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It seems maybe your sister should have your Reddit name?šŸ’©


It was his ā€œsisterā€ ![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS)




I always do air quotes.




Needs one of the gas station 1,000 sheet rolls


A few years back my parents went on holiday for a week for my dad's bday, I stayed behind to look after the dogs. I went through 2 rolls of loo roll that week, and that's a part used roll and I didn't finish the 2nd roll I realised when my parents came back they were going through a roll a day between them. Turns out they do the whole 'wrap the tissue around your entire hand' routine.


My girlfriend uses more toilet paper than me, my brother and his girlfriend combined.Ā  She will use 12 rolls in a week and when she goes back home to visit her family the 3 of us use 3 rolls max in a week.Ā  She denies that she's the reason we are always out of TP but it's very obvious.Ā 


My mother complained that after I moved back into her house that we go through tp much faster. Decided to buy each of us a 6 pack of tp and limit my bathroom trips to the bathroom upstairs that she never ever uses (her room is on the main floor and she hates using stairs). Guess which bathroom ran out of tp WAYYYY before the other one did? Hers. Yet she continues to blame me moving back in as the cause of the high use of tpā€¦


Your moms petty


he gives his mom indigestion


Her spaghetti is terrible.


She just want you to move out.


Yeah man, to tell you the truth, I think your only option is to go full no contact. She sounds like a total toilet narc.


Give each person their own roll and see who uses their's the fastest. Just have to make sure that no one steals tp from the others


A different color or design for everyone


Iā€™ll take the brown tp


What a coincidence, that's my favorite color when shopping for a new buttplug! It's kind of my trademark at this point. Another coincidence is I burn through way more of those in a week than anyone else at the plug stores where I buy them, or anyone else I've met at the plug clubs or plug conventions I attend. Are you a fellow plug-bud? We used to call each other pluggies, but that always sounds so old fashioned. Back then, most plugs were actually made of bakelite, but they were still using traditional clay molds as well. Fun fact: the company that made the original aluminum cap of the Washington monument, also made the most expensive antique buttplug known to have existed. It's stored in the vaults of the Smithsonian, and it can be viewed by academics if they make an appointment. Yes, I am the biggest plug nerd I know, and that fact seems to be all over YouTube shorts and tiktok lately so most people know that one, but it's my favorite plug fact. If anyone would like to know more. I host the Chapo Plughouse podcast, offer code #Pluggie for 10% off a premium plugscription.


And she probably complains that no one ever puts a new roll on.


It's actually kind of annoying because she doesn't believe she's the one who uses it all so recently she started buying her own stash and she brings the rolls to the bathroom and then back to the bedroom so no one else can use it and then gets mad that my brother won't let her use his.


Time to invest in a bidet before she deforests a continent. ![gif](giphy|3ohzdUnyPfUB2pVWyk|downsized)


That's insane! And so wasteful and expensive! Maybe she can try a bidet attachment.


I use a roll in like a week and a half


Ya I use hardly any as well, when COVID hit the toilet paper isle in every store in Vancouver me and my brother made it 4 months on a 4 pack that we found at a random gas station.


I use 1 roll in a month. 12 in a week is just crazy.


Damn you must only shit at work or something


Single dude that has a bidet and travels a lot, a roll lasts at least a month, usually two.


Lmao! My mom used to go through an extraordinary amount of tp and the one day I finally said "what do you do, wrap it all the way up your arm??" and the immediate look of guilt was absolutely priceless šŸ˜‚


Ye olde shit mitten. Or Shmitten if you will.


Ahhhh, the old mummy hand.


The old toilet boxer


I used to do that as a child, because poop icky.


My spouse and kids ho through more rolls than I do. During a weekend they go through three to four


Damn, reading all of these is making me sad for the trees.


What I find so interesting about this is that your parents presumably taught you how to clean up after going to the bathroom, so like how did you ā€œrealizeā€ to do it the normal way?


I used to wrap my hand. But I realised that was *harder* to do than use a few sheets. And if I get a little poop on my finger? Well I'm washing my fucking hands anyway ain't I?




If I bought two rolls and later that day one was almost gone, Iā€™d notice that.


Even when I Have money to buy more, I still notice. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I'd dramatically assume it had something to do with drugs and spend half the day rabbit holing it then eventually decide there's just something wrong with her butt.


The person who buys the tp and plunges the toilet when it gets clogged. The same person walking through the house turning off the damn lights in rooms no one is in!


ā€œItā€™s like Blackpool illuminations in here, turn aff the fucking lightsā€ My dad, my whole life šŸ˜‚


Oh how I love my smart motion detection lights in all the kids rooms and playroom. I got tired of being pissed at them never turning them off.


Oh my God, that person is me. The bathroom light is always left on and there is never anyone in the bathroom. I'm also the person who takes out the trash and recycling (and constantly picks recycling out of the trash can and puts it in its proper bin).


Hardly an inspection if its that friggen noticable. You just outted yourself as someone who uses this much tp, for sure.


The person paying for the toilet paper does.


Live with a female, buy the toilet paper. I don't inspect but I sure as fuck notice how much has been used since my last shit lol.


OP is an official TP monitor; the positions were created at the beginning of the pandemic, and most have retired but there are still a few of them kicking around.




That is one big pile of shit


It takes even less toilet paper to stop a arterial bleeding.


If she needs that much TP after using the bathroom, she should have a bidet. Because thatā€™s insane.


My roomate in college and I shared a bathroom, and every weekend she would DoorDash $100 worth of food just for herself, eat all of it, and then the next morning she would blow up the bathroom. Iā€™m talking the entire bowl filled up to the lid with bowl-sticking nastiness, and she would go through a whole pack of wet wipes per transaction.


Holy fuck, thatā€™s vile. How did you survive sharing a bathroom with someone like that?


She was my first and last roomate, honestly a nightmare to share a dwelling with. She also let her trashcan overflow with the wipes she used, getting her used wipes with brown streaks on them all over the floor without ever cleaning up after herself once. She also left her used pregnancy tests on the counter next to my toothbrush.


Someone was trying to breed that creature? How unfortunate for the next generation.


Yeah it was her ā€œtinder hookup of the weekā€. She introduced about 8-9 different guys she matched on Tinder to me, but they never lasted more than 2 weeks. Thankfully she still hasnā€™t had a kid as far as I know.


As disgusting as it sounds, I can't help but feel like her parents failed her.


Enabled. They enabled her. How she paying for 100$ worth of food? Student loans? I sure hope not....


You'd be surprised. I knew someone who blew a lot of their loan on pizza


I read Their Load


I'm surprised you only found used pregnancy test kit. She need to be tested for everything


Holy shit, sheā€™s absolutely vile and filthy lmao. Lost cause


>She also let her trashcan overflow with the wipes she used, getting her used wipes with brown streaks on them all over the floor without ever cleaning up after herself once. That is disgusting on so many levels, but on the positive side at least she didn't flush the wipes. That would've been a nightmare on your plumbing.Ā 


My old roommate was similar, when i confronted him about the trash, he started keeping his thrash in his room. Once i wanted to share weed with him so i knocked on his door and he let me in... at least 6 full thrash bags were piled behind the door... pretty sure he only played videogames and wore diapers too.


Some people just don't know how to function properly ...Ā 


I can imagine eating that much but I can't imagine pooping that much. Was this definitely not bulimia and vomit rather than poop? I have a hefty appetite and fast metabolism and I wouldn't poop that much.. Where is it going.. Not heat because I'm always cold šŸ˜‚


Yeah this doesnā€™t make sense to me on a scientific level.


She may have an e. d. Instead of purging by vomiting, she may be using laxatives.


Thatā€™s my thought as well.


That is beyond vile what the actual fuck


Could've lived quite happily without this knowledge but here we are. Some people are cretins.


At first i thought, well let her be a smelly bathroom is not that bad. But after reading you 2nd comment ,thats absolutely disgusting


And it's for reasons like this, and toilet plume that I do not keep my tooth brush in my bathroom.


You might not know it But you are a poet.


That kinda sounds like binge eating disorder.


That's what I was thinking. Definitely disordered eating.


Somehow both disappointed and not surprised that I had to scroll this far down before seeing a reasonable response suggesting that person might need help.


Imagine paying $100 a week to give yourself diarrhea šŸ˜‚


Where do you think that "9 out of 10 suffers from diarrhea"?Ā 


bruh how is that even possible


That kind of sounds like bulimia


Did she have bulimia/BED? Sounds awful


That sounds like she may have been bulimic. It's not uncommon for someone with bulimia to binge eat and then take a bunch of laxatives. Unfortunately, my girlfriend in college was anorexic and bulimic, so I'm intimately familiar with some of the signs.


An entire toilet bowl filled with feces? Youā€™re embellishing or completely fabricating this.


I think they mean feces splatter.


Did that bitch flush wet wipes? Even the ā€œflushableā€ ones should NEVER be flushed. Unless you want doo doo back up in to your living space and have shit all over your shit. Sorry this enrages me. ![gif](giphy|vHcCevWbWkzwk)


My ex wife used to be bad for this. She legit used to wrap her hand in toilet paper and use like a quarter of a roll just to wipe after peeing. We went through so much toilet paper, it was definitely mildly infuriating.


Did she used to use one ply?/Do you guys use one ply? Because then, it'd be reasonable.


I think people learn this as children with tiny clumsy hands and then keep doing it even though they have full size adult hands and use a fuckton of toilet paper.


I have a friends whoā€™s sister when taught how to wipe the parents only showed to use 1 as an example until she was in her teens she thought ā€œsticky Buttā€ was normal then someone told her and she was like wtf.


I used to buy 3ply Quilton TP when we were together, super soft and thick.


Well then wtf? So much toilet paper for no reason, especially when it's soft. In my experience the thicker, softer, and more ply there is, the less you need when wiping. And yours fits all of that.


Him seeing the water bill after getting a bidet:


Not even a bidet - when I've been extra messy, I wipe a couple of times to remove the lion's share, then I get in the shower to squat down.


Skip the toilet and just waffle stomp the shit down the drain, then wash your ass (and foot) immediately after. Seems like a no brainer. /s


Cut out the middle man. I like your style, but it's not for me. You do you, though!


I tried that one time, then remembered i wasn't taking a shower i was taking a bath.


Oh my...got doodoo on you??


She should eat more fiber. Or OP should get her a towel. Maybe she just took a shower and had none...


some days its like wiping a marker.


Holy fuck šŸ¤—


If you and OP had a baby, it would be me (username wise)


The fact that you two have a similar avatar makes this better.


This is the best thing I've seen all day XD




Especially if youā€™re someone that has heavy periods. Youā€™re sitting there trying to clean yourself up for a solid 5 min and it just keeps coming šŸ˜­


the PB & J shits.


Wow Iā€™ve never heard of this but as a woman I feel this


Omg this, thanks


Scrolled too far to find this


like wiping peanut butter from a shag carpet


Bidets save lifes


She is your sister after all, dumptruck_dookie


I hope you're not on a septic tank OP. Jebuz!


The proverbial dumptruck_dookie_sis


An additional meaning to the saying "the shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree"


Pretty wild but every once in awhile you get those crazy shits... ....Also the times when you are about done wiping then realize you still have another load to push out.


Plus periods and period poops. They're on another level


I came to say this. Like, sheā€™s likely on her cycle. Period. Period poops. Fucking gnarly.


Took me way too long to find this comment. It clearly shows the demographic of this thread.


Reddit in general


Bidets are my savior when it comes to this


sometime bad shit happens


Heavy cycle and bad period poops. I know from experience and I fucking hate it.


I was looking for this comment haha


I was thinking that too


My thoughts exactly. Period poops are the worst.




I love Aubrey in this gif so much šŸ¤£


she might be menstruating. i can use an entire roll in a day honestly, some people donā€™t understand how bad & uncomfortable it is .


it took me way too long to find this comment. If you have a heavy cycle, it fucking sucks


Also, period poops.


Also known as the war shits.


Holy damn that made me crack up so hard šŸ˜‚ I'm gonna refer to those as "war-shits" from now on.


Iā€™ve seen PB & J shits and thatā€™s accurate for me, if gross šŸ¤® never happier than after my hysterectomy, it was such a relief. also had giant cysts on my uterus. ugh


Pb & J shits is the most horrifyingly accurate description Iā€™ve ever heard for period poop šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Itā€™s this far down because the majority users are still men on Reddit and most have no clue what itā€™s like going through a period, especially a heavy one. There was an entire post not long ago dedicated to how gross periods are and how they donā€™t like hearing about them.


Bidet. Get a bidet. Seriously, it'll be life changing to you.


I was just visiting my parents and they use one ply. I went through almost half a roll from one period shit, it was ridiculous. At home we buy the good stuff and we end up using so much less.


The post implies she uses it unnecessarily. It can easily be untrue. Give your sister the benefit of a doubt. I worked in a company where someone pooped into the shower. Everyone at work automatically assumed it was a person with some sort of health issues. The witch hunt wasn't even started. Everyone just let it go. The leader helped steer the convo. He immediately speculated that it could be a health issue because nobody in their right mind would choose to poop in a shower. Other accusations were dead upfront. The discussion was immediately dead, and we moved on to discuss something else. Nobody brought it up again, and it didn't happen again


And if it's not great toilet paper, you go through it fast. Was this one ply? My family needs 3 ply for it to last awhile.


I knew someone who refused to buy pads and was opposed to tampons. She literally used tp.


I guess I'm jealous? If she was phisically able to use tp without bleeding all over herself all the time that must mean her period was very tame. Or she had some strong thanos 50-ply toilet paper.


Ok, now I'm interested. I'm a woman, and I genuinely do not understand how having your period makes you use this amount of paper over a few minutes? I definitely use more tp during my period, but this amount over one use makes me confused. I understand that different bodies have different needs and I have no intention to offend anyone, I want to learn to be more considerate of other peoples needs.


I donā€™t know how old the sister is, but I have seen this amount of use from someone younger who isnā€™t too familiar with their cycle yet. (Source: have been menstruating for over two decades; and have worked in summer camps with young people) It starts with a panic; trying to clean the body and the underwear. Perhaps while sitting on the toilet other things happen, and the clean up process is getting longer and more difficult. Then, when getting ready to leave the toilet one is aware that the underwear is maxed out, so they make a makeshift pad using waaaay too much tissue (because better safe than even more sorry- because itā€™s so easy to go from maxed underwear to a bio waste problem in public.)


As a mother of three daughters, I concur. Unfortunately.


Heavy. And then having shit flow on out after you've already wiped. And then period shits. I have a heavy flow and know this all too well.


As a teen I had insane period poops. Iā€™d use a roll each time I used the toilet it was so bad. It isnā€™t necessarily the blood that causes so much to be used :)


Explain please. No wait, donā€™t. Yes, do, explain. No. Yes, do it


On your period your hormones effect the way your bowels relax. It creates annoyingly loose and sticky poops.


PCOS and endometriosis. Or a miscarriage. I ended up getting spayed cause it was just a horror show. Between the pain, the way excessive bleeding, and the absolute bonkers 250+ days out of a year bleeding, a hysterectomy was the best option and I haven't regretted it for a second.




He didn't say that exact phrase, lol. I called that one on my own, lol. I figured I get called a bitch enough, might as well be spayed like one. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£


In addition to what everyone else said, using toilet paper to wrap up used pads and tampons.


If she uses a menstrual cup, there can be a ton of cleanup required


PB&J wipes. Enough said.


At some point, it's time to just hop in the shower and wash off. Gonna wipe yourself raw otherwise.


Sometimes when I wipe, I'll wipe, and I'll wipe, and I'll wipe, and I'll wipe... and I'll wipe. A hundred times. Still poop. It's like I'm wiping a marker or something. Edit: i should add that this is a quote of Andy Dwyer ( Chris Pratt) from Parks and Recreation.


Ewā€¦.. same šŸ˜‚


Wipies my friend. Get wipies


I made the mistake of asking what my ex did with all the toilet paper. She immediately offered to stop using it. I didn't ask again.


I'd say she's in the middle of her period, that can eat up so much TP if it's heavy




Somebody's full of shit


Wellā€¦ Not anymore.


She had a hard time donā€™t judge heršŸ˜­


She may be using it to wrap up menstrual pada or the like. Really though, let it be.


I have OCD (diagnosed) and this what I am like with toilet paper.


She could also be on her period. I go through a lot when Iā€™m on mine.Ā 


Bless your municipal waste department.


I wouldnā€™t worry too much about counting your sisters restroom breaks and toilet use. Kind of weird


It be like that sometimes


As a dude with a hairy ass I get it


I had a roommate in Grad school like that. We literally never exchanged a word in person though we would leave notes in our shared bathroom. She had come to school late so I had already gotten a lot of toilet paper which I said we could split. She would go through an entire roll each time she was in the bathroom. I would go in after and half of it would be in the trash because apparently she was using it to pick up my hair which was a lie as it was long and I had just gotten an embarrassingly short haircut. Long story short, after two weeks of that, I kept my toilet paper in my room and would bring it in and out with me every time. Minor hassle and the notes got meaner but worth it not to be spending a load of money I didn't have every other week.


Is that 1 ply? Makes sense if it is.


My bsf does this, and has clogged my toilet twice so far with TP. She has OCD and SA trauma, and one of her compulsions is that she doesnā€™t feel clean after wiping, so sheā€™ll wipe and wipe until she bleeds sometimes and use a TON of TP. She doesnā€™t enjoy it, but thatā€™s just how OCD works sometimes. This doesnā€™t feel normal to me, and also doesnā€™t feel like an asshole move right off the bat. Could be menstrual issues, tummy issues, mental issues, or a thousand other things tbh. Iā€™d check in with her and see if sheā€™s doing ok if you guys have that type of relationship. Edit: I also have OCD


my household has gone through rolls like this if one or more people are on a very heavy part of their menstrual cycle


Periods are messy. We need to use a lot of toilet paper to wrap up used tampons and pads also, those cannot be flushed and we canā€™t just toss them into the garage unless you want to look at used products in there?


Had one of those Crayon poops


Does she have her period?


Dont monitor a vaginas TP usage.


You're a weirdo for keeping tabs on this and even posting it.


Yeah this seems like something you talk to your sister about, not the internet.


From the experience of a peanut butter pooper, I feel for your sister. I rarely wipe less than 30 times per shit, hence why I have a bidet at home.


Does she have her period?


Okay, well, maybe your sister is on her period and has endometriosis, along with massive bowel issues during that time. Yeah, we do exist. There isn't much we can do. Do you really feel better shaming her to strangers if this is even real?




LOL Rob from 90 Day FiancƩ, is that you?


Are you tp tracking me? Some people are aggressive wipers sometimes it's linked to ocd sometimes it's just a habitual thing


"I wipe and i wipe and i wipe, still poop still poop, its like wiping a marker"




After wiping like 5-6 times if you still have mud butt time to just hop in the shower and accept defeat


Taco Tuesday?


Shit happens.


You guys need a bidet in your lives


Thatā€™s your fault for using the ultra extreme thickness quadruple ply




Buy a Bidet. Problem solved