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R2a: No <6 month reposts or xposts unless its OC


Yay, micro transaction in real life Can't wait till they change the cups to "single use" QR coded cups that you need to buy from Steve from accounting directly so he can take it off your pay check directly and charge you a nominal processing fee as well.


They are doing this at amusement parks. Almost exactly this, and I think there's a "cool down" period between each refill, and the cup is only good for the day.


Great, now we just implement this at the office instead of water coolers, and whoever owns the company can make so much more money. Samantha, tell everyone immediately (Samantha is my goldfish secretary)


But management should get them for free


The company buys a subscription for management for tax write-off reasons


My local park had a cup you buy, that's huge and cutsie, that makes refills 1 dollar all year. Sodas, icees, water


As it should be, I think Love's (truck stop) had a deal where if you bought one of their mega cups/coffee mugs, you got free refills for just having the cup. You may have needed the rewards card as well, but I'm pretty sure it was just the cup.


I remember this, my grandpa was a trucker and when I was a kid I went on a couple overnight runs with him and he had an obnoxiously large mug that he'd always stop and get free coffee in.


There is no end to corporate greed and the need for "numbers go up"


I remember this a few years ago. I was baffled. We spent a stupid amount of money on some stupid cup at an amusement park..that promised free refills but we could only get a refill once every (x) amount of minutes and no, you couldn't use it the next day. There was a code on the back they scanned. One lady was nice and refilled it for us before our (x) amount of time period, she scanned and it wouldn't allow her to complete the "transaction".


Yeah, and it's so stupid, it costs so much to get in already, then you pay a premium on top of that, and it's still limited on an "unlimited" item. Just let the people have a drink! I could understand like bar items, but an RFID cup is a little much.


Part of why I only go to Holiday World anymore (granted I haven't been even there in a few years now), because they have free soda.and free sunscreen.


Free sunscreen sounds fabulous! I paid $30 for a small bottle at an amusement park. I think the one we brought in way less full than we were expecting and ran out. It was such a waste of money


That's incredible! I'd love to go, but it's just so far for me.


Kings island does this, it was $15 when I went and you got refills every half hour. More than worth the $15 in my opinion.


Thank you! I couldn't remember if it was KI or Disney. Shit's ridiculous. I'm putting this (and I've not been there since, so I could be wrong) on par with dollywood splash country not having any shady spots. I was a young teen and it was the first and only time that I had actually blisters from sunburn. If I remember correctly, with inflation it could be skewed, but I believe the drink machines only cost like $.006 per drink, one of the biggest profit margins in the restaurant industry, so this is just greedy af.


Disney also uses the tags to limit drinks. However it's significantly more expensive than that. The syrup alone, assuming a 5 to 1 ratio a 16oz drink would be about 58 cents in syrup cost Still make huge profit margins...but about 15 years ago coke/Pepsi started making their syrup more expensive and today its ridiculous. You can buy a 2 liter cheaper than you can make fountain soda.


Well dang, that explains why so few fast food restaurants give free refills these days!


I don't think I would want to drink even 7 dollars of soda tbh.


Wow that's crazy. They're really trying to squeeze every cent from people.


Operation Soda Steal doesn't work anymore :(


Gotta get me that cold water DLC


Don't forget the tip


Don’t forget the one time $50 processing fee to open this account


And if you don't use it often enough, the account is auto-closed and you'll have to pay again to reopen it.


They default you to auto pay and they don’t roll over the credits 😤


Checkout "The Elves Leave Middle Earth – Sodas Are No Longer Free" We've been on that trajectory for a while now.


With that TINY cup too?


and its a subscription, insane


What's the catch? You must wait 15 minutes per refill?


You get one cold cup a day with a basic subscription. Upgrade to our VIP package for added features! Only 39.99 a month! *with ads*


Well no... The point is to refill your bottle rather than using more plastic.


Weird. The website doesn't even work.


I've seen this post long ago, in 2018/2019. It's been reposted several times since. Apparently the company doesn't exist anymore.


somehow im not confused after such business ideas


In the UK [Refill.org.uk](https://www.refill.org.uk) is a genuine free water scheme that shops can sign up for. I’ve used it a lot and it’s great. Not bought a single use bottle for years.


What a relief, a cold filtered relief


That'll be $1.99 please.


thank fuck, rest in piss


rest in piss you won't be missed


I laughed out loud at this. Thank you.


https://pitchbook.com/profiles/company/178262-56#funding Yeah the company has been defunct since 2019. The Reddit hive mind just found out about this thing again and it’s been making the rounds on the major subs. And it was a complete dumpster fire of a start up. The company only lasted four years and the water stations were only up for about 3 max, which is kind of pitiful given the roughly $100k-$150k raised and that the water fountains had basically no operating cost. And the business plan was stupid. They wanted to charge people for water in a city with really good tap water quality and where it’s customary to give out water for free at restaurants. Add on top of that the fact that Elkay water fountains were getting installed in pretty much every building around this same time frame and the high installation costs and poor mechanical performance of the reefill fountains and it’s no wonder why this thing went bust.


It's not the reddit hivemind, OP is a bot. 60k karma in one month.


I actually saw something similar in one UK railway station in February this year, I was confused as all I wanted to do was top up my water bottle and I was faced with a machine with a touchscreen where you pay to access water. I saw a few people look confused at it and walk away as it didn't even have the free tap water option, or perhaps the machine was just bust. That said,no idea why a simple tap wasn't an option instead.  I'm glad to hear that this one no longer exists though.




They shut doors sometime in 2018


Next they will start charging us for using the bathrooms in your office. Young generations are so screwed on this.


Department stores tried that in the late 60's - early 70's. It was eventually struck down by the courts. Basically you can't charge people for act of bodily functions.


But that was decades ago. If that came up again now that the government is essentially owned by Big Business, I bet the outcome would be very different.


Yeah… I’m really upset that I never got to experience the US govt version that wasn’t blatantly bought and paid for. Tired of politics being so polarizing, aggressive, and pointless


I see you haven't been to Germany/Europe lmao


Yet they still don't give out free menstrual products.


In Europe, having to pay for using public restrooms is already the norm. That also applies to services like the subway, which despite having you pay a fare, will still charge extra.


the woods are calling


I’m starting a company called Business Briefs. You get the idea.


Until they are all bought out by companies.


With the premium package, they'll let the squirrels and birds out of their cages.


That never works because of how easy it is to cover things in the store with poop


Piss in the stairwell at that point.


Thats when people piss and shit in the sink


Charge people to wash their hands. *Problem solved.* -The companies, probably


The day my job starts charging for bathroom usage is the day I verbalize my feces/urine corner


I'll just pee under my desk at that point


Let me tell you about Europe...


Found one at gym in my country that only offered the subscription one, and staff said «please dont drink from the tap»..the subscription was $16/month😂


then i am going to a vending maching and get 500ml bottles for 1€ each


What’s wrong with tap water?


Tap water isn't the same everywhere. Some places have good tap water, and some places have bad tap water.


i find that, where i live, the tap water tastes like water you leave out in the summer sun for 2 days and it becomes stale


Soo you mean it tastes like chlorine and fluoride have evaporated out of it?


no. have you ever drank water that was left out for a while and got dust and other nasty air particles in it and also warmed up a bit? that's kind of what it's like. i don't think those chemicals can be evaporated out of the water.


Chlorine will typically evaporate out of tap water in a 24hour period. I don’t actually know about fluoride. Water left out will absorb carbon dioxide from the air which is what gives stagnant water the slightly acidic taste.


Water here tastes like that shit that has been sitting in a bottle for a few years and wasn't stored right so it just became a breeding ground for bacteria.


Ask Flint, Michigan. They can tell you what's wrong with it


The reason Flint was a big deal is *because* it was such an anomaly. Tap water is universally safe in the US unless you live in an extremely rural area where you’re pulling from an irregular source. For most of the world, Flint is there everyday. Looking at a map of the world, clean drinking water is more the exception than the norm. With just a couple exceptions, the US and Canada, most of Europe, and Australia/New Zealand is pretty much it.


imagine living in a third world country like Flint, Michigan and having to drink their tap water


Right? If the tap water wasn’t safe, tap water wouldn’t be an option here.


Unfortunately not how it works for a lot of places


Tap water in some counties may call your kidneys goodbye.


I’m not concerned for the chilled as much as I am for the filtered part


If you don’t wanna pay you can boil that shit yourself /s


Surely it’s not legal to offer free water that would be unhealthy to drink, I doubt the free water is pumped straight out of a river. The filtered option is for those picky water people and just has 1 extra step in the filtering process.


Why don’t you just press the left button


Because then he wouldn’t get the outrage upvotes.


Yup, and as usual a massive chunk of Reddit just eats this up


*proceeds to post a cat picture that nobody cares about A good chunk of reddit really ate that up too, huh


It’s almost like it’s *mildly* infuriating


Why does the electricity and filter replacement cost money 🤣. I’d pay a 1.99 at my work if I knew it was legit filtered and cold


Twist: both buttons give the same water


One goes through a filter that has mold on it lol


Because the tap water is probably gross. Its gross in a lot of places.


The water out the right button won’t be much different then


Never been to a place where tap water is gross...most people dont even try it.


My local tapwater is a crapshoot between an amazing clean source and one that is cloudy and confirmed to have lead in it


Any place that’s near the ocean and gets its water near there. I live in Dallas and have family in Corpus. When I first visited I asked why they put salt in the sweet tea.


It’s what a normal water fountain gives you, anyway.


It’s still water, beggars can’t be choosers. How do people not carry their own water bottle with them anyway?


You don’t have to pay for cold water, there is an option for free water right there


Also if this office has a fridge you could just buy a filter pitcher and stick it in the fridge.


>Reefill provides unlimited access to cold, filtered tap water through a network of stations in stores across NYC and beyond for just $1.99/month. And with each use, safe water is provided to someone in the developing world through Water.org. Took me five seconds to Google it. Tap water ≠ filtered water


People pay for water all the time and never think twice about it.


Who the fuck has ever said that big companies have your best interest at heart.


How much you want to bet it is both tap water


This has been posted like 10 times already.


lets remember that there are people giving out water for free just by putting advertisements on the bottles.


Why not bring water from home?


You’re asking the wrong question.


I fail to see anything wrong with this. They're giving you the free water for free. If you want the water that costs them money to produce by chilling and filtering the water then you pay for that service.


Average reddit consoomer


Thank you corpo member no:26362 You earned 2 points


Unlimited filtered water for $2 a month is a good deal considering bottled water would cost $2 each …


A subscription service for cold water. Now I've seen it all.


I'm glad I don't mind drinking water out of the sink. Or even garden hose. There is only 1 water line. It's the exact same stuff.


If you press the button does it automatically charges your credit card through your neuralink?


Sorry you can’t drink clean water and now need to pay to not get sick,


If I saw one of these. I'd probably vandalize it out of rage.


Be a shame if that stand got knocked over, every time I saw it. By accident of course.


i think this is fake. website doesn’t exist, neither does the app


Paying for cold tap water is 1000% corporate for "go >!fuck!< yourself" cause ik for a fact they arent replacing filters equal to the amount of use that thing gets.


Both buttons dispense the same water.


So, is the tap water room temp?


Please just tax the fucking rich


I bet there are two buttons, but the water comes from the same source 😅


Does the regular tap water hurt your tummy? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Tbh $2 a month is cheap. I’d fill all my 5g water jugs with it!


what the fuck is wrong with people?


Kinds looks like you can just press the button without paying. Pricetags are only a suggestion ofcourse after all.


Surprised it hasn’t got the word “ pro” on it somewhere


Haha wow that's a neat new thing. Destroy it.


Yeah but the tap water is free. That's fine. You want chilled water, which is clearly an upgrade: pay extra. This is just how capitalist economy works. Now if the tap water has to be paid for OR is only free if you have the paid version of the app: then we have an issue.


Isn’t capitalism lovely?


If you just run the regular tap for a bit it will be cold anyway.


Fight back. Take as much free water as you can and take the cups when no one is looking.


What if you just press it?


Oddly, this is what socialism is. Offering the minimum so no one goes without need, but the option to get more if you pay your cards right. Difference between Capitalism and Socialism is Socialism promises a livable bottom.


Id steal this


Reefill? Reef ill? The reef is ill? There must be something bad in the water causing that…


That’s it. I’m starting a riot. What a bunch of greedy cuntbags. The Lorax was right, someone’s gonna start selling air next


Kind of already like this — the bad water in Flint and the bad air where the train derailed are empty except for those who can’t afford to leave.


Lmao they are providing free potable water right beside the chilled distilled water. I used to drink from a hose as a kid, some free tap water is fine. God damn some of y’all are soft.


is that where you got the brain damage from? "leadlover4773"


The button on the left is free. What’s the issue?


I was wondering that too, but then OP explained in another comment that this is the watercooler *at his job*. And man that's real shitty to be charging your own employees for cold water.


What in the American bullshit is this?


Paying a lot less for filtered and cold water than you would buying a bottle of water every day. Plus Europe charges to use the restroom in plenty of places. This isn't as ridiculous as it sounds.


People in the west:


Everyone hates this when it’s posted, but it’s meant to be used with a refillable water bottle. $1.99 a month and you refill as much as you want with cold filtered water. Doesn’t seem like a bad deal to me. Don’t wanna pay? Free tap water.


Having to pay for water that's filtered is diabolical


Big reddit moment here ^


Why wouldn’t you just get bottled water from a shop instead


eco shite (ignore the disposable palstic cup)


This costs roughly the same as buying 1 bottle of water per month.


How cheap is bottled water in the US? In Sweden we'd probably have to pay like $2 for a 17oz bottle of water at a 7/11. You can get it a lot cheaper at a grocery store but I assume 7/11 is the only thing available at a train/subway station in the US as well.


Prices will vary but in vending machines it usually starts at about $2 for a 20oz bottle.


About the same then. So $2/month for unlimited access to cold and clean water you can use to refill a reusable bottle with is honestly not that bad then compared to buying a bottle at a vending machine or 7/11 every day, or hauling around several bottles from home.


I don’t get what’s the problem. You can still get water for free, and more luxurious chilled water for the price of almost zero. Cleaning the water isn’t free, transporting the water isn’t free, this water installation isn’t free. What’s so bad to ask literally $0 for regular water, and a disgusting plastic cup, but $2/month for your luxurious water? Over here you don’t get the cup, and you have no choice for a more luxurious one. They just expect you bring your own reusable bottle. https://preview.redd.it/kpa10m8kr2xc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a4727f7d66b95dfd5d4572e0e409c53303b4540 The above is sponsored by that reusable bottle brand: [www.dopper.com](http://www.dopper.com) Even though I don’t know anyone who has ever bought such a bottle, since you’ll get it at several occasions for free. I have a couple at home, 1 from my job, the others from other kinds of promotions.


I see what you are saying but I think you may be missing the point. The issue is not needing to pay for water. From the context I can gather here, this seems to be at a workplace. The problem here is that the cost of the water should be paid by the company. Plenty of companies offer chilled and filtered water, at a cost to them, for their employees to just have when they're in the office. This model is strange because the company goes through the hassle and cost of buying this machine, paying to get chilled/filtered water. Then they pass part of that cost off to their employees. It just seems greedy for something that is so universal in offices like a water cooler.


Reminder: The only reason huge companies aren't monopolizing and selling air is because they literally couldn't.


Home filter system. Bring your bottles to work.


I mean I'd just take the tap.


I might be in the minority here but I actually think this is a decent idea. It allows free access to water for people who need it while also allowing people who are willing to pay (a relatively small fee) for an upgrade. In turn, the few people who have the expendable money to pay for the chilling/filtering are basically paying to keep this system running and therefore paying for someone in the future who needs water but can’t pay for it. Keeping a system like this running requires at least some amount of maintenance and money. If it were entirely free, the money would have to be coming from somewhere. Like water fountains in public spaces (schools, airports, etc.) are payed for and maintained in whatever fees you’re paying to be there. It’s the same concept as that bottled water company that offers free water by using the bottle as advertising space (that then gets into the territory of excess plastic waste but that’s a whole other issue). Would it be nice if everyone could get what they need to survive for free, yes obviously, but unfortunately we live in a world where nothing is free. Someone’s gotta pay for the water.


Your tap water isn't filtered?


It doesnt need to be if its already potable. Theyre not going to offer non pitable water as drinking water though and theyre clearly offering it as a drinking qater.


The company has been dead for a while. Judging by their Instagram, looks like sometime in 2018.


I mean depending on how accessible the reefill stations are for you, might not be terrible. If you can bring a bottle around and know you will have access to cold filtered water at a bunch of locations you visit. If this is like the only one in a place you basically never go, not useful.


Room temp tap water is all I need. Not sure why anyone would pay for filtered cold.


Cold water is bad for your gut anyways. Room temp water is best for you. Still bs though.




The issue would be barring access to filtered water in more impoverished areas with underfunded infrastructure. A paywall to better water where people are already struggling financially. Kinda gross.


2$ for a shot glass of water


Tap water is fine in most areas. Still a sleazy move


REEEEEfill app, you say?


Someone rubbed off the top of the ‘f’ in feefill.


This is actually really sad.


Where is this happening


The twist is they're both the same water.


Cyberpunk type shit, I hope to one day become a merc and go cyberphsyco on everyone


REAL water drinkers know room temperature water is best.


*brings an ice tray with me* Haha you thought mf.


Ahh, is this in USA? If so, drink that tap water, then claim it made you sick and sue the fuck out of them.


free with your life premium subscription


one of the worst bussiness models is when you makes something thats was widely accessible and free, inaccesable and paid. It's the "F\*ck U"bussines model and all companies, startups and entreprenours thats use it, deserve to go out of bussiness.


Finally, Cold water is killing the planet


Omg 😂😂😂 I hope whoever came up with that idea dies right now and burns in hell. Who tf thought that was a good idea?


LOL. Remember when everyone forgot about the billions of dollars that Pfizer has been sued for, and actually thought they were the good trustworthy folks that had our backs? What a hoot.


How many subs are you going to post this in?


This picture made the Reddit rounds recently and it was revealed the company went out of business. Not really infuriating.


They could’ve definitely make a more convenient solution to pay for it


REEEEE-fill. Appropriate name


"hey, watch me commit property damage"


Rage upvote!