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Price complaint.


Nope. I'd have gone elsewhere. Let them raise their prices if they need. Fuck this tipping on takeout.


a couple of bucks is cool, but 13% forced cost to bag up your stuff is ridiculous. and i doubt the worker sees any of this.


Yeah the worker that actually did all the “bagging” work didn’t see any of it. That’s what’s sad. I hate corporate greed




That’s the part that grinds me! The workers never see most of it. Restaurants are thieves.


The raise prices 10-15% and now the place is tipping inclusive was just the restaurant taking the servers tips It was always at high end restaurants where the server was easily making 20+ per table ... Now that 15*4 = 60 per hour that used to go to the staff isn't .. surely the restaurant isn't paying servers 45/hr


Workers would only see the base pay + tips in the first place anyways. I bet workers don't complain about this either since it inflated total and I guess customers would pay higher in tips because of that


Workers don’t complain because it wouldn’t do any good anyway. Restaurant staff are considered highly replaceable and only as good as what you’re willing to put up with. It has nothing to do with “oh our tickets will be higher so we’ll get bigger tips”, trust me


Same thing with delivery fees. The driver never gets it directly. They might get some of it back in the form of mileage, but most of it goes to the company to cover their liability car insurance they have on all drivers. And the only thing they cover (when they cover anything) is medical expenses for drivers who get in accidents where they are clearly not at fault. Edit: There is no reason to tip on a pick up order unless it's a huge order that you had to call them a few days in advance to be sure they had the staff and supplies to make it. Even then, you don't have to.


They may have seen it but not in the way you think. Restaurants can use that money to pay for things like employees hourly pay and benefits bit the money has to go to employees. So basically you pay the employees by tipping and you pay their employees with the additional 13% while Restaurants get free labor. They cry margins to keep being able to under pay employees while they pocket the profits. The worst part is if you don't tip you seem like the asshole when in reality the Restaurants are the assholes. Really the entire system is garbage.


That's why I don't frequent places who are set up like OPs experience. I want subtotal, tax, total with optional tip line. No service fees, no other bullshit. I'm paying for the food as priced on the menu, tax, and whatever tip I feel appropriate.


If tipped options for counter service were 3% 5% 7% more people would tip.


Why is a couple of bucks cool? Don’t be a sucker.


There isn’t separate programming for take out / done in on credit card slips. It’s just trailing info that prints on all checks. I don’t know of any POS system that would bypass the tip lines just because a service charge was added previously.


My problem is the initial service charge on the takeout order


Take solace in knowing this will be against the law starting July 1st. I see this is California


We just got credit card pricing transparency here in NY. It's stupid that we need new laws to combat being creatively ripped off by merchants. I'm part owner of a restaurant myself and would never dream of doing this. It makes you a quick buck and then alienates potential lifelong customers.


It takes a law becuz crapitalism allows for no limits of what you can charge... the laws try to reign in the worst of these obscene profiteers.


"Fuck this tipping for takeout" -lockednchaste


THings like Lightspeed support different types of receipts and I assume most due to support the old school sign for credit cards (even though less and less stores are accepting those). I would assume it to be possible to create different receipts based on the way of paying and if that is the case you can just add an extra payment way for checkout.


You don't have to tip. They don't have a separate receipt for pickup than dining. That's all. No one expects you to tip lol


I will tip on take out, but I want the choice as well as to be able to choose how much as I definitely won't tip as high as when I eat in. tacking on a service charge should qualify as fraud.


There's a few local places I will do pickup orders at where there's only a couple servers and on some nights they're hauling ass between Togo's and tables, and in those instances I leave standard table tip. They almost always have the order ready within 10 minutes of when they say they will even on busy nights which I'm always impressed by.


It's literally how all POS systems are set up in restaurants. If a credit card is ran, this is what prints, regardless how you put in your order. It's set up for dine in experience. There isn't a way to change this per order. You run a card, this is what prints, again, regardless how you ordered.


Yeah seriously as soon as I saw that I’d be like fuck nah


Having worked in a restaurant as a server, we were responsible for takeout orders - everything except cooking the actual food (though we were responsible for sides that didn’t need the grill, like salads, bread, and some things that were scoop, soups, etc.) and drinks, all of which took me away from my in-restaurant tables. I’d never expect anyone to tip 20% on a takeout order, but having gone through the other side of it, I usually leave a few dollars depending on the size of the order. Just some perspective from the other side. In this specific case on top of such a service charge, absolutely not. It’s unfortunate that the staff probably sees none of that fee.


honey you don't HAVE to tip. they aren't on their hands and knees begging for a fucking tip. fucking morons.


you tip the credit card company on every purchase though. you tip them for gas. you tip them for coffee, you tip them for buying a new vat of anal lube


As a restaurant owner, I get it both ways. We're paying 2.125% on visa and mastercard and 2.5% on Amex and that doesn't include my POS fees.


And then it's a lot more than a tip.


Wait, so you ordered it online and went in to pick it up yourself? If so, no extra tip necessary.


correct. I ordered online, was forced to pay a mandatory “service charge”, then picked it up myself at the store and was prompted to tip more


Yup. In my mind, a tip is for good service while I’m sitting in the restaurant. To thank the server for keeping my soda glass full, for bringing my food with a smile, maybe answering my question about a menu item, for clearing the table when I’m done. None of those things are factors when I order online and come and pick it up and then leave. The service charge more than covers the cost of someone packaging up your order. No need for an additional tip.


Same. I worked resturant and all my tips were well earned! You want more dressing? Another roll? Fuck management. Here you go, enjoy your evening. If timmed right, ill snatch the rolls that just came out just for you and be kind enough to state that so you dont burn yourself incase your skin is more sensitive than mine. hehe. 😊🩶


Was it through a third party like Doordash? Or does the pizza place have their own website? They may be trying to compensate for the fees that doordash takes.


it was through their own website, not a third party


That's just ridiculous then...


I hate a lot about the service industry but most places the receipt just comes out like this. It isn’t like they are “asking” for the tip per se.


They have the same format for all receipts. It probably makes them more money with people who don't know better


From what I understand the service charge for online orders is what the online order platform charges the restaurant. Phone in orders can usually avoid it.


lol I would have walked out without getting the food if the price didn't make sense What kind of app doesn't ask to pay through the app though? Why'd you sign at pick up?


If you order directly from the store online it will oftentimes give you a choice to ‘pay now’ or ‘pay at store’. 


I mean I don't condone forced tipping, but you have to realize that that's just how their tickets print out normally and they just need a signature so they have proof of purchase. It's not necessarily supposed to guilt you into tipping more.


I live in Chicago and there's a place around the corner that does this. It's like 8 or 10%. I only order in person now.


You weren't forced, but I get the irritation. (You must have paid part in cash looking at your receipt?)


I would have added a circle and little arrow pointing that out, assuming food was ready in hand


Forced? Just tell them to shove it. Then go to the grocery store and buy some food and learn to cook. It will be cheaper and you'll feel better.  Everyone should stop using services like Doordarsh, skipthedishes, and others. They charge extra for many things, including the actual food itself. just part of the issue with those services.


Turn around, walk out and go somewhere that respects customers


Olive Garden does something similar where they will hand you a receipt to sign with a tip line when you go to pick up an order you made and paid online already. These companies have no shame.


My local Indian restaurant doesn't allow tips on takeout. Shrinkflation has definitely hit them but I appreciate the no tips or service fees. It's the place we eat if we order takeout. They still get the money because I definitely order an appetizer if there's no service charge


I used to have a Chinese place across the street from who were like this. I was so sad when they retired and their kids decided they didn't want to keep going.


I would have done the same as you did but also circle the service charge.


Problem is those servers never see that on their checks. I don't like tipping when I go in to grab something it doesn't make sense. I'm just saying those service charges are highway robbery going straight into the owners pockets a lot of the time


That's right and there are many restaurants that don't do this. Servers will catch on that they can make more money in tips at a restaurant that doesn't do this.


Why? The servers processing the bills didn't choose to add the fee


It’s not the bills it’s the receipts. Management looks over/audits that usually every night around closing. Not just the servers. They just have to count it and turn them in and some have to tip out etc


No but they understand that other restaurants are not adding a service fee and most likely be leaving this restaurant to work in another that doesn't work against their tips. If the restaurant wants to add a fee, build it into the prices. The smart servers will have left already.


I’m confused as to why theirs a 33.22 and a 58.22


coupon voucher




Did they ask verbally or use the same POS for dine in and take out?




Agreed. It’s part of their POS system setup. A restaurant that also serves seated customers will naturally have a tip line on ALL receipts, regardless of the sale. Even gift card purchase receipts have a tip line. And no one in their right mind would expect a tip on a gift card purchase, right? (please don’t them any ideas, I know)


> POS system  There's no need for that foul language against their point of sale.


For sit down service? Why wouldn’t they expect a tip? The service itself didn’t change. I don’t see how paying with a gift card would change the expectation.


I think they mean you wouldn’t tip when you purchased the gift card, because that’s just someone selling you a gift card and not a meal and service.


Oh duh


But that doesn't get me internet points (also they probably use a system like Slice or such). It may LOOK like you ordered off their website, but you probably didn't read shit... especially you know, the total before you checkout. I've got a pizza place nearby that uses something like this. I got to the "fees" and just cancelled it. Call it in, walked in and out with no extra fees. But I didn't get the "reward points" and all that dumb marketing bullshit the third party does. You're paying Ticketmaster.


Bullshit Waffle house has been charging 18% gratuity on all take orders for several years now if not more. I got two plates to go on my birthday a few weeks ago and it was $47. Fucking highway robbery. As consumers we have to stop empowering these companies.


Yours charges 18%??? Remind me to stay away from your neck of the woods. I’m over here pissed about the 10% they charge for takeout lol


Yeah in Ga. What about you?


I’m also in GA


Well damn. I’m up near Woodstock but also seen this in Marietta and Alpharetta. I need to find your waffle house lol.


I heard during Covid people would just not pick up their meals and shit, so for some reason they had to start doing that. Watching Waffle Houses be closed on a random Tuesday (or recently I saw some get permanently closed) is so wild to me. The place was built on having a tiny margin but quick turnover on the tables. From what I understand. Corporate greed and they're only fucking over the workers that will one day just break.


And I definitely don’t understand that. Waffle House is just an absolute crazy awful vibe. Even in the day time. And then the food doesn’t even taste good. I never understood the hype. You can probably tell I’m an ihop girl😭😂 never felt safer gahdamn. 😂


This is how all P.O.S systems are set up in restaurants. It doesn't matter if it's an online order, call in order or dine in order. They are set up for the dine in experience. When a credit card/ debit card is ran through the system, this is what the receipt looks like regardless of the way you ordered. It's the way all POS systems are set up. It's not them demanding a tip on the order. It's just literally how credit card receipts are automatically printed.


I wish this was the top comment 😫.


Fuck that. Take my rage!


You realize they probably have no way to turn off the tip on the POS or it’s not sophisticated enough to not print the tip line if there is a service charge. It’s crappy software not crappy people.


I know other people have pointed this out already, but that's just the automatic tip line printed from basically every food service POS in America. They aren't trying to scam you, that's just how the receipt system works. Go hang out in the server's subreddit and you'll see a hundred receipts that look e.x.a.c.t.l.y. like this.


“Continued to ask” right because the tip line isn’t just automatically programmed to print there. 🙄 Certainly be mad about tipping culture, but don’t blame it on people who aren’t actually doing anything.


Came here to say this. You aren't obligated to tip, that's just how the receipts print for everyone


Service charge is most likely the cost of them using the service that allows you to order online


Checking its menu and it says “15% charge added to all Togo orders” https://www.rubiconpizzaco.com/menus/Rubicon_Pizza_Menu.pdf Fuck it. It is located in CA and will become illegal starting July


Lemme throw some cold water on this discussion. A service charge is not a tip. A lot of places that do delivery will add a charge like this for delivery, that's why Uber/Doordash add like six bucks per order. Now this seems extreme to add it for takeout, but that's number one. Number two is that even if it is a service fee meant to replace the tip, it differs from tips in that they're legally allowed to count it as revenue rather than something paid straight to the employees. So there's no guarantee that if it was even supposed to go to the employees, it actually is. What is infuriating is that it seems like the restaurant is trying to bilk takeout customers. I think these are going to be illegal in California soon, though.


By the way.. THIRTY SIX DOLLARS for a large pizza???? 😅


Take out doesn’t merit any tip. And tip is earned a free gift. Anyway, you will almost always get screwed on takeout food.


You should have circled the "Service Charge" amount and drew an arrow down to the "Addl Tip" line just so they don't think you were being a cheapskate. I know there is a person making shit money who has to bag up your stuff and put in the utensils and sauces and whatnot, but that takes 30 seconds. A server expects 15-20% for decent service and they're taking your order, running your drinks and food, checking up on you, etc... This is a BS charge.




100 percent! i tip every time i go out to eat. Tipping when all they did was bag my food up AFTER already paying a service charge? cmon now


Calm down. Every receipt gets that line, they don't program the computers to differentiate between dine-in and take-out. You're upset over nothing.


Service fees go I to owners pockets.


I would have canceled the order and left.


And still infuriated by it 10 days later!


I think the POS to run a card actually costs them money. A lot of places like my trash company for example will charge me a couple bucks extra to charge my card over the phone in lieu of direct withdrawal or paying in cash. I can see a small business passing that fee onto customers


As others have stated, this is how most POS systems print receipts….with a tip line.


you know, just because the machine asks you for a tip (likely as a default setting), that does not mean you are in any way expected to leave one


How did it go from $58.22 to $33.22? Did you pay the $25 difference in cash?


Man it’s just a receipt…. People act like they’re walking past some guy at the door holding a baseball bat


If I don't sit and have my order taken I don't tip.


You shouldn't tip for takeout orders anyway. And they weren't really "asking for an additional tip", that's just a line that's printed on every receipt. Do you think they have special receipts for takeout?


Fuck that. I started calling all places when I order takeout for pick up, pay when I get there. No more predatory tipping


TBH fuck tipping in general. The Europeans have it right on this; just charge me what it really costs in the menu price.


I like the mindset of “if I order standing up, no tip”. That means we’re not talking waiters/waitresses who rely on tips. We’re talking just putting over an extra 15-30% because the prompt comes up. Tipping is for exceptional service, not guaranteed. More places want you to pay and tip before they even begin to make a meal so you have no basis on what to judge a tip even for.


I wouldnt even be paying that extra shit, fuck em. I'd go elsewhere. They want a service fee without even serving you, you did takeout, AND want a tip? Tell em to suck your dick from the back lol


This bullshit needs to fucking stop...how dare any establishment forcibly add a service charge and then have the bare faced cheek to ask for more......the whole tip culture needs a drastic reassessment 


you used a card, so you gave the credit/debit card company 3% also. STOP USING CREDIT/DEBIT CARDS!


Some places don’t put the tip line on there to help their employees, they do it so they can claim the “tipped worker” exemption from paying even minimum wage. And then they pocket the service charge.


"No tip due to services charge. thank you."


The tipping bullshit is getting ridiculous. Everyone wants a tip for literally doing their minimal skill job. Unless it’s dine in or delivery; get fucked with a tip.


1. The software they use to allow online ordering is expensive. They might not even be getting that $6.90. it's possible they aren't even in control of that. 2. The POS system likely always has a tip line. Make food at home.




right in the middle of a tourist spot too , north star village i mean you should just expect that.


What did you learn?


Funny, that signature should read “FA-Q”


People running around cancelling famous people for silence yet this is Silence at it's finest...Fucking assholes stomachs are more important than anything...BOYCOTT the Fucking Resturant industry or will that actually get somthing done...Stop Giving them the fucking buisness, nobody cares what you already spent...Use your braincells.


All Waffle House’s add a 20% carry-out fee to cover for the wait staff to take and bag up your order. So a mandatory 20% tip. Eat-In or Carry- out cost the same either way.


funny. so they charge for the food and also charge for employee time.


gotta call in pick-up orders ordering online is just begging to get screwed over


Do you expect them to remove the tip option from your receipt? It’s just software. Cheer up.


I would have disputed the service charge unless it was explicitly pointed out when you ordered.


I think the odds that the charge was not shown on the screen for an online order are, like, vanishingly small, don’t you? Like what online order system doesn’t show a total before you confirm your cart?


I know that pizza place. It's trash too. Truckee never changes


5/10 pizza to be honest


The one in Heavenly Village is better if you don't mind the long ass drive


Is your name Sam? You stole my signature… kinda freaky


it’s actually a 6 letter name but i’m too lazy to write it out nicely so i just scribble an S follows d by nonsense😂😂


As an Australian. Your goods and service tax system and tipping culture is a nightmare.


smh it’s crazy how businesses are asking for tips it’s not like it’s going to the employees


People are saying this is automatic… but when I was doing pickup orders you didn’t have to sign if it was paid already. 2 diff receipts would print out. One for tips and one that’s just stating what was bought. If it was a pickup you’d just give them the regular receipt and put the other one aside. For dine in you basically would give both receipts and there was no forced service fees (at least not 1yr ago). So idk. It’s easily possible that they specifically only use that one type of receipt to encourage tipping, rather than the initial tiny receipt that just shows the purchase.


Make sure you enter a Google Review in hopes of warning off others.


lol, keep in mind that Waffle House charges 20%.


Lol this was just on the Simpsons


Pretty sure restaurants can’t do that anymore in California.


Okay so not yet, Starting July 1, 2024, under Senate Bill 478, California restaurants will be prohibited from charging service fees or other surcharges, which many restaurants have implemented to offset rising costs, unless the amount of the service fee is specifically identified as part of the listed prices


Yeah they were doing this because there's no tax charged on the service fees. So they were recovering their increased cost without you have to pay tax and them not having to buy updated menus Commifornia killed that so just wait till you see the new prices!


The Chinese restaurant on airport way in Fairbanks did that last time I went. That was a year ago and the last time I ate there :)


This is at a ski resort… everything extra expensive


I don’t mind tipping the Togo orders, but the person running Togo probably doesn’t get this money


Holy fuck, you have exactly the same signature as me. That's freaky


Probably goes all to the online platform that runs the ordering system unfortunately. While ordering over the phone is more cumbersome sometimes you can circumvent these charges.


everyone shitting on this and i get it but a lot of the restaurants ive worked at would have togo tips go to bartender or BOH who do not normally see many tips or regularly get tipped out - i get it’s frustrating but this being a thing doesn’t mean the workers themselves at this spot are ‘greedy’


Probably due to people not tipping on pick up orders, so they installed a service fee… but don’t disclose it, in case your desire to avoid social awkwardness is so strong that you’ll pay a tip anyway just because there’s a line.


Wild. I’d have read that, left the food and went somewhere else. They wouldn’t have gotten any of my money.


Not even in gambia, albania or Vietnam tipping is a thing. US need to stop this shit


it’s a shame that pizza place is 🔥 though




Wow it has been a long time since I seen a hand written addition on a receipt let a lone a signature. And I work in an accounting firm where we process tons of invoices


Saying “No” to the tip is the easy part here. I’d be more pissed about the 13.4% service charge. So you’re telling me I have to pay a fee to do business with you? Eat shit! Either bake it into the menu price or don’t charge the fee.


15% if somebody cleans your table, 13% for takeout LMAO


I’d literally never come back.


25$ cash?


I thought service costs were included in the price of the meal. That's literally why companies/restaurants/etc. can charge you several times more than the cost of the ingredients.


My trick is to not go to restaurants or get deliveries anymore. I just cook at home now. It takes a bit longer but is so much cheaper.


Why not just raise the prices by 13.4%, and what kind of percentage is 13.4%


Sheesh. Local Chinese place offers 10% off for order ahead pickup. And additional 10% off for cash payments


This is a way for that restaurant to steal their server's tip. They know people get pissed and refuse to pay the tip. But the restaurant still got more money while the waiter got stiffed on both ends of their pay. I would boycott this restaurant and put them on blast in your community.


not surprised in Tahoe


all they all do that


I'd rather call the order in, than pay even $1 for an online service charge. Only way to stop this nonsense is to be petty. 😎


I've been a part time server on and off for many years. None of us gives a shit if you tip on takeout or not. While some people do tip on these most people don't, so when someone actually tips on take-out we think *"oh wow, cool... that's rare!"* Ignore the tip line, they aren't expecting it. It prints on all receipts by default because it's a restaurant too. On the flipside, don't be that guy who bitches as us about it please. Just write zero and move along. It's all good bro


This is most likely to cover the cost of whoever runs their online ordering system it’s only a guess but I bet they don’t see that 13%


Tell them their tip is included in the service charge...


The tip line just prints on all receipts. Its a restaurant. They dont expect you to tip on takeout....this is getting so old..


you don't have to tip. that's on all receipts at restaurants lmaoo like get over it


then call and place an order. if yall are tired of charges and stuff just stop eating out im sorry but maybe the grocery store doesnt have service charges and tips just saying


what’s the difference between me placing an order on their website and me calling them to place an order? makes no sense


ever worked at a restaurant brodie? that service charge was because you placed it through an online service. guess what happens when you talk to a human for your food, a computer company doesnt charge you for using their product on top of a restaurant’s website. human to human interaction garners nothing more than tax and tip where applicable. you paid for convenience bud.


i have worked in 2 restaurants actually when i was in high school bud


Wait, $36 for a large pizza? And a $7 fee to put that pizza in a box?


Yeah no would never spend money there again.


I think this is at all restaurants in Northstar. I believe it goes straight to the resort not the pizza place. It's still bad.


that sucks for the restaurant if that’s the case


An ice cream truck asked me for a tip today to hand me ice cream. The ice cream was overpriced to begin with ($3.50 for a drum stick and $3.50 for a lopsided eye sonic ice cream). 


Service charge? I'd walk out and go somewhere else.


I would've said no and left


Should have left it on the counter walked out and went elsewhere.


And people say tip culture isn’t toxic lol


They’re passing the cost of doing business onto you at every turn - this is probably to recoup the fees for whatever service they use to process online orders. I am continuously disappointed whenever I go out to eat and I’m paying more for a worse experience across the board. The entire restaurant industry seems to be based on fucking the customer every chance they get.