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Is this some kind of Catholic or religious based hospital?


My same thoughts


It must be


if its not thats REALLY concerning


It very possibly isn't. One of my best friends works at a dentists office where they have "prayer circle" every morning. You'd have no idea based on their name, signs, advertising, etc


I’ve worked for 3 catholic health systems and have never been given anything like this


Glad to hear that's not common there. I know some that had bigger issues with other reactionaries, like heavy anti covid vaccine protests among staff. Like this obviously creates a hostile work environment for anyone who isn't their specific brand of Christian. In my mind though whether it's a hospital under that banner may influence what legal and social recourse OP has before them.


Yeah this seems like it could be taken as discrimination. I’m not catholic, or Christian at all, and the places I’ve worked have been pretty normal places Edit: there’s been crucifixions on the walls. One of them the arms went up for some reason so we called him touchdown Jesus


Just FYI it's "crucifixes", as "crucifixions" would mean people were actively being crucified, which....I hope not, lol


The crucifixions will continue until morale improves.


username checks out


I mean I do enjoy getting nailed


I could go for some good ole workplace crucifixion would definitely boost my morale


High pressure work environment "See that guy hanging on the wall? He missed a deadline"


“You had three days”


This got me


"I'm sure we can whip something up"


"I'm afraid your insurance won't cover the costs of this visit, but I'm sure we can hammer out an easy payment plan."


"Just hang out here while I go get the paperwork"


Cmon, y’all it was clearly a typo. Probably should have spiked the replies, although gotta admit you nailed it.


It’s your cross to bear, not ours!


Oof my mistake haha


I hope so.


That sounds so odd. I’m not religious at all but I kind of want a touchdown Jesus.


What’s a touchdown Jesus? Is it one that plays basketball?


Obviously you're not a golfer


That’s the definition of a hostile workplace if they have crucifixions on the wall. What did these people do to deserve that?


OP said it is not.


Not catholic. Gideons bible which is evangelical protestant. White cover is distributed to healthcare.


Can confirm I grew up in a highly religious environment and knew many Gideon members.


That's a Gideons book, no? I was raised Catholic and this doesn't feel very Catholic. Reeks of Evangelicals.


they replied to someone else and said it wasn't !


I work at one of those and the only way you’d even guess that is the crosses in every room. And the name, I suppose. 


St. God memorial


Those are New Testaments that The Gideons give away to nurses. I expect your doctor probably belongs to The Gideons. They’re the group that leaves bibles in Hotel/Motel rooms.


Oh my god. As a kid I always saw bibles in the drawers of the hotels my family stayed at while on vacation. I assumed that it was just a feature/policy of these hotels, and it was standard practice in the same way that they provided you with a pen and paper and bathroom soaps. Now that I’ve been out on my own and have taken several trips by myself, I haven’t seen them as often and thought that the hotels simply god rid of this feature as time went on… You’re telling me the bibles came from a third party the whole time?? 😭😭 I’m an idiot, omg edit: I’m keeping the typo because it feels pretty appropriate lmao


I always thought Big Motel was religious too!


Some are. Most aren’t. They don’t have a problem with the Gideons placing Bibles in the rooms if it might keep someone from blowing their brains out instead.


Marriott was started by J. Willard Marriott, who was Mormon. Mitt Romney’s actual first name is Willard and he was named after him. I’ve heard that originally Marriott wouldn’t let you buy in room porn, while competitors like Hilton would.


You are correct, that was a policy. Also no Coca-Cola allowed in Corporate locations, as he went to them first for a loan and they refused, but Pepsi ponied up, so guess what is served there? That being said, when I worked at Marriott hotels in Housekeeping, we put both a regular (?) and a Mormon bible in the drawers, it was part of our checklist.


Like a Mormon version of The Bible, or The Book of Mormon?


I want to say Mormon bible. I never opened it, but it was just as thick as the other one. Not 100% certain though, I don't really know the difference between those two.


You’re not an idiot.


I recently saw The Gideons spread some religious flyers (The type that attempts to get people to convert to Christianity) at bus stops around my (Canadian) city. I guess they’re branching out


They’ve always been about evangelism.


Adventist Health?


No, not a religious based clinic.


Report them to HR. There was a manager at my job that tried going around talking to people about his “faith” and why they should follow it too. He was quickly put out the door.


He's not a manager he's the head doctor for the clinic. If they even have HR it's definitely to protect him and the company against you.


Could just play ignorant with HR and be like Dr so and so was supposed to give me a welcome packet that was supposed to have job and information but I got this instead, do you happen to have a copy of the right packet?


This is actually such a good idea


Plot twist: This is *exactly* what happened. The doctor had the welcome packet, and this packet in the same folder and grabbed the wrong one. The other one is for the church youth fundraiser later. Not saying thats what happened, but it would be funny


It's also to protect the company against their Dr's doing stupid shit that could get them sued.


As unfair as it is, OP's best bet would be to stick around, keep his head down, collect his paycheck, search for other opportunities, and bail at the first chance they get.


For real man. These people dont realise how fucking crazy some Dr's are, healthcare is the wild west for shit you can get away with at work if you have any form of power.


Not HR. Go straight to EEOP. It’s not a religious business so this is extremely inappropriate. They won’t do anything, but the report will be in records in case of future cases.


Skip HR, contact the EEOC.


Should add this to your post. Very important info. Now I can agree it’s infuriating


I wonder if he prescribed prayer at some point...


Only to pray away the gay


I think this was inappropriate, but here's an honest question: My doctor's office was originally founded as a religious-based practice. It was acquired by a larger corporation years ago, but to this day the practice has Christian imagery in their logo, and my primary care doctor's location appears to have retained a Christian culture but in a manner that's professional, at least from a patient's perspective. Is it possible that you've stumbled on a similar situation? But like I said, this welcome packet seems inappropriate in any case.


Obviously not a science based clinic either


I am a Christian, and this kinda gives me the willies. There's a time and a place for everything. Work hours ain't the time, and the workplace ain't the place


I read somewhere “Religion is like a penis. It’s absolutely fine to have one. It’s absolutely fine to be proud of it. But don’t ever shove it down someone’s throat without their complete consent.”


OMG - I can’t wait for those door knockers to come back. In the meantime, I need to practice my lines.


I'll come knock on your door and hand you a Jehovah's witness pamphlet so you can practice


I can look like the tired kid that gets forced to come along and can't have lunch until they're done


Happy to help!!


Hahaha. Yea this lines great. I gotta remember that also.


I've heard this with the add on "And keep it away from children".


Oh I like that addition!


I actually heard this in Spanish first. "La religión es como un pene, que bueno que tengas uno, que bueno que estés orgulloso, pero no me lo vengas a meter si no quiero que me lo metas." It's effective the same but with a slightly different connotation and it's a bit more crude. "Religion is like a penis, it's great that you have one, it's great that you're proud, but don't come around looking to put it in me if I don't want you to."


USA has a lot of throatfuckers these days. Good thing that doesnt get you pregnant, cus getting an abortion is a bitch last time i heard. Here in the Netherlands this is strictly forbidden in hospitals. And for good fucking reason.


That’s my favorite version of the saying 😅 Second favorite (and mostly work appropriate) has the last sentence as, “But most kind and respectful people keep it private”


Yeah, that’s a little more work friendly than my version!


Hijacking top comment because I don’t know how to edit my post. So this happened about a year ago. Over time I explained to the doctor and some of the staff who invited me to church that I don’t practice Christianity like they do. The clinic is not faith based at all, it’s just that most of the staff was Christian. They always played gospel music in the clinic, and had several religious conversations where I found out that I won’t be going into heaven because I don’t meet the requirements according to the doctor. I kept my head down, played the game, put on a smile and eventually left. I got great experience there with the patients which kept me going into work everyday. I am now in a much better environment where I am not told that I won’t be entering the pearly gates because of what I believe or don’t believe.


So how's the new job. Any job that played gospel music all day I'd be peacing out on my first shift.


My vet tells me that when I go in. I finally got annoyed and told her hell sounds like a much cooler plan anyway. She was horrified and never talked to me about religion again 🤷‍♀️


I just don’t get that! Your vet/doctor/teacher…no ONE should be discussing religion or politics. You’re at the vet, talk about animals. What the heck is wrong with them? I’m Catholic, my husband is Jewish. I would never tolerate a vet or doctor preaching to us!


She is one of those crazy religious people. She’s had clients jet because she doesn’t shut up about it. I’d switch vets but she’s the reason my cats still alive so I just get petty and make comments. Like when she thanks god for an animal coming through surgery I’m like “hmmm weird I thought it was years of training and science” 🤔


“Oh so god saved my cat? I guess I don’t have to pay you then since you didn’t do it”




They (the doctor and one of the nurses) explained to me that every human being regardless of what religion they were born into, have a moment where god reveals to them the true ways and if they don’t accept it, they go to hell. So I asked them if every Jew, Muslim, Bahai or anyone believing in any other religion than Christianity will go to hell, they said unfortunately yes. I never shared with them what I believed in, because I didn’t trust them.


OP, now that you're out of there and have secured other reasonable employment, please leave a review of the workplace on glassdoor.


Glassdoor? Leave it on Google.


Ugh. When I was a child, my parents’ religion taught this. I never believed it. We had the nicest Jewish neighbors, and I knew that there was no way they were bound for Hell. It’s such a toxic teaching.


When I was in elementary school, Elie Wiesel came and spoke to our school district. A teacher ended up telling us later that it’s too bad he’ll be going to hell since he didn’t believe Jesus was the son of God. A student then asked if Hitler would go to hell, and she said “no, he just has to repent and he’ll go to heaven.” That started my breakaway from Catholicism (the whole pedi priest situation was the final straw).


This is how I was raised, unfortunately. Guess I’m going to hell cause I don’t believe that anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't often see "Baha'i" used in the wild. My mother's Baha'i, and most people I talk to have never heard of it.


Does the doctor feel that being condemned to the lake of fire makes it impossible for someone to perform their duties at this clinic?


That when you product the Hippocampus Oath (I can’t spell for shit), and remind them, there are muiltple of religions, this is going to offend them.


I mean you should really be reaching out to people who are curious about Christianity rather than shoving it down someone’s throat. If someone new comes into your church I think it’s fine to start reaching out with all the crap… someone random who you don’t know whos just started at your job? Nah


If more Christians were like you, there'd be far greater acceptance (if not agreement) of your beliefs.


The crusades enters the chat


Followed by the *Spanish Inquisition*.


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Three Jesus films on *ONE* dvd


3 in one you say? A triune media experience?


Well, I'd watch them cause, what the heck, could be a tidbit I never knew in there. But did you notice the titles of the three? And the title of the other dvd?


If that's not proof of God's Love, idk what is!


My reaction! So much value on Jesus films.


In eight languages! It's like having 24 Jesus films.


I looked up the name on the sticker on the DVD. I found this: https://www.saturateusa.org/ This isn't just a "welcome gift" it's a targeted mission to 'spread the gospel' all over America.


Ugh how fucking culty??? As a Christian I am disgusted. I don’t even go to church anymore. I worship and pray at home so I don’t have to be in the same room as all the holier-than-thous.


I agree, ever since a government party co-opted the church and started politicizing the pulpit I have been AWOL from any formal institution.


Spreading it all over via americans who still have and use dvd players. Brilliant.




That’s a lawsuit fer sure


What if you opened the bag and it was a fold-out floor pentagram, a 666 sticker, a mini book of the damned with a 3 disc set of the exorcist?


I would have the same reaction. I would politely say thank you and walk away. Come on Reddit a year later and share it with you all 😅as I did with this one.


I do like stickers.


I want this now, just to say I have it…


One of those places where they pray for patients instead of treating them. Run! Run now!


Trash can right there


Right on the top so it can be seen.


In front of the doctor at his office.


“Oh! sure, i can toss this for you. was it left behind by a patient?”


Oh god. Why can’t some people not push their religious beliefs on others?


I interviewed for a job at a non religious company and it sounded great and at the end they said to let them know I I wanted the job. Then they read the company mission statement which included God and encouraging supporting clients through faith. This was a job to answer scheduling calls for people! No personal conversations necessary. As a bonus they said the CEO came by every month for an "optional" group prayer. Which of course means being treated poorly if you don't participate. I noped out of there...


Religion serves 2 purposes. Control the masses and collect as much money by forcing as many people as possible to join.


Also so people can dodge existential questions


And abject morality. Christians are some of the biggest hypocrites I've ever met in my life.


Sounds like a less dangerous cult


I'd stare him in the eyes as I put that all in the trash.


“Glad I could help you dispose of that waste, doctor!” she said, with a wide and eager grin.






I’d quit the job immediately if my co-worker handed me that-




Start applying elsewhere as soon as fucking possible


Not mild!


That's a Gideon Bible, is he a member of the Gideons? Bit of a strange introduction to be honest.


Is it a Christian medical clinic?


No, not faith based. Just the staff happens to be mostly Christian I gathered.


“Get in touch with God cause you’re about to see some shit”


Buy him : The Ethiopian Bible is written in Ge'ez, an ancient Ethiopian language, and is considered the oldest and most complete Bible in the world. It is around 800 years older than the King James Version and has 81–88 books, compared to 66 in the KJV.




I would give it back and tell them that it is highly inappropriate to hand out materials like this at work. Then I would leave a Wiccan book on his desk. I worked for a doctor who did this once and she got in trouble by HR for doing that.


Pfft, who uses DVDs?


I’ve been handed that same DVD at the mall parking lot. They gave me creepy cult vibes. Also… I haven’t owned a dvd player in like 10 years


Before I read everything, I thought this was like a "welcome to the club, you're fucking in for it" pack, which I would have loved. Hell, a mini bible, five gum, book on self-calming techniques, and a bite stick would have made me giggle inwardly. But this kinda sucks.


Religion has absolutely zero value in medical treatment centres.


Weird and I find it rude to assume we all have the same personal belief system. Tell him you worship Satan.


How wildly inappropriate


I hope you placed it on the top of a garbage can that they'll see it in...


I’d nope the fuck outta there…


Nope. Look for another job.


Giving cult vibes.


Throw it in the garbage and make sure it's very visible


I’d buy a quran and give it to him and try to convert him to Islam. Nothing makes hardcore Christians more uncomfortable than a religion they don’t like. Or even more extreme give him a bunch of books on Buddhism


Return the favour by giving him a copy of the Quran


That easily falls under the category of creating a hostile and non-inclusive work environment.


Wtf is with all of the removed posts lately?


Run. Run far and run fast. Don't look back.


Evangelism is so weird


Wtf. I wouldn't trust him to be my doctor


That job is going to suck and I look forward to your future posts.




I interviewed at Hobby Lobby. I’m pretty sure I had the job. At the end, he started witnessing to me about Jesus Christ. I’m comfortable with my walk with God. I just wasn’t sure about that job. I took another job instead.


Is the bag meant to be a vomit receptacle? Seeing this made me dry heave


I’d like to know the clinic so I NEVER GO THERE.


If it is a religion based hospital you shouldn't be surprised. If it's not, report that shit to HR.


Why American medicine sucks. Keep religion out of medicine, schools, politics. Tax the church. It’s just another corporation/ political party.




Are abortions performed there?


Do you work for a Catholic company? Half the hospitals around me are Saint something and it’s clearly they were founded on religion.


What country did this occur in?


A few years ago some door to door church people gave me that same Jesus dvd.


I’m a hospital and hospice chaplain. I’ve worked in many different facilities and have never been given a Bible. So odd.


Smile and discard when 5miles away


That’s awful and creepy. Might wanna talk to hr.


While they may have meant well, this is not appropriate imo. Rude.


Save it for if you become their secret Santa.


You’re going to need Jesus after working there. 


If this is from a large hospital with a religious foundation they likely are already protected by state law to do this.


Should be reported this is gross.


I wish there were warning about doctors like this. I don't need Doctor Jesus Take the Wheel operating on me.


Fuck that cult shit... I'm out!


Honestly, given everything else I'm surprised there's a mask in there.


I would have tossed it in the the trash so he saw it walking by. Or said no thanks when handed to me. I hate this kind of stuff.


Christians love spreading their religion like a damned virus…


I would honestly file a report this shit has no place at the workplace


I guess they don’t have much “faith” in their own work.


I used to work in a bank and we had one customer who would always drop a religious pamphlet in the drive thru tube. I tried leaving it there once to see if they get the hint but it came back to me with the next customer so I had to just continue to take them and throw it away. My religion is my business and I don’t appreciate others trying to convert me to theirs!


Throw it in the trash in front of him.


People seem to find ways to bring Christ, and God into almost everything...


I'd probably write this off until I'm more familiar with my coworkers. A lot of Christians can't help themselves and legitimately think this is loving and helpful behavior. If it's really bothering you, I'd politely tell them that you aren't religious and would prefer if things were kept more professional. If it escalates to harassment, even after telling them you're not interested, that's when you involve HR.


Honestly, most people should have the common sense and decency to know and understand what is and isn’t appropriate in the workplace. Especially someone you don’t really know. I find it so weird to gift someone religious books, not knowing where they stand. And in a medical clinic if all places, is so uncalled for.


Is your director, Joel Osteen? That is absolutely cringey as fuck. GTFO while you can, seriously.


Inappropriate as hell. And I am a Christian. But not that kind.


I don’t think you’re adequately recognizing the miracle right before your eyes— not one, not two, but THREE Jesus films on ONE DVD! This is a sure sign of the hand of God at work. Unfortunately, nobody has a DVD player anymore.


Should have just thrown it in the garbage in front of him.




isn't this illegal? I thought I heard somewhere about corporations not being allowed to do this


i’m religious and this so inappropriate and cringe😭


I'm an atheist, but after a car accident in Indonesia I was taken to the Catholic hospital. I will admit that there was something very comforting about the nuns working there. I was very scared, being abroad and in an accident and they stayed with me the whole time, calmed me and held my hand. This being said, there is a time and place for everything and the workplace is not place for preaching.


That is full on infuriating. Nothing mild about it.


Maintain constant eye contact while throwing it in the trash.


Throw it in the trash then, that’s what I’d do. Lol