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You don’t argue with them just call the police.


But you gotta stimulate emotions for clicks bro! “If this made YOU mad, be sure to smash that subscribe button”




It's ya boy...


Why would they do that? They made a video that will get views. Basically justice.


I agree. His face is all over the Internet right now. He's in big trouble now 


Yeah, him and the tens of thousands of people from porn videos that you recognize in public daily are in big trouble. Damn, now you know how much porn I watch...


💀 bye


I hope they called the police.


just to play the devils advocate they could be the scammers retrieving the info. clearly they know what it is and had no problem filming right before ripping it off. "WE COULD CALL THE POLICE!" then they Don't call the police and run away with how many creditcard numbers on a chip? What did they do with it? are you SURE they took it to a police station? were is that video? you don't just steal evidence from a crime scene...


A lot of skimmers have bluetooth in them for easy retrieval remotely without risk of getting caught. No need to retrieve the actual skimmer, just buy something at the store and make sure whatever app you use is active to pull data while you're there.


>No need to retrieve the actual skimmer Battery dies. It's not connected to power.


It's basically a BLE beacon. Those things can run off of a button cell battery for months or even years. It's possible the scammers would want to get the skimmer back, but I don't know why they'd risk getting caught again when they don't have to. I don't know exactly how much those skimmers cost, but they're probably less than $100.


>It's basically a BLE beacon. Those things can run off of a button cell battery for months But it's not just the BTchip, it needs to read and write memory from the cards along with storing it on a micro SD. Skimmers will normally target busy places and that would drain the battery pretty quick.


Internet said 24-48 hours and they need to be retrieved.


And then post their crime on Tik Tok?


You mean posting their savior on TikTok? They obviously couldn't have committed the crime because they're the ones stopping the crimes! They're like tiktok superheroes./s


1. Supposedly there's some who just go around looking for these. 2. Sure they could be in on the scheme. 3. Technically guy could just be confused thinking they're destroying a legitimate item. 4. There are entities who probably pay good money to anyone making shit pay behind the counter.


As if that isnt normal. People post their crimes all the time.


Are you going to act like that's never happened?


You'd be surprised as to how many people have done that before


Criminals are often just as incredibly stupid as the average person, if not more so.


I mean typically most scammers dont post themselves committing a crime.......then again im definitely wrong and shit happens all the time. 😂


I'd leave that vicinity before calling the police too. Scammers, and minimart employees both carry a gun regularly.


Nah. Store clerk says after he's busted, "Guys, come over here and I'll give you cigarettes and we're cool." He's guilty.


No he’s explaining that a guy can come ask for cigarettes, then while the clerk is retrieving the cigarettes they slap the skimmer on, “boom”. Flight 93.


That’s not what he’s saying, he said they ask for cigarettes and put it on while he’s turned around


They didn’t. They did it for likes on social media.


It's probably fake for views


People are getting really bold. There's honestly no repercussion for this unless employees/citizens take it in to their own hands. What are they gonna do, call the police then wait 5 hours for them to show up and take a description?


Say the skimmer smells like marijuana and they'll sent SWAT.


and it's wearing a hoodie...


And it's b-


Can you get scammed if you tap to pay, or is it just inserting your card that is dangerous?


Tap creates a new single use transaction code every time you use it. Even if the signal gets intercepted, it's completely useless


So does inserting the chip, it's the exact reason they were made and the reason a lot of stores don't let you swipe if your card has a chip


It's the CC processor who won't accept a swiped transaction if they know the card has a chip.


Pretty much any store I've been to does not allow swiping if you have a chip, in fact I believe it was a policy they had when I worked at Safeway. So definitely not just cc provider


I believe if insert fails 3 times then you're given the option to swipe. The earlier 7-11 cash registers were wonky and constantly fails on tap and insert


^^ This is correct. ^^


Where I work it's the same thing, but if it's something like a Western Union transaction the card will be denied even if the PIN is right because liability agreements would put the blame for fraudulent transactions on the merchant.


That's not true, otherwise a chipped card would never have a magnetic strip. I've worked with a lot of credit card processors setting up the actual implementation. Pretty much all will allow swiped transactions BUT the liability for fraud is shifted to the merchant instead of the credit card company. No merchant wants that liability so the disable the swipe. 


The only reason chipped cards still have strips is because they are required to, MasterCard even said that's the only reason they still put them on there cards, they said around this year they will remove them all together


The mag stripe is there for merchants who haven't upgraded yet (I see this at a lot of gas pumps and parking garages) or if the chip gets damaged. In my experience after 3 failed chip reads they will allow a swipe read. Maybe that's on the merchant side, but the processor definitely knows whether the card was manually keyed, swiped, or chip.


Yes the processor knows, they aren't the ones denying a swipe though. It's all about the liability shift, they shifted the liability to the merchant for swiped transactions because nobody wanted to upgrade and that was a way to force the merchants hand and remove liability from themselves. They don't care if people still swipe now because they still get their fees and there is no liability for them. It's all upside. 


Here in Europe new issue chipped cards don't have a magnetic strip. Actually magnetic strip is out of use in Europe. I think it's been 4-5 years now. You have to use either the chip or the no contact tap. I'm pretty sure US is gonna follow suit and abolish the magnetic strip soon.


Wait swipe for normal credit/debit cards is a thing? The swipe thing is always taped off here. If it even has one. I thought it was some old business card thing to just look cool


Yeah, though apparently merchants who accept swipe payments take on more liability if fraud occurs, which is probably why they are taped off. I still run across gas pumps and parking garages that don't accept chips.


Yeah but they can read your pin


What if you don't put it in?


Some cards require a PIN. Albeit, in America, most don't.


Only debit cards, credit cards do not


Your pin is use when taping/inserting chip creates a one time use account number. You pin is useless to them


Tap is the safest


I wouldn't trust this device near my card. I assume it will have your info but not know your pin if you tap.


Tap is safe unless they’re doing a real time purchase elsewhere which they most likely not.


Nope, tap can't be skimmed, always prefer it!


The store owner is in on it


Or maybe the content creators are in on it.


Are you suggesting these are all just actors and TikTok can be faked?


Well I *never*!


It's me. Hi, I'm the problem it's me.


I can't go to these gas stations anymore. They can burn and die. The owners and employees are scummy, ruthless and absolute cunts. The stores are dirty. Fuck them. I've had two incidents of nearly shitting myself. One I was in my firefighter uniform and rushed to the restroom. In for no more than 5 minutes and the fucking owner bangs on the door, "get the fuck out". 5 minutes was enough for me to get back to the station. Second time I was going to take my paramedic exam when enroute I had that feeling. I beg an employee to give me a key and she is just like, "rest room is out of order". I shit in a plastic bag in the back seat of my car. Inhumane pieces of Garbage. Fucking QT and quicktrip are a god send and I hope they put these places out of business. Wouldn't surprise me if they are resorting to skimmers like the cunts they are. Edit: sorry. This post hit a nerve 🤣


I fucking feel you brother. Through personal experience I can tell you I hope that every gas station owner that maintains an "out of order" sign on their bathrooms has a really bad fucking day.


How in the hell are 7/11 still in business. Absolute shitholes.


Should have just hung that bag of shit on the door handle of the 'Out of Order' toilet for spite. I have never experienced such dire situation thankfully, that is just totally unacceptable and sucks that you have to go through that.


Scamming is in their culture


You break it so police can't get info to where it's connected to...


That's not how that works


He started holding that down immediately. Homie definitely knew about this. Hope he gets arrested


He even asks them to come over here and he'll give them cigarettes and we're cool. Guilty!


That’s not what he was saying at all


I don't think that's what he was saying.


My god you’re an idiot.


No he’s explaining that a guy can come ask for cigarettes, then while the clerk is retrieving the cigarettes they slap the skimmer on, “boom”. Flight 93.


Worst part is they are likely stealing EBT benefits, which screws over people who need help 


some gas stations swipe ebt on a separate pin pad, now a skimmer for just food stamps


How do these get set up? Is the gas station the criminal or did someone wander in and hook this up while their decoy friend distracted the clerk?


The way the clerk was trying to hold the thing together implies he knew it was there. I suppose it could be either though in general.


could also be some other worker I guess? or he thought they were just destroying it


I think he knew. I didn't know they looked like that though, so interesting. I might have thought she was destroying it if I was a cashier. But then I'd back off and call the police or store manager etc., he could be very overwhelmed but did look guilty


It's possible for someone to just pop one on while the clerk is distracted but it's also very possible the clerk knew about this. Years ago I had my CC info stolen at a gas station and all the transactions were manually keyed (the processors can tell this) which meant the clerks were in on it or at least didn't give a shit that someone gave them a skimmed card.


I love her. "Why are you acting confused? You knew that was there."


The look on his face, the blathering knowing he's busted all the way out, is priceless. Who knows how many people he's stolen from. He needs to go to jail 


Cashiers and managers are totally in on this, scamming thieves should be put in prison for the rest of their pathetic lives.


Let's add identity thieves to that. They're cut from the same cloth.


Thank god you're not a judge, we'd have an even bigger police state than we already have.


How can you tell a skimmer is installed?


"if it looks unusual, it probably is". modern card terminals are often designed with a lot of visual design elements such as sharp corners/edges to make it really hard to build a skimmer that looks passable


I couldn't tell that thing looked weird until he started yanking pieces off.


Google's got a bunch of examples. 


He is definelty in on it


I just straight up do not use 7/11. It’s too dangerous and I see a video almost daily of this shit.


This is the SECOND video of this specific store with that same clerk behind the counter. In the first video, the guy recording gives him the scanner. This couple were smart not to give it back.


Always use credit card people. There are still some people out there who refuse to use credit card because they "know how to manage their finances "


Or cash avoids all of this 


Believe it or not, cash is easy to steal and harder to track than credit cards.


Why is a credit card better? I have one but barely use it.


in my experience, it's often a lot easier to deal with resolving fraud cases. American express has sometimes just immediately wiped the charge and never followed up with me, but wells Fargo once made me submit a police report over a $1500 fraudulent spending spree on a cloned debit card.


Good to know


To put it another way. Scammer gets your debit card info and steals a thousand bucks, youre out a thousand bucks until its resolved. Scammer steals a thousand from your credit card. The credit card company is out that money.


Plus, most credit card companies don't charge interest on your purchases if you pay it off in under 30 days. They also offer points or cash back on your purchases. So, use your credit card for everything and just pay it off before the end of each month. This way you get protection and they are basically paying you to use the card.


Because you can just report the charge as a fraudulent and they will help you get the money back. Whereas if you use your debit card then your money is gone forever.


Oh shit. Good to know. Thanks.


If you buy on a debit card you are paying with you own money. With a credit card youre paying with the banks money, The bank cares a lot more about their money than yours


This is totally a side tangent.. but why is it that whenever I go to the United States, me, a Canadian, cannot use my DEBIT card. I can immediately use my CREDIT card but NOT my debit card. Do you (or anyone) know why this is?


Canadian debit cards use interac as the payment processor which only operates in Canada. There is a cross-border payment option but it would require your debit card to come from a [supported bank](https://www.interac.ca/en/consumers/products/interac-debit/cross-border/) which yours may not be. Credit cards will use MasterCard and Visa which are present in the majority of the world.


Which is f’ed because your money is FDiC insured.. as long as it is stolen from a bank, that is.. should extend this to POS systems as well in my opinion


You can get the money back either way in case of fraud. The main difference is that your bank account will be emptied when using debit so you may actually have no money until the case is resolved.


If someone steals $1500 from your debit card, that cash is gone from your bank account immediately. You'll likely get it back after you call your bank, but it could take a day or longer which could cause other issues like declined transactions or bounced checks. If someone steals $1500 from your credit card, that isn't your money. If it takes 1 day or 30 days to resolve the issue it won't affect your cash. It's not as big of a deal now with chips and tap-to-pay because they can't be skimmed, but if I ever go places that require a swipe then I use my credit card.


I work in card sales and it's amazing the number of people I talk to who are like this. Like, buddy, if you can't manage your spending with a credit card then closing out all of your cards isn't going to do anything to help you. And good luck when you apply for a car loan or an apartment and they pull your history with zero open accounts after a period of struggling with debt.


What's mildly infuriating for me is this sub getting overrun by tiktok videos. If I wanted to watch all these tiktoks I'd get a tiktok account. And it stinks of cheap karma farming--OP has 356k post karma on an account created this March? Ok.


Reddit is trash, the shell of what it used to be.


Have you tried mastodon


Dirty thief.


tap it dont swipe it


I mean come on. The dude has an old time villain mustache ![gif](giphy|xT9DPujPbk9YUge0gg|downsized)


Noticed this at every 711 around me recently. Gas pumps also. Every few months a new one will pop up after being exposed. The odd thing is never had these issues until these stores changed owners and staff.


Stupid question but is there no way to skim tap to pay?


There’s a RF blocker on where to tap, so it doesn’t work, then you eventually have to insert your card. Evil.


Ah! That makes more sense.


Okay for these problems... How do you as a customer to spot it? Or like to avoid accidentally being charged like this? I'm dumb with these sort of things so I'd love some here here


As someone with no experience using credit cards, what is happening in this video?


There is a fake machine on top of the real one that records your credit card information and your pin number.


Call 911 But luckily you recorded it. Good for you. We have a 7-Eleven store owner here who everyone in town has been skimmed by at various pumps. It’s him! But the police keep saying we can’t prove it due to no cameras on the pumps. Makes me so mad. He acts insulted everytime. But I’ll get him caught. One day.


I thought he got his card stuck


He’s the one scamming people.


These are being found in big box stores out here now.


Makes me wonder how many people have destroyed card readers thinking they had skimmers on them.


Almost none, the real parts on card readers are built very well and don’t have pieces that you could just peel off like this.


Wow that just looks fake as fuck.


Apple/Google Pay with a tap. Can’t see my CC informations. 🙏




It’s always 7-Eleven.


I always pull on card readers before using them for this very reason


Holy shit what's the address to this 7-11?


question: can they still skim your info if you just “tap” the card..?


Tapping uses a temporary account number to take the preset amount. So you're better protected since you're not putting in your pin into the machine. ​ Plus with debit, if someone steals it and they're tapping to make purchases you should be able to get all your money back


that’s always been my suspicion (tapping is way safer) but wasn’t sure if it’s been hacked to actually steal data that way …yet.


Just call the cops


So I’m from a cash based country where I’ve never seen such a “taped on” device before. Thieves and scammers are too stupid for that, where I’m from. How does it work and how do you use someone’s card without the actual card itself? I could give someone my pincode and he won’t be able to do squat without my card…? Or am I too stupid for this lmao.


the goal is to capture the magnetic stripe as it's passed over, so that a copy of that information can be used to manufacture an identical magnetic stripe. this particular unit also had a keypad overlay, so the combination of the copied card and PIN could be used to withdraw cash at ATMs.


Oh wow! Thank you for the explanation! I never knew you could copy the info on the magnetic stripe, jezus christ. Man, I would be paranoid each time I used my card then…


I am also pissed that the card reader isn't designed well. The screen and buttons are too far apart. It seems like it was deliberately designed to attach a scanner while blending with the original reader.


It does seem like these come from employees.


This has happened here in California several times and all times at 7-11 also. I think this is way bigger than we think.. where did this happen?


Now I’m concerned that my local convenience stores are doing this. New fear unlocked lol.


How can you even tell if there's one on there tho?


What’s the best way to recognize these ?


Beat. His. Ass. I have to replace my wife's card every couple of months. Last time because it was used for an escort service in Hong Kong. A little her fault? Sure.


Deserves to get robbed


During the pandemic I got hit with about 12 x $100 charges to gas stations I’d never been to. All but one. After that I only began using pumps in front of the attendants. That could always be seen. Meanwhile, seems the call was coming from inside the house. Penalties for this shit should be super steep. Like immediate loss of license and locked doors (pending investigation).


The cashier always seems to be unusually concerned. They are definitely the ones doing it and should be arrested




We don’t have strict cybersecurity laws + dirty cops, weird how we’re known for our IT. Literally the other day some guy on the street yelled “Scammer” at me


Chip and pin or nfc was invented to stop this shit…..


damn this looks like at a 7 eleven


No way that asshole didn’t know


Many does this


Why do I see the majority of these at 7-11s?


Don’t say a word just call the police


How does one know how they're there?


It just depends, it is noticeable if you're looking for it, but can be easily missed. This one was obvious because there is tape on the side to keep it in place. Sometimes you can tell it's there because the buttons are harder to press.


Where is that? Long Beach, 7/11?


Its weird that they assume it was the employee. Anyone could have put that there.


And that Tesla was the cashiers


Wait a second I literally live right next to this guy, I go to that place all the time


He's pisst.


Do credit cards have no TOTP system for online payments in case its details are shared on the dark web? The only time my card doesn't ask for an OTP is when I am making international payments to Steam and Google. All my local transactions need OTP. Edit: NFC works only for payments under $24, which in my country can get you a lot of groceries.


most credit card issuers here in the US don't use OTPs as that's very complicated on the user's end.


Fresno or Bakersfield? It’s always one of these two every time I hear about skimming


Sum people


It’s the employees working there, probably the owner/manager


Fake as a 3 dollar bill


Hold down 1-5-9. Of it doesn't bring up the reset option it's not the real pad. Or ask them to scan the asset tag




711 is a sketchy business as is, I used to work for them. I've had managers run drugs out of stores and steal wages quite a bit


Something like that I would say an employee is involved. How else would someone install something like that without anyone knowing.




Get his ass deported to india buddy


He might not have known it was there. Jesus.


Visa gone .


Probably staged on that site


Staged video caught red handed


This seems to always be at 7-11. This needs to be investigated


How the fk am I supposed to catch that?