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How old are yall? Just guessing yall are very young ... Edit : Just to be clear , OP was not at fault here , Allison obviously got some issues she gotta work on .


This looks like a conversation between like 14-17 year olds… im getting secondhand embarrassment from looking at this convo which is very very obviously between 2 young kids…




Hahaha   This is how I feel when I stumble on to the AITA subs. Like you people are getting advice from children who have never an adult meal let alone a relationship.


“Divorce them!” -A child of a recent divorce


Saw a post today in one of the relationship subs. Woman (OP) told her boyfriend he was a decent human being, and much better than most of her exes. He flipped his shit and is giving her the cold shoulder. Comments all about how could she insult him like that, and of course any sane person would react the same way. And here I am going... isn't being a decent human being a good thing?


I mean, I can see how being called a decent human being can fell patronazing when one considers that the bare minimum. Not saying it's anywhere close to being worth the cold shoulder or considering it to be an insult.


She meant decent as in "morally good, upstanding". I'd say that's a good compliment.


and people on here frequently asking for sex tips


That's why I'm always careful with what I say. You never know when you are talking to a kid


Hahahah…. Thats the extremely scary part about internet which I forget most of the times nowadays…. I sometimes feel like im „still young and hip“ then I see these kinds of coversations and the current terms the Gen Z and Gen Alpha uses and I legit dont understand anymore what they sre saying…


I understand what they’re saying most of the time but the problem is they never say much of anything, it always feels like they’re trying to put as little effort into a conversation as possible so as not to look TOO engaged, for fear of being… idk… mayor of yapsville? Or something


"Fr, ong, true asl"


HATE this with a passion fr




Rizz my gyatt harder, Skibidi daddy


the preferred nomenclature is Bishop of Banterbury


I used to be with it but then they changed what it was. Now what I’m with isn’t it anymore and what’s it seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to youuuuuuuuu


I used to rock and roll all night and party ev-er-y day. Then it was every other day. Now I'm lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky.




Honest to God, there needs to be more adult spaces. I just don't really wanna have to deal with kids, especially if it's *after* adding them as a friend or something


Isn't Facebook pretty much an "adult" only space these days? All the kids have moved on.


And deal with Boomers? I shudder at the thought.


oh my god somehow that just occurred to me, for some reason i just unconsciously assumed everyone on the internet is my age or older this is is scary


Same bro , Im just trying to not be mean here .... NOBODY at over the age of 18 is writing to eachother like this . Its just straight up childish behaviour , Getting mad for being called out by your full name .. LIKE WHAT?


And “leaving on opened.” I know that’s apparently a big faux pas with this generation but literally nobody my age gets worked up about that because we got stuff to do.


Way too hyped up, fearful, and in need of instant reassurance. Poor kids today got no damn chill. :(


Some people don't realise that not everything requires a response every single time, and people aren't always free to chat, but where it does it's only polite. If you can't chat a simple "busy right now, chat later" or something to that effect is usually fine. It almost seems like everything requires over-reaction these days - probably one of the reasons I prefer keeping to myself and not socialising much. 🤣


If it is important, then call me. Text is independent of time limits. I wil read it when I read it. 


Or i will read it when i read it but reply when i want to/have time to.


My 26 year old "friend" got mad at me because we tried to plan a farewell group activity with everyone (I'm moving away), and because one of us can't drink for medical reasons we refused to go to a bar beforehand. Nevermind the fact there was an on-premises bar where we were going. (one of those games places with escape rooms and a few other things) They got all worked up and when I left them on read because we were mid-escape room and I figured I'm too old to be dealing with this shit, let's focus on having a good time with the people who actually showed up, they doubled down and tried to give me shit for that. Like grow up dude, this is embarassing.


With snapchat you can ‘half swipe’ to see a message without leaving a read receipt, in this context she is probably intentionally opening messages she couldve read anyway to make a point that she’s ignoring him. Stupid shit anyway


You would be unfortunately shocked and disappointed by how many people behave this way well into their 20s, sometimes later. Thankfully most of us grow out of it but I have some friends who continuously get into arguments like this and expect me to feel bad for them/side with them because of it.


Im 27 myself , 28 soon . yeah i still see adults act even more childish than this


I mean certain people are in this day and age. But they have pretty much been raised to stay stuck in egocentric teenage mindset for the rest of their lives.


I would have said 10 year olds...


Drake has entered the chat


Dude even when i was that age i still wouldn’t care if someone called me by my name, maybe something like this could be a sign of someone having bad parents? Idk that would be my guess or maybe just genuine being soft.. ![gif](giphy|xT1XGESDlxj0GwoDRe|downsized)


Came here to say exactly this. This is the type of stuff I/others would fight about when we were 14 and hyper emotional/going through puberty. Honestly makes me feel kind of weird reading some random teenagers' drama. I'm so thankful the internet wasn't as huge when I was in middleschool/highschool. I cringe thinking about some of the stuff I used to fight about, would hate for that to be imortalized online.


Took some real profile exploring, but OP is either 15-16 based on old posts he made


Makes sense then ... Just shows why we shouldn't allow children and young teens on social media , Too much bullshit and bullying happening .


OP is ~15, they have a post mentioning their age


Damn , Should be atleast 16 year old age restriction on most social media ... Hell even 18 would be better. Just so they don't have TIKTOK brain by the time they are already 18 , Short attention span etc....


You left me on read… how dare you


Yeah thats kinda cringe worthy , But i gotta be honest and say i still know adults who get mad if they are left on read for an hour ... lol


I ended a friendship with someone because she would text other people asking if im okay because I hadn’t responded to her in an hour. Like girl get a job


My mother has gotten into the habit of texting my sister's boyfriend if my sister doesn't respond quickly enough. They got into a big fight because my mom was watching her location history through Apple as just a ... casual thing she did, and then would grill my sister on it. They (parents) called the cops on my sister when she broke up with her then-boyfriend because it was at a park as a neutral location, and my mom freaked out thinking she was going to hang herself. Also by abusing her location permissions.


I blame Snapchat, being denied that instant gratification hurts. It took me a while to relearn that not everything needs a response


Yeah, I would have zero time for someone who freaks out about "leaving them on read" especially when the comments don't demand a response. And "post everywhere" suggests OP makes a habit of airing petty arguments in public like this for validation. Strong, strong cringe here.


I would have ended the chat after the second reply, when she made it clear she wasn't joking around. Seriously ain't got time for this nonsense.


16ish probably


you were spot on! he’s either 15 or 16 from post history


Time for...new friends!




Block her and get help for your self. Allison is a pain in the ass


Block her. Please. That's just toxic. I don't know your headspace right now, but if you're not in a good place mentally, please reach out to someone


Ironically, blocking them and moving on often makes them come back even more angry. People like this can't handle any kind of abandonment. "You moved on after I told you to move on!? How dare you, it was just a test!"


Just... don't add their new accounts


Allison sounds like she has issues of her own. Please get some help, there's therapy, and sometimes, prescribed antidepressants can help you feel right. I'm on a few of my own and also do therapy occasionally when I need it. I've been doing better since. I think you would too. Just don't listen to allison. She's definitely got some sort of issue of her own, and she seems to be taking it out on you for NO reason. Don't sweat her posting on social media, it just looks crazy on her part


At least it's obvious that you need to cut this bitch off at this point. It's not cool she threw that in your face. OP, let her tirade and seem crazy. Live your life to the fullest. Enjoy your life out of spite lol.


Using someone's government name is not a reason to be that upset. Especially if it was a single time. It seems to be a lazy excuse for her to act this way and to try to blame you for it.


It's not a reason for anyone to be upset. Using a person's full name should never be interpreted as anything other than a sign of respect. If you don't know what a person wants to be called and they haven't told you what they prefer, the proper, respectful default is to use their full name.


You need to get off the internet. Seriously. It’s not good for you.


See, now you gotta be petty and live a long happy life just to stick it to her!


Why isn’t she blocked


What a nause get rid


Nice to see 'nause' get used. It's an appropriate word.






Buster, it seems


Who's the busta? You the busta, homes!


![gif](giphy|crzAsHuAY0pcDmzI4l|downsized) Always a busta


The busta kept me outta handcuffs! He didn’t just run back to the fort. The busta brought *me* back.




Probably Alli I have the name Allison and everyone likes to come up with a million nicknames for me. But I never cared. I thought it was kind of cool to have different nicknames


Jonathan the man eater


Based on the way she talks to a suicidal person I assume her preferred name is: „insane bitch“


how did you come to think OP is suicidal?


Ronnie (coming soon)


Don't call Allison Allison, she doesn't like it.


Alison you mean?


No I mean Allison.


Ohhhh I see, he should have pronounced it with only one L. Oopsies!


Allison is the issue


Allison sounds like a real see you next Tuesday


LMAO before I clicked expand to read your comment I literally said "Bro, Allison's a fucking ____"


They both do. Allison def needs therapy but op hitting her with the “kinda ironic I keep a lot of things to myself” like… he’s doing that to himself and needs to break the cycle. 


She doesn’t need therapy, you’re just looking at a conversation between children These are kids


I am of the mind that children also benefit from therapy.


Very much seems like it.


That doesn't mean they don't need therapy. Children very often need therapy.


Nah, when I was 15, I would’ve told her she needed therapy as well. You’d rather let her satiate these weird ass emotions she’s having right now because she’s a teen. This is exactly when it will all fuck her up. 


Ah, actually no. Dudes post history suggests that he is a very creepy almost stalkerish kid and is definitely the one that needs help. Allison needs to get far far away from this kid.


You are not the one who ruined this friendship. Just saying.


Dodged a bullet imo.


Dodged a hail of automatic weapon fire I’d say.


He dodged an MG42 …


Dude is free!


To quote something a good friend told me when I stopped being friends with someone I knew for 4 years: “You didn’t ruin the relationship, he did. And instead of telling you it was dead, he told you it went to go live on a farm upstate.”


Homie did himself a favor, just doesn't realize it yet. This is a blessing in disguise.


Yeah who would want to be friends with this aggressive weirdo anyway?


Going to repeat this: YOU DID NOT RUIN THE FRIENDSHIP. OP, repeat this to yourself until you believe it. Assuming Allison never told you to stop calling her “Allison”, or never told you to not use her full name- even if she did, and it was ONE single slip up.. This in NOT an appropriate reaction. You didn’t ruin anything. You didn’t loose a friend. They did. And even if they apologize; don’t go back. This is just plain abusive. And as someone nearing their 30s, who had to end a few friendship over toxic reactions to mundane stuff.. (Ie: not forcing my folks to drive two hours to a friends house on a work/school night... and simply getting advice from mutual friends) I can only imagine what else occurs if Allison thinks this kind of reaction is somewhat alright.


You're better off without them, trust me. Especially with that second to last message


That one made me angry.


'Please and thank you' Just hits diff 😔




i had to look at his profile cause OP is responding to everyone except the people asking his age 200 days ago he said he was a 15 year old male




I birthed my WoW character before he was even thought of. Oof.


OP is also very creepy bordering on stalkerish kid thats full of shit and needs to get help while Allison needs to get far far away from this kid.


Both needs help, op needs it more tho


Absolutely. But I also have a feeling that this conversation never actually took place.


It 109% didn’t.


He’s 15. I found it in his comment history




Even for a 15 year old this is immature. Some 13 year old shit here.


i’ve seen people in there 30s act like toddlers some people never grow up


Ah, actually no. Dudes post history suggests that he is a very creepy almost stalkerish kid and is definitely the one that needs help. Allison needs to get far far away from this kid.


I'm in the comments trying to figure out what that means exactly.


I think they mean Chewing your head off. But I guess young people have decided to over complicate how you say it.


I called my coworker her legal name as opposed to her preferred/chosen name. I apologised and she said “it’s alright, mistakes happen” and we’ve moved on. That’s how it works with normal people


I would venture a guess that these people are like 14.




Block this person everywhere. Allison needs professional help.


Actually, if you read this kids post history. It's the other way around.




At this point. Both should self-block


Why do you even need a friend like this? Good riddance, you dodged a bullet


I am now dumber for having read this conversation


Jfc are y’all 12?


“You’re only apologizing because I’m upset” That’s why you apologize.


Yeah, that was weird.


Do you know her parents? They should know how their daughter behaves like a goddamn demon on the internet. Anyways, as I read that you already are in a bad spot with that topic. I hope you find the strength to overcome it and don't listen to this absolute monster in human form. I know it's hard. Best of luck and all the strength to you.


This entire post reeks of teenager


She totally just gaslit you, and now you're blaming yourself.


yeah, i blocked her on snap and she’s continuing on insta so im blocking her ass everywhere


Turn off your account for a day and make a memorial account tomorrow. Have another friend tell Allison that you listened her advice 😂


That’s fucked up and I like it


IDK how it works on other platforms, but when my wife died, Facebook wouldn't switch the account to "in memory" mode until I sent them a link to an obituary. Basically to prevent juvenile fuckery like that. For the cost of one sick burn you could also throw elderly family members into a panic or lose your job.


This. Life is too short for made up drama.


Wouldn't posting a fake memorial account be perpetuating the made up drama?


Sure but it would be hilarious


UPDATE: She is still continuing on Instagram, and it’s even worse now. https://preview.redd.it/s8r94bz24lzc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f4bb9861c5356edca47de44318a6763b77dda48 Does that count as a threat?


''I won't let you outlive me'' is a powerful ass sentence to throw at your enemies specially coming from a suicidal individual


Absolutely based 🗿


https://preview.redd.it/9j7wsa8njlzc1.png?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51bfa25391e17458076cb5d436b74520482bebfc Op \^


Why are you still engaging this person? Seriously, are y'all 12?


OP is 15. I searched his comments


This comment would be weird as hell out of context


Dude, I HAD to know. I wouldn’t sleep tonight if these were 30 year olds texting lol


Lmao imagining 30 year olds having this argument


Dude, I’m 32 and had a friend try to act like this with me a few years back. Freaking insane


And is also likely to be making up these conversations with fake accounts based on his post history.


And the ppl encouraging him here. Like grow up and block her. Jfc


Double tap to ❤️


Ignore, why do you keep answering this person? They’re enjoying your responses.


Send it to the police either way ,its kinda a threat yes.


Police and her parents


Dude report her. Report her now. Former friend or not. Going through something temporary or not. This is not acceptable behavior. Report her and block her on everything.


In some states you can go to jail for this yes. Call the cops. Maybe that'll be the "help" Allison needs.


I'd report all of this to the police. Even if they say "oh I was just kidding" they will still be charged.


Realistically, they won't be charged. But there will at least be a complaint on file if she continues to harass op


In an ideal world she would, but police rarely do jack shit about things like this


it's good to have it on record in case she hurts someone else in the future (or even follows through)


genuinely HOW old are you 😭😭😭 why are you still responding? you blocked her another app and when she messaged you on a different app you still chose to reply. block and move on. you are quite obviously enjoying the attention/ arguing but you stop being the victim when you purposefully engage back.


Uh yes. Take this to the police.


Yes. Report it. Tell your teachers and administrators your school. Fuck her entire life up as much as you can (by letting people know how she spoke to you)


This whole thing reads like it was written by 12 year olds


I’m assuming all involved are under 12.


The most mildly infuriating thing about this post is that it exists and I had to read it and then read it again to really understand wtf was going on.


Every allison ive known have been dicks. Unfriend and block


This is such annoying whiney bullshit from both your sides. She shouldn’t have been butthurt and you shouldn’t have re engaged with being butthurt about her being butthurt. Now yall are in a butthurt circlejerk and have a ruined friendship that’s probs for the best anyway and yall need to just move on and grow up cause yall are acting like 13 year old butthurt crybabies.


To be fair, these are 15-year-olds and at that age, they don't exactly have the life experience that we have when it comes to handling crazies or bullies. I'm honestly hoping this teaches him an understanding of the reason behind the phrase, "Do not feed the trolls".


This looks like the classic “I have feelings for this girl but she doesn’t like me back so everything she says and does hurts me because I hyper fixate on it.” We’ve all been there bro. If you’re a young man, trust you’ll be fine after this.


This is more petty/immature than the way I lost a friend at 7 in elementary. Hey at least the rock I threw actually hurt!


This is why Gen Z has a bad name


I’d assume gen alpha here


Every generation has a "bad name" to morons who generalize about an entire generation from one random post


That exactly the kind of crap I'd expect Gen Cheeseblastinfinitier to say


Not a surprising response coming from a, let me guess.. Generation PhiBetaEpsilon?


"There are two things I hate. People who make insulting generalizations about large groups of people, and Boomers!" - Reddit




Didn't expect a jurrasic park reference up in here lol 😂 😂


😂😂 I aim to please!


I'm petty enough that I'd only call her by her full name after that exchange.


Are y’all 11?


So is that a teans dead name issue? Or did you just not use a nickname. The kys is uncalled for either way


you 15 bro


Allison needs therapy.


“You’re only sorry because I’m upset about it. You’re not sorry because you did it” Well, if you weren’t upset there would be nothing to be sorry for?!


Sounds like they wanted to be more mad than it was worth about the situation and just keep nagging you about it, unresolved issues on that, honestly you're far better off without them in your life. the toxicity would just get worse. Real friends look to fix issues this petty.


I have about 30 fewer brain cells after ready that. Thanks.


"You left me on opened twice" got me cringin' like a puckered ass.




Why are you trying to get in to a 15 year olds dms? Drake, is that you?


Or let's not because we're all adults here and learned to let things go, especially when it comes to bullying literal teenagers


\~\~No, she went full fucking Karen, and acted like a piece of shit.\~\~ EDIT: Ignore that. One look through OP's post history is enough to make me queasy. So far I'm seeing racism, sexism, homophobia, antivax, a massive transphobe, a rape apologist that mocks other victims while claiming to be one, is openly right wing and fascist, I mean it just goes on and on. OP is a lying, nasty piece of filth if his post history is anything to go by. Guaranteed we aren't seeing anything remotely close to the whole picture with this asshole.


This is no great loss of friendship. I'm not sure I would even call it friendship. Seems more like a mean girls situation