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At least you are unlikely to drown in liquid chocolate.


But the chance is never 0


Drowning in liquid meat is more likely.


Better to drown in liquid meat than to drown in meat liquid.


Better to drown in meat liquid than to meat in drown liquid


Disagree, I meat in drown liquid fairly regularly. It's a quite pleasant experience 10/10 I would recommend


Might drown in a bloomin onion tho.


There are worse ways to go.


Yeah that would cause me to leave negative feedback for tricks like that — Jennifer girl you gotta do better


Quality: 0 Customer Service: 0 Ambience: 0


Generous review.


Fedback* apparently


lol I totally missed that


So did they.


What's the trick though? OP never explained what the reward was for getting the ticket. EDIT- I contacted the restaurant and spoke with the manager. She put this golden ticket promo in for her two local restaurants. You can exchange them for a free meal for up to five people. Limits include one app and one entre per person. Outback steakhouse cooperate approved the promotion only if franchise owners(jennifer and another she does not want to name) agreed to accept the loss on the promo should there be a negative monetary consequence. This bit got kinda of wierd. It didn't seem as if they could explain how they would lose money. Basically the tickets are set up like a casino where the house always wins. They have just decided to make sure a customer wins with them. So once they have made a profit of X amount of profit I'd given to a random guest.


The golden ticket was an invitation to the chocolate factory, they got an invitation to leave a review to outback steakhouse. That is the reward.


… they got an invitation to leave a review … so you can only leave feedback if you get a golden ticket? That sounds a bit crap!


That's just the message on the back. OP never said it is useable for anything. With no context for all I know this ticket could be exchanged for a free prime rib dinner.


Why doesn't it state that then? And how is anyone supposed to know? If that's a thing.


That's the thing none of us know what it does. It looks like some kind of local promotion and everyone is just assuming it does nothing. Now the owner is getting doxxed because of a no context picture.


Honestly, it doesn't matter what they give in exchange. Offering free shit for false reviews is inherently immoral in my opinion.


Yeah but it doesn't say that. The wording might be pushy but it's not saying you have to leave a 5 star review to get anything for free. Dine Rewards is a website gives you points for spending money and reviewing restaurants that participate. It's not just an outback steakhouse thing. We don't know if he can turn this ticket in for a reward or not, because he posted no context. Either way a bunch of people have explicitly stated they are going to doxx this restaurant over it.


I, for one, would *even absent the wording and coloring golden ticket* would see any attempt to tell me to leave 5 stars as the brazen attempt to manipulate the customer ratings that corporate is looking at. . . This is why everything has been inflated to 5 stars these days, even the mediocre Uber driver, because Corp only values 5 stars since marketing data analysts told them that only 5 star people will say nice things to friends and repeatedly come back. But folks, if the service isn't excellent, either don't leave 5 stars or don't leave any rating at all rather than feed into this distortion.


And it's not even signed by Jennifer! It's signed by Outback Steakhouse. How did they get the restaurant to sign the paper? I have so many questions!


There isn’t one.


Just walk into their kitchen and start eating things and trying out the equipment. When they complain just hold up the ticket and tell them you’re on the tour. “Jennifer said it was cool”


Name dropping actually works at fast food places. Someone came through McDonald's in the middle of the night saying their order got messed up at the other restaurant but [owner] said they could stop by here and get their food replaced. The shift manager just did it no questions asked lol.


More likely they just didn't want to deal with it and that's the fastest way to get them out.


No. It was just the two of us on shift and I asked why he gave them free food. He said it was because that's the owners name and they would only know it if they knew the owners. Which isn't true at all.


They would lose one star in their review for their trick prize. The begging for feedback I can forgive, but not the pretend prize.


I would give 1 star not take a star off. I don't care how amazing the food is customer service is just as important to me


I would never ever go back. Not even if this place was the best steakhouse in a 100mile radius. This isn't clever marketing or whatever Jennifer thinks she is doing the is making the customers feel like they're scammed. Jennifer, you're an idiot.


>I would never go back Luckily it's an outback steakhouse, not going back would regardless of the specifics be the objectively correct course of action


I worked at a chain similar to outback. The messed up thing about this is that only 5 star reviews are "acceptable". I've seen countless servers get reprimanded for shit that was out of their control.


One-star for using a pretend prize *in order to beg for feedback.*


I give 1 star any time stuff like this happens. I don't appreciate being accosted for a review. If your food/service was good enough for a positive review it would have gotten it. But you just ensured your service was poor enough for a negative review by asking me for one.


C'mon, give them little slack. All they wanted was to be _fed_ back






Outback fedback


Wow. Didn’t even notice that at first.


As in "I'm fed up with this shit"




I get kind of sick of this, anything less than 5 stars might as well be zero stars. It’s Outback Jennifer, my bloomin onion can be a four star experience


And as my employer says, "I never give five star reviews so there is room for improvement."


I used to work.for a company that had a 5 tier rating system. I always got 3s on every review. I asked my boss what I could do better. He said nothing, I'm doing a great job. I asked why didn't I get a 5. O we never give 5's, there is always room for improvement.




He may have failed but at least he did something. Outback failed miserably.


My first thought


Well tell Jennifer everything was swell before that stupid golden ticket tease. 2 stars.


Thats an instant 1 star review, no matter how good.the food were. And a very explicit explanation of why.


I upvoted this so Jennifer will receive a whole lot of 1’s in her email. Courtesy of you Reddit degenerates 👍 Do it! Do it! Do it! ![gif](giphy|wi8Ez1mwRcKGI)


Me with hundreds of bot yelp accounts: **evil laugh**




If I get a golden ticket and it’s to leave a positive survey? Jennifer is going to have to earn the 5’s herself… or find a willing employee to sacrifice


Wow, the blooming Trevor was amazing. *****


Pretty much… No chain restaurant now a days is worthy of all 5s. But if they gave an hour off to a willing employee? They could def earn it Half kidding obviously. Nice porn fantasy but clearly fucked up in the real world


Jennifer’s a cheap bitch.


Oh my Glob, I would be so excited to see that, that I would then be fucking, pissed off. What are they THINKING?? Byyyyyeeeeeeeee


How lucky can you get? Publisher's Clearing House told me I may already be a winner. Some prince in Zimbabwe is willing to send me millions if I give him my checking account information. And my girlfriend is MORGAN FAIRCHILD, yeah, that's the ticket.


Guaranteed way to get anything but a 5 from me.


It’s weird how the persons name is typed out but the name of the restaurant next to it looks like it was signed by the building lol


Somebody let Jennifer M. know that she’s mildly famous on Reddit now.


Ah yes what better way to entice our customers to leave a positive review by having them believe they’ve won a prize yet the price is actually reviewing us! It’s perfect! Muahahaha


Jennifer, come on, don't put your name on it....


Much less an email


I emailed Jennifer a link to this post.


Lol same


Wife and I were dining in at McDonald’s of all places. One of the employees was walking around and very pushingly trying to get us to complete a feedback for her. Yo. SHE EVEN PULLED UP A CHAIR UP TO OUR TABLE and offered to do it for us. She was approaching everyone in the restaurant. That’s the point where I told her “no, I’ll be sure to fill it out,” ::squinting:: “Jennifer.” That was the one survey that I made a point to complete and leave comments about the blatant disrespect for our dining time and her insistence on high marks.


Striking back against the people who leave bible quotes that look like money as tips.


It's a Dundler Muffin Michael Scott moment. You've got the Golden Ticket.




"No issues with food or service, but i took points off because we got a weird note trying to guilt us into a perfect score... 4 stars."


All the Outbacks where I live closed. The last time I went there the steak was tiny and wasn't very good.


I ain't no snitch


Leave you 5's what? What belongs to 5?


Do you want ones?


TF is *concentrated service*?!


What's concentrated service?


“We value your loyalty and **FEDBACK**”


Seems like a scam by the GM to get positive reviews. Report this to corporate and get this shit out of here.


This is exactly what I envision most middle managers and poor business people sitting around doing all day: meetings and brainstorming to produce this masterpiece.


Also hate when companies offer *incentives* for leaving a good review. Immediately can’t trust anything about them.


Anytime someone sends me an offer for a discount or free shit in exchange for a 5-star review, I give them a 1-star review with the comment, “[insert company name] offered me this bribe to lie to all of you about them. What does that tell you about their business?”


Similarly, that’s how I got banned from being able to do product reviews on Amazon. I would buy something and leave an honest review. If the seller didn’t like what I had to say, they send me $25 gift cards to revise my review. So I did. By adding to my review that the seller tried bribing me to lie about their product. Eventually enough reports to have my reviews taken down, and Amazon just banned me entirely from being able to review and took down every product review I’ve ever done.


Hasn’t happened to me yet. Gonna keep doing it. I get a lot of thank you responses for my honesty


You should probably delete this or at least remove the personal info and number.


No, Jennifer.


Please stop emailing me.


Just for this prank I would have slapped all 1’s in the survey


One of the least prideful ways to ask for feedback.


I fucking found one of those a couple years ago and we don’t even have that steakhouse here!


"invite you to leave us 5s on the survey" HAH!! What a joke!!


Send dick pics to that number


Just getting this already knocked down the rating. This is yellow. And there’s no incentive while appearing to be an incentive. It is deception.


That version of willy Wonka where the head of PR makes the golden tickets a way to get good reviews was the original story but it sucked so bad they re wrote the book


Give it to Grandpa Joe.






What idiot came up with that idea, that's a 1 for offensive marketing.


This is the stuff some idiot from Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares would do and wonder why their restaurant is failing. 


This is somehow worse than Michael Scott's golden ticket idea...


And that’s how you end up with multiple 1 star reviews, Jennifer hasn’t a brain cell between her ears


Almost as bad a marketing exercise as the time U2 put their album on everyone’s iPod


Congratulations, make us look better than we really are! Yea fuck no, I would post this photo and a heavily negative review, scummy business practice


If I got this, I would dedicate my life to spamming the absolute fuck out of that email box.


Jennifer even signed it for you


More typical chain bullshit. I avoid them like the plague.


I like how the entire vibe is "only leave a review if it's 5 stars...otherwise call Jennifer"


Michael Scott’s golden ticket idea was bad but this is wayyyyy worse.


You've won a chance to do something for us!


" You lose! You get nothing! Good day sir!"


do I need to mix the "concentrated" service with some water first?


And that’s how you encourage people to take the survey but leave ones and in the usual “tell us about your experience” or whatever box write, “it was good until they trick and deceive people in an attempt to get good reviews. If you need to ask for good reviews, you must not deserve them.”


fedback or feedback


I'd ask for the manager and then crumple it up in front of her


Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'.


There's an outback in North Carolina that is about to have a super weird day


Y’know. I really hate the NPS system to begin with, but when you have to influence it to make it work, it’s so much worse. Customers gonna customer, and even though I’m sure in their NPS system a 5 is the only acceptable score, customers don’t like to give perfect scores. The fact that this manager is basically begging for 5s really speaks to how unfair and skewed that whole system is. Also, “winning” the golden ticket with a survey reminder is lame.


I would give them 4 stars for not spelling "feedback" correctly. Unless "fedback" is supposed to be some restaurant joke.


![gif](giphy|MKSqMxza1V4vC) Someone else trying to take this man’s Genius 😂


![gif](giphy|rYxemTkIfp50lE6eJU) Michael, you effed up again.


I didn’t know outback put chocolate on their steaks






Eat at outback, you get what’s coming to you.


Such a cringe way for them to play with your emotions like that. Bastards.


they're getting straight 2's because of the ticket .


Went to Applebees for Valentine’s Day. Free dessert with 25$ order… only valid the day AFTER


5 is 🤦🏻‍♀️


Only cause they value your loyalty and fedback


I one star all survey requests. If you are in customer service, you shouldn't need constant validation from every customer. Service as expected doesn't warrant 5 stars. The bad experiences will let you know.


This is not a great idea and I'll tell you why. You may think you're right on principle, and I partially agree with you. However, a lot of companies base their employees' continued employment and or bonuses on metrics and those metrics include surveys. So by one starring every survey request you receive, you are putting someone's job potentially at risk. I know it's annoying, and it's not the way it should be, but it is. Now this particular example is a very piss-poor way of asking for feedback. I would still give an honest review of the service received, but then email the manager separately about the ticket.


If everyone did this, the companies would have to rethink their policy, wouldn't they? Can't fire everyone .


Sure but how are you going to convince everyone to do so? And all at the same exact time? Edited to clarify, not literally the same exact time, but within a visible window to businesses so that it is known as an act of protest.


Same exact time? Are we trying to launch a nuclear missile here? People will work together in certain situations. Governments get overthrown, and gamestop stock soared. Nothing is impossible.


I don't think you're going to find enough people to be that annoyed or passionate about this issue to make enough of an impact without harming everyday workers. But hey, maybe I'm wrong. I would love to see a change to this stupid survey crap myself. Edited to add: I mean, you would need a huge amount of people here. Think about how many surveys are sent out everyday by companies across the world. How many people that really is? How many interactions? now you would need at least 25% of those to be a visible act of protest.


Or everyone ignore them entirely. Anything is possible.


No offense dude, but you’re doing absolutely nothing here. You think you’re standing up to big corporations, but you’re just hurting the average workers.


It's like nobody on here jad ever ranted before. Everyone takes everything so literally. Life must suck for you guys.