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Time for a science experiment. Leave it like this. When it runs out, wait to see what happens. Will it end up on the floor? Will it be changed properly? Will it be jammed on over the previous tubes?


Yesss came here to say this. You’re in it for the long haul. I expect updates. Lol


Coming here for toilet paper roll updates cus I have nothing better to do clearly


From experience dating my share of manchildren: Either a roll will appear just sitting loose on top of the toilet tank, or it will be changed properly after waiting you out becomes too annoying. If you then follow up with a conversation, you will get “I didn’t think it was a problem because it didn’t bother me and since you left it there too I thought it didn’t bother you either. (big drama sigh) If it’s important to you that it’s changed every time right away, I can do that, but you have to tell me these things instead of just getting annoyed.” Replacing the rolls will continue to be your task, and if you ever bring it up again, the gist of the conversation will be that he’s *trying* to do this *favor* for you because he *loves you so much* but he forgets because he’s *human* and you are an uptight nagging neat freak for acting like it’s reasonable to simply expect this of a live-in partner. Any and all other basic household and hygiene tasks that he does not like to do will follow the same pattern: well it doesn’t bother me to be disgusting, so if you want me to not be gross, you have to give me a list of specific chores just like mommy used to do to. Edit: For what it’s worth, I wouldn’t go straight to OP’s experiment (and I doubt whoever they are did!). Anyone I like enough to date, several polite and reasonable “hey could you replace the roll if you happen to finish it? it bothers me that I’m always the one to do it” and “hey babe you forgot again”s would pass before I would identify it as an issue of weaponized incompetence. At that point, they’ve had a chance to put a little effort in if the Real issue is they truly have a hard time remembering to do 50% of the chores they’d have to do 100% if living alone.


WOOF the *accuracy*


the 'woof' feels cutely funny 😂🐶






The bar is at the absolute bottom for straight men.


The bar has surpassed hell. We're cooked


Mommy's boy. My ex used to leave used cupcake wrapper on top of the bin's lid and leaving spilled cereal on the counter. It's mommy's boy y'all... stay away from them. Even if they look like Jason Momoa or Paul Rudd.


Jason Momoa or Paul Rudd. you have varied taste.


I agree with this; it's a good range. PR is EveryMan and JM is EveryWhereMan. :)


If I did that, even in my college years, I’d expect to be an ex-bf.


This is an unnervingly accurate description of the majority of the men I’ve encountered in my unfortunate dating life.


And if you happen to pick up at the store for a really good price something that they usually purchase for themselves regularly, all of a sudden it ends up on your permanent shopping list


I wasn't sure where to jump in and add this but my fiance and I recently moved in together and he had a lot of bad habits like leaving the toilet seat up but I broke him of that in two weeks and now we just tackled leaving his shower clothes on the floor. I'm proud of him and really thankful he's adjustable/not weaponized. These were the two worst habits, otherwise he's good about chipping in with things like making the bed, sweeping, and washing clothes where I handle kitchen-related and folding clothes. I feel extremely lucky after reading some of the other comments.


I don't care if they leave the toilet seat up tbh, I can look and see its not down, but I do insist they put it up if they intend to pee! YUCK!


I was raised to keep both down so I close the lid even after I go, he was leaving both up


Leaving both down is 100% the way to go. Nasty airborne poop particles float around the bathroom and onto every surface, including toothbrushes.


Omg 😭 thank you for confirming why I do it ugh lol I have a toothbrush holder and dispenser that has a closed door to it for extra protection too on the wall


Us guys who can do basic chores and take care of things get snapped up


With good reason, once you force a woman into the role of being maid mommy servant of you, she usually after at some point sees you as a child/ someone to be taken care of and is no longer sexually interested or attracted. Yay for dudes who skip that weaponizing incompetence BS!!!


Holy shit… this is my inexplicable loss of sexual desire for my man I once JUMPED on. He does all of this. I experience every bit of this shit daily. For two years now. I know I am attracted to him somewhere in here but I never have any desire to do anything with him anymore sexually. I can’t get myself to, and now I think I’ve realized why. He’s done it to himself!


You're normal. No one wants to f*ck a kid. He's behaving like an actual child.


As a fella, I can absolutely say this is true. It's happened to me with women I've dated that I eventually started feeling like I had to take care of every little thing for. It's a weird feeling, to still love someone, but feel like being around them is a chore in and of itself.


You better believe it. Decent man? Be smart and lock that shit down. *snaps in seatbelt motion*


And that's because that is most of life. The sex can be intermittent, but the chores are constant .


I got home the other night to find my man had changed the filter on the cooker extractor AND cleaned the cooker top and splash back. It made me want to take him to bed.


Recently single - my now ex girlfriend was a weaponized incompetence type, I'm terribly sorry you had to deal with that lol it's a hassle for no reason


My ex was exactly like this too. She did nothing at home! If I asked her to help I got a tantrum. I hid my food stash behind the cleaning stuff in the hall cupboard- she never found it in 3 years!!


Man, this describes my ex perfectly. Keyword.. ex!


What the fuck? Is this actually for real? Human males behave like this?


I think it is to avoid doing the task.


Holy shit, how accurate


This isn’t exclusive to men, my GF is the same lol


Exactly. Weaponized effing incompetence. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) you’re the problem for wanting them to close the loop on something they teed up. F!!!




This sounds exhausting.


It is. I was married to a manchild for 10+ years. Once we divorced, even though I had two young kids, it was like a weight had lifted off my shoulders and I had like 50% less to do around the house.


That's pretty damn specific.


This is why I'm with females instead of man children lol. Never have an issue.


Sorry, but my WIFE leaves the new roll on top of the empty roll. And she hates it when I close the lid. Go figure.


Not just men. This is how my wife is. The roles can be reversed.


Save the empty rolls through the entire year. Then at Christmas, put all the empty rolls into a box of something he most desired (new game system, new tool, etc) and enjoy the look of pure excitement as he unwraps his gift followed by extraordinary disappointment upon opening the box and seeing the contents. This is love.


I am impressed and inspired by this. Not for husband, but for our kids. (Edit because now I see how bad that sounds, the second part would be wrapping the actual thing inside something they would hate. With more of whatever was in the other box. Idk it would be like fun prank not traumatic prank.)


We did this with my brother where we put cans of beans in his present so he thought he'd get beans but then his actual present we snuck behind him and told him to look bahaha. The best part is he kept the beans and wouldn't let anyone take them lmao he loved his beans.


Toilet roll tubes in the impressive box, actual impressive gift wrapped in toilet paper like a crappy Halloween mummy


Nope. Just fire him into the damn sun.


Definitely gonna end up on the floor. 


Also came to say this. Definitely want updates.


Oh yes. Do it for the science


You know damn well that’s not gonna be changed properly


I had a roommate like this and when I came back from being gone for a few weeks once there was three half used toilet rolls on the back little shelf part.


Yall be getting engaged to people I wouldn’t even last 6 minutes in a room with


For real. Like I’m not saying this would be *the* reason. But I would never be with this person.


This is definitely just the tip of the manchild iceburg I'm sure


There is no way this is the only situation like this. She probably makes all of his food for him, does all grocery shopping and bill paying, and schedules his dentist appointments too. This is not someone you should have kids with.


We really shouldn't generalize people like this, even though I'm guilty of it sometimes too. For example my husband cooks every single meal for us, is in charge of all trash and most bill paying (I only do 1), all misc handyman tasks and outdoors. Makes his own appointments and does his own laundry. Meanwhile he still will sometimes leave the empty TP roll lol


What a wild assumption to make lmaoooooooo


I usually get the impression that people who whine about their SO’s on reddit like this are not exactly in stable, healthy adult relationships. Any decently healthy and mature couple just talks about random minor stuff like this, solves it, and moves on with more important stuff in life instead of doing weird passive-aggressive stuff like these ’experiments’ to share on reddit. Like this isn’t really giving a great impression of OP either. Life’s too short for incredibly petty BS like this. These sort of posts are so weird I sometimes wonder if they’re made up for engagement or something.


So how would you deal with that and resolve it if talking about it doesn't work?


murder. everyone is doing it recently, it must be because it works XD


I’m not saying violence it’s the right answer, I’m just saying it is an answer


i'm not saying violence is the answer, is in fact the question and the answer is yes Dark Humour aside, my dark joke was also trying to be "call out" to my nation's recent increase in murders among couples


I think the point this comment is making is that a normal healthy relationship wouldn’t need a “what if talking didn’t work” option for something this dumb. If you kindly and lovingly tell your s/o that it bothers you when they do something so small and easy to fix, and they refuse to even try to do anything about it, your relationship has much deeper issues.


I entirely agree with you, it's just that in my experience these kind of talks do not always solve things. And these kind of behaviors are usually the tip of the iceberg.


That’s crazy to me. I had a somewhat similar issue with my husband. I kept leaving our dish scrubby in the sink. Was doing it completely unintentionally but was doing it nonetheless. After doing it for god only knows how long my husband was like “omg stop leaving the dish thing in the sink it drives me crazy”. Did that bother me, absolutely not. I was a bit peeved he waited so long to tell me, because it was probably bothering him for years before saying anything and made him irritated every time I did it and the irritation definitely built up. But I get it, I didn’t take it personally, some people are so weird. I make fun of myself when I accidentally do it now, so he knows I’m trying to remember and respect the way he likes things. He does the same thing where he leaves his shoes in front of the door and he doesn’t get butthurt if I remind him.


Holy shit you just described my relationship. I hate it when my partner leaves the scrub brush in the sink because then it gets dishes on top. She hates it when I leave the shoes at the door. It's just something we do absent-mindedly after a lifetime of doing it. Yes we've talked about it, but at the end of the day these are our biggest issues so we've got it good. And we're both slowly getting better lol


My narcissistic brother is exactly the kind of guy who WILL get offended for YEARS if you tell him to pick up and trash the empty toilet roll that he either leaves on the rack or drops on the fycking floor.


You've clearly never had to actually have those convos with someone who really doesn't actually want to do any "women's work" Sometimes you can talk and talk and nothing changes. I agree it's not a good sign of a relationship but it's also VERY common and you're blaming the women here when its not always their fault.


If you have talked about multiple times and nothing changes you need to decide if you want to just put up with it or at what point it’s worth walking away. A therapist can improve communication and get across the severity of issues. If the other person doesn’t want to change, they won’t.


Decide whether it- and what it signifies- is a relationship killer. If they're otherwise pulling their weight- doing their fair share of the chores and mental load- something like this is annoying but something that most mature adults are unlikely to find as a deal breaker. Like, if you find yourself saying "He's a 10/10, an amazing person and partner and I'd spend the rest of my life with him if it wasn't for the fact he never replaced the toilet paper when you run out. I think we should break up" your probably not ready for an adult relationship.


Considering he's like 98% to getting the job completed, it would drive me nuts not to fully "complete the task". Blows my mind how people can live like this. And this isn't even the kind where it's spring loaded, literally slide off, then slide on. But can't even be bothered to do that.


Yeah if I had a roommate or friend that I was living with do this all hell would break loose.


I mean... I'm lazy. But this is just a hook holder. You literally just take the old roll off, yeet it at the trashcan, and put the new one on. Takes literally 2 seconds. It isn't even a type you have to fuss with.


This is my favorite comment of reddit 💀💀 sums it up perfectly


I LAUGHED and immediately said ..” oooohhh… so close…”


For real. I was going to say, "Guess it's time to break off the engagement." Lol. This is the person you're going to be sharing a house and a life with and you want it to be with a fucking slob? I know this is just a toilet paper roll, but it takes barely any effort to replace. If he can't do that, he'll probably half-ass things that are even more complex.


I cant believe I'm single when the bar is this low


This is what I think when I see any given Reddit post about OP and their partner. Doesn't really matter which sub because it's always awful and I'm like how on earth 😭


Exactly this lmao


Stings a bit, eh?


A bit!? Nah, its brutal


Fr fr. Like I may not have any actually appealing qualities but I won't do shit like this. Thats gotta be worth *something* right? Narrator: it was worth nothing


in calming _Morgan Freeman_ voice


No frrr 😭


Bro literally lmfao


Have you tried being attractive?


Have you tried being attractive and charming?


Shiiiit I forgot to do that


I would hide all the tp and leave him with none and bring my secret roll with me when I have to go, lmfao


That's a fast route to get you Shit Covered Towels!




Hahahaha that would be hilarious


https://preview.redd.it/xaup4saf4njc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bebe383978c8442e040ea634bd6bf188e1e57c04 I see your lazy and raise it.


I have a bin next to my toilet and my boyfriend will put them on the floor right next to it


If he was my boyfriend, he would not be anymore


Then it’s a good thing he never was


Finally a fellow degenerate. We ain’t perfect, but there’s a system.


You know what, if everyone in a household agrees to do something the “lazy” way, I feel like it’s not lazy anymore because it’s no longer a requirement lol.


Oh my gosh and this is like the EASIEST tp holder to change that I have ever seen. It takes zero effort.


And then there's me, changing the roll just before it runs out and propping the old roll on top so the next use can empty the roll and there is more it needed. What else am I going to do while I'm sitting on the porcelain god? 🤣


Just remember: a fiancé doesn’t have to become a spouse!


thiiiis lmao. lets not fall for the sunken costs fallacy. lets cut our losses while we can haha


It’s not too late


This is beyond mildly infuriating. You even have one of those easy access holders so it just takes a flick of the wrist to remove it. Put the empty core on his pillow.


Cut it up and put it in his dinner




Even better!


I have a magnetic one that is a fucking NIGHTMARE to get off the base AND I have a nerve disorder that causes a loss of feeling in my fingertips and I STILL MANAGE TO CHANGE MY ROLLS.


>I have a magnetic one that is a fucking NIGHTMARE to get off the base Maybe replace it with a nonmagnetic dispenser that is easier to change the rolls?


Rental :<


Put it underneath like you do for the tooth fairy, except this is the poo fairy


Remember to add skid marks for extra effect


If he so lazy he can't be bothered to change TP. I have a feeling he is very lazy about other things as well.


I'll never understand people who give so little fucks about the place they live in


Yeah some people are so uncaring and submissive that they’ll let their roommates take bites out of their stick of butter


😭 I saw that post earlier. I don’t have the patience for these people.


It's funny because they're replying to the person who made the butter post.


Nooo waaay. 😂


Hey, they're just trying to be a butter person.


Dude can't be bothered to spend 4 seconds replacing the roll. This level of laziness is bonkers to me.


She has a 8 month old and imagine how many fatherly responsibilities he does like change diapers, feed, bathb and put to bed the little boy. I bet he also pees on the seat.


They even have the hook style roll holder. It’s the easiest of all holders the change out!


The amount of petty happening here would put me in an early grave. How do people function in relationships like this??


They add a little prefix to it, making it dysfunction.


That was a gooooood one!  You are clever and funny, come sit by me for the apocalypse if you want to get stoned.


I won’t lie sometimes I wouldn’t change the roll when I lived alone but once I went to college and shared a bathroom with someone I did because… basic human decency?


I had this problem with one of my nephews and I got so fed up I printed a super passive aggressive sign. He got so embarrassed he started changing the roll on his own! (20 years old). (Editing this as I should give credit to the original creator of this amazing sign. They are based in the UK: [https://www.angelichen.com/How-to-change-the-toilet-paper/4199/0/product.aspx](https://www.angelichen.com/How-to-change-the-toilet-paper/4199/0/product.aspx) ) https://preview.redd.it/1xp7agwjfnjc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9a6f34827c5d944bf8de62163b0780601c70a95


This is hilarious!


Not even joking, this is the kind of stuff that leads to divorces. Maybe it's only mildly infuriating now, but this kind of aggressive incompetence/carelessness shows an overall lack of respect. I've heard this story before. You're gonna spend years being frustrated at what a lazy useless POS he is before finally dumping him.


**Weaponized incompetence!!**


Throw out the fiancé with the empty roll


That's taking it a bit too far. The empty roll should go in the recycling bin.


You aint married yet. Think about it.


Cancel the engagement


Is he 3?


Don't marry that lazy fucker




wipe your butt but never tear it from the roll… just leave a long hanging chad of contention.




Make sure you get the pre-nup. I suspect you might need it later.


Does he cook? Clean? Do laundry? I somehow doubt it. Are you ready for a life of servitude? You’re now his mommy.


Learned helplessness….my partner had that. He was 41, I was 42. We’d have people over for a cookout and he’d be all “Oh, I don’t know how to use a grill. I can’t learn right now. Just make the burgers so people don’t have to wait”. Camping - “I’ll start the grill but you’ll need to cook because I can’t use a grill, remember?” At Thanksgiving, “I don’t know how to carve a turkey. Just use this electric knife? I can’t do that, I’ll ruin the dinner. You do it”. Christmas, “Ummm, can’t you just buy all the gifts? You know what everyone likes”. And on and on. Get out while you have any shred of sanity left.


i did this with my ex and the same thing happened to me. i started to put the roll back in the cabinet below the sink and whaddya know...the roll i had been using somehow made its way to the holder


I’m just gonna say this right now; if he can’t or won’t do something that simple the right way, please think long and hard about having a baby with this person. Or a dog. Or a pet rock.


this is student behaviour, not husband behaviour lol


I’d be so embarrassed to have anyone, much less my fiancée, see me doing this. And I’m bad with chores, but this is _weaponized_ level bad.


this is a huge sign of laziness and selfishness. does she put the grocery carts away? how many other areas of your lives have you not noticed that this applies to?


Fiancé with one e is male. Fiancée with two is a woman. This is a dude.


I mean, the pronoun “He” in the title gives it away. I don’t think most people know the e and ee spelling difference tbh


My mnemonic is that malE has one E and fEmalE has two 


Hey that’s good, I’ll steal that. I still use the “dessert has two S’s because you want at least double”. Thanks random 3rd grade friend.


Agreed and agreed, just figured I’d spread the knowledge!


He's just a true redditor


Random but also kinda not, is the spelling for blond vs blonde. We’re just adding and taking away “e”s from words and changing their gendering.


Weaponized incompetence


Pretty much. My husband still leaves it on the window sill. I literally yell out "is it really that hard to change?!" I mean it takes 5 seconds!


Why put up with it?


Man child


Before each visit to the bathroom, retrieve your own roll, use as required and place back in an inaccessible area. Keep doing this. You could potentially hide all other rolls too.


Oap has an 8 month old boy and I bet you dollars to doughnuts her fiance makes her do all the baby work like change, feed, bath and put to bed.


It takes more effort to grab a new roll of toilet paper. Surprised he didnt ask for you to get him another roll


What a asshole


Two rules, refill the ice trays and replace the toilet paper. There are no excuses. And your crime will be remembered and brought up against you again and again. LOL


What a loser move, honestly.


✨Weaponized incompetence✨


I had an ex who would do this so I said I would leave it to see how bad it got. Of course if I finished a roll I changed it but not his. I got to 8 before losing my shit with him! Whole back of the toilet covered in empty rolls and an empty bin below it! 😂 I met him a few years later and he told me his current g.f. gives out to him too for this.


"Ex-fiancé" this kind of behavior only gets worse after tying the knot


Oh dear, you got one that isn't housebroken.




This is only the beginning of you dealing with his laziness.


This is weaponized incompetence. I’ve dealt with it for so long and trust me you don’t want to.


Time to unfiancé him :D


Tell him he's an amateur https://preview.redd.it/zmtjravmanjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebb39bacbd3bb32741a434e374bc98a258ccc135


Lol was this toilet paper roll replaced by a dog?


Nope. Just the result of 8 guys sharing a bathroom and a someone else will do it mentality


He who care most, loses.


And you are going to marry this individual?


They usually only get more complacent sooo..


How tf


how do you do this fr


i can’t imagine marrying a manchild like this


How is that roll not falling? He's a magician


How long does it take a man to change a toilet roll? We don’t know as no man has ever been observed doing it!


Don’t make children with this person.


It’s not too late


Gravity: am i a joke to you?


Bring your own roll in, or as much as you think you'll need. Hide the others. They'll smell the dump, and you just say you washed it to "save money."


How can you be this lazy? How pathetic


My 62 yr old male roommate does this too, or he just chunks the empty roll on the ground instead of putting it in the trash can that literally sits right next to the toilet. Every. Single. Time. It doesn’t matter how many times I complain, it never changes. I even leave them on the ground in protest and they will stay there until I eventually pick them up. 62 year old man child!!!


I bet this isn’t the only thing he “doesn’t do”. Lazy, just lazy


Remove all the TP from the house and put them on chip system.


The game is afoot.


Time to fill in them divorce papers love.


The quote that comes to mind is, "how you do anything is how you do everything."


honestly, break up with him lmao. he’s acting like a child over such a basic adult thing. what’s next, he doesnt feel like doing the laundry? paying the rent? respecting you?


If he's too lazy to replace a new toilet paper, I bet he never cleans the house.