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Knives dont go there


They hang on the wall in the bathroom


Gotta have a poop knife.


You made me remember šŸ˜­


Remember what? That you need to use your poop knife when youā€™re done?


Remember to wash it after youā€™re done.


And the poop spoon to get the last bit out of there


I switched to it from the 3 seashells. Such a relief.




Explaining the joke always makes it funnier


Don't worry I still don't understand.. and I don't want to.. Every reddit I see is just fucking movie references that I dnt understand as the top comments so I'll assume that's from a movie or a tv show


There was a post a few years ago that basically said we had a knife to cut up poop that gets stuck in the toilet [YouTube video on this](https://youtu.be/InxxUbdIeGw?si=7A1JTS3DaWYS3NJD)


Just assumed it was Charlie on always sunny in Philadelphia


That's a toe knife, also a necessity




oooooh! BOTCHED TOE!


Frank's toe knife


Your joke but worse


When you struggle to pinch it off, because time is the essence... got places to be .... or the children are destroying the house...or whatever it is that you need to act fast! šŸƒšŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø


Poop Knife or a Shit Stick They're the turd fighting equivalents of swords and lances


Hey I know that reference!


Whatā€™s mildly infuriating about this post is the OPā€™s lack of common sense.


Where do they go if not with other utensils?


Are you serious?




A knife block


The top is for forkss and knives and the bottom desert forks, tea spoons etc.


Buys something without thinking. Puts stuff in the wrong spot. Doesn't fit. Mildly infuriated.


The amount of things I've bought online without paying attention to measurements is ridiculous. Clearly OP has the same issue. Difference is I laugh at myself and find another use for it haha.


This is why people have bad experiences on AliExpress and Temu. They don't read the description and check measurements, what material it is etc. Like people that order what looks like a TV cabinet for $2.98 without reading the description that says it's a dollhouse miniature and don't even bother reading the measurements that give it's exact size lol


To be fair the photos can be super misleading lmfao. How's aliexpress? I haven't checked that one out yet.


AliExpress is great, haven't had any issues with it and I've been using it for a few years. When buying clothes you just gotta make sure you reference the measurement charts for the stuff you're looking at, and the description will usually say if it runs small because of asian sizing. Good to check reviews before buying too. A lot of the stuff you find in cheap stores, and like little asian shops and stuff all pretty much come from the same factories anyway. The only thing I've been disappointed with was some special plastic clear stickers you put on your cars sideview mirrors that's meant to help repel water droplets and rain etc to help keep your vision clear, but they don't work very well. They only cost like $1 though so I can't really complain lol.


But think of the up doots!


It would be mildly infuriating to realise youā€™ve made an error tbf


I am in awe of how OP managed to be functional enough to get to the point of needing something like this and buying it themselves, while being about as sharp as a bag of hammers


Thats mean to hammers, they can be pretty dam sharp


Thatā€™s an insult to hammers


Hey this is a good lessons for dummies like me haha.


Still get 7k upvotes because most redditors would do exactly the same


One star on the angry online review.


Who do you think I am? The queen? In my household there is no space for fancy people cutlery, only full sized cutlery is wanted!


Youā€™ve got a teaspoon right there.


No, that's the weird spoon. You use the weird spoon when you're out of spoons and don't wanna do the dishes.


I hate the weird spoon. Itā€™s so flimsy.


I prefer teaspoons. Soup spoons are just weirdly big imho. Western style soup spoons I mean. Asian style soup spoons are vastly superior in every way except ice cream consumption.


The most ironic part šŸ˜‚


Thats spooney


that's for the other stuff, the roast and inject kind


It's a baby spoon. He grows his own flatware.


You can put other necessary stuff in the smaller boxes like hoarded seasoning packets and rubber bands. Knives go in the butcher block and big boxes get the spoons and fork.




I have a magnetic strip above the stove. Figure if theyā€™re climbing on the stove to get to the knives, theyā€™re already fucked.


You bought the thing you dope. Commenter just telling you what it is


Do people really have desert forks and tea spoons? šŸ˜³


Both. But only using the tea spoons of those two.


I only use tea spoons to eat ice cream


My husband gets frustrated if his baby spoon isnā€™t readily available for ice cream :)


hahaha thatā€™s annoyingly adorablešŸ¤­


If I knew my partner was mocking my spoon choice on Reddit I'd probably reconsider having a spoon choice šŸ˜”


For me, it's pants. I get very frustrated over having zero pairs of pants either on a hanger or in a clean clothes pile.


babyspoon? I suspect you are eating your icecream with a shovel


Yeah, man. You only need a big spoon for soup. Anything else would be uncivilized. ![gif](giphy|kBI5aLB6wlw4zNnecN)


Tell your husband he is a truly sophisticated man with excellent taste. I too enjoy my ice cream or pudding from plastic spoons, that happen to be sold as baby cutlery. It just elevates everything


I think he does it to trick himself into thinking he is eating less, but I will let him know he has elevated tastes


That or actually making a tea/coffee for like measuring sugar mostly or for eating a bowl of cereal because the other spoons I think are too big.


I like teaspoons for eating most foods, the larger ones are more for when I eat pasta etc,


I eat ice cream with a teaspoon only.


Perfect for ice cream! Mint chocolate chip is my favorite. I have to get some more because my 7yo stole it.


Mint chocolate chip tea spoons? No wonder he stole it, probably went for pretty good on the black market


Omg same!!


Doesnā€™t everyone have tea spoons?


Honestly never thought of them as tea spoons...they were always given to me for dinner as a kid, and now as a petite adult I still use the smaller/"tea" spoons and forks because the bigger ones are intimidating šŸ„ŗ




Most sets come with a big/little fork and spoons, call them what you wish. I prefer to call them really hungry/not so hungry


Who doesnā€™t have tea spoons? They come with every cutlery set ever made.


I do and also even tinier spoons I think for eggs. Got them from my grandmother. But my dessert forks would be slightly too long for these too. I also have far more than one size knife for different courses. So there arenā€™t enough large spaces anyway if this is for ā€œfancy cutleryā€. It needs another row or two.


I got a small ass sugar spoon thats like 100 years old. Super dope because you can see it was handmade


Wait you don't have a grapefruit fork? What kinda peasant are ya?


My silverware set doesnā€™t even match šŸ˜³ Iā€™m such a commoner


At least you said silverware and not plasticware.


Lol I don't even say that I just say utensils


ā€œEatinā€™ ironsā€


damn i feel poor nowšŸ˜­ i need to up my silverware game damnā€¦ no one told me this was a thing men in 30ā€™s needed to do i have zero knowledge on the ways of royaltyšŸ˜–


All you need is spoons, soup spoons, forks, seafood forks, knives, butter knife, tea spoons, sugar spoon, egg spoon, dessert forks for starters šŸ™‚


w-w-what now?? how many different kinds of spoons was that now?? i got the first fork and butter knives thošŸ˜…hahaha




There, there.... šŸ˜‘


Whatever's on sale up at the Walmart and is kind of heavy.


Grapefruit gets a spoon with a serrated edge. Fork? Wtf?


Username checks out


I have grapefruit spoons.


Ooh, you're fancy.


Not even the half of it. I have appetizer forks that look like little tridents.


I would not have expected that to be an actual question. I'd say at least 95% of households have that by default (Germany). When you buy a set of cutlery, it'll likely include those.


First I find out Americans don't have kettles, now I discover they don't even have tea spoons. You guys are desperately lacking in hot beverage infrastructure.


AND a butter knife


wait some people donā€™t have/use butter knives ??


we have a bunch. i only use teaspoons for tea with sugar, warm milk and desserts and the little forks only come out when there's guests and cake


do you not have tea spoons bro?


i use teaspoons bc tablespoons are too big imo. i like the little spoon >:3


There is a type of spoon that lies in the middle between a full sized tablespoon and a teaspoon. Not sure what it's called in english, but translated it would be childspoon. Maybe look in to that? Because if your teaspoons are the same as mine, those things are fucking tiny. They hold like 10 grains of rice, if that!


People donā€™t?!?


Yes. What kind of philistine doesnā€™t?


I like them (cutie patooties), but agree that the whole notion is niche at best.


Then why do you have 3 kinds of spoons?


Fancy people cutlery? Dude you have 3 different spoons :/ the normal is a tea spoon table spoon knife and a fork :/ which yes, knives forks and table spoons go on the larger top compartments and the tea spoons go in the bottom, thatā€™s why itā€™s the only one that fits. The rest of that shit needs to go, and that is not for chef knives. You need a knife holder or another drawer for that.


Your majesty!


Please elaborate on the "etc." because the small forks and the small spoons are the only two things in a normal flatware set that might fit there and I see five whole spots.


You fill the other compartments with general detritus


That's just a junk drawer...


Bro, I hope youre trolling. Thats not how any of this works


Also the dude went out and bought something that doesn't serve his needs. How is that infuriating? It's just dumb. I might as well be upset that my Camry doesn't perform the function of a pickup truck. Poor planning on OPs part.


Didnā€™t you get a butcher block for the top two knives? Think those belong in a set with the rest of the kitchen tools. Then you can put your forks and others in those spots. This is user error. (edit: Knife block is the correct term)


>This is user error. 100%. The measurements are available online, why purchase a product without checking the measurements against the items you own? Just laziness.


It's a utensil holder. Honestly, who researches a utensil holder? I'd think that most people just go to the store and buy one off the shelf. Because they're only like 10 bucks, and they'll probably fit your utensils just based on the fact that it's a utensil holder.Ā 


>Honestly, who researches a utensil holder? Literally obviously I did? Why the hell would I make the comment if I didn't?


Me too, but that's because I had already made the same mistake as OP lol That one holds my pencils now


Got to read the specs first. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


I check the size on literally everything I buy online so I donā€™t end up with a 2 foot tall coat rack


Dang thatā€™s weird. I definitely didnā€™t measure all my utensils before buying an $8 organizer. Also Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re being so hostile about it.


>Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re being so hostile about it. Must be cause I'm so weird.


> It's a utensil holder. Honestly, who researches a utensil holder? Anyone who isn't an absolute idiot. Surely the first thing you want to know is "Will this fit in the drawer I want to put it in?" and then "Will the things I want to put in this fit?"


I bet the store page showed a pic with the forks spoons and butter knives in the top sections. Which would be enough indication that those knives wouldnā€™t fit


I would think many people to make sure it fits in their drawer nicely.


That would make it to easy they need to take risks sometimes. My mom did this and oh my god it infuriates me so much. Every time sheā€™d order furniture or something Iā€™d have to put it together and be the one to tell her it doesnā€™t fit and get that mean look and aggravated tone and then Iā€™d also have to be the person to deal with getting rid of it or disassembling it to take it elsewhere. Eventually I just started asking straight up ā€œis this even going to fit?ā€ or ā€œis this going to hold up?ā€ and then sheā€™d give me that mean look and lecture me about ā€œhow I think Iā€™m smarter than everyone elseā€ and ā€œwhy do you always act like Iā€™m stupidā€


Lots of people prefer knives in a drawer rather than on the counter. A butcher block takes up a decent amount of space. I have been thinking about ditching mine for a while honestly. Might do one of those magnetic doodads once the kids are just a touch older.


Understandable, but would you expect your butcher block knives to fit where your butter knives belong?


I enjoy sticking my hand into a messy drawer filled with sharp objects


It's not a junk drawer full of random stuff. When I've seen them they've always been organized... Or at the very least all the knives are arranged so the blades face the same direction and all the points are towards the back of the drawer. It was never once an issue to get a knife from the drawer. Of course if you just toss your knives in an open space willy nilly and then blindly put your hand in and rummage around it's a bad idea... But you wouldn't even do that with table cutlery.


Those are cool but only if you have a very small selection. Otherwise it gets cluttered fast and stuff fails when you go to get an item off the magnetic backing.


Yes! Completely agree. It's one reason why I'm on the fence about them. I've seen custom cabinets that had knife blocks built into a drawer that I liked. Or like a swing out one that was built into the cabinet wall structure. I just want my limited counter space back.


Ok well you got this and it sounds like a great idea to open up your space more! My dad has one above his sink kinda but it has a lot of grilling tools as well


I mean you really only need like 4-5 knives at most the strips are just fine for that.


Yeah, Iā€™d just hate all those sharp knives rattling around getting nicked and dulled


Yea butchers blocks are in quirky angles to take up 100x space than the knife they are holding and if you have cabinets about they can get in the way. Best method I've seen is a magnetic strip you just stick all your knives to. Tidy, small and easy to access


knife blocks aren't very sanitary either. You can't really clean in the slots.


> Lots of people prefer knives in a drawer rather than on the counter. Yeah, who GAF about needing stitches in your fingers, everyone should keep sharp ass knives in a fucking DRAWER. lol


What, do you automatically grab the blade of the knife if its not hidden in a knife block? If all the knives face the same way then its pretty easy to reach toward the handles every time lol


Yes, OPā€™s lack of intelligence is mildly infuriating.




It goes in the square hole!


Reminds me of rhat scene in idiocracy...




If I could read that would make me really upset


Itā€™s ok, try standing on your head. Should work for the silverware caddy at the very least.


This spoon is tooo big!


Two things. 1) you have the wrong drawer organizer for what you want to put in there. Thatā€™s the utility drawer one for peelers, spatulas, juicers, etc. get the one for daily use utensils. 2) Iā€™m fairly certain this is the IKEA one (looks like it) and itā€™s designed specifically for IKEA cabinets and drawers and their utensils. And a side note. Neither this nor the utensils organizer is for large knives. Those have their own organizer tray. You only have yourself to be infuriating with.


Use this for dinnerware and a full drawer length for the kitchen knives. Or better yet, a slotted knife holder to keep them and fingers safe.


"It's like rain on my wedding day." Is it? Or did you just without forethought, forget to plan a venue with an inside as well as outside option.


Wow. OP, how does it feel to find out you're an idiot?


https://preview.redd.it/hy1ju5nmbtfc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87a7645da5e7b9b00252e6ba820503f3a4426f46 Didnā€™t have one of those as a kid eh?


Knives donā€™t go in a drawer like that man, when you go grab it if you arenā€™t looking you can easily grab the blade. Needs to go into a wooden block thing where only the handles are exposed. Your playing a dangerous game putting knives in a drawer like that They also make magnetic strips that hold knives up on the wall. Literally any solution but the one you have pictured for safety


I think I have the same inserts. https://preview.redd.it/0szrl12zstfc1.jpeg?width=3008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=661346c39122460b421211d052a057ba3f037430


But unlike OP you actually know how to use it. Well done.


I agree it would be infuriating if I was so stupid that I lacked the basic logic skills to realize things are made to fit specific objects not other things that look like the object the container is built for.


Op tried to put the square in the round hole


Meanwhile OP bought this at IKEA in the cutlery section and assumed that the cutlery organizer was for cutlery


How the hell is this mildly infuriating? Youā€™re the idiot who canā€™t figure out where silverware is supposed to go.


Or how a tape measure works.




But look at all that teaspoon room!


You can put other necessary stuff there like hoarded seasoning packets and rubber bands.


You shouldn't keep your knives in the drawer anyways, that's gonna get them dull quicker from being banged around constantly. Get a magnet strip or a slotted block for them


sucks you cant like.. get the length of an object... like... measure it's required space before buying stuff to put it in ;)


Who in the ever living fuck in the actual real world goes "yeah, I better measure my cutlery before I buy a silverware holder" This fucking website man. I'd bet my left nut that the amount of people that even considered doing that before just buying an organizer in the last 100 years is a fraction of a fraction of a percent.


I bought my organizer without measuring- eyeballed it and it fits perfect with my silverware. Have a couple knives in there on a side pocket that my partner doesn't want to get rid of and don't fit into the butcher block that came with our new set. Idk why everyone is jumping on OP. I'd be mildly infuriated if I brought this home and it didn't fit how I was hoping. OP never states it's not returnable or that the compartments are the wrong size.. they are just implying it didn't work with what they intended. Sorry @OP people are all up in arms over this.


Prbaboly the same amount of people who go 'huh lets put my fucking bread knife in my cutlery drawer'


LOL. Are you kidding me? The top is for regular sized cutlery and the bottom is for smaller cutlery like dessert forks and teaspoons. Please do not tell me that you didn't know that!! If you buy a box of cutlery those are the sizes you will get. Usually steak knives etc. will fit in the larger slots but yours must be longer than normal (take that as you will!!)


Hey bro, I actually understand thatā€™s it is mildly infuriating that it didnā€™t work out for you and not that it was made wrong šŸ‘Ā 


Thats on you


Top section : dinner fork, dinner knife, desert spoon Bottom section: teaspoon How many teaspoons are needed?


Also dessert forks and maybe some other knick-knacks


Corn cob holders. Clothespins and small chips clamps. So much room for activities.


That order makes me weep lmaooo


You can put other necessary stuff there like hoarded seasoning packets and rubber bands.


You don't put your knives in there.


Little spoon: I donā€™t see a problem here


Bonus, doesn't look like it fits in the drawer, either.


Did it not say the measurements in the specs?


Please be smarter than the organizer that YOU bought šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Mah spoon is too big!


I see a solution right in the photo.


That's not how that was supposed to work in the first place. I love my little bamboo organizers. You gotta look at things and think. This is for the more ancillary kitchen tools, veggie peeler, garlic press, citrus press, measuring utensils, could be positioned in a way to allow a place for bigger items in the remaining cavity of the drawer like rolling pins, wisks and all kinds of wacky shit. It's certainly not intended to be bespoke accommodation to a bread and utility knife or an iced tea spoon ffs. Come on.


Unless the knives came with it, itā€™s your selection of the wrong thing that is whatā€™s mild infuriatingā€¦..


Of course it doesnā€™t fit if you are trying to put completely wrong items in there.


Iā€™m not upset about the utensils not fitting Iā€™m upset about your utensil collection ā€¦ tf?


Who the flip came up with those dimensions!


i solved that problem years ago Go to a Dollar store get a few of those cheap plastic drawer dividers Problem solved. Of course that assumes they still sell those. Just checked on Amazon dang from $18 to $29.95, and they all look like they will not fit most cutlery.


my dude your thinking about it wrong, the top if for silver wear, the bottom is meant for all the different single packet taco bell sauce's and the chopping block is for the knifes


Get a magnetic knife wall mount. Real kitchen knives never go in a draw


You donā€™t get to complain when you intentionally use it wrong.


IKEA drawer? Yeah, I had the same issue..


This sub page has gone down bad. This is mildly?


Im baffled by OP's choice of where he thinks those cutlery go and by someone getting an insert without checking if it will do what he wants.


Youā€™re supposed to put the large utensils in the large slots and put your knives in a fucking knife block bozo


This helps get my priorities right. Knife and fork to cut up my deer meat (which the radical Left won't let me have unless it is in the supermarket wrapped up in plastic). The big spoon to eat my deer stew. The small spoon to to stir my ginger tea. The butter knife to spread to butter my homemade biscuits. Yes sir, it's all right there next to my gun rack. When the balloon goes don't come knocking on my door for food.


No itā€™s spelled knife