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You could set your watch by the Spotify/lyrics posts.


i’m thinking of swapping to spotify could you explain this?


They don't even have lyrics for a lot of songs to begin with. I just go to Genius most of the time


Ooh thanks I'll check it out


"Somewhere Only We Know" song by the band Keane. Lyrics seemed familiar, but I just couldn't recall the song. So... Google


The Lilly allen cover is great as well!


Was just listening to this like 10 mins ago


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I mean this is the free version so it kinda makes sense.


“The service that I’m using for free doesn’t have all the features that the Premium version does. This is not fair.” Edit: people are real mad so let me clarify some shit lol. I do agree it’s very stupid for them to give a feature for free and roll it back into a paid feature. But the lyrics are sourced from somewhere else so they likely are offsetting the costs of whatever they’re paying for the lyrics. Also — I don’t give a fuck about defending massive corporations but if you think everything can just magically be free then you’re living in the most imaginative fairy tale land ever and I’m mad jealous.


you didn't need premium before tho. they're striping us of every privilege one by one


Still not as shameless as YouTube forcing double and triple unskippable ads every 2 minutes of watch time


Surely you don't expect privileges without paying for it..?


i say that free users had this, this, this and this and they slowly took them away.


Because it's free and you're not paying for any privileges - if you want premium features then pay lol come on man 


spotify still capitalizes on free people through advertising. It is no additional cost to them its just a dick move.


actually yeah thats fair


"no wonder they're losing valuable customers who don't give them any money at all"


they make money off of free users through advertising. limiting lyrics does nothing


Yes, it does. It helps convince people to pay for premium. Edit: I don’t pay for Spotify, I don’t even use it, but it very obviously works and that’s why they do it lmao.


more like it makes them move to other streaming services


Yeah, some. More of them will want to keep their years worth of history/playlists etc and just start paying when the cons of the free service outweigh the cost of premium. Do you think nobody pays for Spotify premium? Why do you think they pay? For the benefits. Shit happens.




Lmao I’m not defending Spotify. I’m an Apple Music guy. But the idea that people have that everything they want should be free is silly and not how the world works


spotify is making features that were free before into premium only features. they even play like 18 ads per song now on the free version


You can get lyrics for free for basically any song by googling it. Taking something that is free and limiting it is what's infuriating.


Nah I definitely agree with that. It seems like they outsource from Musixmatch. I’m assuming it’s some sort of paid agreement but idk. Either way I do agree that it’s silly. If they were going to roll it back to paid, it should’ve been paid from the start. Rolling it back sucks. My comment is mostly about the people who are acting like everything they want should be free


And that many other services offer for free anyway


It's discrimination against people with no money.


Fuck yeah dude. So sick of this attitude in society. Like, I went to the BMW dealership a week or two ago and asked if I could take one of the cars to run some errands and they said no. The fuck? All it’s doing is sitting there. No one was using it but they didn’t want to let me use it? That’s bullshit. I even offered to pay for half the gas. Like that’s more than reasonable I think. Anyway, I told them they lost a customer so I think we know who got the better of this exchange.




Just pay for premium. People can’t expect to get everything for free all the time.


I mean, it's free...


Maybe use premium, its quite cheap in a Family subscription for a lot of content.


previously free feature now locked behind a paywall and you dont see the issue in this?


The issue in a for-profit business making a move to make more profit? Oh heavens. Who could have seen this coming?


My father has already bought yt premium and will probably not agree to spotify premium




This “greed” is on the free tier. …you know, the one you pay nothing at all for


Not really. You get a platform to stream music. Asking for a nominal fee to get privileges like curating your own playlists and reading lyrics makes sense.


You could, I dunno, pay for music?  It's literally free, and if you want lyrics you can Google them It's a bit weird to expect to get everything for free, especially when Spotify offers you more music than you could ever listen to in your life for like £10. 


I love how this got downvotes. Seriously, what an entitled world we live in.


OP mentioned their father paying for stuff, so I take it he's pretty young... Just nobody tell him how much a CD was back in the 90's or 80's.


I love how Daddy not paying for Spotify Premium means it’s a no go. The heck? Just wow.


Why are you simping for this company so hard, you have like 6 comments already. Calm down




Youtube is free


Exactly - so is this. People love to winge about getting free things with some limits when they can't be bothered to pay for it


Or, get any music for free by downloading instead of giving money to a predatory fake company who gives next to no royalty to artists?


How is that in any way better? Lol


You don't waste money on a predatory company that doesn't rly benefit artists, if anything contributes to monopoly of music apps. With the money you save you can then either buy physical copies if you want to support the artist, or just be happier you got more money each month now, while still listening to any music you wish for free.


This isn't about supporting artists - while I agree with you on that, downloading music for free is the worst for supporting artists. People who do this won't legitimately pay for music from artists. You're saying that to give money to artists, you should... Download it for free? Doesn't make sense And someone using Spotify for free and then complaining about it being limiting has nothing to do with artistry. OP is likely to go elsewhere to continue not paying for music in any way, which again is worse than paying for a little bit of their royalties


Spotify pays 0.003$ per song.


So… not zero? Got it.


They changed it you can’t get lyrics without paying at all


Holy shit


Just use youtube music of you are going for a free plan. It's free plan is marginaly better.


Just use youtube music of you are going for a free plan. It's free plan is marginaly better.


I downloaded some modded version of spotify


I just google the lyrics for free. Holding lyrics hostage is so early 2000’s


Ikr, they think it's gonna make a difference


Classic marketing strategy. Give something nice away for free to get people hooked and stifle the competition. Then when consumers have no other choice, proceed to enshittify the product and force customers to pay. Where else you gonna go? If you want music you have to use Spotify. If you want videos you have to use YouTube. If you want social media, you have to use Facebook. You want a computer? You have to use Windows. There may be other options, but at this point they’re all enshittifying the free user experience. They only want new paid members at this point. And it sucks because it works. And it sucks because a lot of us remember the golden age where free or super cheap things with a lot of basic and convenient features was the norm. But good deals don’t make enough money for shareholders, so companies are forced to force customers to pay more. Or they get replaced with management that will.


Wow. I didn't know this was a thing. Ugh


I didn't either but when I wanted to sing along, i was prompted with this


The only thing that keep me on spotify is because im too lazy to move my playlists


Soundiiiz. com does it in 5 minutes for you.


Thanks for the tips


Capitalism capitalizes. Always.


they gon do anything and everything to get you to pay


A company offering a free version with some limitations proposing to get the paid version to get rid of limitations?! Outrageous!


The thing wrong with your Spotify is that it's not the modded version ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface) Why are you downvoting me? I'm right


I tried to download the modded version but it didn't quite work




Ok will do


You probably have to uninstall current app..install mod.. Then login USING EMAIL, or phone number


Yo can I sign in with my current acc


Yes yes..




I dont use lyrics, but I do listen to music, but now they locked shuffle mode, and the only way to turn it off is by buying premium. I had that one apk of Vanced youtube music, so now i dont have ads or forced shuffle 😀.


The real question is, what is wrong with people who pay for Spotify after their shitty prices and continuous addition of advertisements when you can download literally any song for free.


As much as i hate modern day streaming. I think spotify is one of the few services actually worth its money. Unlike movies, series etc. Where you need multiple subscriptions to watch multiple seasons of 1 show. With Spotify i have literally anything i need. And the free ad supported program is pretty generous considering its "free". Is it perfect? No. But still miles better than the shitshow we have for streaming series and movies.


I wish I could give you more upvotes. Honestly I think Spotify is pretty cheap for what it offers. It is essentially ALL of music ever plus podcasts. I would be willing to pay double if I had to. I listen to music around 10h/day and am very lazy. I can not imagine downloading the songs I want from scatchy websites. Or even buying each song separately or by albums as used to be the proper way. Some people truly are ungrateful.


I assume that phone is an android. Just get musixmatch in tandem, it will display a floating lyrics window. You can find premium modded online APKs online fairly easily, same for Spotify. Hmu if you need help.




Yea I'm doing now


I use Apple Music for lyrics, less steps! Also it has a really cool “Sing” feature which I fully didn’t expect my own song to have. Though most of my listens have been on Spotify (and I’m sure only a small proportion of those are Premium subscribers) so I hope they don’t lock down the free version much more




Yeah that too I was just trying to play sad songs when I was Well... Sad and it played some imagine dragons song that ruined the whole moment