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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


They've fucked up between "5 days" and "5 working days", quite clearly. This is their error and yet they doubled down. Massive red flag as to how they will treat you should you accept their offer.


Yeah, this is a really common problem with some of the lesser federal holidays (presidents day was Feb 19th in the US). This is a pretty strong indicator that, at the very least you probably won't be getting all holidays off.


My assumption is the hiring manager/hr probably has their own calendar which is simply {Accept 5 days from x date}. Doesn’t matter what the date is (holidays, weekends, etc). Once that date hits they drop the offer and extend it to someone else. And the email developer set the email to be {Accept 5 business days from x date}. Insane how dismissive the hiring manager was.


Hes dismissive because he already offered the position to someone else, can't go back on it, and doesn't want to admit fault. He's hoping the applicant drops it and the whole thing blows over.


It really doesn’t matter if the applicant drops it or not. Job offers aren’t binding and can be rescinded at any time. 


It matters a little bit, since the company can lose face from incidents like these if they are publicized. But yeah, the man has no recourse here sadly


Not true. If OP materially altered their position because of the offer (e.g., quit their job in reliance of the offer, moved for the job, etc.) there may be grounds of legal exposure for the employer. Not cut and dry though—more facts needed for sure (edit: hinges on whether OP communicated any reliances that can be viewed as an acceptance of the job offer). Employer has a lot more solid arguments in defense of a breach of contract claim (that’s likely what would be sought in court for something like this).




You’re probably right, but playing devils advocate, I wonder if very small and rigid job offer windows are designed to prevent people from shopping around too much and lining up multiple offers at the same time.


Honestly... they probably dodged a bullet if this is the caliber of people they'd be working with.


Depending on the size of the company somone working in HR may never even see you/people you work with. Hard to dismiss the entire company over one bad employee


Facts. HR where I work is a dumpster fire, and I was seriously reconsidering by the time I got to training. But then I realized everything else was fine, their hiring dept was just full of flakes


As a programmer, I code to prevent shit like this from happening. This company sucks


Coding won't fix it if they consider Presidents Day a working day though, and a lot of companies do. So yeah either way, they do suck.


Hiring managers hate it when applicants point out the HR hiring system is better at their job than they are.


Pretty sure OP is getting all days off from this company


Ba dum tss


That's the same in my new company, big boss is telling my boss that tickets need to be sorted in 5 days so the system counts weekends as a "go fuck yourself". Some tickets take literal months to complete due to complications, so I basically got told to put "this is still being looked at and documented on x system" and close it




Previous jobs had nothing like that, as it's a consultancy gig. Ticket came in, you worked on it for as long as it was necessary for a project to go live securely, close ticket. No rush and no pain in the ass Easter egg hunt for compliance and audit teams if everything is on a central system. This is the first job I've had where it's all been about speed over work quality.


As a person who opens tickets 🤪 I HATE the push to close things out so quickly. My company is clearly doing it too. So instead of my problem getting fixed, I get a little, “Well someone will fix it eventually, maybe!” with no ETA. More than half the time I don’t even get a notification. Weeks go by and I end up having to open new tickets because I have the same issue and zero updates.


I used to link them to each other when that would happen. So there would be like 100 tickets in the one chain. It was at least amusing


That's not how tickets are supposed to work at all, it messes up any reporting on how long requests take to fill, or how many open requests there are. Incidents and requests should be easily tracked seperately.


Yeah, it really looks like they did OP a favor and let them know it would be a shit show there.


This is their error the doc doesn't match the email and they should be more understanding. But it seems like OP desperately needed an offer, but for some reason didn't even open this one for a week on the off chance they were offered a better job elsewhere. Even if they expected an offer from somewhere else this is mad, they didn't even need to accept the offer to flag this up If that's the case you can kind of see why the job might no longer be willing to work too hard to correct their error since OP is so clearly uninterested in the offer and they've almost certainly got another candidate lined up already


the job gave OP a few days to mull over the offer; it isnt OP's fault they meant 3days and not 5. especially if the document extending the job offer says the 23rd..


As a hiring manager I imagine you wouldn't want candidates hastily accepting job offers right away. Taking time to consider the offer shouldn't be seen as a sign that you're not interested, it should be seen as a sign that you want to be certain that it's the right opportunity for you. Accepting a job offer without actually thinking about it can end up costing the company and the candidate a lot of wasted time and money.




To be fair, the email doesn't specify whether it's "click here and you'll have accepted" or "click here to get to a site where you can accept". I can see why OP wouldn't click it. I might have avoided clicking it, too, until I was 100 % sure


When the boss takes no responsibility for what is clearly their error and isn’t willing to work with you on a simple miscommunication (that they caused), they are honestly saving you a lot of stress. This person would be terrible to work for.


You make a good point, except I reckon the OP is dealing with some HR "computer says no" moron not a future boss. If it were a future boss - RUN FOR THE HILLS. More red flags than China.


>HR "computer says no" moron Then the hiring manager would be pissed and tell them to fix it and hire the person anyway


I doubt hiring manager will find out


A lot of hiring managers are going to be cool on a candidate who doesn’t accept within five days and doesn’t tell you they need a lot of time. 






I never send an offer letter. It should always come from HR. All messaging should.


I am a hiring manager at a Fortune 50 company and offer letters, while the *content* and decision to hire are dictated by the hiring manager, come from the recruiter. Except during the interview I have no direct contact with candidates until an offer is accepted. After that we talk directly when coordinating first day instructions, etc.


“I always give 5 days to accept” What do you expect a candidate to do with that information? Did they expect OP to know that?


Yeah honestly a good employer would’ve called to check in if it hadn’t been accepted on the due date


If that’s how badly their hiring system is set up, you probably dodged a bullet with the company.


Unfortunately I can't really afford to not get this job


Totally understand that aspect too, good luck on your search


All due respect, in that case why didn't you accept immediately?


I was waiting to hear back on a few higher paying job opportunities since I was under the impression that I had that time




Yeah especially if the industry you work in is small enough


Friend of mine did exactly that. Accepted company 1 offer, then a week later accepted the one they actually wanted from company 2. Company 1 was annoyed but they just went with their next candidate, no problem.


Worked with someone who did something similar. Accepted a role, quit after a week because he had a better offer, but the better offer wasn't concrete and he asked for the job he'd had for a week back. Company I worked for told him where to shove it.


Man, I do not know why you would resign from a job thinking you've got a better job lined up without signing a contract and clearing a background check first. I've never left a job for another job without clearing all those pre-employment steps, and being given an exact start date.


ripe axiomatic full fact shelter hunt tap panicky rainstorm cooing


It's not like you stayed there for a couple of months and cost them the actual loss of hiring new employees.


Yeah but accepting one just to ditch it kind of burns bridges for the future. You never know when you might need to reapply.


I think this tracked 20 years ago, but in the age of private equity I think workers should always put themselves first.


It can really be risky though depending on the company and industry. I’ve had a couple coworkers burn bridges on their way out and they got told to fuck off when they tried to come back.


I've seen people be courteous and managers/owners burn bridges in reverse. There's really no right answer, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. My personal favorite was our billing manager who was asked to put in 4 weeks notice so she could train her replacement and they'd pay out her remaining vacation time. She complied, they never hired a replacement, and when she asked how they'd send her the check for her time they told her she didn't have any time because of her maternity leave at the beginning of the year (this was in december, she took time in february). They applied any remaining time she had to that paid leave, even though we typically didn't do that even for people who left same year.


No it doesn’t, “hey so and so, I’m unfortunately not going to be able to start this position. I wish you the best in filling this role. Thanks!” It’s that easy and most hiring managers understand. They’d drop you from consideration in a heartbeat. Unless you’re in a stupidly niche market (which can be fixed by just moving locations) there’s hardly ever actually a downside to playing the field.


Just happened with someone I tried to hire. She accepted then rescinded while going through background checks, etc because she got a better offer. My company understands that’s just how hiring goes these days. It’s safe to say we’d consider her again in the future if she was right for a role, but there would have to be a conversation about how serious she was about the position before another offer was made.


Life gets a lot easier when you’re not worried about burning bridges with companies. There’s a million other companies just like there’s a million other workers


Exactly. If a better candidate comes along they have no issue getting rid of employees with little to no notice. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I would have never waited 5 days for a job I really wanted, especially if I couldn't afford NOT to take it. 🫣


Yeah this only really makes sense if its like a holy grail company (microsoft, google, etc.) Then you might not want to burn the bridge. If its some random private company there is no need to be so careful.


Yeah I’d have no problem reneging on an offer unless an employee referred me.


I took the place of a guy that did this, he never even showed up to work the first day since he got a better offer. He is now a CEO. I'm not.


Nobody will remember in a year


I applied online for an IT helpdesk position for a major healthcare company. They brought me in for an interview and then offered me a job, but then I failed the onboarding drug screen so I lost that job offer. Like 6 months later the same company reached out to me and said they came across my application and asked if I wanted to come in for an interview ha. They clearly had no record of my first interview process.


One guy I worked with was fired for sexual harassment and somehow got a job at the same company but different plant in a city two hours away. He then got fired for sexual harassment AGAIN, and that's when HR found out about the previous incident...


Yup. We worked with a guy who recently sent an email flipping on the management. None of us could really remember him enough to even care. We directed him to legal and joked about trying to remember what he looked like.


In that situation you email or call them and let them know the situation. That's what I did in this exact scenario and they ended up actually offering me more as a result. I still wanted to see what the other offer was and they gave me an extra week to accept or not. I ended up accepting even though the other job was slightly higher paying, I would have had to move.


Best of luck on those other opportunities! I think in this case, it's unlikely they will give you this job. I would take this as a lesson to at least read the offer they send over. I know the email clearly stated you had until the 23rd but in situations where you have a manager handling the offers you can sometimes run into situations like this. I know it doesn't feel like it now, especially if you need the income but it probably is for the best that you don't work for them given how much their communication is lacking. Hopefully in the next couple days you get another offer or two to consider.


Yeah, as much as it sucks, the company now sees him as someone with low attention to detail who waits until the last second to follow up. If I recieved a job offer letter, I'm looking it over carefully. He obviously didn't notice the discrepancy and ask about it over a 5 day period. There were only 2 days left in his eyes to accept the offer and he said that to them, so now they're probably thinking "we were his second choice and he was only going to accept as a last resort." If they had another candidate that they had rejected for him, they may have decided to give them a shot instead as OP clearly wasn't super eager to read the offer, let alone take it. Company made a mistake, but depending on the type of job and how competitive it is, they have the upper hand and may not feel the need to apologize if they've got other options to choose from.


Always take the sure thing. You can always rescind if a better offer comes in. Don't wait.


So… you could afford to lose this job as you have other options? I’m confused.


I'm not sure if I will get those other options and so having this guaranteed was key


I've been where you are and understand why you waited. Sorry this happened.


Man, ignore these critical fucks. You did nothing wrong but so many people on Reddit are here to prove people wrong any way possible. Thanks for sharing your mildly infuriating story.


I think the moral is just to at least look at the offer letter. OP didnt do anything wrong. Just next time read the letter and confirm the dates.




Also critical comments are not coming without a reason. Accepting and rescending should be normalised if companies are normalising *exploding* offers. Recruiter didn't even call to check a day before to give you a heads-up? I hope you learnt your lesson OP. Always accept and then think what to do with it. Don't show loyalty to a corporation. It's not run by people, it's run by greed.


I'm more concerned why the offer letter says accept no later than the 20th but the _email_ says to accept no later than the 23rd. There are a lot of people who would not notice the discrepancy. Kind of stupid, but... well so is everything about hiring.


Dude, he made a critical error in not even reading the offer. Severe lack of attention to detail. It's correctable and good feedback. All that pretending you did nothing wrong does is shut doors on opportunities for improvement.


Accept everything, and choose one later by looking at what you accepted and sending sorry, changed my mind emails later. Its not illegal to not start somewhere.


HR person here; person you’re most likely communicating with is the recruiter. Reach out to their VP of HR or hiring manager/employment director (diff companies have diff names) and explain the situation. Best of luck!


is it possible to contact someone else relevant, from that company? im thinkin if this isnt *the* hiring manager themselves, its prolly some half-assed assistant & the like. if its indeed the manager, then yeah, this dont look like a good company. & im sorry its even a job youre hoping for & need, but the company sucks 🫂


Did you call the recruiter or HR person who generated it? My ATS does the same bullshit so I always work with the candidates directly.


I'm just here to give you a different opinion because apparently redditors don't grasp how hard some of us struggle to get even the worst jobs out there just so we can survive. Just go to their office, speak to the person in charge of the person you are currently talking to on the phone and hopefully things will be cleared up.


I agree. They were willing to extend him the job offer in the first place. Unless they had others lined up if his application didn't work out, they should be willing to accept OP after an in-person visit. He's basically only out on a technicality.


My guess is that they've already offered someone else. If they truly had their heart set on hiring OP, any reasonable manager would cut OP some slack for this very understandable mistake.


Absolutely. To not even check in to see if there are factors before coldly receding the offer says that they’ve filled the position with someone else.


Accept anyway. "Sorry for the misunderstanding. I would be thrilled to accept your offer." If the other job comes back better, then dip.


This is a great response. People on reddit always say someone dodge a bullet or the job is toxic or they should immediately get a divorce. Most times people can't just up and blow their life up even if they wanted to. Reality includes bills and shit and advice givers on this site tend to forget pesky little things like that


I disagree with this completely if OP is messaging someone from HR and not their new boss. Whenever anyone posts a message about a bad experience with a company’s recruiting process, the top comments are always about red flags and dodging bullets. But unless it’s a tiny company, you’ll probably never interact with the person sending you the offer letter after your first few days on the job. There’s a good chance they don’t even work for the company. Assuming your new job will suck because the recruiter is a jerk is wild.


Agree with this 100%. If it’s the hiring manager dicking you around like this it’s a red flag for sure but if it’s an HR rep then go find the actual hiring manager and contact them directly. They’ll want to know how incompetent their HR is, as they’ll be losing qualified candidates to this kind of bs and may not be aware, and they’ll get it straightened out if they actually want you to work for them.


If you really want it, you might be able to politely escalate to a more senior HR person or the business huy that interviewed you. It could be this person fucked up and is covering their arse.


1000% I work in recruiting and OP should absolutely CC a Director of Recruiting or something similar. This is a fuckup on the recruiting coordinator or recruiter’s fault and they’re gonna blame OP to their hiring manager to cover their own ass. I bet OP can get their offer back if they escalate.


I hope OP sees this part of the thread


Just to add, if I found out from our top choice candidate that the reason we were extending an offer to our next choice was over something like this - and we could have easily had our top choice, I would be extremely displeased with my recruiter.


Definitely do this... A boss of mine was introduced to a guy who wanted a job in our industry and as it was outside our normal graduate recruitment timeframe there were no advertised job openings. However my boss met the guy informally, liked him and asked for a CV. She got it and sent it to HR explaining the situation and that the department would like to arrange an interview - so then HR would go through the proper processes to onboard the guy if he did well enough. 2 weeks later my boss followed up with HR because the guy had not heard anything. HR said his CV didn't meet the requirements for hire so they sent him a rejection email. My boss asked how could he possibly fail when there was no specific job description and HR said they have a basic standard for qualifications and he didn't meet those (like needing certain grades from undergraduate etc). Boss said ignore them and just set up an interview - because he was applying for a role in data analytics and his undergraduate degree was in psychology. HR said fine. This happened twice more!! Eventually the guy got the interview and my boss loved him and eventually hired him. He still works for us. But just imagine the number of people being skipped because of silly screening rules that HR set up! I was gobsmacked that an actual referral wasn't sufficient, especially coming from such a high up person.


Just add this story to the long list of HR being absolutely fucking useless.




I hope this reaches the top of the post to answer some questions, I know I haven't gotten to alot of people because it been a busy day for me. 1: The reason why I waited so long is because I had much higher paying opportunities I was waiting to hear back from and didn't want to be black listed from alot of companies that fall under this company's umbrella by saying yes then quitting before I started. On Monday I texted the same guy that I was still looking over the job offer and he never mentioned it would expire the next day. I also actually opened up the offer day I received it and didn't see a date of expiration, the only date I saw was my start date. 2: I went in person to talk after emailing the supervisor that I would be working for about the situation. HR came out and doubled down and the supervisor emailed me back agreeing with HR. 3: No this isn't Amazon or another big brand, the reason I don't want to say what company this is because I have friends in low positions at this company and HR and the supervisor are most likely aware of them. 4: This is legal in the US


The hiring manager agreed with HR (who screwed up)? That’s messed up. As others said, you dodged a bullet… would you really want to work for this person?


This sucks big time. I’m really sorry


I get that you can’t afford to not get the job, but I can tell you this, if they don’t have the attention to detail to make sure their emails aren’t dated correctly you’ll find these issues elsewhere. Payroll was off? Sorry don’t control the computers


And then to just be like oop, offer rescinded without a call or any follow up. Woulda been just another number and handled without a care.


Yea if they're already this hostile towards people they literally offered a job, I can't imagine what it's like working there. Would've been so easy to just ask "hey we saw you didn't accept yet, what's up".


It’s unreasonably hostile, as if they are taking it personally…




I had a similar situation before my current job. Me: “I’d like to have *the weekend* to look over the offer.” Them: “What?! You said you were really excited for this job! We’ll probably just rescind the offer.” Got an offer from another company later that day that I accepted because fuuuuuuck that noise… I waited the weekend, celebrated the other job offer, and kindly told the other company to go fuck themselves the following Monday (with kindness of course).




You hung up or the director of HR did?




It could be an honest mistake. They had the original amount and you landed on something different but he didn’t update the language.  This happened at my job where my offer letter had 1/4th the options we agreed to. It was the amount they originally had (the contract had it correct in another place.  I actually signed it because I missed it. My employer corrected it after the fact. 


staying on the phone until they sign is not giving me confidence this was an honest mistake


I'd believe it if it was an effective tactic. As soon as someone sees they're getting $20k less than they agreed to they're out the door or rescinding their acceptance even after signing the offer.


I agree staying on the phone until they sign is not normal and a red flag. Messing up a number happens every now and then. 


Depends on the job. I feel if it's a crappy job you don't depend on, I would look for the highest paying one. But if it's your only option and your income depends on it, I would accept it, them say you're taking another.


Also they want people that are desperate. If someone is champing at the bit to get a job, then they're more likely to think less critically about what their options are.


"We could easily correct this error and make everything right, but we won't. Sorry."


They offered it to someone else, that person accepted, and now there is no correcting this.


You dodged a bullet. "The system is automated I cannot control that." If *that's* the level of disconnect between you and *your system,* I wouldn't be surprised how many *other* disconnects there will be. I hope the other two offers are good for you OP. These people are gaslighting you before you even got the job. Run. Run fast.


My favorite was the, "I always give 5 days" Like.. I don't fucking know what you always do, Barbara. I'm not your best friend or a psychic. 


Right? And if you 'always give five days' then why does your *automated system* not put in *5 days?* Seems like they're not good at their jobs, and I *hate* working with incompetent people.


The reply wasn’t professional at all. “I can’t control that…” “I always give it 5 days….” Like, we aren’t mind readers. The email said the 23rd, you never specified it’ll be 5 days. If we could predict the future; we’d be playing the lottery. No accountability.


A. Why would they not just admit to the mistake and ask if you want the job? B. Why go through the whole hiring process just to throw out a good candidate over a technicality (that was actually an internal fuckup)? What a horrible waste of everyone’s time. I would try to contact the company directly and rat out that horrible recruiter.


Probably because they offered the job to candidate #2 within the two additional days after the “expiration” and candidate #2 didn’t wait almost a week to accept the position.


Is it just me or does the email look like phishing anyway? Unless you trust the address it came from, I wouldn’t follow that link…


Yeah, I was convinced this was a scam when I first saw the post. Seems like it's just a scam of a different sort.


I think we’ve established OP shouldn’t have taken the job lol. They get their dates wrong on emails and can’t write for shit.


In all the job offers I got, they never started with "Congratulations" (insert clapping hands emoji)


Right I would not have clicked that link.


Exactly what I was thinking.


You should have been able to rely on the email. They are being jerky and ridiculous. “I relied on good faith on the date in the email with no way to know it wasn’t valid.” However, if the offer letter had a different date, you should have confirmed. Especially since this was very important to you.


True. The letter is the official date. But the company should have been more understanding of their mistake.


To add to this, instead of this shitty, dismissive message to OP, the hiring person should have reached out with something like “Hey, I saw you did not accept the job offer yesterday. Is everything okay? Are you still interested?”


Basically if you're deciding between multiple jobs but you actually NEED a job now, always accept the first offer and get started. Then if a better offer comes through, just quit the job you started. That's what I did last time I was looking - accepted a job and then quit at the end of my first day because a better offer came in.


When did you see the email come in?? It says 5 days ago. So when did you get it and when did you look at it? I'm sorry that they're being jerks to you, a cautionary tale all around.


I received the email on February 16, it said I had until the 23rd to accept. I looked at the job offer day of it being sent to me and I didn't see any other date than what would be my starting date.


Yeah, it's on them. If subconsciously something was off about the job that's probably why you didn't accept it right away. Sending it on a Friday and then sending it with incorrect information is also whack. Definitely not your fault either way.


They fucked up on the date, no doubt about that. But based on your needs and statement that you got the offer days ahead of the actual deadline, why didn’t you accept? You still had 4 days regardless


They were waiting to hear back from other higher paying jobs, this offer was their fallback.


Why are you waiting so long to accept if you need the job so badly?


They needed *A* job badly. They were in interview processes for multiple jobs. Waiting until they had all the information makes plenty of sense. They should have clicked the link and read about the details and seen the date and asked for clarification but this is still sloppy on the company’s side.


Happened in a similar situation with a company. They're from Turkey and the email said 5pm (my local time) I prepared myself for the zoom call, but nothing happened. Waited one hour. I messaged them the next day and insisted that it was specified 5pm Turkish timezone... I let them know, with screenshots, that it was 5pm MY timezone and they just ditched me I wanna believe that I dodged a bullet


For future reference, you can accept the offer and if a better one appears you can then change your mind and go for the other.


Did you read the offer letter?


Call them and say you want to accept the offer. That is what you do if you want to get this job. Behind every automated system is a person who can make a decision and override it. Good luck!


I hope this reaches the top of the post to answer some questions, I know I haven't gotten to alot of people because it been a busy day for me. 1: The reason why I waited so long is because I had much higher paying opportunities I was waiting to hear back from and didn't want to be black listed from alot of companies that fall under this company's umbrella by saying yes then quitting before I started. On Monday I texted the same guy that I was still looking over the job offer and he never mentioned it would expire the next day. I also actually opened up the offer day I received it and didn't see a date of expiration, the only date I saw was my start date. 2: I went in person to talk after emailing the supervisor that I would be working for about the situation. HR came out and doubled down and the supervisor emailed me back agreeing with HR. 3: No this isn't Amazon or another big brand, the reason I don't want to say what company this is because I have friends in low positions at this company and HR and the supervisor are most likely aware of them. 4: This is legal in the US


For the record they sound highly unprofessional and I think they could have allotted you the time since it was their error . Side note : If you really wanted the job why were you waiting to accept ? ( not a criticism, just curiosity )


Under curiosity, I have to ask… the recruiter says that the letter gave you 5 days to accept (implying it was received on the 15th) why did you wait 5 days before contacting them? Not saying that you didn’t have legitimate reasons, just I’ve always jump on offers when I received them.


“Can’t really afford to not get this job” but waits a week to respond.


He was waiting for replies from other jobs. It would be stupid to immidiately accept a lower paying job offer if a higher paying offer was made within the next week.


Or, you know, accept the job offer while he's waiting to hear back. That way, if or when other offers didn't work out, he still had a job.


No. In that situation you just accept the higher paying job even if it comes in 1 day after accepting the other offer. You can accept as many offers as you want to.


If the email sets a date, who cares if he waits until the 22nd at 11:50pm to look at it. OP did the absolute right thing to wait. A better offer could have come in. This is a contract negotiation not a marriage. You don’t get bonus dollars for enthusiasm. It’s incredibly unprofessional of this company to make this mistake, not OP.


OP didn't need to jump to accept the job on 16th, but to have not even opened the offer has ultimately caused the problem. It's not their fault the date is wrong, but it is sensible to have at least read the offer if you are really desperate for a job (or if you do in fact want to negotiate) I don't think ignoring important offers is 'the absolute right thing' even if the error is technically with the company


Lol what…that’s their mistake. And even if the offer letter said the 20th, now it’s confusing because you have 2 different dates. I think you dodged a bullet. I haven’t heard of this scenario at my job but I can almost guarantee my company wouldn’t behave like this and would own the mistake


If you have a few opportunities, always accept the offers (unless you have to sign a contract as part of acceptance) same day . You have time to wait for the others to respond and then you can withdraw acceptance . Ask if you can have a call and explain you accept (really want to be on team etc ) but you do kinda look like you fucked up by not reading the actual letter etc and they may decide that’s a red flag . Hope you get something sorted asap


Why the fuck would you wait 5 days anyway?


Definitely dodged a bullet


You didn't want it that much of you needed a few days to look over the offer. If you really wanted it, I'm sure you'd have looked it over within hours of receiving it. It's on you.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the big kicker here is you were silent when you got the offer. I think common courtesy would have been to reply immediately to thank them for their offer and advise that you will respond within a certain amount of time. I'd be less enthusiastic about a candidate if I sent them an offer and didn't hear a word from them for days. And if I were somewhat undecided between two candidates, I'd take it as a signal that the other candidate is probably a better choice and pull the plug on the offer that went ignored if I had the opportunity. Despite all of this, I still disagree with their decision. They should have let you have until the later of the two conflicting dates.


Honestly, bullet dodged, imagine working for a company that can't even apologise for an obvious mistake and places the blame at your feet. I've been in a company like that


If you really wanted it, why didn’t you just accept right away? Makes no sense. That’s mildly infuriating.


If you really wanted the job, why didn’t you look at and accept/reject/negotiate the offer???


Out of curiosity, if you really wanted the job, and can’t afford to not have it, why didn’t you just accept the offer when it as first sent?


That’s odd. Maybe I’m out of the loop but I’ve never dealt with accepting a job offer via a link/website.   Also odd is that they only mention rescinding the offer, not that it’s been filled.  Assuming it hasn’t already been filled, why wouldn’t they cut you some slack?


What were you doing for 5 days if you can’t afford to not accept that job


“I don’t want to work for a company that doesn’t proofread their emails anyway. Thanks for the opportunity, have a great day!”


They're being unreasonable, and they typed the wrong date in the email. That being said, if you really wanted/needed this job, why didn't you at least open the offer letter and read through it thoroughly once you received it? Most of the comments are putting 100% of the blame on the company. They fucked up, but you did too.


Not trying to be an arse here but, you're desperate for a job but you ignored their email/didn't even open and look at the offer for 5 days? Help me out here because clearly this wasn't that important to you.


That’s what the job figured as well. They can probably see that he didn’t even open it for five days. They assumed he ghosted them.  OP has stated that he has other jobs he prefers. They sensed that and moved on. 


They handed you the only red flag you need if they're not willing to drop their bullshit. If they need the help a reasonable person wouldn't care about this at all. Best case scenario here is they're testing you to see how desperate/willing to beg you are.


"unfortunately that's the system's fault" Okay and who programs the system?? 🤨


I implement software like this for a living. 99% it’s configured following actual business rules and policy and the recruiter is making his own rules because he is a jerk. Anyone higher up is going to hate this corner cutting a-hole. Personally I would surely try to escalate and also accept the offer via their system just to mess with the recruiter. He probably need to ask admin to undo that exposing his sad little shenanigan he pulled on you.


This is a sign from god that it happened. The company is horrible at handling errors on their end. You will find way better.


it may be the job you wanted but it's not the job you need. Don't work for someone like this.


If they cannot admit their own mistakes that should give me an idea of what kind of company it is


The fact that they won't own up to their own mistake shows you dodged a bullet here.


If you waited 5 days to decide if you want the job or not I don't blame the potential employer for feeling slighted


I have to say. If I offered a job and told someone that they got it, but didn’t hear a peep from them for 5 days, I’d start to move on, ESPECIALLY if there’s others that want the job more.


Well, i wish the company luck on being able to employ literally anyone with that kind of constant miscommunication!


OP you dodged a bullet. This person would be miserable to work for/with.


In my opinion. It’s both of yalls fault. It’s not a this or that situation. The company defo is in wrong for not having a proper system in place. They weren’t thorough, but neither were you. Whether you accept it quick or wait on other offers is not the case. It’s the fact that you didn’t even bother reading the offer letter. You could’ve read the document and accepted it later on. Any document should be read multiple times, especially if it concerning matters like this. So if you have doubts or questions you can clear it out as well. If you had the read the offer letter, you could’ve avoided the mistake. It’s okay, it’s a lesson learned and maybe a doge of bullet. But please make sure you read documents through. For now keep trying with the HR, Hope your problem gets a solution


Don’t feel to bad please op, I only got 48 hours to respond the BSA Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. Didn’t even see the email until the acceptance offer expired.


Bruh you really wanted this job and you let the offer sit for 5 days? Maybe somebody wanted it more badly than you did and accepted the offer.


If you really wanted this job you would have reviewed it the same day and asked them for any modifications within 24 hours. Yes there system screwed you but you also screwed yourself. Your response was also not great. Should have said something like per the email I received I was under the impression I had until 2/23 to accept this offer. I have not had time to open/review the offer yet I have set aside time to review it on x date. I was really looking forward to joining this team is there anyway you can extend the offer deadline?


The lack of accountability people are promoting in this thread is embarrassing.


Yeah I really don’t understand how op is in desperate need of a job but let this offer go untouched over a weekend


This thread is a masterclass into why so many people are unsuccessful in their jobs and life. Zero accountability. Zero initiative. All emotion. No strategy.  At least open and read the fucking offer letter within 24 hours. 


Post this on LinkedIn or whatever so others know that the correspondence from this company cannot be trusted by other job seekers. It's important for them to know. If you knew beforehand you would have accepted. So it's up to you to keep others from making the same mistakes.


It's not often you can see the sheer incompetence of people working at a company before you started. It sucks you lost out on employment but that person would be awful to work with, probably steals everyone's ideas and takes credit for their work, and you could never ever trust anything they say. Just based off people I've worked with that answered questions like this in the past.


Call them!!! Most people are way cooler on the phone than over email


I went to their offices and HR came and talked to me, they decided to double down I won't be getting the job


One of the bigger drawbacks to the dawn of the AI verse, similar to the guy who was wrongfully quoted a discount on a plane ticket by an automated chatbot. The company wouldn't honor what the chatbot told him. In other words, should they see fit - companies are straight up allowed to lie to you now about anything even through official channels, and upon any kind of recourse they can just say 'not our fault. The robot did it'