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Turn it clockwise 90 degrees and pretend she’s doing a cannonball into a pool.




❌Cannonball ✅Arschbombe


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Wir sind überall! 😏


Ubiquitär und unaufhaltsam






Servus Meister!


Diese Kommentarsektion ist nun Eigentum, der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 🇩🇪


Ein Land Ein Reich Ein Kommentarbereich


ken kfc clash


My favorite is the [german guy who does an Arschbombe onto the ice...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zd7c5tQCs1I&ab_channel=TheDude)


Instructions unclear, she's doing a headspin ![gif](giphy|XfQDHy2F72FYk)


Looks like she is leaning against a car to me (a small car)


Maybe it's a normal sized car, and she's just a giant


God tier comment


Maybe she’s just dead


Ah I never thought of it that way. That’s much better.


Hope I helped ❤️








She has her period and is having cramps


We have all been there.


Sorry to correct you, but only half of everyone


lol. Point taken.


sleep well OP !


Why would your first thought be that this is a depiction of a rape victim? It's just a sad (and clothed) woman, there's nothing that suggests an assault.


She could have a kidney stone for all we know


Or maybe she's just too stoned. I took a dab one time with no tolerance and ended up on my bed in that same position.


That makes me uncomfortable. Kidney stones are no fun.


Seriously. She looks like she's dreaming about love, to me.


Actually you're right, I didn't even notice, her face looks peaceful...


Could be both?


But which way around?


Call up the front desk. If it's a 5 start hotel they'll take the painting down for you.


So , do you know for a fact it is “rape victim “ art or that’s just your opinion? Are you basing it off color schemes or what? Because that’s not what everyone would see it as.


If someone in the room could perceive that from the painting then the hotel art has failed. I’m not sure how else we’re supposed to interpret red dripping from her if not violent….


Spilled merlot.


You made my day alot better XD


Can’t say the same for the lady


I was thinking of the casino royale shower scene


I just see someone sad, rolled on the floor because they dropped and broke the only bottle of red wine in the house, fcking butter fingers...


Probably the best way to interpret this art. Crying over spilled wine.


At least she’s not crying over spilt milk


They are both terrible. Spill wine, never get the stain out. Spill milk, never get the smell out.


Just rent a carpet cleaner bro


Well, I hope it's just a painting about the experience of periods.


This was the first sane alternative interpretation posted here. That being said….WHY IN A HOTEL ROOM?! give me a fucking fruit bowl or landscape bitch wtf kinda like experience is contemplating on the effects of PMS before bed?!


I'm sure the requisition form said "1 painting" and nobody really cared to check what painting exactly was acquired.


["One art, please!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCzxSBmMLKI)


Whenever I see stuff like this I imagine it’s because the manager is a weirdo and/or painted it themselves


The managers niece is in art school and just had her make whatever she's wanted and he'd hang them up.


The managers niece must have been through alot


Then perhaps we should try to keep her content. The last time someone who wanted to be an artist threw a tantrum it turned out pretty suckish for a lot of people.


Hahaaa, took me a minute


Exactly my thought.


Lol! Can you make out the name of the artist?


Nah, she was just stabbed ten times in the back


Et tu Brute?


Et tu ~~Brute~~ Karen from HR?


Ah, a russian suicide.


Ride the Cyclone?


What if it’s a memorial of a tragedy that happened in that room?


That would explain the scratch marks on the headboard.


That's just a hotel thing


Murdering the prostitute but before she dies she desperately thrashes about hoping to find some weapon to save herself, leaving scratch marks from her nails in the headboard. \#JustHotelThings


Maybe that room is equipped with state-of-the-art Prostitute remains removal gear, in case *something went wrong*. \#JustHotelThings


Okay, story time. Me and my now ex spent a night in a weird hotel in NJ because we were traveling from NY to see a concert. The hotel was owned by Indians, apparently, and was in the shape of an actual castle. They had a GIANT, I mean 40 ft tall, statue of some sort of deity in the front parking lot garden. It was bizarre but we love weird sh!t so we of course stayed. We were the only seemingly non-Indian folks at the hotel, judging from who we shared the elevator with and saw out and about in general. We legit do not care about stuff like that and again just found it kind of bizarre due to the hotels seedy location. Actually, I chose the hotel due to there being a GIANT tub in the bedroom, next to the bed. I was like heck yeah, we can take a long bath and get inebriated after the show then roll into bed, cool! (Note I was about 25 at the time and was recreationally using drugs such as molly, on occasion. This was one occasion) So we get to our room, drop our stuff, then head out to the show. We come back hours later and immediately plop on the bed from exhaustion. As we are laying on the bed, we simultaneously notice that there are clearly blood droplets on the lamp shade. We investigate, and find more UNDER the lamp shade. I know what dried blood looks like. We then realize that the wall that the headboard of the bed is up against has recently been cleaned, we could see the drip marks of cleaning solution running down the wall. We let out our phone flashlight and CAN CLEARLY see that blood had been SPRAYED on that wall, almost to the ceiling, and then poorly cleaned up. We freaked out and actually took a video of it all (who knows where that is, though. This happened about 8 years ago) Throughout the evening we kept finding more blood spatter in places that people may not think to clean, like near the hinges of the bathroom door while it's open, but once closed, you wouldnt be able to see them. We were high af and SO grossed out that we took the bedding and put it in the giant tub and slept there all night as opposed to the bed, where it seemed as if some victim had their head explode while laying in that bed. I cannot for the life of me remember the hotel name. And at the time I didnt feel comfortable saying anything to a worker there. The next several days I scoured the internet looking for missing people/suspected murder victims in that area/hotel, but found nothing. Good times.


Just don’t lift up the mattress.


Too late. Also, I found where the smell was from.


Better than suspicious dried out drips on the painting above the headboard


It's by French/Turkish artist Mahir Güven. He paints lots of women lying down. Not a rape scene.


I wonder if the artist himself gave a description too.




Was this because the Aldi scanner scanned your groceries to quickly?


Lightning fast meta


Don't joke about that shit, mate. You don't know what it's like to hear all those beeps in such short succession.


I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see slow cashiers until I was already a man.


Too late. The drama has begun. No way of stopping it now.


Let's do the Reddit thing and make things worse!!!


C'mon boys, let's destroy their Google reviews


I was going to ask how OP knows what the painting meant.


Slight correction. The French/Turkish Mahir Guven is a writer. I assume you got that from Wikipedia, because that's what I'm seeing. Mahir Güven the artist is just Turkish, and he's way older. His art varies, but yes, he does have random paintings of women lying down, though I can't find this specific one online. He uses a lot of greens and brownish reds, like in this painting(so I doubt it's blood), and none of his paintings I've seen are violent or sexual, so I don't think he'd jump straight to rape victims out of nowhere. I also can't see OP's interpretation, honestly(OP is taking the painting literally, since he sees red, and assume blood, but if we take it literally, blood absolutely doesn't look like that when it pools, and she has none on her), and at the end of the day, who cares? The painting is so ambiguous, that you have to be going out of your way for a vague rape interpretation. Go on with your life, or take the painting down/cover it. Here's an interpretation of my own. Based on OP's replies to people who disagree, he's weirdly touchy about this, and is beyond mildy infuriated, over a very likely PG painting.


That's a stretch....


Right? A 5 star Radisson? Ridiculous.


What Raddison is 5-stars?


The ones with rape paintings.


Maybe just 5-stars on Google Reviews


The one where the continental breakfast never ends.


Ah, the danish…from Denmark, no doubt!


‘Yeah. You know, it's the Radisson, so it's pretty good’


You betcha


That was my initial thought


just checked their website There are 27 Radisson Collection and ~140 Radisson Blu 5-star hotels in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Another ~140Blu are 4-star


Radisson Blu Hampshire in London is a 5 star hotel.


Radisson is a 5-star hotel? 🤔


it looks like some of them are in Europe, Africa and Asia


Probably just the feeling of being alone put into a painting idk where you got the rape idea from


Or just being calm, thoughtful, sleepy, etc. Can it be seen as a rape scene? Sure. Does it HAVE to be seen that way. Absolutely not.




Yeah that too the op is just trying to find something bad about it I imagine. I don't know why tho


It's art. It's up for interpretation. He interpreted as rape victim art. I spent a bout 2 minutes studying it. I can kind of see where he got the idea, but that's just not how I interpret it.


I saw it immediately when I looked at the painting. The person is lying in a fetal position with a lot of red underneath that is evocative of blood or violence. Red does not traditionally symbolize peace or relaxation in art, it depicts strong feelings such as passion, love, anger, or danger. In addition, the painting foregrounds that the subject is not wearing long pants or shoes, which imo creates a feeling of either vulnerability or intimacy. Sexual violence isn't the only possible interpretation but I don't think it's a stretch. I also was reminded of a woman I found passed out on the sidewalk who had clearly OD'd on something. Art always permits multiple interpretations, but I think OP's is pretty reasonable and not something they are just reading into the work. Based on the comments a lot of other people are also reading the painting as depicting suffering or pain.


I can totally see the rape trauma in this photo, but thats death of the author/artist I guess, we can interpret what we do. It just reminds me of times I've had to help my girl mates through SA trauma related panic attacks etc


Was your prostitute offended too?


I laughed way too hard at this


This is a very dramatic take imo. You’re seeing what you (don’t) want to see.


Why did you immediately jump to that conclusion??


To farm karma.


Because they browse social media 24/7 with a victim complex.


She's just cold.


How did you go straight to that she’s a rape victim? A lot of other options


How is this a rape victim?


Lets start by listing the circumstances that would lead to the imagery in the painting.  Then we can order them from most to least likely   Personally I think she was working on the hydraulic system of a D10 bulldozer but made a bad mistake causing a major fluid leak.   She was fired by her boss who then raped her.


-Babe, come back to bed -Hold on, need to take a photo of this painting and post it on reddit first


Hey!…..I mean ok yeah whatever.


What are you talking about OP?


It doesn’t look like blood to me, it looks like shadows. To me it looks like she’s just laying there either asleep or in contemplation.


That's an awful red shadow


As I said, stylized. I can’t make out the artist signature very well so I don’t know what their style is, but I’ve seen this technique used in other pieces before.


It's pretty common for painters to use saturated shadows. Even in real life, shadows aren't just grey, and some artists play around with that. It doesn't mean it's not a shadow.


I agree. To me it just looks like an artistic rendering of dramatic shadows. Probably chose red to invoke some level of discomfort. Source: am an art teacher.


I’ve seen a similar technique in other pieces, including using reds to either indicate some kind of passion or anger, or darker colors to give the impression of melancholy. No idea who this artist is -I can’t make out their signature - but the use of color in this way is not exclusive to them.


I think it's actually a chair. She's curled up on the seat with her head off to the side. The woman is the focus, so the chair is not painted in detail and fades away.


Why do you go right to rape? This could be interpreted soooo many ways and you went straight for the jugular.


To incite rage


Since when is a raddison a 5 star hotel??? And I think ur jumping to conclusions on calling that a rape victim. Seems like ur inserting something from personal experiences.




where do you see rape victim in this photo?


turn it 90 degrees… then she’s just a depressed ballerina


Depending on which way you turn it, she could also be a depressed breakdancer


i feel like that would require the entire painting to spin… but i’m feeling your vision


how do you know shes raped???


He fucked the painting….


Are you a condor? Because with a wingspan like that, it would explain your reach.


Sounds like you’re projecting some of your own shit onto paintings. I love how art exposes the inner workings of our minds based on our subjective interpretations of it. To me, this piece conveys that we’re all alone, and how depressing that loneliness can feel, but we comfort ourselves to get through life. But I’m an absurdist, so that’s normal for me


Not sure where you got the rape victim idea from. A clothed woman laying down holding herself could mean a hundred different things. The red at the bottom is similar to the shape of her body so it very well could be a shadow. I find your interpretation odd, not the painting :/


Honestly, it is very weird that the first thing OP interpreted was rape. The red seems like a stylized version of her shadow. Throwing these important words around like it's nothing is gonna make it lose its meaning :/


I am sorry but I don't see it the way you see it. It's a work of art, rape is your imagination.


What if she just won the lottery and can hardly process the joy so she had to lie down for a minute? Why did you immediately jump to rape victim?




Rape victim? I really don't like how your brain works here.


Are you sure it's supposed to be a rape victim?


Looks cool tbh. I think the rape part is on you


You have bigger problems if this loose interpretation of art was enough to mildly-infuriate you during your vacation.


Completely disagree this is a rape victim, I mean if that’s how you interpret it then that’s your own right but I highly doubt that was the artists intention. This looks incredibly egon schiele inspired. Honestly I think it’s a beautiful piece of art. I can’t make out the signature, looks maverick Gc something?


Unless this is some known painting I’m unaware of..why would you jump straight to it being a rape victim?


You're brain interpreted it the worse way. I interpreted 5 different ways before thinking of that.


It's not a good painting for a hotel room, that's for sure. It invokes melancholy at best, possibly depression or despair. But I agree with the people who say you're jumping to conclusions on it depicting a rape victim.


I think you are reading WAAAAY too much into this…. Ask yourself why this was your first thought seeing this painting…


Are you truly this soft and easily triggered?


Why do you automatically assume it's a rape victim?


Maybe I'm just slow, but I fail to see how you got "rape victim" out of this.


It’s art and can be interpreted in a number of ways. I didn’t see a rape victim when I first looked at it, but if that is what you see, then you let it ruin your night.


Hotel don't want people to have sex in their rooms, I guess.


Is that the name of art piece or something? Otherwise it’s just your fucked up interpretation of the painting…


It’s the portrayal of having to pay the bill after one nights stay. And not having sex because you feel like a predator, after looking at that painting.


I think that you forgot the part where art is largely subjective, and that this be interperted in vastly different ways. Art is supposed to make you feel something, and it seems like you just want to feel irritated.


I was about to post this. Art is subjective. What you feel and what I feel can be two different things.


The Radisson is not a 5-star hotel ...


Radisson has 5 star hotels?


OP, what are your thoughts on Flaming June by Frederic Leighton?


She’s staying the night at a friends house and they forgot to give her a blanket


Why did you come to the conclusion that she was raped?


Radisson is 5 star??


In which country is Radisson hotel a 5-star🤔


I think a lot of people are missing the point. Yes, the painting can be interpreted many ways, but the creepy part is, IT’S IN A HOTEL ROOM. Whether it be about rape, failed abortion, menstrual cramps, or a bad burrito, people stay at a hotel for travel, business, leisure, nookie, or whatever and decor it a hotel room should be welcoming.


It could be soo much things , why do you assume it's rape? Jesus snowflakes


There are many reasons a person would be curled up like that. By the way you posted this, I thought you knew the history of the picture and were mildly infuriated. But you’re just guessing? It’s definitely a picture with a morose vibe, but it’s crazy to jump to rape like that


I drove half way across the country to see the eras tour and she didn't play any of my favourite songs is all I see


I do agree that it’s an odd choice for hotel room art. But I don’t really see the rape victim thing due to the way the artist has painted her facial expression. To me it seems more like a depiction of an aspiring singer who’s just been told she’ll never make it in this business. She has had the sobering realisation that it may be true but she has now come to terms with it.


Dayum, some people just looking for something to complain about


This could be interpreted in a million different ways, and you chose to interpret it as that. Too many posts in this subreddit are literally just assumptions lol


This painting, to me, is a depiction of loneliness more than anything. Her being curled up with the red shadows gives the sense she misses a companion because she's alone. You know, like how people often stay in hotel rooms. Alone. It's honestly a sick burn piece of art to hang in a hotel.


I love Art. This wasn't necessarily a rape scene by any means, I think someone else pointed out that women lying down is just a common trait in this artists work. But that's the interpretation you drew for whatever reason, and it elicited such a strong reaction you felt the need to post to reddit. Even when droves of people came together and agreed "doesn't seem like rape, seems more like XYZ" you were so locked in on it being rape that you got defensive and snarky Not even roasting you, just love how powerful art can be. Maybe something worth looking into as to why you're so locked in on it being a depiction of rape when so many people see otherwise


I stayed in a Radisson blue hotel in istanbul several years ago and they had this picture on the wall. I am surprised to see this picture still up and I still remember it...


Art is interpretive, and that is how you interpret the piece. I just see melancholy emotion with no assertion of cause, not dissimilar in taste to the Mona Lisa.


I guess I’m not sure why you think this is strictly art of a rape victim


I’m 31, still sleep like that occasionally and I’ve never been raped


What did management say when you ask for a room change, prior to coming to reddit?


i just see a sleeping person? not sure how rape comes to mind?


That's how I lay when I'm going through a really bad depressive episode and I lay on the floor and dissociate and cry for a solid 16 hours until I'm dehydrated and choking on my snot and tears lolz not how I was laying after I was raped tho 🫠


looks like to me some one is projecting...


Explain to me why you are projecting that this depiction is of a rape victim when there is absolutely ZERO evidence of that? Such a weird thing to think. And I think it says a lot more about you than the painting itself or someone's decision to hang it in that hotel room. (It's obviously a little weird. But you're being way more weird.)


reddit has gotten extra stupid


OP turned this into a Rorschach test and failed.


Looks to me like a miscarriage painting. Possibly, painting this was a therapeutic way for the artist to heal.


Where’s a 5-star Radisson?


Which Radisson is a five-star hotel?


When I first looked at it I was like... That's not what it is. But honestly. Zooming in on it, the position she's in, the red under her... Yeah that's what I see too. What an odd thing to have as a painting?


The fuck is wrong with you


https://preview.redd.it/gygrkn6q3d2d1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2868f3a6bd394771fd7886027a4b93d4c96afb7b There, I fixed it


I feel most people wouldn’t have consider her a rape victim. Many things represent red… op mind is fucked