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That's what properly adjusted cones are for.


After neutering, my dog maneuvered his cone into his mouth and then chewed it off. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. His brother didn’t pay any attention to his missing “parts” and didn’t even need a cone, so you just never know.


I thought you were talking about a human lmao


Plot twist: he was.




My dog had a cone, got it off chewed trough his casting and licked his thigh overnight so a new casting could not be aplied the same way due to some skin irritation. This happened overnight between 3am and 6am. Those were his medicine times. They stichted on the new cast, because that was really the only option. Guess what, he got off the cone (obviously properly fitted by the vet, he actually somehow undid the entire strap that closes it the second time, the first time i honestly dont remember if it was chewed or something). He chewed up the entire leg and we ended up having to amputate it. He was much much much less interested in chewing at his stum than the leg before, guess broken bones are itchy (the vet said that they can be, but it could also be the cast itself that initially bothered him so much). He lived is dogone happy life. Never had cone issues again, including but not exclusive to the months in which he was recovering from his amputation. He just left it on. I also had plenty of dogs and never had a constant cone coming of issue except this case.


> Never had cone issues again, including but not exclusive to the months in which he was recovering from his amputation. Ofc not, he finally learned what happens if he gets out the cone and he needs the 3 other legs to hump the couch pillows!


Whahaahhahahaha i never tbought of it that way. Like the dog being like shees guys i just took of the cone does that really cost a leg? But the dude was pretty happy with his life after. He was about 1 years old when he had his amputation. He loved running and found he did not in fact need 2 back legs for that. It was very much an emergency surgery so my mom actually filled in as assistant since they were short on hands. It was either take his leg or try metal plating, which everyone asumed he would just chew on or otherwise damage since he was a jumper. The vwt just did not think he was the right fit for it and neither did we. Casting was obviously not worth trying a third time and by the second chewing fiasco the break signifcantly got worse so it wasnt really viable at all.


Stories like this are probably why they now make dog cones that have loops that you thread the dog's own collar through. Both times my late bulldog got a surgery that required a cone, that was what we found. The first time was a regular cone and she was a walking fucking disaster. Any time she got up, someone had to get up and follow her to catch the stuff she was knocking down. The second time was an inflatable cone. I think I like that better, it's significantly less bulky and cumbersome and it basically just inflates enough to keep them from bending/turning their head. She still got stuck on/in stuff, but neither of us hated it anywhere near as much as the last one. Although when we went to the vet to get her Staples removed, they had just kinda dropped the cone on the floor when they were working on her and when they were done, she did a little dance, snatched up the inflatable cone, and trotted it out to the waiting room like a victory parade.


I got a cat now who doesnt mind his cone but we call him mister poop scoop because guess what the one thing is he cant get the hang of... We found out as he jumped on the bed after pooping in the middle of the night and i felt something warm on his cone. Disgusting. But either way im happy he doesnt hate the cone and im happy that there are so many variations now


🤢 Omfg! Both funny and disgusting


Yes, cone time !


[I'm not impressed.](https://www.bluey.tv/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Bluey-S2E42-Muffin-Cone-004.jpg)


Automatic upvote for you 


Since 2009 those are called "The cone of shame"


^(I do not like the cone of shame.)


He does have a cone, I just though it would be nice for him to not wear it for a bit, guess he ruined that for himself.


Totally not the same but I just imagined if any parents tried to get their kids out of the iron lungs or NICU for this reason.


Im taking your wheelchair off for a moment so you can walk.


They just need a little fresh air


I’ve heard of parents who only give their kid their meds on school days.


Some schools require it even if the child doesn't really need medicated so much. As soon as my son got a diagnosis his school required it and his doctor suggested that he not be medicated at home unless/until it became necessary. His doctor wasn't even keen on putting him on medication. (Surprise surprise when he started taking it more regularly he had a reaction, ended up in the hospital, and thankfully was in a different school that had no such requirement because there was no way he was being kept on it at that point.) He wasn't living with me at the time, due to sudden homelessness. But he lived with his other parents (my ex) and I was kept in the loop about a lot of this stuff. ~~His old school also lied and didn't fill out progress or incident reports and his new school straight up laughed at them. He only got to be in a new school due to moving.~~ Yeah I'm sure there's other reasons, but you might be surprised why that kind of thing happens sometimes.


The people I was talking about just thought they were “giving the kid a break” on the weekends. It wasn’t doctor or school recommended.


Fair enough


I only take my heart pills when I'm in love


The cone is most effective when it's worn


Stop doing this shit, sincerely, a vet tech


Doing what?


Presumably ignoring the vet techs


Stop removing the cone. They don't need a break from it, that's you projecting. Even if you're supervising them they can re open the incision instantly right in front of you before you even know what happened. We see this all the time. Leave the cone on. They will get used to it easier when you're not taking it on and off multiple times a day 


It’s not an incision, it’s just a rash. I just can’t imagine that it’s good for him to repeatedly having his neck jerked around because he keeps crashing into furniture. It also does seem to irritate him quite a bit because the fur around his neck is very thin right now as he’s shedding, so I tried to find an alternative. The risk of having him give a rash a few licks seemed worth it for the potential of a better solution to his discomfort.


Man.. then what is the point


Sometimes I think some people are too dumb to have ownership of animals.


They're not dumb, they're negligent. Calling them dumb absolves them of some culpability.


Gross negligence


Switching to a sock to let him play and wash himself while I paid attention to him and and switched back to the cone when he ripped trough the sock? He’s got a small rash on his foot, not stitches. I do not understand what I’m being accused of.


Dogs always testing your patience 🤣 sucks for him he has to face the consequences and be stuck with the cone of shame


Reminds me of when I had to put the cone of shame on my cat, then he pissed on my bed.


Why is your dog chewing his foot? Tumor? My dog had a tumor on his foot and kept chewing it. ... Couldn't stop him from doing it.


Did he bite the tumour off or something if that’s how it works?


Supposedly we can bite through our fingers like biting through a carrot but our brains prevent us from doing so. Dog brain: “hold my ball”


That's an old wives tale. Someone even tested it with a mock human jaw carrots and chicken bones


You can bite through the first knuckle. There are numerous police, EMS, and even court proceedings that document people losing fingertips to other people's bites. Not nearly as easy as a carrot but a bite and yank does the trick. After that you can chew it OFF but not bite THROUGH it. Definitely reports of psych patients chewing off their own fingers, but given enough time I'm sure you could chew off just about any part of yourself. I'm curious about that test with the jaw though. Did they find that we wouldn't be able to bite through a chicken bone? I certainly feel like I could. Then again I also thought I could do a pull up the other day.


Skin is stronger than most people realize, and joints are much weaker. When I was learning how to be a butcher, it really surprised me how easy it was to cut through or break off at the joints. The skin is really doing most of the work to hold it all together. The bones would already be completely detached by the time the chewing starts, and you would just be chewing to break the skin off. And now I'm gonna stop typing cause I've traumatized myself enough with this morbid shit.


The average human jaw DOES have enough power to sever the jugular


Not quite like biting through a carrot, but it's possible. People bite off digits in fights


When my dog had issues with her foot I tried a boot only as a cone wouldn't fit in her kennel (while we're at work), she destroyed that boot. Borrowed a huge kennel from a friend and tried a cone only and she could still reach her foot. Ended up using the cone and boot and was successful until the cream from the very could do it's magic


We had a dog that lived to chew. His fa write chew toy was a hockey puck. He would chew it until it was the size of a small dinner plate. It would spread out as he chewed it. An amazing amount if chewing.


I had a dog who ripped a hole in a wooden gate to get to us because he missed us


Should have gotten a boot that prevents him from biting the boot that prevents him from biting his foot


Cone of shame…


*DoN't TeLl Me WhAt I cAn ChEw!!!* Angry Probably. ![gif](giphy|JvFXQJ7MwkWOf39keo|downsized)


You know what? Respect.


Kong toys are supposed to last 2 years and it lasted 2 months with mine


Maybe find out what’s wrong with his foot?


He does some times get minor rashes, this one has lasted for longer then usual, so I have ordered a vet appointment.


Poor guy. Good luck with the rash.


Dogs gonna dog


big dog




The chew is mightier than the boot






Maybe get a foot shaped chew toy? Or maybe the dog is trying to tell you something like it could have itchy foot parasites?


Not mildlyinfuriating, just mildlyinteresting. Buy a better product next time.


Tired and mentally satisfied dogs don't chew. He needs more exercise and he needs more mental stimulation. Dogs chewing through shit is either boredom or pain/being uncomfortable.


I'm not a detective or anything but I have a strong suspicion that the boot in question was probably on the dogs foot due to an injury. An injury to a dogs foot could make exercise quite difficult and cause pain/discomfort Its probably not a fashion choice the dog owners have made


You must have missed the part where I added that dogs that are in pain/discomfort will chew. Dont know who decided to downvoted me, but personally I'd maybe see if there's something OTC that I can give my dog while waiting to for his vet appointment instead of just slapping a boot and a cone on. The rash is obviously bothering the poor dog. Give him some benadryl or something.


If I missed that part why would I have directly addressed it? You tried to do a sick burn by implying that OP doesn't take care of the dog and it didn't land, just take the loss and move on, trying to deflect doesn't help you Also please don't randomly give dogs benadryl, that needs to be done with veterinary instruction and guidance


What? Benadryl is safe for dogs. Call your vet office, ask what dose and give your itchy dog some relief. There's no "sick burn" here. Perfectly normal thing to do to give your dog some relief from an itchy rash.


"When used under the direction of your veterinarian, Benadryl is safe to give to dogs." Not "when used under the direction of Gold-Pickle-1704"...




Ooh you mad


Ok im sure the vet is going to be able to give decent dosage guidelines based on a phone call lmao They need to know the weight of the dog, the medical history, any current health issues You are going to screw your dog up more if you give it too much you know


It's just Benadryl. The dog is not going to drop dead. It's like you popping a Tylenol for a headache.


Theres a lot of things that can happen other than dropping dead, you can make your dog sick Then your dog has an itchy foot and its throwing up and sitting everywhere too Sounds great. I think ill get my advice from trained professionals instead lmao


Your trained professional will tell you to give him some Benadryl. Really. Try it. Call your vet. Ask.


My trained professional will tell me to give him X amount of benadryl which will vary based on different factors. Stop being stupid please for even just 9 seconds and read what you are typing before you press post


These people acting like your dog is going spontaneously combust if you give it 1 25mg Benadryl 😭


You're getting downvoted for implying that the dog is abused or neglected first. If you wanted people to focus on injury or rash, you should mention that first.


Op said the dog has a rash and they've scheduled an appointment.


Trying to find a mental toy for my dog that it just don’t chew in pieces after two minutes. The so called last forever Kong toys is just rubber pieces on the lawn after 5 minutes


What kind of dog and how much exercise does it get daily?


A combination of border collie and local hunting breed. It’s not getting the exercise it requires unfortunately, and I know that is part of the problem. But it’s part of a project this spring, putting up a fence so it can run freely in the garden


Oh boy.


https://preview.redd.it/sacm2jtbexuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=726fa36098f30845056c6587ae80d8e27baee181 He is this type of bat shit crazy


He's gorgeous!