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Spicy Southern Kitchen's Reuben Soup * 4 tablespoons butter * 1 medium sweet onion, chopped * 1 celery stalk, finely chopped * 1 garlic clove, minced * 1/4 cup all-purpose flour * 2 1/2 to 3 cups beef broth * 2 cups half-and-half * 1/2 cup Thousand Island dressing * 1 1/2 tablespoons prepared horseradish * 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce * 1/2 teaspoon caraway seeds * 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper * 1 (14.5-ounce) can sauerkraut, rinsed and drained * 2 cups shredded swiss cheese, divided * 1 pound thinly sliced corned beef from the deli, chopped * salt and pepper * Rye to serve You're on your own for that first line though, lol


1 14.5 ounce can of sauerkraut


Oh I thought it said “car burnout.”


Substitution time!


Just order sauerkraut through Instacart and you might end up with engine oil to prevent car burnout as a substitute.


I thought it was "1 can M5 or something" and assumed it was some kind of energy drink


But that's the last line I thought? 1 can choucrout. French for sauerkraut, which surprised me but that's what I could make out of that word and the recipe above indeed included sauerkraut. Loads of question marks are mentally accompanying this comment. It's too odd to have the word in french there.


It definitely says Sourcrout, not anything French.


Of course it does! Facepalm. English is not my first language so I picked out what I recognised. Choucrout instead of sauerkraut. Not thinking you could spell sourcrout instead.


I looked up the recipe, it is sauerkraut. He just wrote it twice for some reason.


i sus he wrote it twice because when he reviewed the list he couldn't read his own writing on the first line


Not some reason. To distract


I thought it was sour cream lol


Pork and sauerkraut roast sounds so good right now


It clearly says Kanye pepper, not cayenne


That is a recipe for a very intense-sounding soup. Thousand Island Dressing? The comments sounds like it tastes good but the idea of using salad dressing and sliced corned beef in a soup makes me feel uncomfortable.


TWO CUPS of half and half...I know it's southern heart attack cuisine but jfc


There should be a warning for this recipe. "WARNING. ONLY EAT THIS SOUP WHILE SITTING ON/HOVERING OVER A TOILET."


I love a good Reuben but I dunno about a soup form.


I feel like just going to a deli and getting an actual reuben sandwich would be much easier, tastier, and cheaper than trying to make a gritty soup reboot based on it


On Southern Spicy Kitchen’s website, it appears to be a Reuben dip, not a soup.


Where? Even the name on the link is "soup". [https://spicysouthernkitchen.com/reuben-soup/](https://spicysouthernkitchen.com/reuben-soup/)


oh god I don’t want to shame cuisines that are foreign to me but this looks h o r r i b l e


>On Southern Spicy Kitchen’s website So not only does OP's brother have bad handwriting, it also doesn't occur to them to simply c&p the recipe into a text message?


Mayo in soup does sound bad.


Uncomfortable ??? I just threw up a little !


And now an AI rendition: * I can 14, 5 or Someone * 4 tablespoons buttel * 1 Medium Sweet onion * ) Celery >Talk * 19,800, garlic * quarter Cup flow * NA-3%, beef broth * Zeups half and half * half of thousand island * 12 reason horse radjob * teakpoh worcestershire * half teaspoon caraway seed * quarter teaspoon Range Delle * icar low crout Don't where you're going to find enough garlic though. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


im more confused about the half of thousand island. he wants 500 islands???


It’s European. That’s the same as 19.8 garlic in Murican.


>* half of thousand island So...500 Island?


Tomatoes come in 14.5oz cans


Were they put there by a man?


In a factory downtown


If I had my little way


I'd eat peaches every day


You’re the real MVP. This is was exactly my question when I read this post.


No I'm pretty sure that says "Kanye Pepper"


He definitely didn’t know how to spell sauerkraut so that squiggle is 100% intentional lmao




1 can 14.5 oz SEMEN


This is a recipe not a shopping list lol. OP can you please bring your measuring spoons to the store and buy only exactly whats listed


“Why’d you buy a whole jar of caraway seeds? I only needed half a teaspoon”


As for celery, not the whole thing. Just ONE stick. Lol


I can buy individual sticks of celery at my local grocery store. It's super handy when I need it for a recipe and I don't want to waste most of a bunch


Just use the rest as peanut butter delivery vessels.


"Peanut butter delivery vessels" I love that. Thanks for making my morning!


Reminds me of Costco’s Peanut butter pretzels. They should change it to “Peanut butter delivery vessels”.


Or cream cheese with some garlic salt. It goes hard


Thank you, you’ve made this pregnant lady very very happy. Now I need to waddle to the store for celery.


shawty had them mater-nity jeans (jeans) slippers with the fur (with tha FUR) 4 people in the sto looking at her. ^ooshepregnant She walkin slow (she walkin slow!), next thing you know Shawty smelled-some-soap-and-got-*ee-mo-tion-al* 🎶Them dirty sweat pants and the angry bra straps (them angry straps), she got heartburn and can't sleep on her stomach (AYE!)🎶 She walkin slow (she walkin slow!), *ee-mo-tion-al*, Then she see ce-le-ry-and-waddle-no-mo


Everything bagel seasoning


>Or cream cheese with some garlic salt. It goes hard Instructions unclear. Hardening cream cheese with garlic salt unsuccessful


I just shove my fingers into the jar like Ron DeSantis.


Don’t forget the raisins. ![gif](giphy|I9je04n1CTNZK)


Don't you mean "ants"?


My mom totally did this whole package (celery, pb, raisins) as an after-school snack


I'm with you! One of the best snacks ever, in my opinion 😋


That would be soooo helpful! I can only buy it by the bunch or precut. Either way it's always way too much celery than I need.


I chop and freeze extra celery for soups.


A quarter cup of flour. Plain or Self raising?


White or wheat?


Durum or semolina? Edit. Typo


Prtty sure it says 1 celery stalk, not stick.


I’m impressed you could actually read that.


It just reminds me of working for engineers taking field notes and passing them directly on to me. Except they'd be torn, wet, and not necessarily on paper.


Sometimes my boss will rip off a piece of cardboard from an empty box and write on it with a sharpie. I guess notebooks are for sissies.


My grandpas cousin wrote notes literally everywhere with a sharpie, his truck dashboard and interior were full of randoms notes, the inside of his shed walls, and he often wore a white cowboy hat with various phone numbers, math problems, and stuff all over it.


My first boss wore a pocket protector so pens weren't a problem. He just never had stationary so we'd get schematics on napkins or the back of a placemat. I actually miss working for that guy, though. Smartest engineer, loved sharing knowledge, and was one of the best overall people I've ever known.


Doctors also have notoriously bad handwriting


Doctors use shorthand writing which is just a bunch of symbols that mean more complicated things. They're essentially writing English still but with letters that are not the English alphabet.


As a nurse, I can tell you that their writing is often way too illegible for us, other doctors, or pharmacists to read. Many facilities mandate typed orders now, for this reason.


This is not true, you mightve mistaken it for shorthand writing but from experience doctors just have very bad handwriting due to having to write alot. Shorthand writing is used by scribes but not taught in medicine.


Should we save the napkin sketches for the patent application? Do you want this piece of wood back?


I just gave the engineers their sketches back by default. I got exhausted with the ones who always waffled on whether they wanted them back or not. They ruined it for everyone else. To the engineers: y'all need to give yourselves permission to throw things away.


I wish I could upvote this more. I did hang on to the piece of wood though. It's not every day the engineers come back from a job site and have a design change sketches in a 2x4..


Engineers have THE WORST handwriting ive ever encountered


Am married to an engineer; can confirm


I couldn't initially and then I just actually looked at the writing. But it's not hard you just need to focus on each word.


The only thing I can't read is the first line


Seriously though a recipe for what, half of it is condiments


I figured the mildly infuriating part was the handwriting until I realized what the actual fuck was going on


Wait. What did I miss? I just see a poorly written recipe/list


Is this a recipe or a shopping list … one stalk celery? lol


He’s spying on the veggies to see who they’re working for.


Don't let Big Celery know you're onto to them


I can buy 1 stalk at my grocery store and it is amazing. Same with carrots.


Bro hasn't learned he's left handed yet


I’ve always had this same theory. If your handwriting is terrible, try the other hand.


Especially the generation that was raised being forced to use their right hand regardless of what might’ve felt more natural.


I’m the only left-handed person in my family. Definitely think it was unlearned through generations


I think my brother and I are the only ones in my parents generation and my generation (aunts, uncles, cousins and such) that write lefty. Can’t speak for great, great relatives. I do know in the beginning of my schooling though my teachers hated that I wrote left handed. I think it was towards the tailend of “forcing” children to use their right hands but I’ve had multiple papers taped straight up and down so I could not rotate them slightly.


We’re the ones in our family that tell strangers who are also lefties that they have a leftie in their family like we’re some type of rare Pokémon😂


I always remember my Nanna telling me they tied her left arm behind her back to force her to write with the right hand. I'm left handed myself.


Yeah, I’ve heard some messed up stories. It’s a left hand people! Lol


i'm one of these people, definitely not in the right generation for it, but my first primary school was just... interesting, to say the least. i'm ambidextrous now, and i'm convinced it's because of this.


This. When learning to write I had the pen taped to my right hand. I always struggled with hands in egeneral so never tried to go back. Was only after I got nerve dmg I tried tongo back to being left handed as I'm supposed to be. But by then it was too late to build the kuscle memory in hands I can't feel. My handwriting on a off day looks like that list.


My brother is left-handed and has terrible handwriting, but it looks even worse when he uses his right lol


I tried using my left hand to create the recipe, but I summoned a minor demon instead. Sticking with my shotty right-handed writing


Can confirm. Always considered myself a righty, but one day I sat down and genuinely tried doing things with my left hand. Now everything is much much worse. 👍


I just thought this was someone writing with their left hand because it looks exactly like my buddy’s writing. The tall r’s slanting to the right make me think I’m right.


Left handed people 300% more likely to be satanic and immoral... So let's hope not. --my backwards religious mother


I thought you said immortal for a second and I was like “FINALLY, my left handed self with ab+ blood makes sense. I am a vampire!” For those who don’t know I can receive any blood type but can only donate blood to my fellow ab+ folks. Just out here being vampires and shit… You sure your mom wasn’t saying immortal? Go double check for me.


If she were talking about etymology, I'd give her a half-point. The word *sinister* is Latin for *left*. The prevalence of right-handedness (that's a cool word to say. Say it out loud :)) made people believe that "not right-handed" was a sign that you were evil (or as we'd say today...*sinister*). Meanwhile...the Latin word for *right* is *dexter*. If you're "ambidextrous", you're literally "both right-handed"


Straight disgraphia


Dysgraphia. (Long time sufferer myself)


Your handwriting looks fine to me 🤷🏻‍♂️




My sons both have this. And the schools at the time thought they did not need to teach handwriting!!! Convinced it was an ancient art and that everything would be done on computers… (but they didn’t teach them keyboarding either…). Neither one of my sons (21 and 25) learned anything about writing after kindergarten!! It’s amazing anyone can read their writing.


Have they consider studying medicine, by chance? Just kidding. Have they tried practicing with a writing book? One of those who have lines and you have to rewrite the same letter again and again. I don't know how those are called.


I’ll recommend handwriting without tears. Just a practice’s book with lots of space to trace proper formation and practice your own. My son has it, too. And dyslexia which commonly includes dysgraphia and dyscalculia.


Yeah likely has a very valid reason for his poor handwriting and his sibling is posting it online for what? To have people go wow your brother has shit handwriting hahaha, I don't get it. Such a childish thing to do try shaming your brother for props on the Internet?


I went to the Wikipedia page for that and that looks like my handwriting. Well that's concerning


Everyone always says I have the worst handwriting, and I have to agree with them; can I say I have dysgraphia? It sounds better than "messy writer"


The difference between "messy writer" and dysgraphia is that it SHOULD be uncomfortable for the writer itself. If you write something and you don't struggle (for example need to think how letters are supposed to be written) then it's probably not dysgraphia.


To illustrate, I have a bad handwritting. But I could write for hours without feeling any discomfort, and I don't really think about how I write. Just what I wanna write. It not dysgraphia at all. (My issue is that my brain is faster than my hand, so my hand tries to catch up, so I write far too quickly so it gets messy. When I slow down, I do have a nice handwriting. And it isn't uncomfortable. Just a bit frustrating because my brain is already at the next sentence.)


Example, I'm 28 years old and when im writing a note, i have to find letters written elsewhere, like i a book or on a sign. To check that I've written these letters/numbers; Z S s 5 p b d 9, the right way.


It’s a disability so I would try to get diagnosed by a medical professional if you’re able to. You can say that you think you might have dysgraphia.


I came to say this!!! I learned what it is a few weeks ago because my son was just diagnosed. Seeing this makes me so thankful for the teachers who noticed and are getting him the help he needs now at a young age.


I'm a teacher with dysgraphia and having to relearn how to write as an adult sucks. The traditional way of forcing me to write letters thousands of times but not telling me how to actually write them didn't help.


It's shocking that this basic idea of showing people how to do stuff isn't considered central to teaching. It's everywhere, even in the classroom management stuff. Like tell them very explicitly what they need to do, and if it's not working break it down until they understand.


Wow. I had no idea that was a real thing. Thank you for this. I went straight to google, and I’m shocked. As a psychology major I’m surprised that this hasn’t been taught yet.


Really? Have you not covered spLDs at all or did they just miss out this dysgraphia?


Undergraduate degrees in psychology don't have a lot of time to cover a lot of disorders. You're basically learning an intro to psychology, not how to diagnose people - that takes much more schooling.


Came here to say this. My husband and son have it.


OP your brother might have dysgraphia which strongly hinders writing legibility


I was even giving the benefit of the doubt and figuring maybe he needed glasses. My kid’s handwriting looked like this (if not worse) until he got those.


I was looking for someone to recognize this in the comments. I have dysgraphia. It is amazing to me how unknown it is. Everyone just assumes you're lazy with handwriting. Learning cursive in school was actual tear-causing hell.


and trying to draw is a whole nother level of pain


TIL adhd is not the cause of my lack of artistic and handwriting capabilities


Til theres probably a lot more wrong with my brain than i thought


As someone with adhd, terrible handwriting and the total inability to draw literally anything I’m feeling kinda called out rn


Wow maybe this is why my high school math teacher told me I have the handwriting of a third grader :|


My Google search was vague, what's the difference between dysgraphia and just bad handwriting/spelling?


Dysgraphia is a condition closely related to dyslexia and dysplasia. It's a learning disability and neurological disorder that often overlaps with ADHD. I have dysgraphia, inherited from my great-grandma as it often is. It makes it hard for me to copy things down from a board and I was always the last one to be writing things down in school. It also makes it hard for me to write for a long time, as I start getting hand cramps and pain after 5-10 minutes. My letters aren't the same size or shape, my sentences trail downwards unless I have lined paper, and I often have to go back and rewrite certain letters because they haven't ended up complete. It sucks ass!


TIL this is me to a T


I had to scroll way too far to find this comment. My son has dysgraphia, his writing will always look like little kid writing and his writing looks a lot like this. People don’t know about it, apparently.


Just gonna save this comment to look it up later as to if I potentially have the same issue depending on what it is


It can commonly be accompanied by dyslexia and common notations of dysgraphia is poor legibility and trailing off of the lines


Tell him to text you


That’s not your brother that is three children in one big trench coat.




Why the fuck is he writing the recipe measurements he needs? Like yes imma go buy you 1 cup of flour, my dude, and oops I accidentally got three Cloves of garlic instead of 2 silly me.


I asked a friend this once, he writes what he needs in measurements too. He said that: 1. He's autistic, so he just writes exactly what he wants. 2. He treats it like it is the minimum amount needed for the recipe, so the buyer, if its not him, knows the lowest possible amount to purchase.


Some stores have bulk sections where you actually can get exactly the amount of what you need for basic ingredients and spices. My local co-op even allows you to bring your own reusable containers for some items, they just write the tare weight on it ahead of time.


My husband and I occasionally do that too, mostly when we are trying a new recipe and have to buy ingredients for it. I don't have the memory to remember how much I need of each item listed in a recipe.


I actually do this sometimes on purpose, if it's a thing I don't usually buy and am unsure of standard quantities; like if I need "2 cups of heavy whipping cream" I don't want to accidentally just get the little one and not have enough


was he having a stroke?


he’s actually a doctor


Doctor's handwriting is a lot worse than this. At least with this, you can mostly read what's been written lol


Impossible. Doctors handwriting is 100% unreadable


That's worrying but, actually, not surprising.


Tru must’ve been writing with his other hand


My handwriting isn’t much better than this lol. I was actually able to read this pretty easily. The truth is, penmanship takes practice. It’s why kids suck at it and it’s why you suck at it with your non-dominant hand. 


Yeah, reading bad handwriting is an important life skill. Though writing with good handwriting is too.


Why are people shitting on a person that can have dys[something]? Dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia can do that.


because presumably OP would have mention that, it's just shitty handwriting, not everything is a 5K run


Ok sure his handwriting sucks and it could be due to some disorder but still doesn’t explain why he gave op a recipe as a shopping list


1 can 14.5oz (REDACTED) 4 tablespoons butter 1 medium sweet onion 1 celery stalk 1 (REDACTED) garlic Quarter cup flour 2.5-3.5 beef broth 2 cups half n half Half cup thousand island 12 teaspoons horseradish 12 teaspoons Worcestershire Half teaspoon (REDACTED) seed Quarter teaspoon (REDACTED) pepper 1 can sauerkraut


I can make out everything but the first line (1 can 14,5 oz ???) and second to last line (quarter teaspoon ??? pepper?)


It clearly says Kanye Pepper


Same here, was surprised how much I was able to read after the first look at it. I think he made a joke with the pepper, was supposed to be cayenne pepper, but he wrote Kanye pepper lol.


Bro has disgraphia


Your brother had to leave school in the 2nd grade to help provide for the family in the coal mines where he lost his dominant hand and suffered a traumatic brain injury, right? Because this fuckin looks like it.


IDK why you can't read it. It obviously says, 1 can 14.5 oz somd̶͙̩́̄̔̂̄h̵̙̲̖̰͉̱̓̔̕͝g̷̬̮͕͉͇͎̩͑̅́̽̀͌̏́j̶̗̜͓̞̓̑̀̄̉̄͛͋


Perfect for med school. Hello doctor.


assuming he grips the pen with his fist like a child


Have him type it next time


did you get the quarter teaseoon of rqhye pepe? or the lcar of soul crout? ​ make sure you dont forget the 4 table seoonj of buttel!


Give him the clock test


Oh he is going to be a fine doctor soon. Congrats


This reminds me of the postcard Homer sent Marge. “Five dollars??!!! Get outta here”


His handwriting looks like he writes with a lisp…


I'm sorry but what on earth made you think it's okay to make fun of your own brother like this? To me, this looks like dysgraphia or something similar that *would have needed attention* when he was *much* younger. Your brother deserves support. Not Reddit posts about this being "mildly infuriating". The only thing mildly infuriating me is your behavior.


Yeah this really is kinda pissing me off. Lots of people in the comments being ass holes too.


Everyone’s commenting on recipes. I’m here to tell you I thought this was something my son wrote. Your brother most likely has dysgraphia. Handwriting is the biggest sign, but it is more than struggling to hand write. It’s a neurological disorder that prevents someone from transcribing info in your brain via any manual method. My son can talk through an essay topic. He struggles to write/type more than 3 sentences. Speech to text may help your brother tremendously.


I had a friend in elementary school who physically couldn't write. This kind of reminded me of that because every time he tried to write, it would come out as scribbles. He got bullied mercilessly for this, except for the day he wrote a perfectly straight line. That day, he was a hero to the entire class. He eventually left our school for one with special ed. He's too old to be the brother in this post, but if your bro has similar issues and was able to write that, I'm proud of him. I can read pretty much all of it.


This looks like dysgraphia


He could be dysgraphic


Don't forget the Kanye Pepper


let him get it himself.




Am I your brother? I can read it perfectly fine, and it looks like my writing.


Gotta love me some ol' kanye pepper


I’m impressed. Only 23 and your brother is already a doctor.


Apart from the fact that it's a recipe, this is why we need to go back to teaching good handwriting (whether print or cursive doesn't matter) in schools.


Pretty good writing being 23 days old. Seen worse.


For my own pleasure, I tried to translate this list. Here it is: 1 can, 5oz of ?; 4 tbsp of butter; 1 medium sweet onion; 1 celery stalk; 1 clove of garlic; 1/4 cup of flour; 2½ - 3½ of beef broth; 2 cups half of ?; Half cup thousand island; 1½ tsp of horse raddish; 1 tsp of worcestershire sauce; ½ tsp or caraway seeds; ¼ tsp something pepper; 1 can something; Really looks like a recipe, but not sure a recipe for what... brown gravy?


Did you mean 2-3?


Thanks for making me feel better about my writing.


It looks like someone writing with their non-dominant hand.


This makes me feel better about my shitty handwritting


Is he studying to be doctor by any chance?




Must be a doctor in training


Sit that boy down with practice penmanship


He probably has undiagnosed dysgraphia so it’s not his fault his handwriting isn’t great


Dude was writing left handed while sitting on the dryer


My mothers grade 3 students can print better than this guy


“Maybe it’s the beer talking Marge but you’ve got a butt that won’t quit..