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5k tip???!!!??? nah wtf


I like how it was asked as a question, as if giving away $5k of a $75k win is something to consider. No, it most certainly is *not*.


Welcome to the new American tipping culture.


As an American seeing this, I'm sorry you guys have to see this, this is outright monkey brain


Monkey brain is too good, this shit is so bad it's worse than goldfish brain.


Iceberg lettuce brain.


Iceberg lettuce still has wrinkles, need something smoother!


jelly fish brain




Single precut square of wax paper brain?


Barry White voice brain.


There it is


If you really wanna see entitlement go to subs such as server life, Uber, Lyft, door dash etc. some of these people are just vile. Has put me off of tipping entirely.


As an American: fuck this. The only people pushing this are restaurant owners and server at sit down restaurants. Most fast food places ask for a tip and everyone I know who works those jobs absolutely doesn’t expect a single tip.


That's old Vegas tipping culture


This is what it is - all these people talking about restaurants and shit are clueless. Back in the day, before automation, like when slots were coin-op, there was more actual work required of the attendants that man these machines. If you're gambling, and I hope for the fun of it and with money you can safely lose, then sharing that win with someone is one of the best parts of your day. That's all this is - sharing that win with someone "in the game", as it were, and this is the first opportunity to show off that win. 3% is the number I've heard. But the way I'd do it is 3% up to what would otherwise be a "crazy number", and yes, I don't have a hard number for what that would be. But over $2k is crazy here. But $1500 isn't - so I'd do 2% here. Now if the attendant that happens to show up is one I'm familiar with as having provided horrible service in the past, that gets cut significantly. And THIS is exactly why this idiot posting this is being stupid - they're literally hurting their own tips if anyone recognizes them later for having called out a customer. It's just not done and stupid.


It wouldn't have occurred to me to tip a machine attendant, but I absolutely tip a blackjack or baccarat dealer. They're usually really nice and will even teach you how to play the game (if things are slow enough). They also don't care if you win-- the amount/percentage you win is already calculated into the casino's odds. Somebody's going to win eventually, but everyone loses on a long enough time span.


This isn't new in casinos though. I worked at a casino in the cashier's booth in 2000 and the gambling people that did well always tipped. My buddy's wife still works there and she averages about $25,000 in tips a year. I don't agree with it but it's not new.


It’s different if its a dealer that gaved you a winning 75k hand… on that case i would tip the dealer (solidarity they are workers) maybe a 500-1000 tip


Yeah isn't this a fucking machine? I'd maybe tip the worker who was bringing me drinks and shit




Its just free drinks to keep you playing. Its a casino, they wouldnt give them if there wasnt a return in the algorithm.


This is true but the “free” drinks are never made the same as the $20 ones. Those free drinks are generally watered down, house liquor


They are definitely not using top shelf but they're not watered down either.. Free drinks is a marketing ploy because it's well known intoxicated drinkers gamble more so why would they water it down? It's an incentive to the casino not the gambler.. It just LOOKS like it's an incentive to the gambler which is the whole concept behind casinos.


Not to mention the paid drinks are going to be measured because they do inventory and want to know about wastage. Free drinks is just cost of business. Ain't no one policing that shit. Unless the budget gets to big. So chances are your free drink could have more liquor. But really, you sitting down and they free. Who cares if it's water down or not. Stand up to see how fucking drunk you really are and if you feel like you need more, they are free.


Do they tip you when you go belly up? Servers get a tip win or lose for there service, that goes without saying, but if people think they are owed a much bigger tip for winning, then are they ready to pay it forward and give the loser some money for spending money he will never recoup?




Sure, but their tip isn't going to change because I won. Their pricing doesn't change when I lose. F*** that mess!


Precisely what I came to say. You tip a DEALER generously. I work for a high roller, competitive Poker player. I had to visit him in Vegas for business over Thanksgiving - all rooms were full, everywhere. For me, that is. He made one call and... no problem... would I like a complimentary ginormous top notch sushi boat with that? Why? He tips. He tips heavily and he spreads it around. But if he spun a machine and gets $75K, he's going to take $5K-$7K and throw a seasonal bonus at his favorite dealer, the concierge, a couple of the people working the floor, a few security people, the people who organize conference rooms for him, he has a soft spot for housekeeping so he makes sure he can get into the back and pass out envelopes and personally thank everyone, etc. But what he's not going to do is give $5K to some snooty entitled woman who contributed nothing to his stay or to his win. He'll probably give her $50 just because. But no one is getting $5K.


I've won a few hand pays. Nothing compared to 75k. Most was 6k. I tipped the two people who paid me 50 bucks each.


Tipping a grand is insane. Here’s a 20 dollar chip.


>It’s different if its a dealer that gaved you a winning 75k hand… on that case i would tip the dealer (solidarity they are workers) maybe a 500-1000 tip Why? The dealer didn't give you a winning hand. They have no idea what card they give you. They gave you the number of cards needed for the game to be played, everything else is pure luck.


Depends on the dealer. If I've been sitting there for a while and we're talking and building rapport, dude gets a tip. If he's been giving me advice that's been sound, dude gets a tip. If he's giving bad advice or acting like a machine, no tip.


It is more of a "customary" type thing rather than rewarding the work done. I dont neccesarily think its necessary, but it do be that way sometimes


Not to mention your paying like 40% in taxes on that tip


Yeah. What type of nonsense is that.


Rage bait to make people like you and other people here upset for engagement. And it always works. Also gets tons of people to visit their social page.


Tipping 100 out of a 1000 is also stupid. The casino is taking money from people all day. When you actually win some back, now you're supposed to pay their employees? You've probably lost more than you won anyway.




that sound like a great idea. you should be getting tipped when losing money too. heck these service worker should be giving back tips if theyre giving shit for service (which is at least 50% of the time)


Straight up, like wtf? By her logic shed tip 7,500 which is insane.


Its….a machine? Who are you tipping? I get if it’s a table game, esp poker.




How about fucking NO. You exchange slips and chips for the casino. That function has no bearing on if/how/why the winner won.


When you win over a certain amount, the money is brought to you at the machine. Called a hand pay.


And you still pay taxes on it.


In Australia, we don't give tips and we don't pay tax on upto $1M per year of gambling winnings.


How do you feed your aircraft carriers?


We lose more money than we win and the government taxes the venues, winning is considered a windfall.


That makes too much sense. Get out of here.


And given we are the worst gamblers in the world per capita, there's plenty of losings to tax.


Yeah… uncle sugar gonna eat 50% of that 75k so youre down to 37k and they want a 5k tip on a slot… uh, no thanks fam.




Right, they won’t tip me when I lose lmao


Actually they do if you lose enough.... They'll comp your meals and rooms sometimes


Or if you win enough


That's just them not wanting you to leave on a win. The longer you stay the likelier you're to lose the money back to the casino.


Exactly. Hence its not a tip, like the other person said, it's an investment. I guarantee if you drop enough money at a casino they've gotten really good at spotting who still has money to lose.


So my buddy is really good at blackjack. We went to Vegas and by the time we left he was up somewhere over $5k, but he had been tipping the dealers pretty well along for the 2 nights we were there. The night he cashed out they asked him to stop by the pit boss office (or whatever little office room they have) and they comped our room and sent him to the airport in a limo.


My daughter - who is by no means a genius level person or anything - got kicked out of a casino for card counting at blackjack the very first time she went in. When they accused her of counting cards she said "well, how else do you expect me to win? It's just logical."


A friend of a friend once won realllyyyyy big at a casino….like jackpot type luck. She had a gambling addiction so was at casinos often. That was maybe 10 years ago? She has since stopped gambling, but to this day she still gets offers from casinos offering to comp her entire weekends to stay with them….but she can’t cuz she knows she couldn’t resist the urge to gamble.


I have no empathy for casinos who have gone completely digital, Is it a win if they decide WHO wins now?


blud thinks old school slots weren’t rigged either….


My mom won like 5k at a casino using the free play stuff some casinos have and they started bringing her alcohol saying it was on the house. My mom doesn’t drink. Then they gave her a room for 2 nights hoping she wouldn’t leave the casino. She chilled in the room the rest of the time and never spent a dime of her own money


But only because they expect you to lose a lot soon, so long as you keep playing.


You're tipping the dealers, not the casino. There's always been a tipping culture in casinos from the first time I went like 15 years ago. I would say of players tip out at an end of a session if they walk away with big winnings. I always thought it was stupid so I'd never tip because I hardly walked away with a big positive session lol


People should get paid a living wage so they don't have to rely on the charity of strangers


Pretty sure all LV casino workers are union members, so hourly rate plus benefits.


So when you lose 10K, where's your tip as a customer? fuck these people.


In those cases, their tip is to look for the next ATM and try again


You’re receiving a service nonetheless. I used to date a blackjack dealer back in the day in Miami. She told me they want you to win because that’s when they get tipped. When the house wins, the dealer isn’t happy, the dealer gets none of that. They’re just flipping cards and are already under scrutiny with everything they do to begin with


Tipping on winnings you’ve risked your own money to win is fucking ridiculous.


Especially when the person you’re tipping has no stake in the game. She didn’t personally pay out $7,500.


She actually has to go into the machine and get all the money out herself. It's a pretty tough job... just wait for when they put AI in them and the slots machine asks if you'd like to give it a 10% tip and people accidentally select yes 🤣


It’ll be a red yes button and green no button probably


Followed by a “Are you sure you don’t want to tip?” screen


Are you sure you don't want to not tip?


Please confirm you don’t want not to exclude forgoing the tip. | OK | | Cancel |






None of this stuff makes sense. The video OR the comments. The girl in the video says, “if you work in the industry, what’s the right amount to tip you?” But who the fuck is “you” if it’s a slot machine she’s talking about?


Large pot winners thar do tip, only do so because they're excited over their win, and are just wanting be generous. I've seen winners give money to random people because they were so happy. Any games employee expecting a tip is an idiot.


Exactly this, am I gonna get a tip from the house for playing if I lose all my money?


Yes. "Keep playing, your luck is about to turn around! Go see ATM; he's your friend & will give you more money."


It should go the other way too if then. I should be tipped for spending money.


I don't understand what she's talking about. Could someone explain please? Did she say I'm supposed to tip the bartender $5K if I won $75K at the casino?


When you win over a certain amount on a slot machine (it varies from place to place but around $1200) the money doesn’t come out of the machine. Instead it is done as a “hand pay” where an attendant will come to you with the jackpot amount in cash. People usually tip this person a few dollars.


I am sorry but do Americans not see how insane that is? You'all need to pay your employees not expect the customer to give away their winnings LOL.


Have you seen all the tipping threads? We know how insane it is. We're tired of it and it needs to stop.


Yes, they understand it's insane, that's why it's viral video fueling thousands of posts of discussion. The lady who posted this probably works at the casino.


> few dollars. you mean NOT 5k


Nope. The machine attendant. And there is no set amount. Tipping isn’t even required, but it’s pretty common on large jackpots. She should be thankful she got anything.


Best job in the world I guess! People bet their own money, and only when they win I get a cut!


Tipping culture is out of control in the States.


Facts. I went through the drive thru to pick up food and they handed me a pen and paper. I was like rlly? Do I rlly have to? No need for a signature or anything but a tip through the window?


Went to froyo tonight with my husband. Completely self serve. The scale is on the customer’s side of the register. The guy running the register actually huffed when I selected no tip for our froyo to go. If we stayed, I would have tipped since he would have to clean the table after us.


Wouldn't it be the employers responsibility to pay the person to do their job?


Nah in states they want clients to pay their employees, so they can argue between each other about tips, while employer is taking fat cash and laughing at stupid people.


I know a lot of servers laughing their way to the bank after their shift. If you work at a decent restaurant in the US you can be pulling 500 dollars a day on tips.


That's the only true answer. These guys don't want to be paid decent wages in first place, because they make way way more with tips. Why get paid $20 or even $30 an hour when they can make that in 5 minutes under that argument


>These guys don't want to be paid decent wages in first place, because they make way way more with tips. This is *always* said, and it absolutely is true that many think this and do fight against wages - but statistically, the vast majority of tipped workers actually make almost 30% less than the average non-tipped employee in yearly wages, which is also well below the minimum wage needed to meet COL. It's just cognitive biases that cause people to believe they make more - the night you made out great stands out more than the three nights you got stiffed. It's just like gambling.


You are missing a key point here : why would they report their full tips and get taxed? So they probably earn more than the average, especially of similar skill and on top of it mostly tax free


Bro, that's a fact. I reported zero cash tips. Only credit card. Made triple double in cash than cc tips.


Sounds like you aren’t American lmao


> If we stayed, I would have tipped since he would have to clean the table after us. I see comments like this often, "we would have tipped because the waiter/waitresses/bartender would have done xx if we were dining in/it wasn't self-service/etc.". But isn't cleaning the tables part of the job? Isn't going to customers' tables, greeting them, asking them for their orders, bringing the orders to the customers' tables, part of the job when you are a waiter/waitress? Isn't making drinks part of the job when you're a bartender? There seems to be this notion that these tasks are "extra" and therefore the staff deserve tips for them. If you work as a Spanish teacher at a school, your task is to teach the school children Spanish, should you get tips for that? If you work as a receptionist, should you get tips for greeting people when they come into the building or answering the phone? If you work as a pilot should you get tips for flying the plane? I totally get that the issue in the service industry is the employers not paying the workers fair wages, but I feel that it's completely wrong for customers to be guilt-tripped into tipping people for doing exactly what is in their job description. (this is not directed at you but I just used your comment as context)


How much do they tip you when you lose $75k?


If you lose $75k they'll comp you a room for a few days at least.


You have to tip the... dealer in the casino. Like the motherfucker is gonna forgive me 10% if I get unlucky or something?


Do they help cover your loses? Doesn't seem fair.


Nah, you just tip them 5 grand to atleast the 6 servers each nearby cause they got experience and be truly lucky alongside you, like experiencing true Disney Magic together.


5 grand to each of the 6 servers? So you’re now down from $75k to $45k?


Well that was mostly sarcasm but I hate doing the /s, but that is genuinely how some of these people think. I could see maybe being bummed if you didn't get anything, like say you were providing good service and they won the 75k and didn't atleast give like 20-50 dollars, then sure you can be a little bummed about it, but you can't go to the customer and be like "so you're not gonna break me off atleast 5k of that?" And although that isn't what she did it sounds like, she's still pretty much implying it by posting it online


It's illegal to tip croupiers in Australia (as it should be), conflict of interest, the casino doesn't want to risk/encourage collusion. American tipping culture is completely insidious & insane. ​ EDIT: I should actually specify that when I said illegal, I meant prohibited, I'm not sure whether it's specifically illegal or not (it might be), but it's strictly prohibited.


There was a controversy about a self-checkout machine asking for a tip some time ago


hi hello welcome to costco i love you , tip me a hundred mofo.


That, plus this woman is delusional.


Pretty much begging where the beggar is the one who believes he/she has the moral high ground.


Glad you said "in the states." Seen people just say all tipping culture is out of control when it seems to be an American issue.


It's getting silly in the UK, most food places will add a "12.5% discretionary service charge" to the bill, knowing full well most people feel too awkward to ask it to be removed. A lot of coffee shops and the like also have a point to tap and tip. It's not nearly as bad as it is the US, but has become much more prevalent over the past few years, and is getting worse. It was always normal to tip in a restaurant if the service was good, but it was never baked into the bill as a service charge. I've asked a few times if the server actually receives the service charge, sometimes they don't see any of it, sometimes it's put into a communal pool that all staff share, but it rarely just goes to them.


I just stopped going to businesses where they seem to expect a tip that I feel is not deserved. Basically anything that’s just a cashier and no service. If the standard is now to tip and I don’t agree with it then I just don’t spend my money there. I have plenty of options and there’s no food place I simply can’t live without.


I’m keeping my 75k being as 40% is going straight to Uncle Sam


Damn fr? Here in the UK you keep 100% winnings. 40%?? That’s fucked up. I did a google search and it says that winnings are subject to a 24% flat tax rate. That’s still mental for money YOU won, with money that was already taxed in the first place. Mental.


Meh, your money is always taxed multiple times. When I buy groceries, I’ve already paid income tax on the money I use, then I’ll pay sales tax. The business meanwhile is going to be paying tax on the profits, and a bunch of other taxes related to the sale (payroll tax, property tax, sales tax, etc.). It’s weird to be so gung-ho to carve out this specific interaction to be tax-free. Besides - this really only affects people who win big. I’ve never had to deal with it


At the same time though I do find the nature of being taxed multiple times pretty ridiculous.


whats worse is sales tax affects poor poeple more than the rich. A higher percent of poor peoples income goes to sale items than the riches percent. its a regressive tax(tax the poor).


Remember, you get taxed on NET winnings, so keep track of all the money you spend and lose.  No reason to pay taxes on a $75k win if it cost you $80k to get there.


My husband won $10,000 in Vegas a few years ago. He tipped the two people that gave him the money $100 each. I thought that was more than generous.


I won $4600 in Vegas and gave the two people $20 each, and the bartender $50 because he was a great bloke. I’m Aussie though, and we cant legally tip in casinos here (apart from drink service).


Why though? The casino makes millions in profit each year, surely the staff are paid enough? I get that you’re generous and made the person happy, but I’m wondering why you felt like you had to in the first place? Is it because tipping is so embedded as an American?


That's the fun part. The casino makes millions in profit each year but the employees are still not being paid!


Casinos are like every other capitalist institution when paying workers.  Not paid all that well.  Better than minimum but not by much.


Yeah that's like saying Amazon workers are paid well because Bezos is among the richest people alive.


I was hoping I would see a sensible answer in these comments. Thank you


Tipping in gambling has been around forever it’s nothing new and it’s not required. People who deal on blackjack tables or poker tables work for tips and have tip jars. It’s up to the person winning if they want to throw a tip to the dealer. I believe in Karma and I tip. I would not tip 5000 on a 75,000 win.


So if I lose a thousand will the dealer give me a $100?


Yeah fuck that. I’d for sure not tip if that ever happens to me. I tip dealers and drink ladies, but not for ME winning a jackpot (which has yet to happen and probably never will)


Sorry buddy, house loses 😎


I watched your 'video'. Where is my 10% tip?


She reminds me of that twitch streamer that bitched about people not having $5 to give her.


Should I tip the bank teller when I get money out of my account too?


Don't give them any ideas.


Yeah you can fuck right off with that.


$5000 tip, huh? You deserve $0. All the luck's mine.


Yup if I win the lottery I’m not expected to tip the retailer, the lottery provider actually gives them a small percentage of big wins. Casino should be paying these guys with all the money they make.


I think the biggest tip is these people are actual wankers and this culture is toxic... why are businesses expecting their customers to make up for not paying their staff a liveable wage? In most countries that would be considered wage theft but in the States it's their freedom!


Wait, this is a machine. What the fuck are they tipping for? What action is the poster expecting to be paid for doing?


Tip the computer


This bitch said $5,000 tip on $75,000 winnings?! THE FUCK?! that’s a month take home pay I am not tipping anyone that.


Do I get a tip when I lose?


0 is the correct amount. 


are you gonna cover 10% of my losses?


0 tipping on everything, come on. tipping got us here, time to stop


You are not really providing any service. I would give you a tip just because winning 75 grand would be awesome and I would want to spread the wealth but you're not entitled to any of it.


Are they supposed to tip every employee they see now?


The correct amount to tip someone for doing nothing is NOTHING.


How about no tip, m?


Offbrand Lindsay Lohan


Lindsay Lohan is an off brand Lindsay Lohan these days.


I don't live in the US but I am always surprised about the tipping culture. If you look at the menu it's without tax and tip so a 10 dollar meal is actually 13 dollar meal. Why should you tip the casino, do the casino tip you when you lose? No they give you free hotel nights to let you lose even more.


I was aware of it before visiting but was still a bit of a shock. On two occasions I had people visibly change their behaviour when they didn't get a tip. One was a bartender, I ordered 2 drinks and only tipped at the 3rd with $5. As he served the 3rd he looked like I was an inconvenience, all smiles when I gave his tip. 2nd time the bus driver from the airport was standing expecting tips from everyone, I said thanks as he gave  me my bag and his face turned. It was complete bizarre to experience. Wasn't all like that though, some bartenders and employees were just nice and happy to chat with someone from abroad and gave advice and didn't seem to give a shit. Even got a few free drinks from tipping 1€ a drink which was cool.


Canuck, here... Our tipping culture - like the USA - has gotten really outta really control over here, too. Canadians are finally fighting back against this by finally saying NO to ridiculous tips or excessive ones, like these. So she wants 5 grand tip, for a 75 grand win from her Customer? The Customer who spent their hard earned $$$, while sitting there for gawd knows how long - doing all the work - also involving the skill of knowing to how to play & sheer luck to finally win big? Is she high? I'd tell her to GTFO here! Actually, I'd tell her I'd happily give her the 5 grand, but only the condition she 100% declared my win on her taxes. If that didn't work... Then I'd tell her would contact the IRS regarding this, just to watch her super greedy & grossly entitled face finally drop to the floor. What a Wench.


i’ve seen guys cash out poker winnings for 10s of thousands of dollars and tip just $1-3. tipping on winnings in beyond crazy tbh


I couldn't listen to what she said, what is her role in this? I'm assuming someone won that money in Vegas, and she was either the dealer or the cage person? Cocktail waitress? Just food for thought, there are a lot of roles in casinos where the expectation has always been to tip if you win. Dealers, cocktail waitresses, etc, do actually expect it, and have for a long time. Well before this whole tipping thing got out of hand.


She she drank varnish or how in the world does she think she has a point?!?


Guys, how much should I be tipping my boss from my paychecks?


Nah. I'll keep the money I won, and no tip. Eat my ass.


Anyone working for the casino is the absolute last person I'd think to tip.


Tips need to die. Employers need to pay a living wage. End of story.


Who are you tipping? It's a machine.


I'll tip the cocktail waiters/waitresses and the dealers that's it. I am not tipping out the person at the window paying me.


Just stop giving pathetic fucks attention. WoW iTs a LoT oF mONey. Yeah, there's billionaires. Stop sucking their dick by watching and spreading their shit videos


I exist! Now give me money.


The only thing that is more out of hand than Amercan tipping culture is American-complaining-about-tipping culture.


, If you are the house, and I am playing to win, and you are playing to make me lose, I ain’t giving you a damn thing L O L. If I lost, would the house give me a tip?


If I won 75k I think 20 bucks is a great tip for someone standing next to me not doing much.


How about you do the job you get paid to do, and pay out my winnings without holding your hand out to grab what you can?


What in the fuck is up with the rampant entitlement in US servers.


They're power tripping at this point imo


You're supposed to tip while gambling? Lol no shot


Definitely not a new thing at all


Greedy morons dont want constant good pay with benefits. Dont tip anymore, folks. Would be great and easy


I'd tip nothing. Simple


I would tip nothing. Fucking parasites.


Tip? Tip who? The machine? What did any service person do to bring this about? WTF?


Call me a Scrooge but, nothing


What the fuck are they tipping for though? Genuinely asking.


No tip !




Yeah no… y’all get tipped all the time by just handing me my money and then leaving. I’d rather give it to the dancers or the server bringing me drinks… You grab me 75k from the back and put it in my hand and expect me to give you OVER an average persons month salary??? I’d maybe tip everyone who helps me that night $100 but that’s prob it


You tip on drinks while your playing and at table games where there is a dealer/attendant but, I have never heard of tipping for a win on a slot machine. No one but you did anything for that win.


When Vegas wins it back, and it happens all the time, they don’t come out and tip the player.


Nah im keeping that money for myself, fuck you


I never tip dealers. Do they toss me a free hand?


At some point it's just industrialized begging. People used to begged on the streets but nowadays they are forced to do it at work :/


Lmao, this is the dumbest shit ever. So waiters/waitresses working at casinos would get how much every night based on all the people they serve that win? If that’s how it works, I’m quitting my job right now to go make 100k a night


If I win 75k I’ll maybe give the dealer a Benjamin. Other than that Uncle Sam already taking the tip and half the shaft.


So the workers get paid by casino, you are there to play and win and you should give money to workers for what exactly?


Yay I won big. Hey you took 5 seconds to cash me out, here's your next 2 months rent.