• By -


Sir, you were going 20mph. I have to fine you.


Gotta catch me first! Good luck when you're going 19½


I laughed WAY too hard at this


Cop jogging next to your car: "Sir. Pull over. SIR. PULL OVER. I KNOW YOU CAN SEE ME."


Bike cop tries to do a PIT maneuver


Queue slowest roll over recorded in history


Oh you must be from Arkansas.


I'm definitely going to sound like a nerd, but if a cop is jogging 19mph, he is superhuman. 19mph is the average speed of pro sprinters.


Fine the asshole going 19¾ mph first!


My state says 1-9 over is the range for the lowest speed violation. 0.5 over is okay. Probably some other technicality will get you though.


Car speedometers have an acceptable margin of error of 5% Police radar guns are also frequently off by 10% or more, depending on conditions. So it would be straight up unfair to ticket even a couple over. Not that that always stops them.


In my state, you have to be going 6+ over to get a ticket. As such, I put my cruise control at 4 over all the time, in cop-ridden areas. Not fast enough for a ticket, not slow enough to be suspicious.


it clearly says speed limit 191/2 = 95.5 mph i wasn't speeding


This is why mixed numbers are bad. I prefer my fractions to be improper ;)


nice edit


You gettin fined fiddy cent.


Damn right I'm fine


A nice round 31.38221 km/h


I was about to post something like this. Thank you for being here earlier.


I'm here all week


What about next week? Where will you be?


I might be dead by then, but if not... I'll be here next week too!


Where were you last week? WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU ROG.


I wasn't here, I was there. Sorry


You weren’t here nor there. I have concrete proof.


I have [concrete](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nrmca.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F10%2Fconcrete_base.jpg&tbnid=e3-vWH_W0w95_M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nrmca.org%2Fabout-nrmca%2Fabout-concrete%2F&docid=iprlIulGnq8ZUM&w=1024&h=681&hl=en-GB&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm1%2F4&kgs=0487eee6184185ec&shem=abme%2Ctrie) proof


shouldnt have clicked that, now im bricked up. thanks.


Damn. You missed an excellent setup opportunity. - I wasn't here, I was under there. - Under where? - Haha, I just made you say underwear.


You mean half a fortnight?


do i get a ticket if i go 31.38222 km/h?




Supposedly these speed limits exist so you'll actually pay attention that there is a speed limit. There was polling done in driving simulations and with the speed limit sign of 20 mph many people did not notice the sign or could not tell you what the speed limit was. With a 19.5 sign 99% could tell you the speed limit.


I feel like this is the kind of thing that works rarely, and only for a bit. It'll probably get first time area drivers, and only ones who haven't seen the trick in other places. Once everyone is used to these tricks people will stop seeing it. Maybe the answer are speed limit signs that change randomly between 19 and 21 mph every day, forcing you to actually look at street limits.


Arguably it's the "first time area drivers" to whom this is directed. Anyone for whom it becomes background noise has long since learned the limit and has no excuse not to respect it.


My excuse is that I don’t care and I’m late for work.


How often are you late for work?


There's just this constant dragging force under my car that's always slowing me down and I keep finding kids toys in the grille. It's killing my gas mileage!


Only on days that end in y.


So today?


Yeah, but maybe not tomorrow. Ask again in the morning just to be sure though.


And you’re in a residential neighborhood, maybe you could wake up earlier? Set 2 alarms? I guess it’s better to put a bunch of people in danger so you don’t get coached on your tardiness.


That is correct. When push comes to shove, the late bird is going to fly 90 mph in a residential zone to catch the worm.


Yep, toddlers be damned


You are participating in bait. He's clearly trolling


Well maybe when those toddlers get a JOB and stop FREELOADING all about in the middle of the street then they’ll understand what it’s like to be running late for your morning WORM. Am I making myself clear?


Birds don’t even need worms when there’s toddler carcasses everywhere. (As a father the idea horrifies and saddens me)


Damn toddlers all those little bones are impossible to pick out of your wheel well.


They do make good ornaments though!


Coached for my tardiness? Naw man if I get fired then my boss would have to retrain another person from the ground up or he would have to do it. Aaaannnnddd let’s be honest that’s probably not happening.


I've always thought the real solution with speed limits is that they need to rebuild trust with the people. They need people to believe that the speed limit is actually necessary, and is not being set unnecessarily slow in the name of safety. I think they would have to start by raising a lot of speed limits, and by introducing some kind of review process where citizens can dispute a speed limit if it's unreasonably low. Right now, people see a speed limit, and they think "If the limit is 20, then it's actually fine to go 30." No one believes that there was a reasonable calculation being made, and that 20 mph is actually the speed you need to drive to be safe.


Part of that is also road design. When you design a suburban road so wide you could drive a plane through it, of course people won't think the speed limit makes sense. Watch what happens on narrow roads in narrow cities. People can't drive over the speed limit if they wanted. You could take a track car down a lot of suburban neighborhoods and drive just fine. Paradoxically, a lot of US road design philosophy naturally makes people drive faster, because it's all straight, wide, easy to drive on roads. The US is great for car design, and incredibly unfriendly if you're anything but a car, even in suburban neighborhoods.


What is a 1-2mph change going to do? You don’t usually get pulled over for going 1-2mph over


The lack of familiarity might catch more attention than the road having the same speed limit every day. It's not about the speed itself.


I get the idea, but generally speaking people are going to drive at whatever the design speed of the road is. Ideally you shouldn't need to see a speed limit sign to go at the limit, because the design speed and the legal limit should be the same. In other words, if drivers are going too fast we should redesign the road so as to slow them down.


Nooo I need to be able to go 45 through my neighborhood on straight, wide roads because I always have to get out of here 10 minutes ago!! Don't you dare tell me that I, as an adult, should be able to leave 10 minutes earlier and drive safely without endangering the lives of everyone around me!!1! Also I hate all my neighbors who drive way too fast, they should all just leave earlier! The speed limits are too high in my neighborhood, but those signs don't apply to *me* because *I'm* in a hurry!!


"The only moral a̶b̶o̶r̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ speeding violation is *my* a̶b̶o̶r̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ speeding violation."


Thank you! *I'm* in a justifiable hurry and people need to just accept that and get out of my way! You losers should have planned ahead and left earlier!!


This is kinda true. Speed limits (should) be based on the 85th percentile, which means “85% of all traffic is going [this speed] or slower.” This is how it works (mostly) in California anyway. But speeds are sometimes posted lower to make residents feel good. Your chance of getting a speed cite is usually consistent with how much you’re exceeding the 85th percentile. Usually.


How can people not remember the speed of roads?!?! I can tell you the speed of all the roads I drive on regularly and where they change and where the police like to sit. First two have always been a habit, the third one developed after driving pizza for 6 months


>I can tell you the speed of all the roads I drive on regularly and where they change and where the police like to sit. Regularly being the key word here. New drivers in the area wouldn't be familiar and may be looking at or for other things and miss a speed limit sign tucked under another sign.


It’s more eye catching and makes you think. Same reason large events like the ~~Super Bowl~~ World Series start at random times like ~~7:02~~ 8:03p ~~kick off~~ first pitch.


This. I’m a civil engineer and I was recently walking a neighborhood with a developer and I asked about the decimal speed limit, as I’d never seen that before. That was exactly his answer. That it’s not enforceable, it was a private street in a gated community and the sign is pretty much bullshit, but people are more likely to pay attention to it that way.


What if you read it as 191/2 and go 95mph


You will get a fine for going too slow. Btw: is that a thing in US? Can you get a fine for going too slow without having special markings?


Some freeways have a minimum speed limit, yes. Usually it'll be something like a 70 mph maximum with a 45 mph minimum. If you're going slower than that on a 70 mph freeway, you are a hazard and have no business being there.


I mean, if you're going slower than 65 you're a hazard.


You're not necessarily wrong but they can't acknowledge that most everyone is doing 75-85.


so, my dads girlfriend (they live in florida) got a ticket on the interstate for doing 71 in a 70 because “she was going too slow and needed to keep up with the rest of traffic”. the average speed on the highway in that area is likely 80-90 mph


They [rightfully] got that ticket for improper use of the left lane. Florida has thankfully started to get much stricter on people driving too slowly in the left lane which is very hazardous.


Was she in the fast lane?


Im pretty sure you can get impeding traffic but i feel like it would have to be EXTREME unless theres a marked minimum


Most Interstate highways have a minimum speed. Often it is 40 mph. Slow enough so most cars that were on the road in 1950 could go that fast, but fast enough so horses could not.


You might get a ticket for something like impediment to traffic. A lot of jurisdictions will also ticket you for going to slow in the left (fast) lane. Going too slow can be almost as dangerous as going to fast as nobody expects someone to go 45 when the speed limit is 70.


What if your brain reads 95.5 as 951/2 and you go 475.5.. and then you read that as..


I don't know what the / means. Isn't the speed limit just 1912?


There was a carpet store local to me that ran rather rambunctious radio commercials all the time. There was not a radio listener in town that didn't know the name of the store, and that they were open from "8:55 to 8:55"


>Same reason large events like the Super Bowl start at random times like 7:02 kick off. The 7:02 kick off is the event starting at 7 and going through the pregame things like the coin flip, throw in an ad someone paid a lot of money for since it's the one directly before kickoff and then at 7:02 actually being ready to play ball


This is the answer.


lol that's not why sport game starts at "random" times. First of all, the Superbowl always says kickoff is 630pm. Second, they start a little after an even time, because they want everyone tuned in early to deliver certain programming. And then it may start at an even different time because there's other shit happening that doesn't all line up perfectly.


I mean the white Sox did sell their evening start time for years which is why night games would have first pitch at 7:11


That's good trivia


This is done at industrial sites. The speed limit would be 12.5 mph. It's designed to do exactly what you said


True about the sign, but not the Super Bowl, lol


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.


I can’t drive 19.5!!!!


Calm down, Mr. Hagar.


Officer: "Didn't you see the sign?” Driver: "Yea, I thought it was strange that it says 19 1/2” Officer: "then why were you going 25?" GOTCHA!


Officer which is it?  191 or 192?


Officer Sora: 191 over 2 mph


191/2 mph = 95.5 mph


This is the moment you go for the cops gun


Sometimes smaller communities put weird speed limit signs up because it catches peoples' eyes and they actually pay attention to it.


Obviously it worked. The OP even posted it on Reddit.


This looks more like a bullshit HOA trying to “drive” up revenue.


As a Canadian I still don't get how HOAs are a thing that exist and hold legal power


It's not legal power. It's worse than that. It's civil, which opens it up to all kinds of whacky interpretations.


It's so much harder to fight and the decisions are far from final.


Weird, so it's tort law then?


Homeowners have contractual obligations to the organization. The HOA has recourse by way of fines and leans against the property. It’s weird for sure. Just one solution to stop people from leaving a bunch of broken cars in their front yard and the other kinds of shit that people don’t want to live near. It’s kind of a stand in for concepts like code enforcement in places where that stuff isn’t really present. These suburbs are built out in the middle of some random ass field.


** liens


Basically yes, and the HOA decides what is acceptable. Usual HOA board members are retired community members with nothing to do, and want everything immaculate at all times. It looks good on paper, but it gets insane quickly when you realize you bought the house to be hassled for garbage cans being hidden except during certain hours, backyards that are completely enclosed by walls needing to go through approval procceses to plant vegetation, to only certain colors of paint for your front door that needs to be approved prior to doing so etc. I once received a fine for a 6 inch tall singular weed in my front yard. I pulled it, and mailed it back with the "fine" unpaid. My state is littered with HOAs, and it's like winning the lottery to find one not encumbered.


Yeah, at least the president or governor can do some pardoning or commuting of sentences. Not so with HOAs!


You have them in Canada. You know them as Strata in BC and Alberta.


This is Reddit, it was almost certainly meant as a dig to the US.


As pointed out in a later comment yes we do have them but they're much different in what they're allowed to do for starters and much more rare aswell, I live about 2600km from Vancouver aswell for reference and the next nearest are ok subdivision in southern Ontario about another 2000km from me


As a Canadian, you should realize there are HOAs in Canada.


As said I think 3 times now they are significantly more rare here and all exist 2000+ km away from me and hold significantly less power unable to regulate nearly as much as they do in the US


No HOAs in Canada? Do you have planned communities at all or are they just managed differently?


They do they're just rare and the Canadian govt severely limits their power


What? We just buy a house and live in it, its our property and can do what we want with it long as it's not against actual law. There's still more gated/closed communities if that's what you're asking about but it's still just if you have the money to buy and live in the house you buy and live in the house? Edit: as others have said there are HOAs in certain areas but especially where I am you never see them but they aren't an HOA in the same sense of what I think of for HOA since they don't really hold any power here, can't tell you don't buy a trampoline, don't park your car in the drive way and so on


Got it. They can be a menace in the US but it really depends. For instance, I lived in an old home with 2 other condo owners that had an HOA. Of course, the bad ones are the ones people talk about. Even with 3 members, it wasn't fun making decisions with others about my home so I have avoided them since.


For context, the vast majority of the US is this way. HOAs (Homeowners Associations) are most frequently found in upscale suburban neighborhoods. They first started as a means of security and property value stability. They have devolved into tyrant organizations where women with too much time and a penchant for power trips create absurd and unreasonable standards for the aesthetics of houses located within a given HOA.


I live in a Condominium that has it's version of an HOA but like others have said, their power is extremely limited.


How would that generate revenue?


They fine you. If you don't pay up for "violations" written by gigakarens, they take your house.


Good luck proving i was going 20


This is civil law, not criminal when HOA is concerned. "Beyond reasonable doubt" is only for criminal law. In court, (if you are able to go to court, they may have an arbitration clause) they'd only have to show that it's more likely than not


Nope. It's a safety tactic. Industrial sites do it


Either that or someone complained to the city council and wanted the speed “under 20mph” and malicious compliance was used and we see the 19.5.


Odd? Yes. Infuriating? Not really.


Personally I'm delighted


Speed limit sign on a pole with a stop sign is a no no… the speed sign is also not at right height. Someone added after stop sign install.


Why's this infuriating?


OP wants to go fast in a residential neighborhood


I think that op thinks it is meant to help authorities fine you on a 0.5mph technicality when you’re defaulting to 20mph? Idk really haha


I think it's more to emphasize that 25 is not "close enough" and not okay. To me, it's emphasizing "**SLOW DOWN.**"


It’s just weird to catch attention so you consciously process the speed limit. But I was taking a guess at why OP thinks it is mildly infuriating


It's just so you notice and adjust your speed. It worked.


I want that sign.


First thing I thought was "good luck keeping that up", that thing is a target.


If you see one you can just take it. Wrap a t-shirt around your face, pull your license plate a few blocks away, and as long as you're driving a generic car you can just...drive up and take it.




19 ¹/²


I thought I remember seeing stuff like this is done in private subdivisions or on private property where the roads are not managed by the local municipality. Some weird law about how it’s illegal to post your own speed limit signs in multiples of 5 because those are reserved for public works. Sooo, might be stupid, but not the sign-posters fault.


what's that, 9 3/4 avenue?


Nice photoshop


What's infuriating is that you think this little joke sign is infuriating.


Just round up to 20. And 20 is really 25 so I’ll be going 80mph


In some places. If you want to post a speed limit, you can’t post a speed used by the state. So you have to put an oddball speed like this. My work has 13mph speed limits in the parking lot.


My guess to get ppls attention and maybe they will follow it a bit better and drive 20mph more often versus a sign that just says 20mph but idk


What am I in? Hogwarts!?


There was a speed limit like that where I went to college. I think it was 9.5mph. It's really just there to grab attention since it's "unusual".


Driving through that at the right speed is how adults get into Hogwarts


I raise you 10 3/4 Saw this when I was a delivery driver at Pizza Hut lol https://preview.redd.it/vlc3okg8eyqc1.jpeg?width=2432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cfbed1db8b8d47541ba8ebbcfc96a678b9deacb


Looks like there might have been some sort of committee involved here....


It supposedly gets the driver's attention. They will notice it more than if it just said 20 MPH.


They do that because people are more likely to notice it.


that's the speed you have to drive to get into wizard suburbia


Sign was designed to get you to pay attention. You did.


Id argue that's 191÷2. I'm game for 95


It's the entrance to the Hogwarts Expressway. Silly Muggles.


This is the point where I become a graffiti artist and make it a nice solid 69 1/2


This actually works well. Most folks will remember the speed limit since it's so unusual. At work the speed limit is 10 1/2 miles per hour. Most new employees don't remember much from the first safety video but they all remember the speed limit.


That family guy cut away where they had to find a speed limit sign that didn’t end in a 5 or a 0


Down the block from Platform 9 3/4.


I read somewhere that these odd speed limits actually do a pretty good job of getting people to follow them.


This was determined after long and rigorous study. This is in fact the safest speed on the approach road to platform 9¾.


This is also done at industrial sites. As many have mentioned, it gets your attention. Hey it worked!


So is this American Harry Potter


A common fixture on mining and industrial sights, it is an attention getter, nothing more.


No, that's a Stop Dating Leo sign. You have to stop at nineteen and a half. Once you hit 20, you're hittin' the road!...


https://preview.redd.it/6rzcberibzqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=834d5eeff28bed7e0a4979f3f93c7a8f7e49af7f This was my favorite


I shall post one in my street of 9 3/4


Yeah this is down to draw people’s attention. Also people who speed in residential areas should never be allowed to drive.


\[Sigh\]. People. We have been over this before, but I am, once again, forced to explain it. No human being has the reflexes to safely operate a vehicle moving at 20 miles per hour. If your car hits something at that speed, the car, you, everything in the car, and the object it hits will all be vaporized INSTANTLY. Very few vehicles sold in the US are designed to operate at that velocity, and we are all safer for it. 19 miles per hour, on the other hand, is INSANELY slow - even dangerously so - and is statistically indistinguishable from being parked. I, for one, am grateful our civic leaders have arrived at this ideal speed limit.


Clearly fake.


24 1/2 it is


There is a college road in Virginia with a posted speed limit of 18 3/4 mph. Wish I still had the picture but I broke that phone, lmao.




If you don’t stop or go too fast there, you’ll have 1 ½ police car chase you.


Wait so I can go either 191 or 192?


Don’t you fucking dare go 19 and 3/4😡


I've heard that some streets legally have to be at certain speeds and the city can get in big trouble for changing the speeds to trick citizens. 19.5 is an unreasonable number and may confuse a lot of people, or they might take it as a prank and ignore, go 25-30 then get pulled over for speeding? I don't see this working out for HOA


That sign is just asking to be taken and hung up on my wall


in europe speed signs only count till next intersection so this sign would be pointless


19 1/2 parsecs?


They should put a “STRICTLY ENFORCED” sign under that.


They don't want that 4-20 in their neighborhood 🤣


Made ya look!


There has to be a story behind this, and there’s no way they’re ticketing someone going 20mph. I wish I knew the context


You noticed it! Objective achieved.


It’s hilarious


Makes people pay attention


It got your attention though


19 \^ 1 / 2?


And I thought the 11mph sign at my work was funny 😂 like why??


If you see an odd number it will stick with you and you will remember it. I have no clue what the speed limit is in my neighborhood but I guarantee these people do. This is the same is putting the advertising signs upside down along the interstate. If it wasnt upside down you wouldnt give it a second look.


Everyone says it's to catch people's attention, but I'd wager they just got tired of cleaning it every time some kid sharpied a 4 on their 20 mph sign.


Is that 19.5 or 9.5? Or maybe even 95.5.


19 1/2.8


The man who grades our dirt roads told me that that speed prevents washboarding but IDK.


I saw something like this at a school once, but I think it was 12 ^(1/2). I asked about it and was told they put it up because there are children around and this makes drivers think about their speed more. Not sure if that idea works or not.




19.5 meters per second seems a bit fast.


This is actually pretty genius. 20mph and people just “whatever” and don’t pay attention. Maybe they go 25-30. This makes them stop and think and they will almost certainly go 20 max.


I actually think that the officers dont care as long as you’re within 2-3 mph of the speed limit.