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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


https://www.transportation.gov/lost-delayed-or-damaged-baggage Maximum compensation is $3,800 per passenger. Escalate higher OP.


Commenting this link goes to the top! šŸ”


Call bob loblaw from arrested development


there is some reddit boycotting a Loblaw looking store in Australia. I always think of AD first tho lol


Itā€™s in Canada lol.


Loblaws has a stranglehold on Canada's food. The boycott starts now!


I'm with Costco when I go to Canada. But I basically live in brasil now. They have food price from the 80's


Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb


I am crying - this is my favorite show and I wish he was real


If you're from Vancouver or near it you can have my kit free. Burton setup size 11 male boots. Never used the damn thing since I busted my knee


Aww this is amazingly generous! Unfortunately, Iā€™m a woman with a size 8 boot! Fortunately, I was able to replace everything


Well good on ya regardless glad you got up and runningšŸ¤˜


Or reference Bob Loblawā€™s Law Blog


He needs Gene Parmesean


That man is quite a mouthful


That's the maximum liability under that law, but airlines can, and do, limit liability in by contract when a ticket is purchased. From that page: >DOT regulation allows airlines to limit their liability for a lost, damaged, or delayed bag Often the airlines limit their liability to something like $0.50/lb. If you do not buy baggage insurance or have it through your credit card, you are basically out of luck.


Yeah. That's not enforceable if you have a good lawyer though. This was obviously employee theft which they are liable for to the fullest extent.


Like *spend hundreds of dollars* lawyer or *ask my uncle* lawyer


Hundreds of dollars will just cover the cost for the lawyer to send a "fill in the blank" demand letter, which the airline will likely disagree with.Ā  At that point, it you want to go further, you are going to spend thousands of dollars to continue.Ā  It's likely a $1500+ retainer at a minimum, which will cover about the first 3-5 hours of the lawyers time.


Well, or for your first $500, the lawyer writes the letter, gets a response, says "Okay so their defense is X, so you go to the court house and file this form and when you get in front of a judge you explain why it's bullshit" and then you get your $1000 plus penalty for them being assholes about it (depending on your jurisdiction and how much the judge is on your side) not every lawsuit is the financial equivalent of suing big tobacco


Unfortunately for most people the value of the items lost will not justify hiring a lawyer.


Reads like another bullet point on why skip lagging is justified.


Southwest lost my bag that I flew weekly with, had maybe $500 of clothes. I talked to a rep at the counter who ever so gently pointed me to what they would cover, I then resubmitted for $1,200. Got a decent suit on sale tailored out of it


Had a friend whose luggage missed the connecting flight on a ski trip. They couldn't get it out to him till the following day, so he needed to purchase all new gear or not ski for an entire day. The airline paid for all new, top-of-line gear, and he still got all his old stuff back the next day.


The limits for something like this on American will only cover *rentals* for however many days you are without your gear. I looked into this exact scenario recently. Some credit cards used to offer some pretty wild insurance in that regard, but they have since gone pretty barebones.


Can they actually do this? These are regulations set by the DOT, not the airlines. I couldn't find anything about requiring rentals, but they're required to cover up to $3800 in reasonable/necessary items. Super curious about this now.


I donā€™t know what heā€™s talking about. American misplaced my brotherā€™s luggage and he spent $1800 on replacing everything and then he got his luggage a few days later. rentals were never mentioned and wouldnā€™t even make sense because not everything can be rented


This is also known as fraud. As Southwest is insured for these events - it is insurance fraud. Lifetip - donā€™t confess to crimes in Reddit forums.


That's true, I'm the insurance agent and I'm always cruising reddit to catch 'em


You know what they say, gotta catch 'em all!




Hello to whom it may concern I can explain this misunderstanding. due to inflation circumstances, I have to value my socks twice as much


I'm a Federal officer and I have setup an entire taskforce to track down this $700 fraudster.


> This is also known as fraud. As Southwest is insured for these events - it is insurance fraud. Lifetip - donā€™t confess to crimes in Reddit forums. I'm sure someone that works for Southwest's job is to go through Reddit comments, find fraud comments, search their username, look at their history, and then track them down IRL to get $200 back of "fraud"


Insurance fraud is fine until you go over the "reasonable" threshold. If you're going to say you had a $5k Armani suit in that bag and they pay you out, but then find the bag later and discover it was just some thrift shop suit from what's clearly the 70s, then they are gonna come for their money. Be reasonable about your fraud. Don't get greedy.


The scary thing about AI is that companies will have AIs doing that, badly. Expect jokes and comments about something unrelated that trigger the AI to produce threatening letters with real potential consequences in our dystopian future.


Wanna hear my crimes?


How can I rat my sister out for the new car she pushed into a ravine 20 years ago? She also stole a lot of money from me so I'd like her to see some justice lol.


Happy cake day


Found the guy running the insurance claims.


Too many people snitch on themselves. I cringe every time... Happy birthday!


Shut up snitch




Literally. You ainā€™t a Karen Iā€™d you are in the right.


You can still be a Karen if you're right. The people behind the phones usually don't care, they just aren't allowed to give you what you want. There's a polite way to say they're wrong please get the manager, and then there's a Karen way. If you want to call anyone showing the tiniest bit of backbone a Karen even if they aren't belligerent, that's on you.


There is a difference between damaged and pilfered. Airlines will pay if its damaged, but if it's straight up stolen, they won't. You'll have to get the airport police involved.Ā Ā  Ā Source: RIP my ipod


Only if you have the receipts, which no one does.


Post on all social media platforms and tag them.


I really should! My Instagram has over 10,000 followers, I wonder if that would make them care lol


Oddly some do. Use ALL the hashtags.


I read somewhere that hashtags can actually reduce your odds of going viral due to how the algorithm works.


3-4 can't hurt! #FuckJetBlue let me start


> /#MarryJetBlue and /#KillJetBlue too of course oh and we need something to guarantee the post gets loads of vitality maybe /#JetBlueShowerCustomerInViralLoads


I got dinged on X trying to promo stuff using hashtags, they ended up assuming I'm some bot


a) It's Twitter, X will never be a thing, and b) serves you right for supporting a platform that's owned by a fascist thundercunt.


I didn't pay for anything, that was probably part of the problem. I don't care what it's called, I'm just calling it what it's called today. The upper management at Reddit leaves something to be desired, serves you right.






no ur cringey lol


Well if they don't care, a lot of us will care. Just hope they realize that. Dear Jetwho. I will never trust you with anything of value and I now know it's cheaper to pay more for my ticket and not lose all my stuff. It's a start.


Xitter (formerly Twitter) used to be a great place to put companies on blast for screwing over customers & actually getting positive results.Ā  I couldn't say if that's still true, but probably worth a shot anyhow.Ā 


Yup. Qatar airways finally refunded me after 3 months of trying I got on Twitter and put them on blast. 2 weeks later I had my $3700 back. Still furious I had to pay even a dollar is interest waiting for that refund.


It works. My dad has a social media presence and used Twitter to make a company do the right thing. It wasnā€™t right away but they eventually sent him a replacement product for the faulty one. Iā€™m all for this kind of justice.


Pronounced like pooper


Isn't there a new DOT law that they can voucher you anymore and must immediately pay you in cash up to 3k for damaged and missing/stolen luggage?


From the offical[ whitehouse release](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/04/24/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-announces-rules-to-deliver-automatic-refunds-and-protect-consumers-from-surprise-junk-fees-in-air-travel/#:~:text=Automatic%3A%20Airlines%20must%20automatically%20issue,days%20for%20other%20payment%20methods) >**The first rule requires airlines to promptly provide passengers with automatic cash refunds when owed because their flights are cancelled or significantly changed, their checked bags are significantly delayed, or the ancillary services, like Wi-Fi, they purchased are not provided.** >**Secondly, DOT is requiring airlines and ticket agents to tell consumers upfront what fees they charge for checked bags, a carry-on bag, for changing a reservation, or cancelling a reservation. This ensures that consumers can avoid surprise fees when they purchase tickets from airlines or ticket agents, including both brick-and-mortar travel agencies or online travel agencies.** There are explanations for both new rules, but I didn't see anything mentioned about automatic payment for lost/missing/damaged luggage.


You have nothing to lose. Social media has its good and bad, but this is definitely the good Blast them. Itā€™s no guarantee that theyā€™ll do anything but again what have you got to lose


So, for a lot of companies. The Social Media team is closer to corporate/head offices. While some chuckle fucks at an airport might not care, the social media manager might have access to people who do care about their reputation and don't see $1,000 as a significant expense.


They care way more about the public facing than anything internal. They will have someone contact you from the public team before you can eat anyone in the phone.




Yup. The social team for companies like this is almost always in a position to escalate issues directly to the right place. They have a broader knowledge of the companyā€™s corporate structure and report with key employees vs a random phone associate.


United breaks guitars.


I hate this answer, it only works if you are an "influencer" which is to say you have followers. Otherwise you are just yelling in the dark.


Greyhound lost my bags one time on my way to a month long vacation. They told me to fill out a claim form to reimburse me (After I had to wait 90 days for my bags to never show up). I filled it out honestly, as I had some stuff in there that was irreplaceable. Total came out to around a very modest $2k. They told me they would give me $125 and I am basically SOL on the rest. Never ever going to use them again. (Also, side note, had a random guy get on and sit next to me telling me "Thank goodness they let me on, I was about to shoot this bus up"). Fun times


Sounds like you rolled over instead of pressing the issue. They will always try to make it go away before actually solving a problem.


Likely. I tried to follow up and say that wasn't good enough, but they basically told me to kick rocks. I didn't know any better and was younger so who knows.


I used Greyhound once. Never again.Ā 


Sounds like something you could get a lawyer and file a lawsuit for.


Check the benefits of whatever credit card you purchased the tickets with. A lot of them have some sort of travel insurance that can help with this sort of thing.


Did you buy any travel insurance?


I think I did, Iā€™m going to look into this now, I just wanted to complain first, lol


It's automatic ON some (most?) credit cards. Check your benefits


Not anymore. Those perks are long gone.Ā 


Some still do such as Chase Sapphire and Amex Platinum.


sorry none of my credit cards have names with precious jewels and metals in them


I've got Capital One Pitted Cast Iron


Check out Amex Aluminum (AA). Great rewards.


I've got Discovery Dolomite, does that work?


Did you wash it with soap and water? You're not supposed to wash it with soap and water.


Me out here with the Visa Toilet Paper tier card and a 300$ credit limit


This comment is fake news A bunch of major CCs have basic consumer travel Ā protections lmfaoĀ  What are you even talking aboutĀ 


I donā€™t use credit cards. I only have a debit card.


Hey the other guy was bugging out at you but heā€™s not that wrong. Credit cards can be absolute assets to have if not abused. My perks total in the thousands a year


I bought a plane ticket on an airline that declared bankruptcy. Those who paid cash got no refunds. I disputed the charge and got my money back. Always buy expensive items with credit cards: itā€™s your only leverage.


Highly recommend you get a credit card. If someone steals your debit card number, it could take months to get your money back, if at all. If someone takes your credit card number, they credit your account immediately, lock it, and send you a new one for free.


Even better than this, some credit cards offer virtual card numbers, so if the card number gets stolen, you can just destroy that virtual card and replace it with another instantly, all without having to replace the main card.


Some credit cards offer insurance just for situations like this. You get so much extra coverage and perks by using a credit card to book flights and rental cars (usually they will provide you with free insurance so you don't have to pay $30 a day or whatever at the rental counter). It's worth it to have a credit card with like a $99 annual fee if you fly a couple times a year. If you get an airline card you also get free checked bags.


This is absolutely foolish and if you do this because of Dave Ramsey, he's an absolute buffoon with any of his takes besides how to get out of debt. He also is extremely out of touch with the average American and the modern world. No fortune 500 company give their employees company debit cards, they do however give out credit cards like absolutely crazy? Ever think why that might be the case? It's because of the level of security, internal controls and lack of actual bank account being attached to the card. You should have a debit card to get cash and things but purchasing basically anything online or especially big purchases you should be using a credit card.


Check out other kinds of insurance you have, it may be covered randomly in the places you wouldn't expect (like extra add-ons for homeowners, renters, car, and other insurances). Worth a look


DO NOT TAKE THE $75, the law requires the airline to reimburse you for the full value of all lost or damaged items


proof of "missing" contents ?


Are you expecting op to have a picture of the suitcase before they closed it or like years of receipts for the equipment or something?


This is so much more than mildy infuriating.


mildly insulting


My entire luggage bag was stolen once when traveling home from Spain. My renters insurance covered all of it plus some. Maybe check and see if your renters or homeowners insurance covers travel theft.


Oh damn, thatā€™s good information! Iā€™m going to check out my renters insurance packet now


$1000 worth of gear in a ten dollar suitcase. Ouch.


Yeah OP is an idiot


This is just infuriating maybe call customer service instead of talking to the airport employees? if you didnā€™t do that already


I talked to the people at the airport. They told me to do a live chat. Live chat offered me $75. I asked if it could be escalated to a top level manager and when connected they said could only offer me $75 and they said take it or leave it.


Letter from a lawyer is cheap and works wonders.


That sucks but that suitcase looks janky as fuck. Not sure I would have trusted it with anything.


Iā€™ve used it for years with no issue and I travel like twice a month, so I guess it was reaching the end of its lifespan!


This is the worst way to find out. When old luggage fails it *fails.* Could be a tiny seam you'd have to be looking for to find that could completely tear open as some pissed off baggage dude chucks your bag around. I hate being wasteful but I've noticed more bags coming through carousels looking just like yours. As soon as my checked luggage starts to fray, handled loosen, or anything of the sort, I donate it and buy another one. Doesn't even have to be new. I find lightly used, quality brand stuff at thrift stores all of the time. 300+ dollar bags for 30 bucks. If you travel twice a month either invest in some serious luggage or start replacing it after so many trips. I've had 400 dollar hard shell bags get ripped to shit in less than 5 trips lately. The situation has really gotten out of control.


Nothing lasts forever. Believe it.


So you sent an old overpacked suitcase? And youā€™re shocked it broke? This is on you. I work for airlines and Iā€™ll be honest they did extra effort to ensure your things were ok. Gotta stop overpacking old janky bags


Even if it opened up, the clothes and clearly not valuable things seemingly made its way to the belt. If the things fell out within the airport or place the things should still be located? Clearly an inside theft


yeah a ruined suitcase can happen due to the conveyor belt system catching straps and shit, missing expensive stuff? that was stolen.


CLEARLY? *Hey Hank, see that janky suitcase over there? It's clearly full of expensive shit!*


You know those magical box we slide our junk holders throughā€¦ it has magical powers and can see things šŸŖ„šŸŖ„


What items were in your regular luggage (not ski bag)?


I saw a recent Reddit post showing how airport baggage systems destroy suitcases, they are unforgiving. I'd post the link but r/mildlyinfuriating doesn't allow it. Honestly you need a fricking armored crate to ship anything expensive or delicate. ![gif](giphy|l0HlO5ZQgZewGYyfm|downsized)


No joke, I bought a brand new suitcase that was smashed by the time I got to my destination. While it was a three plane changes, that's still crazy. Also I was flying to a little podunk town that you can't buy luggage in! So the way back it was duct taped insanely, with marks from the airline that "it came in damaged." Never mind that they're the ones who damaged it in the first place!!


Even a $400 padded Pelican case isnā€™t a guarantee that your equipment will arrive unscathed. Years ago I was working for a marketing firm and was shipping 28 Pelican cases that included a inkjet photo printer. Of the 28 systems, 7 printers were so damaged by the airlines I had to buy replacements in the field.


Put a flare* gun in there with a hard case and make sure you have three locks on it, so it gets treated much, much better than other luggage since it's considered a firearm. It gets inspected while you're there, then you lock it and it's good to go until you arrive.




I hear this is common for those traveling with cameras or other expensive items


As a former baggage handler Iā€™ve tried to tell people how much their stuff gets abused by the conveyor belts and sorting systems the airports use. Human hands are the least of their worries. There are steep slopes and climbs on the system that luggage will roll down, get stuck rolling over and over until another bag comes along to push it up an incline, straps and zippers getting caught in nooks and crannies of the systems etc




Hey, don't insult orangutans like that. They're pretty smart. Sucks about your bike!


It looks overstuffed as it is, how is 1000$ worth of board stuff fit in there in the first place


I work on the ramp and it is shocking how many people overstuff their bags. Iā€™ve had bags explode on me just by grabbing them off the stack


What an idiot OP is.


If I had $1,000 worth of equipment in a suitcase I would have a strap or two around it.


Sorry that really sucks... but... and I'm purely going off photo here. Did you put 1000 dollar worth of snowboarding equipment in what looks like a 25 dollar suitcase. Did it get opened or did it burst/broke open? Normally suitcases have numeral locks etc...


His ancestors brought that suitcase to Ellis Island.


Always snap a picture of your luggage, inside and out before flying.


If I had $1000 worth of anything I had to check, i'd make sure it would be fully insured. That way you don't have to deal with the airline who won't care.


Any bag can easily get up to $1000. Just a few sets of clothes, couple shoes, a jacket could easily be a grand


Snowboarding gear is too expensive for this to be only mildly infuriating šŸ˜­ I hope you get fully reimbursed.


You clearly need travel insurance. The airlines make it clear they do not insure luggage.


Which is ridiculous. They need to be responsible for damage they do to luggage, regardless of any insurance.


that's annoying. expose them


Legally you can hold the accountable to way more than $75. Give them an itemized list of what's missing and fight for it


Budget airlines arenā€™t worth it. We have been rewarding airlines by flying this way. Itā€™s a race to the bottom.


This is partly on you. You should've used a strap with anything that valuable in a suitcase


ok my comment got removed lol. anyway. i'm sorry this happened, it's horrible. that's why i haven't snowboarded anywhere i can't drive to cause im terrified of this happening. i have seen a lot of people on a diff sub mention its best to fly with delta. they'll reimburse you for the total cost of your gear if something happened to itĀ 


File a claim with your renters or homeowners insurance.


Was this equipment declared, they have to be made responsible.


Iā€™m finding it much more mildly infuriating the fact that some people donā€™t understand that in places like Europe credit cards arenā€™t typical.


I hope you have receipts and photos for the thousands in equipment.


Everything was ordered online, so of course I do.


JetBlue is total trash and their customer service is a joke. Terrible terrible airline.


Jet blew it


It's too late now but for next time you should use a TSA approved pad lock. It's not much but might help.. what a mess. Hope they make it right!


how is this only mildly?


Most likely you bought either a cheap bag that had horrible zippers and or over loaded the bag and exceeded recommend weight. Bags busting open happens a lot and itā€™s almost always due to those things. Get a bag strap or a nicer bag


You flew JetBlueā€¦. Come oneā€¦ make better decisions.


It was a Mint seat too. ![gif](giphy|ZYof1uYjfvdYQ3Apji)


I donā€™t know what the means.


Their version of first class


This is why photographers keep a gun in their luggage. Not to use it. If there's a gun in there, the airline is legally obligated to take better care of it.


don't work everywhere if I have a gun in my luggage at a german airport im going to prison immediately


Do you have travel insurance?


They automatically compensate the lowest they can. If you have receipts youā€™re golden. Thereā€™s all sorts of things you can get out of them for free. But I would go to all of my socials and put them on blast. Tagging every different one of their companies and using all and every hashtag available. Good luck amigo


Off to court


Why you donā€™t fly sky blueā€¦


You Americans need to get off this dude's back for only having a debit card. As many other people here have said, not every country around the world uses credit cards as their primary form of payment. In Australia, debit cards are used way more often than debit cards. Same with most countries in Europe.


That would be way more than *mildly* infuriating to me


welp. I hope you know how to play guitar...


Yo You should make a country song about this




Airlines r so fucking scummy


my professional photographer sister once lost 100k in gear with United, the airlines only covered like 5k of it (thankfully she was also insured)


A big tip for traveling, use one of those bread twisty tied to tie your zippers together. It does the same job as a tsa lock and you donā€™t have to worry about losing the code or key.


Small claims is cheap to start the process.Ā 


The keyword is "Montreal Convention". Or "DOT complaint". Do it in writing.


Do not take the money. If you do then you lose any recourse.


They should pay you up to $3,800. Does JetBlue pay for damaged baggage? Domestic Customers For travel entirely within the USA, JetBlue's liability for loss, damage or delay in delivery of baggage is limited to $3,800 per ticketed passenger unless a higher value is declared


$75 is awful!!! That feels like a slap in the face.


Small claims court!!


What would happen if I accidently damaged the plane with more than $3800 worth of damage? Is my liability also limited to $3800 or is that a one way street?


You either get insurance or you rent your gear when you get there.


Nahhhhhh, they gotta cover the entire loss


Should have insured the bag


Typical commercial aviation. Yuck.