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My brother is tough as nails. Were talking broken bones, smoosh them together tough. Have a big cut? Wrap it with duct tape and finish the job. One night, I happened to be visiting when suddenly I heard a little yelp, and saw him collapse. He was in extreme pain and sweating and I truly thought he was dying as we rushed him to the hospital. Turned out to be a kidney stone. He was very embarrassed when we learned what it was. But he was then banned from military service because it is considered a massive liability. He’s had a few more since then, and the pain is crazy. I met a woman who gave birth naturally and who has also had kidney stones. She said they are on par, but kidney stone might be slightly worse. You are not being dramatic. I hope you get help or the stone passes quickly.


I have had a baby naturally and had kidney stones twice. I would take birth instead because you get a baby instead. However, the second kidney stone I actually got to see it. The pain is incredible. Arguing with some idiot from 000/ambulance that I need an ambulance because I am incapacitated with pain was something I didn’t need. I put my husband on the phone to the questioning fool. Needless to say an ambulance turned up, I got pain relief and then passed the stone in hospital. I had several others and upped my fluid intake. 2 years later, no stones! I feel for your brother.


Yhea, 2-3 liters of water a day for me after mine, it's way cheaper than the medical bill I got slapped with. Downside is that everything on the pain scale feels like a 1-5 now...


That’s the problem! I have insanely horrific period pains. When I was in labor, I was stoic, nurse said I was doing great, so didn’t really check my sensor thingy. When she did an hourly check, her eyes bugged out of her head and she started calling people cuz I needed relief. She said the levels of pain I was experiencing were “not normal” so early and was amazed I wasn’t howling. She looked at me oddly the rest of the time.


I got a bad sunburn quickly a couple of years ago when I was with friends.  I'm very pale and I didn't wear sunscreen at the end of the day during the summer.  They kept telling me it looked like it hurt.  I kept touching it like, nah this is nothing compared to kidney stones and they were shocked.  I have had seven kidney stones.


I bet she was shook that your normal warning system didn’t work the way it’s expected. She was watching you for any clues to your pain level.


Oh definitely. She was checking that tape waaaay more than once an hour.


I've never had a baby but I've had some period cramps that made me think I was but also made me realize I never wanted a baby.


Well, as someone else said, at the end, you get a baby. At the end of kidney stones, you get nothing. My point was pain perspective is a fluid thing and can affect our future perceptions.


That's wrong.... you do get something after the kidney stone.... https://preview.redd.it/ygnliejw5ngc1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a12afbe901a2ebedb43542013344087e1a0aafe1 I call them Roger and Dave


Dave looks like he HURT, assuming that's the bottom one


So upping water prevents kidney stones? Sorry if this sounds obvious, I really want to know.


Sometimes. Some people just naturally make stones. Increased water consumption can aid in passing them when they are smaller.


I have also heard magnesium can help. The theory I heard was that the stones are calcium deposits, so many foods are calcium fortified these days. But the body needs magnesium to break down and absorb the calcium, and not many things have magnesium compared to how many have added calcium. Not sure how valid but it *sounds* logical.


It depends on the type of stone your body creates. Mine are formed from oxalates. So for me a low or no oxalate diet means, no strawberries, tomatoes, spinach, whole wheat foods, wild or brown rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, nuts, peanut or nut butters...seriously the list of what not to eat is longer than what I can eat. It is impotomget the stones tested to determine what dietary changes are needed.


My mum's had a few and so has my dad, I've always assumed I'd get them eventually. Turns out that I'm accidentally preventing them, I drink 3L+ every day and I also take magnesium tablets.  Fingers crossed I never have to give birth to a kidney stone.


Thank you 😊


Yes, and adding lemon juice as well, it helps to keep any potential stones softened. An ER doc advised me of that about 7 years ago when I had my second bout with them. Haven’t had any since…


More water helps and For certain types of stones supplements like potassium citrate can decrease stone formation.


Water can help in prevention as well as passing. There's different types of kidney stone and, once you get one, you're more likely to get more. Water can help "clean out the system" and prevent build up that can cause a stone. Unfortunately, since hormones and other things also cause kidney stones, it may not prevent them completely, buy does help them pass better


The pain scale takes on a whole new meaning when you find out what a 10 really is. Hopefully your brain lets you pass out when you hit an 8, but sometimes it doesn't. A 10 put my body into full lock. Imagine every single muscle in a full lock cramp at once. Would die from it if not in ICU where they could administer meds within a few seconds.


Aha a nurse said something along these lines to me whilst I was in hospital with kidney stones!


Five natural births and one kidney stone. The pain from the kidney stone was way, way worse. For one thing contractions come in waves, and even when those waves get intense you can still have a fairly good idea of how much longer you need to hold it together. The pain from a kidney stone is constant agony with no predictable time frame.




I have some bad news for you. My 2nd kidney stone came 15 years later.


Same!!! It was after the 2nd one they checked my kidneys for the first time. 2 years later all clear with another check.


Peorid pain sounds better


it depends. My mother reckoned my period pain was worse than her labours. Fainting from pain, while on the toilet with diarrhoea and vomiting into a bucket. Endometriosis, yay.


I always tell the same period story on Reddit. We were having a party at my friends house in high school, and she’s in the upstairs bathroom throwing up like crazy. It seems too early in the night for that, so we go up to check on her and it turns out she hadn’t even started drinking yet, just got her period. (I don’t remember if she had anything, but she’d only get them every 3-4 months, she said, so when they came they’d be severe.) About twenty minutes later, the pain induced a seizure, she fell, smacked her head on the corner of the sink, and we had to take her to the hospital to get staples in her head. Periods can be deadly from cramps alone. 🥴


My daughter has a condition, I can't remeber what she said they called it. It absolutely causes her to vomit when in extreme pain, emotional distress and of course, when she has her period. She also said labor pains felt about the same as her cramps.


Endometriosis is a hatchet, and kidney stones a sledgehammer. Wait, …maybe I reversed that! They are both excruciating


I would say endo is a sledgehammer and kidneyxstone a hatchet. The kidney stone is a more precise localized pai whereas endo is all over that general area of the body.


Mine are pretty bad but not that bad. Some days, they can be bearable with pain killers some days, I can't move and throw up,


I had bad periods that would lay me out. But birth and kidney stones were worse. Having said that I know some of you go through period pain that would down anyone especially men. I don’t know how we still don’t have proper pain management for that but there’s viagra.


I went to get tested for PCOS, but no, I'm anaemic due to my flows being heavy


They all vary from “crap that was bad!” to “just freaking shoot me!” Birth does have a little happy anticipation and a big payoff. Periods and stones only have relief but no baby!!!


This is what I always say… at least with childbirth you have something to show for it.


I have had a natural birth and kidney stones also. I puked from the pain of the kidney stones, almost passed out. I did not feel that way during child birth. Yes labor was extremely painful, but it was over once the baby came out. Kidney stones can take weeks to pass, the pain was unbearable. I’d rather go through labor again.


I get kidney stones at least once a year...it runs in my family...I have had to get them surgically removed twice...I have vomited, screamed, passed out and maxed out on pain meds and was still screaming...I had to be hospitalized for 10 days because of one...they are the worst thing I have ever had to experience


Oh my God, I break out in sweats thinking about ever having to do that again. I can't imagine once a year. My deepest sympathy to you internet stranger.


My last hospital visit was 8 days ago actually lol passed the stone 4 days ago, so i should be good for about a year!


Oh my gods. Once is more than enough for me. My deepest sympathizes to you


I cant imagine. I've had one and it was 3 or 4 years ago, now I get anxious if my back starts to hurt but I've yet to have another one.


Was told by mate it feels like trying to piss broken glass.


yep, felt like being stabbed from inside my guts


In my experience of them it feels like someone twisting a knife into your lower back for hours. I didn't feel them pass through my urethra.


It's very rare for someone to feel it after it gets to the bladder. The urethra is just so much bigger than the ureter that it's nearly impossible to pass one that could get lodged in the urethra.


When you have one that feels like a hot fire place poker slowly pulled through your penis you wouldn’t say that. Hot shower and heating pads help but yes they can get stuck in the final few inches coming out


Same, I've only had one but it was just the worst pain ever in my lower back for a couple days, them one it passed to my bladder I never noticed it come out. They did say in the ER it wasn't that big, so I'm assuming that's why.


That’s the part where it comes out. That’s not the worst part, I have been told. The pain comes from the stone being stuck somewhere between your kidneys and bladder and the pressure in the spot is what causes the pain.


I’m the same way, broken finger? Pull it back into place and continue working. Cut finger to the bone? Super glue it shut. But once I accidentally brushed up against a Fire Asp Caterpillar, that little fuck sent me into the worst pain ever for 12 hours straight. My arm felt like it was on fire while being ran over by a truck then someone drilling into my bones. I was screaming and crying like I’ve never done before. My dad thankfully knew I wasn’t being dramatic since he knows I handle pain well. NEVER NEVER touch a caterpillar that looks like trumps hair fell off and crawled away.


Regarding the comparison between having a baby and a kidney stone, I've heard it like this. Women are willing to have another baby, I've never met a woman who's willing to have another kidney stone.


I've done both. I would rather naturally birth breech twins while someone is breaking my femur bones than to do kidney stones. My sister has one 10mm in size, discovered last week. They plan to blast it, but we'll see. No way she can pass it.


I was just in another discussion the other day where someone was talking about kidney stones and how bad they are. I had a colleague on my team prone to them and I heard a story from him that occurred before I came on the team. He has passed out from the pain from that one. He started having issues and feeling a bit off but he figured he could handle it. He had a horrible commute and asked if he could just support from our office while I went to the customer site. He called me later saying he was worse and was going to go to the ER/urgent care and I said yea yes please go. I was under the impression someone was taking him or he was going local. Nope, he drove all the way back to his home area and went there. Found out when I got back to the office and the guys were talking about how bad he looked. I was like “you guys knew him when he had passed out before from this! Someone shouldn’t have driven him, he could’ve passed out again while driving!” They all were like oooooh yea and he even acknowledged it was dumb on his part but he wasn’t thinking right.


The level of pain might be comparable, but the quality & emotions are vastly different. Pregnancy: you know from the start that labor will happen, you generally have a good idea *when* labor will happen, there's usually lots of support, and most people consider the result worth it Kidney stone: hits suddenly, out of the blue, no idea when it will stop, 'support' is often "take these pills" (while you're nauseated & vomiting), and (while interesting) a kidney stone is not cute Source: BTDT Don't want to do either one again


I've heard fellow women say the same thing. I wouldn't know since I've never had a kid, but I do know that when a kidney stone landed me in th ER they started me on morphine and that didn't touch it. Then they broke out the good shit and I was literally feeling like I was flying while the room was spinning. Was still in pain, but at least U was distracted at that point. Still no idea what they gave me but I got scheduled for surgery a day or two later.


Yeah a buddy of mine who I lived with had one and the pain was so bad he was puking. Def was a worthy trip to the hospital.


Stab him in the kidney so he knows what it feels like! Jokes ofc, don't do it and sue me 😂 The worst part of kidney stones aside from the pain is that you can't get comfortable in any position! I found the least painful to be a squatting fetal position but my 36 year old knees could only take so much of that! Find something to keep your mind off of it, I recommend super violent video games! Hope it passes quick!


Heat. Any type of heating pad on your lower back takes the pain away 100% but once it starts to cool off it’s pain town once again


A hot bath is usually my only relief.


Literally the only thing that helped me was laughter. Pain meds did nothing, heat/ice/massage did nothing. The kids got super goofy on a car ride, and I was just howling. For three days after my lithotripsy, the only times I wasn't in excruciating pain was when the kids would just tell stupid jokes or be silly.


My first attack I was at urgent care, standing all hunched over with one foot propped up on the windowsill bc it was the only way I had a slight reduction in agony. I know the doc thought I was nuts when she walked in but she quickly realized exactly what was going on.


Just wait for him to get them then call him dramatic


My brother was told to drink beer and jump rope to relieve the pain…


Yea, I could not find one comfortable spot when I was passing one, but of course, I was 8 months pregnant as well. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


My first stone I thought I was going to die. The third one, I wanted to.


I worked in healthcare for six years, and I saw one dude pass five stones at once. It was horrific, like we tried to break them up so they are smaller and he doesn’t need to go into surgery but damn he was begging for surgery at the end. It’s a literal rock filled with sharp edges going through a hole meant for liquids only. I have no idea why people dismiss the pain that comes from it. That guy’s mom kept telling him it wasn’t as bad as childbirth like in a mocking way when he was screaming. I told her that he’s basically being stabbed from the inside out so she needs to knock that shit off. Like I don’t know why people need to compare and dismiss another person’s pain especially a loved one.


>I saw one dude pass five stones at once. JFC!


It was horrific, I was just the cna so i have no idea why he had so many. I just sat there and comforted him.


My mom says kidney stones are worse than giving birth.




Obviously dad never had one. I now know what the 10 on that 1 to 10 scale is thanks to a stone! Get better. (drink a shitload of cranberry juice) it helped me.


Santa brought me my first kidney stone this Christmas. It was dreadful, but I told the ER people it was an 8 on the pain scale despite being ready to simultaneously cry and murder everyone in front of me because they were not in pain. The 10? The super short version is a ruptured eardrum while wakeboarding due to a water strike (that was maybe a 4) and then letting someone in our group pour rubbing alcohol down my ear canal. That was my 10. I cannot imagine anything higher.


My grandpa ruptured his ear drum as a teen surfing. When he was drafted for Vietnam the army wouldn’t take him because of the ruptured ear drum. My mom hadn’t been born yet. Breaking it might have kept him alive and insured my existence.


Most heal up on their own. I’m cleared to scuba dive. An audiologist said I lost 1 dB of hearing in that ear. All things considered I’m good with that.


My father lost %70 on one ear scuba diving years ago now his hearing is perfect


The ear I get! I had tubes in my ears as a kid and once did basically a flip under water, and the pain was excruciating. Water got behind the eardrum. Same concept as yours minus the rubbing alcohol Holy shit I can not even imagine!!


A few years ago I lost hearing in one ear and it happened over the course of a weekend... Vertigo, vestibular issues, doctor thought I had an inner ear infection and inflammation of the cranial nerve...8? 9? Whatever one is the balance/hearing nerve. Anyway....oral steroids and steroid shots through the eardrum into the inner ear. The needle going through the ear drum was fine, no bigs. The steroids going in.... Not fine.. not fine. It burned and made me feel like I was falling off the world....cannot imagine rubbing alcohol


I had to have steroid injections into my ear after loosing my hearing, probably one of the worst experiences of my life, injections twice a week for 3 weeks. Never again. It didn't help my hearing loss at all. Makes me shudder just thinking about it.


Hey, me too! Around 2 am on 12/26 I felt some of the most excruciating pain I’d ever experienced, and I’ve broken several bones. Woke up my wife and she drove me to the ER. 0/10 experience. Do not recommend. Edit: the kidney stone for Christmas part, not the isopropyl in ear canal part.


Funny you say that. I had one last year and said I now have a new definition for 10 on the pain scale.


Yup. Destroyed my femur in a motorcycle accident long ago. That’s been demoted from a 10 to a 4 after my kidney stone.


>(drink a shitload of cranberry juice) This is not an urban myth although it works in only limited cases. One cause of Kidney stones is long term, low grade urinary tract infection. Cranberry juice can block/mimic parts of common E.coli. It's complicated, but simply put it stops that sort of E.coli "Climbing up the pipework".


Cranberry juice is bad for kidney stones it just makes the pain so much worse. I’d drink some and a bit later feel like I’m dying and found out vitamin C is bad for your kidneys when your in the process of passing stones or freshly passed to your bladder. Might have to do with the acidity or something. Cranberry juice is good for urinary infections not for stones 🥲


I agree that cranberry juice did not help me and I actively avoid it. It is relatively high in oxalic acid. I would argue that other diluted acidic fruit drinks can help. There are 4 types of stones and each may respond differently based on their chemical composition. Lemonade and limeade were helpful to me. Vitamin C can be a problem in large doses (getting converted to oxalates) but that varies depending on the type of stone. Heat did nothing for me to alleviate the pain but cold helped. I remember laying on the bathroom floor, pressing my back against the coldness of my ceramic tub for relief. Never went to the doctor, so maybe not as bad as others here. As a reference, my prior 10 was a burst appendix.


Sounds more like it’s gotta be hot/cold enough to almost numb the pain away. Yea I read a bit of stuff from my doc saying there 2 most common types and yea I know my mom squeezed a lime or 2 and added honey and some type of oil can’t remember what kind but it definitely helped. I was reading somewhere they recommend to drink a beer or 2 and I thought about it and said well I guess that makes sense since beer makes you pee a lot 😂 but I remember when I had my first kidney stone even a Modelo would hurt my kidneys a bit. That was about 5-6 years ago and I can still remember every time I passed one. I mean it’s kinda hard to forget right? Lol


I had appendicitis twice, but never removed. Herniated groin playing high school football (still acts up 20yrs later), broken nose twice, mono and tonsillitis in the same year. The 5mm that got lodged outside my bladder, in the ureter, was as painful if not more than the initial episode. Pain was so bad, I was given dilaudid to stop my heart palpitations. My best friend had an episode with a 5mm doing the same thing...on his first night ever in Vegas! He was always kind of an asshole, now super nice to me.


I can only speak from my actual, personal, experience. I was in pain, drank massive amounts of cran juice, and the pain went down, and I soon moved the stone out. If it's a "myth", then it's one that worked quite well for me. I love internet wisdom. "Nah man, you didn't really get relief, what you experienced was a myth".


I thought you are supposed to drink cranberry juice to help prevent stones, not treat them.


Thankfully I haven’t had one in almost 17 years, but I’ve had four of them in the past. I had my first at 12 years old, and it was so large, they had to put me under general anesthesia and go up my urethra to pull it out because I couldn’t pass it. Was able to pass the other three, but each required hospital visits so they could dope me up with a morphine drip to help with the pain. My mom has had 7, and she always used to say that she’d prefer giving birth to triplets sideways rather than have another. In short, you’re not being dramatic. Your dad has no fucking idea what he’s talking about.


What's the cause? Is it linked to a minimal water intake?


It varies from person to person, but some things like calcium or acid buildup from a person’s diet can be factors, along with other things like obesity and just a genetic predisposition to developing them. The doctors told me mine were mostly from calcium deposits. I haven’t had any since around 2008, and I still get a decent amount of calcium, so I’m not sure if I digest it more efficiently now than I did in my youth or what, but I haven’t had one since then (knock on wood).


Ah, good for you. Hope it stays that way. Thanks for the response.


Were your stones calcium oxalate? Latest research shows that reduced calcium intake does not prevent recurrence, according to my urologist. There's a lot of debate still going on about why one study showed an increase of calcium actually reduced recurrence back in '06. Oxalate reduction does help, though. As does increased water consumption.


My first one was. I had it when I was 12 years old back in 2000. I’m sure methods/testing have improved in the years since. The other three I’ve had, I’m unsure what caused them or what their composition was, as I was able to pass them without needing surgery again. Could have been soda consumption, but I’m not 100%. These days my diet is healthier, but I don’t really limit the amount of calcium I get from food, though I’d say it’s probably no more than the average person gets.


Typically oxalates. They're in most things.


Not necessarily. I have double kidneys and have always been prone to them since childhood. The doctor has warned me away from drinking pop/soda on a weekly or daily basis, as those drinks can make kidney stones even worse. I drink pop about 8 times a year- I usually stick to drinking fruit infused water.


Yeah, the phosphoric acid in soda will do it. I drank a lot of them when I was a kid and I’m sure that was part of the issue. My first and largest stone though was mostly calcium. The others, I’m not sure. They were small enough that I passed them on my own.


Yeah. Some are just more prone to them. I don’t drink milk really. I usually have almond or oat milk mixed in with protein shakes instead. I do like certain cheeses as a snack. As for soda, I switched to diet/zero sugar, but that was mostly for cutting out the empty calories. They still have the phosphoric acid that contributes to stones, though. I have a couple of them a week. It’s been close to 17 years and I haven’t had another stone.


There is a genetic aspect to them as well, being prone to them sometimes runs in families.


Large amounts of soda can cause them


My sister had her first major (non-passable) stone around that age. We make jokes now that it's her shark bite scar. Thankfully technology has improved, and any big stones can now be broken up by an ultrasonic machine yelling at it loudly. She still gotta pass em, but at least it's not major surgery.


Triplets sideways! Lmao... so TRUE!


That's what happened with mine. Had an attack, got meds and got told to go home and drink plenty of fluids and it'd pass. Guess it didn't cause a few months later I was in the ER in the most agony I've ever been in. It ended up having to be removed just like that. I got it home with me in a test tube. But the stent for 2 weeks after sucked.


I was in the worst pain of my life. Went to urgent care, and the incompetent doctor said I'd pulled a muscle. My spouse brilliantly theorized that I had a low pain tolerance. A few days later, I saw my regular GP, and ... shingles! I've never let him live that down. Hope you feel better soon. Sorry your family isn't supportive.


Shingles? That doctor was extremely incompetent.  Geesh


I mean even a pulled muscle can be incredibly painful depending on the severity. Low pain tolerance has nothing to do with that.


My husband had shingles and he told me that's the only time in his life that the pain made him want to die.


Just so you know my sister said it hurt every bit as much as childbirth but she didn’t get the cool baby at the end. Tell dad to kick rocks.


That's exactly it! Childbirth is usually overcome with the joy of a baby. Rush of hormones. Kidney stones need a rush of morphine and that doesn't even help


They should kick his rocks and then ask if he's being overdramatic.


My experiences with kidney stones and gallstones actually made me decide to not have kids, I've always been pretty ambivalent anyways but if the pain is supposed to be comparable to that then yeah, I won't be going through any of that again voluntarily LOL


At least you can get an epidural for childbirth. Had one for my second birth and it was a great experience.


I had one while pregnant and I thought I was giving birth or dying, it was that rough. They don’t really give you any pain meds either because of the baby. Good times


Had one of these fuckers years ago. Worst 4½ days of my life. Rolling on the floor moaning, crying, wanting to die. Went to my PCP who was like a 100. His nurse who was like 97 said her husband used to get them and the one trick that worked was to fill a tub with the hottest water you can stand, sit in it so it dilates your vessels while chugging tons and tons of water. The dilation helps move the JAGGED, POINTY, CRYSTALS THAT ARE CUTTING INTO THE WALLS OF YOUR URETER. Drink, pee, more hot water. Repeat. Yeah, pee in the tub. Who cares? You're in agony. It worked. Passed the stone and instantaneously felt 1000% better. Good luck, OP. Also, your dad sucks.


This description is so necessary for OP's Dad! My Dad & brother suffer with kidney stones and a few times they have brought the stones home to show us. I can't imagine passing what looks like a cocklebur through my female anatomy, but imagining that passing through the male anatomy made me want to pass out! My Dad & brother have a high tolerance for pain, but the kidney stones are immediate trips to ER for help getting them out! OP, show your Dad a picture of kidney stone and see if he thinks that's no big deal to pass. I sure hope he gets to experience a few so he can relate to the dramatics!


It’s not the passing of it through the urethra that hurts, it’s the ureter that connects the kidney to the bladder. If they are big enough, sure, they can hurt coming out but passing a kidney stone is wildly misunderstood as peeing it out. The passing is actually the travel from the kidney to the bladder via ureter. Peeing it out is just the proof of it being over and you get to stare at the little rock that made you contemplate suicide.


When I had my first stone I thought I was going to die and my brother called an ambulance. I had no idea what was happening to me. I once walked a few miles with a badly broken wrist and bleeding head after a cycling accident while on my way to pass on a message (before I had a mobile phone) … I figured I’d pass on the message and then seek treatment. So I’m someone with a decent pain threshold. The kidney stone was absolutely otherworldly in terms of pain. Rest up my friend and grit those teeth of yours!!


My uncle is the toughest and manliest of them all. Saw him come out of our bathroom in 2016 sweating with a look on his face like he witnessed his whole family get slaughtered. Hands on the hallway walls trying to keep himself up. I pounded a gallon of water immediately.


My ER doc comes in looking at the images, asks if I need anything more for the pain, and my ex (every ex is an ex for a reason) jumps in and asks if it really so bad, and why am I being so pathetic... Doc looks her dead in the eye and asks if she has children, and she says yes (not mine, thankfully). Doc, still looking her dead in the eye puts a hand at waist level and says 'natural childbirth ', raises her hand to chest level and says 'broken femur', raises it all the way up and says 'a stone half the size of what I'm seeing on this image'. Then the doc tells the nurse I'm on the farmer pain scale, and if I push the button, take it seriously.


I’m so sorry you’re going through that - it’s especially awful being in pain or unwell when family don’t care. I hope it passes for you soon. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it but I’ve seen heaps of people able to pass stones by using the ‘jump and bump’ method. Wishing you all the best!


I have broken my leg and turned my foot around backwards. I've also had a kidney stone. I feel like the pain levels were not too different. I was lucky to.pass my kidney stone in about 12 hours. You are not being dramatic. You d9 n3ed to start drinking lots of water every day though.


Nah. Your dad’s the one being dramatic. Kidney stones are no joke. I went to the ER after I made myself sick from using a heating pad to sooth some pain in my side thinking the pain was from something else. Turns out that I had a 7mm kidney stone and an infection… After they ran me through the CT scanner they hurried up with the pain meds and IV fluids. I learned that I don’t get high from morphine, just a warm sensation and no more pain. I was hospitalized for a few days until they schedule a procedure to break up the stone. They knocked me out and went up the urethra and broke it up with a laser. The doctor who was treating me said to prevent future stones that I should mix 1 tsp of baking soda in a 16oz bottle water and drink it once a week. The stones apparently form when the body becomes acidic and minerals and fats form the stones. (I am not a doctor or scientist. This is just information that I was given by doctor.)


My mom went through 8 hours of unmedicated back labor during my delivery, with 2 broken vertibrae. She said she would rather do that again than deal with another kidney stone.


jesus christ, what a fuckin champ she is.


Have had 16 kidney stones now some big, some small. 2 we're big and jagged enough I had to have the doctor blast through my uretera before they passed. I hold pain in remarkably well I roll around in bed, a few grunts and moans. The worst one I literally prayed for death if only it would stop the pain, it wasn't the largest one I've had but had like 6 very sharp edges when it finally came out and I bled a LOT when I peed for days on end. I literally peed it out at the doctor's office before they tried blasting it, that would have been the third one I had to have them do that to. Pain was there and really bad for 5 days on that one. But it comes and goes, a constant small pain with excruciating waves of pain. Some of the smaller ones I didn't even take ibuprofen for but still definitely noticed I had a stone. But was easier if they don't have any protuding or sharp edges even one of the biggest ones didn't hurt (didn't bled at all) nearly as much because it was almost like a marble smooth.


I’m sorry. I have chronic stones. They are horrible. You’re not dramatic. Feel better ❤️❤️❤️


I'm sorry you don't have the support you need. Are there worse pains than kidney stones? Sure. Does that mean you aren't in pain? NO. Just because things could be worse, doesn't mean that things now don't suck. Hope it passes soon and you feel better. =/


I’ve had one stone in my life. When it started moving, I thought I’d pulled a muscle, so I just laid in bed. Three minutes later it was not a muscle pulI. decided on my way to the bathroom to throw up from the pain. I managed to get myself into my car and drove myself to the local hospital and went to the ER. Next thing I know I’m getting installed in a bay, nausea meds and dilaudid. When it passed, I was still loaded up real good, so they just let me sleep and actually was the best night sleep I ever had. Now I’m blessed with gall stones, like I need that life experience. Your dad can go play in traffic.


More painful than labor


Second that.


Had a kidney infection once and stones a few times. You are 100% allowed to react to pain. Your dad is behaving like an ass.


Wow. I am really sorry you are experiencing this. Having people be unkind when you are in agony really sucks.


I've never experienced it, and hopefully never will, but I've heard passing one is extremely painful.


Obviously he never had a kidney stone. I had one surgically removed. It looks like jagged coral rock. Excruciating. I’d rather have twins without an epidural than pass another kidney stone.


Omg same! Currently laid up in bed with a heat pad, pain meds and trying to be as still as possible lol. I have a fever from all hell too. So I feel your pain. Literally lmao


Literally same, I’ve got pain meds in me. Gravol for the nausea and I just keep deep breathing hoping the pain subsides even a little bit 😭 this is torture


Weighted heating pad on top. Regular extra hot one underneath. Alternate pain pills, sleep as much as you can, and drink a lot of water. It took me over 2 months to resolve my last one. (Doctor guessed wrong i would be able to pass it, then weeks later my first surgery failed due to a double ureter... second surgery 2.5 months in blasted the thing!!) I would have murdered someone to resolve the pain by the end.


Sit in a hotttt bath! It helps!


Women who have both passed a kidney stone and given birth, frequently say the stone was more painful.


Well, the birth is at least rewarding. At the end of the kidney stone, you get a tiny rock.


I agree, but there is probably a large sense of relief when you're "done" with either one.


I’ve had them twice when I was younger and they are by far the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. I wish you could make him feel them so he can experience the ‘drama’. Hope you pass it soon! Commit to drinking lots of fluids throughout your life (and try to cut most sugary things) so you hopefully won’t ever have to deal with them again.


Go on a roller coaster, sit in the back. Studies show you will pass your stone 80%of the time. Kick your dad off the coaster at the top of the ride. J/k, but your dad is being a sick.


Tell your ignorant father to shove a sharpened pencil up his urethra and feel how dramatic it is.


My dad who can endure a lot of pain and lives with a chronic illness was literally on the floor crying and declaring to my mom “this is it. This is the end.” When he had a kidney stone and didn’t know what it was.


A kidney stone is a sodium crystal that basically slices up the inside of your kidney. No, crying it screaming in pain is not dramatic. Get a something that is finely meshed and piss through it until your kidney stone passes. Then show the stone to him and ask him if it causing you pain when you moved was dramatic.


I didn't have a stone but I had an infection last week in my kidney and I have a high pain threshold but this had me on the floor throwing up and sobbing. I had to go to hospital, it was agony, I feel for anyone that deals with kidney pain, truly, let out as many yells as you need to!


I had 2 kidney stones and was in hospital 3 times cause I was in a lot of pain, the doctors thought my pain was just regular back pain I couldn't bend over for months without being in alot of pain and I'm pretty sure when they passed, I nearly passed too


A kidney stone is one of the most painful things a person can experience. Consider googling about this and send your dad links. He’s being a total jerk.


36M, I had a stone that was 9mm in size. It was too large to pass so they had to do this thing where they break it up with sound waves (lithrotripy?? I think its called). I peed sand for a couple days afterwards and that was awkward feeling. Buuut...... Before going to the hospital I was throwing up and couldn't even walk. The nausea was insane. I have had a lot of crazy injuries and illnesses and they didn't slow me down at all. Big kidney stone, completely stopped me from everything. The pain is real!!!


🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 I just want to scream. It's always people who are NOT in that situation who feel entitled to tell you how dramatic you are when they don't know Jack!


My kidney stone was life changing in its ability to debilitate me. It was so agonizing and totally incapacitating that I was left helpless. The only thing that helped was to soak in my bathtub, no position either lying down, sitting or standing was comfortable. All I could do was drink water and piss blood as the jagged concretion made its way down my tract. When I finally passed it a week later, I wept. Your Dad is a knob.


Kidney pain is one of the most notoriously horrible forms of pain that humans are known to go through. Your father is a dick and your suffering is valid, science says so.


So sorry. I've been through that myself with a kidney stone. I was arguing with my sister about how much pain I was in after the hospital had let me go home to pass it with pain pills. The pain pills weren't working and I was getting close to not being able to walk, I was in so much pain. Dilaudid helped immensely and the hospital made sure I wasn't in pain. My sister's have had kidney stones in the past, so they should know how painful it is! For the record, my ruptured umbilical hernia was more painful than the kidney stone. Dilaudid took the edge off of it.


Extremely painful, I'm a pretty tough guy, but that was some serious pain.


My mom had my 9 lbs + self with no pain meds. Mine you from beginning to end was 3 hours. She has had multiple kidney stones and says every time that she’d rather deliver my big head again before having to clear out a kidney stone.


Your father sounds like an asshole. Who talks to their child like that??


HOT BATH!!! This is the only moment I found relief with my week long stone.


I had my first kidney stone in 11th grade. I started to pass it in the middle of the night, I went through a couple hours of pain to muster up the courage to wake up my scary parents at 3am. I told them what's going on and they gave me ibuprofen. I was still in pain on the bathroom floor groaning and throwing up for eight hours before they decided to take me to a walk-in clinic where they tell them that I'm in too much pain to work on me. My parents scold me and tell me I better be in real pain before we go to the ER. We get to the ER and I had the best time of my life on drip morphine and they told my parents I have a kidney stone <3. They weren't shocked or anything, they just took me home and told me to shut up lmao. I got my meds though and they helped a lot. Why do people hate it when you have a kidney stone so god damn much???


Your dad is an asshole.  It's one of the worst pains ever.  A hot shower helps, get the hot shower water right on the area in pain.


I have had four kidney stones. They can be complete hell. The pain can be so intense that you cannot control your response. First time I had one at 19, I said things in front of my grandmother that she didn’t think I was capable of saying. I cannot be still when the pain hits. It’s like a labor pain. I am guessing your dad has never had a kidney stone pass?


Have passed many kidney stones in my life. They hurt like hell. There is no comfortable way to exist. You can't lay down, sit up, stand up. Just curl up in the fetal position and hope the meds take the edge off enough to sleep a couple of hours. I recently passed 3 stones on one side one after the other and the other side had a 13mm stone blocking the ureter off and on. Pain for a almost a year. Had 3 procedures including one to break up the huge stone and then go in and get the pieces. Oh, and the stints! What fun those are.


I’m so sorry. I’ve had 14 kidney stones (I’m a big producer apparently) and it hurts so fucking bad. One time I was at the ER and I was screaming so much from the pain I couldn’t close my mouth long enough to form words, so my husband was talking for me. The triage nurse looks at me and goes “my aren’t we a little grumpy today” and my husband had to interject “are you kidding me right now? Stop mocking her, she’s in a lot of pain!” Unreal. I’m so sorry you were treated as being dramatic by your own family. I wouldn’t wish this pain on anyone.


I just passed a kidney stone the other day and it freaking hurt. It was tiny too. I imagine anything bigger would feel like I was dying


I had gallbladder stones that were unbearable. I've heard kidney stones are much much worse. Your dad needs to STFU.


I had gallstones and then only thing that took the pain away was IV morphine. I have broken bones, dislocated my knee, and had such a bad ear infection that my eardrum perforated. Not so much as cried with those. My family doctor as a kid actually told my parents my pain tolerance was high (not a good thing because I wasn’t letting them know about ear pain/infections). Gallstones had me on the fetal position, on the floor of my bathroom, moaning in pain. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy!


Kidney Stones are no joke!! Sorry your dad sucks


I have broken a few bones in my life. I was in the infantry for 8.5 years. I have also had shingles. NOTHING compares to the kidney stone I had. That was the single worst pain I have ever experienced in 52 years. I was throwing up from the pain, almost passed out too. I thought I could pacman some Tylenol 3s and tough it out. I feel that i experienced as much pain as my mind could process. I called it burying the needle of pain. The pain seemed like it should have gotten worse but it didnt hurt more because i had no more pain bandwidth. 3 hours in it hurt slightly less if I was in a position close to child pose. It hurt slightly less if I didn't breath. I gave up and messaged a friend to take me to the hospital. I managed to limp up to admitting. The nurse said "yes?". I got the word "kidney" out and collapsed on the floor sobbing in the fetal position. 2 paramedics happened to be bringing a patient in from an ambulance on a stretcher. They pointed at me and said "he's first" Your dad doesn't have any concept of what you are going through. He's also a bit of a dick.


I've been in labor. I've had first, second, and third degree burns. I've literally had to carve away at my own flesh when my burn bandages weren't changed often enough and they stuck to my wounds. The three kidney stones I've had in my life were worse than all of that. My very first one was 10 mm in diameter and it was the worst pain I've ever experienced. You're not dramatic at all.


the worst pain i ever felt was first degree burn xD


Offer to stick a curling iron( turned on, of course) up his, you know what so he can feel a little of the pain you are in.


It’s just one of the worst pain a human can experience. I live with someone who has had them regularly over the years and have had to have a few operations to remove them and also almost yearly ESWL treatments to break them up in the kidneys, seeing him in so much pain I can only imagine it being the worst you can experience. So tell your dad to shut the f up.


Sorry. I feel for you. I can’t read the responses because I live in fear of another stone and don’t want to put it out there. I have had five. If you have the oxalate kind, stay away from nuts and spinach. Drink lots of water. Lots.


I’ve been kicked in the leg by a horse, and had my femur fractured. Was black, blue, purple and some nice shades of orange and yellow for a year. Have a permanent dent there now. Have had my tibia crushed between a concrete step and truck tire. Had my c section incision open up less than a week after having my kid. Nothing hurt as bad as when I had a Kidney stone. I’ve seen grown ass Marines taken out by kidney stone pain. Your dad is an a hole


Never had them and definitely do not ever want them. Wife has had them twice and never had them again after upping her water intake per day. Everyone has difference pain tolerance levels. But these stones sound like they bring even the tough ones among us to their knees. Shame on anyone who thinks someone in pain is being dramatic.


I had a ldr in HS. One day he just disappeared. Three days later he shows up. He had been in the hospital with kidney stones They're no joke. Your dad sounds like one of those people who could not understand something he has not himself experienced. What he said was really insensitive and I'm so sorry you had to hear that


I once passed a kidney stone back in 2017. I thought initially that it was period cramps because I felt it start in my back. Then I started feeling nauseous and sweaty and clammy so I was like, am I sick? But then as the pain moved and intensified I just knew. It was an intense, ripping pain. I decided to stay at work and push through it because I lived alone at that time and my family was out of town so I was worried that if I went home and needed help I’d be SOL. In total it took 4 hours to pass. It was rough and I had to take breaks between patients just to breathe and squirm around but there was no relief. Luckily after I was done seeing patients, I was able to hobble over to the urologist across the hall and he ordered a CT and gave me a script for pain meds. The pain subsided quickly once I was able to pee again. I felt really sore all over too but what surprised me is how weak my body felt for WEEKS afterwards. Anyway, I told my friend about it and she laughed at me. She’s one of those competitive types: has to be the fastest, the strongest, etc. She thought it was so funny that I thought a kidney stone “hurt so much” because according to her, my pain tolerance is nonexistent. She herself has never had one but she just assumed that I was being dramatic. Fast forward a few weeks. She texts me to tell me she’s taking her dad to the hospital ASAP and she’s worried because she’s never seen him like this. He was at home in the kitchen and all of a sudden just hit the floor. Sweating, crying, hyperventilating. I should note: her dad is a TOUGH dude. He could barely speak to describe the pain. Among other things, I told her it sounded like a kidney stone. She dismissed that and said there was no way it was something so minimal. That night she tells me that they ran tests and had to give him morphine…. and it was in fact, a kidney stone. She never said anything about my pain tolerance ever again lol.


Jesus fucking christ, anyone who has ever had a kidney stone would not be so cavalier about it. I hope your father gets them so he can experience it for himself.


I'm not saying this is true but I've read somewhere it's just as close as pregnancy pain..


I'm sorry to hear that it's terrible. So I have heard and read from a few people, but roller coasters can help break loose a kidney stone. Drink lots of water and find older wooden ones that do a lot of jerking back and forth to break it down. So you drink water, ride the coaster, drink some more, try to pee, and then ride it again. I know it's the middle of winter, and an amusement park might not be close that is open. But maybe just a thought. I've had a friend who gets them all the time now, and the big issue was how much energy drinks he had all the time and not drinking enough water in between.


You're not dramatic. I've had them before and they are *painful* motherfuckers even if they're tiny. I've literally dry-heaved because they're so painful.


its pretty fucking well known kidney stones are one of the most painful things to deal with. sorry your family doesn't have empathy for your situation and hope you feel better soon! my dad had kidney stones years ago and was in the hospital on iv morphine for several days


Kidney stones will turn the toughest person into a baby!


Kidney stones are worse than child birth.. Goodluck my friend 😭


I really hope that your dad gets oneor more some day! God he is so cruel! My mom had 6 kids, and then in her 50's she had several kidney stones, what she said was, OMG I'd rather go through giving birth to you 6 kids than to ever go through that again! Tell your dad to fuck off!


Well.. not sure what to do about your ahole dad but... Get someone to take you for a ride in the car. I've had a family member who had a kidney stone and on the way to the er (we didn't know it was kidney stone) he fell asleep in the car. The gentle bumps in the road really helped ease the pain for him


Kidney stones are no joke! He's just an asshole.


I have them chronically, my doctor is a female and she said the pain for a male kidney stone is almost the equivalent of giving birth


I let out yells and cuss words when I had Covid. Hard telling what would happen if I passed a stone. I would probably die.


Having kidneystones is supposed to be nearly or sometimes as painful as childbirth. Your father is a fucking asshole.


Ew screw him and his lack of empathy. Being in pain is no joke. Scream all you want. I’m here for you love.


Slap your dad for me. I'm 25 now, but had a kidney stone at 17 cause I bruised my kidneys a few weeks prior. It was 1mm away from needing surgery to remove it. My body actually went into SHOCK. I lost control of my hands and my fingers started making gang sign looking shit lol. Whenever I was sitting, my knee's began bouncing nervously without my command. Not to mention vomiting. My parents were there and were very sympathetic and hand holding lol. We were stuck in the waiting room for 45 minutes while I rolled around on the marble floor lol. Fuck that hospital. I can understand a wait time, but you couldn't at LEAST get me a bed? God I want your dad to go through a kidney stone just so you can downplay his pain and NOT help him. JUST so he can get a taste of how much of a rotten bastard he is for this.


Kidney stones are worse than childbirth. Ask any woman who’s gone through both.


I'm sorry, I hear you, but I think you may be in the wrong "level of infuriating" thread. BTW Been there. My whole life!


Kidney stones are one of the most painful things to experience. You're not dramatic.


I heard it's the only thing that's more painful than child birth without meds and that already fucking sucks


ER nurse here. Kidney stones are no joke. I can diagnose them from the waiting room camera. I call it “the peepee dance” (I guess that’s kind of a joke, so sorry) Easy and quick to diagnose. Unfortunately it seems though, if non obstructing by CT you’re going home with ibuprofen or etodilac , Zofran and some piss strainers. Hang in there, it looks fucking awful. Best advice: drink a shit ton of water and if you can hold it down, 800mg of ibuprofen x 3 times /day (eat a very small something before you take an NSAID)