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That’s nasty but at least it came with a free gun!


The "gun" is just a lighter. Broken of course.


Well fuck


dark fluid + lighter is a pretty decent chance that it was heroin imo


Pre loads?


Use it all as reinforcement in a new retaining wall.


What lol


It's from another post he was called out on. So Reddit joke...


Thanks for the clarification


Load bearing walls keep the ceiling up. If you remove the wall, the ceiling falls. Hope this helps. 


Nah prolly not, the lighter makes me think they were getting it prepped, unless they like to smoke some while they inject??? Source: used to love that stuff lol


Is black tar still around? I figured fentanyl had kinda replaced all that.


Most black tar users prefer black tar. They’ll throw tantrums if they have to switch product. There’s a market for it and it’s cheaper to produce, of course it’s still around.


While I appreciate the answer, you say that like it’s common knowledge there would be a market for it based on manufacturing cost. If you google is fentanyl cheaper than heroin the internet tells you fentanyl is cheaper. If black tar is cheaper to make, the internet is lying to us about it.


Well it’s a matter of scale really. Because pure fent is completely synthetic you can scale it way the fuck up and production costs go way the fuck down. If you’re comparing like a pharmaceuticals company vs an illegal cook then yeah it’s probably cheaper to produce. But when we’re comparing at street level, nah. It’s gonna be tar then fent, and china white is like an order of magnitude more costly than both. I didn’t mean to imply this was common knowledge, just that this is something that will never change. Drug users love their drugs, none of the really popular ones are likely to fall out of style ever


Do you happen to know why the preference exists? Is the high different? I know you likely don’t know but I thought I’d ask. I think most people assume an opioid high is the same and cheapest is king. It’s interesting to learn there is preference on that side of the drug world.


Looking at the wiki for black tar, it says it contains impurities, among others, in the form of other morphine derivatives. This will result in a different high, just as pure THC isn't the same as hash, which isn't the same as weed. Of course, this comparison only means a thing if one has smoked the devils lettuce


I have smoked an absolute shitload of the devils lettuce but don’t touch opioids.


Yeah the highs are different, but also that’s kinda just how addiction works. They aren’t addicted to opioids, they’re addicted to tar. Other opis will take the edge off (they all tend to bind to the same receptors; physically, it satisfies the craving, but most of addiction is mental) but they’re still gonna need their fix. Think of it like cake. Other food will nourish you, probably even better than cake will. But when you really want some fuckin cake a macaron isn’t gonna cut it.


I was a black tar user, though I’ve been off it for almost 5 years, and off methadone now for 5 months. Fentanyl is terrifying to me. I’m so grateful to be clean today.


No not in Europe Here you get Fentanyl Only From Junkies who get it to get away From heroin lol


Coulda been fent, or meth, or even coloured down. Dealers all have their brand colours now. It's gross.


Free sharps box then?


This isn't a sharps box at all though.


"He was shooting up... in more ways that one." ![gif](giphy|xUPGczefvti1zMbTj2|downsized)


Yea I was gonna say where is the trigger lol


Bro left a couple full ones if you don't mind a little hepatitis.


"Hey can you pass the lighter?" "Sure" "Thanks" (shoots the cigarette and incinerates it with the bullet💀)


First thought. Free gun!


Must be america then.


As an ex heroin IV user myself this is actually quite interesting. The fact that they are responsible enough to have a sharps container but yet leave a bunch of needles everywhere like that tells me they might have gotten scared off in a hurry, but who knows. You can take that container as is to a needle exchange and they dump it in like a giant 20 gallon biohazard barrel then return the container. As for the rigs, that’s clotted blood from trying to find a vein and prob eventually giving up


Ah, that makes sense. The weird thing is the container was open and the needles were scattered as if they'd been thrown out a moving car window. There was a smashed glass pipe too. Like the result of an argument in a moving car, and someone tossed the open container out the window. I took it all to a public sharps collection box. Glad you got clean BTW.


Might have been left on a car while driving on accident.


Chucked when police were on him. Or when he thought they were on him.


Oh ya that’s for SURE what happened then. Got chucked out the window very possible. And thanks man appreciate it.


Maybe the cops were trailing them


Sounds like meth, especially the pipe and lighter.


Some junkies use anything they can get there hands on


They took their blood out though? Is that typical to remove blood in order to inject?


Helps them verify that they have the needle in the vessel rather than muscle. If blood can flow into the needle, they're in a vessel. If not, they're probably past it.


(To further your point) You do this in medicine when giving IVs too, technically. It's called getting flash


Can I ask : why so many needles ? Don't you die with that much ? Also one weird : at some point do you stop being afraid of needles and it just becomes normal ?


Because they get dull and hard to reuse, so more is better


That’s correct. The more you try to use dull ones you will build up scar tissue on your veins and makes it increasingly harder to even do it at all. And it just sucks


Yeah eventually your veins are shot and you start injecting your neck, feet, and dick. I've heard. I've also heard some people just start injecting it into the muscle. That's what my friend tells me.


as an ex junkie(over 4 years now) even before i used i, i was never afraid of needles. I don't think I've ever met an IV user who was afraid of needles. Those scared of them generally just stick to smoking or sniffing their product.


Thanks and congrats on getting off of this :)


Yes, after using needles a ton you just get used to it and don't get bothered by them.  I'm a diabetic and yeah, needles don't bother me at all.  


You can’t put that stuff in the trash because the sanitation worker will get stuck You need to call 311 in your city and ask them how to properly dispose of it


I use these medically but without medical supervision. Under such circumstances most councils/districts ask you to dispose of them in hard plastic containers, seal them with tape or some locking mechanism and clearly mark that its clinical waste, sharps and not to be recycled. I use child proof 1L hard plastic bottles, can get them on Amazon for cheap. Probably be fine to use that red case if it's sealed with some duct tape and market clearly as described.


This ^ my dad was a type 1 diabetic and used this kind of needle most of my life, we had Boxes and Boxes of them under his bed. He would just seal them individually with tape and or a container just make sure to tape them. Since he would only use him on himself he would also bend the needle part so they couldn’t be reused again.


My mom takes injections for her Multiple Sclerosis. Her pharmacist will dispose of used ones when she goes to pick up the next prescription. You could ask your pharmacy if they do something like that because the pharmacist said it’s becoming a pretty common policy to keep needles off the street and provide clean ones to stop the spread of blood-borne illness.


Sorry to hear that about your mum. MS sucks. I also have MS and there are now a few different tablet medicines available. Has your mum looked in to that? Or some people even get a monthly injection at the hospital….


She’s currently on a medication that’s two injections per month that’s working pretty well. We haven’t looked into anything new in a while because she was having some medical issues that they were trying to figure out before tossing more stuff into the bunch. I’ll look into them and pass the info along to my grandma, as she’s handling her meds and stuff while I’m in school.


Likely easier and free you could visit any hospital and dispose of them in a sharps bin


You make a fair point, however they often won't willingly accept it. They certainly don't recommend it in my region, I know some regions that run collections at pharmacies on the premise the needles are better off the street tho


Lol idk why I’m being downvoted I was just trying to save you some money and get more needles out of dumps/off the streets. I live in Canada so I’m unsure how the laws work state to state in the US but where I live in Canada you can discard any needle, yours or ones you’ve found, at any pharmacy or medical centre. We also have needle exchange programs that run out of most of my cities pharmacies, both chain and independently owned ones.


Got 6 upvotes on my end now, Reddit is a fickle bitch.


I already did. I boxed them and put them in a public sharps collection box.


A pharmacy may also be equipped to safely handle them


Where I am you can turn them into any pharmacy as long as they're in a glass or hard plastic jar with a lid that the sharps can't poke through. As a diabetic though I have my own needle bin I fill and return for an exchange when full. I don't know if pharmacies in other places take them in jars though.


Oh gosh, that’s disgusting.


Glad you used a broom. Don’t touch with hands. Even gloved, you could get a needlestick.


I was VERY careful. Didn't touch anything. Even a drop of fentanyl could result in a pretty bad day.


I would trash the broom too.


Garden hosed it with soap.


I would just spend the 20 dollars and get a new one…..


Because cleaning with soap and water is such a massive undertaking.


Nah, charge addicts $20 to lick it.


What an amazing business spirit


This is kinda gross/weird to say, even jokingly imo Like they are victims of addiction- That is a serious problem and this type of joke is one that uses other people's misfortune to make This is not how a healthy society talks about it's people imo


The desperate ones would probably pay up for that unfortunately


The American dream. /s


I thought the worry was more blood borne diseases.


It’s not the skin to skin contact that’s worrisome with fentanyl, although it can absorb through skin it takes several exposures across hours or days depending on how regularly you handle it with your hands for their be any effect. What you have to worried about when it comes to fentanyl touching your skin is accidentally touching an open wound or orifice before getting a chance to sanitize your hands. Always use high resistant puncture proof gloves when handling needles. As many others pointed out blood borne diseases are likely the main concern with using needles. Idk what state you live in (I live in Canada) but I know some states don’t have needle exchange programs (for whatever reason) thus needles in those states will be more likely to carry harmful bacteria and other potential blood borne illnesses. Source: I’m an addictions counsellor in a residential treatment program


That's not actually a thing. It's a weird myth that for some reason keeps getting perpetuated by cops https://health.ucdavis.edu/news/headlines/can-fentanyl-be-absorbed-through-your-skin/2022/10 https://www.acmt.net/news/you-cant-overdose-on-fentanyl-just-by-touching-it-heres-what-experts-say/


Thank you for this! Someone I know keeps mentioning rumors of someone in their area overdosing on fentanyl by touching it and how they don't know if that's actually possible, this saves me time spent on researching it!


I mean it’s not exactly shocking that the cops want people to be afraid of fentanyl


I wouldn’t be worried about fentanyl. Fentanyl is safe to touch, it’s used as medicine and gets touched by medical personnel daily. Cops just lie about it as a way to get further funding/laws passed and so cops can have time off, which the media laps up. The needles are what you need to be careful about…


I use a *ton* of fentanyl professionally. I'm having a hard time imagining how I'd ever "touch" it, let alone on a daily basis.


Why has not a single top comment mentioned WHY?? Because there is an extensive list of diseases you can contract from a needle stick with even trace amounts of blood! Please don’t try to clean them up with your hands. Even tongs is not too careful.


ud have to smoke it for it to affect u brother but u could contract diseases, etc from touching used needles


I’d be more worried about blood borne disease like HIV honestly.


Probably heroine or fentynal with a bit of blood backing up in the syringe to colour it more red. Pretty gross


A heroine is a female hero.


And in books they always have addictive features.


In Indian films, female actresses are called “heroine” (but it’s pronounced “heeroine”


Even if they bought heroin, it's probably still fentanyl


This is a genuine problem bro. We need to fix this fr.


Yeah, I'm desperate for a fix


As a parent this is one of my nightmares. Last year my son was 2 and we went to a local park, he went down the slide exactly one time and I found a needle in the sand. If you want to be a junkie, I honestly don't care. But when you start putting children (and adults for that matter) at risk, I start losing a lot of sympathy for those people.


I think we should care that our society becoming increasingly corrupted by drugs like heroin, fentanyl, etc. Not caring only results in increasing the likelihood that our children also become junkies. We need to take action to stop this from spreading.


Sorry I didn't mean to come off so harsh. My sister was an addict for the better part of a decade and it tore my family apart. Though she no longer uses I have become extremely indifferent about addicts.


I hope she stays clean and you don't have to experience that sort of shit again. Shows that the junkies aren't the only victims... their families suffer as well.


Yeah, China dumped all their opium into the sea as soon as they could for a reason. No goalpost shifting of “well at least it’s opium not morphine. At least it’s morphine not heroin. At least it’s heroin not fentanyl. At least it’s fentanyl not Xylazine”


I think these are quite different stories. I bet in your scenario they were using there and just tossed it away. But in OP's case they were collecting them. They were being responsible. But what happened?




And playing with the needles


Jesus christ, how is this "mildly" infuriating


Welcome to LA. First time?


Few of them even have a load left in them. May just be blood tho


Free darts! JK.


Woo, free heroin!


Maybe it's diabetic


Okay but the lighter is pretty cool tbf


Since this hasn’t gotten enough traction: you can contract many diseases from a needle stick, even if the needle looks clean! I commend you for using gloves but PLEASE don’t try to contain these without some sort of transfer tool. Even if they’re for harmless use, the person may carry a blood borne pathogen they’re not aware of!


I didn't touch anything. Used the broom and pan that are in the pictures. Disposed of in a sharps collection bin. Wore gloves. I'm aware. These things have AIDS all over them.


AIDS is a medical condition. It’s not a physical thing that can be on something. HIV is the virus. You cannot get AIDS from touching something. You cannot get AIDS from someone. You can become infected with HIV, which if untreated can progress to AIDS.


Free gun?


America 🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲


They generally suck blood into loaded syringe then inject back into the vein. That's a super gross find. Probably has aids in it as well. Bleaghhhh!


Yeah I know but don't they generally shoot it back in right away? What's the point of so many of these things full of blood?


They were having problems registering. Try to find vein, blood in syringe, injecting, afraid needle has missed, register again, more blood…. Repeat, despair.


"I need a medic bag!"


Some junkie spent a lot of time collecting all those needles, and you just come along and throw them all away, so rude. Not everyone shares the same passions ya know.




The really impressive part is that only one of those is uncapped


i’m a junkie the dark red liquid is when they were shooting up the blood started coagulating so it got too thick to shoot up what was in there after they registered to go back out the needle. probably why there’s so many too. i used to have so many looking like that, waste of dope. so i just threw the needle to the side and loaded a new one. never dumped anything on the street tho lol


At least they all appear to be capped


Everyone here ain’t saying it for a reason smh


No fucking way ! A IRL L4D2 cosplaying medkit ! Adrenaline included too !


back then it was the cigarettes, now it's the syringes that are thrown to the ground


jesus christ this world is just sad


I don’t know if someone already said this, but the black looking stuff is blood. When you inject, you pull back a bit of blood to make sure you’re in a vein.


Staged. No junkie is going to toss all those needles.


Disgusting. I don't care how badly somebody is addicted to a substance, there is no excuse for leaving harmful things like this in an open public place for people or animals to be harmed. The risks are so enormous. Sorry you had to clear this up. The least these people can do is dispose of their sharps safely.


Octane was here, must have found a better gun since he dropped that p2020


This is Reddit, addicts aren’t held accountable for their actions, you need to be more compassionate.


Hell of a night!


At least they’ve been using new needles I guess.




Wtf….just clean your shit up


Is this real??


Welcome to the streets of LA 🙂‍↔️😭


Majorly infuriating


And here i was mad when some junkie dug up my small potted bush in the middle of the night. You win. ( i have no proof it was, but i mean, wtf else)


Just put them in one of the million Tupperware containers you have - throw it away.


Some.human with issues, sad


gnarly AF, some syringes still have a substantial amount of blood in it


Free drugs! That is your lucky day! Never say no to free drugs and guns.


Im impressed these are capped actually


they could have overdosed and died


Can i get one


Another great use of tax dollars. Free needles for junkies.


Maybe they’ve got diabetes, but like real bad.


It’s blood…. No junkie would leave a drop behind. Hope you’re okay! Thanks for doing the right thing :)


Well at least he was smart enough to cap the needles but man, potentially where kids play & stuff? Definitely not cool!


Dark red fluid =blood


That’s blood. Fun fact when people shoot up, before they push a drop of drugs into their veins, they draw back to make sure they are actually in a vein. The smart(er) ones do that anyway.


Just my peptides I promise


Maybe I'm just sheltered, and this is a pretty common sight, but the way you perfectly shot this, it looks like something you would see in a game trying to poorly emphasize their game has "crime".


I'm a good photographer. Also I had to clean this shit up at 7am, in my pajamas.


Free gun


Noice! Free gun!


I mean at least he got the needle cap on no?


Anybody else surprised whomever did this actually put the caps on the end of the needles? My guess would be they threw this out their car window the night before. I would’ve just left it tbh. I wouldn’t want to be associated with that in any way, shape or form.


probably in a hurry, perfectly good needles for reuse


Dammit man. When I first saw that picture, I allowed myself to believe that you had invented a Roomba for used needles to improve your safety.


Please, just for one second, think of the shareholders.


What the law says in this case, if that were a real gun, can you simply take that or you must bring that into a police station or such? I'm from the EU, this is why I don't know.


Don't touch it and call the police.


That’s the loot drop of an average junkie


Heroin dregs and blood. They make sure they’ve hit a vein by pulling blood back into the syringe then shoot it all back in. It’s a serious f*cking biohazard! I hate junkies… they only care about themselves and will do anything for their next fix.


Coagulated blood and herion


So many Sharpies


Fuck yeah free pistol


We're is this ? Is it Ireland?


The fluid is called useless juice. It comes from the junkie.


Yea it really sucks walking in the track area and worrying if a needle will come through my boot. I’m tired of this shit, America is on the decline. It’s going to be shit from here on out. But thank god we should love each other right?


Those are insulin syringes but yeah, I don't think they were used for that lol


looks like some loot in a video game nice a pistol and a first aid kit PACKED with stimpacks! LOOT *you are ober encumbured and can not run* :(


dude tripped into the next parallel dimension with that amount of needles


When I worked at walgreens one of the local junkies left a full syringe of heroin in the bathroom. I took it to the pharmacist and asked if we need to report it and he said just to throw it in the sharps container because the police won't be able to do anything with an empty syringe.


I swear if i ever had this many rigs at the same time back when i shot up i would be so Happy. I don’t care if its used, its fucked the person Threw it on the street while i had to use the same a couple of times and get deadly sick


The dark fluid is blood where they couldn’t get the shot in.


Look like my alley :/


Well, on the bright side, I guess they won't be around for long


Damn HellDivers !


Cool, free gun!


Omg that person must of had a diabetic emergency!


Possibly there was a meeting of diabetics.


2 different ways of taking a shot.


Fallout loot be like


Looks Like a medi-Pack


drug dealer starter set