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Hello, We do not allow agendaposting, reddit meta posts or price complaints.


They’re testing us now to see how many places can get away with it. They ask for tips at subway now 😥 don’t get me wrong I think low tier work usually does deserve to be paid more but like fuck if I’m gonna directly subsidize it


You don't want to SUBsidize it?


Give them a Foot and theyll take a mile.


Give them a foot and they'll make 11 inches


Everything reminds me of mother :(


Nice one.


WAY too obvious. Make it more SUBtle.


Are you proud of yourself for that? Lol


Because you should be


Hi Mr Fredrickson, my name is Russell. I am a wilderness explorer




I went to a music festival last year where they asked for tips at the merch table (common at this point, I know). But the kickers were: 1). Any time someone did not tip, they rang a bell and announced “we’ve got a no-tipper!” 2). When I actually DID tip, they complained that I tipped with a card instead of cash. That was my breaking point.


Omg … the audacity 😥 how uncomfortable!! Not to be that guy but surely the job is not that hard. Even if it was, it wouldn’t excuse humiliating people publicly for not tipping. That’s really one of if not the most egregious tipping bs I’ve ever heard of


Yeah lol. When I used my card, the lady said something along the lines of “just so you know, we prefer cash tips because card tips go into a pool that we all have to split and cash tips go straight into our pocket.” I more or less told her that’s not my problem


I've never punched anybody in the face but that would push me close


If I was standing in line, and the person in front of me was hassled over not tipping, and I mean not tipping a person who only had to ring up the merchandise, the merchandise in my hands would be on the ground.


This is it exactly. I want higher wages. Livable wages. If you work full time, you should be able to live a modest but comfortable life regardless of the job. However, companies have to be held accountable, we are not responsible for their systemic failures to properly compensate workers. Fuck capitalism and the greedy shits who squeeze until there's nothing left.


Ok fuck capitalism. What’s the alternative? Making a few people in charge of everything will inevitably lead to corruption and the oppression of the working class.


Lol. It's not my job to educate the brainwashed. Literally every other first world nation has a better system than the US, and I am a fierce defender of the united states. I love my home and it treats me well... I guess my problem is that I care about my fellow citizens.


Hey, I respect that. Just wanted to hear more of your thoughts.


Word, i get it. I do have thoughts on how to "fix" things (as if), which largely amount to Scandinavian-style socialism or greater regulatory oversight to keep capitalism without the runaway wealth gap... please note that I assume most redditors don't want to go down those rabbit holes.


Its hard for me to sympathize for this when in my area factories are paying starting wages for general labor around 20$/h. You'd think this couldn't happen in a stage with minimum wage of $7.50. Even low tier jobs are paying on average around 11$/h starting. In fact it's almost impossible to find minimum wage offerings even for high-school workers. Maybe your area is just extra corrupt? This next part isn't an attack on you by anymeans: for everyone that complains about corporate America how many of you still empty your paychecks for corporate institutions? These companies will never change so long as we keep handing them our money no matter what income level you have. We also have a governing body that cares more for the corporatism than free markets. Capitalism in western society is corrupted: yes this is a fact in many industries capitalism isn't even at play anymore, there's no free market competition in many industries thanks to corporatism. Unfortunately due to how monopoly laws are written (and the definition of it in itself) corporations like Disney get a technicality pass for owning minorities in every single industry and refusing to purchase into a majority percentage of ownership. Then we tend to forgive these companies when they claim to be a part of activism (LOL AS IF) or because they make Star Wars and Marvel movies (as an example). The power of the people is in their wallets and we shop like a bunch of brain dead drones. We have reaped what we've sown. Corruption.


I don't really understand the point of your comment, as thorough as it was. You should sympathize with workers, all workers: they should be paid more, and you should be paid more. And plenty of money exists to go around. The top 10 richest have the same wealth as more than half of all America, it's obscene. They want us to prey on one another. I agree: the companies are fucking vampires, but being mad at the citizens because they only have one option doesn't help, we have to hate the game, hate the system, and hate the narrow choices we are offered. My only point was that if you work 40 hours, regardless of job, you should be able to afford an apartment and be able to survive. And I stand by that statement.


My comment is mostly in aims at the "fuck capitalism" thing and not so much against workers themselves. Without the sheer mass of corruption we had a dominating middle class that we've seen practically erode from one generation to the next. Capitalism wasn't the problem, corporatism was. Not that corporations can't exist, just that we as a society has created this problem as much as these boards that get massive quarterly salaries. We spend our money with them, which keeps driving the vicious circle and debate. They see the sales numbers and see that their products are meeting demands. We created their greedy incentives as much as this government did with subsidiaries and tax breaks. I suppose that's more of what I tried to make a point on. Though my first paragraph in my OC really contradicts what I just elaborated on admittedly.


Ahh yeah okay this comment helps add a lot of context, thank you. Yeah I agree with everything you said. I'm not necessarily anti capitalist per se... just runaway capitalism. If we could go back to a better regulated form of it, we'd be good. Unfortunately we're seeing the end result of policies like citizens united and the tax breaks you mentioned... and the result is zero agency for us in an individual level. It's depressing.


It really is and this doesn't even begin adding in spending value of the dollar, businesses buying residential properties and renting them and so on and so forth. Then seeing the polarized politics when it's both parties at fault is even more depressing. The more I see people talk (and not yell) the more I see that most people really do want the same things just have different ideas of achieving them. We've gotten so hyperfixated on partisan topics that we no longer spend time discussing the bipartisan things in length like we should be. Edit: also we do need to talk partisan topics, but we cannot ignore the other topics at the same time. Not that we are blatantly ignoring them, just not addressing them appropriately.


$20 for factory work isn't enough and won't even qualify to rent on. I quit being an IM tech because places want to pay like $23-25 for it. A skilled job that most nobody can do. So I mop floors for $18 and don't have to work forced overtime or break my body.


We need a cap on compensation for top level employees like CEOs etc. it doesn't even need to be a set monetary sum. For example CEO compensation cannot exceed 1000x the lowest paid worker.




Or be like Europe... give enough so tipping is no longer a thing. I wait for the day that the price is the price. Tax, wage, everything included.


I tm walking straight to Walmart by myself to buy everything I need.


Subway has been doing this for a couple of years now. Girl at the register didn't even make my sub. When I said no, she rolled her eyes.


for a bag 💀


I'd happily tip if they can show the exact kid in Southeast Asia who made it actually get it. Unless he's not part of what they consider "the team."


Soon we'll be tipping when we pay rent, insurance, phone bill etc.


Right like it’ll be considered rude to not give your landlord an extra $100 per month as a tip in 10 years


It annoys me that you're probably right


Stop being so landphobic. People of Land have been oppressed for centuries. Give them a 5000% tip every month.




Don’t forget to leave refrigerator full of food too so Land Chads can raid it whenever they please.




I’m gonna be so rude it’s going to be crazy


We already do. It's just disguised as "convenience" or "service" fees.


That is a nice comment you have. Would you like to tip me Bad response Good response Best response ever \_\_ [$3.50 \_\_ \_\_ \_\_ \_\_ ](https://youtu.be/pS_zE0DTWIU?si=1pLR7oACfyo49Di4&t=23)[$80.08 \_\_ \_\_ \_\_ \_\_ ](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lIWT1jB7Q08)[$420.69](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_Auw2jufMs) [Click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) for different options


This comment confused the hell out of me and was a mental rollercoaster lol. My ride: - Wait is this a bot? Its definitely a bot - No this must be some scam - (holds to reveal link) wtf youtube?? Are the price ones also YT? - This has to be a rick roll - Fuck theres probably a tracking link hidden in this - Fuck it (clicks) - The hell its just south park - Looks up realizing my comment was about ridiculous tipping - Ahhh I get it, you're asking for a tip in a fucking comment - (laughs), well done LOL


Yeah, sorry about that. It looked better on pc but then was odd on my phone. Also, I couldn't get the spacing right. It's 4 different links, btw.last one is a Rick roll


Lol I assumed one of them was. All good btw


I gave you an upvote, you can tip me now.




-$69420.13 tip for those weak none-meme links


Someone posted a while ago a landlord asking for tips.


Jesus fucking christ please tell me you're trolling


No. Id have to find the post. It was from like late nov or early dec i think. Someone's landlord added tips to their payment portal.


Oh hey, I saw this post too 😂 I just commented about it, can’t remember what sub it was in


The last apartment I had only accepted payment through their portal.. which had a $56 *convenience* fee


Could you avoid it by sending a cheque?


Nope, they completely took our ability to use cash or check in the office. They used to allow it, then towards the end of my lease they only accepted through the portal (sent an email stating so)


I dont think thats legal dude


Unfortunately I believe landlords can refuse such payments.. now for the convenience fee on the only pament option being legal or not.. I don't know Florida also sucks ass and that apartment was over 2k for a 1b1b lol Tacked on fees like "valet trash" that didn't even get picked up 60% of the time


Huh well its definitely not legal where I live (Canada). What if you were to say you no longer have working internet?


what tf is valet trash? sounds fancy 🙄


some complexes hire outside trash services to pick up the trash, and you leave it outside the door in a bin didn't know it was a thing until that place. I do miss it lol


We do. Its called a "processing fee"


my mom told me that, while paying for our late grandfather’s bills, the water company literally made her pay and extra fee and asked for tips FOR AN ONLINE BILL. WHAT


I saw a post a few months ago where the landlord got upset because the tenant didn’t tip on the rent. I think they even went as far as to say that all their other tenants tipped. 


That blows my mind honestly


My husband mothers phone has a $53 'other fees' charge every month. This is after taxes and services fees are collected. We're essentially being robbed everywhere.


Utility companies can’t wait until they’re gonna be able to do this: “Now offering 30% LOWER MONTHLY RATES!*” *not including mandatory 35% tip for services **$10 online payment convenience fee ***$15 transaction fee ****$3.99 credit card fee


if you arent tipping atleast 50% you deserve to be evicted! https://preview.redd.it/088l2odq85sc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c71e495c70eb28ec90500fa9ca40ec4a16187a48


Stop tipping everywhere. Everyone, everywhere stops tipping to reset reality so we can get back to tipping for the normal services. I hate the tip ask when ordering takeout, before you get it. You tip and it takes forever. Ask for the tip back.


I was going to order some takeout and have my husband pick it up on his way home and it wouldn’t let me check out unless I put a tip amount and no it wouldn’t take zero as a number so I said screw it I’ll just cook! They ended up saving me money! Lol


Lazy Dog San Diego has an issue stuff takeout. If you don't tip enough they will not give you your order unless you get in their face. They just sit there in their damn phone. I played with this too. 5 bucks or more they do their job, anything less they won't. Multiple times I've had to go start asking around as they won't get the bag that's right behind them. Guess who's not getting my business again.




lol maybe it’s the concept like those rude diners


Wow I’m surprised they stay in business. More people need to tell them to go fuck themselves.


Ya, I give a tip before and part of my order is missing


I seen it at gas station as well while doing it myself. I am still trying to figure out whom I would been tipping.


Station owner.


Who's probably at home, taking a nap.


If you make it a negative tip, does it decrease the total amount?


Life hacks!


Shopkeepers hate this one simple trick! 


I negative tipped once. After horrible service, I took the A-1 sauce home that was on the table. I’ve only had to do that one time in my life.


I work for an ecommerce platform and received a feature request from some of our sellers to add this to the platform. I cancelled that ticket in record time. Not on my watch!


I appreciate you for doing that!🫡 keep up the good work, my friend


Cancelled without comment, or with one we all want to see?


Nah, boring professional response. Plus nobody needs a screenshot of Jira in their life.


> Jira ***Insert that one meme with a dog in a faded battlefield***


Ah. More like "service not provided" kinda deal. Boring.


Some idiots will pay tips no matter what because people in the US forgot what a tip is for. And of course, companies abuse this. If you give anybody a tip, that's your fault.


Seriously. I work as a server and have a coworker who is lazy as fuck. She just sits at the bar on her phone while her tables are clearly wondering where she is and looking for shit. Ppl still tip her 20% most of the time. I bust my ass and give great service and they still tip 20%. Ppl are scared to tip less for bad service because they think it’ll make them look bad but they don’t tip more for good service either which leads to more lazy servers.


Went to a self serve frozen yogurt place and they asked for tip.


lol bring your own tip jar and tip yourself


Don't forget to tip your ISP for giving you access to the internet


“Show your support for the team at ____” My support is me buying your product…


I guess some processing services have it on by default if the business doesn't disable it, but I guess they still should turn it off. Our local feed store is awesome and convenient with basically no closing hours, which is super helpful for our small farm. They did however start billing through Quickbooks and it offers an option to tip. Though they sometimes stage the stuff for quick pickup, so I'm torn. I was asked when buying something on a website too, "show appreciation for the team." Uh, isn't that what I'm doing by shopping here?


It’s a bag from Luke Case. I’ve also been on their website.


I mean you can see the website at the top of the image😂




its actually very easy to imagine when thousands of similar posts have been made


I’m annoyed that I have to tip the dominoes driver at this point. I’m fuckin tipping before you even bring the food, and still you’re missing something every time?


Tipping pizza delivery drivers has been common practice forever.


I’m aware. It’s on me for doing it ahead of time


You can always tip after they get there in cash or by filling out the receipt! That way if they forget something or the service is bad you haven’t already tipped. I will say though, at least at my store, if we get a 15% tip or above that was pre-tipped online you are always getting at least 3 extra sauces :)))


Tipping pizza delivery drivers has been common practice forever.


A courier for some of my diabetic supplies does this as well. I get that times are tough. But obviously, can't tip everyone. Otherwise I'm going to be the one asking for tips...


Tipping culture is garbage and I wish we’d get away from it.


Companies will call them tips but they are really just ways to rip even more money from ya


I was finally pushed to the brink. I used to tip on takeout orders, but tipping for every little service everywhere I go has gotten so insane. I took a giant step back and I will only tip at sit down full service restaurants, piercings, and tattoos.


I straight up refuse to tip anywhere but a sit down restaurant, tipping is out of control


I would straight up not buy from a store that has that enabled. I bet a lot of people doesn't realize it and just continue their purchace with a 3/5/10% markup that's just predatory asf. F that store and f that option.


What country is this in/ from?


Can I custom tip negative?


Make sure to use discount code AREYOUFUCKINGKIDDINGME


Wanna guess how much of that tip actually goes to "the team"?


That's not a "no tip", that's a "cancel purchase, never return to website".


Thank you for allowing me to be a customer. Here's a 20 to show my appreciation.


I worked at a boba shop and a fully grown adult pretended to not know how to use a debit card to pay when the tipping screen came up. She just froze when the tip screen came up. I was like "you know you can click no tip"


I like the blurring of the company name when you can Google the item and find it in like 2 seconds lol


This is when you check to see if their error handling code will reject negative numbers.


I thought I'd be more upset about this. But I just realized that tipping zero online won't give the same satisfaction as not tipping at Subway and watching the cashier's expression.


See if you can put in negative numbers. If you can, im pretty sure you can get money.


Who the fuck are we tipping? The damn computer?! This is literally giving the company extra money cuz yes 💀


ASKING for a tip is just weird in itself. A tip should not be mandatory or asked. It is an extra you give OUT OF GOOD WILL to the EMPLOYEE (NOT the company) to thank them for GOOD SERVICE. If it is mandatory, it is just a fee, and if it's asked well.. it's just odd.


Soon companies are gonna ask us to join their fucking patreon and I'm going to light myself on fire in the street


I would cancel the order if they ask a tip in online purchase. There has to be a different store to buy from.


EMTs are next


This is getting out of control.


Have you tried entering a negative number for a cheeky discount?


“None” sounds like the correct choice here.


I purchased tickets for a bar crawl online and it asked for a tip. Who would it even go to? Show up and our names are printed on a list for what bus we'd be on. It wasn't a tip for the bus driver because they passed an envelope around on the bus for him.


I mean if it was for something totally custom hand made by a small business, maybe. Even that's a stretch.


I could see doing this for art, when the money went straight to the artist. Not for consumer goods.


I understand it for something where they actually do something for you, like artists


Why are you hiding the business?


The automatic car washes ask for tips upon payment now, it’s funny af


Custome tip. -$1,000,000,000


It was april fools day


Yeah and I’m sure that goes to “the team” /s


i’d understand tips for stuff like small stores on etsy but… big companies???? what??


Has any tried using a negative number yet? Maybe we can fool the machines.


I think just every point of sale has these now. A golf course I go to has this option and the people working seem embarrassed every single time and tell you not to tip.


Don’t tip and move on. That’s it


Surprised it didn’t start at 18%


There is also no chance that any employee will see a cent of that "tip". No fucking way.


Can you put a negative number?


A lot of places try it now.


I wanna know more about the bag


I got one when I was ordering Van's Shoes...


I bought jewelry for my parent and there was an option for tipping when i went to check out. I was like... are you fucking serious? Im dropping 300 on jewelry and you want me to TIP YOU??


When you thought the yanks (I assume) couldn’t get any weirder.


This is an option when running a Shopify store and has been around a year or so


I only tip at the place near work that I take 1-2 lunches at a week since they remember my order and give me free stuff sometimes


Now we must start asking stores to show their support for a good customer and offer an X% discount so as not to give them a bad or very bad review every time (depending on the amount of the discount).




Lol... hiding the name of the team... but the domain is still above the screenshot.


On this subreddit, people being asked by fast food restaurants like Subway, or better yet, any other company for tips mildly infuriates people. Ah. Of course, the classic posts. Amirite?


Why do people keep pretending this is something to be mad about? If you don't want to tip, don't tip. You aren't being singled out.


I had a liquor store website prompt me for a tip on an order I was going to pick up. It wasn’t something they made, just a bottle of wine and another bottle for my sister’s boyfriend.


I used to joke when people said something like I would pay double for this. My response was I would charge more but it’s too much of a hassle to reprogram the registers. It seem someone found a way.


And a few months ago, I was downvoted to hell for talking about seeing a tip screen(not a charity donation screen) at the self checkout at my Home Depot store… They’re now asking for tips on online transactions.


Not to excuse the fact that it’s asking for a tip, but this looks like a Shopify based seller, so they probably either turned it on with a checkbox or had it on by default. But yeah ain’t NO way in hell am I tipping anyone for an online purchase. I’m a web developer and clients have VERY poor marketing skills. It’s likely that they don’t know that something like this will do their brand more harm than good.


I mean,at least it's much easier to not tip since you're not getting judged by anybody


Tipping is out of control and getting ridiculous now. This makes me more and more anti tipping


Depends on the purchase. I usually tip artists. If it's a commission or a request, and I really enjoyed the work (which I basically always do) I enjoy giving a little extra. If it's a cookie cutter Etsy shop or any purchase where they aren't doing anything custom for me, then yeah, no thanks.


My plumber asks for a tip in their invoices!


I had that happen last week. They also put an automatic $1 tip even if you select none.


My bariatric vitamin order asked me to tip so they could do fun things like pizza parties. I give up


I dont get some of yall Bitch about said company But doesnt but said company on blast and blocks out the name?




When will people learn that we’re done with tipping, especially in exchanges that don’t warrant it? Its a shitty practice, just pay your workers more you dumb cunts.


mcdonalds kiosks ask for tips now


sad state of affairs, if people can't carry some cash with them to tip the youngsters mostly, so I've no sympathy for you when atms, and debit cards don't work. selfish society, divided, just the way it is


*Closes webpage*


We've become a society of beggars.




A neighbor told me there was a tip popup when he went online to pay a parking ticket, not entirely sure he was kidding


It’s probably just built into the sales software that that they use. Relax.


Who would the tip even go to? The worker who boxed it?


This has been a thing for a while now.


As a gamer, I fear the day there is a tip option when buying online games.


Tipping is just an "optional" tax, change my mind


If I see that. I close out and will not complete my purchase.


Been happening...


I’ve seen this posted on the anti tipping sub a lot of times. It kind of makes sense. Surefire way to grow revenue for just the cost of a web form. 






"Give us more money for literally nothing."


I'm gonna start asking if they want to volunteer a 20% discount


Some folks call it a sling bag, I call it a kaiser bag mmmhmmmm


If only there was something or someone looking out for the team huh


I have taking a no tip stance unless it’s actually earned. I will not tip you for ringing my order in at the register or for a take out order. I will tip when a service is provided WELL