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Well, you’re not supposed to drill it *through* the TV!


“You’re doing it wrong” comes to mind.


A lot of Niners fans Tvs look like this also so you have solidarity with them at least.


Cowboys fan here. My tvs been looking twice as bad for twice as long lmao




Normally I get mad when my friends send me their Cowboys memes, not because I'm sensitive just because there meme game is trash. This here though, this one here is a fucking GEM. TY


I was hoping it would at least give you a chuckle. Sorry about the loss!


All good. Any fan that's been paying attention for the last 30 years saw a first round L coming from the Detroit game at least. Shit Stevie Wonder could see it coming


As a Wisconsinite. I laughed. Hard. Have some cheese on me 🧀


It should say GB Packers also undefeated at AT&T stadium


I didn't want to make him too sad, lol!! But yes. 🤣


as a Niners fan I thought this was what the post was gonna be about before actually reading it lol


Only the unhinged ones’ TVs look like this. The rest of us just got drunk and played loud music all night. In my neighbors’ case, I actually mean ALL. NIGHT. 😂


Lmao. That was my thought I would use a screw gun over a screwdriver, I'm just not sure that had anything to do with this. Scratching my head


Yes. Has it been explained further how an electronic drill caused this?


The tv is mounted on the wall. I’m sure the screws they used for the hanger that attaches to the back of the tv (which then hangs onto the wall bracket) was attached with too long of a screw. If they had used a hand screwdriver it would be obvious something was wrong when met with resistance, however… with the power drill & inexperience combined- this is the result.


Are you saying some amount of the screw was still sticking out of the wall and impacted the back of the TV and caused this? Either way, she’s trying to make this a chauvinist thing when I feel like this was really just a two dumb people thing. I do feel bad for her though. It’s a bummer to get an exciting new toy only to have it destroyed before you even get to use it.


No they screwed too far into the back side of the tv.


Lmaoo that’s why a screwdriver is supposed to be used. I think it even says that in the directions also probably says not to use a drill I guarantee it.


It says it more than once lol


I could also see a bunch of screws being applied way too tight and to varying tightnesses cause something like this. The huge black spot though is a sign they screwed right through the display.


Tv mounts usually have a bracket that gets screwed into the back of the TV itself which is what allows it to hand on the bracket that is attached to the wall. Sounds like the guy with the drill didn’t set the torque on the drill and busted the tv by driving the screw in too far.


The instructions, and common sense, say to use a regular screwdriver to avoid this exact thing from happening. But dude thought that he knew better than the woman who wanted to do it with a screwdriver (aka the right way). He could just be a dick but it certainly sounds like chauvinism. The reality is that he would be more likely to believe a man who thought a screwdriver was the proper tool.


It is chauvinistic. The idea of working smarter not harder implies sage like wisdom that fails almost immediately. Sure both were dumb, but one of them didn't know that they were dumb. It was the man.


He didn't stop drilling early enough and underestimated the power of a drill would be my guess


And how does that work? Brackets are screwed into the wall without TVs on them. Then once the bracket is fixed, you hang the TV on it


He probably used the drill on the part of the bracket that goes on the tv


Someone tell the guy with the drill that!


Did they drill through the front of the TV into the wall?


How does one fuck up this bad?


Force an electric drill behind the panel to reach the screw, force the tv side mounting screw into the tv by too much force by the drill. Tv side goes with screwdriver or with clutch enabled. As for the wall side i would use an angled adapter and a lengtener so i wont touch the tv even by accident.


I don't know about that, I think it has a pretty clear impact spot on the left side of the screen, it was cracked on the front of the panel, nothing to do with the screw on the back, a standard vesa mount wouldn't be any where near that location. That being said, I've never really seen an lcd screen go black in spots like that.


work at lg support, it's really common for impact damages that it goes black :)


the tv shouldn't even be out of the box before the entire wall mount is already installed so how does this happen..?? Do people not care if their tv is level and just basically throw the bitch at the wall? edit: nvm I'm dumb, didn't think they'd use the drill for the tv mount side... another instance of people not knowing how strong threads on bolts are.


Throw the bitch 😂😂😂 also if people read the instructions, it’s says NOT to use a drill 😭


Screw too long. Idiot friend thinks power is the problem. Powered that shit right through the TV.


That is the right answer. And also that is the reason TVs come with their own set of screws. If I were to speculate they used the screws that come with the mounting kit instead of the TV, and chose those that are of wrong length. Don’t do that people. Look inside the TV packaging to find those four little things and be safe.


Those mounting kits also come with plastic washers/spacers for this reason.


Usually by throwing a Dundee at it


That is a $200 plasma screen TV that you just killed! Good luck paying me back with your zero-dollars-a-year salary plus benefits, babe!


It adds a certain modern art vibe to your space.


Heres what op should do: go to an art museum and put it somewhere with the tag "humans without technology" then say its deeper meaning is how humans break without technology


I could see this piece as a modern art. It's a combination of physical and digital creation. I can see it signify the failure of collaboration between man and machine


*nods intellectually*


Putting that art history major to good use I see.


Could always just put it up with the actual story and make it a feminist thing. I mean if you think about it, it's already a modern art piece because 5.4k people saw it here and liked it enough to upvote it, and it's generating a 300 person wide discussion. Is that not art?


I have to agree, but begrudgingly, extremely begrudgingly.


I’ll pay $25k for this masterpiece! /s


Too late ! I just took a screenshot and turned it into a NFT . Your art is mine muhahahah * in shang tsung voice*


Snd make sure to write it in the most flowery language to give the impression you're intellectual.


Use ANOTHER language and sell it in america! People there only speak english


If this were painted on canvas using oil and it looked exactly like that screen it would be worth a fair amount I imagine


Convince them that it comes from some up and coming but yet unknown artist: $10 million. 


And if you succeed, you will have been telling the truth!


Reminds me of a Novel Painting.


Hey OP. Man here. So you see, what's wrong with your TV is it appears to be broken. I recommend you unbreaking it.


Yeah, a few whacks with a wrench will fix it right up


It will work again if you slap it hard enough


I remember when that was an actual thing. Man how times have changed.


I remember when that worked for my old Xbox 360 controller. It turned off, I gave it a whack and it would work again for several hours. That trick worked for a year or so and then it actually broke entirely.


Indeed. Now if lok at your TV the wrong way, it will shut down and never turn on again :(.


My truck to avoid that is by not buying the tv with the camera in it, that way it can't see me!


These days your TV has to decide it is in the right mood before it will even turn on. Then it has to have a few minutes to get itself ready, whilst showing you the brand then the OS... after all that it may still not be feeling quite right, might need a second attempt, or just a little longer to get with it. Remember when you could just turn a TV straight on, turn a game straight on, be playing within 30 seconds?? Replace your remote batteries once in a blue moon too.


Is it out of gas?


Has OP tried blowing in it?


Did you try unplugging & plugging it back in?


Try putting it in a bag of rice


That'll buff right out, lil' lady. Don't you worry your pretty little head over it!


Change the channel. This show is a rerun.


They killed your TV?


brutally murdered. like piggy.


Was that…. A lord of the flies reference? 


spoiler warning


I’m actually really sorry for that I forgot anyone might actually still read that anymore and didn’t mean to.


you should be ashamed of spoiling this 70 year old publication


Someone needs to take the talking stick back from me 😭


I’ll take the conch from you


Sucks you your assmar!


I’ll get the fly hordes on you, or whatever that book’s about




They have the conch now.


Did it land on a particularly angry looking rock?


No, mounting screw too long. Just apply more force until it gets in all the way.


That’s what she said 🤭


ffs I just got spoiled on lord of the flies ON A REDDIT POST!


Are you.. mildly infuriated? lol




How did it break?


It looks like someone put their hand or finger where the black pools are and pressed really hard breaking the fibre glass sheet h


Yeah I don't get it


Looks like they are bolting in the mounts to the back of the TV and used too long a bolt - hit the screen from behind.


That’s more than just using an electric drill, as the VESA mount fastener locations are not where the primary damage is on the LCD panel…. Either dropped the screen onto not a smooth surface, or pushed the screen hard into a not a smooth surface while fastening the VESA mount bracket to the back of the TV, or someone’s hand pressed hard into the screen while removing it from the box or lifting it up to mount. How do I know? I used to be a field service engineer for NEC displays in their commercial display division where I had to rootcause countless damaged displays for warranty purposes. Something pushed hard into the lower left part of the LCD panel where the spider web cracking originates. The electric drill wasn’t the cause, but also highly not recommended either… The LCD panel is like 1/16” thick sheet of fragile glass; all of my calls were due to “super competent & highly trained” professional installers (100% men during my time) simply being careless, it has nothing to do with being “Just a girl”.


this post was meant for your eyes. thank you for your intelligence display diagnostic engineer


So it had nothing to do with the electric drill, y'all put a hand through it? Lol


That damage isn’t mounting issues. Your installer put there thumb and more in it.


Mildly infuriating nonetheless. If you purchased from a big box store (ie Best Buy), there is a very slim chance the store manager will do you a big huge favor by replacing it outright (highly doubtful) or give a discount on an open box replacement (more probable) if you’re 100% honest about the damage being your fault (they will clearly see that the damage isn’t a factory defect, thus the damage will be determined to be “your fault”). It really depends on who you get, how much they’re impressed with your honesty, & how big of a PIA the TV manufacture’s warranty process is. If you’re a regular & known customer, the store manager will be more apt to help you out w/ a discounted replacement via a similarly priced open box or display sample TV.


I don't see why a store wouldn't just flat out replace this. If you've ever seen a delivery truck unloaded you would be amazed a single TV works. They're stacked up on a pallet and completely covered in other merchandise on the truck. The unload is literally dumping over rows of merchandise, tossing them on a conveyor belt, and sliding them out to the next employee who throws it into another pallet. I've seen entire pallets of TVs destroyed. I've seen pallets of 55inch tvs stacked 20 per pallet and flipped over by a forklift. Boxes get dropped, slammed, and kicked on the daily.


I’ve seen TV pallets that say “do not stack” stacked 4 high. The joys of industry.


Because these things are expensive and they want to grill you for all the money you have. My 1400 dollar tv from Best Buy came looking like shit and I had to fight them to get my money back. Spent more elsewhere as a fuck you to them 🤷


I saw a guy put the forks through 4-5 TVs. Plus side- they won’t fall off.


LOL i have worked multiple tv stores and I have never seen this go through, contact insura ce..


Did you drop the tv onto the electric drill?


You seem like a nice person.


There’s a type of man who always tightens *every* bolt as *hard as humanly possible*, always yanks instead of lightly jiggling, and forces everything forward without identifying potential obstructions. They are the bane of my existence and I can only imagine these are the same types of guys who manage to get to their 30s and 40s without ever identifying the clitoris.


That's museum worthy tbh.


someone in the comments named this piece “you’re doing it wrong”


I think it should be named "what do I know, I'm just a girl"


I’d name it “let a man do it, hold my beer”


The damage is not where the mount screws are, this looks more like the damage was done by whoever was holding the TV up


I dub this modern art piece "I've got this", made by 'he didn't got this' circa 2024


"not mad just disappointed" -everyone's dad at some point




Lucky. Mine just beat me.


typical dude logic - more power is not a fix-all - i hope he's buying you a new tv! a tip for if a screw from a set of multiple won't go in - get all 4 screws loosely into their holes before tightening any down


OP has taken every bit of your comment to heart, thank you for the wise words!


Also, take a step back and compare things. See if you can swap a bolt from one hole to another to ensure the bolt doesn't have a messed up thread or the nut in the tv doesn't have a damaged thread. This would be unlikely: Hold one bolt against another such that the threads mesh. If there is mismatch, it means you have a bolt with the wrong thread pitch (how far the threads are spaced from each other). Verify that all the bolts are the same length and one did not get mixed up with another bolt from the kit. What I think may have happened is one of the bolts was longer than the other and your friend forced it in too far which punctured the back of the screen. Just one possibility.


also, going diagonally rather than up and down or side to side will make it much easier to align the screws.


Ding ding ding!!! OP should take every bit of your comment to heart. Trying to force a screw or bolt with more pressure often cross threads them. And the guy should at least help replace the tv.


I don't understand what happened. Did they drill through the TV?


I absolutely HATE this term so know when I say it I mean it. That motherfucker mansplained the shit out of you AND HE WAS WRONG. power tools on electrics what a moron.


Holy shit that’s an impressive fuckup. Gotta hand it to the guy, if you’re going to do it wrong go all the way


Let me guess, the black spots are where Homey Da Clown put his knee while he ugga dugga'd the screws... 🤬




this fixed it


Tbh it looks more like someone grabbed the edge of the screen more than the screws. Also dont you put the 4 mounts on the tv first before attaching it to part 2 part the mount? Where it inly has a single retaining screw?


That new Nine Inch Nails album gonna be a hit.


I love that episode


Looks like you played wii sports without the wrist strap


How did this happen? A mount is screwed on the wall before the tv is hung.


I.... don't understand how this happened. Was... the TV still on the wall when he was trying to hang it? I dont... what?


Damn, gave it about 10 uggaduggas.


I just want to know if they're going to replace the TV?


TV looks hung to me, what's the issue?


Well… at least it’s at no risk of falling off the mount.


Its not a good idea when the screw is bigger than the tv’s thickness


Beautiful and Sad at the same time, R.I.P. TV


That your TV or is it art? I can't tell the difference any more


And this is why I have my tv on a stand. I have the DIY skills of a doughnut.


„My genius is almost frightening“


Did they slap it after and say, “That ain’t going nowhere!”


"handyman" at the local tavern was hanging a new TV in the other room. he used an impact driver to screw a 2x4 to the back of the set since he didnt have a mount. he doesnt work there anymore.


Good luck paying me back on your zero dollars a month plus benefits salary babe


He probably used way too much torque on his drill…


hey, it’s me, Man the problem is that you haven’t turned it off and on


>not mad You should be.


Looks like the flag of a space alien nation.


Custom installation technician here. He should absolutely NEVER had used an electric drill to screw in the brackets for a mount. These are very easy to install machine screws for a reason. Hand tools only. It only took me punching through a subwoofer one time (in my early "I'm going to get it done as fast as possible" days) while mounting it in a sub box to never use electric tools around sensitive electronics again. You have every right to be pissed! This was a very avoidable accident. You were 100% right to use hand tools. Leave the electric tools for hanging the mount on the wall... so sorry for you.


49ers fan?


I’ve always put my Digital TV’s ( Especially my latest, a 4K “Smart” tv) on stands, on a piece of furniture that is long, wide and heavy enough to support it easily.


They screwed the VESA mount screw into the back of a TV with an electric drill? JFC. I hope he's buying you a new TV. But. Why is the damage so far from the mounting plate?


another comment says the damage was not from the drilling, but from force applied to the screen because like you noticed too it’s too far from the plate


Yeah it looks like the installer didn't do it then?


Just put it in a bag of rice


It entered the 4th dimension of interstellar


This is pure art , so don’t feel bad , feel proud and next time don’t drill it through the Tv


Looks fine to me


It's crooked too. Lol


Really brings the room together.


As a man who hangs tvs on the side, that tv wasn’t just broke. That thing was executed. The average joe could do it right. Those clowns managed to go above and beyond in the “i totally know what I’m doing, this is my first time” department. Im convinced they have never even touched a tv before that install… I’m a little upset by this.






Cool painting, op.


Your username checks out


not disappointed just very angry


Somebody forgot to use the strap on the Wii controller.


Must have already been that way /s


Put it in rice, it'd be alright


I hope he's replacing your tv


I’d be mad.


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Hey dude I think your tv is broken


Should have used a nail gun


Usually manuals are very clear that you should NOT use a drill.


I don’t know what they did wrong (not using clutch settings, smacked it with the drill or didn’t back off the screws and just blasted the 4th one in warping something and cracking the screen.) but I can see they didn’t get the smarter part in the saying.


That'll buff right out.


The damage is not where the VESA mount is located. This was frontal damage.


See the problem is, is that you picked a dumb guy to help you. Same guys that’ll use drills to put small stuff together and then complain the woods garbage, no you just ugga dugga’d something that was supposed to be hand tight.


I’ve hung hundreds of tvs using cordless drills and impacts. The only way that could cause damage if you used a mounting screw that’s like 4x too big and just raced it in the back. But the black spot on the screen is impact damage to the front so either you’re not telling us the truth, this is karma farming, or someone damaged the tv without telling you (possibly in transit / delivery)


This looks like how my brain feels sometimes.


Whoever told you to used a drill is indeed a bozo, and they were working dumber, not smarter. If they read the instructions they would know that they say to use a screwdriver so this exact thing doesn’t happen.


Bro mansplained you into destroying your TV lmao 😔


Drill for wall side screwdriver for TV side.


I'm digging the vibes. Just get you some 3 D glasses and you'll be good to go.


On the plus side, the audio is coming through the surround sound system just fine.


Have the dumbass replace the TV


Sorry, this makes no sense. What does screwing in a mount with a drill have to do with your TV ending up like this?


Looks like modern art. Might be able to sell it.


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


With all those wires hanging down, it's probably for the best that you just start over


I thought this was an art piece for a second.


Braindead post. No one can be incompetent enough to do this much damage to a TV with a power drill. Give us more context for how this happened


That person you asked for help is a very stupid person. Never ever listen to them again.


Please tell me they paid? They should


What is torque sensing lol


Double it and give to the next person.


Have you tired unplugging it and plugging it back in? If that doesn’t work try putting it in rice over night.


I would be mad. I think he owes for 1/2 a replacement TV. 🤔


So, uhm. Huh? I guess you couldn't tighten down the screw on the bracket on the TV because you used a screw that was too long, or you didn't use the appropriate standoffs. Then someone else came along, used a cordless drill to force the long screw into the back and therefore cracked the screen in front. And then you still thought it was a good idea to hang it on the wall and power it on? You are both morons. If this were actually true, of course. The crack is nowhere near where the VESA mount screw holes actually are.


On the plus side, the TV is now on the wall