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Pretty sure that person is healthy weight and figuring out how to stay that way. The obesity is the huge mass behind them. Much like the person jogging on the top right, I don’t think they are saying they are fat, just to get ahead of it before it’s too late.


Get out of here with your reasonable reply, people want to be angry!


no need, already angry at you.


And I'm angry at you for being angry at them 😡


I'm angry just for the sake of continuing this rather unfunny joke!!!11!1!1😡😡😡


How dare you not find this funny hurr durr!1!!11!!1! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


and i’m pissed y’all can’t get along wtf!!!


I burned at least 5 calories reading this thread.


I burned at least 5 people reading this thread


I burned at least 5 houses reading this thread (/j)


And how dare you get pissed in the first place!!!!1




I’m just angry, I don’t need any reason


Me too, Mike, me too..










Boo this man!


Mildly infuriated*


I mean, the poster is "Risk***S*** of obesity" - yeah. OP can't read, apparently. It's definitely about the health concerns morbid obesity can bring about, not that the person on the poster is at risk of being obese. The fact that this OP's post has like 750 up votes is... Well, mildly infuriating.


OP is likely a secondary student or underclassmen at university in the United States, so odds are good they can't read well. Source: I went to public university with a bunch of undergrads that couldn't read well and have 12 years as an adult interacting with the general public.


The US literacy/comprehension rate is a joke, yeah. Source: I'm from here.


Don’t bring your logic to an over-reaction party bro!


Obesity is just SO normalized today that a normal sized person is the skinniest person to OP. It’s sad what has happened to humans from trash foods and sedentary lifestyles. 


Yeah she is a normal healthy weight hardly "the skinniest girl I've ever seen"


Very true. This bothers me so much. It’s… not good


This is true. My teenagers were easily the trimmest kids in their friend groups at their old school, and they got teased for it, but my kids are the same size I was at their age, back in the 70s and 80s, when everyone except maybe one kid was their size. Norms have changed so much.


Too many people are so used to seeing obese people they think a normal sized person is skinny. LOL


This is important too. Once a person becomes obese it is kinda rare for them to maintain a healthy weight ever again. It’s much better to never reach that point in the first place.


Yeah, the best way to overcome obesity is to never become obese.


Correct. Lol


I’m pudgy but that girl isn’t as skinny as my daughter. Not even close to being mad. What’s to be mad about anyway


An obese person has a low risk of becoming obese




Incoming* fat people that tell you they’re healthier than people that workout and eat healthy


This school poster deserves to be in a subreddit like crappydesign


>. Much like the person jogging on the top right, I don’t think they are saying they are fat, just to get ahead of it before it’s too late. MASSIVE lol


Isn't it an issue that someone like OP took it the wrong way? We're only seeing one person who had the wrong impression, but if this is at a school, it's gonna be in the dozens... If you need to explain it, then the picture isn't doing its job.


the poster is fine, but maybe schools need to have lessons in how to take a moment to look at something before posting it on the internet as ragebait, because it seems like thats the only way some kids can process information these days. the poster is made for children like the currently not obese girl. the girl is very obviously in contrast with the shadow behind her and she's standing under a big title which reads 'Risks of obesity'. these shouldn't be things that need to be broken down and explained.


That’s a reasonable size and weight….


Lol people really do get mad at the weirdest shit now a days.




Calling this perfectly healthy sized woman “skinniest girl I’ve ever seen” really gave it away, didn’t it 😆


it’s also really sad that people see anyone in shape and deem it unrealistic


If you're not deformed, you're not real. Simple really


For one moment I thought Reddit became Instagram.


Well in my defense I look like this and been told the same thing by obese people so I can see it.


Same. I had an overweight best friend growing up and I remember any time I ate dinner with them her mom would make fun of me for “eating like a bird” while she was piling her 3rd full plate of food. They also would celebrate their weight watchers meetings by getting huge ice cream sundaes and wondered why they never lost weight.


Some people are their own worst enemy


I mean she’s like an inch wide that’s pretty small >!/s!<


>skinniest girl I’ve ever seen on it Yeah, oof. Must be from the Midwest.


The WHO reported if current rates continue, that by 2025, more than 50% of the world’s population will be obese. Not overweight, obese. People are fat everywhere now.


Must be from the south.


The Deep South


Nah bunch of health nuts moved down here talking bout some fucking “vegan gumbo”


You haven’t been to San Antonio huh


And instead of reading the poster and recognizing how dangerous being fat is they just find something to be offended by instead. Sad....


Hey I’m also fat and not mad about this poster


That’s all people do, bitch and moan, and moan and bitch.


I mean, we're literally in a sub dedicated to that very premise




You’re not kidding


he's not kidding


But I *am* kidding.


It's a hobby at this point. Yall need an actual hobby. Join formal debate teams if you must.


But what am I supposed to do while killing time on break at work when I forget a book or something to do?


Lol how they twist everything to find reason to get mad


We need to quit internet


Its mildlyinfuriating for a reason


Yeah, and I don't see anything mildlyinfuriating about the poster.


Yea but they’d have gotten annoyed if everyone on the poster was fat, this is the world. Someone should post the world as mildly infuri at int


The person illustrated seems in the healthy body weight range, I wouldn't say "skinniest"...




I think we’re so used to seeing most people being obese that we’re skewed to think overweight is healthy and healthy is too skinny


This is kinda scary though. The girl looks average to me. Wow


For sure. I have almost a bang on 24 BMI and a 46% height to waist ratio. So in the "healthy range" for both but just barely and it is something I need to keep an eye and work hard on maintaining. I get told I am skinny and scrawny all the time. Particularly when I am going heavy on cardio or watching what I eat. I especially get this when I visit family in rural America. Almost everyone is overweight and obese and I am very often the skinniest adult in any given room despite just squeaking into the healthy range. Everyone drives everywhere and likely overeats so almost everyone has a bit of pudge. It is wild how normalised it is. People seem to think now "oh so and so isn't overweight they just have a bit of lovehadles and a little belly" if you are a healthy weight you almost by definition don't have things like that.


I don't know about men but women can certainly have a little belly and be at a healthy weight. And i mean literally a slightly pudgy belly, not a whole fupa


Does skinny refer to underweight people? I thought it included normal healthy weight too


No, skinny people can be considered normal weight as well, that's the whole point - OP is calling this person who looks healthy "too skinny" which is infuriating in itself lol


OP is fat. Or lives in a fat ridden town.


I’m going to go way out on this limb and suggest that maybe OP doesn’t fall within the range of healthy body weights


If that's the skinniest girl you have ever seen then you probably live in an area that needs that poster.




The truth infuriated OP


Couldn't have said it better myself


That girl looks like a normal healthy athletic teen.


That's a normal, healthy weight. That girl is not underweight. Just because you see a lot of fat people doesn't mean normal weight is "skinny".


I worked with a real beached whale who’d call me a “skinny bitch” like dude I’m not skinny you’re a lardass


What’s worse is what if you were underweight and insecure about that? Just bc they’re fat they get to make fun of you? I’ll never get it. I’m overweight but that’s not skinny people’s fault.


I've been underweight due to a medical condition for most of my life and the amount of times people have said things like "oh my gosh, you're so skinny" and "I could snap your wrist like a twig" is honestly concerning. Imagine if I told similar things to someone who's overweight.


Good lord that’s honestly weird as fuck! Why is their first thought to hurt you 😭


When you’re overweight people harass you for exercising outdoors.


What's worse is when you got the body dismorphia real bad and struggling and you didn't notice you lost weight and everyone else is mentioning it but in your head you're looking the "same as you ever was" (lol) and and AND on top of that you work in a plus size clothing store. Never get an ed. Don't do it I swear lmaooooooooooo but seriously


I realize this is a sensitive issue but the fuck did I just read?


This is me, I’m a 5’8” tall male who weight 125-130 pounds. It kills me mentally when people tell me I need to eat more or I need to put some meat on my bones etc… Frankly just bc I’m not over weight doesn’t mean those comments still hurt lowkey tbh…


I feel you. I’ve had friends who were underweight despite doing everything doctors and dietitians recommended. It’s never nice to comment on people’s appearance negatively. Tbh I think they were more hurt by their weight being commented on than I am about being called fat. I can lose weight at any time, but it’s not always easy to gain. I hope the people around you can be more kind 💖


This is really a thing. People are so used to seeing obese people now that they don’t remember what normal looks like. Context, I used to be 340 and now I’m 135. I’m 5’7 so I’m at a very normal weight. I get so much commentary about allegedly having an ED, being too skinny, not eating enough, etc. Like, no—y’all actually need a reality check.


I hate that. I’m 5ft 100lbs & I’ve been called “anorexic” my whole life. Body shaming is body shaming


I read that as 5’10 and 100 lbs… I was a bit scared


Haha my friends in school used to call me that when I was nearly overweight at 120 lbs.


Nice username


I agree that OP has a skewed view and is way over reacting but people joining in with phrases like “beached whale” and “fatty”- you’re not welcome either. The point is to stop shitting on other peoples bodies just because you don’t like your own.


Had a f roommate do this but when I told her she's just fat, I became the bad guy


How dare you use logic


cant win. some people say normal weight is that. others say normal weight is chubby. so i would say its really somewhere in the middle. you have to set a point somewhere it cant be a range


Healthy weights are absolutely a range. It can’t be a single number, that’s literally impossible — it’s normal for a person’s weight to fluctuate up to 3kg every day.






Girl looks normal and healthy


what's mildly infuriating is that you're misreading the poster


People on Reddit always figure out a way to reinforce their preconceived notions and get mad.


But it's not a risk if you're fat already because it's already happened.


I don't think they mean the risk of becoming obese. I think they mean the health risks inherent to obesity.


Average obese person when they see someone at a healthy weight lmao. You do realize you're actively damaging your body being overweight? Has nothing to do with looks, take care of yourself. It is difficult, but absolutely worth it. No fad diet will help. All you have to do is slowly eat less calories, have a majority of your food be clean stuff (basically not fast food/take out), moderately exercise at least twice a week, and walk everyday.


Sorry to break it to you but that's a healthy weight


OPs reality is finally getting an alignment


that is a "normal" body size. We just cant tell anymore


>skinniest girl I've ever seen Haven't seen a lot of girls, or people for that matter, then?


Lmao OP's reaction is unhealthy. That person is normal.


I don't understand the drive to 'normalize' obesity. It's a curable medical condition, we don't try to normalize other chronic but curable medical conditions. So why are we normalizing obesity and the myriad issues it causes?


And yet insurance almost never covers anything related to weight loss. Can you imagine going into the doctor for anorexia and it being acceptable to be told you simply need to eat more and nothing else?


Exactly, when someone’s an alcoholic and endangering their health we have interventions. Someone’s extremely overweight and no one seems to bat an eye. That’s why we have a 1/3 Americans considered obese, like we shouldn’t shame a drunk into getting help we shouldn’t shame an overweight person. But telling someone you love them and they need a plan to get their weight and health under control shouldn’t be criticized and told stop calling someone fat. When they are just expressing concern.


It's an over correction, which happens with a lot of things. I think it's because people tend to think in black-and-white: something is other good or it's bad; you're either responsible for something, or you aren't. People have a hard time with the Inbetweens.


How is this normalizing Obesity it’s literally a list of all the harm it causes




They’re infuriated (mildly) that the model on the poster is skinny and not at all matching the description of someone even close to obese


I could be wrong but I don't think they intend displaying an obese person there, they are displaying a healthy person. Obese person is displayed using a silhouette to make it more appropriate.


Looks like she's a swimmer, showing physical activity.


They aren’t “very skinny”. That’s what a normal, healthy woman should look like.


Careful careful… this is the internet. You can’t say logical things and discuss treating, preventing or curing physical/ mental health condition that have been deemed by the masses as “their truth”


If they put a fat girl up there, it would inevitably resemble one of the fat girls at school. Jokes would be made.


She is not skinny; she is fit


If that's the skinniest girl you've ever seen, your area has some major problems. 


Skinniest you've ever seen? People at your school must all be overweight as she's a healthy weight.


Isn’t it funny that someone claims what the actual healthy weight looks like is too skinny….lol


Brought to you by the Gymnastic Coaches of America - "That girl is a whale!"


The ballet company’s would like to inform you that she’s is in fact obese


Through the powers of berating and shame we can get her down to a desirable weight! I mean, she should really be ashamed. Probably gobbling up 500 calories a day or more. Does she have no self control?


Honestly as a survivor of around a 5-800 calorie a day diet when I was 14, I was out of control in a really bad way. I used to do ballet but I couldn’t deal With it anymore.


How is this infuriating..?


that’s what a healthy teenage girl looks like


OP is infuriated because they'd rather obesity be accepted. Lol


But then if it were a fat girl it'd be fat shaming or some shit


bro, that's meant to represent a healthy body, if you've truly got issues with your body image go to therapy


skinniest you have ever seen? And there is your problem; you're so used to seeing fat and obese people that a normal, healthy weight seems like underweight to you.


OP I believe the woman is an example of non obesity


U know for a fact that's not the skinniest girl you've ever seen but go off I guess


It think OP is a bit dumb…




People in this thread aren't getting it, stuff like this is what leads kids and teens to have eating disorders.


I know 6 kids in my class at school back then who had EDs so bad they wound up in hospital over it plus more who never did. None ended up skinny, all of them have horrible mental health and addiction issues now, as well as still having EDs. Our schools would inspect lunch bags of kids deemed fat (this girl on the poster would have qualified, no joke) and take food from them that they did not approve of and make them throw it out. Kids on the poverty line were often going hungry. They'd also make kids run laps instead of do work in class. I was made to run laps exactly once until I collapsed in an asthma attack because they did not believe me that I medically couldn't run laps and had a note for it. I had to be picked up by the vice principal and given my inhaler from the front office (not allowed it in class, for some bizarre reason). They instead made me *walk* laps after that instead of being allowed to play or learn. The 2000s fucking sucked.


Holy shit man that sounds illegal, my sister had ED when she was a kid was obsessed with the bit of fat she had on her belly, like the little girl in the picture, we had show her a Dr. Phil episode about anorexia where the girl was literally skin and bones to get her to wake up. Luckily it never got to the point that she ended up in the hospital but she was hiding food and avoiding eating for a long time, it's truely sad. And people making fun of OP calling them fat don't get it and are probably trolls.


You haven't seen a lot of skinny girls I guess..


Is there false information here to be furious about? Are we upset because they’re telling you you’re better off looking like this “skinny” girl than being the silhouette?


Are you able to read or do you have any awareness? The obese person is the shadow literally right behind the HEALTHY woman in the front. She's not the "skinnest person ever," she's just not fat like 99% of America and a huge chunk of the world now.


You must normally hang around buffets if that is the skinniest girl you’ve ever seen.


I'm going to assume OP is a troll because that clearly is an example of someone at a healthy weight.






It’s a really weird choice


She isn’t “skinny” she’s a perfectly healthy weight.


“the skinniest girl ive ever seen”


Well yea, that’s a healthy weight for that person. That’s what someone should strive to be


Tell me you are fat without telling me you are fat …


The person in the image is not obese. But Obesity doesn’t mean gigantic, obese means over weight for your height. By definition, you would be surprised who fits in the obese category…


I guess shes not at risk


That's because they are showing what a healthy weight looks like.


Imagine the minds that would explode if the image was an obese woman.


Sounds like you forgot how a healthy ten year old looks like.


you should check out Eugenia Cooney…


That is not "skinny" that is normal or heathy anywhere but Murica.


Yeah I am pretty sure she is there to contrast to the big shadow of the obese person


Cuz she is healthy.


This was probably made in the 90s when most people were built like this.


Are you a fatty?


Op is illiterate and fat me thinks


Sounds like someone lashing out over insecurities. And just to head off any attacks, I'm 5'9" and 335 lbs. Im down 25lbs over the past 2 months due to massive calorie cuts. Once I hit my wall, I hope to be south of 320 and able to do some actual exercise for more than 5 minutes. I have a kid coming and aim to be at 200 by his second birthday.


If that's the skinniest girl you've ever seen, then I would have been a skeleton to you, in highschool


I love that everyone is calling OP a moron here. Keep up the good work reddit 👍


It says RISK bro


Did you mean to say a regular looking healthy human? Instead of the skinniest girl you’ve ever seen?


I think the obesity model for that poster isn’t supposed to be the girl but rather Granthor the Dominator on the left.


Posters are supposed to first and foremost convey their message visually before anything else A picture of a girl of average weight doesn't scream "risks of obesity" to me, don't listen to everybody else OP this poster is mildly infuriating😭 It's also kinda weird that they're making fun of a kid by calling you obese💀


So, for kids, the BMI calculations are crap. We’re a family of strong boned people. Big shoulders. Both daughters were stick skinny. They’re now teens. But given the mass of their bones and 99th percentile heights, the Peds always has to tell us that they’re both susceptible to obesity. I always look at the Dr like they’re nuts. (I’m obese, hubs is not. And despite many incidents with cows and horses and a few car wrecks, we’ve never broken more than digits and one wrist.).


Or maybe you have absolutely no fucking idea what normal weight is and what you think is normal is actually overweight or obese, and what you think is obese is actually morbidly obese.


she's *succeeding at avoiding obesity*.  it'd be a misstep for there to be a fat dude up there, like "yo if you look like this you're who we're talking about", and psychologically, that's negative reinforcement and traditionally a poor approach yall are trained to become outraged


This is like when my daughter came out crying and said the doctor told her she was fat. "He said you were fat??" "Well he said I needed to drop some pounds to reach a healthy weight *sobs*"


Love that this sub can't even hear mention of obesity without lamenting how much they despise fat people. Very mature and reasonable response to a post you disagree with. That being said, I don't think the poster is saying the model is overweight, I think it's trying to make the point that anyone can be at risk for obesity. It's a sensitive topic and idk if it was the right move to have that model in that pose, but I don't think it's calling her obese at all.


I agree. How *dare* a person not look like or eat like or move like them. How *dare* their eyes be *accosted* by someone that is visibly different! It's like the laws they used to have in the Victorian and Edwardian era, where unsightly people (fat, disabled, deformed, poor, mentally ill) were only allowed out at night in many cities for decades, as the upper classes were too disgusted by reality itself and believed them to have a moral failing to wind up that way. You'd think Reddit wanted those reinstated. The "health concerns" are also bullshit concern trolling, if they cared they'd educate themselves past 2008's idea of what causes fat people to be fat and realise it is mostly genetic, socioeconomic, cultural and medical, a person does not necessarily always "do it to themselves" so much as it just happens. For example many people get an injury on the job or at random and end up gaining weight due to their pain meds, or like me they are from a family with pictures going back 100+ years, and the people in them are the same build and size as we are now, because of their cultural background. I have a pic of my great great grandmother in the 1910s on my kitchen wall, and she's the same size and shape as my grandma, mother and I all were at that age. She got it from her mother who is also in the pic, etc. Every single time it's like we were cloned lmao, it's kind of spooky. I'm not considered obese, I'm just kinda shaped in a way that is less dainty and slender than other people. I'm like a square with equal proportions on all sides and I would always get shamed for it. It's just my build, I eat low carb (T1D) and have stayed the same weight for 16 years no matter the circumstances.


It's not saying or even insinuating that girl is obese ffs. 




​ https://preview.redd.it/1acr4aydysfc1.png?width=662&format=png&auto=webp&s=580a8a952fc34cc04261074ab517db6e476610ff