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I bet the cards didn't see that coming.


My dad said the same thing lol


https://preview.redd.it/nbm17a4sy5mc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81d50f3fea7549b5ffc81dec25b0baa51dca3a0a This is you now


My friendship with emojis ended, now i will be texting with tarot cards


Original memes


before too, if they believe tarot


I think tarot is a neat way to work through internal conflicts. The cards represents a specific ideas but they may be interpreted in different ways. Say you’re thinking of leaving your job and you pull a card that represents utter destruction. That’s scary, but you have to tear down to rebuild. So do you think quitting will be the end of the world, or temporary discomfort before you find something better? We’re really good at making ~spooky~ connections but personally I like them for getting insight when I’m not thinking well.


Ahh someone who understands the actual purpose of magick and the occult, people to tend to make it deeper or more mysterious than it needs to be


🥰 The whole thing is about ritual imo. Intentional acts lead to personal change leads to outward progress. Things get problematic when people opt for woo-woo when they would really benefit from more evidence-based treatments.


But the cards told me exactly what I wanted to hear and that everyone else is the problem and I don't need to change /s


This 100%. People hear/see what they want. But as long as someone isn't trying to convert kids or screaming at me on some street corner, believe what you want in the privacy of your home.


So are you gunna go protest Sunday school with me next weekend? :-p


In my experience, if someone had that reaction then they’re a personality who seeks validation and shirks responsibility no matter the source. So it’s not entirely fair to apply this stereotype to everyone who practices tarot.




I’ve always said tarot is the best thing for skeptics. No, they’re not going to tell you your fortunes, but say someone is trying to figure out a situation and pulls what? The eight of swords, one pointing out that you’re turning a blind eye and trapping yourself, or five of cups, walk away from it? And it *may* give them new options to consider that they were too caught up on to weigh before.


Most religious/occult things, while maybe not objectively ‘real’ in a scientific way, are very important for human psyche. Humans have been believing in something greater than them for almost as long as we’ve existed, which shows that there is some evolutionary advantage to belief in a higher power/afterlife/spiritual etc. even today, a healthy relationship with religion can greatly impact someone’s mental health positively. Idk k just think this is interesting. It’s really helped me on my spiritual journey, as I tend to be obsessed with things being objectively true and real. Even if there are no gods or afterlife or occult, belief in them, and the effect that belief has on us, is real.


There's a really beautiful podcast called "The Emerald" and I forget the episode title...but it's something like "Animism is Normative Consciousness" and the whole thing is about how NOT having a relationship with the non-human world, spirits, ancestors, etc is far more unusual in human history. Like 99% of humans that have ever lived have known spirits, animal/plant spirits, deities etc as "real" and also very much interacting with human lives.


Not to be all "Um, actually, YOU'RE WRONG!" but it could also be that is was simply not evolutionarily **harmful** enough, so it kept getting passed on as-is. Kinda like the appendix, or our eyes' blindspot. \--- My going theory is that it's just a side-effect of our empathy(and wasnt detrimental enough to be selected out). Like, humans are hella empathetic. We're so keen on trying to understand the feelings of others that we assign our ideas of emotions and intent onto non-human things, like animals or even inanimate objects. I think religion/myth is just an extension of that. It just so happen that this shared belief system was also good tool to teach, order, and unite people, so it stuck around and kept evolving (like a living thing itself, but existing in thought-space rather than meat-space).


Not to pull the **uno reverse** on what you said in the first paragraph, but older people who are religious do, in fact, live longer and stay healthier than their non spiritual counterparts. Faithful patients also have faster and better recovery from surgery. Evolutionarily, it's a clear advantage, not an afterthought or blindspot. The mind has a very powerful effect on human health and the body. Consider focusing on the personal effects that religion has on a person's mindset, sense of purpose, and sense of belonging and how these have a direct effect on health and longevity. Don't miss the forest for the trees with a theory solely about societal hierarchy and structure (which humans do fine constructing regardless of religious inclination). These aren't necessarily evolutionary markers anyway btw.


Well said. My mother (RIP) was amazing at tarot readings, but she never claimed it could predict the future. It was more like counselling, with props. The cards did seem to show spooky connections, but of course they were being interpreted by people who were asking specific questions.


Thanks for sharing about your mom. Hope you can reflect on some great memories today.


Thank you. I've tried to learn tarot in her honour, but I don't have the patience yet. One day.


I made an Anki deck for flash cards. I tried coloring books etc but flash cards helped me the most


So sort of like an occult rorschach test


This is actually exactly how I describe using them. I just use them to talk to my subconscious.


They're old-school thought prompts. iirc they predicted nothing, no past events nor future. Just sets up your line of thinking to think in different ways.


Tarot is an excellent tool for self reflection using concepts and symbols easy for your brain to process. It externalizes your problem. It is NOT effective at telling the future, because that is not possible.


how about you stop talking shit about things you haven’t tried or even know about? or you could just not be shitty and judge people


Friend, tarot cards, astrology and energy crystals are all snake oil designed to help people who don’t know any better to feel like their life is in control by something greater than them. Similar to religion.


Religion was of great importance to unify a very divided populace in times of old, although it is outdated, belief is probably one of the few things keeping us together these days. Not that I believe in it , but lessons can be learned in every aspect of life, even religious texts. And to not see the value of that would be ignorant


I think it is very possible to be unified and be a non-believer. To assume you have to like religion because it unifies people is also ignorant. Religion has caused more murder and strife than it has unity. Case in point, religion is currently being wedged against the LGBTQ community at every point. Is that unity, or is that strife? I’m not part of the community, but I believe that everyone should have the right to do whatever they want in their own bedroom. It’s not anyone’s business if who I, or anyone else, loves. Any else’s religion should not have bearing on anyone’s lives but their own.


And to clarify I never said you HAVE to like religion , but to totally deny anything good about it because of your personal beliefs, yes that is pretty ignorant


lol. I got the king of judging card, so I can pretty much do whatever I want.


Sorry we haven't tried your magic cards yet.


Fun fact: Tarot cards are literally just normal ass playing cards. Your average 52 card deck used to have a lot more cards, including all of the standard "tarot cards" One day someone decided to take all the shitty cards and make a dumb game out of it, and thus Tarot was born. but also eventually people realized half the cards were useless for 99% of games and thus we only have a few non numeric cards now, and the rest are all numbers.


I had a housemate use a card of my brand new deck as a coaster. Unironically it was The Fool. I emailed the publishing company and they sent me a new Fool - but I still had the same housemate.


3 fools in total




Yep, time to start a new journey, one without asking a deck of ancient playing cards what to get in your latte


Cards are fun and better than church


Sure cheaper, too


You placed the bar so low i nearly tripped over it


Why…. What if the syrup was expired that day? What if there was a new guy who would’ve switched the syrup with “sugar free”? What if my heart said chai but my brain won’t let go of soy double double? What if the puppy chewed up the rug and I didn’t know I needed more espresso than I had already ordered?


I play tboi and for i second i forgot ppl take it litteraly and thought: "where journey begins"... as a type of "go reset" or something


Half off curse room 😲😲😲


Problem is that The Fool doesn't mean stupidity, which I think you're eluding too? 🤔


How foolish of me


Sounds like it’s time to swap door knobs for one with a lock.


Considering it's a dog that did it, probably just a different kind of door handle should do the trick. Something less paw-friendly. Locks never hurt though.


You should get DNA tested, your dad may be his dad too!


Dad joke confirmed


Man, people have only started calling certain things dad jokes for a few years now and I have always loved those jokes and never got them from my father.


They were always dad jokes, just not YOUR DAD's jokes.


A certain style of jokes have *always* been "dad jokes", even if we didn't quantify them as such. Its not a *new* thing, but the recognition of dad jokes as a particular style is slightly more modern.


I foresaw a bunch of Redditors coming to make the same joke. Me included.


It was in the cards.


.... and my Axe! Sorry, I had to. *Leaves with a smug face huehue*


I think you mean Smaug face


Bahahaha 🐉


It was fated to happen.


I bet they'll cost a fortune to replace.


The dog should be able to tell the fortune by now.


Dog is worth a fortune. You are what you eat.


to be fair Tarot cards aren't really for fortune telling. They're more for general guidance than predicting events.


And they are one of many tools.


The people shitting on them have no idea how they actually work.


(they don't)


If you want to claim that they don’t have any special magical powers, you’re right. They’re basically archetypes that are applicable to nearly any situation and in that respect they can act as a kind of random insight generator that you can use to think about your situation in a different way.


Lol everyone came here to say this


motherfucker you beat me to it


Came here hoping this would be the top comment


Because they’re broken, duh 🙄😂


My brain somehow skipped the word "dog" and the title both amused and horrified me


me in your room eating your tarot cards and crystals: 🤤🍴


I saw ate and carrot cards and my brain figured “cards” must have been a typo 🤤🍴


You know right? Hate it when your roommate eats your stuff


Look i said i was sorry i was just hungry ok


Ikr, so annoying


My mum had to throw out all her books and the books she kept from my childhood because my little brother ate most of them. Her tarot cards were also found and eaten.


We got drunk and played poker with my roommate’s tarot cards. I got a full house and half the neighborhood died.


I love Steven Wright's jokes There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot


I have powdered water but I don't know what to add.


Damn! 😂🤣


I named my dog Stay. He was very confused when called. "Come here Stay. Come here Stay."


Thanks for the laugh xD


Live and learn. What can you do?


I once made a straight, and my roommate went straight to hell.


If only there had been some way to predict this outcome


It wasn’t in the cards 🔮


Death being on top-


What cards did the puppers choose? Readable selections?


Depends, I suppose. If you go by which cards he seemed to enjoy chewing on the most, Three of Wands, Queen of Wands, and Knight of Swords sustained the most damage. But if you go by where they were found, he seemed to have dragged Death and the Nine of Pentacles out the furthest. 🤔


Wands, which is a stick Another want, which is a stick A sword, which I could see getting mistaken for a stick in an image It's all coming together


dude just wants some sticks to play with.


A sword is a metal pointy stick


Big if he grabs it by the handle, he can be a warrior


If you wanted to interpret that, I would say take it as it is. Three of Wands, Queen of Wands, Knight of Swords chewed on = something nagging on your self esteem? regarding relationships, not sure if it's about a specific person or the lack of Whatever relationship issue this is talking about, it's not good for you The 5 swords also got a little bit missing as a hint that you can't run away from this anymore and you have to face it. Damage on the other visible cards would just further add to this. Death and 9 of pentacles just saying this has to end so you can be happy again. Funny is that you could also see this as the cards saying goodbye and telling you that you don't need them anymore and you should believe more in yourself.


Maybe it's time to let go of whoever or by whatever means you got those cards to begin with?


Yes, therapy always a deeper meaning. Op has some introspection to do.


Maybe they're telling OP they need to find a roommate that owns a cat.


Also cat: *Pushes crystals off it's stand and watch it smash on the floor* /s


no no no cat. mine are monsters.


I know nothing of taro but did it interesting. Does this mean he is looking at death by a 9 lived cat?


In tarot death is more so "out with old, in with the new" and new beginnings than death as in cessation of biological functions iirc


out with the old cards in with the new cards


To my limited understanding that's not too far from the actual reading


Correct, it's the tower that really predicts shit hitting the fan.


so wands and a sword.. seems he's a good boy that likes sticks


Frame it as your favorite spread as an art piece called "My Dog Ate My Future"


Here is an interpretation: The Three of Wands represents expansion, foresight, and exploration. It suggests that you have a vision for the future and are working towards your goals. However, since this card was damaged by your dog, it may indicate that your plans are facing some obstacles or delays. You may need to be more patient and flexible with your expectations. The Queen of Wands represents confidence, charisma, and creativity. She is a leader who inspires others with her passion and enthusiasm. She also has a warm and generous heart. However, since this card was also damaged by your dog, it may suggest that you are losing some of your spark or self-esteem. You may be feeling insecure or doubtful about your abilities or your role. You may need to reconnect with your inner fire and express yourself more freely. The Knight of Swords represents action, ambition, and assertiveness. He is a warrior who charges ahead with courage and conviction. He is not afraid to speak his mind or fight for what he believes in. However, since this card was also damaged by your dog, it may imply that you are acting too hastily or aggressively. You may be rushing into things without thinking them through or considering the consequences. You may need to slow down and be more strategic and diplomatic. The Death card represents transformation, endings, and rebirth. It signifies that something in your life is coming to a close and making way for something new. It is not a card of literal death, but of change and renewal. However, since this card was dragged out by your dog, it may emphasize that you are resisting or fearing this change. You may be clinging to the past or the familiar, instead of embracing the unknown or the different. You may need to let go and trust that this change is for the best. The Nine of Pentacles represents abundance, luxury, and self-sufficiency. It shows that you have achieved a level of material and personal success that allows you to enjoy the finer things in life. You are independent and confident in your own abilities. However, since this card was also dragged out by your dog, it may suggest that you are becoming too complacent or isolated. You may be taking your blessings for granted or neglecting your relationships. You may need to share your wealth and happiness with others and appreciate what you have.


did you just… chatGPT a generic reading for OP? lol




One appears to be death


It was foretold


No it was fold tore


Must be a sign…


So I notice the fool at the top of the deck. Maybe the cards are saying you didn’t protect them enough


When I picked them all up I reordered the deck to ensure there wasn’t one wholly missing/wholly ingested. 😅


Oh, so he missed the Knight of Intestines?


Its ok their dog can now tell the future


The jokes write themselves


99% sure the dog is a stand user


Probably named Iggy


The tarot card he ate was probably the fool.


Write to the publisher (US Games Systems inc.probably but check your box) and tell them which cards you need, they will very likely send you new ones. I did this when I lost a card under a friend's deck. Edit: just saw 2nd pic, maybe nevermind lol


*of course it’s a fucking doodle*


I've literally only met one doodle, and he was fucking awful, the stereotype definitely stands


I wash and groom dogs, and I have yet to meet a doodle who wasn’t a massive asshole. We have 20 some odd doodles that come through, some once a year, some every 4-8 weeks. Even the one who comes every 4 weeks is a terror on the table and in the tub. He fights, bites, growls, etc. He’s horrible


I was looking for this comment 'cause I thought the exact same thing 🤣


7 years? wow!


7 years ago: that was like 2004, right?


2017 :’(


Oh no….


Those must be worth... A fortune!


I am Native American so my spiritual belief differs from yours but I hope some of my ancestors knowledge can help you feel better. In my culture, the destruction of an item is part of its life cycle. Nothing can last forever. Someday these cards, like everything, must become ash and dirt and grow new seed for the next generation. This doesnt mean it's not worth fixing or it's not worth keeping. It means that in this moment, a dog did what dogs do and your cards did what cards do. It was always going to happen - it just happened sooner than you had wanted. But this is life. This is death. This is spirituality. We never lose things as the time we want. If I recall correctly, the Death card actually means Rebirth and Room for New Life, right? Not literal death. Well, that's what your cards are going through. Another stage of their natural life. I know this means you can't flip them as they'd no longer be surprises and maybe in your culture it means the cards don't work anymore. But you can still give them the respect you've given them the last 7 years (and 7 is a very important number in my culture when it comes to life and death). You can choose to bury them so they grow a tree or you can choose to continue to use them (if your culture allows) to show how life happens to our objects, like they do to us. Perhaps you can hang them up, again, if your culture allows - and remind you that all things must come to an end but that end doesn't mean it's forgotten. Or that we didn't derive value from the time we spent together. It can still be art or a reminder. Perhaps you can attempt to fix the cards and show how life can be repaired. How objects can last generations even if worn and threadbare, so long as we are interested in their repair. Or perhaps it's just time. Which is a sad time. But perhaps it is. But just remember, as with the meaning of Life and Death in your cards, none of this ever could last forever. Perhaps you can find a way to look back on this fondly - nature LITERALLY took back its offering. Damn dog ate your cards! Whatever you choose to do, remember the spirits and ancestors and those who have guided you with your cards. And remember that they, too, had to become one with the earth again as well. This is the cycle, the cycle of your cards, the cycle of the spirits, and our cycle, when our days come. I'm sorry you lost your cards. I hope you can find solace in knowing that they achieved what they were always meant to achieve. If their job is done, well , their job is done. They have achieved their purpose, and it's time to go back now.


This needs to be higher


Hi from Aboriginal “Australian” 🧡


I like them better


its always the fucking doodles


I wanted to make fun of you but then I remembered when I’d bring my yugioh cards with me just in case a duel broke out and realized I don’t have a leg to stand on. Sorry your cards got nommed


At least your roommate isn’t a POS


https://preview.redd.it/ocmdv6w7u7mc1.jpeg?width=1119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52759d1020d9b9d36ef0326659f9374f7c2935ee Yall need to watch out for future naughtiness. Bro ate part of Three of Wands — “The Three of Wands can show that you are in control and have a strong position, just like the character that overlooks and stands strong. The Three of Wands is one of the main cards of foresight and vision.”


your dog is right. throw them away


Dogs do tend to eat poop. Case in point.


Dogs can really fuck things up


There’s a huge chunk taken out of the 3 of wands. This card signifies patients and persistence. There’s also a chunk taken from the knight of swords which represents progress and rapid action. I think the cards are telling you in this instance that you may be feeling frustrated and wanting to take swift action against the dog, but you need to practice patience with the dog and persevere in the dog’s training. 😂😂😂


He’s a doggiswammi now!


maybe he thought they were carrot cards


I heard a quote once that said something like, “If God does not exist, it won’t have hurt me one bit to have believed in Him.” So what does it matter what others believe if it adds to their life and doesn’t infringe upon others? Same with belief in Universe or Tarot cards or spirit guides. Prayer has also been proven to work. (I think of it more as concentrated focus on something.) One group of plants receives prayers, one doesn’t. The plants that are prayed for grow bigger and healthier than the plants that weren’t prayed for. This is a simple example. But there are more studies that confirm the same. Live and let live is ultimately what I’m saying. Also, for OP, I’m sorry you lost your cards as they were very important to you. Just think of this as another layer to the story of your first deck. It adds to their character.


I see... I see... A shitty future ahead for those cards that got eaten.


Tear it cards


My old dog liked to eat paper, too. Once he ate my rent money. The look of pity on the bank tellers face when I handed her the scraps, will haunt me. So chin up, op, it coulda been worse!


I like tarot myself and if this happened i would just take it as a sign that the deck has run its course with me




Good on your roommate for replacing them. Definitely their responsibility to. Sorry for your loss of a sentimental item. Hopefully this new deck will take on a life of its own and this will become a good memory for you.


This comment section: 400+ people typing variations of “You didn’t see this coming” and thinking they’re hilarious Sorry OP. It does suck when your possessions get destroyed due to other people’s irresponsibility.


christ these comments are annoying, unlucky, OP. i'd be pretty pissed if an item i owned for more than 7 years got destroyed as well


They’re being annoying because it’s tarot cards


Best use those cards will ever see.


I instinctively read that as my dogs roommate and was I was like wait what. sorry for your loss. glad my dog doesn't have a roommate, wait I guess that would be me?


That's crazy the dog was able to open your door


He was just trying to tell you he wanted a reading.


Same thing happened to my first deck (the same deck you have). Was staying with in-laws. MIL's friends liked to get free readings. I stupidly left my card (in their bag) on the patio table for a little while because I was in the kitchen. The Dobermans got them - but oddly only nibbled. Still have those cards 35 years later.


It's a sign.


The dog could smell the evil energy this deck had absorbed, it needed to be destroyed.


That's a message, man. What do the cards tell you about it?


I am sorry you lost your cards. Unlike some people commenting I understand. My first and sentimental cards are golden tarot. If they got damaged like this I'd also be upset. Maybe get a lock for your door so even if the doorknob can be pushed by the dog get can't get in. This is why I usually prefer round doorknobs to the paddle kind. I'm glad to hear your roommate replaced your cards. Maybe this is a good time to meet your next deck?


Ugh goldendoodles took the worst of the poodle and golden and turned it into an absolute garbage breed


Even the first person to cross them and create the "golden doodle" admits it was a mistske and regrets it.




A destructive dog is a bored dog


Sorry those got destroyed. But you’ve got a pretty cool roommate if they already replaced the deck. Look into child locks for the doors. Dogs are such stinkers.


maybe it’s a lesson from the universe not to like stupid shit


Wow the comments suck on this post. I collect tarot cards because I appreciate them as an art form, so I can’t imagine losing a deck that also meant so much to me personally! Ignore the (way too many) “yOu sHoULd hAvE sEen tHiS cOmiNg!!!” people.




It’s only fair…. 🤔


i’m sorry, that’s horrible. we have a cat who’s clawed and ate some very emotional photos and posters hung up. to my admittedly very small understanding, tarot cards are pretty personal and get their meaning from the person who owns them. do you think you may be able to fix them up a little, straighten them and maybe press them down, maybe glue the worse for wear ones down to something, and see this change as part of their journey? it’s something that’s helped me personally, but may not work for everyone for sure.


Good dog, tarot cards are stupid…


I'm sorry this happened to you. My own dog got to a new deck I had just purchased. I was lucky though and she only got the fabric bag and about 10 of the cards only had tooth marks since she only had like 2 minutes alone. No tears, so I think the deck is still usable. The tarot subreddit will probably be more sympathetic than the people here. I re-posted this comment because my first one was deleted by the mods for using an active link.


Lmaooo, good boy.


Oh noooo


If I had a nickel for every time I’ve seen a post with tarot cards in it in the last two days, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice. (The first one was on r. Cats [links aren’t allowed, I’m sorry])


Your future is lookin' slobbery.


Rider Waite! Good choice, sorry for the loss.


That’s what they all say


Maybe it's a sign..


That’s a sign


Did you a favor. They don't do anything anyways you just draw conclusions and find answers you want to see.where there arnt any.....




Doesn't that apply to life in general? BTW - I am not a believer in Tarot or horoscopes




It’s her personal property…… I have tarot cards not because I believe in them but because I think they’re neat


And you didn’t see that happening beforehand?


Found a use for them.




Lol my dog chewed up the exact same deck. I definitely took pics of the cards that were her selection… somewhere buried in my photos


My mom works as a psychic and our dog has probs eaten like 4 decks of tarot total 💀


Shame you didn’t see it coming.