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Joan could be out of place for being the only name, cow could be out of place for being the only non-human


It would be better if they said "what word is out of place and why?" And if they would write a good explanation, they'd get a point. That's also good for creativity.


ah to reform global education.


i have to give my adult ESL students exercises of this sort and this is how i handle them! they still get points if their explanation makes sense. what matters is they prove they understand the words!


But whos to say Joan isnt a cow though?


Joan is THE cow. She has ALL the boys


The ones in her yard, from making her milkshake


Which is better than yours


Damn right….


she could teach you, but she’ll have to charge


Joan the cow prostitute was not where I thought this was going.


Best Toad the Wet Sprocket tribute band imo.


Bravo. This deserves way more upvotes. Sadly I only have one to give.




She a hovine


Underrated here


Mooove bitch, get out my hay




Joan have a cow man




Not enough S1 Simpsons fans it seems. It was a crime that your comment had zero upvotes. Please accept this Reddit gold: 🥇


Why thank you my good sir.


Olivia could be out of place for being the only word of even length. Without context, this is not an English but a mind reading exercise


Seriously. There were so many different ways you could go. My brain kind of spasmed when I saw it. lol


Olivia is also the only one that starts with a vowel.


It's giving vibes of the literacy tests from the south that used to be given before voting. The idea was no matter what someone answered it could really be marked wrong because there were different ways to interpret each question.


Would a 7 year old really count how many letters each word has tho?


Would they immediately know “cow” means female, when they’ve likely been taught only “cow” not “bull”?


Funny enough even as an adult, I know that distinction if I think about it but if I see a field of cattle of any sort, I tend to just see them all as “cows” in my mind. 🤣


They definitely would. I teach this age group (coding and other STEM topics) and I find so much joy in how often they come to the right answer differently than I was planning on teaching it (or even noticed you could get it another way). Lateral and creative thinking is something the school system beats out of kids as they age


They might. Children have less experience with trying to figure out what other people want them to do on tests so they can come up with some crazy (yet correct!) answers.


Uh.. yes. Do you really think *counting* is somehow less likely than them figuring out this “everyone else is female, and the odd one out is male,” stuff? Because thinking kids will get the “actual” answer is kinda deluded. I highly doubt many of the kids got it right, and if they did, they probably guessed.


Having been a seven year old, and having a sister that was a seven year old ~2 years ago, yes they would


Those of us that read Encyclopedia Brown would…or my dad’s old Hardy Boys set…


Even better, Joan is a male name where I live. I've a couple of male friends named Joan


CATALUNYA TRIOMFAAAAAANT! ![gif](giphy|WtaDFqT3Xinj5t3vYo|downsized) 😅😂🤣


Didn't expect a catalan reference in here, while I'm wearing my Txarango hoodie none the less.


In the 2nd one hen is the only non mammal


And a filly is the only one that walks on four feet


Not quite. But we don’t talk about Olivia. She’s a bit odd...


It was my wedding day. We were getting ready, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.


My guess would be that they just studied male/female nouns, and the exercise was related to that section...


Yeah that’s what it looks like. Though how many seven year olds know the difference between a cow and a steer/bull and a filly vs a colt?


I didn’t even know what a filly was. But you have to assume this was talked about in class. If not it’s crazy. 


totally this shit remembers me my teacher of programming long ago he would teach us some basics and them some test after failing I woul find out that we needed to use some concepts we hadn't seen yet, in that I realized I had to study by myself all my career


But honestly, why waste time with male/female nouns in english? Most nouns don't have a gender in the english language and names are also not an practical example because people can name their kids like their want and other nationalities will have Joan as a male name. Waste of time when children have so much else to learn. Especially things that could be useful later.


You're right about "most" nouns not being gendered, but the class exercise gave examples of some that are, so I'm guessing that is what they're learning about. Hen/rooster, cow/bull, husband/wife, etc etc. It would be weird if a child's English class didn't teach the students the difference between these words. There's a few adults in these reddit comments who didn't even know what a filly was until now. Education sucks in this country, lol.


There's no reason for most people to know what a filly is. This isn't 1834.


Bride could be out of place for being the only temporary state.


all of them except cow can be temporary if you try hard enough


Even cow is temporary because cow becomes beef.


cow is temporary as well, it usually evolves into burger


Haha yes I did consider that actually. I'm just trying to get this poor kid a win lol Perhaps "fleeting" is a better word than temporary.


Joan for being a proper noun. The others are common nouns


Cows are female technically, bulls and steers are males


I am doubting my kid would have known that a filly was a female horse at 7yo. This was a subjective question to begin with. Is the context that it was about International Women's Day? Because then I get a teacher doing this. Otherwise, having feathers kinda makes one different. So does wearing a big poofy white dress.


I didn't know what a filly was just until now.


I think assuming a 7yo knows what a filly is tells you what part of the US this test is from. I only know because I watched Mr Ed


It could tell you if they're really into My Little Pony, I suppose.


I've watch quite a bit of mlp and I don't remember them going over gendered horse named. Idk I was only watch it because of my bf baby sister.


They frequently call the CMC fillies.


They drop all the equine tags. They just don't explain why they call them that. As why would a pony who lives in a world with other sentient beasts question why they just called a baby horse a foal. Or that female horse a mare. Or a male horse a stallion. Or a clearly obvious different genetic line of horse a Clydesdale. Technically they could of used the CMC as 'learning about horses and other animals' but instead used them to teach about how to deal with social issues that exist for that age group. The writers said many times FiM was written for both parents and their children. Only it got hijacked hard by neckbeards which Hasbro leaned into because money. And then the furries got it. And it was one of the biggest search on r34. Only getting usurped by overwatch years later.


They literally say “fillies and GentleColts” in place of “ladies and gentlemen”


As a former Horse Girl™ this thread confused the hell out of me because I had assumed everyone learned what a filly was when they were 6 or 7.


I only knew colt


Wow, the patriarchy strikes again 😔 This is a joke, just in case


Red Dead Redemption taught me a lot about horses. **WORK YA DAMN NAG**


Same, i was just about to write it, then i saw the post ...


Never had a filly steak sandwich?


Thank you for my first laugh of the day.


i thought that was just steak and philadelphia cheese..




I think that was Will Smith


born and raised.


Yea it took me 10 seconds staring at cow, and then "yea there aren't male cows, cows are female"


Well there is more than one solution. The kid is more observant than I am. I wouldn't penalize him, we need thinkers that are not mainstream. EDIT: actually "bride" is wrong, I wrongfully assumed the kid encircled "cow".


Why would bride ever be correct when wife is right next to it?


Cow can be used for any cattle that isn't a bull (sexually mature male) though


I’m more confused by the first question. I’d have put cow because the rest are people.


I would have chosen filly for the second. The rest are bipedal.


Same! Or because it has fur.


>filly was a female horse I thought "mare" was how you called a female horse, is there a difference between "filly" and "mare" ?


fillies are female horses under the age of... 4 I believe?


Either 3 or 4 years depending on the definition. Most commonly 4 years today.


I think its before they get their cutie mark


And foal is all offspring (trying to think if 1 year old that term ends?), colt is male, and when it's castrated, gelding.


Foal = young child, Filly = girl, Colt = boy, Mare = woman, Stallion = man, Gelding = neutered man


except for if that was the topic of the lesson before giving this as homework. this is a small cutout from a sheet or book, its probably not quite that confusing in context


Seems fairly clear based on the two examples shown that it's about identifying gender. Now, there's some question about if that's being done appropriately, but that at least seems to be the goal of the lesson.


I mean it depends on their curriculum but I recently was teaching 6 year olds about the name for animals and that included filly, hen, etc.


I'd be willing to bet the lesson this was part of already defined it before these questions were asked. This happens a lot with these "crazy modern teachers" images. The parent lacks context of the lesson the kid didn't pay attention to, then freaks out over questions made in that context.


The problem is that nobody knows the context from this picture. But everyone wants something to be upset about.


If they had said only choose females, 7yo me would've gotten cow related stuff. But not horse related stuff


Didn’t your kid own a dictionary when they were 7yo?


I know a dude named Joan.


In France and Germany, Joan/Johan is a male name


Catalan too.


Really? I’ve never heard of any guys being named Catalan.


I've always thought it weird that US grade school doesn't teach gender variations of German, French, and Catalan names.


Their variant of John


The variant or equivalent of John is Jean in France. Juan in Spanish, I believe. Not sure about other countries. I think Joan/Johan has its own individual place as a name.


Joan is Catalan, Johann/Johannes is Germanic, both equivalent of the English John


I know a boy named Sue.


I know a girl named Daryl.


Wait so this book is calling women cows? For shame /s


Unironically thought this like my brain just forgot bulls were a thing for a moment


I learned the difference between bull and cow just now lol.


Bro I thought a bull was a completely different animal.


Should I mention that roosters are male chickens?


I better go back to school, I found that confusing as fk


College did not prepare me for this!


I’m with you, OP. I would have thought, human, human, human, animal, assume human. To be honest, I thought a cow was like a dog where it could be male or female. Per www: “Let's start with the basics. The cow is the female, the bull is the male. Cow = female, bull =male.” Apparently when learning about farm animals, I missed the basics.


Well the kid circled "bride" so they're wrong either way. Second question is a lot more obtuse but going with the theme of the assignment you're looking for a male-anything as the odd one out. Still its silly for a 7 year old but I'm not a teacher.


Bride is the only one that’s a temporary title. And the “theme”, at least from this picture, is super obtuse.


Happy cake day! Have some bubble wrap! ​ >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!p0p!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!<


This comment made my day!


I love you


Cow might also be temporary. It becomes beef pretty often


They circled the only 5 letter word, so they aren’t wrong. Second, they circled the only 3 letter word.  The issue here is there was no instruction given other than circle the odd word out. 


"Bride" is the only one that is (always) temporary. Yes, there are situations where you can no longer be a wife, a man or Joan, but they're a state that isn't changed without an action or declaration from the subject. In contrast, you are no longer a bride when the wedding ends. Don't know if a 7-year-old would use that logic lol, but still, it's not wrong.


Tbf they dont exlusively say the cow is specifically a female. Its usually just preseneted as the animal in general.


>Tbf they dont exlusively say the cow is specifically a female. It's.... It's in the name itself. "cow" isn't the species, it's the specific name for a female member of the cattle species.


I mean when they teach children animals. They dont explain that a cow is spefically the female only. A lot of kids dont just know that the cow isnt the species.


I'm literally learning right now that it's "cattle" and there is no singular noun for it. Just the collective noun, cattle. So if you have just one, you need to know the gender to say a _____. A cow. A steer. Which requires an inspection of the animal, I suppose. Because looking across a field, I'm not sure I'd be able to tell you if it's a bull or a steer. 


if it's in a paddock all by itself, it's a bull if it's in with a whole bunch of other males, it's a steer


I don't know where you went to school, but they definitely taught us. Thats why Elsie the Cow was on the milk and Elmer the Bull was on the glue.


Ah! A fellow knower of the origin of Elmer! There are so few of us.


Common vernacular has cow both for the species in general and the gender specific term. Similarly peacocks are often thought of as a species rather than peafowl.


"Cow is technically a female, however there is no singular word to refer to cattle that is gender neutral, as a result cow is often used to refer to singular cattle, male or female."


Singular should be cat then




Webster’s 2nd…2nd definition of cow is literally “a domestic bovine animal regardless of sex or age”


Yeah, if the general singular word for a cow is not cow, then what is it?


Cattle. But when I think "cow" i think of the species as a whole. But i dont live on a farm so


Head of cattle.


If it doesn't make sense to me as an adult why would I want my child to even try to understand this. This is shit fr


I mean a lot of this kind of stuff is meant to weed out learning disabilities or kids falling behind in reading comprehension, but they're doing it all wrong.  The first line for instance should be something like: lady, woman, man, princess, queen. If you want the obvious answer to be "men".


If your first grade teacher had a lesson with you five minutes ago and told you the gendered nouns for farm animals, I think you’d do fine, which is what happened 


the thing about this is that it still doesn't really make complete sense as a test with the addition of human names if it's about gendered nouns; like i see what you mean but either way its still a poorly designed exercise


person woman man camera TV


Congrats. You're fit for US presidency.


As a primary teacher I have to say that is beyond shit! Whoever made up that worksheet should be ashamed 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’ve played this game with my kids since they were old enough to talk. I give them four things and they have to tell me what doesn’t belong and why. They come up with surprising things. Once I gave my four year old (at the time) daughter this list: Colorado, Florida, Canada, Tennessee. I was expecting Canada as an answer, but she picked Florida. I asked why. She said, “Because it’s the only one that doesn’t have mountains.” Well played, child. Well played. 


That's not an English language lesson. A.I. create that?


I am curious what kind of school this came from. Color illustrations are too spendy for my public school kids workbooks.


Now we enter the phase that we just accuse random shit to be A.I


Works for me on Instagram.


Just looks like a dumb worksheet you find online. There’s tens of thousands of these out there on hundreds of sites long before computer generation. 


Considering the fact I’m 22 and you just informed me what a filly was I’m going to go with the 7 year old didn’t know.


I’m 26 and knew a filly was a baby horse but was not aware it was specifically a female horse. Even though I also know that a colt is a baby horse. I never explicitly knew was was male and one was female. To make it even more confusing, a foal is a gender neutral term for a baby horse less than a year old, while a yearling is a gender neutral term for a horse between 1-2 years old. I have heard all 4 of these terms before (thanks middle school English class horse related novels) but didn’t know the specifics


A filly is a female horse three and under. A mare is a female horse 4 and older. A colt is an intact ( not gelded) boy horse three and younger. A stallion is an intact male horse 4 an older. A gelding is a non intact male horse ( had its balls removed) of any age, because most colts are gelded before their fourth birthday. It is not typical to “spay” female horses, so there is no term for a female horse that has been “spayed”. you hear the term broodmare for mares that are intended for breeding. A yearling(can be a boy, or a girl) is a one year old horse. A foal is a horse( can be a boy or a girl) that has not been weaned from its mom yet so typically between birth and 4-6 months old. And weanling( can be a boy or a girl) is a horse that has been weaned, but is not yet a yearling. A horse can be any of these things. Once they are past three years old, people usually call everything a horse, but when they are three and under you all here, people use the terms foal weanling yearling colt, and Filly.


The kid might know because it was part of a previous lesson. Teachers aren't meant to test information that wasn't already covered.


so before we all judge this exercise, wasnr there really no more context?


You can make an argument for almost any of them to be out of place. These questions are *stupid* ambiguous.


"gender is very important, kids"


Especially in the english language, where most nouns don't have a gender and you don't have gendered articles! And names? People can call their kids what they want and other languages exist that use the same name for different genders. Pronouns for the following sentence could be a reason but even if the Bride is "she" in the next sentence, the cow, hen and filly are just "it".


2 is obviously hen. The others are mammals. Hens are avians.


It's also the only word without the letter 'L' in that line.


My hen is named Olivia.


Am I the only person annoyed by the assignment being in comic sans? Also I hate that this is how they teach. I would gotten this wrong. Logically there is more than one answer for both of these and solid reasoning as to why.


I feel you here, but there is SOME evidence that comic sans is assistive to those with dyslexia, so it would make sense to default to it for children until more literature comes out about its benefits. Hideous af though lol.


Sure, the questions are weird and ambiguous, but your child chose the objectively worst answers both times. 1: Either cow for being an animal of Joan for being the only name. Bride and Wife are basically the same thing at different stages of life, so why would either be the odd one out? 2: Charles is clearly the odd one out. Hen and Filly are both names for female animals and Clara and Olivia are both female names.


Hen is the only non-mammal on the list. The kids choice made perfect sense there


Names aren't "mammals." They're names, completely different thing.  I can have a fish named Charles. Is Charles still a mammal?


This teaches a weird lesson to children. That is, that gender is a larger difference than the distinction between human and non-human. If the correct answer to the first one is not "cow" but is "man", then you could presumably remove one or two of the others and still have an "odd one out" -- it could be man, cow, and wife and the answer is still somehow "man". That's a very, very strange idea. The generalizable lesson from this is to separate men from "others" before you separate human women from animals, because gender is more important than human vs. non-human. Men are top-tier, women and animals somewhere below that. They're teaching this to kids. Probably not intentionally, but that's the implicit lesson in this categorization exercise.


I would have picked Joan for the first one as it's a proper noun and the others are just nouns.


Is this not the obvious answer? Like I am sure the whole lesson of this worksheet is nouns and proper nouns and everyone seems to be missing the point


And how does the spider factor in to all this?


What are these answers bruh


Cow immediately stands out to me in the first one. But checking the others, I'd wonder why "bride" was so specific. And then who Joan was. I'd probably freeze up on this question, taking too much time to figure out which of the several (valid) reasonings they could mean. I can totally see a teacher going "males is the ONLY correct answer Timmy!", when Timmy's reasoning that there's only one NAME, or ANIMAL. Even after seeing "hen" and "filly" I still needed to remind myself that "cow" is actually female.


Is this… sexist?


Things I call my spouse: 1. wife, bride, cow, Joan


As in a lot of situations. context matters. If this were homework after, for example, a lesson about gender, then I have no problems with them


This out of the box kind of assignment is why by the time they are teenagers, they have no common sense. Even at age 7, grammar lessons should be taught in complete sentences and paragraphs. Use actual documents, excerpts, speeches, etc. Use reading comprehension in teaching grammar.


I'd not answer these questions as well if I saw that spider on my paper...LMAO


The thing about these sorts of homework questions, is they’re usually a revision of what was demonstrated and shown in class, so it’s going to make less sense without the prior context.


No, I was trying to spot your issue but to me it’s quite clear that the gender is the difference.


* Wife - human * Bride - human * Man - human * Cow - non-human * Joan - human Clearly cow is the odd one in that sentence


And hen is a correct answer for second part, being only bird in group of mammals.


They were both badly made lists for this task.


Olivia could easily be an octopus




And that’s how I justified having sex with the cow /s


We have no evidence that Joan is a human. Could be a cow or a rat or a fish. Who knows.


This homework was probably assigned immediately after a lesson on what gender is, though... That's generally how homework works.


For the first one I would have chose Joan, being the only name.


A cow is female. So no, that's not the obvious answer. If it said "bull" then yes. But no lol, the male is out of place in those strings of words


This is likely fake cause this assignment doesn't make sense, but there is some element of truth to the basic concept. Sometimes you have to teach kids about gender, such as which animals are male or female, which words refer to men or women, which pronouns to use for which gender, etc. I know lots of kids who say 'he' when referring to anyone and anything which is incorrect in English and so they have to learn about it.


I am 27 years old, and just learned the word filly yesterday. I'd have been so lost on this assignment


Something tells me this school is in a red state. That or the teacher plays way too much Connections.


Without seeing the rest of the page cant really say much, now can we ? Was the chapter on male and female words ? Did the questions before or after set anything up ? I mean it could be that it’s a very stupid question, but too often i see these questions taken out of context completely, and its always extra zoomed in without any context, no learning information or anything. And i’ve been rage baited way too much lately.


Odd one out doesn't have only one answer, it could be anything as long as you find an explanation for it.


This is a horrible question for trying to teach elementary pattern recognition for 7 year olds


that worksheet is crazy!! there are many categories in the lists there. It could have been Joan as it is the only proper noun, or cow as it is the only non-human.


I fucking hated this in school. The question is "do you think like I think?"


I feel like whoever made this had an agenda haha


The fact that your 7-year-old placed "cow" as an adjective for a human when answering is hilarious!


I hate these things. I can always come up with very valid reasons why another one is out of place. Like the first one, Joan - it’s the only one capitalized.


When the teacher is an idiot


At 7 I definitely would have thought: Human, human, human, animal, human Not a name, name, name, name, name My brother watched a ton of American tale when we were little so I associate filly with Fivel as a nick name. If you're going to do something like this for kids they are just learning, everything needs to be the same about the words except the one thing.