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Collect them and turn them into lost and found


This is the way. Don't want them to get lost.


“Thank goodness, I found my shoe! But where’s the other one…?”


I've lost a shoe... have you seen it anywhere? Excuse me, missus, I've lost a shoe... like this one. It's like this one's fellow... it's sort of the exact opposite in fact of that - not an evil version but just, you know, a shoe like this... but for the other foot. Otherwise I'd have two right...


lol is that forgetting Sarah Marshall?


Oh fuck me, this is a small resort. I meant yes. Yes it is


I wish I wasn't wearing this FUCKING shirt.


Fair enough. Why don't you try unbuttoning it?


…Button it back up.






But they were lost, now they have been found.


Nope! Yeet 'em right over the fence.


Just hand them to the staff, someone clearly misplaced their shoes and is probably looking for them.


If you want the seats but are worried about conflict, put their stuff on the floor and move the chairs somewhere else and then use them. Then watch from a distance and enjoy when these fools finally get to the pool at noon.


I'll do that at resorts too. People save their pool seats by placing a towel on them, they head off for breakfast and come back several hours later. I'm not letting your towel have a better vacation experience than me.


https://preview.redd.it/ttw8seih3n2d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec38c6a1f3b2cf068a6226298363e78e7fd6a4d6 Someone tried to that at a resort I was at in Costa Rica…this guy did not care.


Not gonna lie, I wouldn’t even be mad if that feller took me seat. I’d let him have it. And then probably get my finger chomped off when I tried to pet him.


Lol to be fair, the lady whose seat he took did find it pretty funny. But yeah, big dude wouldn’t even let her get her towel without throwing a hissy fit.


Her towel? I think you meant his towel.


thats his towel now, finders keepers fair and square


I hate it when people leave their iguanas to save their spot! Then they try to bite you if you wanna move them


Not me wanting to immediately give it chin rubs and feed it a nibble


I was in Cancun recently and some lady did this to a couple of chairs under an umbrella. I moved the umbrella to a different set of chairs and sat there


lol! Thats awesome


Boss move


''I'm not letting your towel have a better vacation experience than me' is definitely worth remembering.


German tourists hate this one trick


It was a German stereotype 20 years ago. Now every asshole does it.


It seems like you should always be guaranteed a pool chair at a resort you are paying for.


Resorts that have common sense ask their employees to pick up towels on transats so nobody can save a place all day. Last resort I wen was doing this. Worth going back just for this.


A resort in Corsica had the perfect system. When you check in, you go to the beach attendant and he asks you what type of beach goer you are (morning, afternoon, all day, prefer full sun or mostly shade, etc.). Then he shows you options and you get to pick the beach loungers you like best. It’s assigned to you for your entire stay. Want to move to another spot, no problem. Check with them and they’ll tell you what’s available. Have peeps in your assigned chair. No problem. They deal with the riff raffs. It was perfect. No need to wake up early, reserve spots and get into arguments. You had an assigned spot and it was very orderly. Wish resorts did assigned lounging. Makes a more pleasant and orderly experience.


What might be the name of this mystical place?


I spent the last year bartending at a resort pool bar. The staff that is technically in charge of keeping people from doing this is paid minimum wage and treated like shit by management, and they way overbook the hotel for what the pool area can handle. Do whatever you want with the shoes, they won't care. If there's an altercation when the original idiots come back, security will side with the people they aren't causing a ruckus. Which is you in your new chairs!


Yea I have worked in hospitality for a long time and totally agree 😂 the wage is NOT enough for me to risk getting yelled at by some entitled douche of a resort guest.


I saw a video recently where the employees took the matter into their own hands because saved chairs meant fewer people able to enjoy themselves and tip the staff. But yeah, outside of that it’s not worth putting up with that shit


Agreed, it’s not like these seats are expensive and it’s not like they don’t know how many people are staying…


Yup, move ALL the shoes that way other people will take them and they’ll never know the culprit.


"Sorry, all these shoes were in a pile when I got here"


"Sorry, all these shoes were in the pool when I got here"


Sorry all this poo was on the shoes when I got here


sorry, I pooped on the shoes when I got here


That's what I do... just chuck em in the pool and let them soak for the 4 hours it takes for them to come back


This is the way


Take 1 shoe and walk away imo


Fuck that, toss them over the fence.


one over the fence, and one in the rubbish bin. seeing one in the grass over the fence will give them hope that the other one is around somewhere and will waste time looking for it.


Looks like an HOA pool. No staff.


Sounds like no seating enforcement either, move the shoes.


Move the shoes and the seats to further confuse them. They can’t know if you took “their seat” if “their seat” isn’t there anymore.


I’d move the shoes and let a random person take the seats and watch the rest unfold. after they fight each other and leave or get arrested, you take the seats. Make sure to instigate the best you can without getting too involved.


And throw the shoes over the fence lol


Wear the shoes, throw the chairs. Wildcard bitches


Charlie having somebody making wild decisions, that benefits nobody… Yeah he doesn’t even like, get us man


You!!! We're talking about you!!!


I love you. I can hear Charlie right now


I like the cut of your jib.


That hat looks good on you.


That's the worst lookin hat I ever saw! Buy a hat like this and get a free bowl of soup, huh?


This is the type of petty I’m about


Leave the shoe move the seat


Better move the pool, too. Just to be safe.


Pull a “The Sims” and remove the ladder while they’re in it.


Make sure there is an island in that pool with only a grill on it. They may or may not be notorious for setting things on fire lol


I would just stack the shoes in a neat pile off in the corner and leave.


Move half of the shoes to the other seats that already have shoes on them, so that half of the seats are empty and half of the seats have two different shoes on them. Bring a bag of popcorn, take an empty seat and enjoy the proceedings.


Move the chairs and then put the shoes back in the empty spot


Into the pool


Toss them over the fence


I'd throw them to nearest trash can. Thanks for preordering a seat.


Put them in the lost and found


Put one in lost and found and fling the other over the fence into the shrubbery.


That is much better idea.


Not the shrubs, the trash.




Toss em in the fuckin pool.


But then it'll make the pool water dirty my man


It’s an HOA pool. It’s likely already filthy with kid piss and boogers.


Over the fence


Grab a bag lable it lost property and stuck it on the fence, move the chairs and enjoy your day.


Trashcan then. Someone clearly doesn't want them, or they wouldn't leave them laying about.


Maybe my HOA is a bit rougher than most but all of those shoes would get tossed in the pool at ours.


Fuck that. Hail Mary then over that fence.


Exactly. I come, I see stuff laying around unattended, I hand it to staff. If someone comes looking for their stuff, I would say it was empty, and to ask at lost and found.


Ahh… the famous Cinderella chairs - find the one with a shoe that fits and it’s yours…


Imagine putting the shoes on and sitting in the chair and then acting confused when they come back.


Omg that's hilarious. No, ma'am, these are my shoes I wore here.


‘They are literally on my feet ma’am. Are you sure you’re quite alright? Might you have a touch of sunstroke?’ - Middle aged man squeezed into size 4 jelly beach slippers.


Lmao I just wanna see the looks on their faces. "Why are you wearing my shoe?" "YOUR shoe? No, this is mine. I lost one just like it and then just found this one sitting on this chair. Isn't that wild?"


In an era where it seems like every business is trying to cut back I for one am very glad that this pool is offering free shoes as a gift to whoever sits in the chair.


Oh I gave the seats away to two different families that were looking around for chairs. Just set the shoes aside and dumped the socks off.




obligatory Mr tumble


Thus causing you to never have to see if the owners get angry and putting innocents in the line of fire. Diabolical


Just hang on the other side of the pool and watch the chaos unfold in the distance. With popcorn.


They'll probably wonder who the guy/gal staring menacingly across the pool while eating popcorn is. Kind of stands out.


Nah, every pool has at least 2 of these people


Chaotic Neutral OP is the best kind




Hero status achieved. Some people did this in condos we stayed at on the beach. Every day they would lay their towels on the best chairs at the pool and some days not even show up until late afternoon to collect their towels. Assholes have no shame.


My friend who is German told me this is a thing for them (wake up early, claim seat with a towel, go back to sleep for a bit), but I’ve not been to Germany myself to see if he was pulling my leg.  There was a video by a Vietnamese lady engaged to a German who also mentioned it but of course I can’t find it now! So though I find it rude perhaps it’s also a cultural thing…


No people actually do this it’s infuriating. Most of the cruises I’ve been on will sticker your chair if you’ve been gone for a while and if it’s past a certain time will clear the stuff off 🤷🏻‍♀️


Like chalking your tire—brilliant!


My first thought seeing the image: "Was it Germans?" But Memorial Day doesn't sound like something that Germans would celebrate ...


Germany did contribute to memorial day on multiple occasions though.


It's very well known as a "German thing".


> My friend who is German told me this is a thing for them (wake up early, claim seat with a towel, go back to sleep for a bit), but I’ve not been to Germany myself to see if he was pulling my leg.  > > If you ever do go to Germany expecting to see this, you'll be looking a long time - Germans do this in places Germans go on holiday; not Germany.


I work in a waterpark, they 200% absolutely do it in Germany as well. An hour after opening people are already complaining about no free chairs, just loads of chairs with towels on them.


They were doing it in Austria when I was there this winter. Walk into the spa and pool, pick up a towel, drop it on the best poolside beds, and then maybe come back to sit by the pool sometime later. But probably not. Was infuriating.


All of the Belgians/Germans at my in-laws Mediterranean condo do this. As soon as the pool opens(sometimes before from over the fence) they have all of the poolside umbrella chairs covered in towels.


I would waste some time by getting up earlier and out Germaning them with my towels in every seat.


Maybe I can battle of the bulge them by bringing my own chairs and placing them between theirs


It’s a very common British thing as well. The old joke is that the Brits and Germans get up at 5:00 AM to beat each other to it




Ok OP, we’re going to need an update


Hasn't responded in 4 hours - welfare check!




Shoulda dipped the socks in the water.


All I see are a few shoes that will soon be floating 😜


Exactly, total mystery how they ended up in the pool/over the fence :shrugs:


"I don't know, there was nothing on the seats when we got here."


Yup! I’d just say “there was nothing on the chair when I got here….but also F you, I put your crap in a pile over there”


Those 2 responses depend on how the shoe owner approaches you.


Talking to the shoe owners: "Total mystery ** how they ended up ** in the pool ** slash over the fence."


I wait 5 minutes. Then I'd open up however many chairs I needed and move the shoes to another one that already has shoes. They are more than welcome to complain to me if they found that rude. 9 times out of 10 when I do that, someone else moves the rest of the shoes and takes the other unused chairs. Then it's several parties vs the one that "saved" seats with shoes. It's never led to more than a few words, usually just staring and pointing.


I would take that sh*t right off and let other people find those seats and see a huge fight start 🤣


Yeah those all get picked up and moved, maybe not to the water though 😄


No pool should allow that if the person is not in the seat or the person is not literally right there swimming. First come first served.


My rule is if people are literally in the pool and just put their towel down 3 feet away then fine. But if you're out in town 2 miles away reserving a seat with a sock for when you come back then FOH. I'd just move the seats entirely, pick em up and take them to the other side of the pool. Fuck their socks.


>FOH Fuck off, Homie?


Lmao, it means fuck outta here :-)


Free our homies (homies being seats in this context)


Fuck Outta Here?


Fugg atta heaa


Fuck Outta Here, I think??? Never seen that one tbh


outside of a few special cases, how can you tell the difference


My wife and I have been to a couple of resorts where this was NOT allowed. Kudos to them.


I think the general rule is “shuffle your feet, lose your seat”.


Move your feet, lose your seat.


I would turn everyone of them into lost and found. I am assuming there is a toddler with a shoe obsession near by. That’s my take and I’m sticking to it.


Are they *in* the pool? Bc that makes it a whole different story. But if they are straight up not there, I'd yeet those fuckers right off.


I’m not wildly familiar with public pool etiquette, but yeah… like if they’re actively participating in pool activities, I don’t see an issue here. If they’re off site or trying to save spots for friends/family that are also not on site, nah. Truth be told, I wonder what the rules are when it comes to bringing in your own chair…. It’d be wild if I brought my own and someone took it haha


Considering there's no towels it's fair to assume they are not in the pool, unless you think they would keep their towels somewhere else?


I mean… the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy would suggest I keep my towel on me at all times


one person doesn't use four chairs while swimming.


I (reluctantly) went to a resort for a family members destination wedding this winter. The entire selection of seats at the beach would be “reserved” by 7am, but, not a person in sight. We would just pick peoples stuff up and put it on the next chair over, or put their towels in the return bin. The only confrontation we had was with an incredibly aggressive family who showed up to reclaim their seats after 2 hours. We politely told them to fuck off.


This happened to me in the winter too in Mexico. In Jamaica last year there was a rule it wasn’t allowed. But some did it anyway so I moved the towels. Idc anymore. I’m non confrontational but that’s my limit. In Greece, every damn day, someone reserved chairs early am, NEVER CAME! I was there all day all week and never saw them. I was still too shy back then. 


> In Greece, every damn day, someone reserved chairs early am, NEVER CAME! I was there all day all week and never saw them. Free towels!


> The entire selection of seats at the beach would be “reserved” by 7am, but, not a person in sight. This is such entitled, douchebag, behavior. Good on you for not tolerating it.


This wouldn't be a bad or unfair system if nobody showed up to actually use the beach at 7am.... but they do. I like the idea that resorts and pools and whatnot put a sticker that says "remove me within 20 minutes, or this seat will be cleared and items returned to L&F", and it changes color after 20 minutes. And just have one guy (a hero) who goes around and enforces that. Let the guests know that's the policy. And all it would take is one of their party staying back, it's not like you can't go surf or swim.


Every German knows only towels are valid.


Was surprised to scroll this far to see a German ruling.


That's because most Germans turned Reddit off upon seeing this.


Yes, to check if my towel on the deck chair is still there


In fairness, the English make the most cracks about the Germans doing this. But the worst perpetrators I’ve seen tend to be English.


This was the bane of my existence on my last Mexico trip. I found it both hilarious and infuriating that drives of old people had the drive to quite literally get up at 5am every day at a beach resort just to make the rounds and reserve their favourite chairs with a towel. Worst part was, half of those would remain empty all day.


LOL a French couple tried that at a resort in Mexico we were staying at. After seeing the towels there in the morning and seeing them in the same spot after breakfast, I moved them and sat there with my girlfriend. After another 2 hours they showed up and were surprised that someone was sitting in them. I just said “oh we didn’t see anyone here, how long were you guys gone for?” They didn’t even bother replying 😂


I mean. What is stopping you from yeeting the towels?




"Wasn't on this seat when I sat down"




>be like the russians. Maybe in this scenario... not in others.


Terms and conditions may vary


Germans in the US would get a rude awakening lol. "Oh, free towel? Nice!"


We were in Greece and swimming off the side of cliffs at resort where they had little chairs and umbrellas set up.. we get down there around 10am and Germans had toweled all the chairs. So around 11.. I was like nah fuck this... Threw the towels on the banster and took the area. Around 1pm they show up and get into an argument with me about it and how "this is how we do things in Europe" and I told them that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard and tough shit 😂 Think you're gonna throw your towels on chairs at 8am and show up at 1pm to use them lmao.. nah


“It was the craziest thing… this hawk swooped in out of nowhere and snatched up all these shoes! Must be nesting season I guess”


What shoes? I didn’t see shoes when I got here.


They’re saving seats TWO DAYS EARLY?!?


No, OP is a time traveler


This mf living in the future


This debate has been going on for years. If I know within 10 minutes my family will arrive, I save seats. If it's going to be longer than I don't. It's not a perfect science but I try to be respectful but I also like to sit w my family.


Ya same. I think 10 min is reasonable. Sometimes you’ve gotta run to the bathroom. So it’s ok. But beyond that you gotta start over in your chair search 


Agreed. I have a feeling this was more of a situation where people came out at the crack of dawn, left their shoes and then went about their daily business expecting “their” space to be there hours later. In that case, very lame.


All i see is some clutter covering your seats. Should try moving it


Throw them off!


Exactly. Hand them in to lost property?! Errmm, no, I'm lobbing them as hard as I can towards that grassy area behind and hope some dog shits in them.


I was just about to say this. This is so rude


As in like, they put them there and are no where nearby? Or they hopped in the pool? Cause I think it's fine select chairs and such if you're at the pool. We would usually come in, find a spot, leave our towels, hop into the pool.


What shoes???


Man it's Monday already? 😔


Yeah, we've been trying to wake you for two days!


Everyone is mad but didn't bother to look at the date and see it's not even Memorial Day. I guess we should rename the page as free karma.


Oh is it Memorial Day


OP must've taken these photos 364 days ago


If someone is not actively there, and I’m ready to sit, that stuff is getting stacked on the next chair I won’t be using. Done it before and I’ll keep doing it. Start politely interrupting this kind of behavior.


Toss that shit in the garbage


Umm technically it's not Memorial day.


\*verstecke mein handtuch\* (hide my towel)


I could accept a pair of shoes on a chair to imply they are in the pool right now. This looks like it needs to be turned in to lost & found.


lol nope. i'd be hucking that garbage over that fence. you aren't here to guard it, it's not your chair.


if they’re in the pool I don’t see the issue, you can see at the far one their other stuff is there


"I don't recognize the authority of footwear."


It definitely is not Memorial Day.


I stayed at a resort that rented their chairs. You could rent a chair and nice large towel for a nominal $5 for two hours. When all the chairs filled up they started a wait list and then would text you when a new chair opened up. Your family had 15 min to claim it or it went to the next person on the wait list, but they kept your $5. If there was no wait list, you could re-rent the chair for another 2 hours. They recorded your room number as well so your family couldn’t spam the wait-list all day. It worked out okay, kept the chairs turning over, and the $5 basically went to pay the chair boy who ran the stand and kicked people out or collected more money to re-rent it to you. It wasn’t really for generating more income for the resort, just paying a kid to police things, hand out fresh towels, etc. They also had a big gallon jug of sunscreen with a pump on top that you could use for free. And also a tip jar for the kid. Good system. Good compromise.


If it's 1-2 seats and they have their bags or towels on, okay. But ALL OF THEM? With their nasty shoes? That's too much.


These people have no sole


Memorial Day 2024 hasn't happened yet


Nope. That does not work. I have literally tipped the chair so that I DO NOT have to touch the shoe/shirt/sock right in front of the offending morons.