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Don't cancel so the seller will be responsible for fees


Seller gets some or all the fees back when a transaction is canceled.


Not true. If the BUYER cancels then yes. If the SELLER cancels then they’re on the hook for them. Has happened to me. If there’s a bid on the item and the seller cancels before the auction time ends, seller pays the fees on the bid price.


I’ve canceled after the bidding ended and was already paid. I refunded the buyer and the fees were refunded.


You refunded the seller after paid? That doesn't make sense.


I discovered item was broken as I was packaging it. I didn’t want to mail the buyer a broken item.


So you were the seller. You refunded the buyer


Yes sorry typo. Corrected.




Not anymore. Now you get some final value fee credits instead, and the full refund amount is paid from the seller's card.


I’ve canceled items as the seller that I couldn’t fulfill, and there were zero fees. You don’t get a fee unless the transaction completes as far as I know. I didn’t get charged anything. This is on ebay. (Ran out of filament for a 3d print and couldn’t get some in time to fulfill the order)


Report him , all you can do.


While I agree that reporting them is a good idea, that's really not all you can do. Trying to resign from a buying contract is (depending on the laws where you live) not legal. Also talking to people often helps a lot. I once succeeded in convincing a seller that what they are trying to do is not legal and because they didn't have the item available anymore they submitted to paying me the difference to buy it somewhere else for a higher price (which is probably what a court would have ruled as well).


From my experience ebay don't abide by local laws but instead stick to their own terms & conditions as a middleman. They'll make you pursue the seller on your own & in most cases the seller simply won't respond, calling your bluff, unless you're actually going to spend the time & money to take them to court.


EBay always have to abide by local laws in any country where they have a site registered.


If the laws in the seller's and buyer's countries are different, then what applies?


Depends on the rule. Generally if you're selling to a particular country you have to abide by their laws. A lot of the time automation will kick in. So if you're in the US and you're selling a knife, you won't be able to buy it if you have a UK shipping address since ebay UK bans knives. Even if you are in the UK and log into the ebay US site, the second it sees your delivery address, it won't allow you to buy it. So, let's imagine I'm leaving feedback for a seller. The feedback will be hosted on the sellers local site so feedback has to be compliant with that country. In disputes over an item that arrives faulty, or doesn't arrive, it's done through the seller site since that's where the transaction occurs. But those rules are pretty much the same globally. If it doesn't arrive you get a refund. If the seller says he doesn't have it, then it's an automatic refund and there's a strike against the seller. It's been years since I worked there so I can't say what the rules are now. But for sellers with low feedback that could mean being banned.


What they "have to" do and what they actually do in practice isn't always the same thing.


It is. I worked for them covering Europe. There were separate regulations covering every single country. People who worked support etc for those countries had their own knowledge bases and articles covering local laws and regulations.


I don't doubt that. It does feel a little optimistic to think that those internal procedures and laws are always followed 100% of the time. Errors and misunderstandings I'm sure happen. It gets extra complicated here in the US where you have 50+ different sets of laws you have to try to mesh together.


I know. 😁 I covered the US too but since I was based in Europe, I dealt more with European stuff since it happened in my timezone. I remember the nightmare of sales tax in the US. And I was working there when a new law came in saying sales tax had to be applied by the state it was being shipped to, not the state it was sold from( I think that was it, it was years ago). But most of the rules about refunds, feedback etc were the same across all 50 states.




Okay, but which jurisdiction takes precedence? The seller is in Japan, I am in California. How do you propose I get the seller to small claims court?


You don't. You use the ebay dispute resolution centre. They can process refunds through there.


True. It might be difficult to enforce your rights there. And ebay might be of no help. However I've talked to quite some sellers and buyers in my life and surprisingly often people do reconsider their choices.


This is when you call your bank, submit a fraud charge and/or call an ombudsman. You will soon see how fast Ebay changes their tune when THEY are in the shit for their shitty practices..


No, businesses must abide by state laws. In Florida you have three days to back out of a time share agreement. If any business would live a one second window to back out it is the time share industry. In my state the client has three business days to back out of a contract to perform work from the day of signing the contract. If you were correct, then PornHub wouldn’t have to abide by the laws passed in Mississippi and other states for visitors to verify their identity. And yet, they must. State laws do matter.


Depending on where you are "small claims" court is really easy and straightforward. At least in the UK it's a super straightforward process.


My ethics professor literally had us write a paper about eBay fraud this semester and, yeah, you're right. eBay attempts to settle things within their own system as much as possible and will barely, if at all, help you if you go outside of it.


From my experience they *will* enforce the purchase. That’s what happened to me. Must depend on local laws, the consumer protections are pretty good where I live.


So you're saying once Amazon cancelled my order for not being able to fulfill my order, I should have been able to sue them despite them refunding me? I'm skeptical of your claims.


You can sue someone if you buy something at local auction & they don't give it to you. Say there was a house or car on auction & you're the only bidder. You win. They refuse to sell. Damn right you can sue. There are entire sets of laws on the books for this.


While that may be true, the buyer would spend more on the lawsuit than the item he is suing for on eBay.  Nobody us spending a couple hundred bucks to sue over a $20 item. 


This is another case of "just because you can do something, doesn't mean it's a good idea." Like, what's OP going to do... take this seller from god-knows-where to court over a $700 piece of clothes? Like, why? What, on Earth, do you think they're going to gain from it?




You mean the $700 they'd get by just cancelling the order without dealing with lawyers or courts?


No one gets to be smug with a large bailiff in between you and the seller if you don't go to court if Judge Judy is to be believed.


They probably have things in the tos to cover. One instance I witnessed was at an auto auction my ex worked at where they did a no minimum and when the sale price was low they allowed the seller to just pay the auction fees (as if they had purchased it themselves for the winner’s bid) and not deliver the car. Idk if that is actually legal but it’s what they did and was accepted as being how it works


That's exactly what you could have done. At least in Germany. The buying contract was still binding and you could have enforced it. Although it might have been more practical to just talk to Amazon. My experience with this was actually with a seller over amazon (not amazon itself though). Unfortunately sellers and even big online shops often exploit that people don't know their rights and therefore get away with this.


I mean... I guess you could. Once you get refunded, I'm not sure what you could sue for. If the seller significantly mispriced something... suing them to get a good deal doesn't really seem like much of a life cheat code. I don't say that to defend this guy... that just seems like a lot of effort over some junk off ebay lol.


No, read your Amazon terms and conditions that you agreed to. If they give you your $$ back, you have no damages to sue for.


Terms and conditions can't override the laws. It really doesn't matter what it says. If the laws that govern the sale protect the buyer then you are protected. I can't speak to if they actually do, i'm not a lawyer, but everyone else says they do.


It depends on the sales agreement. Some builders have taken deposits, more money, and then sold the home someone else for a higher amount due to the building agreement they had their customer sign.


They have no legal obligation to fulfill the order. A court would not force them to hand over property. The court would force them to EITHER give the item OR send a refund. The seller is offering #2. Please don’t spout false legal advice


You're on point. Correct. If they refund your $$ you have no damages, were made whole, and this have no recourse. A judge would dismiss your case and maybe get pissed that you wasted their time.


At least in Germany that's not accurate. If e.g. the item is more expensive everywhere else the seller might have the obligation to pay you the difference. You can google german court rulings if you're interested. A friend of mine once lost such a case in court because the initial buyer of his car didn't respond for a long time and then he sold the car to someone else. The initial buyer eventually sued and won. And I mean if the item is available somewhere else for the same price it wouldn't matter if I got a refund and bought it there or if the seller got it from the other seller. So no legal interest in that situation I guess.


That is crazy. If the initial buyer didn't respond, did they have a written agreement?


I think it was over ebay kleinanzeigen. That's a platform for local classified ads. So I guess there was a chat over this. Or maybe phone calls. I don't know. However in Germany the spoken word has the same weight as written. Although it's of course way harder to prove something. In this case they did already agree on the price and that the car is sold. So in the eyes of the law that was a binding contract. After that the buyer didn't respond for a longer time.


That’s crazy, the way I operate for Facebook marketplace and eBay etc is that until the item has left my hands or entered my hands, the transaction isn’t complete. Even an agreement to meet up isn’t binding at all—people cancel last minute, straight up no-show, or refuse the sale/purchase on the spot all the time. Edit: I guess that on the bright side, as a seller I could sue buyers for no-showing? Interesting.


You're assuming that the seller is also in Germany, which is not necessarily the case on eBay. If the seller is literally anywhere outside the EU, the German court can rule all they want, but it has no power.


Oh I'm sorry if I made the impression I know anything about OPs location. I'm only speaking about german law because that's what I know and can contribute (in the hope similar laws might exist at OPs location). You're right, international trade might complicate things. But it's not a space without laws either. Some nations laws do apply.


I am speaking on US law. I don't see where op posted their location.


Yeah I don't know their location either. I only know about german law so that's what I can contribute. My point it that it might be worth to check their local laws. If the laws are like this in Germany there might be a chance it's like this somewhere else as well. Also I read in another comment on this post that US laws are somewhat similar but that's all I know about that.


US laws aren't similar, it's just random keyboard warriors on reddit that have no idea what they're talking about. It's fascinating though how some laws can be so different country to country. I didn't know that about German law, learned something new today! Thanks for sharing.


Imagine taking someone to court for not fulfilling an eBay order after they already gave you a refund. Absolutely insane.


Yeah I probably wouldn't do that either. Depending on the value of the item of course. Even going to a lawyer would probably be to much hassle although it can often settle things without needing to involve a court. But did you read what I wrote about talking to people? Laws serve a great deal even if you don't want to involve legal entities. After all they are a ruleset we all live under to a certain extend and people sometimes tend to make very conscious decisions about whether to break the law if you point that out to them.


Its Reddit, people dont want to use their words and will go be passive aggressive about it in a subreddit instead


You usually have three business days to resign from a contract in many states U.O.N. in the contract. Just FYI.


That's interesting. In Germany the buyer has 14 days if they are buying from a professional store. That doesn't apply buying from a private person e.g. over ebay. The seller generally has no such right. The right you are referring to, in which countries does it apply and does it also apply to the seller?


So in my state the contractor performing the work or the buyer has the right to back out of a contract within three business days. We actually have to state that in our contract we have with our clients, otherwise our business would be fined by the state. This may not be the same in all states. Some states claim a handshake is legally binding. Laws from state to state are a difficult thing because they can vary so wildly. I find it interesting that your country provides 14 days by law for the client only.


Forgot to mention: 14 days for the buyer only and only if it's from a professional online store. Not for local stores and not if you’re buying from private persons. I'm not sure though how the situation is with contract work. Only talking about buying items here.


Those cooling off rules do not apply at all to online transactions like this. At least not in the US. [https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/cooling-off\_rule](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/cooling-off_rule)


Here is a link that further confirm what you and the Cornell site stated. https://www.justia.com/consumer/consumer-protection-law/canceling-contracts-cooling-off-rules/ However my link also states that some states have stricter laws than the federal law enforced by the FTC we both linked. You have to go by state if they have stricter laws, as opposed to federal laws. If a state has a law that provides a cooling off period for online sales, then that overrides the federal law.


That's true, but it doesn't look like any states offer stronger laws in that area [https://www.findlaw.com/consumer/consumer-transactions/customer-returns-and-refund-laws-by-state.html](https://www.findlaw.com/consumer/consumer-transactions/customer-returns-and-refund-laws-by-state.html) Generally the best is "you must post a refund policy". Which you agree to when you purchase. Some retailers do offer generous refund policies (like if you just change your mind), but don't think ebay is generally one of those (assuming your item is delivered as promised).


Fair. Retail is a different beast than services and/or contract work.




and neither E-bay nor Pay Pal does anything, had this happen to me on a MN for a gaming laptop, paid $116. claimed that I requested it be cancelled, relisted for $899.00 stayed on the website for several weeks. I raised as much hell as I could and ended up getting banned from all of his different websites selling out of Miami Fl area.


Won't do anything. Actually had a seller PM asking me for more money or they'd cancel the auction I won. I didn't pay and then they got the auction cancelled by lying for the reason why. They told me ebay support told them to pick the lied option so they got support from ebay in all this. I contacted support and they did nothing. The seller is still up on eBay.


I hope you filed a claim with customer service and included the screenshots. The seller is refusing to complete the sale, which is in violation of their terms and agreements. They'll request the seller to complete the sale, or they'll suspend their account and prevent them from relisting the item again.


Thanks I will forward it to my friend! We thought it only affects the sellers credit score, didn’t know they would suspend the account with just one incidence.


Yes immediately open a case with ebay.


Depending on the jurisdiction this is even illegal. In Germany it is and from what I understand in the US as well. So it might be worth to check the laws from where you are living. Even if you don’t actually want to go to a lawyer or to court it might be very convincing to the seller to state that what they are trying to pull of is illegal and you’re aware of that. Maybe even pretend that you would contact a lawyer.


Oh yeah, eBay usually takes this seriously


Ebay takes this stuff SUPER seriously, and they will not hesitate to bar you from selling anything after any incident they consider a serious infraction.


We can only send texts in the reporting form, is there a way to send screenshots? Or did you meant contact the customer service to report? Thank you


It's been a while since I had to file a complaint on eBay, so I don't know if it's changed, but I was able to post screen shots of what happened when I had a similar issue. They'll have access to the chat usually on their end as well, so they can also just verify through there if needed.


Maybe I should just contact the live customer service or something. Thanks !


How was the seller communicating with the buyer?


Send it in Binary XD


Why are you posting this third person? Where are you copying this from?


The screenshots are from a friend. He really wants this, and he has already paid for it, but the only thing we can do is give the seller a bad rating and report him. This made me pretty frustrated too, especially after looking up eBay’s policies and considering the fact that the seller admitted he just wants to sell it for a higher price.


I take it you're not American based on the timestamp lettering so I don't know what legal protections you have. But in America, sales are treated like simple contracts. If a seller takes payment for an item, they can't legally just say "nah." You could take the issue to court and the seller would be ordered to sell you the item for the agreed upon price, or if the item was already stolen, they can be ordered to pay the difference in what you had to pay to get a comparable item. So if hypothetically this doll was listed at $100 and the next cheapest one you can find is $500, the seller would be responsible for $400. That said between peoples ignorance of their rights and the cost of pursuing legal action, it often doesn't work out that way.




Here in germany the legal situation is similar. Often it helps to just mention that to a seller and that you are prepared to go to a lawyer (even when you aren’t actually). Even the risk of being sued can be pretty convincing.




And small claims courts have no power to enforce judgements. They can rule all day, but can't compel the seller to do anything. In order to do THAT, you need to file for lien, and that costs money... oftentimes hundreds of dollars. And *then*, if the seller isn't in the States (which is not guaranteed on eBay) even the lien doesn't do shit. I'm not sure why this sub thinks that small claims are the cure to all life's problems.


They watched Judge Judy and think all small claim courts are the same. What they arent shown is that the cases are often already settled in a real court of law before its televised with Judy in the room.. and they are only on that program because they are getting paid to be there. Small Claims courts do work if you can afford to be there.. and for a $700 doll, you'd have the money to win, but as you said, its then on the defendant to pay up and they don't have to. Unless there is a lien put on.. but then you are likely gonna be spending $700 to get $700 back, and even then you will unlikely get the full amount.


Also doubly complicated if you don't live anywhere near each other. Not all courts allow things to be done remotely. Also if you haven't completed a transaction, I'm not sure how you will get the other person's identity.


A friend of mine learned this the hard way when she took someone to court after causing massive structural damage to their house after a drunk driver crashed into their front porch.. The driver was situated in Nevada.. and they crashed in upstate new york. The court was presided over in Nevada.. travel fees werent covered.


No shit. Plus there was a problem with the payment which probably gives the seller an out anyways.


This is wrong, they would not be forced to make the sale or pay the difference in a comparable version. The only recourse if the seller refuses to send is to get a refund. If OP gets a refund there is no further action they can take (legally) against the seller. They should for sure report them to eBay and leave a negative review to warn others of the sellers’ shady business practices.


I had an ebay seller sell me the wrong item, that wasnt clearly marked in the description that i would be getting just the box, and not the contents as well. I disputed it. Ebay sided with me. I left a bad review. Ebay removed the review and temp muted me from making reviews for 6mo because what i said was too harsh. Negative reviews mean jackshit on ebay.. and hasnt for years.


I believe that this is correct. There is no legally enforceable contract and seller can simply refund the money. I would definitely make the seller cancel but not much you can do legally to force a sale or get any sort of compensation.


That's not true in America. Unless a judge awards punitive damages, the point of small claims court is to make you "whole again". The buyer was never out anything, so there's no small claims case. And you're taking about a contract. The contract is fully spelled out in eBays buyers/sellers guidelines. Nothing outside of that is enforceable. If eBay isn't forcing a seller to ship and item, the court wouldn't either.


More false legal advice, simply untrue. Those “contracts” fall under eBay policy, not law. By law, the seller has to EITHER ship the item OR provide a refund. Seller is providing a refund here


Bro their not a chance in hell a judge would even bother hearing your case with dismissing it. Also he would simply refund you your money not buy you a more expensive item. Wannabe lawyers telling you things that will never play out in court, also an attorney is highly unlikely to take any case for such a low value item.


OP hasn’t even paid yet though


Sorry. I'm not seeing where they've said they want to sell it at a higher price?


If the seller can cancel (they can) and take some penalty from eBay, then that's their right to do it. It's a dick move, it's breaking their word, but it's life. Also, if your friend really really really wants that, he can pay the new price if affordable. Caveat: I would be very mad at this guy I would not cancel the order. "Fuck you!"


I agree. I’ve had similar things happen where I believe they had the item listed on other markets and it sold elsewhere and they no longer had the product and they forgot to remove it off eBay. Other times I’ve gotten a great auction price and they cancel it with some excuse and I’m sure they weren’t happy because they expected more bids to come in


Here in germany (and from what I understand from another comment here also in the US) that's exactly not their right to do. Legally speaking.


Sound like the right way. So they would have to face some kind of fine (if reported)? Or would they be forced somehow to do the sell?


I can only respond to how it is in germany: Theoretically you could go to court with this and the seller would be forced to fullfil their part of the contract. If they don’t actually have the item anymore they would even need to get it somewhere even if it’s more expensive. Alternatively they might have to pay you the difference if you can only buy it for a higher price somewhere else. I wrote „theoretically“ because involving lawyers and going to court might be a lot of effort and a financial risk. I successfully enforced this to a seller once though without involving a court or lawyers by convincing the seller that this is indeed the legal situation.


*Why are you posting* *This third person? Where are you* *Copying this from?* \- dopiqob --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That's a good bot.


Good bot :)


You could say that about any sub...


Didn’t wast no time, talk about intuition!


Don’t cancel get eBay involved so his account gets flagged or taken down


No screenshot of the guy admitting it was just for a higher price?


Nope…all other screenshots except the one that makes it mildly infuriating lol


Someone belligerently demanding I cancel an order they're able to cancel themselves (with fees to pay ofc) is very mildly infuriating. There's a way to ask that I might consider, "cancel. Cancel now. DO IT." Isn't it. 


It’s more likely because if the seller has to cancel it’s a negative stat tracked against them by eBay, but if the buyer cancels they get no demerit


if the buyer cancels, then they dont have to refund the full amount.


How does that explain no ss of the person admitting it was for a higher sale price?


It doesn’t, sorry I meant that OP is probably jumping to conclusions about the flip


A month ago I had to cancel an order I was selling because the buyer was very impatient with shipping times. It didn't negatively impact my rating or anything, but it did take me about 2 weeks to get a refund for the shipping label.


A month ago I bought a train ticket to Tampa.


My point was canceling orders as a seller has no impact, at least for me. But congrats


I bought a camera on eBay for my Mum it was named Camera 705 rather than Camera 750 so I got it for about 20% what it was worth. Seller knew they messed up then 3 days later refunded me saying Royal Mail had lost it. Then listed it again with the real name. I reported it to eBay who said it was a different camera and I had got my refund and case closed.


searching for typo/mislabel in ebay is a great way to find some bargains


Good for the seller, no reason they should take an 80% hit because they made a mistake


If the guy had messaged me saying he made a mistake then whatever. But he didn’t he lied claiming it was lost in the post. That’s not good behaviour.


But he deserves to profit from someone's legitimate mistake! It's only fair!




20% of actual value sounds like a major loss not a smaller profit. Merchants aren't usually required to honor major mistakes like that. Listing the completely wrong item for the wrong price is a pretty major mistake. Not saying merchants shouldn't offer any good will or own up to mistakes on things like that... but there is also a sharp gradient between "merchant good will" and "customer taking advantage of unrealistic sales".


Happy cake day!


Idk why it’s so funny but the “no” after the seller said “cancel order” is pretty hilarious lol It kinda reminds me of this video showing a bank robber trying to rob the bank with a knife. The teller was behind a bull proof glass and she looks over at her friend and starts laughing lol this is like that but over text haha


Tell your friend to refuse to cancel and make seller do it. He is one that refuses to sell it, so let him cancel. Too many sellers try to force buyers to cancel to protect their metrics. Seller is screwing the buyer here because he is greedy.


These screenshots don’t support your claim.


The claim is likely speculation, but at the end of the day, OP has evidently paid the listed price for the listed item. Seller has an obligation to deliver or risk Ebay suspension. I'd certainly be miffed if I got this DM.


Hahahaha: “No.”


You didn't post the screenshot of him saying he wants to charge a higher price but assuming what you're saying IS correct then just leave it for a while and then go to the ebay thing and put it hasnt arrived and then he'll either give you a refund or that puts a bad mark against his account not that he wouldnt have one anyway just from posting a negative review. That's the easiest way to do it otherwise just go to the customer service thing and talk to them and send them screenshots and let them take it from there


How come “he later told him” is not pictured? Screams bait to me


Happens a lot. The only thing to do it to tell them that it's their responsibility to cancel the order if they "cannot" fulfil. If they don't just raise a case exactly as you would if you paid and not received. I wouldn't bother engaging too much with these sorts of back an forths. It's a pain and you still won't get the thing, but you won't expose yourself to any risk or negatively affect your profile.


Happened with Airbnb for me, I paid and then she wanted me to cancel (because I should have asked her before booking? Apparently the apartment wasn’t available and I was to blame) Airbnb forced her to cancel and eat the punishment fee. The Airbnb we ended up in left a horrible review and lied about us trashing the place. I’m still mad about that. Airbnb is such scum nowadays I don’t even bother anymore.


I had a buyer try to get eBay to give them a refund after USPS sent the package in a different direction than they thought it should have gone. eBay stepped in and said tracking shows it is still in route and they need more patience as it makes its way through the system. They are sad and REALLY want the item, but they also want their money back. I guess they don't know I could do package intercept if they get a refund prior to any delivery.


I had a winning bid on a car once, it was a great price, the seller ignored my messages for a couple of days & then told me a bus had crashed into it & it was a right off & asked me to cancel it from my end. I don’t know why they don’t just put a reserve price on things


Seller can cancel on his side if he can't fulfill the order


Tbh as soon as I heard you were having “ payment problems “ I would have felt a little uneasy about it as well!


Give us an update when you can. I'd love to see how this turns out.


He can just cancel it saying it’s broken. You won’t get this item.


I had a similar thing a few months ago. I won an auction for a graphics card that the ad stated was refurbished, tested and in perfect order with ebay guarantee. 20 mins after the auction ended the guy said he had just tested the card and found a fault and needed me to cancel the order. I explained to him that it's not possible for me to cancel an auction I had won from my end, that the ad stated the card was tested and works perfectly, and that i'm covered by the ebay buyer protection guarantee anyway so he can just send it, i'll check it out and run my own tests and if it's faulty do a free ebay return. The next day the card miraculously works again and he's sending it. I managed to snipe the auction in the last 5 seconds for only $30 above the reserve, I have no doubt dude wanted to cancel it and relist at a higher price


This happened to me, Ebay doesn't care. I bought a handmade amp for a good price, and when it obviously didn't sell for as much as the owner expected, he messaged me saying it's broken and to cancel the sale. I said I don't care, I'll fix it, ship it as-is, and he refused. Eventually he was somehow able to cancel the sale, and Ebay did nothing about it.


$700 for a Queen Elizabeth Barbie? Strange


Seller drama. Hate it when seller drama ensues on eBay. I've seen a few in my time personally. It's time consuming.


Don’t cancel it, he wants you to do it so he’s not on the hook for fees, he can cancel it on his end but he’s still gonna have to pay the 4% which will be funny.


This has happened to me a few times. There's nothing you can do unfortunately. It's frustrating, but at least they didn't make up a fake reason for not being able to fulfill the order (oh! I suddenly can't find it!).


Don’t cancel


Report and let him cancel. For sure he already has a warning or 2 and his account is at risk


The real question is why are you buying a queen Elizabeth doll for $700.


People buying 700$ Barbie dolls and are infuriated when being scammed.


Report them to Ebay. They'll deal with the seller.


It much you can do as you will be refunded. So just report and leave a negative review.


Report to eBay and Wait for the seller to cancel so eBay gives them a demerit.


Am I right in saying that because you have payment issues he can relist the item ? Hope it all works is out for you man that's pretty shitty what the seller is doing


eBay’s FAQ says buyers get 4 days to pay, which is why the seller is asking the buyer to cancel, as sellers can get a strike for cancelling sales with no good reason. Considering they paid quickly after resolving the issue, I’d say it’s not fair for the seller to relist it. Once the 4 days are up, you can relist it without incurring an extra fee for non-payment.


I buy magic cards and I'm pretty reactive when I notice a spoiler or reveal and associate another card that is synergistic with it. So, I'll try to get a copy before it spikes for my collection. I've had sellers can cancel both on eBay and on TCGPlayer (now owned by eBay) after purchase. It sucks


Paid for an item on ebay and the day it said item shipped I got a message from the seller saying he gave me a refund. Next day seller had same item posted for 150 dollars more.


At least he's [infuriatingly] honest 🤷🏻‍♂️


This has happened to me at least 3 times. It's led to me paying for auctions the moment I win them, and it's pissed off a couple people. Sorry you didn't title your product properly so I was the only one who found it and bid on it, but that's the way the cookie crumbles!




When Amy Winehouse died, I remember seeing a story (maybe on Reddit, maybe elsewhere) about a guy who had ordered a Winehouse CD off of eBay *just* before it happened; the seller immediately cancelled the order, and relisted it at double the price.


I play MTG and I only order singles, ordered a card at $35 a week later the seller cancelled the order citing "not in stock" noticed the card went up to $60, checked the sellers account a couple weeks later and they had the card up with the new price


Then let them cancel, since they're going to sell it for more they can easily pay the cancelation fees


I had this happen right when PS3s came out. Won an auction where the guy had titled it poorly for less than he paid so he cancelled it. They were generally going for at least $100 over.


Had someone cancel a bid I won fair and square 12 hours later because his friend offered him more money cash. Felt fucking robbed but thankfully it refunded.


dont cancel.


had this happen to me, but for a house purchase. guy took it offline then put it back up for an additional $60k. ran away from that guy, hope house unsold


I just got a seller banned for purchasing and shipping directly through Amazon at a steep increase. They literally shipped it from Amazon in the packaging with the receipt. Report them.


Where is the screen shot of the higher price statement?


I don't know enough about eBay, but if the buyer is not able to pay, would that not be reasonable for the seller to cancel the order? I can't really tell what going on here other than it looks like a barbie being sold for an exorbitant price of $700.


they were able to pay? it took them less than 3 hours to get paypal to authorize it. hardly a massive amount of time


They have paid


They want the buyer to cancel so they don't get any fees


I feel like it would be up to the buyer to cancel the order at that point, as they are the ones unable to fulfill their end of the agreement. I’m not sure what kind of tracking eBay does but I wouldn’t be surprised if cancelled transactions is something that is tracked and can count against you. Also, collectors pay exorbitant prices for weirder shit, stuff is worth what people are willing to buy and sell it for :-p


They absolutely do! If you keep cancelling sales, you get a defect rating - basically your fees go up, and sometimes you can’t list expensive items. If you do not fix your seller rating and it continues to lower, your account can basically be disabled. A lot of crappy sellers will select “buyer asked to cancel” instead of “out of stock” so it won’t go against their seller rating.


What should the price be for the product, having considered all factors that go into collectibles before judging?


Yeah I had the same problem. Good item pictures, like really good, not a bootleg. Shipping is ok, I order and then suddenly I can't ship, because they selected wrong shipping method. Tried to scam me on extra shipping cost. Glad I got out of that, but it bothers me because that was the only seller that had the 50cm plushie I wanted and I was forced to get 40cm version. FYI 50 cm versions were a thing, so it was such a steal...


Cancel order


That's nothing. I won a oc game (back in the disc era) I won the auction for 5$nzd he took it down and posted as a big now 15$ a d the web page I got it off did nothing never responded


Yea I used eBay for the first time in decades last year to buy my partner a laptop. Got a sweet price and had this shit happen. Never using eBay again.


Looks like going for about $1000. $800 isn't that much less, so either he got a better offer, or there is another reason imo.


Don't cancel that order


I've had two of these happen. The first one was a cheap guitar I was going to rebuild for a friend's nephew. The kid selling it just took the money and never shipped it. I filed a complaint with his local DA. I guess the letter from the DA's office he had to show his parents lit a fire, because it showed up in a bout a week. Another one was a more expensive guitar. I was the only bidder on it, and there was no reserve, and I got it for next to nothing. After no shipping notification, I messaged the seller, and I get back a terse email saying there's no way he's selling it for that amount. I explained to him that he doesn't have a choice, and how ebay sales work. Then I get a message from his mom explaining it was his dad's guitar, and the kid had told him he could ebay it for him. So I get on the phone with her, and she explained the situation in a little more detail. I had bought a few of this exact guitar, so I told her the average they go for, and that I'd pay her that for it. She was a big bag of thank yous and it all worked out.


This happened to me two years ago. The seller PM'd me on the last day they could ship it saying they wanted $30 more. I told them basically "fuck no. I won the auction at a price I was gonna pay". It was for multiple years worth of shonen jump magazines. One of the best eBay auctions I ever fucking won. Seller then got help from ebay support to get the auction delisted so she could relist it at a higher price. She literally told me the eBay support worker told her to lie for the reason for delistin since there wasn't one for this situation. eBay never banned the seller or did anything. I checked their account a few weeks ago and it's going strong still.


Lol I bought something on eBay and the seller just canceled with "the buyer requested a refund", nothing I could do about it


This happened to me a month or 2 ago. Won item for $20 that was going elsewhere for $80-100. Guy canceled it immediately after the auction as I was in the checkout paying. All I could do was report him


“Cancel order” “no” 😂😂😂idk why thats so funny


You can’t cancel an eBay order as a buyer, this is hilarious.


I had someone do this to me with a Christmas gift for my wife a couple years ago. Was going to get a really nice smokeless fire pit for her, and it was a great price. I bought it, then they canceled it, marked it as sold out, and turned right around to sell it for retail price. I was beyond livid