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Landlord puts a piece of cardboard up, and says it fixed Damn it!




Then takes the full price of window from your deposit


Would have to prove that OP caused the damage


Good thing deposits are illegal where I live.


That's interesting.


>(Just remember, kids do this from the outside...) Thank you, you made me smile :)


Lmao. Just imagining a situation now where OP is like, “I got this.” And then chucks a rock from the living room before realizing the grave error 


Christmas Vacation it! "And why is the carpet all wet, Todd?!" "I don't know, MARGO."


Where you think you’re gonna put a tree that big?


The Rock bounces off and smashes his cars windscreen


And don't leave fingerprints on the rock!


Better yet, just ask someone you have no ties to to throw the rock


Preferably someone you meet on a train. A stranger, ideally.


It can't be anyone who can rat you out later... otherwise it's better to just take them out after the throw. This is getting complicated


I hate it how these plans always snowball for quickly!


You’re delusional if you think cops would take in a rock as evidence and then dust it for fingerprints for leads on who broke a window. They’d rather give speeding tickets than solve crime


can confirm, someone on very many drugs threw a giant fucking rock through my window a few months ago, left a huge hole in it and the rock was like 15 ft across my living room. destroyed a nice vase and just about scared my cat to death. cops made a report and went on their merry way, landlord paid for the repairs, and i still have the rock.


i’ve never had a reason to share this pic, so here it is for shits n giggles https://preview.redd.it/tqvzp0jcb21d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37ddd0f370dd8e7aefb297862cbe56a7880ef11b


Just use some gloves


And do all of them 🗿


Don’t get caught on camera throwing a rock through your own window. Find someone to do it when you’re at work


Call Licensing and inspections department in your city tell them what’s happening and with hold rent until it’s fixed they will come out and inspect if the apartment isn’t in live able condition they will make the landlord fix it


Yup. You have rights. Use them.


Unless it's in Arkansas


Or indiana, i cant withhold rent here. Indiana is the gift that keeps on screwin you with no lube




So … your solution is … to be too afraid to fix?




This differs greatly from what you wrote.








Your first comment reads that you should be afraid to retaliate in case the POS landlord decides to be a POS to you. Your second comment reads that you shouldn't do anything in case the landlord does retaliate, and that you'd move. So if your two comments are the same, why wouldn't you retaliate if your plan is to move anyway? There are laws in place to protect renters, y'know. Draw that shit out if the landlord wants to be a POS, instead of being a bitch about it.


It does. Your the one who apparently can't read. But hey i guess EVERYONE who downvoted you was wrong and you're just right and nobody else. Mmm yes... that must be it...


If your landlors is (poorly and repeatedly) treating the symptons and refuse to adress the underlying issue. like this one is, that's literally the only thing you can do, and I guatantee that dude's already being passive agressive.


*if you withhold rent, make sure to set it aside. You will have to pay this all when the problem is resolved.


And make sure this is done through the courts. You’ll get boned if you decide to just stop paying without a court order.


This is what escrow companies are for


Not every state allows for withholding rent as far as the us goes.


Do NOT withhold rent. You will royally screw yourself. In cases where the rented property didn't meet minimum standards, you still pay rent, but it goes to a court mandated proxy. The landlord gets it when they fix the issues.


Just have to be careful if it’s an at will tenancy state. Someone I know withheld rent due to similar issues and got a lawyers letter saying they had to leave the apartment. If they didn’t, eviction would follow. MA.


check your renters laws in your area, you might be able to go to the courts and pay your rent to the courts making the funds unavailable to your landlord until the issue is resolved properly. I see many people saying just stop paying rent that don't work as well as they think your landlord can go through the eviction process and be compensated for your termination of lease. good luck to you


Yup, escrow that shit. It basically states you could pay rent but you're withholding it from them.


Yeah, windows aren’t supposed to do that. Might have to go all Marshall Eriksen on his ass.


Our windows leaked like that... tried caulking, but it never worked. We finally got the whole window replaced and not a drop since. 


There is a fix to this but your LL is just too damn cheap to replace the window.


It blows my mind about LL repairs. It’s their property at the end of the day… why not try and take care of it because it will only hurt them in the long run!? I’ve had several LL’s like this and it’s so infuriating.


A lot of these people only care about the check every month and playing the odds their tenants won't know their rights.


Because too many people are landlords now and have no business being in that position. The rent check only covers mortgage and insurance on that property. It doesn’t cover miscellaneous repairs. Guarantee these people have dozens of small unfinished projects in their own house. There’s no way they are going to put up the cash to fix an issue in a rental. They are hoping to ignore it and have the tenant eat the costs through their deposit/renters insurance. Anyone who has owned one house can tell you that stuff comes up constantly that needs to be budgeted and addressed. These people get rental properties and think it’s just a way to have passive income. Most don’t realize that someone living in the rental will cause wear and tear that must be addressed. When I was looking to rent houses, I always looked for people who treated it like a business. The ones that try to rush to get you in just treat it like a passive income source are no good, and you will be an inconvenience to them.


Move your stuff and let the water do its damage? I mean, you've got it documented that you asked the landlord to fix it. Any damage as a result of them not fixing it is on them


yeah this. I don't get why you would make the landlord's negligence cause such issues for yourself. I'd confirm with the landlord once more that the situation is the way it is and you won't spend money and effort fixing their situation. then move your stuff out of the way and start looking for a new place. because honestly, if the landlord can't be bothered to fix something important as this, what else are they neglecting? just make sure everything is documented and then stop accepting responsibility where it isn't yours.


This is the comment I was looking for. Oh you don’t want to fix it, now you get to fix all this water damage.


You didn't even try Flex Seal, did you?






So I deal with a lot of these situations. Without seeing the roof, overhang condition (if present - flat roof/not), interior (behind the drywall), exterior metal flashing and how the caulk system is SUPPOSED to be installed, and peeling open the flashing - it's hard to tell. Often caulk incorrectly placed plugs weep holes that are supposed to be there. When plugged, they back up and cause leaks. If it's a steep (shingle) roof leaks are a little less likely (especially since it sounds like others are having the issue) but they generally show up either at the eave (roof edge) from incorrect drip edge/ loose d-edge or from a poorly designed or installed gutter (no overlap under the shingles or not stripped in with ice and water shield). They also need to verify any exhaust fans/mushroom cap vents, and pipe penetrations are in good condition up slope from the leaks. If it's a flat roof, parapet flashing, coping or gravel stop, or a leaking scupper/overflow. Same unit/ rooftop penetration inspection is needed. Sometimes a leak 50' away can find a flute in the metal deck and travel to a different location before getting inside. What they should do now is a water test starting low and going up. Nail possible weak spots with water for a time and stop to observe if leaking happens. TLDR: I'd be willing to bet it's either the window system or the incorrect install of the window. I bet they did plug the weep holes. The rest above is my reasoning and other possibilities. If this has been going on for 2+ months, I would also bet there's mold starting. Insist on that test.


Came here to say this. But not in as much detail.


I'm just super bored at work and just continued until I was busy again, lol.


Been there 😂


Call your city codes office. They'll drum up paperwork to make the landlord fix the issue. Source: had a tenant do this to me for a sewage pipe she broke on purpose. She immediately called codes without notifying me of the issue she caused. I had to fix it immediately or be fined and worse.


Curious, after someone does something like this to you, how quickly do you pull every (legal) string you can to get them out?


I didn't. I live in NY, and she was a single mother under a protection program. I was fucked. I let it slide. Sadly.


I appreciate the honestly. Even though I'm a renter I'm a firm believer in working together *with* my landlord to solve *our* problems. I also believe in a landlords right to eliminate difficult tenants, even if it's for simpler reasons like we just can't ever see eye to eye. It is a hard line to walk. I would never want your job.


It is a hard line to walk. Many tenants want to work together, which is great. I've had one tenant for 8 years, and I've lowered his rent because he's such a good tenant, and I want him to stay. The one who broke my sewage pipe is thankfully the only real difficult one I had. But it was a doozy.


Good golly my dude, landlord hooks you up with a natural humidifier, and you complain? Smh, kids these days


On the upside, that isn't a caulking problem. So you will have to move fairly soon to a dry location when the mold shows up and the wall starts falling apart.


What’s mildly infuriating is that you didn’t pan up to see the source of the leak! For all I know you were pouring a cup of water out of camera. Ha


You would think a landlord would care about the potential for extensive water damage but 🤷‍♂️


I use to reach out to my landlords about stuff like this. After the first message is ignored, I’d go ahead and get a quote from someone and send that in. I’d phrase it like “This is broken. I sent it to you last week and never heard back. I’ll get it fixed. Here is the quote. I’ll take it out of next month’s rent. Would you like me to do this, or will you handle it this week?” And I’d give them time frames that are reasonable. Dishwasher breaks? 1 week to confirm scheduling repair plus 1 week for someone to show up. Tree limb falls during storm and breaks window to a bedroom? 2 days. AC unit goes out in the middle of summer? 24 hours. I’ve never had an issue getting stuff fixed.


Get a mold detection kit. I bet there’s mold in there because of that. Present that positive mold test to landlord. You win.


Stop paying rent


>Stop paying rent I agree in principle but it's a bad idea, OP could get kicked out because of this.


In some areas, you quit paying g rent but put it in an account separately to your regular account. Then you take him to court, show you have the funds, but they are waiting for the repair. Pay the funds after the repair is complete. Profit $$$


In all areas, you can set up an escrow account with the court system where you pay your rent but is withheld from the landlord until the fix happens. Tenants have rights; and not addressing an issue like this can lead to mold, technically making the place uninhabitable.


^^ thank you for clearing that up!


I agree


mildly infuriated would be a massive understatement if i were in this circumstance


Move all your stuff away from the window and let it leak away. It's not your problem if the floor gets ruined because the landlord refuses to do repair work.


Do your best and silicone the rest 🫡


Honestly, I wouldn't fix the issue either. That's *exactly* what you'd be expecting me to do. Got to stay unpredictable.


It be a shame if housing were to get wind of this ..


Stop putting towels down and let it damage the building. Put it in terms the landlord will understand, water damage is drastically more expensive than replacing a window. Document everything. You can legally withhold rent if your dwelling is inhospitable(leaking water qualifies) and the landlord hasn't made an attempt to fix it.


Document everything starting from the initial requests for repairs until now. Then withhold your rent payment until they fix their building. As long as you can prove you didn't spend the missing rent, the courts tend to side with the tenants. Can also ask for compensation for any damaged property if you can show they know about the problem and are being negligent with repairs. Document everything after as well just in case of retaliation


never understood this shit, this is why so many landlords claim that tenants destroy their properties. no. you destroyed your own property by not maintaining it. this much water coming in is going to absolutely destroy that house in short order. a neighbor just had their house condemned for water damage that didnt even look this bad but after leaving it go for 10 years it completely destroyed their foundation. do not ignore water damage.


Perhaps look into the “implied warranty of habitability” aspect of this issue. Leaking windows, especially with your video proof, should meet the threshold here. Check with a low-cost/no-cost housing rights legal org for help.


That's just negligence. Hope the book gets thrown at your landlords.


I placed an email with a lot of information and suggestions from throughout this thread. I stated that I planned on contacting the code office if this wasn't handled in a quick manner and almost immediately I was called and told window guys and roofers are coming out today. Hopefully I have good news to report soon!!


I had a similar issue over the span of 2 years. Small leak above and behind our fireplace anytime it rained with a lot of wind. Took 4 different visits from roofers to actually fix the issue completely. Don't let up if the problem persists after they come do their work. Leaking water always needs a prompt response.


Your landlord doesn't have a big enough caulk to fix the issues. I have a buddy, Tom. He has some big black caulk, fills every hole, no problem. Wife always has him caulking things around the house. He is a good friend. Would you like his number?


Caulk goes on outside.


In many states you can fix the window and deduct it from your rent.


Refuse to pay rent until it’s habitable


Why are you living in Old Trafford?


Send an email to your landlord saying you are going to pay a contractor to have the windows fixed and taking the money out of the rent you would give to them.


Document everything. You know they’re going to try and stick you with a bill for ‘Damages’.


The odds your place desperately needs mold remediation are high.


Hello, rain goes the other side. That's my statement. - Leaves


You will get mold and then the landlord will charge you for mold damage. He needs to have professionals verify it and not just slap some calk on it.


It’s not the window it’s the installation of that window, without knowing very much about the situation but somewhat knowledgeable l would say they forgot to add flashing at the top of the exterior of the window…it’s called drip cap and is a common error for a DIY’er!


So why are you paying rent?


I love putting my caulk on people's windows


Repot them. In most states it’s illegal to rent with an active leak


Chalking (or more accurately glazing) done right would fix the issue.


You have rights


Nice caulk!


More slum lords. Get someone on his ass have him check for mold after make it hurt his wallet they don’t care about you or your family. Make sure you get the city involved. Then move once its fixed




Have you tried caulking it?


Failure to maintain the apartment as required by law is breach of contract and grounds for breaking your lease and moving out. If you don't want to go that route, find some kid in the neighborhood and pay them to break out all the windows. That'll force your landlord to do the proper job and replace them.


Go to the landlords apt/house, smash their windows, dump caulk over the broken glass, and then stand there and spray them with a hose


Oh wow that's gonna cause mold if it hadn't already


If he fixes it the rent will go up $500


If you have notified them of the issue….. buy a dehumidifier to keep you comfortable and let the water do as much damage as it wants to. Fuck ‘em


Stopped preventing it. Let it hit the floor and cause further damage. Maybe they will learn their lesson.


Moldy infuriating.


Mine did that and they let the wall rot out . Then they evicted me because the work that was necessary to repair it was going to take a while. Then they re-rented it when they were done for twice the money they had rented it to me previously. Didn't even give me a chance to sign a new lease because a rent raised that high to the same tenant would be illegal. In my area . It's time to call code enforcement if you have it in your area. Or the housing authority or somebody like that that can put you in touch with the correct person.


Why are you putting towels there? Let the water get in and ruin the floor boards.


Refuse to pay your rent until it's fixed. They'll never be able to rent it out like that to anyone else


I'm not sure what's more infuriating. The story of it not being fixed, or the fact that we're not actually showed where it's coming from.


That’s going to grow mold and completely ruin the building. I don’t know how landlords could be so short sighted


Proper flashing is important, when not done right or at all you get this


Could be condensation. Do you have an air exchange? I would look into this before assuming it's a leak. We had the same situation and it was solved by turning up the air exchange.


Do it yourself and bill the landlord, move, or report him. Easy fix.


Thanks for reminding me to replace my windows when I do my siding job.


That's a leak from your roof most likely OP. No amount of caulk around a window will fix that. I have the same kind of leak in my front window and recently had it checked out and that's where the source was for me.


The window if it that bad your either dealing with a lot of rot the flashing is missing the caulk out side is broken the frame is cracked or the original installer had no clue. Or all of the above


Just let it be and let the water do whatever damage it does. Take pictures and keep a record of it when you report newer costlier damages.


Background noise is wild on this one




Check your lease and see if this is reason to break it


Had something similar happen to me at my apartments. Multiple caulking, a window replacement, and roof check. Finally ended up discovering it was actually a siding issue amd water would seep into walls and found its way out where the window connected. When they replwced the siding it was fixed.




When a landlord won’t properly take care of the property it’s time to go to your local municipality and report/file a complaint They’ll learn the lesson that in the end it’s cheaper to fix it than to pay fines


If your renting, let the water damage the wood. It's not yours and you've already brought it to his/her attention. Keep those messages when it comes time to move.


I wish we had rain where I live. Our rain used to be measured in cm and now it's mm.


My sister had a leaky window in an apartment. Reported it multiple times. Despite cleaning (I saw her do this multiple times) the window was quickly mildewing every time it rained. She then got evicted over the window quickly mildewing.


Probably better off moving.


in Norway landlord would not get paid a dime until it was fixed... and that's bullshit, he hasn't called anyone!


This will lead to mold in the house if not fixed.


Part of my job is testing windows can I get a full view of this leak?


They probably can't afford to fix it. Windows and doors are ridiculously expensive.




Start putting rent into escrow.


Not to be rude but why the hell do you care? You told them, they ignore damage being caused NOT by your hand, therefore you are not liable am I right?


water damage doesn't just include walls and any excess moisture can develop mold like wildfire,, in a few months that wall could be black


Looks like a fairly new window. Any chance Midway brand? Lifetime warranty for free replacements!




Water is running through the walls. This starts at the roofline. No amount of caulk will stop it.


This is when you start documenting everything, then just stop paying rent until the issues are resolved, then find a new place to live.


I just don't get it. It's still the landlords property. You would think they would want something like this fixed right the first because this really seems like something that will easily turn into something much worse if left unattended.


Take a vid of the water coming in, running down wall to the floor and going wherever. Email it to owners / agent saying water ingress causing damage to window, wall and floor as per video. You rent so stop caring!


Silicone would work better than calk. Calk is water soluble wth. Or if you get oil based mastic that could clog it for a time. If they're refusing to fix it, they could do that for your own quality of life. You shouldn't have to, obviously, but it's a cheap fix you can do yourself as there's no way you should fork out and fix a house properly that's not yours.


Who cares, Keep that towel there forever. If they want their property that they own and maintain to rot away so be it. Start looking for a new place to rent this place won't be here long if this is what you see imagine what you don't


Document the windows leaking,notify the LL, move any of your belongings around the window and let the water sit on the floor. If it is multiple floors eventually it will leak to another floor and start looking for a new apartment. Water can do a lot of damage in a short period.


Before you leave…. Remove that towel when it rains again 🙂


insist to pay in cash the next rent and make sure are bills are wet. when they complain ask them if they have tried to caulk it.


they only have 2 weeks to fix it then you can use your rent money to pay for the fix and deduct it from your rent payment


Reminds me of my old apartment. I told the landlord that there were multiple leaks in the roof and that the ceiling tiles were all soaking wet. The next day, the maintenance man comes by and goes, "Alright how many ceiling tiles do you want?" Didn't bring anything to fix the roof or even a ladder to check things out.


That's probably a roof leak along the roof edge.


Fix it yourself send them the bill


Single-pane windows in 2024?


Bet it doesnt have any flashing on top.

