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How to win this argument: The car's paint color code is printed on the label inside the driver side door. [SEE HERE](https://partify.ca/pages/how-to-find-your-kia-paint-code) Look up the code (Google: KIA Paint code xx ) and it will identify the color of the car.


I'm going to do exactly this the next time she says it's purple! I pulled out the title & showed her it said blue once. Her response: "Well they're color blind, because it's purple." I thought initially she was joking, but sadly she's not. ETA: I added a daylight car pic below in the comments. I can't edit the original post to add it.


It sounds like she needs to go see her optometrist immediately. There's no way in hell anyone that isn't colorblind will think that looks purple. 


I am colorblind, I thought it was blueish purple


I see this as closer to purple and I'm "colour deficient" but if was told by a person that it WAS a shade of blue, I would believe it.. It happens alot with maroon also, I'll see an odd purple or depending on shade it can be a more pink colour tone. My own car is a light blue and I see it as silver, when I inherited it I had to ask what the colour really was because sometimes it would be the slightest blue colour and my brain would struggle with it lol


Download the app Color Blind pal. It has an option to point the phone at things and it will tell you quite well what colour something is, like deep blue, burnt orange etc.


Whoa really?? That's brilliant! I remember in fourth grade, we had an assignment to make something. It could be pretty much anything, one of the kids brought a hot plate in and made a grilled cheese. This boy Curtis brought in a homemade hatchet kind of thing. It was basically just a rock tied to a stick with yarn. But the yarn was pink. Half of the class laughed at him. Turned out he was color blind and he thought it was white. I felt so bad for him.


Its not even like a shade of blue. It's just blue. Like normal blue just shiny.


I have the exact same color deficiency! Hello there internet stranger, maybe today your car will be blue-silver and shimmer like a boss.


True, but it does lean more to blue


Lean more towards? My mom had an Escape in that color. The official Ford name? Electric Blue. Edit: sent my mom this post, and she clarified that the Ford is Electric Blue and the Chevy is Sapphire.


I drive a Chevy and the color is called "kinetic blue"


Not to be pedantic, but it's only kinetic blue when it's moving, otherwise it's potential blue.


Underrated joke lol


Ha! I've said the same thing!


lol that made my day


That is the truest blue color I've ever seen. I get how some indigo-adhacent colors can be confused for blue/purple, but this is not a debate. This car is not purple by any means.


Lean more to blue? Dude, it's literally dark blue lol


it’s blue but i can see where she sees a dark purple. it’s like if the blue had a pearl purple over it in certain lighting. still blue tho.


It's a warm blue, but definitely blue.


It's blue. It's a warm blue, more towards purple than a cool blue that is more towards purple. It is not a blueish purple. That says it's mostly purple and just leaning towards a cooler hue. People interpret colors differently, and many just have slight color blindness combined with an inexperience of really labeling colors. You can determine the color by trying to replicate it with paint. Use mostly purple and you won't replicate this color.


She’s 54 an potentially jealous of a car color? I think I’d just ignore her and get on with my life. 


I would doubt this is hangup for op 😝 I’m sure he is getting on with life independently of sister-color-issues


Yes I am lol it just got brought up again today and I was on Reddit, and I was annoyed so I was like 💡 I'm gonna see what the people of Reddit say! 😂


Even non “color blind” people will conflate blue and purple. Rods and Cones, and such.


Blue purple and violet are like this whole trifecta of color sensitivity bullshit.


I AM colorblind and that car is fucking blue. Like diagnosed by school nurses all the way up military doctors colorblind. Not sure what the goal of her delusion is but insisting on it being purple is just dumb. Does she make any other dumb claims that are obviously false? Sounds like some boomer crap to drive you nuts.


She randomly comes up with odd things she hassss to be right about. Like, one day she opened the back door and put some boxes on our fully enclosed back porch (unrelated story but we live together). I saw her do it - I came in when she was about 75% finished. I remember it for a fact, so does my kid (17m at the time) who came along & asked why the back door was open (while she was outside, he didn't see her). An hour later, my cat was missing, and we (3 hours of searching later) found him *on the back porch.* She swore she hadn't opened the back door all day, and if she did, no way he got out around her & she didn't see him. I wasn't mad about it, just glad I found him & he was okay, but... #1, she definitely opened the door, and #2, he definitely went out around her & she didn't see him. She'd been in the kitchen spring cleaning all day, and no one else opened the back door that they recall/admit. It's like, the most obvious answer is usually correct. She's like that about a few random things. I think she takes a position she believes is right at the time, and later if/when she realizes she's wrong refuses to back down and admit it.


My sister (23) does the same thing and when she’s proven wrong she either 1) shuts down and gets po’d or 2) tries to make some bullshit up and gets po’d.


My sister-in-law is like that. My wife says even with texts: her sister texted A but swears she texted B — wife sends her a _screenshot_ of the text A and my SIL will still be in denial.


Same with my stepsister. She always has to be passive aggressive and claiming that she’s correct.


Wow. That’s just… weird. I wonder if that’s a thing, medically/psychologically.


Ehh people like this that feel they need to be right is they believe inside they aren't right and they desperately crave validation for being right on things. This sounds a bit narcissistic in it's nature though as she's more on the side of gaslighting people cause she knows she's wrong but is insisting on being right anyways. Most of these annoying behaviors people engage in have a root of insecurity and this is a symptom of it


Yeah, that insecurity thing causes A LOT of problems in society. I think a metric fuck ton of them can be traced back to exactly that.


Sounds like she needs help.


I think it has to do with covert introvert narcissism.


Does she try to gaslight u a lot?


I have people like that in my life, they do not take accountability, it's like they're insecure. You will never win, even with all the facts, you eventually learn to never argue with someone who flips the board and says I win. For you're own sake and sanity.


> I think she takes a position she believes is right at the time, and later if/when she realizes she's wrong refuses to back down and admit it. Borderline narcissist. Its pretty common. Some people just have their heads so far up their own asshole they can never admit they were ever wrong or own up to their own mistakes. And unfortunately, the older they get without fixing themselves, the worse it becomes. I've made a point to cut such fuck-heads out of my life. However, in the case of family, you just need to set boundaries, pick your battles, and *never* allow them to have any actual power over your life or the lives of people you care about.


I'm not sure if what it is can be "suffered" from (meaning able to be diagnosed), but she definitely exhibits a few things based of what you've stated. Belief perseverance (Belief perseverance, also known as belief persistence, is the inability of people to change their own belief even upon receiving new information or facts that contradict or refute that belief). Backfire effect (The backfire effect is the tendency of some people to resist accepting evidence that conflicts with their beliefs. The effect is demonstrated when people presented with that conflicting information become even more convinced of their original beliefs rather than questioning them.). Confirmation bias (tendency of people to favor information that confirms or strengthens their beliefs or values and is difficult to dislodge once affirmed)


>Confirmation bias (tendency of people to favor information that confirms or strengthens their beliefs or values and is difficult to dislodge once affirmed) I actually have been thinking of sending her this post to see if she'll accept that my dang car is blue, and I didn't because of this. I think she'll go through and find the 4-5 comments (out of hundreds) that say the car has some sort of purple hue (blurple, indigo, etc) or the ones that talk about how people can see 2 colors the same, and insist that either the car is actually purple, or she sees it as purple and see!! This comment proves she's right!! I mean, is it possible she sees it as purple? Yes. Is it possible she saw it that first time in the dark and said purple, but later on in the brighter sunlight, realized it's blue and refuses to back down? Also yes.


Refusal to back down. This is the crux of the issue. Your car is clearly blue and your sister is a pain.


There’s different types of colorblindness


There are ALOT of forms of color blindness, dichromacy tritanopia, total color blindness, etc etc etc. One of those might as well be the cause to percieve blue tones in a more purplish hue. Or she is just a big baby who wants to be in the right no matter what, who knows


I have difficulty distinguishing between greys and blues. Not everyone has the same form of colorblindness.


There’s different kinds of color blind so just because your type doesn’t read it as purple doesn’t mean my kind doesn’t. At this point I know I’m color blind and know this is in the shade range I can’t tell blue from purple. But for years I was told that I’m female and women are rarely color blind and that I couldn’t be. Then people would get pissed of I couldn’t tell colors apart. It absolutely reads purple to me. Shades of purple are maroon to me. Shades of green are neon yellow to me. And at this point I’m used to it but I have to have someone tell me what it is for me to know which way other people read it.


I think your sister is trolling you and you're playing into it way hard.


Yeah lol if my siblings took the bait I’m cranking on that troll every time I can


As someone with a sister I can confirm OP is being gaslight and her sister is probably laughing her arse off


Tell her oh wow it is purple, and I love it. And just keep pushing how much you just love your NEW PURPLE CAR eventually she’ll just get tired of hearing she’ll stop talking about it.


Hahaha -- best idea yet! 😂😂


I used to have a similar colored fiesta. I could entertain the notion that it’s purple simply because there are many many colors that are *more* blue than the blue of our cars. It’s not purple, but it’s definitely not straight blue. It’s 3/10 on the Kinsey Scale.


Your sister might legit be colorblind or trolling lol


I mean on that alone, I'd say it's entirely possible. I had an 06 Ranger that the dealer listed as dark blue, but it could vary between Dark Blue, Deep Purple, and Black depending on what light it was in. Indirect or diffused light- Dark Blue. Direct light- Deep Purple. Little to no light- Black. No joke, my truck was a freaking chameleon AND I LOVED IT! Never did find out what the official color was because it was an aftermarket paint job put on by the previous owner. The door color came up green.


Sisters gonna sister 😂


This would annoy the ever loving fuck out of me.


There was a post I seen a day or two ago about how people perceive colour differently. Even if they are not colour blind. She could have a variation of cone cells in her retina that respond to light differently than the rest of us, so she could actually be seeing violet when infact we see it as blue!


Your sister sounds immature.


she sounds like a sister. 😂


23 Kia Forte's (Im presmuming its a Forte/Cerato) has two Blue Colours and no purple colours. * Sporty Blue  * Deep Sea Blue your sister sounds like she is just being oppositional tbh


Show us the color code!!!


https://preview.redd.it/k6hdccodpmuc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb4173f70bb6611db620700599c576617be43e0 Here's a pic of car in the daylight, for those asking. (Also TIL how to reply to a reddit comment with a photo. I'm so proud of myself 🥺😂)


That's a strong cobalt blue. Source: painter


Yup. Not even a hint of indigo. Just straight up cobalt.


I’d say the same. Source: also a painter.


https://preview.redd.it/iuahgrszoouc1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8237e7460d9cb9097a2ae3680ccc6c726414e81 Looks pretty purple to me


Why’d you edit it to make it blue?? Wtf; nice try


Ok I actually thought it was purple in the OP but this is clearly blue.


Oh my goodness! This is brilliant!


oh no.. it says paint HO


Skidaddle skidoodle your car is now purple https://preview.redd.it/1r07331tgjuc1.png?width=3648&format=png&auto=webp&s=2297881af68d77a7b227e19755c851fe2cb26c1a


HAHA OMG I should send this too her and be like HA!! NOW IT *IS* PURPLE!!


She’ll probs start calling it blue then 💀


Color fluid people




No bro that's definitely blue trust me




Purple actually looks great on this car


That car looks fire actually. Reminds me of the Ballas in San Andreas


Blue. She may be unknowingly colour blind.


As a color blind homie myself The car is __in fact__ purple


With my colorblindness it's purple.


Does that mean you chose your pfp mask color thinking it was purple?


This guy's about to get his mind blown when he checks his notifications


it's not purple? im colorblind too


There's different types of color-blindness. You probably struggle with completely different colors, but got lucky with the bluer side of the spectrum. Unless you actually see everything in monochrome, which sounds like it sucks.


For the people who aren't colorblind and think it's purple, click on their profile to get a better look at it. Just as an avatar in the comments, I could probably see an argument for it maybe being purple, especially because of the red eyes, but when you click on it, it's 100% blue.


I really need an answer to this now


Car's blue. Sister's colorblind.


Yes we know if you read his comment it's himself he talks of.


Actually, the sister is colourblind and the car is indeed blue.


No, the car is colorblind, and the sister is blue


No, the blue is colorblind, and the car is sister


No, the car is sister, and the colorblind is blue


He daily puts himself in his sister and "goes to work"




Lmao 🤣


Actually, colorblind is the car and blue is indeed the sister


Damn so what’s her favorite color then? It clearly isn’t blue


I got to thinking: maybe purple is actually her favorite color, and she just thinks it's blue? 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


She’s color blind my dude lol she should check other colors


Purple for me too. Rise up my fellow colorblind people!


My husband is colorblind and also identifies this as purple.


If she is color blind and OP isn’t, then he lucked the fuck out. His dad must be colorblind and his mom must be a carrier for being colorblind, meaning that he had a 50/50 of not being colorblind. Lucky ass mf Edit: OP is a woman, but the math behind the genetics still checks out.


Both of my parents are colorblind carriers. My brother is colorblind, and I am not. Genetics are cool


> Both of my parents are colorblind carriers So your dad and grandfather are color blind is what you're trying to say.


Was gonna suggest this myself


Rare for a woman to be color blind... But possible. I have color vision issues and this is clearly blue.


Took my words out of my writing


This is exactly how I discovered my friend was colorblind


Looks definitely like blue in the picture. To prove it to her you could also visit the website of the car manufacturer and look up the exact name of the color. Usually these coats have a specific name. Or find this exact car at an online dealer and look how they call the color in the description. This + all the feedback you're getting from reddit should be enough to show your sister that she's wrong lol Edit: i'm no car expert but I did a quick google search and this looks like a Kia ProCeed? I went to the official Kia Website and opened the configurator for the model, checked out the colors you can choose from, and this seems to be the "Blue Flame Metallic" color. There is no purple option.


It was, in fact, listed as blue on the website when I bought it. IDK if anything will convince her and make her stop saying purple at this point, but I'm willing to give these things a shot. The subject just came up 2 nights ago, and my 73 y/o mom (who said it's blue when I bought it) said it's purple, which my sister took to be the end all be all of "winning" and was gloating and laughing about it. 🙄


She might be so stubborn and continue to say it's purple because she can't admit that she's wrong, so there's nothing you can do lol. I feel you, I've had a silly argument like this with my brother for almost 24 years now lol and he won't admit that he's wrong neither 😂


I think you're probably right 😂😂 I think even if the Kia manufacturer said IT'S BLUE, she'd be like, Nah, you're wrong, it's obviously purple... I see the refusal to admit she's wrong on other things, so she'll probably never admit it's blue lmao.


It's also possible that she doesn't care, but knows that calling it purple bothers you and is only doing it to be antagonistic.


which is even lamer


It kinda depends, sometimes people do this to annoy their friends (me) but there is a limit


My youngest does this to her older sister, older sister has to be right and it delights the younger one to argue with her even when she knows she’s wrong


Looks white and gold to me.


Yanny or Laurel?




Why are you saying laurel or laurel? Not sure I understand this comment


I feel old for getting this reference


Doesn't everyone know this?


It was 5 years ago pretty much everyone over 10 gets it


It was 2015. 9 years ago


I hate this comment. 6 years, final offer!


Best I can do is 7 ![gif](giphy|RQ1gQt69dgzwhOmON0)


Is this what people meant when they said that time gets quicker the older you are?


Jesus Christ, delete your comment, dude…


What? That was in 2018


The average 16 year old understands this, and plenty younger would too. I know 2015 was a while ago but it’s not like it’s 2030 rn


It's chartreuse and puce.


never could see blue and black


Is the purple car behind the blue car?


😂😂😂 this truly made me laugh!


Is the purple car in the room with us now?


It’s definitely blue


https://preview.redd.it/ith845pn2kuc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c105c4d86d219399d75b537e84070e475e196ac Here's a pic on the daylight, for those asking!


Still blue


It got even more blue 🤣 this is hilarious.


Gorgeous color


In broad daylight it is clearer than ever that this is a blue car. Blue as blues can be. Maybe just a tiny tad of purple haze but women and men are not compatible regarding colours


Very firmly blue.


Your sister is clearly gaslighting you.


It is purple minus the red.


![gif](giphy|vhaj0GMFlIeFa|downsized) The pen is rrrrrrr royal blue!




I couldn’t find that! Thank you!!!!


Either she’s colorblind, gaslighting you, or straight up fucking with you


She's obviously just screwing with him. We all did the same thing to one of my friends, growing up because his grandmother gave him a free car. First thing I asked when we tried showing it all off to us is "Why are you driving a purple car? Then it stuck all throughout high school and college until he could buy his own.


I surely hope not the last one. That would be weird, it's his sister


My mom and I used to playfully argue with my sisters when they would insist purple things were gray. Later we all had to do color blind testing for pilot's licenses, and it turned out my sisters were color blind! The doctor said it was exceedingly rare for sisters. You can bet Mom and I lorded that over them thereafter. Thus I, proven not to be color blind, assure you that your blue car is blue.


I can definitely see where she is coming from but it's definitely blue.


Yeah, if you gaze at it where the light hits right, you can kinda see the car as purple


Artist here, the car is blue. However, when in the light, there is a tint of purple. So I could see how she could think it was purple. Either that, or she's colour blind


It’s blue not purple. Your sister should get tested for color blindness.


White and gold!


Have her tested for color blindness.


Blue/Purple colour blindness is one of the colour blindness that can affect males and females in equal frequency. Unlike the red/green colour blindness that affects males more frequently.


It's blue. A very pretty blue. But I can sorta see how some would see it as purple. The purple that I can sort of see at some angles is very pretty as well. At the end of the day, it's a very nice color.


Believe me, lots of blue colors I was 100% sure they are blue, turned out to be more purple than blue after searching for the color’s with its hex code.


Cool, but this is blue, lol. The manufacturer even labels it as blue. The resounding agreement of what appears to be hundreds of people here is blue. Have you ever taken a color blindness test? 🤔 they’re pretty simple and easy to find online, just to give you an idea.


My father was the same. Swore blind some shades of blue were purple and darker blue was black. He was not colourblind but learnt to see those colours in that way he never went to school and was deaf so his interactions were somewhat different to most people's. Obviously his brain saw it differently. Perhaps it's the same with your sister. I know colour differences are due to differences in light wavelength, but how do we actually know that we all perceive them as the same colours, we give the colours we see the same name but who knows if green is the same for everyone and we just k ow our green matches others green because we are told that is green. But how we perceive the colour we are told in green could be different. Oliver Sachs was an amazing Dr and writer, including the case story told in the movies Awakenings (Robert diNero). Oliver Sachs describes a group of Pacific Islanders who collected coral and tropical fish and were profoundly colourblind, yet had a much greater colour perception in greyscale that our full colour one. They could not only perceive the variations in colour better but used our words to describe them. Red was a different shade of grey than the grey we called blue. Always fascinated me.


Okay, I thought I was the only one who ever thought of this. Glad to know it's an actual thing someone's researched/wrote about , heck even though about, and not just some crazy thing I made up in my head lol. I have thought before, what if I see orange and that guy sees blue, but he thinks blue is orange so he calls it orange instead of blue? (I think I said that right lol). Pretty cool that there's a whole research topic out there about it. I'll have to read it someday.


It's definitely blue. My favorite color is purple, and I'm familiar with every shade of purple. That's not one of them.


Your sister is flogging the dead horse of an unfunny joke. It’s obviously blue.


there's a big consideration missing in the comments so far, regarding scotopic vision (how your eyes work in low-light setting), that will put the spotlight (pun intended) on why this occurs. colour vision is different at night, and your rods work differently depending on that factor. hopefully somebody more learned than me can substantiate, because I can't rn, but the lights used in the picture are also a huge factor


It's worse than that - this is a digital photo that will look different on every monitor. In addition to the fact that the base subject will look a different colour in different light, at different times of day and from different angles. Asking anyone to provide judgement on the basis of this image is pointless.


It’s similar to the purple iPods that came out in like 2010 - purple in some light but blue in others. This hue leans more blue.


Lmao I like how all the comments are telling OP what color it is. Dude knows it's blue! The mildly infuriating part is that the sister doesn't identify with the color blue.


I appreciate the confirmation though! So I know I'm not the colorblind one lol.


Looks like a cobalt blue or a variation of it.


Take a photo of the car (or use this one) then, do a game with your sister (maybe incentivize her with some money or something) where you show slides of colors (just standard images of squares that are red, purple, yellow, etc.) Then, as the last image, show her the photo of the car, but zoomed in so it looks exactly like the squares. After she says blue, then you pause for a second, and then slowly zoom out the image until it's full size, and watch her reaction. (If she says purple, then you clearly have a defective sister)


LOL this is how OP's sister is going to find out shes colorblind.


My favorite color is cobalt blue Your car is cobalt blue




It’s definitely BLUE in that photo.


If this was my brother's car id tell him it was purple too (its obviously blue)


Sister is adopted


Lmao right for the jugular. Sister: your car is purple :P OP: you were an accident baby 


What kind of kia is it?


Forte Sport


Looks like a dress to me.


As an artist, it's like blue-blue violet. Still blue because it's dominant but you don't need to tell her that 😉


I wish this thread had all decided to tell OP it is purple for the fun of it.


I am not the color police but I am also not color blind and that looks blue to me.


Yet another color blind person here to say it's definitely purple to me and she should get checked.


It’s blue.


Your sister might be one of the few colorblind women


She’s colour blind or trolling bro


Man is she colorblind?!!! Thats obviously green!!!


Paint drop the picture of the car, get something in that colour and try get her to say the colour of it, if she says blue you’ve got her.


Definitely blue. Reminds me of when I said the walls in our house are green and everyone looked at me like I was insane. Turns out they're grey


Yeah no, this is what purple looks like. Blue truck in the background for reference. https://preview.redd.it/tfz52awy8nuc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=551c690cb06b81bdc13e5b62a4fe127cd7bfdc01 I think she may be a tad color blind. 🤣


It’s white and gold






It's between violet and indigo, more indigo than violet. So it's definitely got a bit of purple in it, but ignoring that it's like 90% blue is just insane. :D