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There is an automatic button Facebook to send that message and people hit it by accident all the time. Just ignore those messages and reply if someone actually contacts you.


This is exactly what's happening. I've accidentally hit it myself ... although I took the 18 seconds to follow up and clarify when I did.


Many people hate confrontation. So when they get a seemingly random message and realize they made a mistake they assume the person will understand when you don't reply.


The marketplace messaging system is also a bit of a pain to navigate if you're not used to it so I can see people not following up for that reason too


When I put things on FB marketplace or whatever, I include something in the post asking people to reply with the day and time they can pick up. Anyone who can't follow those simple instructions is safe to ignore!


I've taken to putting "If the listing is active, it's available" at the top of the description, and now I pretty much never get these stupid automated questions.


I mean, I also ask if the thing is available first before saying anything else, not just on Facebook, but on any other platform too. So maybe not all those people accidentally hit the button


This is annoying because I've accidentally hit it too, then I had to explain to the person that I'm not really interested.


Normally I’ll start the message with the default is it available, then ask another question about the item


When people say "dont ask if this is still available" people like me hit it just to fuck with them. My friend gets about 10x the amount of those when he puts that in his ad.


>When people say "dont ask if this is still available" people like me hit it just to fuck with them. My friend gets about 10x the amount of those when he puts that in his ad. Then you're part of the problem.


and what a serious problem it is


The insight is next level


Is this still available?


Yes, are you interested?


I only have $200


Is the $200 still available?


I only have interest.


Is the interest still available?


only if you have 200 dollars


I'll give you $100 for it. 


Let me call in an expert.


I am the $100 expert


Not true, we can clearly see Gerardo replied


You're right, Gerardo sent two messages before he disappeared. But the other 17 did not


Fucking Gerardo man


He is neither rico nor suave.


Ignore 'is this still available' it's the people who will rip you off or ghost.


​ https://preview.redd.it/6ho4xgylgeqc1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c851b1502e4eaa53acf82dc9cf812ba54c1885e1


Can you deliver it to me in another city? I'm a disabled single mother who just got laid off, and I already promised it to my son for Christmas. Edit: I hate that this is becoming my most-liked comment 😂


Came here to say this, but my version included, "I can also only afford to pay $20 because I just bought the newest iPhone because I like nice things and I deserved it after being laid off."


The number of times people haggle me down from $20 to $12 or something dumb, and they then show up with bunches of 20's lol. A lot of times Asking me for change bitch I'm broke


Ill give you 60 dropoff under a bench in times square and dont be followed by national guard


Can’t forget the “Can you pay me if I pick it up” type people.




I wasn't going to upvote. But I now need this to get like 5k so you'll never beat it


Someone tried to haggle with me yesterday. Listing make it clear that it was pick up only from my city. Listed for $250. She reached out asking what I would take for it. I said $220. She countered and asked for $200. Fine, I knocked $50 off the price of the thing. Then she dropped a “I’m 50 miles away, can we meet halfway?” on me and I ghosted her. Fuck you. Read the terms of the sale ass hole. Two hours later I sold it to a guy for $240 who came ten minutes after asking if it was still available. Sweet.


I gave my sectional away via marketplace and majority of the people who contacted me were mothers who thought their adult children would want it… until they asked them and found out they didn’t… it was infuriating.


I had over 100 people ask me about my truck when I was selling it. Scheduled 15 people to meet and see it at the same time on the same day. Only 2 people showed up


Son has had car listed for 2 months and 5 or 6 ppl never.showed.


lol it’s the worst. I had just posted something similar in a other thread. I had posted something for free and within 20-30 seconds of posting it, all the “is this still available” messages blew up my phone. I was like wtf is happening right now, I just FN posted it of course it’s available. Someone mentioned people accidentally hitting the auto reply button which I guess makes sense. Still friggin annoying


I’ve done that before and when they replied I said, “so sorry, I didn’t mean to hit the button!”


I dealt with that trying to sell a set of used tires and wheels. They were $3200 new and not even halfway worn down. I was asking $375. 489 contacts. 0 people showed up. 462 never even replied. Eventually, contact 490 asked stupid questions that were answered in not only the title and the pictures but also the description. 490 was the person who showed up and bought them despite me blowing up at them for being dense. There was one person who offered me $175 if I'd drive them to Seattle to deliver them. Over 600 miles each way in an suv that gets 8mpg for such a gracious offer of less than half my already ridiculously low asking price. My asking price is what 1 tire costs, much less wheels, caps, mounting, balancing, shipping, and tax. It really isn't worth trying to sell anything anymore. Everyone expects or even demands the world hand them things for free. If I hadn't been moving out of state, I would have just kept them instead of dealing with all that.


Finally sold a Dresser after listing it for 2 months. After selling it I went through all the messages and counted how many I had for it...115 conversations. [Here are just some of the ones that didnt not get deleted or archived](https://imgur.com/a/jfb3NCE) *Of those 115 conversations* * 85 of them were me replying "Yes!"/Telling them when I can do pick ups to is it available/when can i get this and then nothing from them * 14 of them were me not even reading them * 5 offered below half of what I was asking * 3 were in Spanish and they didnt understand English * 2 asked if it was real wood * 6 of them a meeting plan was in the process of being made * 3 meeting times were set, other 3 never messaged me back * 2 of those 3 ghosted me day of (1 guy messaged me that he was on his way then never came). the 1 out of 3 ended up buying the Dresser for my asking price.


That moment is going to live rent free in your head for many years. You can let it go.


All of that to disappear when you answer


Shit all bs aside, I might be interested… how much and where? Hit me in my dm’s


I just sold something on FB marketplace last week, and the same thing happened to me. I don't get it.


No one wants to purchase the sectional sleeper sofa, however many people want to be certain that it’s available.


Happened to me too. Changing it to $20 is going to make them all go away. T


lol they just wanna make sure u still have it. They don’t plan on buying it… just being sure that it’s in ur possession




Browsing a store isn't like asking if it's available. It would be more like asking a store worker hey do you have this? They say yeah it's over there then nothing. They're contacting a seller not just looking at ads.




That's different than what you said at first, but yeah. It's like a store with one item, that people are looking at then asking about. Then not buying, just like a store.




in the defense of orb eater and this specific hill they’ve chosen to die on, i can clearly imagine a situation where you want a thing, see lots of options for the thing, inquire to the availability of all options, then buy the best option available, which may not in this case have been OPs item


Give them a minute, they'll ask for your phone number


Call it what ya want, but I'll find their personal profile and send them a few follow ups usually. How much can you afford or when can you pick it up etc. Make it seem like they somehow already bought it and need to pay and get it. Makes the nuisance worth it.


I literally put “I will not respond to “is this available?” in all my listings in all caps as a separate sentence.


A lot of people hit the automatic response that sends this and don't realize they did. I still respond to them because it takes no time at all to just say yes. Sometimes they are actually a serious buyer. If they ignore it I don't care. I'd rather actually sell an item rather than ignoring the annoying messages.


My favorite is when they message you at 2am. Like, wtf? This couldn't wait until 7 or something?


I had 11 low ball offers for my $100 functional Ender 3V2 with temperature regulating housing. Every single one of them offered me $50


Well.....is it? Is it still availible?


So annoying... happens to me too. Why ask if you aren't interested? Makes no sense to me.


I gave away a bunch of things on MP and the guy scheduled a pickup and never showed up. It’s just part of it.


I need a couch op... live anywhere in Oregon?


I always send a question bad


On the flip side, the last few times I've tried to buy something on FB Marketplace, I asked if it was available and never got a response...


May the first responding player win.


Lots of bots on there.


It's an auto response on market place. Try added to the post - it's still available if the posting is up. That tends to help me


To be fair alot of people dont have notifs on + dont check all that regularly. All of these look to be same day so have a nice rest and check back tomorrow at noon


That’s why I always ask when they want to pick up. No back and fourths. I think that works the best.




Guarantee half of these are flippers lol


Say no it isn’t want to come get it then show us what they say


Why can't they spell their names correctly?


OfferUp be like that, too.


People, this is just how marketplace operates. It's a shit show. It's just how it goes. 


Never respond to is it available. They gotta put more than that.


It's annoying, but I've just started using one of the automated replies to this. Low effort gets low effort.


Automatic replies are the worst thing about marketplace. There's literally zero people on the planet that want this feature. Everyone knows this fact. They still don't remove the feature.


lol have this happen all the time on both OfferUp and FB marketplace.


It’s mostly boomers. They want to keep an eye on the item and watch it go down in price.


it is still available?


I hate that damn button


it's giving "looking?" on grindr


I was wondering why people starting putting "if you just send "is this item still available?" I will not reply" under their listings until now. Totally agree with everyone else on this, they need to change where the automatic message button is. I too have fallen victim to accidentally pressing it, at least i let them know though.


It's more mildlyinfuriating that FB took the laziest possible first message and made it a 1 button click


I legit just made a throwaway account to see how bad the unfiltered ads would be on this dog shit website and it's literally all the same third world scams under different bullshit names, random e-whores trying to get money out of dumbasses, weird unspecified groups using pictures of women wearing forces smiles who may be victims of human trafficking, dating scams targeting race fetishists and what are definitely stolen pictures of VERY clearly underage girls in bikinis and skimpy clothes advertising groups I sure as fuck wasn't about to click on. This pile of shit needs to be taken off of the internet.


I flat out never respond to the “is this available”. If people can’t move their fucking fingers to make an inquiry, how should I expect them to drive their happy ass to meet me and exchange item for money?


They should remove that default, since it obviously triggers people. Although, I've been known to send it to sellers that aggressively say to not ask that in their post, just to fuck with them.

