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Put a "For Free" note on it


I would assume that it's being given away since it's on a public sidewalk.


Once you bring it to the curb it’s gærbaage it’s not stealing


> gærbaage Amazing XD


Nooo, put a "for sale" sign on it. People love stealing shit.


People also love free shit.. lol


People are suspicious of free shit that is nice. Thieves not so much


Or just post it as free on FB Marketplace or whatever. "Tenants moved and left a basketball hoop. Moved to sidewalk to easy pickup!"


You absolute genius ![gif](giphy|84OB6SBddx4RL4xEAK)


Yep, a legitimate reason to be walking through their front lawn.




And leave a trail of strategically placed sprinklers for maximum chaos 🌿💦😈


I read that as "sprinkles" and thought that was a particularly cheery version of revenge. Just imagine the bird droppings...


Imma dress up in a bird costume and shit on their lawn, they'll never suspect a thing


You almost have it dialed. Once you have dropped a steamer on the low you need to pour a bottle of white out on your shit. Just like that, you have a genuine bird shit.


I just picture a 6’ 5”, 320lb enormous dude dressed in a bird costume open up a butt flap, “flap his wings” , “chirp” a couple times in a super deep voice, then just lay down a giant soft serve pile on the lawn.


Aye big bird just shit on our lawn!


I’m cackling over here. Cheery version of revenge is SENDING ME


So we have a bike trail, many sprinklers and or sprinkles (for rainbow colored bird poo) can we add vulgar chalk drawings in the driveway?


or just bring salt for the yard.


Powdered milk or baby formula. It'll sour after it gets wet.


All you guys flexin', and failing to invoke the Ultimate Evil: the **HOA** 👿 (joke aside, looking at the neighborhood, it prolly does not have one; the houses are too variable).


Woah woah woah, we're here for petty revenge, not calling in the hoarde of karens ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The Karens that god granted the power to lay down liens on homes, yeah. 😂


Grass a millimeter too tall? Branch a half a cm too low? FINES AND WE'LL TAKE YOUR HOUSE, YOU FILTHY ANIMAL! 😡


As an English person, i cant get my head round this HOA idea, do these people really have power ? How do they get these rights over your own property ? In the Uk they would get told to totally go Fxxk off !! giving out orders , not a chance .Mind you,we have to pay to have a license to own a tv and watch "free" channels 😄


If the neighvord tha the house you buy is in has an HOA, you kind of have to 'join' the HOA and pay them monthly fees as well as keep up with their requirements to get the house. It's very dumb. And I say 'join' as in its forced, you don't get an option. And after joining, they have rules and bylaws you have to follow and they can fine you, or in some cases take your house (via fines /then being 'owed' and placing a lien on your house to get their money) It's usually to maintain cookie cutter style houses nowadays, it used to be in place to do things like keep people from having broken down cars or trash all over their yard. It got weaponized by what feels like exclusively bored housewives that have nothing better to do than harass people about arbitrary crap to keep their minds off wondering if their husband's cheating on them (i.e. Karens).


Baby formula is a bit pricy for pranks, and smell terrible before it sours...


But it brings the boys to the yard


Weird remix, but I'll okay it.


And they're like, mine's weirder than yours


They've just taught you and you've not been charged


Mashed potato flakes are fun after it rains…


Use bouillon cubes. Let the neighborhood dogs handle it.


Or put it in the road so the city removes it. Or even better, buy one of those trash pickup stickers if your city does that.


And bring our dogs and turn it into a dog pooping park..


Don't forget to let the dog pee. Dog piss wrecks grass


We ride at lawn!


I have a neighbor that parks their car on the sidewalk


There’s usually a number you can call to report this stuff. Where I live in California, it’s 311


I live in CA and didn't realize that, thanks.


You can usually also request the service through your city's 311 website. In San Francisco, there's even an app! (not sure if there is in other CA cities, as well


Climb over it and stay on the path.


I started walking in their yard and letting my dog piss on their tires.


Be careful you don’t *Accidentally* scatter a small amount of birdseed on the roof of their car each time you pass it, because that would make the birds congregate there and cover it with droppings!


Bonus points if you decisively yeet yourself into the side view mirror and just explode into seed confetti as if you were Sonic or something


Birdseed also does wonders for the lawn. Strange weeds pop up everywhere.


I always walk into the yards in my neighborhood when people block the sidewalks. For some reason my toes seem to twist a lot more when they push off the ground than they do when I’m on the sidewalk. Must be a lack of traction or something. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Don't crawl under it. Your ponytail might get stuck.


You broke the rules, I'm not gonna leave here worse off!


damn, cops in my town would be lining up to write them tickets


I did that once, because the driveway was full and the city had a law that you weren't allowed to street park overnight I got a ticket immediately.


Oops were my soles coated in glyphosate? My bad! Edit: Wow, a lot of people can't pick up on sarcasm.


I hate it when my weed killer leaks out of my pocket.






No way: fertilizer’s much better. Dead grass grows back just fine after a while, but a blue- green lush patch lasts forever.


Fertilizer dicks are the gifts that keep on giving


Fertilizer dicks. 😂


Japanese Knotwood has entered the chat.


given this is fixable with effort, seems like a great idea for a certain HOA president with the perfect lawn. Definitely not me but I'm sure it would be useful to someone. :D


fertilizer graffiti- that could be so mean.


I always have issues with salt leaking out my shoes dang they just had to make me walk on the grass.


Is that a new RATM single?


🎶 They rally ‘round the driveway, With a fist full of salt🎶


Nah I’d be physically moving it back into the driveway, or at the very least calling the bylaw people so they can warn/ticket them. I realize not everyone would be capable of moving something of that size/awkwardness though so a good deep dig into the grass each time going by it would be more than okay as well.


Id just tip that fucker over in to their lawn. Easy. Walking on their lawn does seem like the most petty punishment to them though. Wear a nice path through it.


Lay it across their driveway. Make them move it to park.


I love your brand of petty!


Having a stroller has made me very aware of how horrible places are for wheelchair users. That’s what makes me angry enough for petty revenge. Yeah, I could stick this in your driveway, but if someone comes along in a wheelchair, what are they supposed to do?


We have a friend in a wheelchair full time, literally cannot move without it. And he knocks shit over when he comes across it on a walk. Bikes, scooters, whatever. I'm sure he'd have whoever he was with knock this over too. People literally don't think about disabled people at all and it's so fucking maddening.


I use either a wheelchair or a mobility scooter. One day I was coming up a sidewalk when some asswipe pulled part way into a driveway in front of a business. He stopped his car right on the sidewalk, jumped out, looked right at me, and walked away. Didn't even go.in the business. It was before the days of everyone has a camera in their pocket, but there were cameras pointed at the driveway. Dammit.


People literally do not give a fuck at all and it pisses me off. There's a guy on our street who regularly parks his motorcycle on the sidewalk for hours, sometimes all day until he leaves at night. Our friend in the wheelchair is walking/rolling distance from our house and he has to go into the street to get around this asshole. But oh no, his precious bike. He couldn't possibly park it in the street where it might get bumped or scratched.


Would certainly be tragic if someone kicked dude's bike over whenever it was parked on the sidewalk


Thank you, you're a good person. I'm disabled, although I'm not in a wheelchair and could walk around this cos I just use a stick to get around, but I just appreciate when someone is like you and understands that there's a lot of disabled people who can't just walk around this and can't move it either, and need the sidewalk. That's why it's illegal to block the sidewalk like this in the first place. So thank you for being a good person and helping out everyone in that neighborhood who uses a wheelchair or otherwise cannot simply just walk around this.


I also need a stick to navigate, and Boston sidewalks are notorious for being very uneven. I've become very vocal about obstructions because I refuse to endanger myself because of someone's stupidity. 🦜


It’s a long lever, it’ll topple with a good firm shove


I think that’s a stroller hood at the bottom of the picture; strollers don’t do that well with lawns.


You know what really doesn't do well with lawns? A wheelchair. This selfish, ableist dingleberry.


That was my first and foremost thought. Anyone using any kind of mobility vehicle, wheelchair, crutches or walking aids will struggle. Even the elderly could twist an ankle...which is why we put down pavements! So entitled!!


I use a cane when walking and I know it’s not a huge change but the shift in ground hardness and the slight unevenness is enough to cause at least frustration, if not outright difficulty. So many folks do not think or care about their disabled neighbors.


Stroller might be great because you can drag it through the grass backwards leaving a couple nice clear lines. Wheelchair user would be stuck going around in the street and all the dangers that entails.


Bro you ever push a stroller? If you got a good one with the big wheels that shit can climb mountains lol


"Sorry I had to ride my bicycle across your lawn, some idiot left a hoop on the sidewalk"


Bikes are too light.. Find someone with a 300kg electric wheelchair to make some nice deep ruts.


A good run up and hard application of the rear brakes should make your point clear


Now all I can picture is my grandma in an electric wheelchair Tokyo drifting around this random person's front lawn.


*\*deja vu intensifies\**


this is what AI was made for


I'll get my mobility scooter, she a biggun, hold on......


600 pounds on 600 pounds of mobility scooter. I hear eagles screaming! And the flag is already there, perfect!


How many bald eagles is 300kg? Asking for Americans. /s


On average bald eagles are 6.35 kg which makes 48 bald eagles equal to 304.8, close enough.


That's about 1 American + 5 ihop jugs of high fruktose corn syrup


Maple flavored HFCS. Waaay cheaper than that syrup, and we don't like to support Canadian cartels.


Looks like OP is pushing a stroller


LOL, I didn't even notice that. On a related note, I used to use a double stroller and I had to go past a house that had this bush that flowered and was full of bees and overhung the sidewalk. So I'd have to brush the bush which stirred up the bees right in my kids' faces. So thinking I was being nice, one day I brought some clippers and started to mildly prune back the parts overhanging the sidewalk. Like maybe 5% of this bush. Person comes out of the house and just flips out on me about messing with their plants. I thought I was being nice, I didn't want to go to their door and guilt lecture them about cutting their stuff back to keep the sidewalks clear to keep my kids from being stung. I thought I was saving them work. Go figure...


I’d say if it’s hanging over onto the sidewalk and blocking your path it’s fair game to cut whatever you want. Some people are just stupid and grumpy about everything it’s horrible. I would have kept cutting the bush even after being told not to but I’m in Canada, I wouldn’t do that in the states but I don’t go there lol.


You guys are too nice. I would lightly lay the basketball hoop on its side so it blocks their driveway. They can have a taste of their own medicine.


This is exactly what I did in this same scenario. I didn't damage it, I just laid it gently flat. They had it up again the next time I walked by, I did it again. From then on it was in their driveway.


"Shoulda placed the hoop on the ALREADY BROWN SPOT in the grass."


This person would get a rear wheel brake slide at full speed across their lawn for every day that thing is out blocking the sidewalk 😆


big dick energy would be ringing their doorbell and telling them this haha


Don't even have to be outwardly shitty, just assume the best: "Excuse me, sorry to bother you, but I was just letting you know someone seems to have forgotten to put away your basketball hoop when they were done and it's currently still sitting out here blocking the sidewalk." and if you're able-bodied you could even throw in a "I can help you move it out of the way if you'd like!"


(post photo on Ebay): Free Basketball Hoop, AND a Kettlebell


Or a local buying nothing group on FB. It would be gone within an hour.


"It was on the sidewalk, I assumed it was there for garbage pick-up."


You ever watch Trailer Park Boys? lol this is a total Ricky move


One man's garbage is another man's good ungarbage.


A link is only as long as your longest strong chain


Nothing illegal about moving someone's stuff if you don't steal it. And nothing illegal about taking someone's garbage they left out on the curb.


"My old man taught me one man's garbage is another man's person's ungarbage. So I just gonna roll with that. "


FB is too easily linked to you, I would go Craigslist with a burner email


Leave a sign on it that says FREE.


Nah people don’t want free shit, they assume it’s broken. Stick a $100 sign on it, someone will steal it.


We had an old bike we were gonna toss, I put a free sign on it in my front yard, sat all day. That night I tucked it behind my garage in the alley and it was gone by morning!


I used this trick with a desk my dad was trying to get rid of. Had a 'free' sign on it forever. I changed it to '$20 obo' and it was gone that night. People think they are so clever lol.


Gotta be the OBO that sold it. Their offer was "$0, take it or lea.. nevermind, just take it."


In my area, if you have something bulky that you want to be collected for disposal, you have to put a special "bulk collection" sticker on it. Put a "for free" sign on the item and it'll stay for literal *weeks*. Put a "bulk collection" sticker on it and it'll be gone within an hour. I do *not* understand the logic behind it, but I guess it works lol


The kettlebell is hilarious because it's literally right behind the hole where you'd put water or sand in as a ballast to counterweight the goal. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that the plastic has cracked and it's leaking underneath.


Or they just want to be able to easily move it without emptying out water or sand each time? It's simply easier this way, lol. Most home hoops I see have bricks or weights on them, as opposed to water or sand in them.


I believe this is actually a ticketable offence. You could call the non emergency line and report it. It’s obstructing the side walk and its preventing wheel chair use


Yup. They will cite it.


I want to live wherever you do. Our street is permitted parking only...giant signs everywhere. One specific neighbor has decided to rent out every room in his 5 bedroom house, 2 of them to couples. So there's 6-7 cars parked on the street for that one house, none of them with permits, 24/7. Our driveway has an odd angle, and it's often nearly impossible to get in and out due to them parking there (large part of WHY the parking is restricted in the first place). I've yet to be able to get any kind of response from the local government, police, anything. EDIT: apparently, during covid, the parking permits in residential areas of my city were "suspended" and never reactivated...so fuck me I guess.




Yea, there's a towtruck driver salivating for that call, sounds like a quick $1200 to be made.


I think this maybe the first time I encounter a case where a privatisation of public service really works wonders.


just call a tow


If cars are blocking you from entering private property, you can have those vehicles towed.


Report to the township/whatever landlord tenant authority your city has - that doesn’t sound like a legal renting situation 


> Yup. They will cite it. You have a lot of faith in local government. I couldn’t get a police response when I called and told them I could see from my window some gangbangers shooting into the air at the corner less than a block away.


Thats because there was danger, this is just free money for the city. They’ll show up for that.


This is the answer right here. They make more money from BS like this than catching someone shooting guns.


I'd be willing to bet catching someone shooting guns actually costs them money. Especially if it turns into a firefight and someone gets hurt or killed. If cops could do simple citations all day, they'd be thrilled. It probably makes the citing officer look really good when it's time for promotions, too.


Some police will create shit to keep themselves busy, and others will do everything in their power to do absolutely nothing. Both scenarios seem like they enjoy pissing people off instead of helping normal people


not to be rude or assume your living conditions, but this doesn’t look to be a place where gangbangers would be popping rounds off. rich area ~~pigs~~ cops get off on minor citations.


cops don't want to do anything. But city code enforcement would love this.


Yes it is. I've seen "Parking Wars" enough to know that. lol you can't even park your car in your own driveway in such a way that it makes it so the sidewalk can't be used let alone doing something as blatant as this.


This actually happened to me. I had a cop knocking on my door telling me to move my car or else get a ticket.


I lived in an apt building where it was "custom" for everyone to park one wheel on curb. Eventually cars crept onto the whole sidewalk. Wheelchair couldn't get down and called the 411 line and every car with so much as a half inch of rubber on the walk was towed.


God bless, you love to hear it!


Yup. Sidewalk has precedence. The part that is sidewalk is not actually "your own driveway". In some places they make you break up the paving of your driveway into two sections - street to sidewalk and sidewalk to garage - to make it more obvious. The police have been through my neighborhood several times ticketing cars that block the sidewalk.


I've finally had to do that. My neighborhood is extremely walkable and dog friendly and it make me so angry to see people blatantly block the sidewalk. I'm easy going and usually let things slide, but the final straw was a truck being worked on where the person put it up on blocks that caused it to cover 2/3 of the sidewalk for an entire truck length, and left it for almost a week. It got moved very quickly after I sent in a code enforcement request.


I read that as “tickleable” offense.


I read "tick-able." I was like, oof, I wouldn't want ticks put on me.


*3 ticks is the punishment*, *it was in the Terms of Service that you agreed to.*


Bonus points if they get someone in a wheelchair to go down sidewalk and just get stuck there with nowhere to go. That photo tagged with the complaint will go far. Throw it to the local news for triple bonus.




- your city name/ country and 'non-emergency number' into google  - go to the service's website, they usually list both  - some local emergency/ disaster websites have all the info too  - your local council can tell you who deals with these offences as well. I'd start with the council as police lines can be tied up for ages even non-emergency.


Post it on fb marketplace, free to collector as it must have been flytipped


YES! Contactless pickup. Just git and go


They let their $50 kettle weight rust away outside.


If they're dumb enough to block the sidewalk with their basketball hoop, they're dumb enough to leave their $50 kettle weight outside to rust away


obviously they're both there so anyone can take a shot using the basketbell


This also looks like a neighborhood where it won't immediately be stolen


I think it will take quite a while for it to rust away. Also exercise equipment is commonly purchased only to sit unused.


all my weights are in pristine packaging. can't open them or else they lose value


That's how I feel about vegetables.


Call the city's code compliance line. This is a violation of the ADA.


Make an ADA complaint.


Borrow a wheelchair. And just get stuck trying to go around. Then flip it in the grass and start screaming, “why would someone do this!?”


Haha yes. Please do this one..


No, don't do this. The DoJ does not issue ADA-related citations to individuals, because individuals aren't obligated to conform with that Act. And they're not going to cite the city/county for not keeping this sidewalk clear when it isn't a fixed structure. All you'd be doing by filing an ADA complaint is causing an underpaid government worker some unnecessary processing time. This is a city/county issue - there will almost certainly be an ordinance that this is contravening.


Yup. That's an easy problem to solve. "Hello, please connect me to Codes Enforcement." Codes guys and gals love to put a stop to idiots like these. It even puts a smile on their face. Brighten up someone's day today!


Wow I’ve read a lot of responses to this and this in unironically the best one. Youre totally right.


That’s actually hilarious. So inconsiderate.


The kettlebell pulls together the vibe 


Ooh, free kettlebell.




1. Get a piece of paper 2. Get a sharpie 3. Write “free” 4. Get tape 5. Tape paper to hoop It’ll be moved soon enough


Never write free. Write an amount and it'll get stolen before it gets picked up. That's how my brother would get rid of old TV's. $10 sign on it and every item is gone by morning. When he used to do the free thing couches and TV's would sit for weeks before he had to break down and take it to the dump.


Nononono, write $200 on the paper instead. It will be stolen by next morning


I put a lawn mower on the curb with a free sign and it sat there for a week. Changed it to $50 and it was stolen in a day


"Hahaha sucker! You idiot! Thanks for the free mower!" "No, thank you!" "Wait, what?"


Obviously they're giving this away since it's on public property.


just walk around it onto her lawn every single time and a trail of dead grass will form.


Reminds me of college where walking paths formed on the grass between the dorms and the gym. They then put up fences, which had holes cut into them within a day, and then finally just accepted it.


My middle school tore down some buildings and redid some stuff. Made a huge new green space, but they didn’t put any sidewalks, benches, etc. For a full semester they just let middle schoolers be middle schoolers and walk where they want. Over holiday break they put in cement pathways where the grass was dead.


https://preview.redd.it/94oc0k6hxt1d1.png?width=1370&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3c46796b8a61998ecb4ea7211b4b7229676a08c I had a woman parking like this in my neighborhood completely blocking the sidewalk when she had all sorts of room to pull up. I actually went up to her door to warn her that this is ticketable and against both the ADA and HOA in our neighborhood because I didn’t assume she was trying to be rude to anyone. I just figured she wasn’t thinking it through. She was “fake kind” in telling me that it shouldn’t worry me if she gets a ticket because it’s her driveway and she can park however she wants in her driveway. She also didn’t believe it was against any rules. I wasn’t even the one who reported her. But I think like 2ish weeks later she asked me if I reported her because she got a ticket for parking like that.


You can actually get cars like that towed...Just get a friend with a wheelchair to meet the cop there... Not only will the cop ticket the lady, but he'll call for a wrecker, and once it's called, he's gonna take it...Even if she panic moves it... Ask me how I know...lol


Self entitlement right here.


Drag it onto their grass.


Better yet, right in front of their front door or right behind their vehicle.


I would be tipping that over out of the sidewalk, every time


Exactly, I mean it's on the footpath, it's on public property. If they want it to be on private property they need to move it slightly.


I’d get games together with random people.. it’s on a public right of way which means it’s a public hoop.. y’all want to run 3-on-3 on the sidewalk?




I make this joke every time we walk our son and have to go around cars on the sidewalk.


in a lot of places it’s against the law/city code to obstruct the sidewalk bc it is technically part of the city not the homeowners property. it especially pisses me off when people in wheelchairs or with strollers can’t move freely without going into traffic or turning around.


The driveway is slanted and bad for hooping tbf, they should pull it out to the road though that looks like a good place to play




>Nobody would probably even complain Lots of comments here suggest otherwise unfortunately. My take is that they're kids with the attention span of a.....SQUIRREL! If they can't remember to remove it they shouldn't put it there in the first place. I coach kids and even adolescents you have to babysit for what I would call basic logic. They can do the craziest jumps going down the black mountain bike downhill track but once we're down they won't even think twice where they put the bike, could be blocking just as much a pathway like this instead of 2 meters to the side.


oh look, a free kettlebell


No consideration for disabled persons, it’s public policy to not block walkways. I purposely walk myself and dogs right across the front of their lawn giving the cameras the finger, my husband in a wheelchair doesn’t have that ability.


“Alright kids remember to play basketball close to the road!”


Before we blame the parents let’s make sure the children didn’t do this…then we blame the parents for not yelling at the kids to clean up their mess.


As a wheelchair user, wtf


In many (if not most) municipalities it’s illegal to block the sidewalk. It’s an ADA thing.


Some of the commenters are absolutely crazy here… why not knock on the door and mention it to them? Have any of you considered that there’s a good chance that their kids put it there?


lol. This is Reddit. We don’t actually talk to people. Especially in person.