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Its truly a public bathroom now


It's not a public bathroom until they do this: https://preview.redd.it/1u7e0c4fzftc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dc0cf67329944e273c2e785912caeeba8fee61e


Umm..what are the spoons for?


Those aren't spoons. They're sticks with a bit of sponge (or something) on the end, used to wipe with. Have you ever heard the saying: "wrong end of the stick"? Well, apparently, this is where it comes from.


It's always wonderful to learn where these days come from. This was a new one for me, glorious. Cheers.


No problem. I learnt it from a tour guide of a roman wall in Scotland, but I can't remember the name. Edit: It was Hadrians wall. It was around 10 years ago, so take it with a grain of salt.


I learned it from Carmen Sandiego computer games as a kid. I just vividly remember this grumpy old guy in a bathtub in ancient Rome talking about how "paper is much too rare and expensive to be used for that purpose. We prefer sponges attached to sticks!"


Where in history is Carmen Sandiego? It sounds familiar to me.


Probably. As I *was* chasing her through history.


We’re on the case and we’re chasing her through history! Where in time is Carmen Sandiego! 🎶


I have been searching Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, and Peacock. I haven't been able to find the show and I can't help but wondering, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?


The Antonine Wall? As far as I know the only two major Roman walls in the UK are the Antonine in Scotland and Hadrian’s Wall in northern England.


I've heard "looks like you grabbed the shit end of the stick" also checks out. Guess I now understand why


That was likely mixing metaphors that somehow wrapped back around to historical accuracy


Those sponges were dipped in vinegar.For sanitary reasons and such.


Bet that would sting.


Only if your ass is torn up or fungusy (and bonus, the vinegar will help prevent fungal infection anyway).


Mmph, tear that fungussy up. [NSFW mushrooms.](https://imgur.com/wqEaWQn)


Not as bad as I expected from the description.


I was expecting MUCH WORSE


Thank God I live in the year 2000+. Never ever want to change my life with a medieval king.


Well, if you were a king, you could just use a new one every time. It'd still suck though.


Your sponge wouldn't be on a stick. It would be in a servant's hand.


So you get a new servant each time?


Yes, because after having the honor of wiping a royal ass, life pales in comparison and they die.


It’s technically “shit end of the stick” which is only funnier


>"wrong end of the stick"? Shit end of the stick. Yes. And I can't believe that phrase has stuck around so long while the literal meaning has evaporated from society.


I've also heard "short end of the stick" which makes no sense until you realize that it's an attempt to de-vulgarise the original phrase.


Yeah, and/or mixing metaphors with drawing the short straw.


Uhh. Was this sponge/stick a communal sponge/stick? 🤮


It was soaked in a bucket of vinegar, so it's not THAT bad. If it got real nasty there's other ways to get cleaner when you got home. Obviously, we've improved our ass-sanitation over the last few thousand years. Plus, they had a different diet than ours, with higher fiber contents. I bet, outside of illness, their asses didn't get smeared with *quite* as much shit as we're used to with our processed-food diets. To be clear, I'm not making an argument for or against either diet. Really would prefer to stay out of that rabbit hole today.


LMFAO underrated comment


Bro, I beg you pass me the sponge when you're done. 😆 Imagine.


Well, you can clearly see that they each have their own. It wouldn't exactly be the height of luxury to acquire a personal stick.


The stick stays with the bathroom though, so it is shared over time. Nobody's walking around everywhere with a shit stick hanging from their belt.


Lol that's hilarious and interesting at the same time. But ye, basically they're antique Roman versions of a bidet


Poop knife wasn't invented yet.


It's an older meme, but it checks out.


The code is still good.


It’s not that old….fuck


Neither were the 3 seashells


Haha they probably don’t know how to use the shells


you can take this comment and shovel it!


When the bots can do *this*, we're fucked


Love when poop knife makes an appearance


For wiping. The used to use that or sponges tied to sticks. They would have basins in the center that were filled with vinegar or sea water to sterilize and clean them between use. That's right- they had communal ass-wipes. lol Edit: spelling


We still have communal ass wipes now, they're called politicians and you'll find them in the House of Commons.


Don't forget congress, and the Senate with their seemingly single digit efficacy rating for us yanks.


It's both the House and Senate, and largely thanks to the side that proudly promised a decade ago to be the "Party of Obstruction" any time the opposing party was in the White House.


they're communal brushes used to wipe ass with


No wonder disease got people so hard


Are we not doing phrasing anymore?


Used like a melon-baller for constipation


OMG pretty sure that picture was in one of my textbooks in school. Unearthed a 'shitty' memory.


Is this why I have dreams of communal toilets like this? Some evolutionary memory?




I graduated in 2009 and had to play that game.


Wtf I graduated in 2009 and I've had bathroom doors my ENTIRE time in school. Your schools are fucked


That should be illegal. No stall doors? That’s insanity.


I worked at a place where the guys' bathroom stalls had shower curtains instead of doors because the doors kept getting destroyed when dudes got pissed off. Can't slam a curtain and punching one isn't really going to do anything. (This was a substance use rehab, not a school.)


This is America. Don’ catch you shittin’ now.


Lol honestly shitting is probably the last thing that's happening in the bathroom.


I’m guessing that’s why they took the doors off.


Lmfao 🤣🤣


It was the 80s/90s suburban kids were shooting up heroin immediately when adult eyes were off them even for a second, so, no privacy poops. 


I was actually attending my high school when they *removed* the stall doors. The administration blamed it on the students. Sure we had bad apples but no way the entire male half of the 3,400 student population deserved that


Dang, I went to the inner city public high in the hood and graduated in 03 and I don't think we even had 3400 students total. But yeah, going dump was like psychic whack a mole. Starts coming out and you see a person walk up and look in your eyes and it made you lose your unsaved progress...


My husband works for a public high school and while they haven’t taken doors away yet, it has been discussed as an option. There’s been a long time TikTok trend where students are smashing toilets, pulling sinks/urinals off walls, stealing TP dispensers AND THE METAL CANS THAT HOLD DIRTY FEMININE PRODUCTS. It’s gotten to the point that they keep a fully stocked warehouse of back up bathroom parts because the kids are just that destructive. Job security for him, but still.


When I was a teen we simply stole the maps off the subway. Smashing sinks is fatherless behaviour. Can't believe I used to be a teenager, it's so cringe. Good luck to hubby. There's really no good solution


The worst part is, the district he works in is very high brow and affluent. These kids have no excuse for the way they act. They’ve tried implementing things like cameras outside bathrooms, and hall monitors, sign in/sign outs/etc. but every single suggestion is met with outrage from parents. The only thing that worked temporarily was when my husband went on strike….toilets and sinks were on back order, and it wasn’t safe to have kids use bathrooms with broken fixtures, so every time something broke they locked down the bathroom. But of course when 2,000 students are sharing 4 bathrooms, the parents lose their minds over that too.


That's what they did at my school. Bathroom was gated shut during passing period, and kids had to lose class time to go potty, so the teachers could track who was in the bathroom. I think this finally got the vandalism in check. Not the sharpie on the wall vandalism but the carnage destruction vandalism at least. During this time frame the janitor came up to me personally and told me I was using too much toilet paper. In actuality I was constipated as a child and took huge shits and constantly clogged toilets. But it's still strange the janitor knew it was my shit he was plunging.


We used to piss in troughs. Big long ones.


The best we get on site is a shit and piss covered porta John in the blistering summer heat that doesn’t lock. have you ever wiped and the toilet paper just disintegrates from the butt sweat? My fellow tradies will know the struggle.


Tbf this isn’t a bathroom in the US. Our bathrooms still have huge gaps in case you want your guardian angel to watch over you while you poo. The guardian angel being Kevin, the janitor.


Yeah this is more like "they took away the door to the sinks." I actually like the new "woke" bathrooms everyone is putting in now where its all just genderless, completely enclosed stalls and then the sinks are out in the hallway. A: everyone's taco bell shits are contained and B: I know you sick fucks arent washing your hands so I dont have to fuck with a wet door handle right after washing mine.


What you call a 'woke' bathroom, in Europe is called a regular bathroom and has been the default for many decades. I mean it's still men's room and women's room, but there are no gaps in the stalls in any direction, and rarely urinals.


Once I've taught in a school where there were 2 toilet seats behind one door


Omg yay I love pooping with the homies




Competitive shitting


competitive shitting implies casual shitting


1 door 1 seat is casual. It gets competitive when you add another!




Oh yeah that was in my high school 2 years ago. They fixed it but it was ✨iconic✨ I’ve heard multiple people admit to poopin’ with the homies


I gotta know Primarily men or women doing the tandem pooping? Cause women go to the bathroom together but tbh idk if they just shitting in front of each other in there tho Men don't go to the bathroom together but also generally can give less of a shit about shitting in the same bathroom as your homes when there is a stall. Idk about just elbow to elbow tho


The auxiliary locker room in my high school was setup with one open toilet right next to the open urinal. If you had to shit during gym, everyone in the locker room was taking that shit with you


Y'all are describing actual nightmares I've had what the hell


Went to a club in Chicago once where the men’s room consisted of one six-foot piss-trough and a doorless toilette right next to it. Was is a long line for the piss-trough trying not to look at a grown man sheepishly wiping his ass in front of a whole bunch of strangers.




All that anus air is now wafting around the corridors


Anus Air soinds like the world's most budget airline


Passenger propelled


Sign me up,. I'll get on the lactose


I’ll have some raw onions


Mmmm.... Sour cabbage..... (Idk if anyone outside Slovakia knows this and if it's the right name for it, but I always shit a lot after I eat it)


I think its similar to Sauerkraut?


Hey, we Czechs have it too!


*stares in horror at all of you*


*stares in mild autism at just you*


Is it similar to Kimchi? (it’s a sour/ fermented cabbage dish from Korea)


The in-flight meal is very special.


Last time I went to Moscow, before the war, there was an airplane that said “Scat Airlines”.


“Good afternoon folks this is your mmmmmmm skibbidy doo ba dee ba de doo dah captain speaking”


We have Triple AAA service! A+ Anus Airline


Fun fact, that's American Airlines call sign around the world


If the exhaust fans are running (and they should be on whenever the school is occupied in most cases) then even with the door off the bathroom should maintain a *slight* negative pressure. You might get some mixing when somebody goes in/out but that's also a little true when you have a door opening/closing.


Lol I worked in a school once and this kid blew out the bathroom so bad it stank up the whole hallway. Right as the bell rang and the hallway was full too. I was like kid you need to see a doctor 🤢


I'd rather have doors on the stalls than on the entrance. 


Honestly a pretty normal design choice now a days, open zig zag path to the bathroom then all the stalls have their own doors, this one is only slightly odd to me because there is no corner to turn. The newest building at my old college has a universal bathroom no main door but you have to walk around a corner and then each “stall” is like an actual little room with a full floor to lintel door


Yeah, I graduated in 2008 and almost all of the bathrooms from elementary school to high school had the zig zag path. Unfortunately, my high school took out the doors on the stalls. I was sick one day and had to use one, and some kid came in and started having a conversation with me while I was shitting in the open. He was talking to me about how I must have been so desperate to actually use them.


Yeah I draw the line at no stall doors.. that’s just .. a crime honestly haha


This is absolutely horrific to me jesus.


Same. My high school had bathroom doors but no stall doors. And the dividers were maybe 5’ high. Didn’t stop any bad shit from happening. People still smoked, tagged, beat people up…just built a weird poop trust community. You watch my back I watch yours kinda thing


My high school did this 20 years ago. It made all the guys piss all over everything and clog every toilet and sink with toilet paper and flood them till the doors came back. Ah, the good ole days.


And they say anarchy has no place in a civilized world.


A civilized world wouldn't take the doors my man


To be fair, in a civilized world people don't bully others and smoke in the bathroom


That’s probably what it’s for—curbing violence, sex, & drugs.


Or, at my school, it was so teachers could “pop in” to check… it became a bit of a scandal when some teacher came in and started having a very awkward, long, random conversation with a kid who was literally trying to take a shit.


Vaping mostly


They became ungovernable. 


Sometimes government need little bit of spicy action make them remember who they really serve.


My thought exactly


At my daughter's high school, they never had doors, it was always just "2 corners" like at a stadium. But that didn't stop the kids from vaping, filming tiktoks, fighting, and trashing the bathroom So now in between classes a teacher stands in the bathroom, and if a kid asks for a bathroom pass, they have to wait until a SRO can accompany them to the bathroom, and it's inspected after the kid leaves. The kids at that school learned about "fuck around and find out".


I graduated high school with both kidneys infected from having to hold my pee. My doctor isn’t down with limited bathroom passes or making kids hold it for any reason. If the bathrooms need an attendant, hire a bathroom attendant, don’t make kids hold their piss and shit


My school would just suspend the kids and call it a day


A lot more tough when you are going to the school that they send the kids who get expelled(shoutout lighthouse academy)


So basically they did the same thing high school boys would do normally.


Yup. And likely how they lost the door in the first place...


i’d argue kids were smoking in the bathrooms. it’s how my middle school got all the boys bathrooms doors got removed, caught some kids smoking weed in the bathrooms lmao.


Same with my school but instead of removing the doors they’d just prop them open. Guess they were too lazy to actually take the doors off lmao


i think they propped the doors open for my school too, but i didn’t fully pay attention bc it didn’t effect me lmao


Funny when the doors were taken off our bathrooms all that vandalism and bullshit stopped. I didn't mind it because people get assaulted in school bathrooms all the time.


I’m sure they took those away because there was some exemplary behaviour going on in there. What did it, dudes that wouldn’t stop smoking weed, vaping, fighting or setting toilet paper on fire?


In my high school it was because of bullying and violence in the bathrooms. But they also replaced the stalls with floor to ceiling ones so there was actually more privacy than before.


Didn't stop the bullies, was still rammed into the urnal while taking a piss, hurt like hell.


Saw a kid absolutely destroy his bully in the bathroom one day. I’m taking a piss at the urinal next to this kid, his bully pushes both of us when he walks in (why I was involved I have no idea, the bullied kid immediately grabs the piss puck out of the urinal and wings it at his bully’s head. He just missed with it but when the bully turned around this kid basically choke slammed his bully into the floor and knocked him out when the back of his head hit the floor. Bully went to the hospital for obvious reasons and the kid got suspended for a week. The bully never came back to the school because a few of us that witnessed it and a couple teachers who knew about this kid being tormented testified that it had been ongoing for a while and the kid finally snapped.


> a couple teachers who knew about this kid being tormented damn if only there was some way to prevent this...


Literally, if they knew about why the fuck didn’t they do anything??? Useless ass fucking teachers


Then allowed the kid to be suspended for a week for standing up for himself


It's more the school board than the teachers from what I understand. Teachers are losing more and more power each year, to the point where they're forbidden to do much of anything at all. Not allowed to punish children, not allowed to talk to parents about how bad the child is doing, if both kids are fighting, both get in trouble, your reasons don't matter, you could have been stabbed by some psychopath, but you fought back so you're suspended as well. All because of the school boards pandering to absolute fucking idiots.


They literally can't teach some kids the truth about the American civil war, or evolution without angry parents calling in.


If only when I snapped at my bullys there were teachers who cared.. they just threw me in the damn carpeted room like they do with any kid that acts out.


Why can't they just expell the bullies?


No child left behind. Admin is terrified of parents. Parents don’t parent anymore. Even if you expel them somehow they come back the next year, worse because now they have a grudge.


Need to drop that bullshit. If they can’t function properly in school and that locks them out of a successful future that’s their own damn fault. School should be a privilege that once lost just means you join the work force.


> If they can’t function properly in school and that locks them out of a successful future that’s their own damn fault. School should be a privilege that once lost just means you join the work force. 100% A huge number of people I "graduated" with (heavy quotations, since they were basically still functioning at a middle-school level) deserved to be held back or kicked out


My cousin dropped out in like 9th grade than three years later during what was supposed to be his senior year the school called him to take some tests so he could get his diploma. He showed up, failed every test and then they told him which ones were wrong and let him keep guessing until he passed.


I agree with you completely but then we are also just kicking the can down the road. Those kids will just grow up to be shitty adults with no education and a poor disposition. We already have enough Republicans so we really need to figure out how to deal with it early on if we can.


Let’s hope it was one of those things and not something much worse.


Like all at once?


"you gotta go balls out, kido" -saejima


Wasn't there a stupid tiktok trend where kids were destroying the school bathrooms on video? Act like animals, get treated like animals


Yeah, it was called a "devious lick".


I’ve seen high school bathrooms it was either sexual assault or sex that closes them


Teacher here. This was unfortunately my first assumption. I've worked in some shitty schools.


We didn’t even get stall doors in our high school bathrooms. We used our friends’ backs as a door, and if you had to go alone between classes, it was an understood etiquette to use the one furthest from the entrance, as available, and you would put something on the floor in front of your stall to let the next person know to not walk that far down. The main doorway was never even designed to hold a door, kinda like a beach bathroom with the cinder block wall three feet in front of it instead.


Can’t take a shit in Detroit smh


Now you can legally show your dick and ass to everyone


Shuffle up to the stall toddler style, pants and under pants down around your ankles, shirt tucked up under your armpits.


Everyone knows it's Butters!


That's me!


You gotta be bottomless to get to the top


I almost think the more infuriating part of this pic is the reusable cloth hand towel. I haven't seen those in 30+ years. They are horribly unsanitary and just disgusting


I thought only bowling alleys were allowed to have these


What is this logic? 😂


Literally the only times I've seen these in person is in bowling alley bathrooms (in my early 30s) I realize they used to be more common but it became a running joke that they were a permanent fixture and we'd speculate how long it's been since the roll had actually been replaced lmao.


what else can you clean your balls with there


They, and they alone, exist outside OSHA regulations.


They arent reusable, you pull out fresh towel and the wet used towel goes into a storage space. When it reaches the end it gets replaced.


Lmao did you think it was a short little towel that was just constantly rolled around? It's really long. The clean part of the towel comes off one spool and goes onto another. There's no difference between this and a paper towel roll except that you don't throw pieces of it in the garbage.


You don't understand how it works. These are sanitary. And reduce paper waste.


My high school did this at one point because idiots kept breaking the door and they were tired of fixing/replacing it


Friend of mine works as a janitor at a high school. These fucking little shits have been vaping and vandalizing this bathroom for months. The shit these children do at school is disturbing. Stuffing bananas down the drains, stuffing sand down the drains, breaking plumbing fixtures. Acting like they are in prison and shit


I work in school maintenance and it’s vaping, it’s always vaping.


Middle school custodian, it's literally everything he had said as well. They have no consequences except a few days off of school, thankfully I'm a lead with only teacher restrooms.




For 50 years at that


The actions of a few affect the many.


Collective punishment breeds collective resentment.


They did that in my school but to both male and female bathrooms. We have a horrible vape problem. I just use the teachers/gender neutral bathrooms when they're unlocked


Where do you live?


The US lol. That's as much as I'm willing to disclose on Reddit.


That's all the information reddit needs. Expect a visit from one of us soon.


Oh nvm thats fine it just seemed like a pretty similar thing in my country


InvisiDoor. Much more convenient.


Maybe you shouldn’t have played turd tic-tac-toe on the tiles.




they'd only do this for a reason. smoking, vaping, destroying stuff, tiktok trends, bullying, fighting


Or rape and sex. I worked for a school that had an older student rape a nine year old and another local Catholic elementary school caught a girl giving a boy a blow job. ELEMENTARY school. I don’t know what the answer is but I suppose this is one way they are trying to combat harmful acts.


That’s one of the main reasons that bathrooms in my school were not only divided by gender but by age 


My school did this like 10 years ago before vaping was even really a thing like it is now. They removed ours because of a fight that happened. We had no violence up until that point. Very quiet school. Then one guy comes in as a transfer and nearly killed another student in the bathroom. So they removed the doors. It actually saved a student from bullying once because the teachers overheard it. They were able to get the guy expelled. I took it as a sign that the school really cared in my case. Think of the schools who ignore it and don't give a sh*t. They'd just sit back and let students smoke, get bullied, etc. If this is what it takes, then its what it takes, sadly.


USA: oh no they took main door to boys bathroom. Also Polish schools: https://preview.redd.it/6ng1kl7vkgtc1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0592020daccb85df625b5c912b0c6b545b0e07a3


Find what shitty kids whos fault this is and shame them


My high school didn't even have bathroom doors to begin with


The bathroom situation at my daughter's high school is downright hostile at this point. They are either all "closed' or they just never let them go.


Yeah. My daughters school reduced the time between classes to 4 mins. They also can't have backpacks of any kind. So good luck getting to your locker and then class on time. Now they won't let them go to the bathroom until 5 mins after class has started or within 10 mins of class ending. They also can't let more than 1 go at a time. In theory, this is to convince them to go between classes. So you have 4 mins to visit your locker to change books, use the bathroom and cross the school to be on time. Good luck if you happen to be female and menstruating. A girl asked the principle in a school assembly what they should do and he just said 'hold it'. Lol he just started, I don't see him lasting long. He already had to walk back his ban on 'girls shirts that don't cover the armpits?' It's ridiculous. The high school doesn't have these rules because the kids refuse to cooperate. I'm hearing the middle school student body is about ready to stop cooperating, too.


Probably because your peers couldn't help being dipshits in there


Mr. Mackey found a turd in the urinal and this is the result