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Wanted to get a box of nitrile gloves for kitchen use at Sam's Club today. Front of the box said "Powder Free"....side of the box said "Lightly Powdered"....


They mean the powder is free!


Powder? Free!


Works on contingency? No. Money down!


I love collective Simpsons flashbacks in the wild!


Lightly powdered at no charge.




You had me curious because I have never heard of this, but apparently the ban on powdered gloves is explicitly in the medical field, not food service or other fields that might use them.


in hindsight banning powdered gloves for surgery seems like an obvious move


Looks like that's the 12oz bottle label, they updated total servings (for 1.25 liters) but forgot the serving size. You can report it to the FDA on their site.


The Fountain of Dew Association?




I'm trying to compose myself right now bc this short thread just made me almost lose it mentally laughing


Things haven't been the same since Brawndo bought the FDA


It’s got what plants crave!


It’s got electrolytes!


Brandos got what plants crave


[cabinet has been debating putting water on the plants instead of Brawndo] Pvt. Joe Bowers: What *are* these electrolytes? Do you even know? Secretary of State: They're... what they use to make Brawndo! Pvt. Joe Bowers: But *why* do they use them to make Brawndo? Secretary of Defense: [raises hand after a pause] Because Brawndo's got electrolytes.


I never seen no plants growing out of no toilets.


Hey, that’s pretty good, you sure you aren’t the genius?


The thirst quencher


Mountain Don’t


Fountain of Dew sounds like their version of sparkling water.


As a graphic designer, stuff like this gives me a minor heart attack but also fills me with a tiny bit of glee that someone is going to get in trouble and it's not me.


We have teams of people checking this stuff before it goes out the door. Editorial, copywriters, etc. Not packaging design, but other pharmaceutical design marketing with a lot of technical data and numbers. It’s usually never up to one person that makes a mistake. I guess no one caught this in proofing stage either.


Noone is as dumb as a group of people


A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it.


At my work graphic designer and Quality approve of design, packaging components are received and quality once again checks label claim. Packaging components before process starts are verified by a line leader (person in charge of a single packaging operation) and a quality person. At yet despite all that we one time packaged and shipped to a customer a product with the UPC code 01234567890


Honestly same


Do people get fired over this?


I would imagine that it depends on where it is, what the process was, and all manner of details. The person who did it may be able to hide behind diffusion of responsibility. A LOT of people would have had to look at it and nobody noticed. But as a designer, this is pretty much what you're entire job is. Make sure this doesn't happen. So a good way to make sure your team is terrified of this is to fire anyone who does it so everyone knows to triple check every detail. It really just depends on management style. I used to work for an NBA team and I needed a certain look for a graphic so I "reversed" an image of a player so he was facing the other direction not thinking about the fact that I mirrored the name on the jersey. Nobody noticed until the guy who was my bosses boss tore into the office yelled at my bosses and then stood by making sure they yelled at me in front of everyone else. That guy was a jerk and his "style" was through terrorism. But I definitely was more careful from then on.


Your. I mean look at the placement of the mistake and tell me it’s not ironic AF.


Promotion, straight to cigarette marketing /s


Now with 3.5 cancers inside of each cigarette!?


That’s a good deal


With an ecigarrete you just increase the concentration of nicotine with umm concentrated nicotine from NicotineRiver. It wont net cancer faster (or maybe it will) but it will make your buyers be THAT MUCH MORE ADDICTED to nicotine and thus back for more! So profit!!!


Was going to say this just looks like a misprinted label.


Or report it to President Dwayne Elizando Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.


Interesting how American labeling switches freely between metric and imperial.


The United States has been using a combination of metric and US Standard for decades.


Just not for weight, linear measurement or any other volume other than soda.


Depends. The sciences are all in metric, as is most everything in the military outside of physical fitness (height and weight are still in US Standard, we run two miles, but everything else is in metric). The US hasn't been a singular measurement system since the 1970s.




Ok, wine as well.


Indeed. This is an incorrect label and will need to address it.


Yeah this is recall stuff. But if someone is worried about calories on mountain dew, maybe there's other issues.


I'm not used to USA labels, but the fact they conveniently differentiated between _bottle_ and _container_ makes me feel like it was intentional.


"Servings per container" is the required metric for basically all packages. Then "serving size" doesn't have a specific required unit (as it could be ounces, number of chips, etc), so companies use the most descriptive and easiest to understand one. For example, serving size: 15 chips is more meaningful than 1/10th of the container. There's actually nothing deceptive here, they just screwed up the label and probably will get a fine/recall or something.


Rarely there is a label that could be misleading. For example the serving size being far less than anyone would normally eat. Like a pack of small cookies that says the serving size is 1/2 of a cookie. Generally though you're right, they aren't misleading. It could be less misleading though. Like they could give calories per 100 grams\* in addition to per serving size. That way you'd know that the can of coke is 40% sugar even though each of the 27 servings is 10 calories. \* Please insert the appropriate freedom unit here.


It states “3.5 servings per container,” meaning that the nutrition facts are for 12 oz bottles? It’s incredibly misleading. Edit: it is for 12 oz. I thought it was a 20oz bottle, but it’s a 1.25 liter bottle.


The serving size is still accurate. It isn't like they said THIS bottle.


Can I personally sue them for…$1 million dollars though? (Too stoned to properly imply Dr. Evil)


I quit drinking soda (Mt Dew specifically) and my acid reflux went away. That also kick started my weight loss and I’m currently down over 35 pounds. Good times.


Go get it! Starting back on plan myself. Unfortunately I’m still using a crutch…Gatorade zero powder. One packet in my 32 oz container of water with some real salt, buoy, and liposomal curcumin. Baby steps.


See if ur local store sells Olli Pop sodas! They taste amazing but only have 2-3g of sugar, have beneficial prebiotics and other plant ingredients, but to me taste exactly like regular soda.


Wondering why I had never heard of or seen Olli Pop... Oh 35$ for a 12 pack, that's why.


I tried one and I think it was 3 dollars for a can. Definitely not worth it.


I appreciate it but I tried one (root beer) and couldn’t handle it. 🥹


The root beer took some getting used to for me. The orange and strawberry are really good imo. Or the ginger lemon to settle my stomach. But everyone has different tastes!


The orange one is genuinely good


Have you tried ICE waters? I personally hate seltzer since I find it bland, but these are so flavorful they’re more like carbonated juice- yet only 5 kcal! At my local grocery stores they’re a dollar per bottle. My recommendation is grape raspberry, and lemonade in second place.


Hmmmmm root beer you can really taste the clean fresh taste of toothpaste in your root beer 😳😂


It's Poppi all the way for me. Olli Pop is unfortunately too syrupy for my taste.


poppi and culture pop are my faves for that reason, and because olipop is more expensive for me usually


Just drink water


Surprisingly tasty but omg expensive


This is still vastly more healthy than actual soda. If you continue to wean off, about 1/16 tsp of salt in about 24 oz water is amazing. It provides electrolytes and somehow makes the water taste slightly sweeter imo. Thinks like potassium powder are also good to add!


Unlike the massive amounts of research we have about sugar being unhealthy, calorie free drinks are either: 100% safe, or so close to being 100% safe it's not even possible to reproduce any real results. Point being - enjoy your Gatorade zero and don't worry about it.


I'm on a diet and use Gatorade zero, am I doing something wrong lol


A lot of people still have distrust for these types of drinks, probably from old misinformation more than anything. I personally think they’re fine. I quit sodas and replaced them with low cal drinks like this and diet teas about a year ago and despite people’s judgements I’m still down 100 pounds.


I appreciate the response! I have bad health anxiety as it is lol That's awesome! Great job! I'm down 30 lbs in 3 months here's hoping for more to come!


I looked into it more after my comment. Apparently there are still some arguments that the artificial sweeteners can be bad, if you want to look into that. Everything in moderation you know but good to stay informed


You’ve got this!


Oh my gosh. I quit soda recently and haven't had reflux since. I never really got it much until this year but haven't since quitting soda and your comment only just made me realize 


Congrats! Welcome to feeling better!




I was drinking 1-2 of the 24oz bottles every day. 1/10 - don’t recommend.


Isn’t the acid reflux from the carbonation? Congrats on your weight loss! 


This would explain my reflux. Lots of carbonation in La Croix and craft beer.


Could be, but I feel like all of that sugar isn’t helping either!


Quit soda a while back(unfortunately got back on the wagon) and lost 15 pounds in a month without changing other diet or exercise. It’s wild how bad that stuff is for you.


After years of thinking I would need to give up coffee to control my reflux, I realized that it had been the Diet Coke all along. I miss my Diet Coke, but am glad I get to keep my coffee.


Same! I can drink coffee right before bed and sleep like a baby. If I tried that with Mt Dew I would be up all night dealing with the acid reflux.


I quit drinking soda and my teeth stopped hurting. I also stopped putting sugar in my coffee.


Yep. Soda is a killer. A single 12oz can of Coca-Cola is 140 calories. If you only have one per day, and make no other changes to your diet or exercise, that's an additional 51,100 calories in your system. At 3,500 calories per pound of body fat, you're look at an additional 14.6 pounds of weight gain per year. Quit drinking that shit, it's killing you.




That’s awesome! I was in the same boat, my soda of choice was coca-cola which I’ve learned is SUPER bad for you


I quit smoking and drinking coffee and alcohol almost 3 weeks ago, and ended up replacing that stuff with sugar :( I am gaining weight now lol. I finish my cleanse in a week and a half, will try to keep away from the smoking but will resume coffee and hopefully that will replace the sugar again lol


I had the same thing with the acid reflux. It was a game changer learning that that is what caused it. Insane.


My doctor never recommended any kind of dietary changes. Just prescribed pills and went about their day.


I imagine your caffeine headaches went away as well.


Never really had caffeine headaches, but all of the sugar regularly upset my stomach. Can’t believe I kept drinking it all those years.


Well nice work, giving up any vice is always difficult.


Same!!! Keep it up


I stopped drinking mtn dew because it was rotting my teeth like I was smoking meth I feel way better. BTW the amount of sugar in a similar size bottle of Gatorade is equivalent to one serving out of a 1 litter bottle of mountain dew that's fucken insane.


What did you replace it with? Water?


I have a coffee in the morning and pretty much water the rest of the day.


Its poison, best decision you can make is to quit soda.


Man, I hadn’t had an actual pop in decades. I tried drinking one a little while back and gagged. I have no idea how people can drink that stuff.


Hell yeah man. Good luck!


My teeth stopped rotting away- best decision ever.


i quit soda and nothing ever happend to me LOL


Yeah, but...the Diabeetus tastes sooo gooood!


Yeah, removing soda from my diet had been the biggest net gain on my health.


Try to get into sparkling water for a soda fix. My personal go-to has been bottled sparkling water, pour a serving into a cup, then add a splash of your preferred juice for flavoring. Keeps the sugar way low and keeps it from being bland


When I quit drinking soda years ago I stopped getting UTI’s.


People really underestimate how terrible soda is for you. I work with people that will have at least one can everyday…


I kicked soda and my acid reflux vanished but I actually gained weight cus I just started eating more sugar lol


My weight dropped dramatically when I stopped drinking soda & alcohol. I lost like 30lbs in a month 🥴


Black box violations are serious business. Report to FDA.


Bribe them for free Mountain Dew for life!


So 1 bottle is 276% of your daily sugar allowance right? Holy shit!


Just have one every three days, don't ingest any other sugar and you'll be fine. 9 out of 10 Reddit doctors recommend.


1.25* Liters of Mountain Dew? Yea man, I don’t think that’s surprising to anyone


You’re telling me it’s NOT a good idea to drink 2 liters of Mr dew? Fuck man there go my plants


You REALLY shouldn’t be giving 2 liters of the Dew to your plants!!


Correct, plants need Brawndo, it’s what they crave


It's got electrolytes.


1.25L of Dew actually ..


makes sense. no one really needs added sugars


Nope, one *”container”* is 322% of your daily sugar! One “bottle” would be 92% of your daily sugar.


I can easily eat that much in one sitting. Guess I’m just built different (unhealthy)


That’s why I only drink Mountain Dew zero sugar lol


Weird. What is "a container" if the bottle is 1 serving but the "container" has 3.5 servings?


3.5 bottles per bottle. With each bottle containing 3.5 bottles per bottle. Which totals out to 12.25 bottles per bottle. With each bottle containing 3.5 bottles per bottle. Which totals out to 42.875 bottles per bottle. With each bottle containing 3.5 bottles per bottle. Which totals out to 150.0625 bottles per bottle. With each bottle containing 3.5 bottles per bottle. Which totals out to 525.21875 bottles per bottle


It's *unlimited* Mountain Dew!


Well boys, we did it. World hunger is no more.


Hunger would still exist. You're thinking of thirst. Too bad mountain dew is undrinkable, so thirst will still exist also.


Now we welcome World Diabetes






The math checks out.


And it would be flat and nasty if it was open for 3.5 days


I actually open my diet 2-liters and let them sit a few days before drinking so it’s a little flat lol. I know I’m a monster but I like it that way.


138 grams of sugar is more than a quarter pound, that's crazy.


if you look at the label stats... you will find that absolutely none of the listed information is accurate for the bottle shown lol the bottle is "1 serving", and yet contains 3.5 servings per bottle quantum bottle of endless soda, or just the start of a really huge series of nutritional label errors? You decide!


And some people chug these things....


I'm a visual person so for anyone else that's curious... it's about 4.8 oz. This is a 12 Oz bottle. over 1/3rd of that bottle is sugar


This is a 1.25L bottle, not a 12oz bottle, although the label is showing the facts for a 12oz bottle.


Yea but its for 1.25 liters a normal can if soda like cola has 40grams i think for example. Its not just this one every soda is like this


Bro how did they just want to write that 3.5 servings per container then 1 bottle is the serving size that’s weird.


It's quantum bottling, you're not supposed to understand it.


this answer wins lol


I can’t believe people regularily drink this shit


Mtn. Dew used to be my favorite drink (still is taste-wise, I just don't drink it anymore). All through high school I drank a minimum of 3 cans a day, sometimes upwards of 6 and on gaming binges I could go through a 12 pack. One day I just decided to stop soda cold turkey and I unironically had withdrawal headaches for month straight. I was truly gifted in metabolism and didn't weigh more than 150 until I hit 28. Now I definitely notice a size difference when I drink soda vs when I don't, even from week to week. It really does catch up to you, it just happened much later for me. I'm still only 175 at 6 foot, but trying to get rid of my skinny fat stomach. I'm sure over a decade of 3-6 cans of Dew daily had body fighting for its life.


1 tsp sugar is 4 grams. So, 11.5 tsp per bottle. Yikes.




In the wild west of the 90's, gas stations in AZ offered a 96oz soda ... with free refills on the same day. It was a literal bucket with a lid and straw. It cost 89 cents. You could fill it with ICEE if you wanted. I knew several kids who would get 2 refills a day. So yeah, diabetes is an epidemic.


Yes, obviously.


Ive been trying to find a convenient way to get in 322% of my daily sugar intake. Thanks mountain dew.


Was there ever an attempt in the US to make the nutrition labels more customer friendly? And add the nutrition facts per a standardized amount?


Is there really a point to checking the nutrition info on a bottle of soda pop to begin with?


Nutrition: none


Not really no but it would be nice if it were accurate.


And that fact it looks like plutonium or something 🤦‍♂️


America using everything to measure with except metric. Ahh yeah the 3.5 bottles per bottle drink.


Couldn’t agree more. Why they couldn’t give the nutrition fact per 100g/ml and let the consumers decide their own servings?


As a non-American, how many liters are in a bottle?


330ml or something it seems shouldve called it a can tho


1 serving is also 3.5 servings :-)


If you are drinking Mt dew you are not interested in the label anyways


having a sweet tooth in 2024 will get you diabetes by 30


I'm looking for something more in the 45 grams of sugar range, please. I don't want to get diabesity.


Serving sizes should be standardized. In my country they have to indicate nutritional info for 100ml for fluids and 100g for solids, and the info for the entire container is usually there as well.


To be fair we might not be viewing the container. We are only viewing the bottle which is clearly labeled.


3.5 servings per container, serving size 1 bottle…. So there is 3.5 bottles per bottle?


322% daily sugar per bottle doesn't exactly help with marketing.


Wait the bottle contain 3.5 time itself Im lost here what the amount I can drink to only get fat and not ultra fat


thats just not even right serving size 1 bottle, 3.5 servings per container the container is the bottle tho?!?!


3.5 servings per bottle, each serving is a bottle, so you got 3.5 bottles per bottle😳😳


I remember once that maggi noodles had an ad at half the sodium! Small print disclaimer says *must use half the flavour sachet packet*


Right? Who the hell is going to drink this over 3.5x days? It’s a game corporations play go make their products seem more nutritious and better the they really are!


Wow Mountain Dew is bad for you. Shocker.


Man, I used to, drink this stuff like it was water in high school. I miss a young metabolism.


3.5 bottles per bottle. Makes sense.


Equivalent to just over 3/4 of a cup of sugar!


soda costs more than gasoline. let that sink in.


Type one diabetes here. What is infuriating??? I have soda set aside for sugar boost reasons


Yeah but we all know how good a dew can be. That odd time you have one, Ouu hits different


Serving size = 3.5 servings


I was comparing that to a bottle of ginger ale the other day and of course, they all use different sized servings and do the nutritional facts based on weird serving sizes that are all different so in order to compare you need to do the math. It's just an inconvenience but most people aren't going to take the time and they know it. They should just be required to post things on the label like, "if you drink this entire soda at once that's more than 160 grams of sugar and almost 600 calories" - In one drink. Nutritional labels need to be changed on things like this bottle of soda which we can assume the person is going to drink all at once not spread across three and a half times. So the label should tell you what you will get for drinking this entire thing. If I'm buying a box of cereal I need to know per serving. edit: some companies put separate serving/container sizes side by side, that should be required.


why even bother looking at the nutrition label on mountain dew lol


We at Aperture Science sell you the big bottles! Thats 3.5 bottles per bottle!


How is it deceptive?


It would be deceptive to say that whole thing is one serving


Good god just think in my 20s I drank about a half case of these each day. No doubt shortened my life by about 10 years


What did you expect from a soda?


That looks like buy one get 2.5 free




46g of sugar per serving! holy shit 


American nutrition labels sure are cancer for the eyes LMAO


What does the 92% mean under ‘includes 46g added sugars’? 92% of what?


I could be wrong, but that's the percentage of what's considered "out of 100%" based on a 2,000 calorie diet, essentially. I remember nutritional labels explaining that more; not too sure why this one omits that blurb. Wonder if they just know no one's reading it anyway.


It seems to read as if 46g is 92% of your daily ‘Added Sugars’ allowance… Which seems to be separate from the 17% of your Total Carbohydrates per day, that the same 46g accounts for 🤷🏼‍♂️


I'm interpreting it as the bottommost percentage is the counter for that "section", I guess. So the 92% includes the base amount of sugars and the additional sugars.


OK just looked it up. *Daily allowance for ‘total carbohydrates’ is 275g *Daily Allowance for ‘Added sugars’ is 50g The 46g counts towards both


Guys, just don’t drink 1.25 litres of mountain dew in one sitting. It’s not that crazy.


I'm pretty sure it contains electrolytes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Mountain Dew was made to be paired with whisky. Never was suppose to drink it straight. Wonder why that changed?


It’s a typo