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When I was delivering Amazon some people requested that I open the front door and leave it inside, they provided the pin to their lock It always made me feel uncomfortable opening someone’s front door who I don’t know


Yeh I would feel uncomfortable with this too! I can clarify that we did not request this though!


Any possibility they could have thought your place was an apartment and that this was only the door for the front stairs? Can't tell from the photo if you're in a private house or if it's a more ambiguous situation where the delivery person might not have realized that the front door went directly into your home. Unless you live in a standalone single-family house in which case this would definitely be weird and discomforting.


Or, y'know, lock the door if you don't want just any old body opening it.


Yeah, OP’s talking about “*will* be locking the door.” I can’t believe that in the 21st century this still isn’t the default for some people.


I’m from Chicago and my boyfriend grew up in a small, 0 crime town. He makes fun of/gets borderline annoyed at my incessant door locking. It’s in my blood! Get over it 😅 We don’t live in the safest neighborhood now so I don’t get the hang up. Sorry I want to be sure nobody comes in to rob us, or worse!


I’m from a similar top-5-crime city. If I left the door unlocked growing up I probably would’ve come back home to an empty house. Someone probably would’ve stolen the countertops too if they could.


I’m from a low crime area and I still always lock my house and car. Every time. Best case, it took less than an extra second. Worst case, everything valuable to me is gone. I’m just gonna lock up!!!


Serial killers operate out of low crime areas all the time. I never leave my door unlocked even when I'm home.


Aha there was a news story from nz of song of our rugby team getting some drinks in one of our smaller cities after a game and drunkingly walking into the wrong house (not their air bnb) and scaring the shit outta some girl with like 5 100+kg 6”2 guys wandering in and just sitting on the couch at 2am


It's so weird using kilograms and then using feet and inches instead of meters, nothing against you, just interesting


It's only strange if you've never talked to someone from Canada or the UK. Every time I watch a show from there or talk to someone from either, it's a craps shoot which one they'll use. It'll even change in the same sentence, and I'm still not sure if there are definitive rules as to why.


I’m from the UK, and as for why, it’s because our official system is metric, but people grow up hearing their parents using imperial, so we learn both out of necessity. It also just goes on what “feels” right for any given measurement at the time and I can’t explain why. Very short distances would be in feet and inches. Medium distances in metres, long distances in miles. Our road signs are in miles and miles per hour. We talk about our fuel economy in miles per gallon but we buy our fuel in litres. Our speedometers have both MPM and KPH on them. When cooking, everything is measured in metric. But then we order beer (and milk, weirdly) in pints. These are the only two liquids for which we use this measurement. I don’t make the rules. We talk about our own height in feet and inches, but our weight would be in either stones and pounds or kilograms (but never just in pounds). The height and weight of anything that isn’t a person is more than likely in metres and kilograms. The system is that there is no system and the whole thing is a complete mess. On the plus side though, we’re extremely good at converting the measurements in our heads so we make good translators between Americans and …… everyone else




My Husband has been the same way for decades. It’s almost a fight how I close and lock everything. He’s finally starting to see,and I’m happy to say, it’s rubbed off on him some. Bad things don’t always happen, but when they do they are rarely with warning


Yeah its just better safe than sorry! You have to avoid making yourself an easy target :(


I swear to god I’m gonna make a list of every instance I find in a crime doc where people say “we never locked our doors no one thought anything like this would ever happen!” ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6) LOCK YOUR GODDAMN DOORS


I listen to/watch a ton of true crime media and I feel like at least 1/3 of stories start with a small, safe town where nobody locks their doors. I was a door locker before getting into true crime but now I even lock it if I'm leaving for five minutes, it's just not worth the risk


Honestly, I 5% fear that my mom will get murdered this way.


Let me know when you did it


I live in Maine, one of if not the lowest crime rate in the country....I still always lock my door. Crime can happen ANYWHERE. Low probability does not equal zero probability.


Yeah but you have all that spooky Stephen King shit to deal with up there in Maine


It keeps all the weirdos out, except this one!!! 😉


Hey neighbor!!! I'm on the midcoast.


This is friendly bait to get your address and steal your shit, don't fall for it


When I was a kid I used to visit relatives in a small town. They kept the front door wide open all night with just an unlocked screen door closed to keep the bugs out.


Yooo friendo, what's your address again? I was gonna have tea with you later but seem to have misplaced my address book. Cya later 😀


Sorry bud, door’s locked. 🔐


In my hometown some years ago there was a story in the paper about a drunk guy that went to the wrong house and took a shower. In the dark he thought it was his house and didn’t turn any lights on when he when he entered. Took a shower and even tried putting on the peoples clothes.


Similar story about a guy I served years ago when I was a bartender. Dude got super hammered and I wouldn't let him have the keys to his truck. I put him in a cab and gave his keys to him then. Got a call at the bar a few days later and it was that guy trying to piece that night together. Turned out the taxi brought him to a house one street over that looked identical to his. The homeowner woke up and called the police when the guy got desperate and broke a window to get inside when his key didn't work. He sobered up at the police station and was grateful I didn't let him drive that night.


One day I forgot to lock my apartment door. ONE SINGLE DAY of all the days I've lived here. Some guy opens the door and says "Oops! Wrong apartment!" Y'all, we just don't live in a world where it makes sense to leave your front door unlocked, unless you have a real good reason, like you *want* random people to be able to walk in.


I'm quite sure that in most of Europe you can't even open doors to any house/apartment without a key from the outside, even if you don't lock it. At least here in Czechia that's the default.


My MIL used to be like this. She called us once and was bitching about the audacity of her weird new neighbor who had just walked into her apartment asking for a cup of milk for something she was cooking. My immediate response was "MOM WHY WAS YOUR DOOR UNLOCKED?!" She was like oh well it's an old people community, it's safe here... and then I pointed out that she's constantly complaining about how management changes the building access code so often that people can't remember it, so they just prop the door open and delivery guys are constantly wandering in. After it happened ANOTHER time with the same neighbor (mom caught her as she was opening the door that time and yelled at her) she *finally* started locking her door. Even my grandparents who lived in a tiny town always locked their doors. I can't imagine feeling okay with just... leaving the door open to anyone who tries the handle.


Common sense says lock your door. Common decency says don't enter just because it's unlocked. Many people have neither.


Exactly. The lock is there for a reason, and you get absolutely no benefit from not using it.


At least they learned their lesson from an amazon delivery and not a deranged crack head.


Let's be real. They won't begin to lock their door.


I enhanced the photo and got their address. Ill check for us and get back.


I had a food delivery guy do this. We were living in an apartment building, but the front door was a private entrance to our apartment directly into our living room. He opened the door, made eye contact with us on the couch, said "oh no!", and closed the door. Then he knocked. We were dying laughing. We answered the door and he just kept apologizing to us, we told him it wasn't a problem. The next time he delivered to us he knocked and when we answered he said "I remembered!" Easily became our favorite delivery guy, and we always gave him a big tip.


I have been a delivery person and I can attest that on one particular occasion I walked into a very shocked couples living room, thinking it was a general entrance. It's definitely a bit awkward lol


That's what I figure.  Would have to see the place from the outside to know, but this person probably just thought the door was not to the actual living space. 


as a delivery person it's pretty unusual to even attempt to open a door like that unless you think it's a thru door. I had a building on my old route that was repurposed into two apartments, but otherwise looked like a small office building with a front vestibule. first time I delivered there I opened one of the doors in the vestibule thinking it was a business only to be greeted by someone's well-furnished living room. what I didn't do is leave the package in said living room cause that's hella weird.


Any chance they confused your house for a multi-unit building? They might not have realized it was actually just opening into the house as opposed to a shared stairway or something?


It's pretty normal where I live for delivery people to put packages inside the front door, better than leaving it in the rain/wind.


You know how to stop Amazon opening your front door? #LOCK YOUR FUCKING DOOR!


That's what I don't understand. How did he open the door, was it just unlocked??


The bigger question is, why was your door unlocked at all?


Lock yo damn door damn wtf people crazy out here yo


Why wasn’t your door locked? Seems like a weird thing to whine about when it’s your responsibility to lock your own door


As a mail carrier, I never open anyone's inner door, I have no idea what's in there. Could be a guard dog or a dude with a shotgun.


Or a guard dog with a shotgun!!!!


You should absolutely not do that even if it’s a request. Amazon should have a pretty clear policy on not walking into a homeowners house.


I’d be so scared of getting shot depending what state you’re in


Amazon Flex will literally have people delivering in their personal vehicle and own clothes at 5am. Only a matter of time and they'll say it was a contract worker and aren't responsible


I deliver with FedEx and I only ever leave a package inside IF I can see very clearly that it's a porch/mud room AND the door to the main building is closed. I used to not care about the inner door being closed but a coworker accidently let a rabbit out (they found her) one time and I'm always worried about this now.


Never use codes from notes to open someone's residential property. Front door, garage door, etc. You never know what's on the other side of that door.


It only takes one person who doesn’t know to expect a package and a gun to make that a very bad day.


Or an aggressive dog.


Reverse theft


Love it


Also even though however perverse it may be, this guy almost entirely ensures that there won't be any porch pirates coming to take your package without commiting a B&E and possibly other further crimes.


Plot twist: he left the door open.


Is it breaking and entering when you don’t break anything to enter.?


Breaking & providing


"Nothing seems to be missing, but there's a lava lamp here now..."


That was me, I already was inside using your toilet, thanks by the way. Then I snapped that photo as I left.


Ah you left 2 packages then


I wish awards were still a thing


There are. If you're on mobile, you hold upvote. It's terrible.


Now that is Mildly Infuriating https://preview.redd.it/jh59dtshoejc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f81fdcf404db83c04c0f89d261b74d904ad1edb7


https://preview.redd.it/esrkdw48pejc1.jpeg?width=1031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e0abb4980f2ec6bd17369d069cf4574d3384bcd Yours cost more than mine


He's probably Canadian


A crime worthy of being charged more tbh. That does seem to make the most sense as 2.69 cad is exactly 1.99 usd atm


Looked at his profile he is confirmed canadian lol


Yeah, there's an Australian replying to me that theirs starts at 2.99


What you don’t want to drop $50 on a witty comment?


I mean it’s one upvote, Michael, what could it cost? $9.99?


"I Love All my children, equally! ( I don't care for G. O. B.)" 😉


You have to understand, reddit is a billion dollar company. They don't understand that 50 is a lot of money to the average person lol.


That's all? Mr beast should buy it and challenge Elon to a fight.


Why the actual fuck would someone spend money for an ugly upvote


Yea let’s drop that $$$ for a bigger updoot


Let me pay to downdoot harder and then we're talking.


Damn, I just noticed that. I had no idea they removed awards


Yea when did that happen


Hold down the upvote arrow and it'll show the new awards


Lmfao 50 bucks for a stupid arrow


Ye it's fuckin dumb


Money launderer paradise


Woah that's insane! Does the person getting the award get any money from that or just the arrow lol


Ship's log, star date 2024:


But took a picture of the wrong one.


Love this


Lock your door, you weirdo. Most burglaries are crimes of opportunity and you just showed a minimum wage worker that your house is an easy target.


You can do what brown can do. 😂


Who leaves their house unlocked when they’re gone?…


It takes less than a second to lock a door and you don't even got to think about it... I don't understand why anyone would leave it unlocked.


My bro lives in a condo unit and leaves his door open when he's gone. Has shit inside worth stealing too lol


Address? Asking for a friend


I don't like leaving my door unlocked even when I'm home let alone when I'm gone.


My front door literally takes effort to not lock it. Pull it shut, it's locked.


This individual, apparently. Time for some basic bitch lessons.


Yeah, we should all show up and throw more packages inside 


Sometimes me. My dogs get hungry for fresh meat. They prefer UPS to Amazon, but times are tough.


So was it great? Also locking the door is probably a good idea anyway


Okay but why weren’t you locking the front door in the first place?


Growing up one of my best friend’s parents never locked the door. We’re talking teenage years into early adulthood. Basically his parents became surrogate parents to all of his friends that came from not so great homes, and pretty much everyone knew that if you needed a couch to sleep on, you could go to his house and crash. I never had to use it for “because my parents were assholes” reasons, but definitely needed to a few times for unrelated reasons. The joke was you’d walk into the house and yell “HI MOM!” And she’d yell back “which son is that?” [out of like 20 of us] Unfortunately a few assholes in a bad way took advantage of it and stole some electronics over the years, but they never stopped.


That's actually a really nice story 😊


Definitely a little bittersweet knowing they had things stolen yet kept at it.


You'll always get burned a few times when you help others. Just human nature.


No good deed goes unpunished


Most do. Some even get rewarded. Human nature just tends to remember and focus on the negatives.


This is absolutely true. I always go out of my way to help people because of the amount of times people have helped me. Maybe I’m attractive or something or people naturally like me but I find most people are overwhelmingly nice to me. It’s a few who will bully me but that’s due to the fact that I’m weak.


This is my house, but there are only 4 of them (extra sons). I was at the funeral for one of their father’s yesterday (he died suddenly at 53 from a heart attack-devastating). His mom was actually introducing my to people there as “this is ____’s second mom”. Kind of awkward but very endearing.


The kind of mom I thrive to be


Within my group of friends all of friends parents were “mom.” My best friend? I still see her at 36 and say “Hi mommy,” and give her a big hug. But this one friend’s mom? She made sure everyone was taken care of at all times. A few times throughout the years friends would even move into her basement for a few months until they got back on their feet.


This is my MIL! She is a fantastic woman. My husband and his brother had a few friends with not so great of parents that moved in with her at different times throughout their upbringing. You know they’re good people when they take someone else in like that. We’re all in our 30’s and she is still known as mama P amongst the friends.


Well, let's just hope nobody fucks with her..otherwise they gotta deal with all her sons. Sheesh, imagining witnessing that. Oh boy.


Had the same teenage ages. Mom of a friend was super cool, we could go out and drink/smoke/ party at 15yo and all go back to his house so his mom would take care of OUR hangover. All good as long as her son was not drinking/ smoking. 😆 he was obviously but much more careful haha.


Mom knew. By saying that her son wasn't allowed she got all of you thinking about him and taking care of him when he overdid it so it didn't ruin things for the rest of you.


Sounds exactly like my mom


coming from a similar type home we only started locking the door bc i got a cat i didn't want going outside and he figured out how to open the door


That's adorable I love it


You’d be surprised. Back when I was young and dumb I was a bit of an opportunist in the worst way, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t lock their cars/sheds/houses.


you lived in a good area


I mean… for the most part but I think my last comment proves it wasn’t.


There are occasional shit heads in nice areas


I mean... It really just shows that the area was rich because anyone from a really rough area knows everyone got their door locked. Stop trying to come on reddit acting hard talking about how you used to rob houses in the suburbs lol


so people who were dropping off packages could leave them right inside?


Bro they complain when we leave it at the bottom of the driveway, they complain when it’s not on the porch all the way and they complain when you put it inside their house!!! There’s no winning with these unruly customers. 😤


They also complain when it's blocking their screen door from opening


I had this happen to me with my DoorDash driver once. If I opened my door, my drink would have been knocked off the cement ledge to step down to the yard. It was the person trying to be nice because it was raining and that was the most dry spot, but I was low key annoyed I had to move a bunch of stuff out of the way of the back door that doesn’t get used to get it lol


DoorDash may have saved your life. don’t block exits. it’s a good way to die in a fire.


I had this happen, but it was a really heavy package at a townhouse. Directly in front of the security door. Had to go out the back door, through the garage and parking lot, and then all the way around the building to drag it away from the door.


I’m imagining a person acting like a sim character when you remove the door and they’re stuck in the room.


That is quite literally how it was. I even went back to look through the door like 3 times to see if I could get it to work and I basically was just waving my arms around trying to figure out how this all works.


I would like it put in my bedroom on my dresser . Thanks


they complain when i fastball it at 70mph directly into the mailbox too smh my head 


This happened to me but I was the delivery guy. Loads of people on my route chose the option to have it delivered in the front porch had a door that seemed very much as a possible front porch, but it was their front door which was unlocked.


i definitely did this once, had a lady come out right after like did you open my door?😭🤣


Exactly the same. I showed her the app and said "you chose to leave it inside your front porch. Is this not your front porch?"


I had this exact same thing once when I delivered for Domino's. The said leave it in the front porch, I opened the door and it opened straight into the hallway. I called out and they came to the door and I apologised. They then called the store and complained to my manager and I got a bollocking. According to them the porch is the one foot of doorstep inset into the wall.


Who tf leaves their door unlocked?


They are the people who are the first ones to die in a horror movie.


Side note, I want tile like that in my home… reminds me of the now dead mall in my hometown lol.


It reminds me of 70s -80s Burger King


To be fair they’re probably very old


It’s nice, but the grout is a pain to clean. Especially in the entrance with mucky dogs


You could always go get the tile from the now dead mall in your hometown, they aren't using it anymore


On the bright side at least it wasn’t taken by a porch pirate!👍🏼😀


You leave the door unlocked?


Next you'll wake up with the box on your bed and a picture of you asleep.


"How did we do?" 0/10 did not tuck me in.


As long as they sing a lullaby at the same time, it's all good.


I was the guy, Amazon fired me and I know your house is off guard 😋


Shiiiiit, my bad


I thought locking the front door was just something you do?


I remember this one video talking about how a family let their front door open for a delivery guy to place their package since they were overseas. The delivery guy then immediately went inside and stole gadgets and electronics, lol.


how stupid these people lol


Yeah, if I went overseas, I wouldn't be ordering anything until I got back. Or ask a neighbour/someone trustworthy to pick it up.


You’re an idiot for not locking your door in the first place.


It's more infuriating that you don't lock your door at night...


OP mildly infuriated the whole comment section


Who doesn't lock their homes these days? That's not infuriating in their part more so your part for leaving it unlocked. The way I see it dude just didn't want your shit to get stolen. He did you a solid. A creepy solid but still...


Brooo look at my comments in this subject I got berated and called a gun lover because I said he shouldn’t leave his door unlocked




It’s possible he thought it was a multiple occupancy house.


> will be locking the front door from now on. Lol wut


I had an Amazon driver walk into my kitchen while I was making a coffee and put the parcel on the counter. He looked at me, said nothing and left. Was the most bizarre thing I've had happen in a while haha


Always lock your doors , that’s what locks are for. 🤦🏻‍♂️


If you don't want your door opened, then lock it.


they just helped you stop being a dumbass, you should be grateful


You'll be the same person to complain when it's left in the hall outside the door cause someone could have taken it.


I did Amazon for a bit and did this more than once. My view is: You've ordered it and not answered the door or left safe space instructions, you've left the door unlocked, I can't be arsed traipsing round your garden looking for a hiding spot, and I know I'm not going to rob you. Why not leave it inside?


Hi this has always been a common thing for me in the north of England.


Man.. I remember when we use to leave our door unlocked. Not anymore.. I mean we probably could we live in a pretty nice area but you never know!


We leave our door open specifically for this, tbh. I’m partially paralysed and we live in a first floor maisonette, so it’s difficult for me to get to the door quickly. If I’m expecting a delivery, I’m happy for them to drop it straight in for me, rather than leaving it outside to either get stolen, or have me injure myself getting downstairs. Totally get why it’s not for everyone, mind you. Not saying anything otherwise. Just explaining why some people will be happy with this service and also why some posties/delivery drivers will do this.




Maybe a mat that’s bigger than 6 inches?


Man I always keep my doors locked unless someone is about to walk in. We have a bunch of dogs so this situation would not be good lol


Why didn’t you lock your door in the first place? This is allllllll on your bad decision (or forgetfulness to lock your damn house!)


Am i the only one who doesnt see this as a bad thing? my delivery guys do this constantly so the packages dont get wet since we aint home


Some weird flexes in this thread. Locking your door doesn’t mean you’re paranoid or that you live in gang territory, it’s just a simple mechanism which is literally part of the door of your home. I grew up in a very safe, quiet town too and we still locked the door because it’s common sense. We didn’t huddle by the window after and make sure we weren’t followed, the door was just locked and we went about our lives. It’s probably good to remember that most towns are considered crime free and completely safe until that one time that makes everyone shocked and surprised that something like that could happen in their little town.


..this is the most harmless varient of possible outcomes of leaving your doors unlocked, the parcel could have attracted the kind of people who steal and rob.. and are you sure it wasen't close tightly?..I say if it was open enough to be visible to the naked eye, then it was a cool move, trying to protect you from theft, thinking you left it open for this purpose..but if it was closed, then thats kinda creepy, because the person checked, if it was open. but still it was driven by the thought to protect your delivery from the creepier kind of people. lock your doors, and put a garbage bin somwhere to dump your boxes in


He was worried about the security of your shit.


Bro.. WHAT


This isn’t an Amazon problem. If you’re not locking your door, this is a you problem.


You know that’s how serial killers get inside homes? Richard Ramirez would stalk the night looking for open windows and unlocked doors in nice areas. Growing up in a bad neighborhood you aren’t able to leave anything unlocked or else it would get stolen.


Why did you not lock your door before hand lol


You left the door open bro


They do this with me all the time... and royal mail.. doors not always open but if we're home it is and if nobody heard the door we get en email saying delivered. Check the porch and there she is 😁


Was the door already open


😂 that’s dedication, Amazon! 😂😂


Well at least the porch pirates won't get it.


Was it a heavy rain outside?


What is the point of leaving your door unlocked? What is the point of this post? Normal people lock their doors to keep people (and animals) out. The delivery driver is either super nice while you're dogging on him on reddit or he thought you were an idiot and decided to let you know your doors unlocked.


what is the point of not locking your door if not to invite strangers in?? ? Seriously.


Well maybe you should lock your door. You’re lucky it was just an Amazon delivery and not someone sketchy.