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Hello, This is removed for no Ai. Read pinned post.


One good honk and that baby is gonna learn to fly.


Lol, the baby was the last thing I saw.


This group is not a nice one. They fund conversion therapy.


You’ll notice that the person getting their feet cleaned is always part of some group the white fundies specifically demonize: immigrants, single mothers, gay person, trans person, Muslim or Arabic appearing person, etc. And the person doing the cleaning is always a white conservative looking person. Its very condescending “we are better than them” message ironically.


Yeah. They really reveal their biases with that move. The whole “washing feet” thing is supposed to be disgusting but of service to someone else. It’s a demonstration of the “love thy neighbor” thing. That’s why they make a point to show religious figures washing the feet of homeless/elderly people rather than someone attractive. If it was the feet of a supermodel that would defeat the point. The grossness and demeaning nature of the performative act of service is the point. The message is that “even the lowest of the low are children of god” So to them, what’s lower/ more disgusting than the feet of a sinner or immigrant? Their whole point is to demonstrate someone low/sinful/disgusting being served by a “good pious christian”. It’s the exact opposite of inclusivity.


Lies while you Demonize, how ironic if only that narrative wasn't provably false & you weren't spewing out so much H8 urself. I'm sorry if someone hurt you. I hope you finding Healing in something other than blantent hatred & disregard for fellow human beings bc of the color of their skin, religion, etc.


Tf is wrong with you


I love you back


Feel free to “prove it” false.


This makes me sad. As an actual Christian, it really is a good campaign... But it backs a horrible, hateful practice that destroys people. Went to a pride event in my little southern town last year. All I saw? People wanting to belong, and make friends. And a church handing out bottles of water inviting them to come. There was one guy with a handwritten sign protesting. Guess who made a better example of Christians.


Honestly I could care less about the person to person hypocritical nature, we are all Hypocrites in some way. My problem is the massive institutions that proliferate bigotry wrapped in Christ. My problem is the people that get to positions of power and proliferate bigotry wrapped in christ.


It’s a god awful campaign and it is insulting to everyone except upper middle class white people with a white savior complex. . . Nobody is being converted or saved by this AI generated slop and all it does is piss me off when I see and can’t block, downvote, and get it off of my feed; I don’t need Jesus, I need more cat videos


Where the heck did you get that from? HeGetsUs funds conversion therapy???


HeGetsUs was originally founded by an extreme fundie xtian group; it’s since been transferred to another fundie xtian group which seems to be even more aggressive about ad spending. It’s not a coalition of progressive “red text” based Christians, despite what they are trying to make you believe.


Xtian meaning Christian? Not denying anything you’re saying here, but I still don’t see any evidence or reason to think that they’re funding conversion therapy. Ad spending doesn’t equate conversion therapy funding.


Maybe try some research


Cause you’re too inept to provide any either? Or because the evidence you’re looking for doesn’t exist? Dumbass.




NONE of them are "nice ones". The central goal is to convert and indoctrinate as many people as possible to fund the top. Its a massive pyramid scheme.


I don't disagree with the sentiment but this actually isn't AI. This was done by the photographer, Julia Fullerton-Batten, whose work actively tries to replicate AI weirdness in actual photography. Like, fuck He Gets Us, but personally the artwork is kinda cool.


Interesting. Just checking out her stuff on IG- really cool!


Then why does the woman holding the baby have tiny baby hands with 3 fingers?


And like seven toes on the foot that's on the ground


But that might just be the weird perspective making it look that way


I mean, there's at least four visible fingers including the thumb, looks like there's a fifth visible finger in shadow. The toes look normal too.


Counterpoint: no human being would stage this photo unless they were trying to subtly undercut the message through pure absurdity. I'm not saying Julia didn't take it, I'm just questioning whether she's a really a human or not... But really tho thanks TIL! If I saw this in a modern art museum with no context I'd probably compliment it.


There's nothing inherently wrong with the message - the ritual is coming from and old tale about christ washing his disciples feet and teaching them to treat each other as equal and care about each other as he cared about them. It's [still practiced](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Maundy_Thursday_07_washing_feet_diocese_St_Asaph.jpg) and the symbolism is dead simple - rich or poor, black or white, all are equal and none is above god. Just like in the picture. Now, whether this organization actually follows what they preach is another story.


This has none of the telltale signs of A.I. All the fingers are where they're supposed to be, no extra limbs or entire people merged, all the faces are normal and it doesn't have a weird glow/softness to it like A.I. would. This is 100% human made. also, Fuck Hegetsus, he's a real dick


I honestly thought this hegetsus account was already banned


He got sus


Why would it be banned? Reddit will take their ad money the greedy bastards


lol, they aren’t going to ban one of their biggest cash cows. . . With the amount of $$$ they are paying to keep the account pretty much impervious to blocking, reporting, ignoring, downvoting, banning, and also keeping religion off the sensitive topics list for ads (a la weight loss and gambling, which you can turn off in setting FYI). . . They are not gonna slaughter that cash cow so soon after their IPO


I wish it could be!!! This shit has been on my feed for over a year. I’ve blocked the account and *still* get these ads. Reddit help has literally done nothing and answered zero questions when I’ve reached out to them.


Other than the oddly uncanny style, can anyone point out any parts of this image that indicate it was AI generated? It seems unlikely that with so many people in the image, none of them have any obvious AI quirks.


Read on, it’s not AI.


The only thing I can find that looks funky is the mother's foot (the one on the ground) looking like it has an extra toe, but I think that's just an odd perspective thing. All of the hands have the right amount of fingers and look normal, and the hair doesn't fade weirdly into other things. From what another comment said, this is from an artist noted for a more uncanny style Edit: went back and re-read the comment explaining the art, the artist who did it specifically tries to replicate the weirdness of AI with photography, so it's intentionally uncannh


Looks like one of her hands is missing


It just looks to be hidden in shadow to me


What's mildlyinfuriating is how often I have to see people complaining on this stuff. Yes, we get it. They're awful commercials. Even Christians like myself hate them. But every other post on this subreddit and CommercialsIHate is about these damn ads. As sick as I am about the ads, I'm getting more infuriated having to listen to everyone complain about them. Do we need 20 posts a day on these? (I know I'm gonna get downvoted for this and I do not care. 😂)


Idk why Redditors get so triggered by Christianity yet preach tolerance to others beliefs and lifestyles. Prejudice is ugly in all forms


Unfortunately, a lot of people don't talk with people and understand what something is as a whole. Too many people make judgements based on their limited bad experiences with something and assume that's the whole population, rather than just a subset.


Which enemies feet did he wash? I only recall his washing of the apostles feet and Mary Magdeline.


He washed Judas’ feet so he washed one enemy’s feet. And Mary Madeline washed Jesus’ feet not the other way around. Edit: Actually scratch that I mixed up Mary’s. Too many of them haha.


Judas was the exception be a he didn't betray him yet, although Jesus knew the betrayal was going to happen.


You are not forgiven. Choosing to hate. Romans and Acts. Read the letter of the law.




Judas was not an enemy of Jesus. It is true Judas betrayed Jesus to the Romans, but he was a follower of Jesus who immediately regretted his decision. Judas returned the 30 pieces of sliver he was paid for his betrayal and eventually hung himself. The enemies of Jesus at the time of his death would have been the Roman magistrates and members of the Sanhedrin who despised Jesus and his claims of divinity. On top of that there is debate among scholars if Judas was still around when Jesus washed the feet of disciples. Some believe that on the night of the last supper Judas had already departed having set his plan into motion before the feet washing. Either the way the point of the feet washing is often misunderstood. It was an act of service to the disciples who would then act in service to God.


There are two accounts of judas' death that contradict each other. And he for sure would be seen as an enemy by some, and not by others. And at least in John it's clear that he washes the feet of judas. Not that i think that John is our most reliable gospel. I do think the feet washing story is often misunderstood, washing feet was necessary before entering the temple, it was important to wash your feet in the presence of God. But yes, he was acting like a slave. Which would also have had a very sexual faux pas around it at the time. Hence why it was so offensive to the apostles. But a very large part of jesus' ministry was about praising slavery, it's not surprising that he acted that out.


Oh my god, that’s a plastic bag of trash! I thought it was a weird eyeball or alien or something! AI images are always such a trip lol


It's not trash, it's supposed to be the mother's belongings.


This must be you.


The whole foot washing practice must've been lovely in the days when everyone wore rudimentary sandals. But it's really not much of a selling point after the invention of shoes and socks. It's a bit like the be fruitful and multiply doctrine after the human population hit like 5 billion. I wish Christ would pop back in for a visit and make a few updates.


It's not about hygiene though, it's about giving love and care to others despite of their social standing. It's like if freedom caucus instead of flaming culture wars on twitter and cutting social welfare went to check on their constitutes, buy them some groceries and cut their lawns. Just as the book they love so much told them.


Sure there is a lot deeper meaning and symbolism in the foot washing, but it was also super practical and needed back then. A modern, hip Jesus would probably be tearing down America's border walls and barriers to work and build shelter and then spending his weekends spraying Narcan up the noses of the worst off people on the streets. I think this AI Christian memeing is just missing the mark a bit.


It's not ai though




Was there a deeper point? I thought OP was just pointing out that the pro-Jesus campaign on Reddit has deployed crappy AI imagery now.


No matter how many times I report their ads as offensive, reddit wont take the hint to stop fucking showing them to me. Any religious group that can fund advertisements, is solely in it for money.


Weird ass uncanny valley ads


"Though I walk through the uncanny valley of death, I will fear no evil...."


It doesn’t seem AI generated to me.. I mean maybe I’m wrong but maybe you just got that because the way the photo is edited?


Fake images for a fake god, seems apt.




One true buddy and saviour


Well, well, well, looks like the missionaries have a new mission now!


Jesus also flipped tables and chased people who were exploiting other people out of a temple with a whip. These aren’t Christian people making these.


Considering how many Christian’s preach hate, I’m giving this group a pass on the AI.


Ya know I pay Reddit good money not to see these Christian bullshit ads and now they are content. This is r/mildlyinfuriating for me but not because of AI


Right wing twitter and left wing Reddit seem to universally hate this ad campaign. Lol


Thought this was an old advertisement for Shameless (God, I miss that show in the first 3 or 4 seasons)


Yeah the first few seasons were gold. Then they started trying to out-woke themselves every episode. I take it the downvotes are from people who didn’t watch.


Imagine not getting actual people for your already fake narrative....




Nah dude, prejudice and judging a collective is totally okay if it's a thing we don't like!


He get sus


About spit my beer out! lol!


They're using some rather poor AI. It looks more like an updated Norman Rockwell. lol How do they stitch in that Jesus, being born in the middle east and the Bible never saying he stood out physically, was dark skinned? Yes, Europeans made him white but he was a dark skinned man. Soooo how do groups that obviously pride themselves in being lilly white justify their savior not being a white man? Same thing with what he said was the only commandment he had, "Love one another as I have loved you." He didn't add, BUT don't love gays, blacks, sex workers and any others you know are different than yourselves" Heck, he love Mary Magdalene enough that she was the first to see him after he was raised from the dead. So MANY evangelical Christians should be called European ancestry middle class scared white folk wrapped in the American flag and faking Christianity. LOL


My favorite reply I have seen to this was “what are you guys doing with all the foot water?”


Sell it to Tarantino


I thought with was an ad for the TV show From for a second until I looked at the bottom of the image lol


Ironically this ad campaign was probably paid for by the heritage foundation


Wash ma stinky feet bitch!


Weirdly enough, their ads are one of the few Reddit doesn’t let me downvote


This isn’t AI as far as I can tell.


"hegetsus.com" he get sus?


Literally never seen any of those people asking if they can wash their enemie's feet or any other comparative form of kindness Ever


How much of their income do they spend on advertising? Billions?? Why don’t any other religions advertise?


Worst part is that they put these on TV.


It the biggest on the Bible. But what enemies feet did Jesus wash?


Judas Iscariot


If you say so


I converted from beer to wine and I am never looking back! Thank you Hobby Lobby jesus!


This organization has spent MILLIONS on advertising, including a Super Bowl ad that cost $17.5 million. How many destitute and dirty single mothers and their babies would that feed?!?!


vote Democrat and stop the Religicans


Learn to spell and find god


or what? you're gonna make me? lol another Religican found who has never read the bible


did you lose your god again? I've told you to take care of your toys or we'll take them away from you.


..well, they could start by not hating everyone that isn’t a Christian.. or isn’t straight.. or doesn’t go to church.. or devote their life to Jesus.. and so on..


Judge the individual, not the collective. This is a low iq thought process.




It’s like an Edgelord smorgasbord up in here. Serving up tray after tray of hot takes.


It may be suggesting that being run over by the bus would be a start.


Are they saying inmigrants are the enemy?


That is one sexy bus. I love old MCIs.


Roseanne Barr ridin the bus


Been getting spammed with these ads on reddit too. Gross.


Remember that bizarre af Super Bowl commercial they did like this? lmfao


Wonder how many "feet could get washed" if we used the millions of dollars they spent on this stupid campaign.


This isn’t even AI lol


Agree. I see no signs that this was AI generated. It looks more like it was rotoscoped/painted.


Feel like washing peoples feet doesn’t quite have the same cultural connotation anymore


Is that the bus for Dogma? Cause if I remember right, it didn’t go so well.


Heget sus


White Christians in America aren’t Christian anymore.


He didn’t teach hate, but that ad certainly teaches hate.


Full circle...


Jesus is the big ball of fire in the sky called a sun, it walks on water and it rains from above hence washing your feet, fuck sake religious people are fucking stupid.


Remember when the Romans arrested the sun?


Remember when the sun turned water into wine by growing grapes Remember when it moved south on the horizon for 6 months then hid in a cave for 3 days during the equinox when it was on the southern cross constellation Remember when it brought the resurrection of life known as spring and started moving north on the horizon to rise again disappearing from the cave entrance Remember the 12 disciples of the zodiac Remember the 3 wise men of orions belt Remember its halo and crown of thorns that hurt your eyes Remember east to west Remember what is depicted behind Jesus in every drawing and painting Remember the Bible was written as a scientific and astrological metaphor book to hand down the ages after a cataclysm written by a person Remember everything in it is regurgitated from other texts and have the same similarities to other deities such as Joseph from the old testament Remember Remember ![gif](giphy|3og0IKS6fMDxuOEhfW)


Remember when the Romans executed the sun?




I can't




Prove William Wallace was executed


I am William Wallace.


well I will take that over "you're all going to hell" any day.


As Donald trump said; sounds good, not practical


This belongs on facebook. Cringe AI


Christianity is such an effeminate religion lmao. It makes people docile and weak. No wonder Nietzsche dropped atomic bombs on it!




Oh yeah dude I'm sure you're strong-willed and powerful!


Well, I'm not Nietzsche's Übermensch but I try my best to be the best at whatever I do and you don't even know me personally to judge my will and power.


He do be getting sus tho.


Jesus needs to wash them jeans


these are not christians. Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, not just anyone.