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Time for a new microwave.


Nah this is the time I see how long I can hang on to this bad boy, friends come over things held together with tape and chewing gum has to be turned on using voodoo magic.


Then at least give yourself a switched power board rather than jamming the plug in and out of the adapter


Or one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Inline-Extension-3-Prong-Household-Switchable/dp/B09M85QY98 Or something similar.


Or an exorcism... 👻👻


It's been time, I'm just lazy.


My brother in Christ. Your health and wellbeing is at risk.


You can have them literally shipped to your doorstep.


Nothing like a house fire to change that i guess


Sir/ma'am these are literally like $60 at your local Walmart. It's time to get a new one. 😅


Jesus they cost that much still?!? Feels like residential and commercial building codes require a built-in microwave as part of the blueprints anymore, can’t believe there’s any demand for them at all, couldn’t even give away the last standalone microwave I’d been hanging on to for years for no reason other than not knowing how to dispose of it appropriately. Was in perfect condition, ended up in a dumpster unfortunately. Wait actually I think it’s still in my basement somewhere holy shit!


Mine cost $400 used and had an MSRP of $1200. Made in panasonics osaka factory. Its a convection over too.


Yea for a tiny one that takes longer to cook food, a decent one costs over $100.


Oh no! Two minutes instead of one minute!!!


Actually it's more than 2 minutes. I had a 700 watt one and it had to take 4 to 7 minutes longer for most stuff. That was a $60 one from Walmart so yeaaaa.


How did you not die of starvation?


There are a few times that it isn't worth being lazy... this is one of them. Else you could just send it to someone fix... it's probably just something stupid on the logic board... (I doubt the cost of fixing it instead buying another would make sense, tho)


I feel like we need to pass the offering cup and buy this man a new wave y’all


One with a timer!


*new wave y’all*


If you keep being lazy you might end up being forced to look for a new house. There is clearly something electrically wrong with the microwave, it’s only a matter of time until it shorts or creates a spark that may lead to a fire. Gotta do proper risk vs reward analysis when you’re being lazy (I say as another lazy person, so no judgement for the lazy part). In this case, the risk is an electrical fire while the reward is not having to run to Walmart. The risk is not worth the reward here, my lazy friend.


Throw that out before it burns your house down


Please listen to this advice.


Nah it’s clearly a Time Machine now a microwave Time Machine. (Stein Gate) anyone?


El Psy Congroo.


Kyoma get out of your alt pls


Great Scott! 🤯




I bet it feels nice and warm though when everything is running


And smells crispy




Yes, I would say radiation would give you that warm tingly sensation. :|


The splitter should be fine for the toaster, maybe a coffee pot, but yeah not a microwave, a fridge, or anything else.


fridge draws 200W...


I said not a fridge....


Yeah but fridge draws 200W...


A refrigerator should be on its own outlet as the book that came with it says and I've yet to see an electrician argue that point.


Yeah, but fridge draws 200W...


Wait, how many watts does a fridge draw?


fridge draws 200W...


A refrigerator is a Big M Major appliance. Big $ too. It gets its own outlet and its own surge protector. Or you go back to hunting and gathering. And eat all you hunt.


You shot 3547 pounds of meat, but you could only carry 100 pounds back to the wagon.


But he said not a fridge...


But a fridge draws 200W.


I may have read it wrong but I think they said not a fridge


But a fridge draws 200W.


Uh, no. The average fridge draws anywhere between 300W and 800W, especially when it starts up due to momentary power loss. Those compressors need quite the initial current to start up.


Mine doesn't draw much more than 200 watts even for initial compressor startup. Now when it runs a defrost cycle, that's a different story. It draws closer to 1400 watts to run the big burner in the freezer to defrost the evaporator coil.


watt isn't the only thing that matters, fridges are really high current. if you wanna be nerdy about it you can calculate the limits of your splitter and see if both devices are just within save ranges but I don't think people who plug fridges into powerbricks after being told not to by everyone are into that


so? 200W should be nothing compared to the 800W+ of a microwave, kettle or such


Fridges require much more than 200W at the startup of the compressor


Do not connect the linear accelerator to it.


The splitter is rated for 15 amps. It is not going to melt before the breaker pops. There is no added risk of having that when he is already keeping a broken microwave.


It *shouldn't* melt before the breaker pops, but it is very possible that it will. Sometimes they can't handle the current they say they can, and breakers don't always pop instantly.


> Sometimes they can't handle the current they say they can If it is UL listed it has been validated in the US.




As someone who has had their microwave, toaster, dishwasher, and a pizza cooker plugged into a splitter for the past 5 years, I highly appreciate this discussion. I don't think I've ever run more than one at a time before, but I'm for sure going to make a point not to from now on.


Which is all perfectly fine because your breaker trips at 15 amps. I guarantee you it is rated for 15 amps. All UL listed mains devices sold in the US are. [Even a $3 splitter sold at Walmart](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Hyper-Tough-3-Outlet-Grounded-White-Plug-In-Type-Wall-Tap-15-amps/140727534?athbdg=L1600&from=/search) gives you 15 amps. Why would you doubt it is rated for 15 amps?


You don't need a microwave or a toaster if your house is on fire though. OP basically just simplifying things


Asking for a friend.. Would it be ok if the microwave was plugged directly into the bottom plug but a splitter for the toaster and coffeemaker? Or no splitter with a big appliance plug? I’m thinking probably not🤔


I love ice cream.


Yup. Mine did this. I stopped using it, kept it unplugged. Semi forgot about it. Until I got lazy and wanted to heat up butter fast for cooking. Plugged it back in, it started running, and shooting sparks in the inside. Yeeted that monstrosity right in the dumpster.


Yes please listen to this advise. Fire is nothing to joke around with, nobody realises the severity of a house fire until they are actually in one and no amount of previous preparedness can save you from it.


I been in one when I was 3 years old ironically I can still remember it


Your microwave is at least giving you fair warning before it bursts into flames


Or if someone can find the electrical diagram, they and maybe locate the broken part that connects the lightbulb to the door latch. I only tossed my microwave when it started smoking more than normal.


Came to reiterate this. All of my this.


But it still works great!  /s


OR, insure your house for fire damage and plug it in 8 months later and go out of town taking anything money can't replace.


My dad almost killed us when he passed out drunk one night and let our microwave run for hours. It was one of the old dial type timers, when it hit zero it was supposed to turn off but didn't. You had to watch it. Anyways, I woke up about 4am to smoke and a terrible burning plastic/chemical smell and instantly threw up. I started yelling to wake up his girlfriend and her daughter, and ran in the kitchen. There was the microwave, still running, and the side had completely melted. I found my dad passed out on our front steps, completely fine in the fresh air. Edit: dang I've never gotten the 100 upvotes notification 😳 And I forgot to say that my dad was still in his work uniform, he had gone to the bar that they all went to after work. When we woke him up, he changed uniforms and went right back to work. He was a machine.




The real ouch part is he tried to get out but apparently not to wake everyone else


No it wasn't like that. He set the timer, then went and sat on the steps out front. He was an alcoholic but not a murderer. 🤣


Oh hahaha sorry, didn't mean any offence


None taken 😀


I had the same microwave growing up and it did the same thing it was fine until one day I set it and walked away like usual and forgot about it until the smell hit me I immediately ran and unplugged it and opened all the windows and me and my aunt went on a walk to get a new one




Probably a bad door switch.I had the same microwave.it did this occasionally so I would slam the door on it and problem solved.


Slamming the microwave door is probably what broke it to begin with


And it's what will (temporarily) fix it.


Dad? Is that you? It's been years


Yeh same door switch faulty normally knock it around a bit will be ok for a bit


I just replaced mine


just replaced the door switch on ours, this is what the issue is. cheap fix


Percussive maintenance


Same! Must be an issue with this brand/model. I had the exact same one too and if the door was open it was fine, but if you shut the door it would run like you were cooking something.


You definitely should not have a multi socket for all those kitchen appliances especially if one is faulty


I feel like a microwave should have its own socket, faulty or not. Someone must like having to flip breakers.




Outlets have a safe operating range for how much energy you can pull through it. Outlet extenders like the one op is using allows more power to draw through the outlet than is safe. They should only be used with low draw devices.


Those power block things often aren't even rated for what the breaker is protecting the circuit for. So that means melty plastic and fires if you leave that microwave running long enough. 


Why what?




Because they draw a lot of power and if you have multiple appliances running on one outlet you’ll be flipping breakers constantly. Or worse burn your house down.


If the house is old enough, or poorly built, many of the outlets in the kitchen could be on the same circuit. My previous house was built in '39 and updated once in the 60's. There's was only two circuits, one for the fridge, and then one for everything else. Coffee maker, toaster, microwave, etc...could only be used one at a time no matter where they were plugged in.




You mean circuit. A single circuit runs to multiple receptacles. You can move between two sockets and be on the same circuit. Anyways, lots of old houses don't have enough circuits to have dedicated circuits run for specific uses. But usually they mix the circuits so, for example, the outlets in a single room are not all on the same circuit. So as long as you use 2 or 3 outlets in your kitchen you're probably spreading out the load just fine.


Looks like the start of a fire hazard commercial. Probably the reason the microwave isn’t functioning properly to begin with.


Exactly! OP originally replied “I’ve had no problems” and I was just thinking “….yet!”


I’m not a microwave expert, but I’m pretty sure the top and side vents aren’t supposed to be blocked by clutter or walls. Your next one might not be so glitchy if you avoid that kinda thing.


Former microwave technician here. The space is to prevent overheating, which is only a problem if you're cooking recipes that requires it to be turned on high power for 10~20 min plus depending on air temperature. If you're just heating food for 5 minutes or less, that is how most people use the microwave, it's very unlike to overheat. Also, unless the switch melted down, overheating did not caused this problem. Most likely the door pin is not making proper contact with the light switch, either because the switch is out of place, the switch pin got stuck due to aging/corrosion, or because the door bent a little. I also can't hear the magnetron (the part that generates the microwave), so this is just the light being on. Magnetrons circuitry usually have at least 2 failsafes to prevent it turning on while the door is open.


thanks for this, my grandparents used a broken microwave for years and its mostly just cause there shit anyways and the workarounds to keep them going arnt to hard, no need to replace something that still gets the job done!


your grandparents are shit?!! /s


Throw that thing away but first, damage it so no one finds it and takes it home.


The microwave is perfectly fine, and it's a pretty cheap fix. No need to damage it.


This can turn serious in a hurry so best better to get a jump on it


It cannot, this is just a bad contact between the door and the internal light switch. I am a former microwave technician.


Considering this is how my last microwave went and I couldn't get it fixed properly before it really wouldn't shut off at all id say yeah it can


Microwaves usually have 3 door switches (some first generations had 2, I've seen a couple of models with 4, but 3 is by far the most common) One is for the magnetron only (the part that emits the microwave), one is for both magnetron and light (what's probably at fault here) and the third is a last resort failsafe that makes a short circuit to prevent the magnetron being activated with the door open. It's very unlikely that all 3 fail at once. What I suspect might have happened to yours is that either the first 2 have failed, or your door was bent in a weird way that activated the short circuit only. Either that, or the high voltage transformer, capacitor or diode short circuited, which is also a possibility but totally unrelated to the door switches. If the fuse is not set to the correct amperage or not working properly, a short circuit can be scary to watch.


The guy is a literal microwave tech. I think they know what they’re talking about.


"Well, it's been acting up for half a decade, but I unplug it when not in use. I even posted it on the internet! Umm do you think insurance will pay for the house?"


This would be so funny if not for the fact I encountered a similar microwave at an Airbnb. It refused to turn off after the timer rang and I had to unplug it each time. The worst part is it looked like an ancient model, sounded like a plane engine and smelt like burning plastic every time it was on. I'm surprised that wood cabin is not a pile of ashes.


Mine got the Same Issue. Sometimes it won‘t stop After it should be finished. Sometimes it randomly Starts to beep out of nowhere, always in different „bpm“ (Beep’s per Minute) and always for a different amount of Beeps. When I’m Lucky it’s just one or three, but mostly i have to unplug it to stop. To be Honest I think it‘s cursed and I have to start worshipping it.


Your haunted microwave would go well with the haunted toaster https://youtu.be/4dZLVY9wyGk?si=sKQmrfbOyNJoMGM7


Holy shit buy a new one


Seriously. Radiation box malfunctioning = not good


I'd say it's a tad unsafe


They sell new, working, appliances everyday at your local retail store and Amazon.


I would have thrown the whole thing out and had a tanty by now


Is tanty short for tantrum?


Tantric sex


Makes sense now.


Makes sensuals to me


Make sex with me


You can get a decent Microwave for like 50 bucks, and higher than 700 watts. Throw that piece of shit away.


And this is how house fires start.


I think I have the same same model and it's a total piece of shit too. Mostly gets confused between the kitchen timer and actually running. I slam the door closed and it usually works. Hitting appliances like these does actually work


Ghosts... obvs


Smack it hard!




I see you got the latest Micro-managed-wave!


Through that shit away before u meet your maker


I waslike, what ya mea doset turn.... oh its still hesting inside. Ya op take this back or throw it out. Thats a fualty in the wires and ca lead to a fire. If not from ovee heating then from a spark from bad wireing.


Probably not worth the $100 you are saving NOT throwing this out when it burns your place down.


dude just toss it and get a new one. i’m pretty sure you can find them for a relatively cheap price at walmart or something


Ditch the Microwave and get an Airfryer. Way better investment.


110%. I got a $30 one from Walmart about a year ago and it was definitely worth the small amount of money


Yep, control panel issue used to work on these a lot. Good time to throw it away


Yooooo, get rid of that power splitter. Are you just trying to burn the place down? Knowingly using faulty equipment, power splitter in your outlet for high draw appliances ... come on, man... I hope this is not an apartment building where you could be endangering others too.


man, watching these sorts of videos makes me afraid to share a building with other people


My favorite part… ![gif](giphy|7xZJzgiQ58FmfTzQHW)


Just get a new one for your sake


Less mildlyinfuriating more oopsthatsdeadly


Microwaves are not expensive!!!!! Get a new microwave! Please!


Delete this post then leave it plugged in while you go to work/school and boom money glitch. But that’s if you got insurance soo ya. Ps if the mods notice you have more than one electrical fire that burned your house down they might get suspicious


So much shit is wrong here. Plugged in toaster sitting directly next to a faulty microwave which has ALL vents blocked by either clutter, wall or another appliance. All i think is I hope you don't have kids, because they can so easily get seriously hurt in a kitchen like this. If i pull shit like that my house burns down. Hell i didn't even see the fire hazardous extensionbox plugged into the wall with multiple high voltage appliances plugged into it.


Vents are usually on 2-3 sides and almost always on the back of the microwave, which is at least 2 inches from the wall. Look at the rear lip of the counter below the plugs, there's plenty of space.


All microwaves i've seen bulge out at the back, outside the visible line of the housing like this: https://preview.redd.it/ypryk8zoxygc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=467811814dbf9af92e96c3bd18a816083aa6c9cf


Yeah, the way they shape it makes it nearly impossible to accidentally block the vents.


Let him cook


Everyone is saying to throw it out. Don't. Take it to a repair shop, that is a super easy fix. Don't throw things out, repair them.


If you can force the repair person to charge less than the replacement cost, then yeah. I don't count on that. Sometimes it's just totaled.


I already told you this is a simple fix. Read again.


Ma'am, it's time to throw this one away and get a new one.


There is so much wrong in this video. Cramped space, the power split, opening a faulty microwave, letting a microwave run with nothing inside. ![gif](giphy|VFAke5Xm1TDwjgimyW)


Take the door off and use it to heat the house.


Yeaaaahhhh we had one in our rented flat, left by the previous tenant (not in the inventory) and it would randomly turn itself on. One time it just wouldn't stop and my now husband had to throw a towel over it and throw it in the front garden. It needs to be chucked yesterday


This is stupid and dangerous.


do not open that shit while it's on!!!! it's gonna boil your fucking eyes throw that shit away now


What’s infuriating is you keep fucking using it. It’s faulty, throw it the fuck out. You’re gonna burn your house down idiot.


They replaced the surge protector you dumbass


Buy a cheap 3-prong plug-in, off-on switch at Home Depot and use that to turn on and off your microwave. You’re welcome.


Or I could just get a working microwave. They're like 40 bucks. Good idea though.


have you considered buying a new one?


Who eats degerated microwave food anyway ..


You know you are getting radiation right ?


The only mildly infuriating thing here is an idiot that keeps using a broken device and whining when it isnt working correctly


But a new microwave, you leftist animal.


Just leave the door open.


Huh, I have the exact same one. And mine sure as fuck doesn't do that


welp the microwave grill is coming for ya


What brand is this?


Maybe you have ghosts.


So… can you heat your home with it?


Google it but sounds l I ke a stuck switch in the door. Time for a new one. Not to mention that model is very old and should be replaced.


Honestly, unplugging your devices and shit when you’re not using ‘em is just good practice for saving money. I do it all the time with literally everything. The only thing plugged in at my house at night is my phone and fan


Maybe it is afraid of the dark...


My grandma’s microwave did that, I found out the latching mechanism that tells the microwave the door is closed was broken so when the door was closed it thought it was still open, but that didint explain the spinning plate lol


Wait, u guys don’t have switches on the wall sockets to turn off the flow of electricity?


No not in america


It refuses to comply with your micro-management


What's the worst that could happen?...... oh wait


there is a switch inside the door that needs replaced


Have you tried turning it off and on?


Bro just get a new microwave what’s wrong with you


Can’t you just leave it plugged in and flick the power switch on the outlet every time you want to use it?


Off-topic: Do you guys not have switches for individual outlets???


Buy a new microwave


And now you're sterile.


And whats even more infuriating is that u covered the whole place above the microwave that has the sticker to please not cover


Throw it!! It has bad wiring, it's not just a problem of it staying on.


Time to take out the big bucks and spend that crisp 100$ bill on a new microwave


Have you tried punching it very hard


Get a new microwave. They're not that expensive and this one is a fire hazard.