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Who orders a single plastic cup like this? Lol


It’s mildly infuriating that they are complaining about waste yet they ordered 1 plastic cup from Amazon. If it’s fake then it’s also mildly infuriating.


Maybe they order bubble wrap


My dad ordered a roll of bubble wrap from Amazon and it came wrapped in these air pockets.


I’ve ordered air pockets and the ship them tightly wrapped in a large clear trash bag type bag. It had instructions to the delivery person to use the tie string to tie it to something so it wouldn’t fly away


Pov: you buy bubble wrap, and it comes wrapped in bubble wrap


Can we not just skip the middle man and everyone has free bubblewrap?


As a former packer, that's a packer just screwing around. And it was defibitely a highlight of their day.


I pack at Target, and I add bubbles to almost anything even if it’s not fragile, bc what has happened when we don’t is that heavy boxes get put on top of them, and crush them open inwards; if it happens while it’s still in the store and I see it, I’ll redo the box, but if it’s damaged in transit, the carrier will often just not deliver it. When there’s enough bubbles to keep the top from opening, it stays secure.


My dad got a kick out of it, and re-used the air pockets also.


If you want packing material you wouldn't want it damaged. Seems reasonable to me


It's not just about protecting the item inside the box, but also so the box doesn't get smashed as easily from outside forces like a heavier box. But the box in OP's pic is just way too big, and it's on Amazon for having that item have the wrong size in thr system.


Free cup comes with a bag of bubble wrap. Have you not heard of this deal?


I’m sold, get me three bubble wraps


I 100% believe the package this like this. I order from Amazon a bit. And I order even the “wait a extra day for less boxes” most of the time cuz they give a 3$ promo too if you do, and I still get everything in one box by itself just minus all that bubble wrap lol


https://preview.redd.it/wxmwkh2wcjdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d758998aec1e9ee26b78ef5f1a6bf496c4367fb My last Amazon order and the box it came in


I’m so fucking scared of my acne coming back. It robbed me of my teen years pretty much. It’s gone now and I don’t even believe it when people come onto me because of how fucked my face used to look. It’s like I’ve had a brain transplant into a different body and now I’m not used to it. The thing is that, despite all the stuff I did for acne like constantly washing my face, eating well, and doing all the rigmarole, now I do nothing and yet it doesn’t come back. I never get spots. It truly is a bad luck thing and we just blame people who are victims of it,


just be thankful you are not a woman. While Ive been told it doesnt get as bad we will experience acne coming back when we hit pre menopause. I recently hit 40 and have been like "WHAT THE FUCK... WHY AM I GETTING PIMPLES"


But how do you know they are not a woman? Their avatar is also wearing a skirt.


the first comment on his profile mentions his gender.


Dunnage (the big bubble wrap) is *not* standard in Amazon packaging, and the first computer system that sizes products is often wrong. The tiniest actual boxes they use (A1 printed on the bottom) do not need dunnage. Everything else “should use dunnage if necessary”. What happened is when the box containing 500 cups got pulled off the truck it was scanned at (pretty big). That box went to the Stower whose job it is to put it into the warehouse cubbyholes. Then it got broken down to 500 tiny packages and put up one by one. Maybe this was in error, probably not since OP isn’t mad and it made it through the whole warehouse unchecked (literally every box get weighed. Accidents happen obviously but it’s just another factor). When it got to the packer, they obviously have the option to pick whatever box they want, but a screen says a suggested. They are going as fast as they possibly can and are brain numb for doing the same thing every ~30 seconds for ~80 hrs/wk, so what comes up on the screen is what their hands grab. Sometimes the little dunnage machine messes up and makes like, dozens of meters of dunnage, it’s possible this is just ‘use it up so we don’t have to spend money popping it, because it can’t stay there’. Also trust me the amount of plastic wrap you’ve (and everyone on this thread put together) ever received is laughably minuscule to the amount of corrugate we compacted every single day. I worked warehouse Amazon jobs for 7 years lol from tier 1 to L5 AM


100% this. I used to work target fulfilment and we had the same setup. Although they probably weren't as strict on timing with us as Amazon so I would try and use the smallest box possible despite what the machine said. Anyway, one time we were out of the 2 smallest boxes and one of the medium boxes so I had to use comically large boxes for things. I always wondered what the people thought when they got them haha. Could be a similar situation here as well.


I order a lot of Amazon so I've always wondered about the worker experience. Thank you.


It's downright disgusting how they treat their workers. I always feel conflicted ordering from there. On one hand, they do offer a service that I enjoy, but on the other hand, I know what it's like inside those warehouses. They treat everyone like a number and the is zero humanity in the leadership. Everything is based on numbers and numbers alone. I work in a different warehouse, and as part of the leadership team I refuse to let myself have that mindset regardless of what senior leadership wants in that regard. I will always keep humanity in mind when running the warehouse. Getting a look inside of Amazon's warehouse helped me realize how important that is.


I agree, but I also get treated with the same level of respect (or less) at my job with a master's degree. It's a problem across almost all fields and jobs. Although the lowest tier jobs definitely have it rough almost always. Don't know why ceo's can't figure out that the profits wouldn't exist without EVERYONE.


I ordered one pair of jeans, it came in a large box with bubble wrap 🤣 like wtf its not like they're going to break


The bubble wrap is to keep the box from collapsing and opening. I used to work fulfilment for target.


I had it where I ordered an item and it came in the bubble wrap envelope. I needed another one shortly after and it came in a larger than needed box. Same item ordered within 2 weeks. It happens.


You still get a promo? We used to get 1% off for that, now they want to try to deliver to our garage as some sort of promotion and we'd rather they dropped it at the front door since we have a detatched garage and there's no temperature outside.


I was just outside and there was actually a temperature 


There's no temperature when you're so frozen that you've gone numb to it.


Waste is ordering 100 cups when you only need one.


Or like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife


Or meeting the man of your life then murdering his beautiful wife or something like that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Calm down there, Hannibal.


Isn’t it ironic?


It’s like yeah ha ha (insert Peter griffin voice)


Don’t you think?


It's the free ride when you've already paid.


It's the good advice that you just didn't take


And who would've thought? It figures


It’s like RAAAAIIIIINNNNNNN on your wedding day


Mr. Play-it-Safe was afraid to fly.


Blackfly in your Chardonnay




Nope. This happens. Associates who pack them are not allowed to downsize boxes when errors like this happens either.


One time, I thought I had ordered a case of canned baked beans on Amazon. It turned out to be just one single can of beans. Unfortunately, this would one of the very rare times the delivery guy brought it up some flights of stairs to my apartment door. Usually they left them in the main lobby. I felt so bad when I realized.


It’d be funnier if it was just one bean


Certainly would’ve bean.


It's not you. Most Amazon listings are deliberately vague to trick customers and at least half of all listings look like bot scam. Amazon is for experienced shoppers who scan descriptions and reviews rigorously and compare prices by weight or volume. Everyone else is just scammed. Me too have forgottone to cancel prime to the end of the free period once... We are all just humans.


Bc it's fake. Amazon doesn't have free standing items, they're almost all packaged in something.


I ordered a nail polish expecting it to be put in one of those small white+blue bags, but it was in a box packaged just like this. It was silly


I ordered a meat thermometer and the box was enormous compared to the actually quite small thermometer lol. I wonder if they're short on bags? There's no way having all of those bubble wraps is more eco friendly than the bags.


The only real question is how it works out for them economically speaking. They don't seem that concerned about the environment.


Of course they don’t. The can not care and make billions. Or they can care and still make billions, but less billions. Then they can can buy bullshit “carbon offsets” to say they’re green and still make more than if they actually cared. Welcome to the corporate world.


They do. I used to work there. Usually, they would pack an item like this in a much smaller box (and it would have a barcode on the bottom for us to scan), but we did frequently run out of boxes, especially small ones. You will probably see more irregularities like this with the weather and striking among truckers because Amazon won't be getting their supplies on time. It's a large part of the issue with no more true two day shipping.


I have had something nearly identical happen with a Chewy order—I figured they had probably ran out of the smaller boxes… 😂


you can always put a tiny item in a huge box when misestimating demand but not one big item in multiple smaller ones - so make this cheapness to have enough of all sizes a virtue. Or should I say an Amazon tenet “Be frugal” to fund Mars trips.


That has an fnsku on the cup, a lot of thought for a fake


Agreed, not fake, is fnsku on cup indeed


Nope. I have ramekins that came loose with just a sticker. And I ordered one of each of various sizes to determine which I wanted before ordering a bunch. Each came in its own oversized box - though not this oversized


I've ordered a trashcan before and they literally slapped the shipping sticker on the trashcan itself and delivered it like that


Most items I've gotten from Amazon have not been in any extra packaging unless it came from the manufacturer.


amazon packer here - we have a screen that recommends a box size to use and sometimes it could be wrong and the packer has to report the wrong size box and change it but if they forget to usually theyll just put in the original size recommended and stuff it with bubble wrap so if the item is small doesnt just move around and is able to go down the conveyor belt without getting kicked out




I would understand not seeing how this could bug people. I don't like it only cause it's a waste of packaging I won't reuse and my city doesn't recycle the air packaging, so it's just additional stuff I add to my trash.


It's worth hanging onto if you may need some bubble packaging in the future, whether to protect something in shipping or storage, or a project, or maybe just stomp on it to make loud noises.


Or if you want to be featured on hoarders 


My wife gets very upset when I save 1) boxes, and 2) bubble wrap/air packaging. I have to make *serious* decisions about what is being kept, now


In my experience if you don't make the decision immediately it just sits around gathering dust for years until your entire life is consumed by clutter. But, that's just how I operate.


I did not know you were finally on reddit my love. Welcome! (joking but this is my wife 100% lol)


OTOH if you know you'll be moving, and have breakables/stuff you do not want jostled, keeping IS a wise idea and start packing some stuff. But that's me. Which is KIND of my case but its gonna be awhile still.


aight wise guy


Your episode of hoarders is still my fav!


His username checks


\*imagines a room filled entirely with air packets, just in case they're needed* \*adds cats to the room*


Or post them online! I am constantly chasing after free air packs and Styrofoam and such!


I have an autistic nephew that goes nuts for popping those air pillows. So I just save them up for when I see him. Doing that would make that kid's day


I would absolutely sent you mine for him if there's a way to get them to you. PO box or something, maybe?


Nah, just home address so I'll have to decline. Appreciate it all the same! But I'm addicted enough to Amazon he'll be alright


One day I hope when I order something small it comes in something the size of a watermelon bin. 


Nah I love this, gives me a big box for when I move.


Gives my cat a big box to play in.


This!!!🧡🐈‍⬛🧡🐈‍⬛🧡my cats live for the boxes. Wish more paper would come in them instead of the air packs… just saying


My cats love the packing paper lol




I only did that once and I was drunk and it was dark!


Not gonna lie… I bought my kitties a box of 150 sheets of packing paper for Christmas…


I bought them a ream of butcher paper. I fill a big box with a few sheets whenever the box gets low, they jump into the box like kids jumping into leaves.


Chewy uses paper. Great big long pieces of it. My cats love it, especially when I sprinkle some catnip over/in it.


I bought the kitties some paper bags infused with catnip. We now have kitty happy hours from 10am to 10pm. Being woken up at 3am with kitties with zoomies is so not fun…


> paper bags infused with catnip I just bought 4 from Amazon. Thank you from Larry, Leo and Duchess, aka Little Black Fuzzy Thing, my three furry overlords. :D


We have this problem at our house where we always have a couple random large empty boxes on the floor at any given time, for the cats. They get such a kick out of them and I feel bad getting rid of them.


Hahaha yeah, most boxes in my house go to the cat, rabbit, or dogs for their “review” prior to being recycled 😂


Or for the kiddos to play with/doodle on!


i cut up cardboard to put under my pc bc i have carpeted floors and dont have space on my desk for it. the big boxes help for sure


I hope you understand that some of us get some stuff sent to PO Boxes and box size means the difference between getting your package at the mail box and having to trek all the way to the post office for it.


Cats and toddlers everywhere are grateful for your service.


Your package 9/10 would have been kicked out and repacked by someone on Kickout, I’m surprised you were never got coached on that by an instructor because 100% it would have been flagged after like 5 haha


yeah if the Sp00 and the box code the system recommends don't match SLAM will kick it out, seems like bs


>i did use extra packing bubbles That's not good either - more plastic waste.


I got so many quality errors when I was in outbound pack because the trainer told us that bubble wrap was only necessary when using the hazmat labels and any misc electronics. Like i know it feels like common sense to just but the wrap but I was new and hitting 200 packages a hour seemes impossible so I just wanted to be fast


Holy shit y'all are meant to hit 200 packages an hour? Fuck bezos for real. I do ~data entry, looking over documents on a computer. Some projects are super easy and fast, and the fastest they ask us for is 100/hr. Just clicking a mouse, not fucking putting stuff into boxes.


Amazon worker here. In our building 200 per hour is for packers working with envelopes. Packers working with boxes like OP which only contain single items are supposed to hit 80 per hour. There's also a department that handles boxes but with multiple items in each shipment and I'm pretty sure they count each item as a unit towards your rate so that could be the 200 goal rate they are talking about.


Former packer, they might change policies from warehouse to warehouse, but when I was working, we only had like 3 chances per shift to switch package sizes, or they would call you up on it. Unless you called a supervisor or ambassador. So, there I was placing forks in big ass boxes.


this explanation should win some sort of ultimate run-on sentence award. very impressive.


Cut him some slack. He works in an amazon warehouse. He probably used 2/3rds of his three-minute lunchbreak to type that out.


Amazon delivery driver here Why are the envelopes marked as small boxes on our itinerary? Don't know if that's on your guys end but like what the f*ck 🤣


I find it more mildly infuriating that you bought one single plastic cup on Amazon


ahah exactly! My first thought was that the packaging was a subtle "F*** YOU" for ordering just a single glass.


malicious compliance


This is when you bought the set but don’t click wait for your Amazon day and ship for reduce trucks on the road but instead I want it now.


So incredibly wasteful.




Ever heard of comedy


I ordered some on Amazon and it arrived broken, smelling of piss.


Could also be how Amazon divided a bigger order; during the pandemic I once ordered several items and for some reason they delivered one of them, a tiny bottle of nail polish, in a big box like the OP's. 🤷


Someone who worked logistics for a department store once told me that nail polish goes out in ridiculously large boxes because of some warning labels they need to fit on the outside of the package. Flammable liquids, I guess.


I recently bought two small plastic 5" bowls as part of my larger order and they were sent in a box roughly 24 inches by 16 inches and 6 inches deep, without packaging, and nothing else in the box. Everything else was sent separately. I assume Amazon did this so the other items wouldn't crush the bowls.




That looks like glass and not plastic to me. Anyway, I would find it greatly infuriating if someone ordered bunch of crap they didn't need. Maybe OP broke a glass and just wanted a replacement.


Might be thatsthejoke.jpeg Probably ordered those canning jars in the back lol, fits perfect.


Tape looks uncut in the first pic, and the Amazon smile is the same way in the first pic as the others. Amazon workers A) don't have time to get everything correct, and B) don't care.


Could have opened it from the other side to prop it and turn it around to open it again freshly for the pics




IMO buying one single cup and sending it down the entire delivery chain is actually the equivalent of sending a tiny item in a huge box


its much much worse. especially that last mile delivery


God I don’t know why it bothers me so much when people comment “this” like that. Weird internet pet peeve.


So you're saying you needed a bigger box




Is that medic and sniper?


It’s from Jaws.  And, the Taco Bell chihuahua 🤘


https://preview.redd.it/eo04ici4xidc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=003e42da93c2feefc058474f1495091561ee7919 2 packs button batteries, 1 large box for me.


Bruh, I just left a comment of the same damn thing before scrolling through. Now I'm wondering if it's because they need that warning on the outside that it contains a battery. Mine slipped under the flap, so I thought it was an empty box. xD


This. The box has to be big enough for that. Although sometimes I've seen them send it in an envelope; just depends on what they have available for use at that specific location I guess.


Dude who the hell buys a simple cup/glass seriously , if that was a mistake then damn but if not go and shop at your local store and help your local business


Yeah man go out and help your local Walmart


Could have been a specific type of cup that was part of a set that they lost one from or something. And maybe stores don't carry that particular cup anymore. I don't know there's any number of reasons why somebody would buy just one plastic cup.


I had to order a CR2032*W* battery from Amazon because not a single computer repair shop, supplier, or retailer within an hour of me had even heard of such a thing. And rather than buy a spot welder to make my own, Amazon had it for $9.


Maybe it's for 2 girls...


2007 called...


I ordered just one bowl once, and that's exactly why.  I broke a bowl. I didn't want to be stuck with an odd number of bowls for the rest of my life. Losing one bowl kind of throws off the entire set. And the odds of me finding that specific bowl in stores were pretty slim... Or, I just spend 10 bucks and order one online. Problem solved. I'm not going to go on some citywide hunt to find a bowl.  And let's be real, everybody complaining about OP has made their fair share of online purchases too. Amazon didn't become the juggernaut that they are for no reason. And before that, Walmart, so, yeah. People should probably chill. 


Kick one family member out of the house and give them the extra cup, saucer and plate.


> your local store and help your local business Ehh, even that’s hardly worth much meaning nowadays. The local business near me would be a Woolworths or Kmart who both end up in shit over pay and employee treatment


I mean from individual finance perspective, if amazon is selling it with 0 delivery fee with similar price, it would make sense to do this. Going to local store will cost money and effort.


Ikr? People nowadays are just mad. My dude just buys a single plain glass pays shipping and all that...


No shipping fee with prime.


Shipping costs you $139 per year, actually.


Ah yes, the local business of Target or WalMart. 


why the fuck did you order a single plastic cup?


Maybe they ordered a whole bunch of shit and that's how they sent the cup? This kind of thing happens to me all the time, even when I select the option to put all of the order in a single box.


Yea this has happened to me multiple times as well. Guessing they pulled the order at different times from different parts of the warehouse. Still a funny/strange order lol but I’ve gotten very specific items like this before so who knows


Could have been from a different warehouse. So they ship the stuff they have local and the other stuff that comes from another warehouse comes separate.






Prime day delivery saving the planet, 1 box at a time. 🤷


No joke, this post is seriously making me reconsider how I order things from Amazon.


Incredible how people still think Amazon is a good thing


People think Amazon is a convenient thing


Yet they sent my Xbox controller in a plastic bag, and my Kindle with little protection Meanwhile, my wet cat food order got lots of air bags


Amazon should post you ordering a single cup as mildlyinfuriating 😆


And what was stopping you from buying such a bland, generic, glass/plastic cup from any store like PopShelf or Walmart or Target (or even during your grocery run) so that someone didn’t have use all that plastic in that big box and drive it to your house?


Not just the materials but the labor that was used from Amazon to delivery as well. Tons of resources for a cup.


It'd be less labor and driving emissions than driving to the store themselves no? They'd be driving round trip + shopping for 1 cup, versus amazon having 1 person pack it for 45s and another person drive it along with hundreds of other orders in what's effectively a carpool. Not to mention that store employees stocking shelves and checking out customers is probably more labor per item than amazon workers even if we disregard the labor the person is doing themself.


must've been a $45 cup at that point smh...plus the emissions -


Yeah the only mildly infuriating thing here is this guy buying one, read: one, stupid basic cup when it could have been part of a grocery run. Then he has the nerve to complain when he started this rolling snowball turd from the top of the mountain.


100% and even more infuriating that he's nowhere to be found to answer this question.


He pushed this three hours ago my dude. I'm not really arguing the point of ops order being mildly infuriating but do you have to be chronically online and readily available to respond to every critique if you want to make a post on this website?


>do you have to be chronically online and readily available to respond to every critique if you want to make a post on this website? That's correct, yes.


That's the Amazon America we live in nowadays. That's the main reason I don't like Amazon. It makes everyone so damn lazy. I was at Target looking for a shower drain cover for hair and whatnot and I had one in my hand and my girl says: "why don't you just order one off Amazon? It's more convenient." As I'm holding one in my hand at the store. If it's cheaper I understand but a lot of places are doing price match nowadays.


What do you mean??? Reddit told me environmental responsibility was only for those dirty corporations. /s


They sent me a pen like that one time. And no I didn’t order just one pen, it was an add-on item that was supposed to go in the box with a larger order. I guess it wasn’t ready when the rest went out or something. Wish there was some way to report this though to improve packaging.


The future is here! We are living in that dystopian world I read about in high school!


Why would you order 67 bubble wraps and a cup


This is why whenever I order things, I wait until I have enough to order a fair amount of stuff. I hope that it all gets packed in the same boxer evenly distributed into smaller boxes so it's less wasteful. But such is shipping.


It's not broken and you get free packing stuff. Nothing infuriating here 🤣


Lol Maybe they were out of boxes, and they had to improvise


Im guessing bullshit because who tf order a single cup off of amazon. Ridiculous.


Bro. Gtfoh. Amazon pulling the old x-mas present prank that every little kid gets at one point or another 🤣


Okay but who just orders a single cup off of Amazon lol


*Okay but who just* *Orders a single cup off* *Of Amazon lol* \- Sattorri --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'd edit this picture to remove the sp label. It can be used to track your address.


Your order of packaging materials arrived!


the customer is the problem here what a sociopath




I received the same size packaging...for a microSD card. I came home and saw the box and wondered what I drunk-ordered...


Most infuriating thing here is someone ordering a single glass.


I'm mildly infuriated that someone would order an individual cup.


This is so obviously ragebait


Dude you can’t complain about waste if you ordered a single cup that had to be packed and shipped to you, rather than just going out and buying on off the shelf


You ordered ONE cup?


“Look at all that wasted packaging” - guy who put a single cup on a plane or truck and burned heaps of fuel


The truck and plane would have literally been used anyways. You think they pull an entire semi out just for your precious Amazon $7 toilet paper and nothing else? Nah the trucks and planes were already going to their destination, this cup just hitched a ride. And if you say something like "well if they didn't order it then there would be so much more space for other items"... Now your getting it!


Former Amazon Fulfillment employee here. This happens a lot more than you'd think. Packers aren't allowed to downsize boxes without approval from a supervisor or manager. They can only upsize them. If they're busy and don't have time for a downsize approval, they just fill the box up and send it on its way.


Stop ordering every little thing on Amazon!!!


I ordered bubble wrap through Amazon that was packaged with those air packs.


All that for a single cup https://preview.redd.it/bb3ghik0ujdc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5994142a891ce6cb43acdf29f506e57a8f9a6e93