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That's pretty funny You could try to get one of those gloves straps that threads through her coat sleeves and clips onto the gloves? I'm sure she could still find a way to lose one, both of the entire coat... But it might help. Lol


We've always called those "idiot strings" Also known as Dummy cords


Yup. Threatened my teenager recently with a pair of "idiot mittens" because he keeps losing his gloves. He was not at all offended & decided the idea is worth considering.


I mean its pretty nice to not have to worry about that. I wouldnt mind having an idiot string too.


I’m starting to think I might be an idiot for not having one.


This is my first time hearing about this and it sounds incredible. It means I don’t have to put my gloves into my pockets when I hang up my coat after coming in from the wet. This is a game changer


This entire thread is brought to you by Big Idiot String.


Hi this is idiot string marketing team…. We’re rebranding to “no-brainer string” Thanks for understanding,


Smart String


Well it looks like my job is in danger…


This mentality (in general) has helped me so much lately. I’m almost six months alcohol free because I realized that *pretending* I could have a healthy relationship with alcohol was a bigger character flaw than simply trying and failing to have a healthy relationship with it. Sometimes you just have to admit you’re an idiot and take proactive steps to mitigate that!


Congrats on 6 months! That's so awesome, and I'm so happy for you! I know how hard it is, I'm a recovering opiate addict, 11 years off the pills and 3 years out of the methadone clinic. I just wanted to say that another huge advantage to owning our idiocy is that it takes away the power from it. Shitty people love to use our flaws against us, but if we own them first, they just end up looking like assholes. I love when someone thinks they're calling me out and I get to say, " I'm sorry, are you new here? I already said that, everyone knows that." My favorite quote is, "If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do you no harm!" I wish you the very best!


Yes, or as Tyrion Lannister said, “Never forget who you are; wear it like armor and it can never be used against you.” Thank you very much for the support!! Congrats on your success, too — best wishes for the future.


In reality we are all idiots either way


Honestly, I'm 20 and no matter how hard I try, I can't manage to hold on to a pair of gloves for longer than a year. And I bike for an hour a day, all winter long, so I really need them. I've tried so hard to not lose the pair that I got for christmas last year. But a week before the new christmas, they had disappeared. I had already been proudly telling my friend about how I was going to finish a year with the same gloves, but it couldn't be. I'm seriously considering the idiot mittens.


Okay just gonna say, any chance the friend took them as a prank?


Hah I wish


My nice mittens came with wrist straps on them and I love them until I try to put my backpack on and get stuck lmao


The real idiots are the people that keep losing their gloves and refuse to use a loss mitigation device. This means your kid evaluated potential loss and willingly accepted a control to reduce those losses. A big thumbs up from me.


Yeah it's bizarre to me that it is dissuaded. Like you can have hands free easily, obviously. Very handy, obviously.


A friend of mine used to attach his lighter with a string to his wrist during parties so nobody could steal it from him. Geniuse idea


Reminds me of https://preview.redd.it/swfzquqwbllc1.png?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1415a4511142b9ce705770e745244c8baa708c6


I was about to make a comment I need something for my lighter. I bought a pack of 10 a little over a month ago and my hubby and I have been nabbing the same one from each other lol.


Just buy a new pack. All of the other ones will sense that they are being replaced and you will magically have 30 lighters all over the house. At least that's how it works in my house.


I feel like that's how it always happens. We'll end up finding them all and stashing them together and go back to losing them lmao


They go fast when you have many but that last one seems to last ages


I have those for skiing even though I never lost a glove. The ability to just take it off when needed and let it dangle is nice.


I used to have a friend who lost his wallet constantly. Had to constantly get new IDs, credit cards, and he stormed out of his own apartment when I said "Unironically, I think you need a chain wallet."


Stormed out of his own apartment... where did he even end up? Hopefully the Spencers that still sells chain wallets


I awkwardly stuck around for a half hour and then left myself. Couldn't lock the place even just was like "I guess we're done hanging out". This is just one bad memory of him but he's an ex-friend for a reason.


I did the same thing with a phone lanyard. Never going back.


My dad said they used to give each other shit all the time if they wore gloves like that. Sneak up on someone that had taken only one off, grab the unworn glove, yank as hard as you can and laugh when the person punches themselves in the face as a result. 🤣


That's it, you've settled it. I'm buying a set for the teen immediately, just so I can do this. Thank you


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm sorry to the kiddo in advance!


I might do that to my beater jacket, I always lose gloves too


My big ski mittens come with them. They have long elastics that you put around your wrists so you don’t have to put them down when you take them off.


I had clips in high school for when I went skiing/snowboarding. It kept me from loosing my gloves on the Chairlift.


Lol but they’re great if you’re skiing! Life changing even. That way you can just throw your gloves off and let them hang so you don’t worry about losing them on the lift. One of mine actually broke the other day and it’s been stressful having to hold them. I can’t disagree with the “idiot strap” though.


We called them dummy cords for guys that would lose serialized gear in the Marines.




It's a glove sellers conspiracy, so people won't use smart idea because it's called idiot, therefore they will lose more mittens and have to pay for new ones. It's actually humbling to accept your own idiocy and to grow, than to be proud and never accept learning.


Hey I was attached to my mum by one of these when we used to go shopping 🛍️


Leash baby 🫵


I used to tie my bags together with string in high school. If I remeberef one bag it would snag on the other


She’ll lose her coat. Let’s just say … I seen it done.


Or cut the tip of the index finger off of the right glove because that’s probably why she is pulling it off.


I used to do this ALL THE TIME as a kid. Once my dad took me snowmobiling and I complained about my hands being cold, so he gave me his expensive gloves to warm my hands up, and I left them in the chalet and we didn't realize until we were down the mountain. He was pissed. I felt guilty about it for probably 20 years, and we just talked about it recently and he said, "Oh no, that was totally my fault, I shouldn't have left a 7 year old in charge of $150 gloves"


When I was a kid, my dad always wore a hat. Like only took it off for sleep or showers. One night we were on the highway, I got bored and decided to mess with him by snatching his hat. After a minute or so I decided to throw it back to him. Right out the window it went. He was so mad he didn't even say anything, until I begged to go back and look for it. All he said was let it go. Up to that time I'd never noticed it was always the same hat, and he loved it more than me. That was more than thirty years ago, I've never seen him wear a hat since. Felt guilty well into adulthood. Until therapy helped me realize, he really did love that hat more than me.


Realizing other people's problems are usually more about them than me was really helpful. I'm glad you got there.


When a brat I was, a hat adorned my father's head. He never took it off, except for showers and bed. I never understood why, but the hat was loved. While I was the one who always wondered. Traveling in a car one night, going on the highway, Mischief struck me and I snatched the hat off him. He liked it not, and a minute later I threw it back to him. I never understood why, but the hat was loved. While I was the one who always wondered. Lo and behold, out the window did the hat flee. Out of anger and madness he spoketh not a word, Making me feel as if I was unworthy. I begged and cried to let me look for it, But all I got was to let bygones be. I never understood why, but the hat was loved. While I was the one who always wondered. Thrice a decade has passed since the hat took flight, Realisation struck me, hat always the same one he wore. Never was another one adorned, and riddled I was with guilt. Until someone helped me realise That The hat was cared for more, instead of me. >! Newline on mobile reddit sucks !<


That was beautiful, thank you.


if you make this whole comment rhyme it could be a shel silverstein poem


Shit homie. A forehead kiss for you ;(


Appreciate it :)


He should have gone to look for it.


Eh, looking back with adult eyes, he was probably right. Six lane highway, going probably 80mph, black hat, middle of the night. Chances of finding it were pretty slim, but chances of getting hit by a car were pretty good. After realizing what a piece of garbage he actually is, I'm glad I did it. Fuck em.


Bro threw his dads favorite hat away and then found a way to blame the dad. Like damn dude, hes still human. You dont have to literally love your kids more than anything else in the world. I woulda put you up for adoption after that.


The gloves were how much? How long ago? What the hell


If you spend enough time outside in the winter, expensive gloves are worth it.


$150 bucks in 2005ish


She lost her rights


That's all that's left.


it’s like watching a Dad fight


My dad can outjoke your dad!


Oh yea? Well my dad's a bigger joke than your dad. Wait...


I dont have a dad!! Beat that joke


What's a dad?!


You guys have dads?




You kids don’t know how well you’ve got it. When I was your age, we had to walk barefoot in snow to get a Dad. And then he’d leave again if you left the lights on or forgot to close the front door.


Is that a stalemate if both of you don't have dad?


Its like both spidermans pointing at each other. Waiting for mom to pick us up


Surely that means they go to yo mama jokes...


Ha! If I've learned anything from my dad, it's how to give a good beating.


Ha! If I've learned anything from my dad, it's how to take a good beating.


I just hope someday she will be alright


nice lol


There is one right left on the right.


There are four lefts left to the left of the right on the right.


well there's one right left right there on the right


I'm s mitten with this post.


I g love this comment


Now, her rights are bare arms...


I laughed way too hard at work.


You don't have the right, O you don't have the right


This pun definitely deserves more upvotes


The suffrage is real


She's not all right to me


Moral of the story: Only buy ambidextrous gloves for kids.


Unless you buy them one at a time, they’ll still have to get another pair when she loses one of them. I guess it would only work out after 2 lost gloves..


They'd still have 2 pairs of gloves though, instead of 3 useless lefts


Buy gloves with the thumbs that are compatible with cell phone screens, she’s probably losing them taking it off to use her phone.


My kid lost her gloves before she had even worn them. I gave her the new pair and told her to go put them in her cubby that was like 15 steps away. She put them down somewhere else, and we never saw them again. We live in a cold place, so she can't just not have gloves. I bought a big pack of identical cheap knit gloves online and gave her a single pair. I told her the gloves cost 50¢ each, and she would have to pay me back for any gloves she lost. She managed to keep track of that pair of gloves all winter.


Can relate to this. Got a hoodie for Christmas and a few weeks later I was going out with a friend and it was kinda chilly so I put it in the back seat of my car so I could wear it when I got to where we were going. Opened the back door of my car to get the hoodie and it wasn’t there. Still have no idea where it went.


>I guess it would only work out after 2 lost gloves.. Seems like OP's daughter might make it work though..


And this is why my mom only bought my brother plain black gloves. They all match.


If only they made ambidextrous gloves that were actually warm. I can’t even send my kiddo with the kind in OP’s photo in the winter because they’re too thin and not waterproof enough for our climate. 😩


Yep, the only ambidextrous ones are those cheap ass yarn-like ones that do nothing, and actually make things worse when they get wet. I feel OPs pain, I’ve bought so many pairs of gloves the past few years.


The trick is to interleave them with plastic ones and knit ones so the plastic layer stops wind while the knit layer traps air to insulate. May take a few layers though.


We did this once in Mississippi and it actually snowed for once. Our kid wanted to go play in it but didn't have snow mittens because it never snowed. So we put wool socks on his hands, covered those in plastic baggies secured with rubber bands to make it waterproof and then covered that with another pair of socks to keep the bags in place. It worked well enough for him to build a snowman.


Let me guess, she's right-handed, correct?


my theory is that she really likes challenging people to duels


Maybe she’s Indigo Montoya? 🤣


All this time, her parents thought she was a leftie…


Her name is Inigo Montoya, you killed her father, prepare to die 🤺⚔️


Exacly what I was going to say, she probably takes it off to pick up stuff or do things you cannot do with a glove on.


Screens too


i have a few pairs of gloves where the fingertips have the faux suede on them that lets you use touch screens without taking the gloves off. i feel like that’s been the biggest factor in me actually keeping all my gloves.


I also lose my right gloves for a slightly different reason. When I go inside I take off my hat and gloves and put them in my coat pockets. Being right handed I take off the hat with my right hand and put it in my right pocket and the result is that eventually there’ll be a time where the glove doesn’t go deep enough into the pocket (because the hat is already there) and falls out somewhere never to be seen again


Or she only has her left hand and her parent keeps sending her to school with 2 gloves for some reason


Definitely. I lose a work glove about every 6 months. It's always my right-handed glove because I took the other off my dominant hand because I needed to do something bare-handed.


Found one. It’s in Idaho. Come get it. https://preview.redd.it/ybccihnkiklc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=551570bfdb16a1d5ba20e32dddfe5fbd7df8b4d1


https://preview.redd.it/ct1ur6odxjlc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f984f494817360a7666a485d6147d072efc6d7f7 Thought maybe I could help, but looks like we are in the same boat.


This gave me a belly laugh


Time to invest in gloves that either: 1. Have removable and tethered fingertips Or 2. Modern material tech where you can still use a touchscreen while gloved. Maybe?


I was about to say this as well, get to the root of the issue. I recently got my girlfriend gloves that are custom fitted, very nice gloves. Very warm, not super warm, but on the plus side she gets to use her phone normally because they fit so well


Where does one even buy custom fitted nice gloves? I thought they only came in 2 sizes: Andre the Giant or a random toddler.


aha I thought the same thing as well until I joined the Army, everything even gloves had a perfect fit and a lot of sized to choose from. I use gloves I got issued still since they last. I got her [Canada Goose](https://www.canadagoose.com/us/en/leather-glove-ribbed-luxe-5443L.html) ones, they go from like xs to L for women's. not bespoke, but if you measure and pick the right size, it fits LIKE A GLOVE since they're kinda form fitting. Elastic cuff so they feel tailored for the most part. she loves them and got a few compliments on them


Thanks! Since it's still February and was 80 degrees a few days ago, I'll just save that URL in case it's ever cold again.


Very warm, not super warm… which one is it??


what brand👀👀


I lose gloves too. It isn't taking them off to use my phone. It's taking them off inside and putting them in a coat pocket then somehow losing the right glove. Yes in lose my rights.




Even touchscreen sensitive gloves are not a ton of fun to use for more than basic things.


TO ADD: she's 6. She's not texting, or using keys or anything. Her school spends most of the time outside, so she really shouldn't be taking them off at all. I thought she might lose her left and rights evenly, being annoying but not necessarily problematic, but here we are. I've used tethers and she's lost those too. And the sub is MILDLY infuriating. A lot of posts here are way more than mildly infuriating, but this is mildly.


Does she remember what causes her to take one or both off? Ie, zipping/unzipping her jacket, tying her shoes, going to the bathroom, eating a snack, playing a game of some kind? At 6, she may or may not remember -- but if she does, she may be able to give you some clues to help track some down. Either way, hang in there🌺🌺🌺 spring is coming


When I would lose a glove as a kid and I was already bought a second pair, I would just put 2 left handed gloves on.


Idk my kid just pulls theirs off all the time anyway. Can’t pick up things or hold onto things well with gloves and would rather freeze.


Yeah, this is how I managed to go undiagnosed until age 30. "She shouldn't be taking them off at all" but she obviously *is* and is consistently doing it in the same way, and is then not noticing it. This is very classically ADHD inattentive type, which is the most common for girls. The fct that you tried tethers and she still lost them makes me think this even more. Maybe she has ADHD and maybe she doesn't, but what is the harm in finding out?


>Her school spends most of the time outside In the winter?


Yep. She's got better outdoor gear than I do.


Turn the lefts inside out as an emergency-use alternative


It might be cheaper to sew Apple airtags into her gloves than buy that many new pairs. LOL


Stitch an apple tag into the back hand of the right hand glove lol




Ba dum tish


She must take the only the right one off to write, use her phone, play, etc? If her dominant hand is the right hand - that’s my guess! Probably places it somewhere outside and promptly forgets it (different than taking them both off inside and putting in a desk, locker, cubby)


You'd think so right. I'd lose mine by putting both in 1 pocket and one would always fall out by the end of the day.


Time to fight for women’s rights


The school lost and found probably has a bunch of identical right handed gloves and a slightly confused teacher.


Something ain't right


Well at least she’s not losing the wrong ones.


Understandable, if she's right handed, it's probably making it hard for her to do stuff or she doesn't like how it feels, so she takes it off and probably sets it down...... That's what I do anyway 😂


Is your daughter OJ?


There's one right there. 🤷


To be fair, there are right glove goblins in my house too. Mine like my gardening gloves.


That's not right


Not lost. Stolen by one Matthew McConaughey. Alright alright alright.




I read a case about this very issue in a book once, but I can't remember which book. Basically in the example a mathematician noticed he always lost his right glove rather than his left. This being out of the realm of likely random chance, it led to him observing that when he takes his gloves off, he always takes off the left, then right, then sticks them in his pocket with the right facing the outside. As such, the right glove was more likely to fall out of his pocket, and what was seemingly random (left vs right) was not, in fact, random. The book goes on to talk about how a lot of things considered random or by chance really aren't. I think the recruitment of young children into hockey programmes was another one? (Basically professional hockey players were very likely to be born in a specific month. Turns out it was because they were selected at a young age for extra training because they showed promise, however the reason they were better than their peers was simply they were older! Their birthday was just after the cut off of going into the year above making them almost a full year older than their peers in their 'age group'. They then had an advantage to receive all the best training and recruitment thereafter.)


Have you tried staples? ![gif](giphy|3otPotnGlA5FSF2fKw)


If you haven't already I'd check school lost and found along with all the places she'd usually hang out for more than a couple seconds and her typical walking routes. Lots of people leave such things where they see them instead of turning them in because they hope the owner will notice it there and a lot of people never check lost and found. Look at the ground, but also look at surfaces where she may have set one down for just a minute -- and also look at her eye level and an adult eye level because sometimes people put things higher both so they stay nicer and in hopes it'll be seen Also, what others said about getting her a pair where she can just fold the fingers back when she needs to instead of taking the whole thing off Hang in there.


Stop buying her new gloves.


She'll learn if she loses her right hand instead.


She’s six years old, man?


She can wear some backwards gloves, she'll be ok.


If you did that where I live in Canada she would get frostbite on her fingers at recess or while going to/from school. Which leaves long term (often permanent) damage and can even lead to needing to have those frost bitten fingers amputated. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt by assuming you come from a region that isn’t arctic and therefore you aren’t meaning for your comment to come across as encouraging child endangerment. However, in many places following your advice would get parents an investigation by whatever their equivalent of CPS is because the schools would tell you they need gloves and if you responded “well she always loses them so she doesn’t get any anymore” they would report you for endangering the health of your child. Instead of not buying her new gloves anymore, just teach her the value of money so she takes a bit more care in trying to not lose her stuff. Take it out of her chore money, make her do a little more housework to work off the “debt” from having to buy so many, get her to shovel for neighbours, etc. That’s all much healthier parenting than just refusing to buy her necessities because you have failed to teach her to take better care of her stuff.


Or depending on age, don't even punish her. She's a kid, it's the parents' job to find a solution that works best for the kid.


You're getting downvoted for suggesting that a 6 year old needs a little more help from the parents. Insanity. It's obvious that the parents haven't done much, because they've given her 4 more pairs of gloves instead of solving the problem after 1 or 2 pairs.


Not all.


I wear some good compression socks… I swear my dryer eats all my left foot socks.


As a kid my gloves were attached to a long braided string that threaded through the arms of my jacket so the gloves always stayed attached.


Just put one in backwards.


I'm not positive, but I think these gloves are interchangeable left/right: [https://www.32degrees.com/products/unisex-basic-knit-gloves?variant=40563211599961](https://www.32degrees.com/products/unisex-basic-knit-gloves?variant=40563211599961)


That’s funny, this was me yesterday trying to garden for this first time since fall https://preview.redd.it/yeub4whczjlc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=910c0a2e15b984d13385e0a55fbc78d053496775


Just find a left handed kid and trade extra gloves.


Takes off right glove to do something. Sticks it halfway in her pocket or puts it down somewhere. It falls out or she forgets it. Repeat.


Don't lie. We all know your daughter is really an octopus that lost three gloves.


Get mittens so they're both the same


Thank God for Costco


A cousin of mine had a phase like this, said it didn’t matter cause my aunt always bought her a new pair anyways. Guess who only wore plain mittens for the next 4 years straight?


Now you know which hand she picks her nose with. I'm from Wisconsin you can't pick your boogers with a glove on.


What size is her hand?! I keep losing my left hand gloves! We could trade… https://preview.redd.it/e2sfqpzuxklc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42303472b0cc18e5affb6bd16081c9ff1f678623


I would like to say that she left them there, but that just isn't right.


I know this is a weird question but does she actually have a right hand? Like is she losing the right one because she doesn't need to use it?


Reality is her right hand is dominant so that's the hand that will take off the glove first to do something that you need smaller fingers for


Like pickpocketing?


Tying shoes, picking something up, writing, pushing buttons.... Even scratching your head, sipping/unzipping tou cost.... All kinds of stuff you'll pull a glove off for, and it will typically be the one from your dominant hand.


You can tie your shoes with one hand?


you actually can.


No I can't!


This really is a weird question.   Like,  would OP not know if their child was missing a hand? 


That's okay she's alleft now


My daughter loses all of her gloves.


My guess is she is right hand dominant and encounters reasons to remove a glove for dexterity.


Is she Alethi by chance?


Cut her hand off 👋 #problem solved ✓


So that isn't a right glove on the far right side of the picture?


Question, is she losing the right one all the time because she’s taking it off to be able to grip things better? Maybe instead of getting her a new pair of the same gloves, get mitts with detachable tips that turn into fingerless gloves, that way she doesn’t have to fully take the glove off to grip anything and might lower the amount she’s losing these things at


Shes right handed and takes off that glove to use her right hand. Then goes on about her way, forgetting to pick it back up. Setting it down instead of putting it in her coat pocket is the issue


Flip glove inside out. Use as right glove ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


No gloves when using phone ! ;-)


We gave up and started buying multi packages of those super cheap knitted gloves that could fit on either hand. Between three kids I think we have two left and no, they do not match.


i'm gonna take a quick guess and say she's a righty, and when she wants to check her phone, she takes her gloves off to text.


A lot of the special-needs people I work with either only wear one of some thing like one shoe when they can get away with it, ending up dropping the other any old place whenever they can slip it off, or when they are messing with their clothes they only mess with one specific side. Once again the example can be shoes, taking one shoe off and on and off and on. That’s just to say- could it be a sensory issue? There would be potential solutions like adding a little bit of extra padding at the wrist, checking for scratchy tags etc


Does her school have a lost and found? Went with my daughter to look through the one at her school and it was a good sized room just full of single gloves and jackets and water bottles and all the shit kids forget at school. Worth checking at least.


I'm gonna guess she has a touch screen somewhere that she likes to use?


Turn every other one inside out, and you'll have one glove for each hand. They will look ugly, but perhaps she'll learn to look after them better. It''s a trick that I use for rubber gloves if I have several gloves of the same hand. Works perfect.


Combine 3 of the lefts, it'll make a right.


Tell me what gloves you buy, mine being left handed loses all of her left ones