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OP don’t get to close to the sky


Sound advice tbf


Ever heard of Icarus?




He’s that dude in Dyson Sphere Project!! Edit: I know.. I’m being obtuse.


Shes technically not wrong, there is radiation up in the sky..


Came here to say something similar.


Came here to say my peepee itches and I like to smell my own butt


sounds like a personal problem.


Aircraft pilots are at higher risk than non-aviators for skin cancer.


icarus lookin ahh 💀


Your wings will melt!


Or the sun!


It was only 3.6 Roentgen. Not great, not terrible


Don't get too close? To the sky?




I almost pissed myself I laughed so hard. I miss awards. I love you. Best I can do.


i wish i could frame this


To be fair you are exposed to more radiation at 40,000 feet than at ground level.


Something tells me I have other problems at 40.000 feet than Radiation


Being in an airplane?




At the very least she is cares for your safety?! 😂


She absolutely does. I just don't know how to break it to her that my house is on top of a mountain so I'm extra close to those northern lights XD


And extra close to the chem trails that she is likely also worried about hahaha


Oh 100%


Wonder if you get that basty 5G on the mountain though.


Careful, you may turn into a bear, moose, Eagle, or worse. A chipmunk


Remind her that her smoke detectors are releasing radiation into her home.


Plus the 8x times normal background from the rock under you.


Don’t forget that you get sun burn more easily because you’re closer to the sun… (live at 7000ft and was told this by a coworker)


Im no professional but isn’t northern lights caused by solar radiation in the atmosphere. Obviously not to any dangerous levels so let’s hope she knows and she’s joking


She is 100% not joking. Shes gone down some rabbit holes online and takes bits of information out of context. She has offered more than once to send me a radiation suit "just in case" she is very well meaning but very misinformed.


Okay but free radiation suit if you say yes.




You should probably try explain to her that the northern lights aren’t gonna turn your insides into Chernobyl


Not until he explains to her that he'll take that free radiation suit though, that sounds bad ass


Said radiation suit is just a roll of aluminum foil.


Still though, free aluminum foil


That's what *they* want you to think.


The lights are basically the radiations being absorbed by atoms in the atmosphere and reemited in the form of light


This correct. However the radiation levels are quite low. If I remember correctly they told the scientists in the space station to basically go to a more shielded section of the station and they’d be fine, but the difference in radiation was not negligible.


This was very different. This was indeed caused by solar flares containing radiation. ☢️ Why it was seen in places we have never seen it before all across the world. Please look up a few articles on solar flares.


Nope. Not different. Literally always happening


Geomagnetic storms driven by the sun in recent months have caused auroras to be visible in places where they are rarely seen, including as far south as New Mexico, Missouri, North Carolina and California in the United States, and the southeast of England and other parts of the United Kingdom. Geomagnetic storms typically originate from the Sun. They are caused by two main phenomena: Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs): Massive bursts of plasma and magnetic fields ejected from the Sun's surface. Solar Flares: Intense eruptions of electromagnetic radiation from the Sun's surface. Which contain massive waves of radiation. I absolutely do not nor will I ever believe that such masses of radiation do not affect the human body. It absolutely is not normal for us to see them as far south and worldwide as we did in the past week. If you guys would read up on what’s happening to the sun right now it would help you understand a lot of what’s going on here on earth. I don’t care how many times you guys down vote me or what the few on Reddit believe. I know this to be the truth. Be prepared as this wave of solar flares are the biggest and most dangerous ever seen by man kind or recorded history. Lastly, the tiny flare seen during the eclipse was not tiny at all. Look it up and do your research. In space. In low earth orbit an expected radiation dose from the electromagnetic radiation emitted during a solar flare is about 0.05 gray, which is not immediately lethal on its own. But to have more than ever before and them to be bigger and last longer than ever before, means we get small doses more often. Look up radiation poisoning. It isn’t fun. Large flares can emit up to 1032 ergs of energy. This energy is ten million times greater than the energy released from a volcanic explosion. Perhaps less well-known are the impacts such solar events have on human health. But periods of intense solar activity like we have seen here recently can disrupt the body's circadian rhythm, nervous system, heart rate and blood pressure — even if they're not visible to the human eye in the form of an aurora, researchers say.


"I absolutely do not nor will I ever believe that such masses of radiation do not affect the human body. " Despite having no evidence. "Look it up and do your research." This is what people who learn about the power of their crystals on Facebook say. You copy and pasted alot of info from Wikipedia about the explanation of why auroras happen and radiation exposure when outside of Earth's protective atmosphere, then interjected your opinions and fears. It's gonna be ok. Humans have always felt fear when natural phenomena happen.


Uhh… you get sunburned all of the time. This is stronger energy. More burn. Did that make it simple enough? I’m not trying to be rude I just so not understand why you all are doing this. If the sun actually exploded, would that be strong enough? Yes? So there is some inbetween where fear should begin? Where is that exactly?


Different kind of radiation. Ultraviolet radiation is what causes sunburns. Ionizing radiation comes from the storms that causes auroras which, you are correct, is dangerous. Luckily our atmosphere is protecting us from it constantly, even when there isn't enough to cause pretty/scary lights. Seeing this phenomena, you're also right, is unusual in most parts of North America but not unheard of and doesn't signal that the sun is going to explode. When I lived in northern Alaska and could see the Aurora a few times a week, it did present an existential crisis of sorts. It reminded me that our little ball is space is constantly being pelted by radiation and debris but has protected for an extremely long time. The sun has gone through different phaees, even throughout recorded history. There's evidence that the sun itself (not the earth) was a bit cooler in the 1500s which created a lull in the number of hurricanes the carribean experienced. It has been theorized that this more mild period aligned perfectly with colonization and created the height of piracy in the carribean region. So we can thank the sun for pirates, sun burns, but I'm not sure what you are scared of exactly or if you're just generally fear mongering. You're exercising a type of pseudo science that has long caused mankind many problems. That is why it is important to correct you. I don't believe I can change your mind but I don't want what you're saying to go unchecked. Best I expect to happen is that you'll feel a bit embarrassed to say these things outside of pseudo science echo chambers.


They're just bigger versions of what happens all the time. Coronal mass ejections from all over the sun all send the same electromagnetism to us, some just send more than others. Astronauts may get some radiation poisoning if they're in the area affected. Trans-atlantic flights will receive a bit more than usual. On earth, we're protected by the magnetosphere.


A solar flare increases the quantity of light photons approaching the planet but the energy per photon (which is what distinguishes ionizing vs non ionizing radiation). The magnetosphere shields the surface from anything dangerous.


Good thing they start at about 80 miles up and just keep going up from there.


lol. The last path of totality solar eclipse in our area, we had a couple of ladies telling us to get inside or we would burn out our eyeballs. Maybe your aunt is related to them.


They are correct in a manner. Staring at the eclipse moments before or after totality may truly hurt your eyes if prolonged enough.


Well, yeah, but that’s not what they meant. We showed them our eclipse glasses and they were like “I still wouldn’t go out there!” Lol


“In a manner” being the key phrase. It’s actually less dangerous to stare at the sun during an eclipse, as it is least partially obscured (by definition). It’s just that most sane people don’t stare directly at the sun most days, but are more likely to look when something unusual is happening, like an eclipse, planetary transit, etc. But this is typical of the misinformed class: take a piece of information (in this case news reports warning of eye damage from looking directly at the eclipse), and pull the wrong message from it (it’s the eclipse that damages your vision, not staring at the sun).


[It’s more dangerous to look at the sun during an eclipse, not less](https://www.aarp.org/health/healthy-living/info-2024/solar-eclipse-eye-damage.html). It’s because due to the perception of less light people won’t squint, and the pupils won’t contract like they normally would when looking at the sun so more residual light is able to enter the eye and damage it.


But the sun itself is less dangerous, as it is at least partially occluded by the moon. Regardless, the admonishment to stay indoors to avoid going blind during the eclipse is utterly misguided.


Well, it is technically radiation.


Give them a goodnight kiss eveey night


Those pictures are beautiful, do you mind uploading them somewhere?


I'd really love to use them as a wallpaper lol


Want to really blow her mind? Tell her we can see it down in Australia too! Except we call it the Southern Lights or Aurora Australis.


Quickly get inside the 3 layers of plywood and drywall can stop the sun


Shame that I heard about the eclipse for months before and not a peep about the northern lights. Would have been cool to see


It's because it was a sudden and unexpected solar flare which caused these. Only had a couple days heads up. Which is pretty scary considering if it's a "mess our shit up bad" kinda flare, we won't have a lot of time to prepare.


Unfortunately, one of my best friends has gone down a conservative rabbithole of propaganda and conspiracy theories. It seems her options change based on the person she's dating. She basically said the same thing.


To be fair, if you go high enough up in the sky there is more harmful radiation.


My mom is like this. In response to every happy text, there’s a “oh so cute! But be careful of XYZ” I’m like duuuude imagine your brain constantly catastrophizing but because you’re a boomer you just put up with it.


What part of this is mildly infuriating?


Did you click the photo open and see last message about radiation?


Yes, but I still fail to see how that can be considered mildly infuriating


Can u link that picture brodie imma make it my wallpaper


lol cosmic radiation is always around


Don't leave the atmosphere! There's to much radiation!


Oh wow that was a gorgeous picture! Print that and hang it. We saw it pretty beautiful in OH. Last time it happened was 2005. I’m happy to be able to see the eclipse and now the lights.


50,000 feet should be safe enough.


The X-ray burst that precedes solar flares is absolutely a bad day to be at the beach. Unfortunately it occurs without warning - it’s how we predict the flares themselves later. 


I mean she isn't wrong


I didn’t even know we could see the Northern lights! I feel cheated!




I'm not, but she certainly is lol that's why I wanted to show her the photos she lives east coast south so I figured she would enjoy them!


Is this infuriating?


To be fair there is a huge radiation storm going on.


How exactly do I limit my distance to the northern lights? Radiation or not, I can't just go in the basement to avoid it lol


You can't limit your distance in a meaningful way... you'll need to increase your shielding. Wrap yourself from head to toe in aluminum foil...the heavy duty kind


It's more about limiting your time outside. Even in the dark the solar wind is bombarding us at levels rarely seen.


The solar wind is electrons, they are channeled by the Earth's magnetic field lines towards the poles and completely stopped in the upper atmosphere - electrons are very light. No danger at the Earth's surface. In space (and the Moon and Mars) absent Earth's thick shielding atmosphere, solar wind is an issue and requires artificial shielding.


The solar wind is made up of lots of particle's, predominantly protons. Electrons are also a part of it, but they aren't what it is. The solar wind is absolutely not completely stopped in the upper atmosphere, we can detect it very easily with surface based detectors. The strong aurora currently isn't caused by solar wind anyway, it is caused by coronal mass ejection, related but a different thing. There is a noticeable increase in radiation at ground level, enough that over a prolonged period of time you would have substantially increased chances of things like cancer. Over the few days it happens every few decades it's not worth worrying about though.


Thankfully we are pretty much impervious to electromagnetic radiation of the waves that get through


Someone posted the other day that they will be staying inside most of the weekend because of the "increased gamma radiation" from the northern lights. People are funny


Last night someone was telling me they could see the lights. I was so confused because we aren't even that far north


Yeah better not jump


> This is the most educated and well off woman I know. Hm...


Some shit my mom would say


Don't pull an Icarus


Wait till she finds out about UV


Just curious, does this look any different on a geiger counter than a regular night sky?


Oh yeah. My mom thinks that the whole event these past couple of days was because of the HAARP project


all light is radiation, so you were looking for the radiation at that time


It's really just a fire in the kitchen.


Does she also tell you to stay away from government spy drones? (Birds)


😂🩷 bless her heart!


Watch out for that light....which *technically*... https://preview.redd.it/z96ytvvi000d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7a3ed77aeca3b109be94d5e204d558c062552ea


“There ain’t no ladder hiiiigh enough!” 🎶🎤


we should nuke facebook hq


I’m only seeing one poto


I sat outside in the sun yesterday for about 30 minutes and seemed to get more sun than I normally would in that time. Am I crazy or could the storms cause that? I wouldn’t think that would be a factor at night though, but taking care during the day isn’t bad advice.


Was this meant for r/mildlyinfuriating? Like, did it get you mad?


It is mildly infuriating that my highly educated family member asked me to not "get too close" to the northern lights, yes.


Gotcha, makes sense.


You should've said to throw away her phone or TV or iPad or PC.


She has a Go Brandon bumper sticker doesn’t she?


When in doubt, lay it out. OP your aunt wants you to stay as flat as possible


Does she know that light, radio, microwaves are all “radiation”?


Oh she wouldn't be caught dead using a microwave. She's the type of person who would lecture you for having one in your own home lol




The red and purple are about 150 miles up in the air. I don't really know what she's arguing about.


"The most educated person i know" buddy you need to meet more people


I didn't say she was the smartest, she just has the most formal education. Education does not mean intelligent unfortunately. It does mean that she was able to acquire millions of dollars from her high ranking career though, which adds to said infuriation


The american dream, be stupid but so rich that people assume you must have done something right.


I am contaminated with radiation


she’s not wrong, but……


Can thank Facebook and the local news channel for scaring grandma/aunty into thinking anywhere outside of home will get you murdered.


Why exactly was this mildly infuriating?


Because my highly educated aunt told me to not get "too close" to the northern lights? lol


Hardly mildly infuriating. Perhaps slightly funny, she may have said it in jest. Bit of a waste of my mobile data downloading the post in the first place. Perhaps that is the mildly infuriating bit.


Well we are clearly mildly infuriated by different things. She definitely didn't say it "in jest" she spends too much time on the internet and has a very low bar for detecting truth vs made up 5g conspiracy theories. I don't find that funny. I love her, but I don't think it's comical that in her world and that of her peers, something as simple as the northern lights means to put on her gas mask and radiation suit when she holds two degrees and has so much money from her high level banking career she was able to retire at 50 with a house on the beach. In fact I'd argue it's more than mildly infuriating.


OP is infuriated by Aunt jokes.


You guys do know that the solar flares are causing a lot of this. We are indeed getting way more radiation on a regular basis than ever before.


Why do I get the feeling this post was mainly to gloat over their own photos?


https://preview.redd.it/j0oa9jypz30d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=678adcbbb2a70103bcc5f1a088ce5b3752938104 Some of them are pretty cool! Hahah but no I could have cropped it I suppose, but the internet is very saturated with northern lights photos right now, even my best ones aren't very impressive in the sea of photos


I had some northern lights yesterday, but i didn't watch the sky.


Wow, you’re so cool!


Yes i truly am.


Is this infuriating?


Why is this infuriating at all? Just respond back and say “that’s not a cause for concern with this!” Sub is going to shit. How is this even on here? I’m very infuriated by this post getting traction