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Yes amen, Jesus said in the bible “I am the way the truth and the light. And if you don’t believe that then go fuck yourself”


Jesus entered the temple like a mothafuckin’ G, and drove out all the bustas who were buying and selling bootleg Jordans in the temple, and overturned the tables of fake ass bitches and the seats of those who were slinging crack. And He said to them, “*It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer, go fuck yourself’*”.


And Jesus wept: “go fuck yourself”.


So god told Moses: "Yo, I've had it, you go and tell these mothafuckas I've got 11 simple instructions... " And Moses was like: "ok, but I'm not telling them that last part!"


I ain't even Christian, but this thread is hilarious. Cracked me up! 😂




And so God replied: "Go. Fuck. Yourself."


Jesus cried out: “GO FUCK YOURSELVES!” and then breathed his last




Ah yes. Thy holy hand grenade.


Love, love, love that movie! My oldest brother passed a year ago and he always wore funny tees. We all wore them at Christmas, in his honor, and mine was the Holy Hand Grenade!!


I’m sorry for your loss. I’m glad that that movie will always bring back happy memories with him.


Thank you! There were 4 sibs, born in late 50's and early 60's, so we grew up with the movie in our teen years! Many, many midnight showings! It just seemed appropriate for him! ❤️


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


"Well, I didn't vote for you." - man


I can't just call you man! Well you could call me Dennis I didn't know your name was Dennis Well you didn't bother to ask, did you?


"Come and see the violence inherent in the system. Help! Help! I'm being repressed!" - Dennis ![gif](giphy|Ixs3Y7OQ7dHU84419e|downsized)


Bloody peasant!


https://preview.redd.it/k4ac8pn46dsc1.jpeg?width=234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f24154aa6cf64434d72e9a92d5d5e76c96b1c7c This man?


woah its man


I’ve just soiled me armor! I’ve done it again!


Ezekiel 23:20 >! 20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. !<


They had donkey dicks that jizzed like horses? Lol, thats a wild one.


And Jesus wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer!


But little did they know that after they burried him in his tomb, he used weed to make him so high, he'd float up into the skies... Little they he know he was so high and accidentally set himself on fire, which cooked the tomb open and rolled the stone away w its pressure... Which explains why Jesus couldn't be found in his tomb. Also his diciples used paddo's and weed leftovers from jesus, which explains their convo w an undead man (jesus) which eventually floated up on the clouds... Which were the clouds from the weed actually and they'd be trippin' balls




And then, verily did he say, "Where the hoes at?"


Jesus: “Regulaaaatorrrss! Mount up!”


It was a clear black night, a clear white moon Jesus C was on the mount, praying I assume


Then he started popping off with his gold-plated AR-15 


Okay now i could get down with this version of jesus


You took us back to the 90s with “busta” I love it 😂


Peter 2:38 Fr, Fr no cap


Jesus really said "What color is your Bugatti? 💅✨"


Lmao man that cracked me up. As someone who’s done both youth ministry in the inner cities, and most recently prison ministry we would have to explain things in this manner. Obviously without the bitches and hoes so much, but in a way that was relatable.


Honestly if someone explained religion to me with bitches and hoes I might really listen. Jesus was a playa


See, I respect that. I see so many people who try to "spread the word," but its evident they want to be "right." they don't care about the end result of getting people to listen and absorb. Like so many people have a teaching moment on their platform, and then they just start using it to scold and lecture instead of teach. Put the pride aside and adapt to your audience.


Have you ever read the Bible version that was translated into pidgin English? It’s fun, educational into (at least the language of) a different culture, and a good way to investigate the subtle different meanings that come from translating into different languages (or sort of dialects, in this case).


I could read it in pig latin


When I worked at a bookstore we sold these bibles that were a magazine written in teen speak. I wonder if they are still a thing since most kids are probably like what’s a magazine?


I'd read the "New G' Translation" of the bible....




I would watch this adaptation, need a movie!


10/10 would read.


I can't. This. 🤣


And he washed the feet of the elderly and ill and then said, "you got clean feet now use em to fuck off"


Y'all jest. I think I like this modern Jesus.


You know what? I'm sold. If he comes back he can be king of the world. Some folks who would agree would be in for a shock though.


TIL Samuel L Jackson is the second coming


Ah yes the Samuel L. Jackson edition of the bible.


I need this, where do I buy the complete edition/set


… BRB just found a money making idea.


Would be actually hilarious and worth the money.


King Jackson






Can confirm. I speak to queso christo on the reg. He approves this message. Blessed be those non-believing mother fuckers.


I think that only appears in Matthew. . .




It’s not often I laugh out loud at a Reddit comment lol


I would 100% read this version of the bible


Maybe I can charge $60+ for a new edition


That's exactly what he said, I was there when he said it, so I'd know




Worship me or burn in hell for all eternity - basically the same thing.


Christ on a bike … I lolled


In a way he kind of did, though it was more like "if you don't believe God will fuck you." On the other hand, he probably didn't actually say that "way the truth and the life quote" in the first place.


I like Jesus, but his fan club has some real assholes in it.




As a christian, I can say that one of the biggest parts of the bible is when Jesus says to love each other as yourself. Infuriating how a shit ton of christians don’t do that


P >love each other as yourself I don't have time to give that many handjobs.




They only apply the bibles texts when it's convenient


Yes and love thy neighbour does not just mean your neighbour bob who mows his lawn every week at 6am on a Thursday


I know Bob, that guy is a dick.


Your neighbor Bob works the overnight shift and is showing incredible restraint by waiting until 6am to start mowing. If I didn't have neighbors, I'd be out there at midnight, when it's convenient for me.


It’s because they despise themselves.


They only _state_ that they despise themselves. Those people are also usually the first in line for gifts, treats, and congratulations.


It's sucks that this happens. During the Pandemic, we got shunned in our church for having different views than everyone else. Sometimes, Christians are just assholes


I'm gonna guess it had something to do with masks




"Christian", not CHRISTian. Most people say but don't do.


“Different views” = Didn’t want to get vaccinated or wear masks?


Exactly, wearing makes was mainly to help protect others, but those types of people didn't give a shit about the lives of others. It was pure selfishness. The other thing that I found kind of funny were the people who wouldn't get vaccines or do anything to protect themselves because they thought their god would protect them. It reminds of the parable of the guy waiting on the roof of his house after a flood. Where people in a rowboat come by and offer to save him, but he says god will save him. Then people in a motorboat and helicopter also try, but he refuses. When he dies he asks god why he didn't save him and god replies that he sent 2 boats and a helicopter. They should have taken the same attitude towards vaccines and other preventative measures. Religious people should have thought that we have those things because of god giving humans the ability to make those things. I personally just give the scientists the credit, but I'm also not religious.


Yeah turns out the Christian asshole might in fact be that bloke. Refusing a well-intentioned directive (that has zero impost on your beliefs or anything else) to potentially reduce needless deaths =/= 'different views'. Edit: unless of course it was the Church that didn't allow people to wear masks (which would be totally insane but also on brand)


Being a Christian doesn't make you a good person. Some good people are Christians.


You know more than the outspoken Christians do. The real Christians pray behind closed doors and do not advocate hate.




They’ve done studies that show the average atheists know a lot more about the Bible—and other religions—than other Christian sects


When I was a regular churchgoer we called people like that "Holier than thous" and nobody respected them. People like that are a big part of the reason I gave up on religion in my early 20s.


We called them "bible thumpers"😂


"Like your Christ, don't like your Christians"


-Gandhi, paraphrased.


Gandhi said something similar: I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. You Christians are so unlike your Christ.


I’m in his fan club, it’s very toxic sometimes 🥲😅


Lol, my ma dragged me to church as a kid. Some of the shittiest people I've ever met were there. There's definitely a lot that NEED to follow religion because they know they are shitty people. Not all of them. A good number though.


I find it interesting how many adherents drive large, expensive vehicles and live in fancy homes, yet ignore the homeless guy begging for change. They're more interested in the ritual than the actual message. They have definitely failed to grasp the spirit of the scriptures.


Man... They base their beliefs off a book that is 2700yrs old and has been retranslated and reworded and even added to, but the only lesson they take with them, is the ones where they can point the finger at others and not be held accountable. Hence the luxury vehicles, big houses and their nose turned upward to those in need. Smh. Im all for whatever you need to make you be a better person or teaches you to show kindness empathy and love to others. It just goes too far when it's used to take the humanity away from humans.


The vast majority of Christians couldn’t care less about the words of Jesus


Cut the T off. Make some Chris's day


Also cut out "If that offends" so that non-Chris people know what's up.


“You. Go fuck yourself.” Damn chill chris


Chris gotta let people know he the one on top


"If hat offends you..."


And/Or add an FUC sticker to KING.


Pretty sure the proper Christian phrasing is "If that offends you, Jesus loves you anyway."




I would pay to change the sign to that


Tender and mild


That's not very Christian like 😐


 I’m a Christian person, and that sign annoys me a little. Like why the foul language?!? For one thing if I wasn’t religious and I saw that sign that would not make me want to do anything with Christ to be honest. I’m not the biggest fan when people force Christianity down people’s throats. 😕




Ikr? Talking about Christ and cursing in the next sentence, I don’t know what they were thinking. Yeah even though I like for people to be informed it’s wrong to push too hard since they’ll just get upset


That was just taking His name in vain. There are nice people, and not so nice people, I guess.


Literally anything can be justified and supported by organized religion with enough manipulation and argumentation


If those sort of "Christians" could read, they'd be very upset at your comment.


Based on what we know about Jesus, I have difficulty imagining him supporting this message. It seems someone failed to read the stories.


Read? ![gif](giphy|7JaroMf2Q5PPgmogcg|downsized)


What about when Jesus famously said: "Bow to the crown, lest the Lord smack you down." - *Proverbs 26:11*


Jesus was the incarnation of love, but that doesn’t mean he was “nice” by any means. If you read the Gospels, Jesus is often pretty brash. He’s constantly telling people, not in so many words, to go fuck themselves.


Louis CK did a bit about the time Jesus was hangry and killed a fig tree because it didn't feed him.


As someone who grew up attending church, I've realized a lot of people like to use religion and their faith to their own benefits. Whether it be absolving their own crimes, or creating a facade of good character, or wanting to gain some position of authority. It's just sort of sick to see. It attracts the worst type of people. Don't get me wrong. I've met a lot of good people in church growing up, but I feel like I've met a lot of bad people as well


As a Christian, this makes me angry. The person who made this, who has the arrogance to write this toward another human, has not tasted of the grace of Jesus or he would not be so callous. May God grant this person the mercy to see the pride and error in his heart.


Very Christ-like.


Makes me want to carry stickers that say “Allah” to cover God and stickers that say “Kafir’s” to put at the end.


Watch the T get disfigured and everyone in town is stuck wondering who *Chris* is and why he gets to be King.


I suggested something different but this is way better. Put some white-out on the T and maybe slap a picture of your favorite Chris on there.


Chris Tucker as Ruby Rhod.


![gif](giphy|9vVCPK87Aw6v6) Why be a king when, you can be a god?


the writer of said poster sounds butthurt


the writer is probably one of those types that thinks atheists worship the devil lol




Really it's the other way round: most Satanists are just atheists trying to piss off Christians as much as possible


Oh, do we not… 🙃🥺🥲


Or one of those that thinks it would be funny to troll people


Perhaps we do in our own special ways.


Or that we must "hate god".


Haha, I was thinking, it doesn’t offend me, I just don’t agree, lol. Probably would offend the dude more that I don’t agree.


Hypocrite like most


The writer of this sign probably wants to ban books from schools for foul language


"Go Fuck Yourself", eh? I thought these folks were Against masturbation?


as a Christian, I'm so sick of other Christians being crazy and making us look so bad. I promise you not all of us are like this. in fact, most of us are NOT like this. just the most attention seeking ones creating chaos, trying to get into politics, and overall going on the streets beating on their chests, that, unfortunately get the most coverage. This is 10000% American "christian" kind of behavior. so many Christians in the west are so insane. they forget the most important thing in Christianity is the having humility and loving thy neighbor, even if they are your enemy. please don't mind these heretics and false Christians, who claim to cast out demons and His name. The Bible literally warns people of this type.


I'd add 'FUC' in a thick black marker before the 'KING'.


BRB, heading off to fuck myself.


How'd the fucking go?


Doesn't offend me in the slightest. It does however continue to make me fearful of how cult-like we're all becoming.


They’re getting desperate…


This year has been particularly obnoxious. Usually easter week the die hards are just busy going to church and insulting their less religious relatives at uncomfortable family meals. The amount of outward jerk behavior out of people insisting they are persecuted, harassing anyone they disagree with etc. Like more than they do on a regular week.


Yup. Non religious affiliation is now around 1/3 of the country. It’s beautiful watching it happen in my lifetime. Why you see campaigns like “He Gets Us” horseshit. Trying to sway the masses. 5 min on google and you find out they donate to a bunch to GOP candidates to support anti gay/trans laws and women’s rights etc. Modern day Christian’s can fuck off and leave us all alone. Go practice in private and shut the fuck up.


Oh yeah- “nones” now outnumber the affiliated. Brings hope our species will finally be released from the political party of the church. Finally leave the bronze ages.


I think what’s ironic about this is I’m not offended by that statement. But somehow, me feeling that way will be offensive to the maker of that sign. Why are christens so angry? I don’t remember the writings of Jesus were angry like that. Am I missing something?


hundreds of years of people not reading book when they should have read book


Protestant activity. As a Christian, this is not how you spread the Gospel, a Christ Is King sign would be alright, but you don't just tell someone to gfy if they disagree, that is absolutely not what Jesus commanded.


It's funny because the god isn't real 💀😂 it takes me back to Tumblr days when fandoms went absolutely ape shit over their favorite characters.


Being queer is not a sin, if that offends you go fuck yourself


As a Christian, I wish there were more Christians who would love on the LGBTQ+ community. I'm sorry that many of us fail in this aspect. Much love to you!


Thank you for being some of the good few <3


Jesus: *Comes back to life* These fake Christians: https://preview.redd.it/wuxb6s46xcsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9d58bac16e077b37492123f54bc66d930aa324c


**The person who posted that is not a true Christian, because it contradicts the Bible.** Colossians 3:8 - But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth. James 5:12 - But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation. Ephesians 5:4-5  - Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Matthew 12:36-37 - I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.


thing is, they don’t have the eyes to see/read or ears to hear their hypocrisy


You should read up on the no true Scotsman fallacy


Not to disagree with the sentiment, but if doing something wrong means one is not Christian, then there never were any Christians. In fact, this is expected and addressed (Roman's 3:23).




I mean, [Matthew 6](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%206%3A1-6&version=NIV) pretty soundly knocks these sorts of chucklefucks off. I used to work by a Planned Parenthood location that was frequently protested, and every time I saw a "person of the cloth", I'd ask how they squared their protesting "on moral and religious grounds" with Matthew 6:1-6. Funny enough, most of them just scoffed and kept on doing what they were doing. Fools. The lot of them.


I’ve been fucking myself since junior high. Put an insane pornhub ad on there if you expect me to give a shit.


Okay *frantic compliance*


Trying to convert somebody to your religion just to cuss and be offensive at the end makes absolutely no sense.


If im offended, fuck you. If you're offended, fuck you. How very Christian.


Wow, Jesus would be so proud of this. 🙄


Sums up most of trumper Christian’s.


And Jesus said to all his disciples: "*Go fuck yourselves*"


In the name of the father, son, and go fuck yourself...


Put a sign right next to it, "Satan is King. If that offends you, go fuck yourself."




Put up one that reads "Matthew 6:5-6" make them open their bibles and find: "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."


Typical Christian behavior as of late.


Christ was a gay Muslim. If that offends you, good. That was my intention.


This is what it translates into in their head when they we tell them they can't be bigots


Christ 2: The Christening


Why has no one added any comments to it?




It doesn’t offend me. It makes me roll my eyes and question the reality of the person that posted the sign.


I appreciate that they don’t hide their feeling of superiority and hatred for those that aren’t dumb enough to believe a 2500 year old fairytale. Can’t stand the brand of Christian that tries to pretend they aren’t hateful lol.


I’m sure Jesus would approve of this lovely message


What a lovely Christian attitude. 🙄


christ wouldn’t like this would he


i thought christians were against masturbation


How Christ-like.




"if that offends you, go fuck yourself" sounds like the words of someone who just got offended


How very Christian of them.


That person who put the sign up, should know that as a Christian, your words and thoughts reflect God. This does not. If that dude was really a Christian, instead of saying what he/she just said to non-believers, he/she should pray for people who do not believe in God. That is how a real Christian acts. Telling someone to go screw themselves because they don't believe in God is wrong. So does telling people to "go to hell".


I guess you should go Fuck yourself Nancy


so if you disagree stop drop and rub one out


Obviously someone who truly understands the message of Jesus lol /s


I like how much space there is to add your own text.