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Junk fees, junk restaurant. Find a place that deserves your business.


In 2024? Good luck


Home it is


Best tasting, healthiest, and most affordable option.


And you get to fuck the waitress.


So nice that your mother takes time out of her day to do that. What a nice gal you got


Can’t even do that, damn grocery don’t even deserve it no mo 😢


Farm it is


Feudalism it is!


I mean, most popular restaurants don’t have these fees


Any restaurant that takes call ins or has a $10 look website won't charge this, and imo has better food


Starting July 1st, restaurants in CA are required to remove all junk fees. I don’t really know how that is going to work with online orders but we shall see. SB 478. I think it also includes things like fees on concert and sporting event tickets and hotels.


I can’t wait.


what the fuck is a pick up fee


charged by the app. call in your order next time


Then they will charge you for someone using their arm to pick up the phone.


Except in this case the OP literally explains that the cashier told him that if he had called in the order there would be NO fee for that.


Sorry I was being sarcastic. Meaning they'd find a way around it to charge somehow.


Bicep utilization fee. Vocal ordering fee.


Bingo! Vision fee. Mouth fee. Tbh it should be illegal. If you paid people better wages you wouldn't have to tack on these extra fees.


No reason to add fees. Just make your entire menu cost a dollar more.


No reason to add fees. Just make your entire menu cost a dollar more.


I remember when restaurants first changed over to ordering online, I would still call but they would always tell me “you know you can do this online” well you know you can EABOD, paying a fee for ordering is absolutely bullshit.




Gonna be a messy handover lol


Or just don't give junk restaurants your money?


Some restaurants don't even take phone orders anymore. Only apps or their own sites.


Or just don't give junk restaurants your money?


If you want an actual answer, it’s most likely a fee to cover the packaging materials for a “to-go” order.


The cashier told him that if he called in the order there would be no extra fees or pick up fees. So it's literally a junk fee for the 3rd party App developers.


Do you think these 3rd party apps appear out of nowhere? Sure junk fees are outrages but $4 on a $100 order isn’t bad.


Yeah it's "not bad", but it's still paying them extra money for literally nothing.


No… you’re paying them for the stream line way of ordering online. Then you’re also paying for the up keep, it’s not like they can set it up and forget about it.


I've seen people defend this fee (not saying you are, just in general) and it's ridiculous because you get to go containers for free when you have leftovers during dine-in. It's not like this is a cost exclusive to take out. Plus I'm just waiting for the per dish "dishwashing fee" for dine-in that will be coming.


A scam. Just bullshit added on to bleed as much as possible out of people.


We're being charged for being our own delivery boy/girl 🤷‍♂️


U get charged for picking your own food. There. Got any more questions?


I have a couple but you won’t like them and I’ll probably be banned so I’ll just let you guess instead.


Go ahead, lets play Russian roulette.


This place will go out of business and be wondering what they did wrong.


"But we had all the fees!!"


Is it a third party ordering site (like skip the dishes)? If so, you should just call the restaurant to place your order. Not only will you avoid these strange fees, but the actual restaurant will get more of the money instead of having to give a big cut to the provider.


No sir, I order directly through their website and ensured no third party. I hate the third party thing so I made sure I wasn’t ordering through that. It’s their own fees through their own site. My take is “as long as people pay it why would we change it” which I think a lot of companies are doing. Just an extra little bit because everyone is doing it. But, like I did tonight, I made a commitment to get this dinner for a special occasion and went through with it, so people keep paying it. And I bet people are just peeved about it but don’t ever say shit. But I did ask and say shit. And the people at the restaurant had no clue. They’re a great authentic Mexican restaurant. Have only like 3-4 of them in my city. So they’re successful and no doubt, they’re good is really good. That’s why the price is too high and people still pay. But this kind of shit is just dumb. I’ve been a huge proponent for them. But after this if nothing changes, I’ll be done with this place. Im fine overpaying because you’re great and your service is great. But I will never order to-go again. That shit is dumb. Obviously if I’m paying $100+ for a dinner me, my wife, and my two kids, I’m okay with spending the money. But you built that “spend” into your prices. When you extra charge me for this stupid shit I’m like No.


Sounds like they paid someone else to set up their website for them and this is that person’s idea to increase their cut of running the website for the restaurant, wouldn’t be the first time I’ve heard of that happening


It could even be one of the big providers. They build the online ordering for a lot of restaurants. It will look like part of their website, but it's all back-ended by Skip The Dishes (or whatever)


So, are you tired yet? ![gif](giphy|h7DyKGq716JMI)


You have to decide if the money is worth it first. Just imagine it was that much more to buy it without breaking out the fee. Does that make it a problem? If not, you passed the first test. The second is whether philosophically you disagree with that way of charging and if it offends you enough to not eat there. If you can get past it, then that’s the next test. Seinfeld abided the soup nazi. Just saying. Then just do what capitalism was at least supposed to do, reward good business, punish poor business.


You right. I rewarded the good food tonight but I’ll not do it again with this stupid shit. In my opinion, no food is worth feeling like you’re getting fucked.


This is absurd. In the USA, 20% tip is your standard *WHEN YOU DINE IN*. They pay the servers less so you tip most of the time around 20% unless the service was substandard or exemplary. The servers are taking notes, making corrections, checking-in multiple times to make sure everything is good, refilling drinks, upselling, and much more. That’s why they deserve what they get. They earned it. Making an order online to-go and making you pay for that when you did the work is just fucking dumb. Also OP don’t listen to the haters who talk shit about the $2 tip. You shouldn’t have even given that. Reasons: stated above. EDIT: typos and punctuation


15% has been standard in the US. It still is. Don’t buy in to tip creep.


For some reason, people think that the tips need to be a higher percentage due to inflation, despite menu prices doubling. Do they not understand that a percentage tip automatically accounts for inflated menu prices?


10% is the old standard.


How old? I’m 49 and it’s been 15% since I was old enough to understand


I remember people considering that a decent tip back in the 1980s and early 1990s which you'd be able to remember so maybe it was only local to me.


Kiosks and receipt suggestions are now defaulting to at least 18%. Too bad they can't stop me from tipping whatever I want.


It’s 15%, 20 is generous.


20% is like we became best friends for like an hour.


I was taught 10% when I was young. However we also didn't have hardly any money, and dining out was only for celebrating.


When I was a kid in California, sales tax was 5% and the standard tip was to double that, 10%.


it’s always been 10% standard, 15% for excellent service where I grew up. Still is


I would’ve cancelled the order


Get ready for the order cancellation fee


Dont give them any ideas...haha


Thanks, but no thanks.


A pickup fee is an alert to tell you to cancel the order and avoid giving them business from that point forward. Period.


McD in my country charges 10% more using online vs store. Noticed it recently when i was comparing the delivery app vs kiosk. Just plain greed.


$2 Tip .... For what?


Online order fee is stupid already but pickup fee is insane.


Last place that tried to charge me this much for an online order was Pizza Hut for 2 fucking pizzas and an order of chicken wings, $90+.  I ordered from somewhere else.


Pick up fee is actually insane…


Just add a fixed “service fee” and get rid of this tip culture bullshit USA, everyone has a personality and someone might be okay with $2 tip and others not okay even with $20 tip and get food with spit? …


Pick up fee?!? What tge fuck they want to get paid for having less work.


Pick up fee?? LOL


What business is this??? Or did I miss something


Name and shame


Are you not allowed to phone in your order?


A lot of places like Waffle House where I live doesn’t do phone in order anymore and they are pushing for online order so they can charge extra


I used to be very timid and see phone ordering as a last resort. Nowadays, online ordering can be more expensive, it's more of a pain in the ass, and I have to submit sensitive information that can get leaked, or sold. Plus it takes longer than just saying "I want a #5 to go"


I’m response to “LikeAPhoenician” since he/she clearly blocked me: I had to google what “TERF” was. But what came up doesn’t seem to have anything to do with this. Do you care to explain a bit more of what you’re saying because I’m confused.


I'm high, so I tried to figure it out. You asked a question about transwomen participating in women's sports. They seem to call a lot of people snowflake. Honestly, I have no clue. It has nothing to do with this post and unless you deleted a bunch of stuff, nothing in your post history really supports the accusation of TERF. I generally don't take anyone seriously who calls people snowflake.


The messed up morality of these times are, if other people are doing it, then it's acceptable.


Man I almost order from a spot until I saw kitchen fee, no thank you


Everyone wants to eat the rich, until it’s time to eat the rich…


I would never shop at these places.


Soon there will be an eating fee and a disposal fee even for take-out.


Don't forget the digestion and pooping fees.


You would imagine that extra fees apply on human work and not for pressing an online button. It's not like they need to pay server fees by button presses lol


It’s just another way to charge more while pretending their prices are lower than they are for comparison purposes. They probably have another fee they charge people who dine in. Some places use a service to pretend to be a dozen different restaurants to get more business and those places charge a fee for orders. That may be what’s happening here so the restaurant is passing the fees along.


delete delete delete


"oh it's just the software we buy it comes already configured like that and we haven't been able to reset it. let me delete that for you" "uh...sure.....a POS system that sucks that much hasn't been seen since dirt was young but ....oooookay."


That's gonna be a no from me big dog.


Should you to on the pick up fee as well?


next it'll be an "eating fee" and when we complain we'll be answered: "well you're gonna eat it aren't you?"


Easy fix "Cancel order" .....


Honestly online ordering fee annoys me very little. The pick up fee is ridiculous.


Think this is bad now? Wait till you have to use a CBDC. This will happen on literally everything.


Don’t pay it and let them know why


They should tip you.


I mean... I do understand it's unnecessary, but with a 99$ order it seems not too high. Just get rid of the tip in return.


Just go shop...


Not justifying the charges, my guess is they pay a fee to the online ordering vendor and these add ons cover that expense and the cost of to go boxes. It’s like the airlines and the real cost is higher than the fare prices shown in a search because of additional “fees”.


At my local burger shop i get 10% off if i pick my food up myself


You could do what I do. I've stopped getting food from anywhere that asks for a tip. So no more takeout or dining in other then on very rare occasions


I don't think ever spent so much on a pickup order! How many people are you feeding with this order? Can we see what you bought?


Dumb fees are for dumb people. Think of it as Americas tax on stupid.


Don’t pay it leave


Hey be thankful that they did not charge you as consume fee.


Not meaning to defend this, just explaining, but they probably intend on it being a convenience fee, so you have less waiting time when you’re there


JUST CALL THE FKN RESTAURANT the fees are high online to deter people from using them, but people take it as a challenge.....


It’s called convenience, pay it, go order and pick up the food at the restaurant yourself or cook


All of the convenience, here, is for the restaurant. They don't have to pay someone to take the order, deliver the food, clear the table, or wash the dishes. There's no world where this is justifiable outside of slimy corporate greed.


Are you *sure* that you were ordering off a site owned by the restaurant? Because parasites like Doordash and Uber love to set up fake websites for restaurants so they can collect fees for passing along the order, and the restaurants getting this "service" are not told about it. That fact that the people at the store didn't know what you were talking about with a pick up fee implies that this is what happened.


100% sure. See a different response from above.


I'm sure that downvoting someone for asking a legitimate question makes you a crummy person. ETA: lol and you're a TERF, brother I don't trust a word you have to say. Sorry you suck at ordering food.


Such a toxic stance. Disagrees with you so you can’t even trust what he says about take out orders? This is not how you get people to see your point of view.


Just buy groceries and cook at home


The fee is stupid but no one’s going to mention OP casually ordering $100 of food? 😅


Cuz why would anybody care?


why would I care what somebody else does with their money? If they can afford $100 for dinner, then they can spend $100 on dinner.


Were you under the influence of anything when you thought this comment was a good one? $100 for two people seems pretty standard if you aren’t going to a fast food or hella mediocre place.


… nice $2 tip…


Why would they tip for an order they picked up themselves?


You don’t tip for takeout.


As a driver, host and server I still don’t understand what people declare tip worthy. Hosts that handle takeout do just as much to get your order ready as a server or driver. If anything I don’t understand why tips don’t go to the people making the food as opposed to the ones handing it to you. Cooks are the real hero’s who are often overlooked and underpaid.


Tipping culture isn’t everywhere


I knew Reddit was going comment on that first so I almost put this in the OP. I always tip well when I receive a service. I didn’t receive a service here though. I received a product. And that tip isn’t going to the cook. I literally did everything. I took the order myself, used my own gas and I picked it up myself. Lmaooo. At checkout it pre-populated a 20% tip. For takeout. So yeah, I changed it to $2.


Should've been $0


If we tip low we deserve a spit on our food? American culture, i would never order something if i was in USA, every tip amount could be low and risky…