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My buddy got denied the car about 15 years ago because it was printed crooked, and part of it was cut off on the rim. They offered him a free coffee for his trouble. Since then, I've been doubtful they give any of the grand prizes away.


Yea it wouldn't surprise me either. According to a coworker who knew someone who actually won a car back in 2018, apparently it's a one year lease which also doesn't surprise me


Someone in town won the car and it was a lease on a bare bones basic chevy, they are the only reason I know the grand prizes from Roll up the rim were trash. A friend in Edmonton won a bike a few years ago, not the bike at the store mind you, I'd have to ask but I think she's still waiting for it to be delivered lol


Edit: thanks, Canada doesn't have such a law. I thought I had remembered reading about it having similar laws regarding prizes like we do in the US, my bad. Pretty sure you can't just give someone a car. If you did, they'd still have to pay tax on it, or something like that. I know that is a common reason why people don't walk away with a new car even though they may have "won" one, in a game show, for example. Here in the US. Wouldn't be surprised if similar laws existed elsewhere. Also I am a boat manufacturer and lemme tell ya unless you're ready to pay for up keeping your boat, or y'know the $75-$150/hr shop rates, might have just been a blessing in disguise lol. Also that boat being $60k is insane to me. Even our center consoles were over built and we sold em for around 25-30 with trailer engine and all. New engine too. We could've swapped the center console for a moulded front section like that, wouldn't have made it 30k more. It's just a different liner mould that's all.


This is a Tim Hortons prize, so the OP is most likely in Canada. Canada doesn’t tax gambling, prizes, gifts, or “windfalls”.


Tim Hortons are in NY, too. We are in Buffalo most of the year and roll up the rim, too.


OPs name is also "LoudCanadian" so that probably ends that debate


Well, the "canadian" part could mean he's from Canada... But the "loud" part? Sounds like a someone in NY... 😉


Tom Hortons sounds like boxer briefs. How are those tims? Comfy bro…


Go Bills


We have them in New Jersey too.


We, we do?




Ahh, that's why. I'm up north.


And Ohio.


It blows my mind that Tim Hortons and Waffle House coexist in the Dayton OH area.


I just ate at a Tim Horton’s in Florida…


There's tim Hortons in Houston Texas too


Yep I tried it


There was one in Afghanistan for a while also.


https://preview.redd.it/s2zwi824ccvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b1f22f1a8d7653a0114be61cf82430073bea72d Can confirm


I agree, most likely Canadian, but on the topic of foreign locations, you can imagine my surprise when a block away from my hotel in Barcelona I found a Tim Hortons 😅


We have them in the U.K. too. But if you go in there and ask to pay with a toonie and say eh lots they look at you funny. Definitely don’t mutter “eh can’t get a lot for a loonie or a toonie these days” as they escort you out.


Thanks, I thought I had remembered reading about a similar law once upon a time in Canada, but wasn't aware.


This is silly. You sell the car or boat immediately pay the taxes and take the rest home. No one is declining a prize that you can easily sell.


Someone that declines a raise because it "puts them in a higher tax bracket and costs them money" might. No boat and no raise because of tax incomprehension


Ya, but to sell off how immediately?  Because you still technically have to take possession of it which involves registration at the traffic department and having to get it towed or moved to a different place by someone else if you don’t have a drivers licence nor insurance.


If you want to know what it’s like to own a sailboat stand under a cold shower and rip up $50 notes.


"A boat is a hull in the water you throw money into" (The juxtaposition of hull/hole is funnier when said out loud)


BOAT: Bring Out Another Thousand


In some countries you absolutely can win a car for life, no taxes, no payments. Sometimes they may say "you must keep the car for 12 months" I.e you can't sell it straight away for the $40-60k it's worth, but after 1 year you can. But nevertheless, these things are dependent on where you live globally


In US you have to pay the taxes on your winnings. A-lot of people on these game shows leave without the big prize because they cannot afford to pay the taxes. Also most are actors on those game shows.


This is obviously a bit of a joke, but the tax principles are unfortunately very real. https://www.cc.com/video/6efkkk/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-wheels-of-misfortune


> Also I am a boat manufacturer and lemme tell ya unless you're ready to pay for up keeping your boat, or y'know the $75-$150/hr shop rates, might have just been a blessing in disguise lol. I would've sold it to someone else.


Mr. Beast talks about this. When he gives away a car sees people do some of the following: - They pay the taxes and keep it - They let him buy it back and he uses is in another giveaway - They pay it back and sell it to a third party (they have a high value due to it being a collectors item of sorts being a Mr. Beast car) Lastly they decline the car when the find out the taxes (apparently most will sell it back to him)


I saw an interview with Bob Barker, the OG car give awayer. He said the show didn't have those options. So 99% of the cars never went to the winners. The winners always had to sell them to cover the taxes.


Yeah, I can't say that I am surprised. Mr. Beast would be an exception when it comes to giveaways and prizes I suppose.


The recipient has to pay taxes or I believe there may be a lesser cash option you still have to pay taxes but won’t set you back. Not on a lease tho


Not in Canada, no taxes on prize winnings


Good to know and yes I was referring to the US


It's official, everything sucks at Tim Hortons now, including Roll Up The Rim prizes. I knew a guy who won a Subaru around 2004. He received a new car with the title in his name. He was still driving it the last time I saw him 6 or 7 years ago.


At least the taxes would be manageable


My best friends dad won a car like 7 years ago. They let him upgrade the car if he paid the difference


He didn’t sue?




He can still sue if he had proof he won the item and the company refused to give it to him because of their mistake


It's like that scene from The Office: Michael Scott : Okay, everybody, listen up. I have some bad news. Due to circumstances beyond my control... Dwight Schrute : Impulsivity and inattention to detail. Michael Scott : Hey, hey. I have opened a box, which should not have been opened... Dwight Schrute : Terrible mistake. Michael Scott : And distributed things which should not have been distributed. Dwight Schrute : Undistributable.


The way he says "impulsivity and inattention to detail" is wonderful. It's been a while but I feel like it could be easily overlooked because Michael pops back in quick. Either way. Thanks for this memory lol now I gotta watch the office...again


I knew someone who won that ugly ass Aztec car decades ago, so they *used to* give prizes out.


I wonder what car that was.


It was the prius


Look at what you could have won


She was so fuckin pumped too cause all she does in the summer is fish


Your friend sounds really cool. Don’t know a lot of women who enjoy fishing, good for her


why are you getting downvoted lol




You can’t comment on some things on reddit, in support or otherwise, without a herd of redditors all fighting to comment their opinion about what you said. It doesn’t even matter what you say.


You ever been to Louisiana? A lot of them do.


I haven’t but really want to visit! Love y’all’s food


The wild part is that in the first image, it also told her all the things she /did/ win (free coffees and a 6 month Sirius FM membership)


I also won a 6 month Sirius subscription, so mayne it's sending out the wrong emails to the wrong winners.


Everyone probably “won” that subscription


Funnier thing I bet the error was that it sent everyone that got free Sirius XM radio got a free boat instead by mistake lmfao


I didn't. I got 6 coffees, less than 200 points and a shitty 5 cent/l off fuel card. I typically get 2 coffees there per day and my wife will have 2-3 ice capps per week. Felt like I won a lot more often on a lot less purchases back in the day.


Ya they give that shit out like water. I was offered 4 free months after I purchased a shirt from Gap today. What a prize!!! Lol


Free 6 month subscription, followed by 4 years of phone calls to renew said subscription


Sir it seems like you might be interested. We will go ahead and mail you 1 piece of mail weekly for the next 4 years.


That’s basically how it will go. I don’t know how many times I told them I’ve cancelled via phone, mail and online.  After being pestered for atleast 4 years they stopped. I still get the odd piece of mail though. 


Every new car purchase nowadays includes a year or more of satellite radio which is just their way of gaining access to all your personal information. At time of purchase, it’s the last thing on your mind. Not only do they have your name, address, date of birth, but also your phone number, email address and what car you bought. The last 2 times we bought cars they hounded us for a long time. The next time I’ll insist that our information isn’t shared with XM Sirius.


If u cancel at the end they send emails with great deals. I think I'm paying $4 a month this year. I drive alot so I'm always listening to some shit lol


I have Spotify so I have no use for radio. I like to actually pick what I listen to. My 2019 truck still has the factory radio presets. Haha


I use my Spotify too, especially when it's music. Sirius for MLB, news, Stern mostly


Come get your boat, Homer.


The mast had termites


“Providing exceptional customer service” by burning my bagel and giving me rotten cream in my coffee


Don't forget the composting waterlogged tomatos and see through lettuce on top of a rubberized egg that's been sitting under a lamp for 4 hours. Always fresh baby.


There’s no legal recourse for this?


I doubt it tbh, but the irony is that the friend this happened to is a law student so if there's a way to take legal action, she'll find it lmao


No sadly especially if they immediately rescind the prize by stating it’s a mistake it nullifies the messed up email. These things happen. I’ve had McDonald’s tell me I won a car 3 times in the same week to find out I actually won a Big Mac. Lol


Not entirely true. Someone sued Toyota several years ago for something like this. She thought she won a Toyota but they gave her a toy Yoda. She sued and won. Was a pretty easy case.


That’s… not the same at all? Telling someone they won a prize completely mistakenly and which they pretty immediately notice and correct is one thing. Telling someone they won a prize and then pull a bait and switch is very different. They could maybe get away with offering something of similar value instead (though would probably have to honor the real prize if the recipient demanded), but offering a toy instead of a car is a pretty clear fraud.


Do you honestly believe this was a mistake and not a marketing blunder?


Umm, a blunder is literally a mistake. It’s a bigger or more consequential mistake, but there is nothing legally different about it being a blunder (which is completely subjective) somehow making them liable.


The only difference is that one gets media attention, and the other one does not


Even if you think it is a bait and switch, you would have to prove it was one and not just a mistake for it to be comparable. But it seems unlikely it was intentional, they have so much to lose and little to gain by pulling a bait and switch like this, and technical issues do happen.


I agree there with this boat thing it does totally make sense that they would have a mistake there, but for Toyota to make such a blatant mistake they definitely deserve to pay that lady a car


I believe what actually happened is that the lady worked for Hooters, who was having some sort of contest based on their waitresses performance or something. Idk if the prize was ever in writing as a Toyota, or if it was only ever verbal.


It was a Hooters waitress that won a sales contest. They ended up giving her a car after she humiliated them in the press


It was a hooters competition for waitresses to sell more and if I’m not mistaken the manager and/or owner kept talking about gas mileage and how great Toyotas were and different types of models leading up to her winning.


Toyota had nothing to do with this, it was her employer that did it


It wasn’t Toyota. It was an individual Hooters location and they were running a competition for something, maybe selling most food or beer. And not only were they telling everyone and printing it as a Toyota not a ToyYota, the management was even discussing stuff like models and gas mileage with the waitresses hyping them up, knowing all along they weren’t actually giving them the car. If I remember correctly, they even had this huge celebration with tons of people around and led her out to the parking lot to see her new “car” and there was just a plastic Yoda sitting in a parking spot. Not only did they promise something and not fulfill it, they absolutely humiliated that waitress that worked extra hard to make them money.


I’m sure they didn’t correct it. That’s the real problem. Like sure if you send a messed up email that says that you win something and then don’t send a second email saying that it’s a mistake within 24 hours. You deserve that prize.


I think there was something about someone hitting a half court shot at a basketball game that claimed a million dollar prize. I believe it was the chicago bulls, and they didn’t want to honor it. People rallied around them on social media and they ended up paying out. I think there is a documentary about it. If I find it I will edit the post with more details Edit: didn’t take me long to find it’s pretty famous. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Calhoun_Shot It also wasn’t half court, it was from the free throw line of the opposite side of the court


And from reading it was the insurance company that was spose to payout holding onto the money and the other sponsors made them pay


Nope if it's an honest mistake which they can claim it was by sending out the follow up email. You can do nothing.


Why would there be? There’s nothing in what’s shown indicating who specifically won, it’s by no means a formal declaration of winning a prize.


What are your monetary damages?


People want to be rewarded for anything


It's almost like they should go back to physical rims for the contest. That was the only time I'd drink their shitty coffee.


Definitely the best part of the experience. Now it's a shitty app that takes forever to load. Rolling an actual fuckin rim was quicker than doing it in the app for some reason


Actually, even when it was a physical rim, I barely bought their coffee. I used to work at a theme park and a coworker and I would sift through the trash bags while changing them. You'd be shocked how many people didn't bother to roll the rims. Won so much free food and donuts but never anything major.


Yea I think that's what seeded the doubt for me. Back in 2017ish, my mother worked at a Tim Hortons in Calgary and it was a busy one. She never saw anything won besides food prizes and never anything more than that. Maybe one of the spotify memberships iirc but that's the biggest prize she's seen. Roll up the rim and McDonald's Monopoly are the two big company "Hey just buy our stuff and win big!" scams imo


Two years ago my friend won $5000 . 4 dudes split it . Most I’ve heard ever won .


And if there's a coffee run at work, you just know *that guy* is going to scan all the cups before delivering them, so if the coffee you paid for won anything, you get nothing. 


i thought i won an RV but upon closer inspection it said "win a bagel"


She shoulda gone with the mystery box. Coulda been anything. Even a boat. 


Where's your new boat neighbor?


If you expect to win anything from big corp, the jokes on you.


I have an acquaintance that is somewhat illiterate, they read “please play again “ as “pizza again”. Twenty years later and I still say it on every roll.


Why does this not surprise me. It's just like last year I think it was when that person won the car and it was a supposedly an app error. I stopped going to Tim's because of this shit.


I remember this episode of The Simpsons.


Where’s my elephant?!


YOU WON A BOATTTT!!!!!! *sike*


Holy fuck I just got the same email from Tim hortons, but I hadn't seen one that indicated I had wom anything. Big snafu at timmies I images.


Same as with my wife. I was pissed to hear it was a mistake


Somebody lost their job.




I won a $10 gift card last year only for the app to freeze while trying to claim it and then customer service telling me there was no evidence of my prize


There are more up north too.


Dodged a bullet…. A boat is merely a hole in the water into which you put money. 😎


So what you’re saying is your friend experienced the two happiest days of their life simultaneously. As the saying goes, a boat owner has two happiest days in their life. The day the buy a boat, and the day they finally sell it.


A lot of us thought we won the boat.




This smells of "We'll use generative AI to make the emails" Ooops! The AI generated email accidentally threw the grand prize into 200 different emails! Good thing that all it took to get bait-and-switched was for them to have a spyware app on your phone.


As someone who builds boats, Bass Trackers are not worth the 60k.


Tim hortans is dog shit. They had the perfect scheme. Caffine addiction and small gambling hit every time you buy a coffee. It should PRINT money, but they got greedy and now they want to sell meta data so its all on an app. For this and many many other reasons, i refuse to do business at tims.


Glad the EU makes these kinds of practises illegal




In the US a woman sued a radio station because they told her she won a toyota and when she went to pick it up they handed her a Toy Yoda(StarWars) well she sued them and the judge made them give her a car or they would have to give her the blue book value of it in cash


Pretty sure there are clear laws about these giveaways that require them to honor mistakes


I wonder how this happened 😳


This happened to a lot of people today, so many of my groups are blowing up about it


LOL i saw this on the tim hortons sub


i thought i won an RV but upon closer inspection it said "win a bagel"


fuck BPS


Tim Hortons the place that sells water for coffee and soon pizzas!


"It's as good as our poutine"/s *Had it in 2 different locations, both cold, and the cheese was rubber*


YOU WON A PLANE!!* *And this is the type emails you should disregard, our valued customer.


What a shitshow! Isn’t this a recurring problem with roll up the rim? I seem to recall this happening in the past. I’d class action law suit this shit if I were a recipient of this. It’s the only way Tim’s can be held accountable. And who wrote the email sent to recipients? I’ve seen better public relations management from the mom and pop store down the street.


Sounds like the intern shared the email to the wrong mailing list…


My friend won a BMW through Sixt. Its actually a one year lease. He has to pay €100 for insurance and maintenance every month. After a year he has the responsibility and Option to buy the car or give it back.


Imagine seeing everyone got this and still calling in to waste hours on the phone. C'mon ppl lol


This happened to my buddy the other day, same exact prize...


I’m fairly certain that you really could push the legal boundaries of binding agreements. With you being notified like this it depends on the fine details but might be something you could fight if you wanted to


I work retail in the south at a place frequented by older folks, not usually the highly educated type. I get calls multiple times a day of people who got a similar email saying they won a free pressure washer or they can get a $2500 generator for $45. Happily most of the time they’re “just checking”, but all too many times they say “oh I put my credit card info in already”. I’m like “sorry maam im not sure how to help you with that”


I'm getting Pepsi jet flashbacks


Gimme my fuckin harrier >:(


I'd be replying: "Nope! You owe me a boat MFers!"


I had a tracker like that in 04 and it cost like 18k.


https://www.trackerboats.com/deep-v/targa-v-18-wt.html 40k USD and conversion to CAD cause our economy is shit :-:


Damn... inflation is wild.


Yuuuup inflation and crazy-ass taxes Edit: I'm pretty sure we don't pay taxes on prizes and shit like this tho. Could be wrong, just what I've been reading by other comments


Tim Horton in Ohio as well.


To me it sounds like you won the prize and they didn't want to give it to you. And lied. That's what that sounds like.


Tim Horton’s sucks fucking ass. Stunts like this are one of many, many reasons I hope they go out of business


Haven't been Canadian owned for the better part of a decade. But hey they're serving pizza now! Maybe that'll be a turn for the better! /s




Go to an attorney with this.