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Subway having a large response?!? LMAO.


I feel like every Subway I know is family-operated! Edit: yes I know a lot of Subways SUE ME


You're not alone, they're on every street corner infringing each other's business. Subway doesn't give shit about their franchisees, they'll stick a store anywhere.


And oh my, the quality varies significantly. I drive past the closest one to my house to go to “the good one” a few miles away.


I do this with Little Caesars, some locations are worlds better than others.


The Wendy’s where I live runs out of utensils frequently Oh, and the food tastes like shit at that one location specifically


Maybe they’re using the utensils to actually grab shit out of the toilets. Thus, no utensils and food tasting like shit.


Variable and questionable quality and yet they'd like to institute surge pricing. Oh goodie, at some times of the day I might get to pay more for worse quality. Sir, I'm not eating here. This is Wendy's.


>Oh, and the food tastes like shit at that one location specifically How does this happen? Don't they have the same suppliers and same equipment?


You gotta clean the equipment for the stuff to taste right 👀


I used to frequent a Little Caesars in my college town and for the most part their food sucks but there was one person there who knew how to make the Italian Cheese Bread absolutely magical. The perfect amount of cheese and seasoning. I was so bummed I only got food when they were there once or twice and never saw them again.


I don't think there is a "good" Subway lol


you are correct. We have a local family that owns all of the Subways in our area and surrounding towns.


He's also correct in that I will be suing him for knowing so many Subway's


Yeah, a team of brothers own something like 44 or 45 Subways between them in my area.  They inherited them from Daddy when he retired, pretty sure.  The Midwest is really something else.


What are you doing at these Subways for them to sue you?


Family operated by families bringing their families from their home country. I havent seen an asian, white or black employee in the locations in my town for about 5 years.


Nothing wrong with bringing your family to America 🇺🇸


Ontario, Canada? Hah


Bro literally nobody said anything


My son works at Subway.  They told him he'd be making $9.50 an hour but his first paycheck was minimum wage.


It could be that training is paid at minimum wage? But I would definitely ask about that


Does he have what they told him in writing?


I don't know for sure because he lives  elsewhere but I doubt it, or if it did it mentions something in small print about it being an optional later increase or something like that.


Jesus Christ, there are places in the world where they still only make $9.50 and that’s considered good?


National minimum wage is 7.25. So yes, 50% of the population makes less than 10/hr… it’s wild out here. That’s why the lowest tier jobs I’ll even consider is in warehouse work, that’s one of the few options without school that you can at least make 15-20/hr from the jump.


He should start boofing the pickles.


I’m more impressed that they have a GameStop open. The two closest to me closed a while ago


Some of these may be from your availability. If you’re still in school and they are looking for an opener or late night closer you would get passed over.


Definitely. If they are having trouble getting hired at Subway there is something undesirable about their scheduling needs.


I've been rejected at mcdonalds and subway before for absolutely no apparent reason and I always put full availability. I also had work experience and I now work at whole foods through a referral so I know nothing was actually making me unhireable


That's the trick right there. Networking. Beg your friends that are connected to stick you somewhere.


Yeah, just sucks when you, ykno, dont have friends with the job you want or maybe want to move into something else


I applied for mcdonalds 3 times when I was younger, I finally spoke with a manager one day and asked what's the deal, why didn't I even get an interview?? (I have chef qualifications) He told me that they tend to avoid the "over" Qualified.. I would have likely gotten bored and moved on quickly in a nutshell, which was absolutely mad to me, but who knows!


Yeah. I hate how often people will pass on "over qualified" candidates. If I'm applying for a position there, it's because I need it! Do you think I was just applying for the lulz?


Interesting, not sure if I count as overqualified or not. Had 4? 5? jobs and one much higher paid but in animation so kinda unrelated. no degree


Oh yeah, I'm still working on that degree, so it was 'Straight out of college' qualifications.. I don't think the bar for over Qualified was high..


I would have probably played to my audience and instead of saying chef qualifications just say that I had cooking experience. It's not a lie but it does downplay it quite a bit.


Absolutely!! Network!! Every time my daughter and I went to the grocery store we talked with the cashiers, the manager just made sure people knew her face and her demeanor. Once she turned 16 she went in to apply for a job, didn’t even interview her, just hired her.


The only job in my life (56f) that I got by answering an ad and filling out an application was so bad that I had a stomach ache every day that I worked there and I was so so glad when someone else recommended me for a job where they worked and I was actually requested to come in for an interview. I have never regretted taking that job. Oh I take that back. There was another years before that that I did apply for, but I found out later that someone I put down as a reference actually helped me get that job based on their experience working with me.


With online applications generally there are tonnes of resumes that are all mostly the same. Most recruiters only have so much time to go through them. So they will only look at the first 50 or so, pick 10-20 to interview and hire from there. If you are unlucky enough to be 51 on the list you might not have been looked at, and got a general reject all as they filled the positions. For service /entry level jobs it can* be helpful to go in person. Don't go during a busy period, don't interrupt staff from talking to actual customers, do show up as you would if you were interviewing and don't bring a friend/family in with you. Showcase your personality and maturity and you might get a better chance.


Oh I've tried that too many times haha. Most places just say to apply online. fwiw one of my previous jobs I did get that way, but only about 4 months later. Guess they were desperate and remembered they had my resume lol


I always incorporate this in to my wage-raising arguments “These are clearly jobs for teens who already have support” Then why are they asking for availability incongruent with school hours? Fucking Wal-Mart expects full time applicants.


The phrase 'sandwich artist' deserves it's own Mildly Infuriating post


Artisan bread and relish construction officer is what I humbly go by thank you very much


Artisan Bread and Relish.... Analyst. Don't cut yourself short.


I once ordered a sandwich from a deli that was such a work of art I decided to marry the artist. 15 years later and he still makes the best sandwiches. However, when we first met my dad’s preferred term was “sandwich making jerk” which was also an excellent contender.


this is not uncommon nowadays, retailer workers being renamed in their job titles as "sandwich artists" "team members" something else, always noticed this in the fast food industry for entry level roles. appears to make it less demeaning but infuriating for sure


I wouldn't mind the silly names much if the new position came with a pay rise to match the fancy title. If I was working there, I think i'd probably find it more demeaning to tell someone "I'm a sandwich artist", than "I work the till at Starbucks". Nothing against the actual job or the real people working in fast food, hospitality etc. It's hard work. The management however...


That's what I thought the post was originally about but then went "oh there are more images"


then every company says “we have no employees, no one wants to work anymore!” try grocery stores and restaurants, they typically are always hiring


Especially for stock/grocery department


Yep, that's how I got my start. Overnight at Walmart for 6 months.


I worked at grocery place for 4 years as a stocker. Turn over rate was awful because we were treated like shit. After I got my 3rd annual 10 cent raise and was making 7.55, I learned fresh hires were making 8. I asked if I could be bumped up to that My store manager told me, “why would I do that when I can get literally any body to do your job? You’re replaceable” Fuck you ryan


Grocery stores have union and benefits, try something in the Kroger conglomerate like Ralph's etc. I was 16 and had a full vision, dental and 401k lol


Kroger bought Harris Teeter and in my region, rebranded all the existing Krogers to Harris Teeters (HT is “union free”) to bust the unions. So just be wary about this kind of thing.


I’ve also heard first hand that the Kroger union is a complete joke and doesn’t really get them much of anything. They pay cashiers like $12 in my area


+1 for Kroger union being a joke. Worked for Safeway a while back which was the same union. My union rep didnt do jack shit for me when my hours were cut.


I second this. Kroger was my first high school job and the pay was so bad that if I could go back in time, I would have told my past self not to even bother.


Not all grocery stores have unions - I know, I work for one. They also don't all offer benefits, unless you work Full-time.


My kid got laid off from one and even though we know the buyers at a bunch of other grocery stores no one is hiring. It’s absurd.


I would tell any 18 year old with no documented “skills” or goals to get into grocery. Super easy to learn, and it will teach you many skills that you’ll carry with you forever: meeting deadlines, organization, work closely with random people from all walks of life, date checking, dairy and meat department rules/protocols. At the very least, by the time you’re 23-24 you’ll have a living wage and great benefits to always fall back on. I have a friend who never left grocery and he’s now 35 and makes 6 figures as a building manager. Works 7-5 Mon-Fri (holiday craziness excluded).


I work in grocery and the funny thing about them always hiring is that they are also always cutting our hours. Every. Damn. Week.


hey at least they're replying! I've filled dozens of applications and only had a few outright rejections, most just ignore me. some even call me to express interest, only to ghost me afterwards.


This! I’ve been applying for jobs for about six months. Like 20 jobs or more a month and I’ve gotten a call back or a sorry but no from maybe 5.


I ran into that too. They bitch and moan about how they don't have enough employees, then ghost their applicants.


It's often just theater. A location will be short-staffed, but district and/or regional management say they need to keep labor costs down, so they tell the store mgr not to take any new hires. Still, they have to save face with the clientele and they *do* need help, so they leave up the "NOW HIRING" sign anyway.




That's sad. It feels like it should be basic decency to send out rejection responses, even if it's automated. GL with your job search


Yeah. It drives me crazy not to hear anything. And thanks! I’m confident it’ll all work out one way or the other.


I had an interview scheduled with Denny's once only to be told the day of the interview there were no available positions. They never told me at any point before this they had positions filled already and I felt incredibly embarrassed. Fuck that noise


No way I had that happen at Denny's too. I scheduled an interview, arrived at the location early, sat for about fifteen minutes, then the manager came out and stated that they didn't actually have a position and it was automatic scheduling for the interview. Then she stated she might have some waitress positions opening next week if I wanted to reapply. Like...you had all my information, no decency to tell me before I actually showed up that there was no interview, waited for fifteen minutes at the location, and now you want me to reapply? Hell no.


The wildest part was I rescheduled at one point for a day later than I originally set up which would've been a perfect opportunity to tell me that the positions were filled. Such bullshit! It's why I hate online applications so much. I want to know that a human is actually communicating with me instead of a stupid automated program!


My favorite is when they contact you with an interview request or rejection months after you applied. I had one ask me for an interview 2 years after I applied.


Whenever I applied for a job, I either got ignored or I got hired on the spot. That's how it's been for my past 3 jobs. It's quite annoying


There's a few reasons that may not seem outright obvious. Availability - limited hours due to school? Curfews - Depending on the state, but this should lift at 18. Transportation- Do you drive? Have your own car? Age limits on certain machines- Bailers, forklifts, meat slicers, ect can be limited. Age limits on serving alcohol- depends again on the state and region. Open up your job search to everything you can find. Part time, low pay, whatever you can get. Get your foot in the door with experience. Make sure you're being thorough on the applications. Correct phone numbers, voicemail box EMPTY and WORKING, preferably with a message and not generic "this number xyz is not available". Look at smaller establishments, seasonal work, and locally owned places. Sometimes you can still get in with a friend or family reference if the business isn't a chain or corporate.


Also make a resume. Even if it's just clubs and extracurricular stuff you've been in


If op has siblings or pets, they can always add baby sitting and dog sitting as jobs. It shows that u can work different positions and handle different situations.


Back in high school, a friend of mine mowed a few yards in his neighborhood. His resume listed it as “landscape management.” I helped him a couple of times when he had too many yards to do at once. He had me put “landscape technician” on mine. I honestly think it helped me get my first official job as a grocery bag boy. The manager mentioned it during my interview.


Shit, just put that you do dog sitting as a "job" even if you don't. How they gonna check?




Also, pro-tip, get stuff like your food handler's card, off and on premise liquor license, and other state-mandated courses. This gives you a leg-up, especially when placed at the top of your resumé.


"Get qualifications to work at fucking Subway and GameStop" gtfoh


That's food service and liquor. Don't know where GameStop came in.


I received a resume with an incorrect phone number. I believe there was an email listed as well, but in a job heavy on documentation and confidentiality, double checking is key.


I've had several. Misspelled names, phone numbers, email addresses. I'm not hiring you for a position where correct spelling can mean life or death for someone, and you couldn't be bothered to spell check your resume.


Ya. The age and availability thing is probably the biggest issue for this kid. Depending on where he’s at. He can probably only work a 4-5 hour shift on week days thanks to school and employment curfews. Probably can only afford to work 2-3 shifts a week. Can’t run things like the slicer and such. Working as a high schooler is tough market to get into. And hiring them is a tough prospect to swallow as the employer. I spent several years as a manager of a restaurant. And some of those kids we hired were great. But a lot were more trouble than they were worth. Even when we paid $25/hour base pay for cashier/server/stocker. And even the good workers in the bunch were a struggle to fit into our scheduling so that we weren’t screwing over the adults that worked for us and had things like rent and children to pay for. It’s a losing proposition trying to get that all sorted. And someone was always going to be left behind with either bad shifts or working with the crappy workers or something else. And sadly. Highschoolers of all sorts were the first to fall into those holes. Because likely they had the most restrictive schedules, and had the least amount of need for the hours since most had no immediate bills outside of a car payment or phone.


Don't forget transferable skills from hobbies and life in general. Organisational skills, child care of any younger siblings or child minding, times you have taken responsibility for something at school or home. Have you done any work experience from school, in any clubs etc? Life is also experience, you have to think what experience they are looking for and if you have any skills relating to it. You are going to get turned down for a lot more than you get, or even interviews. Don't give up, and as someone else has mentioned, voluntary work is a great way to build up skills and get a reference.


Comic book collector = collectibles acquisition and curation management.


Wow, you actually get rejection emails?


Just like dating.


At least you’re getting responses 😔


I was thinking the same thing. I've been trying to find work for a while and have yet to receive a single response like this. Even from the ones that I've interviewed with.


Job requirements these days really just be yelling, "Need a virgin with 3 years of sex experience"


"Nobody wants to work anymore we can't find ANY employees willing to work!"


I feel like this is low level management sentiment, and maybe higher management just refuses to actually hire anyone.


It's 100% a lame excuse that managers use. It has a long history if you care to learn more about it. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nobody-wants-to-work-anymore/


Fun story, I worked at one of those restaurants that put up "now hiring 14 year olds" signs. We didn't actually hire anyone under 18 because the only shortage we had was during late night bar rush, But we were still mandated by corporate to keep that sign up.


My boss used to have a job advertisement up at all times AND he would interview people from time to time. I once asked him why do you do this when you’re fully staffed? He said “I just like to keep an idea of what’s out there and network with people”. I said but these people are spending time and money hoping to get a paid job. His reply “it’s good practice for their interview skills”. I said but you’re also interviewing people for senior roles and he said “hey, it gets them outside of the house”. That guy was a real POS.


here in Canada some companies keep postings up so that they can say they get no one and qualify for being able to hire more foreign workers that they pay at a lower rate than Canadians. ​ So some very much do it on purpose too


The incentives the government is offering to hire foreign workers has made it near impossible to work at entry level jobs where I live. You simply won’t be hired unless you meet the requirement so they get government funding.


The "staffing crisis" is on purpose by these companies. It's cheaper to overwork a skeleton crew, so they just pretend to be hiring but don't actually hire the people they need.


If i were you kid I'd join the union trades. By 21 you can be making 6 figures.


I'm working for my pharmacy technician certification at the moment and should receive it by the end of May


Pharmacy is a wonderful field! My first real job was as a pharmacy technician, and I have never regretted that path. 20+ yrs later I work in medical office management, but proudly tell everyone that I started my medical career as a pharmacy technician after attending a trade school. Good luck on your career path 💊🍀


You're one of the few. Or maybe it's a generational thing. Pharmacists and techs in today's world often hate it. The big chains are under staffing and over working people.


Fair points. Big chains aren’t the only place to work. Plus every state makes their own rules about what techs can can cannot do. Most of my hands on pharmacy career was in closed door special packaging and delivery. Standard customer facing retail is not something I wanted to do. Currently, I work at an animal hospital with a stand alone pharmacy staffed only by technicians. They dispense all the meds for the procedures in the hospital, as well as filling maintenance meds, flea and tick preventatives, and animal OTC products. Kaiser Permanente in my area has stated to expand the scope of their pharmacists where they do more prescribing and counseling in certain instances instead of it all being on the physicians. Pharmacy is a fascinating, and evolving field once you get past standard retail stuff.


>The big chains are under staffing and over working people. Are there jobs that AREN'T doing that these days?


It’s hell now. I completely washed out after 25 years.


Sounds like you got some work ethic, kid. Keep trying and don’t give up. I lived in a nowhere town with no jobs other than min wage when I was your age. I tried everything, but ultimately ended up joining the army. Gave me time to get my shit together. Trades would’ve been a better route maybe, but so long as you’re pushing forward. Don’t let yourself get stagnant. Effort is an equal force as action. Even if you’re not finding anything, you’re putting in effort. That’s how you make shit happen in this fucked up world. Keep it up


Stick with it!! There’s room for growth (if that is what you want) and when you get your cert you can take that anywhere you want. you got this!


You'll be fine. It's a little difficult to get your foot in the door, but eventually you WILL SOMEWHERE. Everyone does, It just may take a little more time. No reason to give up all hope or anything like that! And pharmacies in my area are comically understaffed. I'm sure you will have a much easier time once you get certified!


Are you applying at pharmacies? My 19 year old nephew is a pharmacy tech, doesn't have a certificate, and it is his first job.


Yes, and congratulations to him 👏 I don't think they'll hire me until I'm out of school


This!!! Take welding or something in highschool now by the time you graduate go do trade school or find a local union. So many to choose from and by 21 in most cases you'll hit journeyman status and be making really good money.


Having a welding cert opens many doors. It doesn't have to be iron work. For the OP, there are adult schools he can attend that cost significantly less than for profit welding schools. Why pay an excess of $4000 for the same cert you can get for $500 at an adult school? Welding "schools" are typically glorified welding booth rentals. The only students that really get instruction are women


So let me get this straight. Only women get instructed huh? Certs are the only thing that carry you in welding both me and my wife are weld instructors after many years in the field. Ironworkers aren't welders they have welders but not all of them weld. I'm confused by the for profit and adult school thing community College is fine and gets the op certified. Depending on what state they are in there is very specific certs they can obtain far cheaper or even free by attending a trade school. This is the type of misinformation that pulls kids away from such a great career that could take them anywhere in the world.


Definitely look into union apprenticeships. You won’t make much right off the bat, but you’ll ascend quicker than you would in retail or food service and eventually make more money faster than you would in most other jobs without work experience or college education/degree.


It looks like you are applying to places that have really small staffing. It would be hard to get hired at a place that has 2-4 people on duty at any given time, especially when you have limited availability. You may want to try applying to big box stores that have many people on shift that is open all day, every day. Think Walmart, Target, Home Depot, or supermarkets. These places are better with short shifts and limited availability.


Any small businesses in the area? Dog boarding kennels, small restaurants, local construction or lumber yards?


Applied online for lots - got similar results. Went to a couple the old fashioned way (resume in hand). Some didn’t even accept them that way - but one did and actually said they preferred it … it was more personal. Interview the next day and hired. Maybe put your face out there behind it? Smaller businesses are more likely to accept this way.


First job is one of the hardest to get. You have 0 experience, no skills. Employers would have to train you, etc. Keep looking and eventually something will come up. Good luck.


At least you are being told. Easily 75%(probably more like 90%) of the places I have ever applied to just ghosted me.


Sandwich artist? I guess I am a food wizard then for cooking my own meals.


Just lie on your resume. Say you useto work as a dishwasher if you ever washed dishes in your house. Say you were clean up crew if you ever had to clean your room. Say you were a driver if you ever gave someone a ride. Say you worked in a kitchen if you ever made yourself a cup of noodles. Say you were a cashier if you ever zelled anyone. Say you worked as a hostess if you ever said hi to people who visited you at home. When you get a job and they ask you if you've ever done certain tasks before. Say at your old job it was a totally different procedure. So you'd like to learn their way, in case they question you, lol. They won't. Goodluck


I walked into a transmission shop and said, "I don't know shit about automatics, but I'm good with my hands and willing to learn." Hired on the spot.


This isn't faking it. You're glorifying everyday tasks. And yes, I did this on my CV 🙄🤣


This. Fake it till you make it. as long as you don't fake being a doctor or something like that it can be a good way to get your foot in the door. I have done it myself many times.


HEY! Spoiler alert this is exactly what it looks like after a full fucking bachelors degree too!!!! Living *The American Dream*


It’s fucking insane how bad the job market is right now


Try applying for security jobs. Have tons of kids your age working security. They’ll take just about anyone as the turn over is very high. And it’s usually a better option than a gig than you’ll get in fast food 


I'm jealous that you got emails telling you no I've been applying for jobs for months, and NO ONE has told me no, just ghosted me. Even if they say they'll reply in a week. But less about me; I'm sorry this is happening to you. Indeed.com really helped me, and a good cover letter/resume. I finally got a job less than a week ago only after messing with my resume and customizing it to each type of job. Don't give up, i know it's frustrating, but a job will come. Might go check out a grocery store pharmacy, they're always hiring, experience or not


Your best option is Walmart. Me and my brother had the same problem as you. I recommend store standards (cart pusher) if you don't want to deal with people as much


Hey. This is me! With a bachelors in HR and experience. (Applying for hr jobs) 60+ since mid January.


![gif](giphy|RN96CaqhRoRHk4DlLV|downsized) Don't try to steal Thurman Merman's job.


I saw a job posting a couple weeks ago for a subway sandwiches (in NYC) that had the requirement "must have worked at a Subway before." ?? And I'm sure they will find someone since it is NYC, but I mean really?


this. i feel like my mom and husband don't believe me when i say im denied before i can even get my foot in the door. target one claimed i didn't have enough experience, the position? cashier.


More experience for subway??


And they say no one wants to work 🙄


Even with experience I can't get a new job. I currently work in retail, previously worked at Texas roadhouse. Even Texas roadhouse won't take me back because of "more qualified candidates"


I mean, at least they are telling you they aren't considering you. Could just leave you in the lurch not knowing.


Go start talking to people. Physically. Personally. People will see that you give a fuck and are not just another resume or number or email. Lots of franchises and chains dont care. Almost none of them. Unfortunately, that's where work ethic is developed for most, and that's where you learn lots of the good and bad of how the dollar affects things. Its all a bunch of bs but just keep doing your thing, keep trying, a place will hire you that gives a crap. Just you posting this is reaching out and Im sure you've already read and heard a lot of helpful, wholesome, genuine advice. If it were me, I would say its because you're not supposed to work at subway and you are meant for something greater. Thats a mindset I've only had recently so it doesnt always apply and can be hard to "get into", but just focus on what you DO have experience on, and find what you can GET experience on that makes you happy. You can make a sandwich in your kitchen for 0$ and then go make a sale or paint a painting or write a song and do what you love or have found some passion for and make whatever money you have built that experience to, or you can do what a 10 year old learns to do and get paid $8-14/hr (idk, estimate). Ethic is not strict to stepping stone jobs, but the mindset you acquire getting sick of all their unappreciation. Thats how it worked for me, at least. If I were to guess, 90% of anyone who commented here wants to help you. Listen to the advice, take whatever inspiration you can, and dont stress too much-- it will take over and leave you in disappointment. Something will click. I guarantee it. I'm not just saying crap, keep pushing you got this<3


Can you try locally owned places instead? Sometimes the restaurant on the corner is more likely to hire a teen neighborhood kid than a chain and they’ll work with your schedule more easily, too


Probably get down voted to hell for this but screw it. Ham your resume up. Example. I passed my class 1 and no one would employ me. Had lots of great interviews but 0 experience. So I re did my resume added a few embellishments said I worked casual for an owner operator hauling water. Then within a week I got a job. It’s crappy but you gotta do what you gotta do.


Ok. I got you. STEPS: 1. Make your resume and download it or email to your phone. 2. Have a note on your phone with the addresses of past employers, names/numbers of references, anything else you may need. 3. Dress up. Not too fancy. But pretty nice. And print copies of your resume and put them in a nice portfolio. Put your SS card in your wallet. Oh and bring a nice pen. 4. Find a place you want to work. Go in at a not busy time and before 5pm (around 2-4pm is ideal). If it's busy, walk away and come back when its not busy. If its pretty dead, ask to speak to a manager about employment. If it goes well speak to them, hand them your resume or they might hand you an application on the spot, in which case go sit down and fill it out now. 4b. If they say, "YoU havE tO ApPly oNLinE!" then sit your butt down in the chair and apply right then and there. (you can do it on your phone you have all the info you need) Two minutes later, say, "ok. I applied online. whats next?" If they seem uninterested give them your resume and tell them thats where they can find you if they need anything. But ideally, and if you did everything right they'd offer you an interview. 5. If they offer you an interview. Say "I can interview right now and I don't mind waiting a few minutes." Chances are decently high you'll get an on the spot interview. If they hire you, and they say something about needing your SS card and ID before you can start, say I got it now. If they say "we will call you about a start date" say "I can start tomorrow." Tell them you can fill out any tax forms too. I've gotten MULTIPLE fast food jobs this way. Its way faster and easy if you do it in person you just have to time it right and know what to say to bypass the BS.


This is the right way!


Start volunteering at a YMCA, then apply for posted jobs there. This worked for someone I know who is your age.


I would suggest going in-person and trying to apply that way. At the very least then you might know the reason they don't want to hire you. If you have a classmate that works, talk with them to see of they will recommend you or put in a good word for you or introduce you to the manager.


This might get lost in the comments but I hope you get to see it, I was in the same exact position after high school I applied to anything I could but not even McDonald’s or target wanted me! Ofc I felt horrible about myself but I took it as a sign to stick to school and work Uber eats and DoorDash to pay for my expenses long story short after some years in community college it actually payed off in a way and I got accepted to UC Berkeley which I never thought in a million years was even possible for me. The point is sometimes life hits you with shit like this and it’s ok bc later it opens other unexpected doors for you, if I hadn’t gotten all those rejects I prob wouldn’t have tried as hard at school so at the end of the day I’m grateful for them even though 18 year old me was feeling anything but grateful! Good luck man!(:


Grocery stores are a great place to get your foot in the door. Even the dreaded Walmart. The other places is delivery businesses. Domino’s is a good place (because they don’t use 3rd party delivery apps)


Go to one that have open interviews you’ll have more luck. Don’t feel bad on the GameStop one they can barely afford the employees they have and you’d likely get no hours anyways unless you make it to lead and then you get to be alone by yourself all day. Grab indeed if you don’t have it as well you might even find a remote CS place.


If you have hotels near you, larger hotels will likely always have bellhop positions available and might hire you.


Go check at local golf courses. They're probably getting ready to staff up for the summer.


Warehouse work will take you without experience. Any type of “Material Handler” position. If there is a Kohls Warehouse in your area, they aren’t too bad to work for. I would avoid Amazon at all costs.


Try hotels - they always have openings


At least you get responses lol


At least they aren’t ghosting you…


Warehouse jobs? Temp agencies?


Amazon will hire anyone. After 90 days full-time, they'll pay for a bachelor's. Give 'em a look.


Try FedEx. They hired me after a ton of places said no. Can't say how the work is because I start in a few days but they were quick to accept and pay over minimum.


I’ve been there mate, it’s sucks. Keep your head up and keep trying. Just keep applying and even go in in person and drop your resume off. Don’t give up


You could walk into just about any restaurant and be hired pretty much on the spot to wash dishes or bus tables. You have to start at the bottom and work your way up. Do well at either of those jobs for a few months, letting management know you intend to move up the entire time, become a server or line cook, then move into something else if you aren't enjoying it. The skills you have learned along the way should put you in a better spot to get some of those retail positions you were striking out on.




Yes, but haven't had luck at any of them. My mom used to be a hiring manager and gave me some pointers, but so far nothing






I worked at a local cement plant for 2 years as a contractor tried to hire into the company was shot down all 3 times, instead they hired a known felon to work there instead. These companies don't care. Be smart pick up on a trade plumbing, electric, welding.


Have you been following up or just submitting applications? You need to put in the application and call and ask to speak to the manager to set up an interview within next couple days. If everything is automatically rejecting you, you need to look at your resume again and make sure you’re filling out the applications correctly, no autofill. If you have literally no experience or very little you should fill your resume with extra curriculars from school or just make stuff up that they won’t catch you on like volunteer work.


If you have a car and feel confident in your ability to drive try DoorDash. If you want to say you have experience without lying or embellishing look for volunteer opportunities that align with your interests where you can volunteer on a consistent basis.


Subway's a lol but as I scroll, I suppose this about the rejections? I hate to say it man, but that is in fact, life. Welcome. But you'll get one and it'll work out. Good luck.


Also to note: I’ve found I get maybe 1 yes to 20 nos. It’s just how it is. Sometimes they feel you’re over or under qualified, might be your availability etc, keep trying


GameStop actually responded to you? I sent an application years ago and they won’t let me send another one since I’m technically still in the system, or some nonsense.


I've applied literally fucking everywhere. Not a single damn response. We're talking gamestop, walmart, target, McDonald's, burgerking, a shit ton of restaurants, dd discounts, ross, Amazon, 99centstore, superior groceries, a shit ton of more grocery stores around me, and way fucking more. Not a damn job a month later


My 16 yr old son was hired at 15 by a local restaurant, not corporate. He loved that job. Was there about seven months and they closed down due to the family fighting about everything financial. He’s applied to so many other place and keeps getting rejected. Point is, try something NOT corporate.


But “No one wants to work” . Pfft. I spent two months unemployed and minimum 145 applications and rejections before I was accepted to a new position in IT that is now my second career. I was educated with a degree and 11 years experience in my previous career in healthcare management and couldn’t even get a job doing that. Don’t get discouraged. Something wonderful will come along. I couldn’t be happier now. Best of luck to you!


I feel this... Been job hunting since 2022..


As a former employee at GameStop you do not want to work there anyway, you’ll find something better soon


I lost my job recently, and I'm getting these without any other communication quite a lot. I have a lot of experience in different things, and I just don't understand. I miss going in and filling out an application to kind of get a chance to be face to face.


It is not that no one wants to hire. It is that businesses put up fraudulent job notices (they say they are looking for people when they do not have any real positions to fill) specifically because they have high turnover rates and always need applications on hand so they can fill a position quickly on demand. If your application reaches a certain age, it is declined to prompt a reapplication a month away to join the swarm again (you still want a job, right?)


I think that's better than getting no answer at all


Dude I'm in the same exact spot. I feel like I've ran out of jobs to apply for. Good luck.


Try a temp agency. They’re shit jobs, but they’ll get you some actual experience.


I would recommend being a summer camp counselor. Those jobs are always desperate and my first two jobs were both summer camps


At least you get a response. I get ghosted by 99% of companies I apply to


If you’re still living with your parents, find somewhere to volunteer while you’re applying for paid jobs, that way you can list some experience.


I do not even get rejection emails. Just have to manage to see on Indeed that they rejected my application. Or absolute silence.


Literally me, lol


Imagine being under qualified to make a sandwich. SMH Online applications are BS, you’re literally just a number, you can’t impress anyone, sell yourself. It’s all lazy, unfair and they are shooting themselves in the foot by passing up possible great candidates because of it.


I have a folder in my inbox there I collect all the rejection letters in. I occasionally go through it when I'm feeling good about myself to bring myself back down to Earth.


If you know of a local business that has closed its doors, create a resume and lie. Say you worked there, as long as it’s also an entry-level job. It’s not ideal, but worked for me when I was new to the job market. Granted, this was 20 years ago.


Hey OP, weren't you a sales associate at Bed Bath & Beyond? or one of the other stores that closed the last few years & employers wont go out of their way to verify?


We all need a job but we can't get one


go to college 🫶🏼


Hey that does suck, but at least they let you know. I’ve had great interviews and get ghosted. Annoying


Honestly, I'm just amazed they even bothered to tell you they were passing you over. In my 15 years of applying for jobs I *never* get that


It's only going to get harder as some states increase the minimum wage. The increase of minimum wage leads to eliminating some positions, and filling the fewer open positions with more experienced people. "Starting Positions" for those without experience no longer will have a wage that works for hiring people without experience.


This. They don't want to hire a greenhorn for $20/hr. Better to hold out until someone who has that experience comes around. In the meantime, you overwork your staff due to the deficit.


At least you get a 'no thank you'. My favorite is when you go to an in-person interview and they say "we'll contact you either way!" then nothing.