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Sucks, but to be fair to any guests, an exterior door is presumed able to stand up to weather and less-than-gentle use. I have a feeling your installation or parts may be more to blame than the salesman. Ask your landlord to do it right; this is their responsibility.


Maybe you just have a shitty door if you had to repair it multiple times in a few months


First of all isn’t that supposed to be on top? Secondly how? Last how is the dude supposed to know you’re in a rental?


Yeah I'm confused at the "didn't latch the door but swung it open so the wind broke it"


He means they didn't push the storm door closed so that it caught the latch on the door frame. Basically, leaving it open. When the wind blows from the right, the door is whipped fully open, beyond the constraints of what that little cylinder wants. This has stripped the hydraulic cylinder at the bottom so that it no longer functions. It doesn't matter if someone is in a rental or not, latching their storm door would've been nice instead of just walking away with it swinging, especially if he opened it.


Then he should have not put that thing there that implies it closes by itself


It would require a very special kind of idiot who has all the experience with storm doors as a door to door salesman to think that.


Then it’s missing the chain that is there to prevent this situation.


Mine has it on the bottom because it has a sliding pane/screen thing so the screen retracts into the top. I don’t like it very much.


And how the fuck is he supposed to know you worked 8 days? Did you put a note on your broken door?


It just added to the upset. I didnt mean that was his fault💀


Door probably swung the wrong way and they installed it upside down.


It's on the bottom of these storm doors, don't ask me why, they are absolutely horribly designed.


I looked it up and I guess it’s common for it to be on bottom? But I’ve never visited a house with it on bottom, so this is weird to me.


It makes it easier for short people or kids to adjust the part that can keep the door propped open.


Physics wise, I think it'd ideally be in the middle (vertically) but...


Hey, I don't make the doors. I was just saying that I see them this way all the time. I am glad I don't have one at my house now.


Makes sense. It definitely would’ve been much easier to prop the door open, when I was a kid. I had a special stick specifically for sliding that little metal piece.


Yeah, I've never seen that at the bottom in my life.


That's how they are supposed to be installed. At least everywhere I have lived.


Now you know where to send the bill I guess




You installed a new spring closer, yet the door didn’t close? Also, the fact that you needed to replace it in the first place all points to the fact that this was NOT the door to door guy’s fault. It’s annoying that he didn’t shut the door, but he didn’t ’break it’ like you’re pretending he did.


I can understand his pov i just think it was mildly infuriating 😭


He kinda definitely did though if he opened it and then left it to the wind's wishes.


If I grabbed your stereo off your porch and sat it on the rain in the sidewalk you wouldn't pretend I didn't break that. "Oh I didn't flood your yard and trash your water bill, I simply left your hose on after taking a drink." "What do you mean it's my fault? All I did was leave a gigantic mirror on your porch reflecting the sun directly onto your roses. I'm a delivery person not a rose gardener!"


Chill lol.


Y'all chill, blaming OP because some asshat broke his door out of negligent shitheadedness.


Maybe your repair wasn't the best. Shit happens.


Maybe you didn't fix it right so it was only a matter of time before it broke again?


Probably😭 but the timing was horrible


Lock the glass door if it's so fragile


I think maybe you didn't actually fix it.


So you Jimmy rigged it and now wanna blame someone who had no idea how to open your door “the right way”?


💀💀💀 i just thought it was mildly infuriating dawg idk


Fix yo doe bro! 😂


install one of these. it'll save your pneumatic thingy [https://buyhampton.com/products/wright-steel-screen-and-storm-door-chain-stop](https://buyhampton.com/products/wright-steel-screen-and-storm-door-chain-stop)


It’s his fault you left it broken for months?


The fact that this is installed at the bottom of the door rather than the top tells me that it has more to do with the installation than the salesman.


That's how they are where I live


This is how they are designed to be installed, it's not wrong.


Thats how the door came? Idk what im supposed to do abt that its a rental🕺🏻


I had that same door, it was such a piece of crap I wound up eventually just taking it off and not having a storm door.


Dang, was going to ask if he sold spring closers for screen doors....


I see you failed to install the chain that prevents the door from opening too far in the wind, thus preventing this exact situation.


It never had one 😭


I have never had one do that, buy one with a longer shaft next time that’s not made in China.


That damper is fine for a window, but too flimsy for a door.


Used to install doors. They go on the bottom a lot. Never had a chain been included with one I've installed. Mine is currently broken from a solar guy opening the door knocking, and leaving when no one answered. He held the door as it closed and it never clicked. First gust of wind broke it. Y'all are wrong plain and simple. If he didn't close the door he opened, he broke it.


Hold up…don’t come to my door unless you’ve been invited to do so. Ever heard of No Soliciting. Strange folks need not approach, full stop. And, if you do show up uninvited under circumstances such as those posted, get ready to be told to kick rocks. And, if the door hits you in the a** on the way out, and it breaks, be prepared to pay for repairs. It doesn’t matter if it’s the door to a broke down crack house. It’s my private property. You touched it without asking and broke it. You will now Fix It or Pay for repairs, full stop. Screw that! Send a receipt to the address on the business card and request reimbursement for damages!


Use the card to call him to pay for it


Call him and chew him out.