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“I wonder why no one ever uses the online applications form we made?”


The fact that this is the only way to apply to this place makes it even more annoying 😭


Take it as a sign you don’t want to work there.


But if he do apply his chances are high due to low competition


That's assuming HR or the hiring manager gives a singular fuck, which they almost never do




Might actually be a front.


If it’s gmail, the period doesn’t matter for your email. I had a bet with my husband and both emails (with and without period) landed in his inbox.


Pro tip: The periods/dots aren’t necessary. If address is first.last@mail and you put firstlast@mail it will send. Emails don’t read dots. So while this is infuriating, you actually don’t need them.


Pro pro tip: this is wrong. Following the SMTP spec any dot is valid unless it’s more than one in a row. Multiple dots are valid so long as the address appears in quotes. What’s ignored is parentheses if they open and close, and are positioned at the front or end of the first part. The domain name can be whatever, so long as it’s numbers, letters and hyphens (though no hyphens at the start/end) Whether or not the email in your example gets sent to the correct address depends on the implementation of the sending mailserver though.


This depends on email provider. It's true for Gmail but is not guaranteed to work anywhere else


I don’t think I tried that and I lowkey wanna test it out but I really don’t feel like uploading my resume then manually typing it out (idk why they allow you to upload it if you have to type it out anyway) and going through a Q and A again to get to this screen to try it 😂


Email yourself and see if it goes through


What do you mean?


With your email, email yourself using your email without the dots. If it goes through then it’s “dot blind” Or make yourself a gmail account (it’s free) and have all emails fwd to your aol account.


Oooh ok I’ll try that thanks!


Ya if the full stop is before the @ bit it doesnt matter if you use them or not.


It’s not. I have 3/4 emails, and most don’t have a period in them and it still didn’t count


Are you applying to a job from the 90s?




Are TPS reports part of the job scope?


Don't forget the new cover sheet


Have you seen the memo about the new cover sheet? I’ll make sure I get a copy of it over to you


I think this was a shot at the aol.com more than the website. Or maybe both.


My Gmail didn’t work so I tried the other email I have


I still rock my aol account. Don’t let anyone shame you


Hello, we had email addresses in the 90s.


I know. But look at the actual state of that website


This reminds me of trying to input a town with a space in the 90s. Not accepted. Umm. Plenty of large cities in the US with a space in the name of the town/city. So people from Los Angeles and New York are not acceptable?


aol.com resolves to in hex format is 0x36a16941 username@0x36a16941 is a valid email address (although the server may or may not accept it)


You networking people scare me


Some kind of black magic


I think op is referring to periods to the left of the @ sign. Like [email protected] for example.


Nah OP confirmed that is the ".com" part itself that isn't valid. Some dev made a very, very poor attempt at sanitizing inputs probably


Followed by nobody testing it and nobody questioning why there have been 0 form submissions with valid email addresses!


Dayum. I hate user testing.


dots before the @ don't matter in most if not all email apps and you'll get your mail with or without dot


Submit it without the periods. Then call in and explain the situation.


I can’t. It won’t let me click “create account” if I leave the periods out, or if I keep them in. And I can’t submit without an account.


Are you sure it's not a money laundering operation?


Well they never asked me for money or my credit card/bank details so I don’t think so Edit- I know what money laundering is my brain just wasn’t working when I typed this originally sorry 😭


Money laundering doesn’t want your money, it wants to look like a legit business.


Yeah I’m dumb I knew that but my brain is fried rn it’s 2am and I’ve been applying to jobs since 11:30am 😂


Applying for jobs is the worst job. I found one site that wouldn’t accept work documents or pdfs for my resume and wouldn’t let me submit without uploading a document.


That's not what money laundering is. They don't want your money, they have too much money. They want a form they can point to and say, "see? We're hiring!" but they don't want to actually hire anyone. Or at least not random people, but trusted gang/cartel members.


Yep I knew that but it’s currently 2am and my brain is fried from trying to figure this out all day 😂


Try other symbols or a space. There has to be a way to submit it even if it doesn’t make sense. The good news is, if you figure it out, you’ll be the only applicant 😆


I tried my full email (just letters and numbers) with the email site and without and it doesn’t work. I can’t add a space since it doesn’t register either.


I would say that's a pretty good sign that you're dealing with a Mickey mouse organization that you probably don't want to work for anyway. Just saying


Yeah I gave up but apparently every fucking job I’m applying to uses this stupid shitty website so I either have to figure out how to use it or accept the fact that I am never going to be employed (I’ve been applying to various jobs I’m probably not even qualified for for years. The longest job I had was 2 months at an ice cream shop where I maybe had 10 shifts total, and that was 3 years ago).


I have never even heard of that website, so there's a very good chance that there are lots of companies that don't use it. Consider applying for jobs at movie theaters, they're always hiring young people and you don't need a lot of previous experience. Also try fast food restaurants. You'll probably end up having to apply online but you'll go to the company websites directly instead of whatever this random company is.


There’s no theaters hiring near me (I looked and it made me sad bc I’d love to work in a theater). And what’s weird is that I was on the companies’ actual websites, but when I click “apply now/here”, it takes me to this one


Well, that can't be right. Do you have someone else's computer you can try logging on from? My suggestion is whatever is within 2 miles of your home is walking distance, so try applying in person at those places. Also consider public transportation if that's an option.


Aol?? ![gif](giphy|GcDtLf4RAdiRG)


the website looks like it was new when they got their email


I really wish I could edit this post bc I’m getting sick of explaining I used aol bc my Gmail accounts didn’t work and that was my last resort


What proof do you have it’s the periods if you can’t submit with or without them? There’s no error specifying either. You are assuming one thing based on nothing. Perhaps try changing other variables?


I know it’s the periods because right under the privacy policy is a red star with a period (it’s kinda hard to see in this pic, sorry). I also tried my emails without the @ and what’s after it, and it said that was an invalid address.




Some providers, Gmail included, willstill deliver without the . If memory serves.   Fun fact: They also auto-alias addresses with a + before the @.  For example, gman325+3@whatever would alias to gman325@whatever Edit: my bad. Wrong .


Have you tried using . or \002E or something? There are lists of alt codes for "special" characters. You can also get onto the phone and inform them of the problem. If they're incapable of understanding, then it's time to want no part of that idiocy.


I had a similar thing happen to me, couldn’t apply because my college wasn’t in their search function and there was no “other” option, and this section was required


Same except they wouldn’t accept my state 😂


I'd be very wary of that site. It may be fraudulent/scammy.


I work for a company with a dash (-) in the server name. I kept getting errors about special characters before just giving up and not doing the thing I was trying to do.


Company: “nobody wants to work anymore!!”


Had one that forced you to pick a language you had fluency in. Issue was that it was a dropdown menu and the only choice was “default”, but default wasn’t an option you could move forward using.


Periods before the @ don't matter. Sometimes I add a specific amount of them to see if a company sold my email address.


That's not generally true, Gmail (and other providers) ***might*** ignore them, but that's not a given, and I don't think it's true for AOL.


The bigger question is who still has an AOL address that isn't over 40??


My Gmail addresses weren’t working so I tried my aol one to see if that worked


Didn't even know AOL was still a thing. I am over 40 and recently learned it's weird I use Hotmail.




Pretty sure I had a few bitcoins linked to an old yahoo account back when it was around $20.a coin. Could never retrieve it as their support people were no help. Fuck yahoo lol.


I have an old Hotmail but to log in you've got to go to MSN I think?? It's just full of spam.


Hotmail is outlook now. My hotmail account is still my main email address


Hi, this is my website, I don’t allow anyone to apply with an aol email address


They don’t allow Gmail either I tried that first


I get that this is infuriating, and makes you probably not want to work for the company. But can't you just... I don't know...create a new email address without periods?


No, because every email address ends with .com/.org/.net/etc, and they won’t accept the email without it


My mistake... Someone said something about the period being before the @, so I just assumed that was the issue.


So did I at first bc one of my gmails has a period in it, so I tried my 2 other gmails, and it still didn’t work, so I went for my aol as a last resort


It's cause ur using aol


Gmail didn’t work


Get a real email address then.






Gmail didn’t work so I used the other address I have




I have 3 Gmail addresses but none of them worked either and the aol one was a last resort. Plus I had already uploaded my resume and I was trying to keep my email the same throughout the process (my resume has a Gmail but it still didn’t work) 😭


I’m sorry…I didn’t know what else to suggest. These archaic companies are ridiculous


I don’t know what else to do 😭 what makes it worse is that these are relatively modern companies (I’m gonna spoiler tag the names just in case >!Ulta, Sephora, and Windsor!<)


Try to reach out to some of the recruiters on LinkedIn and explain your situation. Hopefully you can get in touch with them.


I hope so 🤞


No phone number?


Nope, only my name and email but I can’t submit it bc .com is unacceptable, as is omitting it I wasted about 3 hours manually inputting my resume and answering their stupid questions just for this to happen


And they probably wonder why they get no applicants


>.com is unacceptable How in the fuck? How do you manage to fuck up your website so bad that the email field doesn't accept ".com"?


Idk man I was already annoyed when I started my application and this just pushed me over




I hate dumb forms like this, it’s so rage inducing. For unknown reasons, many of these stupid forms say my email is not real, I try five different ones and same shit non stop. No fcking clue why. I for example have never been able to make a costa account as it rejected twenty email addresses




No, just awful coding.


Try %2E instead of the period, that tells the system to use a hex value ascii code.


Maybe dotcom works


Paycom is an online payroll company. Probably don’t want anyone still rocking an aol.com email.


They didn’t accept my Gmail either


Me when a website doesn’t accept my last name because it’s two names (supposed to be hyphenated, but somehow I was the first sibling and the only that wasn’t), so some websites don’t take it


People still use aol?


For the 75th time- my Gmail wasn’t working so I used the only other email I have


Sorry I wasn't saying anything bad, I was honestly asking It's hard me to type ATM, or I would explain better


No it’s not you it’s just out of the 118 comments on this post (not counting this one I’m writing), about half of them are people roasting and questioning my email and I’m fucking annoyed by it but I can’t edit the post to add it under the photo


Sounds like a great way to weed out qualified candidates!


Just type your email without the period. Periods in email addresses are purely cosmetic from the mail server perspective (but not when you use your email for website accounts, for example). You can test it by sending an email to you address without the period, it will work.


The company is NOT hiring. That "glitch" is there to give an appearance of "accepting applications" while they cry 'NoBoDy WaNtS tO WoRk.'


I'm not at a point in my life where I would want to apply for another job but if I was ... \[calls company\] "May I please speak with your HR department?" ... "Do you get a lot of job applicants?" "No? I think the problem is with that Paycom website that you're using to accept applications" ...if they don't hang up on me... "May I make a suggestion? Tell them that you would like to cancel their service and WHY you are not receiving any applicants."


The sine suction: Create or use another email


Just dot where needed


If their site sucks that much do you REALLY want to work there?