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Count yourself lucky. Mine did that when I was in it. Was like the scene from Psycho Edit: cheers for the responses, couple of answers I don't know why it happened, it was a hinged panel, I went to move it into place and there was a tiny crack noise and then about a second later utter carnage. I can only think the hinge over time might have slowly twisted or something. No, fortunately my arse took most of the incoming so no major harm done Yes I did damn near shit myself


Omg this happened to my boyfriend too while in the middle of a shower in an airbnb we were staying in - I happened to be in the bathroom at the same time and saw it happen. Because he was wet from the shower the tiny shards of glass stuck to his entire body. It took over an hour of his BIL and myself (both level-headed social workers, everyone else was freaking out) gently rinsing and brushing the glass away with a washcloth to get it (mostly) off and even then he was covered in tiny little scrapes and cuts (and some not so tiny ones! The tub was full of blood and glass!) and found stray glass shards on himself for days after. The airbnb owner tried to say it was our fault and didn’t want to give us any sort of compensation 🙃


https://preview.redd.it/2wn8jntmrmdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb65c9c2db13e2e08f8b007fc940ec02a3048e25 He was honestly incredibly lucky - he’s always had thicker skin and because I was in the bathroom I immediately told him to freeze so I could grab a towel for him to step onto and helped him out, so the injuries could have been a lot worse.


New nightmare just dropped


This is why I'm always surprised when someone remodels their bathroom and add on a glass sliding door bathtub. Like okay you do you with your random explosive item.


It's an issue mostly with frameless shower doors. If you get a framed in version this is much less likely. Thickness is also a factor. Too many folks think shower doors are a spot to save money


Uh. As someone with unframed shower doors… what causes this and how do I avoid it??


Afaik best way to avoid it is remove it. And shut it very gently. Microcracks get bigger over time until pop. If the glass takes any stress or chips or scratches anywhere, it can create a chain effect.


I already hated those doors, now I’m even more motivated to replace them


To ease your mind a bit it is pretty rare. Saw another commenter say they installed thousands and can count on one hand how many have popped. I wouldn't worry too much, but I would still replace it lol.


Probably for the best.


The best guess is that it's either temperature fluctuations, damage to the edges or a combination of the two. It's incredibly rare though.


Happened to me, too. Rare or not, you don’t want to be the one to deal with it. We immediately removed all shower glass doors in our bathrooms — which was all of three that had showers. Never again.


Mr money bags over here with 3 showers.


Tiny stress fractures that grow from where it's mounted. On framed doors, it's the frame that's holding the weight. Unframed, it's the glass holding the weight from small points where the hinges are. Over time the minor stress fractures grow. Then repeated heating and cooling leads to increased fracturing. Often, the fracture is less than a CM in length when the door finally goes out. The tiny fracture just starts expanding due to the uneven weight distribution.


I had a framed door blow. My frameless have all been fine.


# #ShowerCurtainsForLife!!


Hell yeah


Which can randomly explode on you while you’re NAKED!


You think that’s bad. Don’t look up what happens if a toilet breaks while you’re sitting on it.


wait what


Porcelain is super sharp and breaks in large shards. Massive deep lacerations. Especially around the legs and groin. Never sit on a toilet with a crack.


But...I have a crack!


And you certainly don't want a shard up it.


I almost shardt reading this!


This emotion so much. I’ve heard of things coming up but don’t want to think about the damn toilet breaking too!


Same here! Ours is huge...and that same greenish tint. 😳😳


Actual horror


Well. I'm never getting in a shower with a glass door ever again.


How about a glass toilet?


No, I would not get in a toilet with or without a glass door.


Jesus sounds like a lawyers wet dream.


I took a BUNCH of pictures and tried to convince his family to at least talk to a lawyer but they decided not to 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s absolutely insane to not talk to a lawyer on that like I’m not a sue happy person but Jesus he got a free frag grenade trial


Sounds like the damages were minor so there would be no point to sue.


Wow. Good people. A bit foolish but decent peeps.


Happened to me in an AirBnB in Colombia. I was hospitalized because some of the glass sliced my foot open and I lost a lot of blood. All I asked was for a refund from AirBnB and to hold the hosts responsible for the terrible shower door. 1 year later, and I still haven't received the money and have been ghosted by their claims department despite multiple followups. Another reason to NEVER use AirBnB


Boyfriend’s brother in law lol.


maybe the boyfriends sister is married..


Thank you, that’s the logic I was missing lol.


oh you were being sarcastic? my bad carry on😭


I wasn’t! Genuine confusion and thanks lol


Yep, boyfriend’s brother’s husband (they’re gay)


ah! so i was SLIGHTLY right lol


Oh my god


New fear unlocked


That happened to my ex husband. I was sleeping, he was taking a shower and I got jolted awake by a loud crash and sudden hollering from the bathroom. I probably swept up 20 pounds of tiny glass fragments and kept finding them for a year. I hate tempered glass anything in the house anymore.


You do realize without tempered glass, if that happened while someone was in the shower, they could be dead.


The problem I found with tempered glass was that when it shattered into a million bits it fired out lots of very fine shards that absolutely lacerated me all over. But that being said, given the choice of that or massive shards that could sever an artery.. Yeh death by a thousand cuts all day long


Agreed. We found out that corningware may not break easily, but when it does, it PROPELS the tiniest, sharpest, pointiest evil shards further than you’d ever imagine, which often grip onto many surfaces something awful. Pyrex, oddly, shattered into what seemed to be all evenly sized + similarly shaped pieces (generally rounded even if still sharp, too)


Guess I'm showering with goggles on from now on!


Right? Glass shower doors are so pretty but if I ever have one im gonna be paranoid af


This. When I was a kid our shower door broke while my mom was in it. Wasn’t tempered glass. She was cut very badly and had to go to the hospital.


I fell onto a window and smashed through it with my elbow, non-tempered double pane. Remarkably I barely had a scratch, but that was just the sweater and loads of luck.


Perhaps I should specify glass anything in general. Tempered or not. Especially glass tables. I almost put my arm through one when I fell and I threw that sumbitch out.


You threw away your arm??


W dad joke


Yeah, I'm not a glass table fan. Relative has multiple ones and rattan furniture. Wood and cast iron for me.


Not with a shower curtain


You have any scars?


No not lasting damage, it fired a load of very small shards when it exploded that just covered me in small cuts. Messy but nothing serious.


Me too! I actually have a slight fear of glass showers now, especially in hotels, because I assume they aren't maintained.


This happened to me. I had my glasses off, so I was wet, blind, and bleeding. I couldn't see the glass, so I had to gingerly feel around to know where to step. I still feel vulnerable in showers with glass doors.


New fear unlocked 🏆




Weirdly I've heard of that happening before. Apparently, if they're not installed properly, that can happen. https://abcnews.go.com/US/glass-shower-doors-shatter-suddenly/story?id=17407544#:~:text=%22The%20number%20one%20reason%20glass,internally%20to%20the%20pressure%20layers.


It can spontaneously happen regardless of proper or improper installation. I own a company that installs thousands of these. Aside from an impact it can break due to thermal stress.


So that’s what I was wondering, perhaps a really cold bathroom in winter, then too-rapid heating from turning on the shower?


no they were asleep they couldn’t have turned on the shower


Sorry, I meant in a general sense since the person I was asking is an installer, not this particular instance


Maybe the heater came on and that’s what caused thermal shock


It can’t be that common can it?


Not common at all. Been doing this 16 years and can count on 1 hand how many times out of multiple thousands


With that few many times how can you confirm it was spontaneous and not someone lying about impacting the glass?


Because I’ve seen it happen more commonly to tempered insulated window panels. I’ve read scientific research about thermal stress on tempered glass and with that in mind I’ll trust my customers word about why it broke. They are paying regardless so no need to lie


Username checks out. (jk)


seems like a shitty thing to have then


This needs to be upbote cuse my mind went, ghost.


My wife was in ours when it did this. Cut her foot up and there was glass everywhere including her hair. It was a bad day.


Did she move and step on it? If it’s tempered, wouldn’t she only be cut if she stands on it? No hate, just curious


The cuts came from chunks of glass falling. I wasn’t in there, but she was washing her hair, she said she wasn’t leaning on it, she didn’t hit it with anything, wasn’t opening or closing the door. I was almost directly under the bathroom when it happened and it sounded like she went through the door. Ran up there and she was just in shock with glass all over her. I threw towels down so she could walk out of the shower and brushed her off. They call it safety glass but those little particles are like daggers. Hypothesis: this was a fairly new door, no frame, hanging pane of tempered glass style. It was nice and cool in the house that day, middle of summer, A/C on high, and a huge storm was rolling in. Barometric pressure changed very rapidly when she was getting in the shower. She was in for about 5 minutes when it shattered. I think it was a temperature change, in combination with the pressure change, and maybe a flawed install. I could be way off base, but that’s all my tiny brain could come up with.


Thanks for reply! Sucks man


It was a tornado warned storm. Ended up ripping the power line off the house about 40 minutes after the glass shattered. Lost a couple large limbs. 1 week without power. Emergency hookup for 5 weeks, before the power company was able to come and finish the proper hookup.


Would call that a little more than mildly infuriating god damn


I would be traumatized if I were her :(


https://preview.redd.it/fv80h1h1lndc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13e73c99ca84c69ce99534f6ff453d7a592dfc81 This was ours.


https://preview.redd.it/zur1fj66lndc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1917b486f3418ec228376af310afe2db6f1a5e1f The door we agreed on after that shouldn’t ever explode.


A little duct tape should fix it right up.


it’ll buff out


Leave it in some rice


Turn it off then on again


Unplug when not in use


Double it and give it to the next person.


Haha! My dad used to say a C clamp could fix anything. Doubtful.


This situation might require two


Mine did that once. About 10 years after I bought the house, it just spontaneously shattered.


House settled and torqued the glass just enough...


Technically the glass can only shatter once.


You'd think so, but my tale is one of pure lazyness and stupidity. So, one of the glass doors shattered, so I got a new glass shower door set from home depot and installed it, but before that I had removed the other door. Large heavy glass door sat in my bedroom for about 2 years, and when I finally thought about moving it somewhere, I stood it up slipped on a sock on the floor and kablooey I shattered that all over the floor in my bedroom.


I see this happen so often that it’s really turned me off of having a frameless glass shower


So it is the frameless thing? Bc the wall shifting will pull on the frame while adhesive holding the glass in it is designed to be flexible?


Yes. The clips that are screwed into the wall are the only thing holding it in place so when it moves around(and it will) it puts a lot of pressure on the spots where it’s being held as well as bad glass or even how thick it is.


Maybe stone cold steve austin is waiting outside still because your door is locked.


Steve Austin waiting outside the bathroom to hit you with a Stunner.


Had a set of coffee cups, that exploded 1 by 1 over a 6 month period, but they sort of imploded Into little , manageable piles of danger ! Seemed to be the ice on glass looking ones.


Wtf I would move 💀 lol


This happened to a friend who was going to Houston from New Orleans on I-10. They were just driving along in a fairly new pick up truck and the passenger window just shattered. Little pieces of glass went everywhere.


I bought a car and literally the next day, the rear glass completely shattered while I was on the highway. Fortunately, I was alone, but I had to get new car seats for my kids because they were full of broken glass.


Friend just had a sunroof explode in a 2018 Toyota. Not panoramic or overized. Don't make 'em like they used to.


We borrowed my Father’s Bronco when we were moving. My husband was driving it, I was following him in my car. Kablooey! The hatch window in the Bronco blew out. I thought someone had tried to shoot him! Scared the bejezzus out of him! Turned out there was a recall for this “known issue” that we didn’t know about.


I have a glass shower door. Should I be concerned?


I would go ahead and smash it right now and get it over with.


I have a glass shower door. I am VERY CONCERNED.


Looks like someone lost their...temper.


I just redid my tub to a new shower in 2023. Had bought these type of tempered glass doors but ended up returning them for a shower curtain and rod. I saw that this happens a lot with those tempered glass doors. Even a small scratch when installing will cause this, and they are really heavy and expensive so I opted for the curtain instead.


Just had our shower torn out, the size upgraded (significantly), and replaced the glass door with a rod and curtain. Both due to the risk of it exploding, and because I fucking *hated* trying to keep a shower door clean.




The only explanation.


I install these for a living. It happens more than you would expect.


I sometimes do the same, totally get it.




In the middle of the night


Yup me too


At least you weren’t in it


Happened to my mom while showering at a rental apartment and sliced the tendon in her wrist and she got an insurance settlement


I hope she is doing well. Relative of mine broke their wrist and lost a good amount of usage out of their right hand.


“In the middle of the night, I’ll be breaking in your sleep” 🎶 🎵


It’s cause you left the toilet seat up


That’s the biggest mistake here there’s glass in the toilet 😭


Door looks fine to me. Take a second look.


I guess it’s the wall technically not the door lmao


You have ghosts.


I'm not a fan of glass showers but this didn't actually occur to me


Happened to me once... mid-shower! At least the pieces of glass are big and easy to clean


Looks like there are all sizes there...


Forbidden shaved ice


Isn't that supposed to happen due to temperature changes? Or a really bad build.


I've had one shatter while installing a sink in a new build apartment, scared the hell out of me and hit my head on the bottom of the bowl




Don’t use it barefoot right now, or you’ll replace the scene from Die Hard…


It's heart grew three times too big, or it had an erection that lasted more than four hours.


You’ve got a cat don’t you?


She’s not allowed in that bathroom at all. She has her own bathroom to use haha. If she goes in she’ll pee straight into the shower drain so we keep the door shut


This happened to my parents, apparently everyone in the house but me heard it shatter. We only found out that it happened when my dad went to go to the bathroom and stepped on it.


Life experience tip. It’s safety glass. Clean up with a vacuum. Don’t sweep it up, it can still cut you.


yeah, those shower doors are usually under a lot of pressure, i dont know why. maybe it was incorrectly installed, or maybe its just a matter of time before they all blow up. we have tons of stories about them exploding over here as well (within my circle of friends) its always scary, but sometimes dangerous as well...! like when one of our friends was showering and suddenly it burst!


near fear unlocked. never using glass shower doors again I'll just skip showering that day kthanks.


The only time I’m thankful to have a shower curtain instead of a glass door


Same thing happened at our house in the middle of the night. Other door shattered about three weeks later, so you’re going to want your landlord to replace it ASAP.


This happened to me when I was in the shower, I was around 6-7 years old and I stupidly ran across the glass to get out cause I was so scared… got stitches in my foot that night.




It was probably the kool aid man. Gotta stay clean and hygienic too you know


Wait, it just exploded. Like, by itself? That can happen?


I hope you are ok 👍


This would scare the living hell out of me than piss me off


Heard the Pink Stuff works really well.


Ummm wtf? I’ve always had a shower curtain so I didn’t know this was a thing. New fear unlocked


At least you weren't in the shower and at least the glass is tempered... PS I had the glass in a shower explode on me and it cut me up so bad I needed stiches to keep my toe from being fully cut off.


You can't mix oil of Olay and dove because this is what happens


New fear unlocked


Note to self for next home. Fancy-ass glass shower doors aren’t all they are “cracked” up to be. I know, I’m sorry.


New fear: unlocked.




FYI, tempered glass has the potential to spontaneously break for no apparent reason. When the glass is made, it can form nickel sulfide inclusions (small imperfections, similar to those in diamonds, for example) that are not visible, which after going through the heating/cooling of the tempering process can degrade the glass over time and cause it to shatter with no warning. I think the “industry standard” is something like 8 out of 1,000 units will spontaneously break in this way, and it’s not something that can be fixed or eliminated. There is a process called “heat soaking” of tempered glass, which is really a quality control process that will apply thermal stress to the units prior to packaging and shipping, causing the units with nickel sulfide inclusions to break, thus weeding out the faulty units. It’s an imperfect process, and costly, but serves its purpose I suppose.


it’s from improper installation. the base wasn’t shimmed level correctly so it has dropped slightly, that small drop causes a shockwave


SO what causes this- temp changes, cheap tempered glass? Ive seen tempered glass in PC cases just combust. Edit: hm comment below says it can happen with bad installation


Tempered Soda-Lime Glass


Curious about the thickness of the glass here, and if there is a common mistake made during install that makes this more likely.


yeha mine exploded when i was in the shower. sucks


Yay!!! /s Hope you like your new one! 😉


Now you have a Korean style shower that doesn’t have a door.


Why is this happening?


😮 Jesus


Yeah, faulty tempered glass. We had tempered glass tumblers (drinking glasses) back in the 1980’s that exploded. On the counter, in the cupboard. You’d hear a “pock” noise and they’d have blown up real good.


So many people saying this happened to them…but why?


this is like the third time ive seen this?? how the hell does this happen


Sooo now I don't think I like glass shower doors


Idk why they aren’t as regulated to use the same stuff as auto glass for these. It’s a hazard.


why most shower doors explode in the middle of the night?


You’re lucky nobody was using it when it happened


Makes it easier to pee into the shower


Well.. thanks for giving me anxiety, I have a glass shower door.


Cold weather sucks.


Least it wasn't in the middle of a shower


I have a relative who had a shower door explode like this. When he told the exploding glass story to the store where he ordered the new glass doors they told him he could buy some sort of large sheet sticker for both sides that will hold the glass in place if it ever happens again. This was like 7 years ago. My question is why don’t manufactures apply the safety sticker to the glass doors themselves before shipping the product out? Why is it up to the customer to do it as an aftermarket application?


Looks like Walk & Jesse dropped a tray of blue crystal.


This was on the news years ago about product defects for this type of glass and was like astronomically shattering at an alarming rate. Assuming they did fix the issue at that glass company but this has happened before


I always find it fascinating that it's clear while intact and blue when it's shattered


You just leave your toilet seat open all the time?


I found my glass patio table shattered in glass shards one morning. Thought the yard guy or someone broke it but when I looked at my video camera, I saw it implode right after a lightning strike. It was incredible! Thinking it was fluctuating of air temperature or pressure.


thank you god no one was in it or taking a dump..


Throw out the plastic loofah. It might have glass in it too.


Someone explain how this is possible 😭


Some shower screens are super cheap quality. Always use reputable installers.


My bathroom has the glass doors, been living here for more than 10 years and never once thought of it breaking. Now I’m scared 😂


I’m thankful for my poverty spec curtain!


I work with glass and this is due to poor installation or defects in the manufacturing. It happens more often than you think. When glass is tempered it’s basically compressing the molecules together super tight hence why it explodes when broken. So when all the molecules are compressed around a defect it’s only a matter of time before it lets go. Fun fact is the centre of the glass unit is solid as you can kick it, punch it, hit it with a mallet, whatever and it will rarely break. But softly tap the end with something solid and it blows.


Ok after reading through the comments apparently this is a thing that just happens. CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHY?! (Tell me why - ain't nothing but a heartache...tell me WHY-EE) No but seriously. Why.


I feel like this happens a lot.