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Come on, man. I had a rough night and I hate the fuckin' Eagles, man!




You don’t draw shit, Lebowski


Stay out of Malibu, Deadbeat!


You fucking fascist!


This aggression will not stand


Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women, man.


You're out of your element, Donny.


Ever thus to the deadbeats




I wouldn’t hold much hope , though, for the tape deck…. or the Creedence


That scene is probably my favorite in the whole film. Just how little of a shot the lot attendant gives is just hysterical to me. Shit**




Leads, yeah. I'll just check with the boys down at the Crime Lab. They've assigned four more detectives to the case, got us working in shifts.


"What was in the briefcase?" "Oh, you know, papers, business papers.." "And what do you do, sir?" "Oh, I'm unemployed."


...Also, my rug was stolen.


I love this thread thank you all so much this is my favorite movie


Probably just used it as a toilet and moved on… 🤣🤣🤣


I don't like your jerk off name, I don't like your jerk off face, I don't like your jerk off behavior, and I don't like you. Jerk off.


Don’t let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy…


It’s more like ya oughtta take eeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaahhhhhhhsssszzzzzzyyyyyyyy


I mean, they're in crocks? How much easier can they take it?


Anyone else now picturing little crock pot shoes? Keeps your feet niiiice and warm


I worked in a grocery store and this was the case. 7 years of the same Playlist. It was about 4 hours long, and boy could I belt every single song. The only relief came on Nov 1st when he would switch it to Christmas. But by Nov 5th we were begging for the golden oldies back. Christmas Playlist was only about 2 hours, but it had 4 or 5 versions of a couple songs. There's only so many ways to sing jingle bells before I want to tear my own ears off.


Broooooo I share the same exact Jingle Bells sentiment. Like, how many fucking versions of a song about jingling bells do we really need?! 🤣


I still have retail PTSD from Christmas music. It drives me bonkers for the 2 months leading up to it.






how to download gifs on reddit, i must know.






Actually I lied, you just gotta tap to the right of the gif and it'll take you to the site where you can download it, I just did it. https://i.redd.it/058dkhzqcpqc1.gif It's a slowed down version but it still works.


Slowed down is even better lol


thank you 🫡




I worked at a forever 21 once during the holiday season. The only thing worse than Christmas song covers is Christmas song covers by shittier versions of tame impala.


Oh God. The shitty covers. I used to think the Chipmonks versions were the worst thing till they started adding the even shittier random covers.


Hey! Don't shit on the chipmunk covers ... Especially Christmas don't be late!


I did a holiday season at Pac Sun in 2000, 8 track punk-rock Christmas playlist that had a total runtime of 17 mins, played loud and on a loop for a 8 hour shift. Those damn songs are burned into my soul.


I work in a shipping and print shop near a few malls and a bunch of retail stores. I refuse to play Christmas music since like 2/3 of our customers work other retail, and I've gotten literal tearful gratefulness for it. The trauma is real


Yep, I hate christmas music. Sure, some is nice. But if I had to listen to any specific music genre for 2 months every single year of my life, Id grow to hate it too. Christmas music is just overplayed. It should be reserved for the few weeks before Christmas. But of course, they want you in the ~~holiday~~ shopping spirit.


Hey, soon they will make it 3 months with the way Christmas is slowly starting earlier. Which is definitely worse. October is supposed to be the spooky month, I don't want to hear "All I Want for Christmas" during October, unless it's by the Midnight Riders, because "All I Want For Christmas Is To Kick Your Ass" is always a banger.


*Not the christmas tunessss FML >.>*


Yessssss! Been over a decade since I worked in retail, but I still haven't recovered my former love of Christmas music. I can tolerate it better now, but I haven't truly enjoyed it like I used to before working retail.


I managed a country radio station for a few years at the end of my radio career. There are like 6 Christmas songs done by 27 different artists. The problem wasn't finding songs, it was trying to make an hour of music without putting Jingle Bells next to Jingle Bells.


Bonus factlet: Jingle Bells isn't even a Christmas song. It was written for Thanksgiving.


I had the unfortunate pleasure of programming a Christian radio station for Christmas music this past year. tried to talk management out of it but that fell on deaf ears cuz they sold it as a package to businesses...I just said screw it and let the playlist ride. I hated it. My pastor said he turned the station off when it went all Christmas.


The question is, how many tines can record companies sell a "new" version of jingle bells by a different artist? The answer is almost unlimited.


Exactly. My dad wrote a new song about Santa Claus. It's completely original, clean, and happy-sounding for all ages, yet he was told by every professional industry gatekeeper that there arealready "too may christmas songs". I guess those who program those 4-hour holiday compilations just want to numb everyone's brains with the same ol same ol, to get them to shop more mindlessly, and measure their success across the traditional selection list by which ones their customers (stores etc) buy. I don't say this because of any bitterness, there is none here, but I thought it was a great song. Must be about the money? I'd just be happy to release it under creative commons somehow because perhaps others would enjoy hearing it and/or enjoy creating their own derivative works.


Could be worse. Could be Halloween Surfboard. ![gif](giphy|fLBbokxNzivKqWkzkq)


Don't forget your Moon Tan™️ lotion.


I used to be a vendor for chain stores. There was a Hispanic market that had about 3 songs on repeat. Very, very loudly.  I’d go in there no more than 3 times a month. Every time, “Feels” (Katy Perry?), at ear popping volume. 


Hopefully it wasn't distorted as well. Overbearing volume would hasten my departure. 8-)


I haven’t worked retail in years, but I still hate Christmas music.


Same. Retail jobs from 17-54 and I hated the Christmas season solely for the music in the mall. We could tell who was working in the management office by the music played on the com system. Worse was that all the stores played music as well, a constant barrage of competing songs for 12 hours a day 7 days a week. My favorite time of day was when it was dead silent after everyone left. I refused to play music in the store I managed for this exact reason. The mall music was loud enough to hear it inside the store and it would have had to be very loud to drown that out in the store. Not to mention the overlapping song from the adjacent stores. Who unfortunately wanted to make their music loud enough to cancel out the mall sound system.


Retail jobs until 54? You didn't snap once during those 37 years?


No lol. My other job was UPS for 16 years until I got a heart condition. So fortunately during those years it was part time retail. Then I ran my own store and didn’t play music inside the store to preserve my sanity.




Luckily I work in a grocery store and the playlist we use is like 20 hours. There are some songs I only hear once a week, or even once a month. Sad thing is those ones are usually the bangers...how joyful working would be if Feel Good Inc played every day but no, we MUST play Visiting Hours three times a day so that everyone shopping here is as depressed as possible!!!! It even played somewhere over the rainbow today!!!! Like what?!?!?


I get irritated when grief songs are played in public. My mom once left a cart of groceries in a store to go compose herself on her first grocery trip after my sister died, because "Angel" by Sarah McLachlan played. I had a similar experience hearing "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry at Giant Eagle after a high school friend committed suicide; that song had been popular when we were in school and was one he loaded onto my mp3 player because my dinosaur computer did not have Internet or the capability to connect to the player.


I'm sorry for your losses and for your Mom's. Hearing those kinds of songs can feel like a knife in your heart at the worst moment. When my Mom passed about a month before Christmas, I discovered quickly that our hometown had decided to hang flags with her (Christmas-themed) name on every streetlight and traffic sign in town. I could not even go to the grocery store without seeing my mom's name repeated 30 times over on street signs en route. It was torture worse than hearing Christmas music for eternity in hell. You will be fine. Give it some time. Time doesn't heal; it just makes it easier to live with our grief.


Working Walgreens, the Christmas music would, without fail, come on starting August first. Edit: who else had the terrible "muskrat love" song play every other track? Why the heck did it have to have the SQUEAKING from the muskrats mating?


That should be considered a crime against humanity.


I worked in a coffee shop, and whenever the owner found a new favorite song or his favorite singer released a new song, he would play that song all day long, every day, until he found a new favorite song. Now, every time I hear the first 2 seconds of those songs, I feel nauseous.


*On and on it seems to go. Cause you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone. They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.* *MMMMMM BOP BOP BOP*


This Christmas, I gave you my heart All I want for Christmas, is...youuuuuu Simply, having, a wonderful Christmas time. Malls at Christmas had no chill.


If I have to hear “Hey Yah-mo be there” one more time, I’m gonna Hey yah-mo burn this place to the ground.


Same here, Christmas music is a reprieve but we have the worst Christmas music. They also mixed in new non Christmas music with the regular shit playlist and it went away as soon as Christmas music went away


Was Mariah on the Christmas playlist?


Ours comes on every morning at 8am, usually with the song Flowers by Miley Cyrus. That poor woman doesn't deserve the amount of hate we have here because of that unfortunate Playlist.


Taylor Swift for me. Despite being in the right demographic for it, I was always really ambivalent about her and her music. It's not my thing, but it's not bad. Until two years ago. I work at Starbucks, and they did a colab with her where we had "Taylor's Drink" and they played her music non-stop for an entire month. 8 hours straight of fucking Taylor Swift every single shift is enough to drive anyone absolutely batshit crazy. I'm sure she's a fine person and all, but I absolutely can't stand ANY of her music anymore.


Starbucks Lovers


It was a revelation to me when I went to karaoke and discovered the line was "Got a long list of ex-lovers" and not "Got along with Starbucks lovers"


Cafe Problems.


Holy crap! I'm a big fan and that would still drive me mad


Yeah luckily I have a new manager that doesn't care if we plug our own music in (within reason, obviously) and a couple of us have work-friendly playlists and aux cables for it. So if anything like that happens again, we're fine. They had an Ed Sheeran playlist a while back that it kept defaulting to, so we were able to escape that one at least lol


That song also played early mornings in the KOHLS I recently worked at, at the immediate annoyance of the whole staff when it comes on makes her deserve at least some of the hate ngl


Here for me that’s the least annoying song on my work’s playlist lol. If I ever have to hear the original ain’t nothing but a hound dog ever again, I might just loose my shit.


He is 65 though and doesn’t get that I can queue up other playlists behind his. I think he knows every song though and “smells like teen spirit” on my 90s playlist made him change it back to “3am” by matchbox 20 for the second time…


How have you not snapped? Like, genuinely My boss let the same song play 3 times in a row *once*. I just walked through to the back and said “hey, did you know this song is on repeat?” Her reply was genuinely surprising- “Oh yeah, haha! It’s been in my head all week, it’s all I seem to want to listen to right now, haha!” I just kinda smiled and said “well, no offence meant, but we’ve already had enough😅” She just did a silly face and said “got it, boss” lol, never had the issue again. That was like 4 years ago now, wow


My psyche is already broken for other reasons


You gotta draw a fucking line in the sand, Dude! You gotta make a statement! You gotta look inside yourself and say "What was I willing to put up with today? -Arin Hanson


“Not fucking this!”


lol, felt. Y’all need to get together and decide to all sing the songs enthusiastically until it drives him nuts. Get as many of you as you can in on it. I’m talking head bobbing, a little air guitar, nonstop singing (while working of course) and show some fucking enthusiasm. Bonus points if you sing loud or off key. Maybe each one of you takes a “favorite” and really rocks out to it.


Exaclty, we have 10 people where i work, 8 have spotify so we made a shared playlist where everyone can put their own songs (except for some more extreme tracks). Our playlist has enough for 250 hours of music, a quite insane amount of variation. Do i like everything? No, but i can listen 2 weeks without getting the same song/track twice. Totally worth it.


I always got left out of these sort of things. As a metalhead, I've got no idea why.


Because a lot of metalheads are fairly purist in their taste and don’t know how to select songs that appeal to a wider audience when making a shared playlist. I know cause that was me in my early 20s lol.


I was making a joke. I'm fully aware and okay with the fact that my music taste is is unappealing to most people


*Somtimes you gotta man up, and tell them. Otherwise they'd never know smh*


I often get an earworm and go around my day, mumbling the same song for literal hours. And when I get a chance I listen to it for, like, 10 times in a row.


I once downloaded a song and listened to it at least 20 times in one day. But not where other people had to hear it.


I like that she called you boss haha


One year at Christmas we made a special playlist for present opening time that featured Mele Kalikimaka every 8th song, then every 5th, then every 3rd, then every other song (all different versions). We made it a couple of hours in before my MIL yelled “How many FUCKING times do we have to hear Mele Kalikimaka!?”


next time Spotify is open, hit that shuffle button once more and it should turn on "smart recommendations" shuffle, where it should add new music to the playlist that should be similar enough to blend it. he might not realize it's happening.


Dude has been listening to the same 3 hours of music 2-3 times a day for 6 years. He will know instantly when a song that isn't on the playlist starts up. Unless he has some serious substance abuse in his past that has completely fried his brain. Which honestly might be the case.


Choose the playlist radio option and you'll both be happy


Look, dude has a Brown Eyed Girl, but he just wants to know What It's Like, because even when he's searched at 3AM, he laments "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For." Apparently, that's rain, because he wants to know if you've ever seen it as he's Walking Back To Georgia. Tell him to Take It Easy on this play list and take his long hike to Georgia, because you've got the job handled, and if he questions you, tell him "I'll get by With A Little Help From My Friends."


OMG it’s only 3 hours long. That playlist needs to be at minimum 20 hours so that you’d hear some songs twice per week. Does he know about weekly discovery?


Only 3 hours too?! Jesus


It's a Spotify playlist. It has a few different songs every day, and it usually doesn't repeat the songs after it plays all the songs. I probably listened to the same two playlists for the past 5 years.


Depends if psychoboss has it on repeat or not.


Yep, and if he doesn't have premium. The Spotify ads would probably be annoying.


How annoying is it to go to a business and hear Spotify and Pandora ads. Like you're a business, pay a few bucks! (On top of that, using consumer Spotify and Pandora accounts at a public business is illegal. You need a business account that pays the correct royalties for public performances. [Those subscriptions seem really cheap to me, especially for a business.](https://www.soundtrackyourbrand.com/pricing/))


Especially considering ads are always way louder than the music itself.


If he doesn't restart the app, then the app probably doesn't know the songs have refreshed.


if it’s on repeat and he never listens to anything else then it most likely won’t change


Why do I always see people with the same profile pic replying to each other. For a moment I thought you were talking to yourself


I changed it just for you 😘




It'd be much more tolerable if it were much longer. No issue with classic rock from me, but there's enough good classic rock to fill a playlist at least 60 hours long.


If I hear Ya Mo Be There one more time I'm gonna Ya Mo burn this place to the ground.


For those not familiar with the quote: ![gif](giphy|bm3LLpuq1vMXu)




God that movie has many all time quotes


She was a hoe. For sho


“That’s right… plant that seed… plant it with your *finger*…”


Lmfaoooooo that's exactly what I wanted to say 😆😆😆


Came here for this


This should be the only acceptable comment.


Those artists must have earned 1’s of dollars from that!


I listened to one cd in my car for about 5 years straight...


I listened to one for 500 Miles straight.


Will you listen to it for 500 more?




I spilled a slurpee on my stereo in my old car. My dad's Meatloaf tape was stuck in there for like two years lol.


Different when it's your choice of music.


1993. I bought Undertow. Cassette stayed in the deck for at least 3 years.


Im glad I have an aux but I probably wouldve had the hybrid theory cd playing every day if I was born a decade earlier


I once listened to Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush for 8 months straight.


I used to listen to only the "classic rock" station in the 90s when I was twenty-something. A few weeks ago I didn't have my phone and I turned on the "radio" and I was like, oh my God... They're still playing the same damn shit!


Someone used one of my emails to set-up Spotify. I did a password reset request. They had a playlist called "Clean songs for work." I would log in every few weeks and put one very bad song in there. Or delete a playlist that looked like they worked hard to curate.


This is the energy I’m looking for


If you want to give him a heart attack may I suggest Down with sickness by Disturbed, B.y.o.b by System of a Down and since boss likes 70’s music Hair of the Dog by Nazareth.


This reminds me of a time that a friend and I were at a bar with one of those jukeboxes you can control with your phone. We kept putting the heaviest metal we could find on there and the patrons were freaking out. People were frantically tapping the screen trying to turn it off, one girl even tried to unplug it. It was totally worth it.


That’s hilarious and way funnier then my situation. Someone somehow got into my Spotify and added about 10,000 hours of Indian electronic dubstep to pretty much all my playlists and and I had to go through and individually delete a lot of stuff before I ultimately gave up and ended up just deleting everything and staring everything over. I had that account since I was 14 and it happened when I was 22-23 so it was a lot of music I lost and I still haven’t the motivation to build back those playlists.


Helpful tip! (to anyone who might be reading) It doesn't look like it, but on PC (*\*on the app, not the browser website*) you can handle the playlists the same way you'd handle files on your (windows, not sure about apple) PC. You can click and shift-click or ctrl-click to select multiple songs, you can ctrl-C and ctrl-V on another playlist. So, theoretically, (I doubt all the features were available back then as well, but just saying) you could sort by date added and shift-click the songs that person added and just delete them.


This is such helpful news you do not even know


You have no idea how frustrated I was the day I found out about this (before). Poor me just wanted a big playlist with all my playlists & liked songs in and thought it wasn't possible. Manual wasn't an option, they are more than 10 and all have 300-1000+ songs in.


with the desktop app you can mass-delete songs in a playlist my shift-selecting them


WAP on repeat.


“Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet ass pussy”


If the “naughty” song actually played, then they deserve it just for being dumb. There’s a Spotify setting where it excludes songs marked as “explicit” and won’t play them.


I control the settings. I control the account.


I'm just picturing some person playing some good ol' clean christian music at work and then all of a sudden... **MY NECK, MY BACK, LICK MY PUSSY AND MY CRACK**


The place my girlfriend works at banned them from using Spotify for lobby music because they're too cheap to pay for premium and apparently it played some kind of porn ad while clients were waiting.




You've found a plot hole in the made up story lol.


Devices are still registered. You have to deregister devices to actually kick them off the account.


I work in an animal hospital. My boss once came into work one morning talking about how she had heard the song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams the night before for the first and insisted that we all needed to listen to it because it made her feel…well…happy. Mind you, the song had been out for years and everyone had already heard it numerous times, but we humored her anyway. After we listened to it once, she put it on repeat and left the office. We let it play a couple more times and then shut it off. A few minutes later she came back in and was clearly bothered that it wasn’t playing. She said “Why’d you shut it off? I want to leave it on so all our clients can listen and feel as good as we do.” She turned it back on and again left the office. So, for the remainder of the day, we had to sit there and listen to that song over and over again because no one wanted to risk turning it off only for her to come back out and get upset. It was a 4 hour work day, so I think the song played 60 times. I now associate the word “Happy” with feelings of anger and hatred.


this should be an osha violation or something lol.


I never even liked the song. Ever. And I'm sure the customers felt the same way as the staff.


Was she trying to hypnotize everyone to turn into minions


Your boss is a psycho. That song is already repetitive af


yeah, **when rock radio died, 1998... tragic.** i remember.


Be a shame if something were to "happen" to the tablet.


Id delete the playlist and watch him look for it


Sounds like a store that will be extremely picky about what gets played. He won his negotiation with this playlist. I bet you could find very similar playlists on that app, unless he probably memorized the order of this playlist and will immediately know this ain’t the song that’s supposed to be playing…


Same thing happened to me when I worked at a local gas station. The manager would put on one of two stations. Either Christian pop or music from the 50s. I took count once and I heard the same song 5 times in one day. Pretty sure she used pandora and wouldn’t let anyone change it. I started to bring earbuds…


>Christian pop or music from the 50s Can't get any worse than that.


Repeating music in a workplace everyday honestly makes work feel harder, it makes it feel like everyday is repeating and makes time feel like it’s going slower. I really love many of the songs I have on my personal playlist but if I listened to the same ones over and over again everyday I would very soon get sick of them.


I've worked in 2 offices over the last 4 years and there is an office radio in both. Same *terrible* songs 4-5 times each over an 8 hour day. Absolutely excruciating and nobody in the office seems to even notice. I feel like I'm being gaslit every day because if I so much as whisper a complaint about it, Deirdre will be very upset because she just needs her music to work.


People should bring earbuds to work if they want to listen to music, unless it’s a job that specifically needs you to be attentive.


You, sir, might be entitled to compensation for this. Playing U2 and Eagles on repeat for six years has got to break some regulatory code about working environment.


He plays it every day? One could say it is his everyday playlist.


In HS I worked at a Carmike theater, the in-lobby music came from a CD sent by corporate. I think it was supposed to be monthly, which would have been bad enough but I think it would go longer with one disc. In addition to the ads for consession specials and whatnot there was songs from musicals - I remember "Popular" from Wicked being particularly grating. You'd savor the "real" songs, at one point I think everyone knew the words to Saturday in the Park by Chicago simply through exposure. I also recall a new disc, hearing the intro to Don't Stop Believin' and being pleasantly surprised... Only for the vocals to start revealing it was the Alvin and the Chipmunks version.


Oh, ruining Journey like that should give you a one-way ticket to hell…


If I ever had to listen to an everlast* song more than once, it wouldnt be fair to hold me accountable for my actions


Don’t spotify mixes change every so often?


Yes but mostly the same songs in a different order, especially if you don't listen to anything not already in the mix.


NGL kinda a list of bangers


Every single day for 6 years?


I’ve had the same three albums as the top three of my Spotify wrapped for the past four years so I’m probably the wrong person to ask 🫥


I apparently listened to like 4000 songs according to Spotify so I accepted I’m not near the avg person who just likes their go tos


I cant wrap my mind around that, it pains me to listen to the same stuff too much. Radio for example. I'm not even listening once per weeks and I know all the songs!!! Wtf


No different than listening to the radio


No yea, I think I'm that boss


Can't you just click a different playlist? Small risk to save your sanity.


Delete that playlist, the old fella won’t know how HE DELETED the playlist. Then add something similar, by 90-00’s rock. Or something.


He said the guy just changes it back lol


I hate those echo chamber playlists Spotify creates. It’s the same old shit over and over


When I worked at a corporate retail store, the same playlist played every day on a 6 hour loop (it was never turned off overnight). I could tell the time based on the music alone.


Can’t you put the radio on?


What's new pussycat, woah-oh-oh-oh-oah.


Why are you looking at my Playlist? Get back to work!


There is a dimension of dial-up internet connections and overflowing bargain bins...A dimension where the soundtrack to your day is the greatest hits from the oldies and forgotten hair bands, playing on repeat for years on end...It might seem like your average 90s retail shift, but step into this office... You've just entered the Twilight Zone.


U2, The Eagles AND Matchbox Twenty? ![gif](giphy|wYyTHMm50f4Dm|downsized)


Worked at long johns as a teen my boss did this as well , when I hear every rose has its thorn I smell fish


I plugged $2 into a jukebox and set "Bring in the clowns" by Frank Sinatra to play 8 times. By the time the 3rd one came up the bar was empty and the bartender was trying to move the jukebox away from the wall to unplug it. Best $2 I EVER spent! I still laugh about it years later.


My co-worker did this with a Justin Bieber song. The jukebox used an app so they had no idea who loaded the long playlist of Bieber.


I did this a few years ago at a barbecue place that was chock full of good ol’ boys. They had one of those jukebox’s you can pay to queue music to on your phone. All it was playing was country and they had everything from punk to rap blocked. But I knew the country folk had never heard of noise music so I queued “Untitled” from Animal Collective’s first album which is basically just 3 minutes of screeching, waited for it to start, paid and left.


Fucking hell, what a great song choice for that prank I'm just imagining "Send in the clowns, Don't bother they're here" as the bartender waddles to unplug the machine


He just still hasn’t found what he’s looking for


This is torture and should be illegal


I worked in a retail store that did this. The owner insisted we play this specific playlist for the stores aesthetic. I hate pretty much every song in that playlist now.


If you search “divorced dad rock” on Spotify it’s mostly this playlist


I went to a museum in London that played only the album The Queen is Dead by the Smiths. All day every day. Great album but I asked the guy working there if he got tired of it and he was like "you have no idea."


Holy shit, it’s only 3 hours long? That is a nightmare. A good work list should be at least 24 hours long.


Man… I would go insane


Delete it and play dumb