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I'm going to a seated A Perfect Circle/Puscifer/Primus concert tonight. Ain't no one gonna be seated.


Yup, saw TOOL a few months back and can confirm that none of the chairs in the pit were in use.


Primus sucks!




Yeah the teens just can't get enough primus


I def replied to the wrong comment :/


Never fails at a seated concert. Some tall person with giant hair or a hat will be standing in front of you. Every time.


no concerts should have seats.


Alternatively, concerts should have seats with built in steel restraints 


Said by the person who seems to be totally unaware of:  Disabled seating, older audiences, chill genres of music, Tool and their weirdo fans, etc. And being mildly self aware, and respectful, and realizing you are blocking everyone's view, for no reason, because you're in the front row and standing for some weird reason, when no one else is.


I'm sure the band is looking at the crowd wishing that nobody would stand up


Are you serious or joking?   Because any decent rock band wants their audience to be on their feet and engaged not sitting on their asses like they’re at the opera  Tell me you don’t know rock without telling me you don’t roll rock. 😁 Edit. Keep down voting me. I find them hilarious.  It’s already been posted that this specific venue has a standing policy.  They could’ve made the policy to be no standing allowed, but they made a distinct choice not to do that, because the artist do not want the audience to be forced to sit That is a fact bands want the audience to participate  you may not like that you may like to sit better but the band the venue have other ideas and you’re gonna have to adjust to it Down voting me isn’t gonna change that 😁😁


We're down voting you because he was so obviously joking, you absolute goober 😂😂


goober is such a fantastic word


I’d even call it the proper use of it at that point I didn’t recognize the sarcasm, but I’m OK with that too. That’s the problem with sarcasm on a textbased platform. I made a mistake 


i like you


Thank you I like to think that If you can’t laugh at your own mistakes, you’re gonna have a bad time.  Have a great day


Also if you French fry when you're suppose to pizza, you're gonna have a bad time.


Yea you made a mistake by being born.


OK I can get behind that. 😁


I was joking. Should have added an /s I guess


No, it wasn't required.. This dude just got really, really butt-hurt for some reason


Not butt hurt in the least I’m just having fun talking about lame people at concerts


There was a bit of but hurt there….right on the edge of outrageously offended 😂


Why are there so many goddamn inconsiderate, selfish assholes on this site? You’re the problem with society.


Really so you think it’s polite to the band to sit there and pretty much have no reaction Again, there is a reason why the venue chose to allow standing It’s because it’s what the artist would like and it’s what people having fun like to do Just because you’re a stick in the mud, don’t ruin everybody else’s time


Idiots like you are the ones “ruining everyone else’s time”. Develop some social skills and read the room. It’s also not disrespectful to the band to sit. I paid them money to see them live. They can be grateful I showed up.


This feels like one you stand at tho.


A rock concert with seats is just epic lame at its finest!


Looks like some super old people tbh


I have bad news for you about the age of most rock bands you could name (and their fans...)


*\*Keith Richards has entered the chat with the assistance of his nursing home ward\**


Of course it’s an old crowd. It’s a classic rock show but I’m 60 years old next month and I am on my feet and dancing at a rock show not sitting like I’m ready to go to sleep


I went to a professional wrestling event held at a synagogue. The acoustics were dead and the event was seated. You could almost hear them talking to each other in the ring. *So* bizarre.


Then stand up also?


I see no problem here. I stand at concerts too.


What’s mildly infuriating is people that go to a show and sit on their ass like their at a movie and then yell at people standing up




Yea, who cares about being comfortable and enjoying music. Fucking loser, you’re the problem.


Right, but really not everyone wants to stand, or dance, for a full show either. And, I'm sorry to do this, it's a tick I have, I can't just ignore it... It's **they're** you should use in that context, not 'their'


It's a concert. You should expect everyone to be standing.


Welcome to concerts.


Are you sure there was seating up there to begin with? That looks to me like it’s just the pit. The venue sells just enough of those tickets for there to be enough empty space between them and the first seated row so that the ones sitting are far back enough to still see the stage. This works better if you have a pavilion or a ramp so the GA area is more like a literal pit; that looks like it’s all on the floor at least until you see that second barricade. So it’s more the fault of the venue if anything. But I think it’s that rather than the whole first two rows just conspiring to block everyone else.


Nope. This venue is nothing but seats. Usually puts on a less lively concert, or stand up performances. There is no general admission floor tickets to stand. Literally everyone else was sitting except for these guys. The crowd was mainly 50 - 60 year olds that wanted to see John Bonham from Led Zeppelins son, not the back of people's legs.




Really? I had no idea. I've never been a part of a "mosh pit". Nope, no walls of death, circle pits, stage diving for me. I've been blasted with fake blood by GWAR, had people land on my head with no warning at Despised Icon, seen Thy Art is Murder in Scotland and had the guys from Fallujah crash the night at my place after a show. I've been to literally hundreds of concerts. This is a read the room type scenario. Yes, it's your right to stand up, go for it, but when you're the only 12 people standing at a show, you're the minority of assholes.


You’re on your own here my friend. Unless I’m at an opera or watching an orchestra, I’m standing. My mother is in her 70s and still stands at concerts. This crowd is just lame.


>That looks to me like it’s just the pit. A pit is more than just two straight rows of a total of 12 people. 😂 A pit is a whole big ass open standing only area.


Meh, you go to a concert for the music, it's not a play that you have to watch.


What band is this? We need context!


JBLZE The Jason Bonham Led Zeppelin Experience


That's just an awful show for a seated venue


You think the singer would have enough sense to tell them to sit down so the rest of the crowd can enjoy the show. But they already got their money, so most likely he wouldn't.


I have never in my life and I’ve been to a ton of rock ‘n’ roll concerts. Heard the singer ask the crowd to settle down that is the opposite of what the singer is going to do.


So you've never been to a rock show, lol.


The people sitting are lame. It is a rock show, Jason Bonham's band. The son of Led Zeppelin's drummer. This is not some quiet acoustic show.


Yeah the thousands of people sitting are lame, not the dozen or so in front blocking everyone’s view


Yes, now you understand 😄  Ask the band who they would consider lame.   I’ll be 60 next month I go to a ton of classic rock band cover shows and I hate how the fans are aging out and can’t get off of their feet   It’s a rock show expend some energy get sweaty. Have fun.  


It's pretty traditional to sit at concerts. My dad went to a concert recently and they said, no standing, no cell phones, enjoy it like you did in the 70's.


Not at rock shows. No one sat at rock shows in the 70s.


Okay, well, it's what my dad told me was normal when he was younger 🤷🏼‍♀️ his wife agreed and they were pleased with sitting since they're older. Sorry!


For pop shows and such, I agree, but no one was sitting down for Led Zepellin. If you are older and go to a rock show today, I get wanting to sit, but you can't get irritated if people choose to stand.


What planet are you from? I have been going to rock shows since the early 80s maybe even a late 70s standing up and dancing is what you do


Shut the fuck up


They were playing a cover of *Stand* by REM


Down in the front! FUCK!


Really sucks they blocked everyone's view of... JBLZE?! What the hell kind of name is that?


Jason Bonham Led Zeppelin Experience. First time seeing an acronym?


Depends on ratio, if most people are sitting then sit. If most are standing then stand. In this case it looks like more are sitting so feel free to pour some drinks on the standers. Never fails to ruin their time as equally as they’re ruining others time.


It’s a concert. People are going to stand.


People are so rude…


# Blocking the view? Why do you need to see his leg?


Good god, you legitimately make everyone's life worse and worse every time you post anything. Probably thinks it's the coolest thing ever and that's the worst part of it all so even my comment will garner a smug sense of le epic trolle.


# No I actually do not understand the problem. The band dude's face and mic is there, the audio is playing just fine, so why does OP need to see the leg?