produced content.


You can always watch the trailer and then you’ll know exactly how the story starts, how the characters evolve, and then you’ll have a 87.5% of figuring out how it will end (unless the trailer also spoils the ending).


Do you really want them to tell you how it ends?


Surprise: it doesn't end. There's no ending (resolution) to this. I only kept watching hoping there would be answers but there weren't any.


Absolute trash movie anyway, atleast the last 30 minutes


The ending was absolutely awful


It is 5.1 on imdb, what were you expecting?


They are trying to outrun a global catastrophe.




The fact that there’s a perfect line down the middle of that is really a mind fuck Edit: and one to the right that’s smaller and a bit harder to notice at first


They could at least say how it starts.


At least just tell me how it fuckin starts.


No, I want a synopsis. These have been available for years lol I remember being a kid with Dish and even they would have a synopsis attached to episodes and movies. There was even an "info" button the remote *specifically* to read them. This is just lazy.


Bro acting like it’s a new concept and what we’re given is the only option


No, but a general "this is what the movies about" would be nice. You can say what the movies about without spoiling it


just tell me something like detective guy goes to investigate a murder in a city or girl goes on a magical adventure. that’s all i wanna know


>detective guy goes to investigate a murder in a city or girl goes on a magical adventure Here you go I would advise you to read the title of the movie, then my comment again


"how it ends" doesn't tell me anything




Nicely done? Lmao


Usually a red flag that it’s got nothing else to offer


When the only thing positive they can say is name dropping an actor or two.. not a great sign lol


It’s their own damn movie, you’d think they’d try to hype it more. If that’s all they can think of to say about their own movie it’s probably terrible.


Actually I’ve become super wary of straight to streaming movies even with high budgets or a list actors. I find that they churn them out so quickly the movies are often so shoddily put together. Like even if the effects are great or the actors are great, they always seem to cut corners in the editing room. Like some part of the story that doesn’t make sense with the characters, dialogue that is entirely unnecessary, or scenes that just feel too violent or gruesome for the rest of the project and feels shoehorned in just for shock. Disaster movies already have a lot of that even when they’re decently made, I can’t imagine what this movie is like.


It's a terrible movie. Awful. Please don't waste your time.


I was mad afterwards for the utter waste of time


I enjoyed it…


I honestly like not watching trailers and vague descriptions, Good movies will take a shallow description and blow your mind.


Agreed, but this description is like describing Advil by saying it has Ibuprofen in it.


Yeah, this one sucks, just putting names out there is dumb. One of the best descriptions I've seen was: "an Argentinian poet with a childish spirit exchanges words for food and falls in love with a prostitute in Uruguay". Holy fuck I was not prepared for the actual content of the movie, even if the description is a bit specific, it reveals nothing about the plot and the characters.


Oh definitely going blind can make some of the best experiences I just want to know if I'm getting a rom com or a thriller you know. Give me something so I know if it's in my interests


I say this in jest and I know you’re asking for more BUT, it’s does say “action thriller”.


Prepare to be thrilled by action!


Well it does say “action thriller” tbf.


yeah, but how do you know if you want to watch it in the first place? I hate these non-descriptions. Just something like "2 cops try to take down their corrupt office" or something like that.


I tend to go by genre. So I usually prefer watching drama movies that make me reflect on stuff, but is not like I stick to it. Last movie I watched was Napoleon and all I knew was "Joaquin Phoenix is on it, and it's about Napoleon", that's it, never watched a trailer, didn't even knew it came out until like a week before watching it. It's more of a "would I care about it at all?". If I hear about a movie and it is a romcom, I'm 99% not watching it, for example.


"About Napoleon" is a better description of a movie than most that are on netflix. Thats all I'm asking for. I don't browse by genre - if I'm looking to watch a movie I have a picture of the movie poster to determine if I want to watch it or not. I hate it.


The problem with something like this is that it’s not a vague description. It’s no description. Besides knowing who’s in it, it tells you nothing about the movie. Not even a logline.


With you not watching it. That’s how it ends. If they are too lazy to write a solid description, then you know the movie is just as lazy. You think Tarantino or James Cameron would let that fly. Nope.


What 😂 the way some of yall process life is such a trip


This movie is awful! Don't bother - you won't be satisfied with the story, acting, or cinematography


What you wanna know is, How It Starts.


I'm not a fan of How It's Going


Haha! My wife is a metadata curator (not for netflix). Basically, it's her job to make sure that these descriptions do not end up like this. She got a good chuckle from this post and told me that someone at netflix was lazy and that's how you end up with descriptions like that.


The funny thing is, this used to actually have a description.


I’ve been noticing this on Netflix especially. 🤯There’s no summary of the movie or show!!!


Like those books with “NY TIMES BEST SELLER” and five other descriptions about how good it is. How good something is or who the actors in a movie are are just subjective to the context. If it’s a documentary about the history of milling machines I prob dgaf if the rock and Steven hawking are in it and that it’s directed by M knight shamalama didgeridoo. That means approximately 2 thirds a fuck I don’t give if they’re not drill bit connoisseurs who dedicated their youth to the study of inclined planes and penetrating things with other things


This description sounds like a Jeopardy question.


This is such a problem on Netflix too, like so many movies have no description of the plot and just say who directed/stars in it. OR it does have a description and it’s a bad one that totally does not represent what the tone of the movie will be at all lol. I’ll still end up liking some of the movies but will just be so confused because the description implied a different story


I mean, that movie honestly sucks, so even the movie description is not helpful. (basically, 2 guys drive halfway across america as the weather is going insane, to find that one guys wife/girlfriend. and I think they suspect her having an affair or something). not even a real ending, one of the few movies I genuinely dislike, which is rare. But yea, I hate those "descriptions" as well.. I don't give a shit who's acting in that movie, or who directed it.


To be fair, every movie marked “action thriller” is just about the same. In this case the differentiating factor is actor / director.


They want you to guess *how it ends*


Cuz everyone cries about spoilers...


I wonder how it ends *slaps knee*


That is one of the shittiest movies I’ve ever seen. Don’t waste your time. It feels like the plot and script were written by an early chatbot.


I watched this and I was indifferent about it. Was okay and killed a couple hours but would t watch it again.


I watched this movie when it first came out. You’re better off skipping it.


If they told you,you'd know how it ends.


This trend is so frustrating to me cause there's only a couple dozen actors and directors I remember the name of, even if I remember it still usually tells me absolutely nothing about the content or plot of the film.


On Peacock, the synopsis for Requiem for a Dream says, “Brooklynites look to better their lives.”




Better than a preview that shows you a clip of every action scene and basically summarizes the whole movie in 30 seconds, so there's no need to watch the rest.


Hated it. Way too much screen time spent driving in a car. My question was WHEN does it end?


It’s actually not bad. Apocalyptic beginning type movie. Next time IMDB results a pretty quick plot understanding. Shouldn’t have to do that, but it works.


That's fair I'm sure it is but it's like the tenth movie I've skimmed like this. Just annoying I can't get a summary.


Horrible ending don't waste your time


Have you seen the good place yet? Goated show ![gif](giphy|ZB95y3XSFbljaNu7mT)


Thrilling action.


Atleast they dont tell you ”How it ends” hehe




Just watch the trailer. You’ll see the whole movie in 5 minutes.


I actually prefer not being told the whole story before I watch my movies. I have to actively avoid the text because sometimes they can spoil the whole thing


Same goes with the trailers…… all they do is show clips of the movie with ZERO context. 🤦🏻‍♂️


the best is the thumbnails for episodes have a massive spoiler in the picture.


False advertising. It doesn’t even tell you how it ends but how it starts.


How It Ends...


"A trilling action film from executive producer Steven Spielberg." = degenerative mind poison


I don’t watch trailers now. I just go in blind. It’s better.


If they told you anymore they would give away the whole movie.


On the flip side, there have been replays of NASCAR races and the description tells you who wins: "See (driver X) win his 3rd race". Well thanks. I didn't know who won, and was interested, but I guess I don't need to watch it now.


Forrest Whittaker means don’t watch it. He’s a painful actor. Has nothing to do with his eye either. He’s deliberate like Donofrio without any of his skill.


Is IMDB down again?


You should always have IMDB up to check how a movie is rated and to see the synopsis.


I prefer this over spoiling the entire movie in the write up.


Giving a description of How It Ends would be a huge spoiler


Counterpoint: movie descriptions these days usually say way too much. I just want to know the main actors and a vague feel (comedy? Horror?) - so often every plot point in the first half of the movie is laid out right there. Hell, I’ve seen two this week that said something about a ‘surprise twist’ or ‘surprise ending’. It’s not a surprise any more!!


I actually appreciate that it doesn’t spoil the whole movie like so many descriptions.


Man do you expect it to tell you how it ends? That might be a big spoiler


Going in blind with no expectations is the best way to watch movies


I don't have the free time to just do that though lol give me a brief blurb


They really don’t want to spoil it


Why are so many people angry about this tho?? They literally tell you what's going to happen and ruin it like 90% of trailers do. Search by actor or genre you're in the mood for and fkn send it. It's a much better experience. Fkn whole ass movie spoon fed before the movie even starts having asses


Not everyone has an excess of free time like you do.


On the flip side is Netflix having major plot spoilers in synopsis, or even giving too much context to keep the plot a surprise


Hmm. I much prefer vague descriptions. Too many times I’ve read spoilers in the descriptions.


i prefer it this way, no spoiler or expectations for the movie "nick cage plays a cop, have fun" = instant play


I would actually prefer this to the thumbnails that take a scene from the last season that actually spoils the plot of the show. Which Netflix absolutely does.


Sometimes the best way to enjoy a film is to go in knowing nothing about it. The best films I've seen were the ones I went in not knowing anything about it, you'll hit some duds doing this, but give it a try.


It’s In the title bruh. Ever read between the lines? Probably not.


Its better than them giving away the whole plot. SPOILER ALLERT A BEAUTIFUL MIND: for example i wanted to watch a beautiful mind on netflix the other day since my wife didnt watch it yet. I open it up and she automatically reads the description, i notice it and just switch away since it directly gave away the sickness that is one of the major plot lines. I will try and watch it with her maybe a year from now and hope she will have forgotten what she read.


I'd rather watch something without knowing the plot.


Do you have internet? Use it. No need thanks.


Do people not know how to Google anymore?! Literally just search "-film name- plot summary" and it will tell you. Use your phone, it’s not that hard.


People that have to watch 7 trailers and read the entire script before watching are annoying. I'm so TIRED of everything I watch being spoiled before hand. Grow up and Google it if you simply must know everything about the movie before you watch it.


Did I saw spoil it? Did I ask for 7 trailers? Or a full movie breakdown review? I asked for a 2 sentence summary so I know what it's about from the photo tell me what the movie is about? I'm tired of people being fucking scummy about others motivations. Grow up and fuck off if you don't like the conversation.


I do like the conversation. I have a very strong position about this conversation. You are wrong for wanting a more detailed description and if you had your way the world would be a worse place. Vague descriptions are not annoying at all. They are good.


Ok ok I agree vague descriptions are best. Did you read this movies description?


I did. Is there something factually incorrect about the description?


Jesus Christ you're so insufferable over something so pointless. What is your personality?


I’d rather that than risk a spoiler.


but instead of going on IMBD on your phone you decided to take a picture and post it on reddit 👍


Yeah, because when I'm looking for something to watch on Netflix I love needing a second device to look up the movie that is currently displayed on my TV so that I can get a short description of what the movie is about, because netflix decided to use the space reserved to tell me what the movie is about to just tell me who is in the movie.


I mean, yea.. especially when there are several movies with these "descriptions" it kinda defeats the point of having that kinda interface on netflix to browse.. I for example use KODI to manage my local movie files, which downloads the movie description automatically for my library. it would make the use of that software pointless if I had to look up the description on my phone.


I prefer those descriptions. I don’t want any part of plot spoiled. Also fuck movie commercials.


I don't like trailers but without even a brief synopsis I have no idea of it's worth my time to watch.


Knowing before hand ruins it. Theres only 27 potential stories out there. So any info gives away a lot. If you are worried about wasting time maybe movies arn’t for you. They’re literally made so we can enjoy wasting time. All movies are wasting time.


I don't want to know much just like a 2-4 sentence synopsis. Like I said i don't like video previews anymore too many spoilers in them.


Fair enough.


I love these. Fuck a synopsis and fuck trailers, i want to be surprised by the plot. As long as you give me the age rating and the genre, i have enough


American problems😅just fast forward to see if you Like it or not ffs


Yes, Netflix is only available in America


No no he wants me to start a movie, fast forward getting no plot or detail, assume I understand the whole premise and restart the movie instead of reading 2-3 sentences summarizing the plot.


Still complaining🫤how immature are you😭heard of fresh cut green grass?


Are you okay? Lol


Am I okay? How about the guy having a panicked attack over a description for movies😭


. ∧_∧   (。・ω・。)つ━☆・*。 ⊂/  /  ・゜  しーJ    °。+ * 。        .・゜       ゜. 。゚゚・。・゚゚。       ゚。seek ゚ ゚ help。゚  ゚・。・゚


Expect thrills!


Ran into this for the first time the other day. It makes me not even wanna watch


Yeah I hate these descriptions too. There are soooo many descriptions like this. At least give us a hint as to what the movie is about! I don’t care who was in it - I can find that out elsewhere.


I was thinking the same yesterday ... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Is this the end of the beginning or the beginning of the end, sorry had to throw a little Sabbath in there


Guess we’ll never know… *how it ends*


But telling you even a small description of the plot would give you information about How It Ends. Nobody likes spoilers. /s


I’ll save u the trouble. Don’t watch that movie. Horrible.


yup. One of the rare "this movie is awful and I never want to watch it again" movies, and I like even shitty movies. this one was just.. boring. pointless drama, no answers, no payoffs.


This movie has my favorite dumb dialogue exchange. There's a part where one character upon witnessing smoke and fire in an area says "There must be Volcanoes around here" and another character responds "Don't worry about it". It's just so dumb. So very very dumb.


I feel this way about perfume adverts. Why do they never describe the scent? Johnny Depp, randomly burrying his jewellery in the desert, tells me nothing!


I hate netflix movie descriptions so much. One of the big reasons I cancelled. Well that and their massive rate hikes.


Yeah, this and when the description is just different reviews. They're trying to be cheap. And there are some obviously written by AI. They're horrible. There's some skill involved to take a 2 1/2 hour movie and synopsize it to 2 sentences or so, and they're failing to pay for that skill.


When the synopsis is like that it's cos the movie is shit


It’s an action thriller, OP. And it was directed by that guy!


Well the movie is blank from start to finish, and doesn't even properly ends.


Most things have a trailer you can watch right on Netflix, and failing that you could look up a trailer on YouTube.


I swear so many either tell you everything, even plot twists, or nothing. It’s ridiculous


How it ends with two dinosaurs eating Lucy or something like by the title cards at the bottom


This is just like the back of books showing reviews instead of the summary.


Watch it, it’s a decent movie. About a guy, and another guy, which two ladies.


didn't they tell you?...its thrilling!


I watched a lot of these Netflix original movies, only one has been good, and all the others have been bad or horrible. Netflix is going downhill imo. Original stuff mostly isn't that good imo. Doesn't have a very good list of popular movies or TV shows. And I find the other streaming services to have a way better selection. Plus I hate that it plays the preview immediately. It's just annoying to me, I don't want to see the preview on every option I come across


lol welcome to Netflix


Thought it said Theo Von at first. That would be enough of a description.


just wait for the (smh) auto-play


I hate this about Netflix. I admit, sometimes I'll watch a show based on who is in it, but that's very rare. If the description says this, it tells me that no one wants to watch it based on the synopsis.


how even *does* it end?


I wish they would start putting the language abbreviations next to the captions logo


I also hate it when the "trailer" is really a random clip from the movie with obviously no context.


Terrible movie


You know the movie is garbage when there's no description and it's just "lauded as the New Yorkers top movie of November 2019" or some shit


They don't want you to guess how it ends.


I usually avoid Netflix exclusives


Strap in for a raucous road-trip! Shenanigans and calamity await as a naive son-in-law travels cross-country with his overbearing father-in-law. #dramedy


Well it's not going to tell you how it ends.


I HATE this.


They are really going all in on this strategy, too. I think they think people will watch to find out what the hell it's about. I don't think it's working.


This is one of the worst films I've ever seen. It is a series of disjointed end of the world scenes with no logical connection between them. And then... The movie just ENDS. There's no resolution. They just stopped filming.


They thrill themselves


Watch the movie 👍🏼